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Maw 2008: A "Strong" Year

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[CENTER]2007 saw a lot of changes for the young Mid Atlantic Wrestling promotion in the Mid Atlantic region. For starters owner Rip Chord has gone to great lengths to see that his company is viewed as a "Small" promotion isntead of just a "local" one. He did this by running two of the finest indy shows in America. The Rip Chord Invitational, where indy stars from all over the world come to compete for the prestigious Cup, and Where It All Begins Again a show that always has some of the greatest matches in MAW. However, the changes that MAW saw went well beyond just growing in size. For starters Rip finally learned how to use the internet, a huge feat in itself. And with this new found technology Rip discovered talent he would have possibly missed out on before. He brought in fresh blood to help keep things fresh for the fans. Of course with this huge influx of talent coming in it was only obvious some MAW faithful were going to be have their safety net taken away and they were going to have to go out and make it on their own. [B][SIZE="4"]Who's In[/SIZE][/B] [B]Cameron Vessey[/B]- Vessey is the son of legendary wrestler Larry Vessey. It didn't take a lot of work for Cameron to earn a spot on the MAW roster, all it took was a quick phone call from his dad. [B]Casey Valentine-[/B] Valentine is the nephew of Peter Valentine as was trained by none other than Rip Chord himself. Near the end of the 2007 year Rip decided Valentine was ready to make the jump to a stable promotion and quickly signed him onto the roster. [B]Citizen X[/B]- Citizen X is best known by wrestling fans for his time at CZCW. X was a rising star in the company until a pay dispust forced them to part ways and Citizen X quickly found his new home at Stanley Hall. [B]Duke Hazzard-[/B] Having decided to focus more of the affairs backstage Rip stepped away from the color commentator duties and quickly signed Hazzard perhaps for his Texas drawl. [B]Ernest Forthdyke-Hume-[/B] Hume plays the role of a quintessentially English man. He was brought into MAW to be the mouth piece for Findlay O'Farraday. [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B]- A 300lb beast of a man, Findlay was one of the fortunate ones who was discovered due to Rip getting with the times and discovering the Internet. [B]Jefferson Stardust-[/B] "The Idol" is originally from Las Vegas. Stardust is just beginning his career in wrestling. And at 20 years old looks to be a great young prospect. [B]Kristen Pearce[/B]- Kristen is the younger sister of Jessica Pearce. Kristen has some natural charisma and was quickly paired up with Jefferson Stardust to play off his "Larger than life" persona. [B]Riley McManus[/B]- Riley began working the indy scene at the end of 2006. Riley stood out during these shows because of his superb technical skills which clearly over shadowed the usual high fliers of the show. [B]The Masked Patriot[/B]- This great young talent is none other than Bulldozer Brandon Smith in a mask. Smith is an excellent talent who could go very far in this company. [B]The Grand Avatar[/B]- The Grand Avatar has bounced around the independent scene for years now and always manages to book incredible matches regardless of where he is or the talent that he has. Strangely enough he has never been seen by any of his employees. In fact they aren't even sure if he's a man at all. [SIZE="4"][B]Who's Out:[/B][/SIZE] [B]D.C. Rayne-[/B] Rayne was one half of the popular tag team Natural Storm, and together with partner Eddie Howard they went on to win 2 Tag Team Titles with the company. At the end of 2007 Rip decided he had taught Rayne all he could teach him and D.C. went south to the new FCW promotion to test his skills in a new environment. [B]Des Davids[/B]- Des was a huge star in MAW and while never actually winning a title he was a main stay in the main event scene and that quickly brought him to the attention of other promotions. With the blessing of Rip Des headed to USPW for a chance at the big times. [B]Eddie Howard[/B]- The other half of Natural Storm. Eddie Howard knew he had a good thing going with teammate D.C. Rayne and followed him to FCW to continue their success. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]- We all knew Mainstream was destined for greatness, and he proved everyone right by winning the Rip Chord Invitational for a second year in a row. He continued to build on this success by capturing the MAW Championship the very next month. With nothing else to prove Mainstream left the company then went on to sign with FCW to continue to grow his popularity. [B]Nicole Kiss[/B]- Nicole was the sole manager of MAW throughout most of 2006 and 2007. Near the end of 07 she decided to leave the safety of Stanley Hall and enter the land of extreme at Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Company. [B]Rockin' Ryan Turner[/B]- Ryan was one half of the midcard tag team The Rock City Stars. The team had marginal success and in 2007 left for greener pastures. As of now they have yet to find them and are still unemployed. [B]Stan "The Man" Manna[/B]- See Above [B]Steven Parker[/B]- One of the top heels in 2007. Parker was the MAW Champion for 6 months before dropping it in February 2007 to Mainstream Hernandez. By mid 2007 Parker had done all he could do with the promotion and left quickly signing with PSW. The move proved to be a good one and by October he had captured the PSW National Title. The shake up of MAW is sure to cause discussion throughout the region. The hiring of The Grand Avatar could mean that long time employee Mean Jean Cattley could be the next to leave the company. While many rumors will be sure to surface in the coming weeks on the way to The Rip Chord Invitational, one thing will be for sure, we are guaranteed to see a new winner this year.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]Roster[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Citizen X[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Upper Midcard:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Antonio Cameron Vessey Oscar Golden[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"] Midcard:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Casey Valentine Findlay O’Farraday Flash Savage Ricky Douglas[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Masked Patriot[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Lower Midcard:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Jenkins Huey Cannonball[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Max Mayhem[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Openers:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Jefferson Stardust[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Riley McManus[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Manager:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Ernest Forthdyke-Hume Kristen Pearce[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Announcer:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Marv Earnest[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Color Commentator:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Duke Hazzard[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Referee:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jay Flair[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Road Agent:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Rip Chord[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Personality:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Grand Avatar[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Teams:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]C-V-2 (Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine) The Canadian Blondes (Oscar Golden and Flash Savage)[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Stables:[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Red"]The Firm (Mean Jean Cattley, Casey Valentine, and Ricky Douglas)[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Titles:[/SIZE][/B] [B] Mid Atlantic Championship:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong[/COLOR] [B] Mid Atlantic Tag Team:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR] [B]Rip Chord Invitational Challege:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;432398]I'll be reading - but you'd better not be thinking of letting Jean Cattley go. The man IS MAW, even more than Rip :p That said, I'm looking forward to seeing how your vision of MAW differs from mine :D[/QUOTE] Gene and Parker were my favorite C-Verse wrestlers (well except Cal Sanders, but he doesn't count :D ) That being said, I think his job is safe :p
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[QUOTE=mad5226;432400]Gene and Parker were my favorite C-Verse wrestlers (well except Cal Sanders, but he doesn't count :D ) That being said, I think his job is safe :p[/QUOTE] Cal Sanders does too count. I love Sanders and he looks like Freddie Datsun's long lost brother so i like to team them up. Anyway good luck on this I just posted in Trypio's MAW diary as well. MAW is extremely heel heavy especially in the uppercard. You're going to have to hire at least 4 faces to balance them out and two should end up in the uppercard. You have two heel tag teams and no face teams so you'll have to defiantely find some one to face the Canadian Blondes for the titles. I'll be keeping an eye out, good luck again.
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[CENTER]I met with the Rip today to go over some of his expectations of me. Rip is a very humble man who wants nothing more than to help develop future wrestlers for the bigger company. He has no ambition what so ever to expand his company to make more money, a very noble act indeed. He does however have a bit of a soft spot for the men that he helps mentor, a flaw that was more than glaring during our meeting. Rip explained to me that he had three basic goals he wanted me to reach and two restrictions. I sat there smoking my cigar allowing the old man to say his piece, after all this was his ship, I’m just steering it. [B]Goal 1:[/B] It is critical that at the end of two years we are no lower than where we are now in terms of importance, and that’s 31st in promotion rating. [B]Goal 2:[/B] It’s highly important that Antonio keeps a steady push under your term as head booker. Because of this I expect his momentum to be at least a B at the end of a year and a half. [B]Goal 3:[/B] It’s highly important that Casey Valentine keeps a steady push under your term as head booker. Because of this I expect his momentum to be at least a B at the end of a year and a half. [B]Goal 4:[/B] I prefer to have people think of my promotion as more of a technical based company. Because of this I would appreciate it if you didn’t hire anyone who is considered a spot monkey. [B]Goal 5:[/B] Here in MAW we pride ourselves in putting on quality matches. This means having the ability to have a match decent in length. Therefore I don’t want to see you resign or hire anyone with less than a D- in Stamina. At this point in the meeting Rip took a long look at me, I assume to see if I was still awake, I took another long drag from my cigar and gave Rip a nod to assure him I was listening. He then asked if I had any questions I quickly shook my head no and we set up to meet the rest of the creative staff.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]As we walked into what Rip referred to as “The War Room” there were already three other people sitting down. Rip entered the room behind me and took his seat at the head of he table, then asked me to take the seat next to him. At this point all eyes were on me and it was one of the few times in my life so many people had a good view of my face at one time. Rip took this time to make introductions. On the opposite side of Rip was the executive of the company, and Rip’s son, Jay Chord. It was no secret that Jay would be entering the wrestling world in just a few months not to mention taking over the every day operations once his father decided to step aside. He was perhaps once of the most powerful 17 year old men in the wrestling business. Next to Jay was former head booker and MAW legend, Mean Jean Cattley. I haven’t had the chance to speak to Jean yet, but the rumor was he wanted to step away from the booking scene for awhile to put more of a focus on his in ring abilities. That brought me to the man sitting to my right, someone who I had no idea played any part in backstage activity, Marv Ernest. Marv had a good business mind, and they say it was his idea to have Mainstream win the Invitational for a second year in a row. Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“I would like to take this time to discuss the state of MAW. As all of you know Jean has decided to step away from the head booking position to focus more on his in ring career. The man to my right is going to take over those responsibilities, his name is The Grand Avatar. Now the first order of business is who we believe to be the franchise players for the company. That is to say who do we believe we can lean on to help make this company grow."[/COLOR] Jay:[COLOR="Red"] “Well it’s obvious Erik Strong is our number one baby face and I would have to say our number one vet is Jean.”[/COLOR] Marv: [COLOR="Green"]“While I agree Jean is a great heel, I think Citizen X may be the on that same level. He has an excellent gimmick and perhaps the primary heel in the company.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“Very well, So Erik, Jean and Citizen X. We need to find a way to get them maximum exposure. Now what can you tell me about who will be the backbone of this company in the next 5 years?”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“Jefferson Stardust looks very promising. He’s still green, but he already has above average basics and is fairly consistent in the ring. A couple years with the more established guys and he’ll be a general for you.”[/COLOR] I could tell that Rip valued Jean’s opinion over everyone else’s in the room. And I made a mental note to try to quickly befriend him. Jay: [COLOR="Green"]“I think Huey Cannonball may be something big in a few years.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“The Canadian Blondes groupie?”[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Green"]“He needs a better gimmick, but the fundamentals are there.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]“Alright that’s all for today. We will meet back here in three days to go over The Rip Chord Invitational and whom we should bring in to participate in it. Are there any other questions?”[/COLOR] I knew what was on everyone’s mind it was just a matter of who was going to ask it? After a little rattling it was Marv who spoke up. Marv: [COLOR="Red"]“Um… what happened to your face?”[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Tuesday Week 1 January 2008[/SIZE][/B] I had called an emergency meeting "of the minds" today and everyone seemed to be on edge. As the five of us gathered in the tiny war room it was immediately obvious that there was already a sense of hostility towards me. Not that I could blame them, after all here I was the new guy coming into MAW and shaking it up. Then to top it all of I call a meeting that had even the boss wondering what I had thought of. Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"Alright Mr. Avatar you called us all here. Mind informing us what was so urgent it couldn't wait until Thursday?"[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"After the meeting yesterday Jay pulled me off to the side and informed me it was my job to figure out how to make this company grow. He said he was tired of being a bottom feeder and wanted me to do something about it."[/COLOR] Jay's face turned a bright shade of crimson and I soon realized that was told to me in confidence. Oh well, to late to worry about spilled milk now. Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"First of all Mr. Avatar we are far from bottom feeders! Jay is still just a kid and he is blinded by his own ambition. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to expand to fast, that's what's wrong with wrestling today."[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Green"]"You're stuck in the 70's old man! This company is bleeding money, and instead of wanting to do something about it, you send our best talent packing because they have grown past MAW! Have you ever thought of using them to grow MAW though?"[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Enough! I don't care about this silly family drama, I was brought here to do a job and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Now I have a plan to help make MAW reach new heights, but everyone needs to be on board."[/COLOR] Rip was breathing hard and giving his son a stern look, but he regained his composer and nodded for me to continue. Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Good, now we all know The Rip Chord Invitational is perhaps the premier event in this company. It started with just 8 participants then last year you expanded it it 16."[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"Yeah and it really set us back financial last year too."[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Perhaps, but it also did wonders for your popularity did it not?"[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"Sure but..."[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"This year we make it even bigger!"[/COLOR] Everyone: [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]"WHAT!"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"We run a massive 32 man tournament spread out through out the course of the month with the semi finals and finals all happening on the actual Invitational show."[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"That's not even possible, for starters we don't have the roster."[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"I have an answer for that as well. I've been going over some of the promotion pacts we've signed, and well it's time to use them."[/COLOR] This time it was Jean's turn to speak. I really needed him on board with me, because I knew how much power he had in these meetings. Jean: [COLOR="Green"]"If we use every wrestler on our roster that only brings us to 16 wrestlers, are you suggesting we go outside our promotion for the other half of the roster?"[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Yes I am, but think about all the new fans we will gain in the process. We bring in fans from every promotion who has wrestlers in the tournament. Suddenly they are exposed to our style of wrestling, and let's face it our style is one of the best in the world. The problem is we don't have the exposure some of these other companies do."[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Green"]"Well that's all well and good Avatar, but only real die hard fans are going to travel out of their region to watch two or three of their favorite wrestlers."[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Another good point, that's why we travel to them. Think about it, having two shows a week in Stanley Hall is really going to be to much for our fans anyway. So instead once a week we travel to one of our neighbor regions, and we expand our product and of course our fan base."[/COLOR] Rip:[COLOR="Red"] "That's not even possible, people would only catch bits and pieces of the tournament with all the traveling it would be chaos."[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Not if we broadcast on the internet. The cost would be next to nothing, plus we could get new fans from all over the world."[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"The internet? You expect me to pay millions of dollars to have some computer whiz from some ivy league school come in and put us on the internet?"[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Um...no. If you want I could set it up. It's relatively easy, and again we would be broadcast all over the world."[/COLOR] There was a silence in the room that was almost scary as Rip pondered my suggestion, Jean locked eyes with me, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a good read on him. Rip: [COLOR="Red"]"I don't like the way this sounds. We stand to lose to much money, but I'm willing to leave it up for a vote. All in favor of running two shows a week in various regions please raise your hand."[/COLOR] My hand and Jay's hand both shot up and for a full minute it seemed as if my idea would be shot down then... Jean: [COLOR="Green"]Ah, what the hell, why not!"[/COLOR] Jean was in, the vote was passed, and MAW Vs. The World was underway.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Stanley Hall Thursday Week 1 January 2008 Attendance: 125[/B] The show kicks off with Rip coming out to the ring and telling the fans it’s that time of year again. Time for everyone in the Mid Atlantic region to pay tribute to the greatest wrestler of all time…Rip Chord. He explains that because his reputation is growing so quickly he had no choice to but expand the tournament and the regions in which it will be held in. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: C-[/B][/COLOR] [B]First Round Match: Cameron Vessey Vs. Sammy the Shark (NYCW)[/B] Cameron Vessey defeated Sammy The Shark in 4:49 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] After the match some very familiar music hits and Des Davids hit’s the ring to a huge ovation. He tells the fans he had to come back for just one more tournament, and promises it’s going to be one for the ages. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Riley McManus Vs. Des Davids (USPW)[/B] Des Davids defeated Riley McManus in 7:37 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Jackpot Jordan (CZCW)[/B] Mean Jean Cattley defeated Jackpot Jordan in 17:32 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Citizen X Vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond (NYCW)[/B] Citizen X defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 6:20 by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Score:[/B] MAW: 3 World: 1[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Western Gymnasium (Tri State Region) Thursday Week 1 January 2008 Attendance: 16[/B] [B] First Round Match:[/B] Jefferson Stardust W/ Kristen Pearce Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW) Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr defeated Jefferson Stardust in 7:49 by pinfall with a Dragón Driver '07 following botched interference by Kristen Pearce. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] After the match we cut backstage where Antonio is seen talking to someone in the shadows. They are whispering and eventually Antonio walks off with a grin on his face. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Antonio Vs. Kirk Jameson (FCW)[/B] Antonio defeated Kirk Jameson in 7:51 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: The Masked Patriot Vs. Dean Waldorf (PSW)[/B] The Masked Patriot defeated Dean Waldorf in 7:41 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] After the end of the match the crowd gets whipped into a frenzy when Jim Force comes storming to the ring fueled with loads of adrenalin. He claims that soon Ricky Douglas and everyone else in MAW will feel the wrath of the fooorrrccceeee…and we will all buy his merchandise. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] First Round Match: Ricky Douglas Vs. Jim Force (USPW) Jim Force defeated Ricky Douglas in 17:39 by pinfall with a Full Force. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The main event completely bombed. There were chemistry issues with that and the match before. On top of that Force was exhausted and their match dragged in the middle overall it could’ve been better. [B]Score:[/B] MAW: 2 World: 2[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Stanley Hall Monday Week 2 January 2008 Attendance: 112[/B] [B]First Round Match: Flash Savage Vs. Amo Del Gato (FCW)[/B] Flash Savage defeated Amo Del Gato in 4:40 by submission with a Canadian Crab. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Oscar Golden Vs. Matt Hocking (FCW)[/B] Oscar Golden defeated Matt Hocking in 7:32 by pinfall with a Golden Shower. During the match we also had Flash Savage run in and attack Matt Hocking. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] After the match The Canadian Blondes celebrate, much to the disapproval of the fans, by singing their new “smash hit” Blonde Champions [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Findlay O’Farraday W/ Ernest Forthdyke-Hume Vs. Ash Campbell (PSW)[/B] Findlay O'Farraday defeated Ash Campbell in 9:31 by pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Curtis Jenkins Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW)[/B] Insane Machine defeated Curtis Jenkins in 19:21 by pinfall with a Termination Kick. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Perhaps the worst set of first round matches thus far. MAW continues to look good, meanwhile FCW only has one person advancing to the next round. [B]Score:[/B] MAW: 3 World: 1[/CENTER] OOC: I know this is fast paced and it seems Im not putting much into the shows. However, my game plan is to get past the early rounds then when it gets a bit more competitive to draw out the stories in a bit more detail.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;434281]First Round Match: Ricky Douglas Vs. Jim Force (USPW) Jim Force defeated Ricky Douglas in 17:39 by pinfall with a Full Force. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The main event completely bombed. There were chemistry issues with that and the match before. On top of that Force was exhausted and their match dragged in the middle overall it could’ve been better. [/QUOTE] :eek: 18 minutes of Force goodness? There's a thin line between bravery and insanity ;) Intersting to see you bringing in outside workers, and making it very much an us vs. them thing - Hope to see that expanded on when you get to the more detailed shows.
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[CENTER]After the show was over I went back to the locker room to congratulate everyone on a job well done. As I opened the door I saw everyone had made a bit of a circle and everyone was shouting. As I pushed my way to the middle of the circle I saw Oscar Golden and Jay Fair standing nose to nose shouting at one another. It was clear this was going to come to blows at any second, so I quickly made my presents felt by shoving both men into the lockers. Avatar:[COLOR="Blue"] “What the hell is going on here!”[/COLOR] Oscar: [COLOR="Green"]“This piece of sh** is going around telling everyone me and Flash are more than just friends.”[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] Oscar: [COLOR="Green"]“Faggots ok, he said we were faggots.”[/COLOR] My eyes turned red and I released Oscar looking deep into the soul of my referee. Jay was giggling like a school girl at what Oscar said and I knew it was obviously true. My first instinct was to bring Jay back to my office and deal with this behind closed doors. Then I decided that I should do it in front of the other workers, make an example out of Jay. Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“Is something funny?”[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]“Come on man, anyone who spends as much time together as them are obviously g…”[/COLOR] I punched Jay hard in the stomach before he could get the word out. He doubled over gasping for air and I felt everyone in the locker room area focus on me. Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“Let me make something very very clear to you. I do not tolerate disruptions in my locker room. Do you understand?”[/COLOR] Jay was slowly standing back up and still had trouble catching his breath so he nodded. Avatar:[COLOR="Blue"] “Good, perhaps you haven’t realized it yet, but there are more than enough referees in the world. I could replace you with the snap of a finger and not think twice about it. So what you’re going to do is apologize to Oscar. And if I ever find out something like this happens again. I will personal see to it that every man in this locker room has his way with you, then we will see who the faggot it.”[/COLOR] I’m pretty sure I got my point across, because the fear I saw in his eyes was like something I’d never seen before. He quickly made his way over to Oscar and offered a very sincere apology. Oscar accepted and I left the locker room a very feared man.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Western Gymnasium (Tristate Region) Monday Week 2 January 2008 Attendance: 12[/B] [B]First Round Match: Casey Valentine Vs. Brimstone (PSW)[/B] Brimstone defeated Casey Valentine in 5:17 by pinfall with a quick roll up. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Huey Cannonball Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW)[/B] Nelson Callum defeated Huey Cannonball in 10:08 by pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Max Mayhem Vs. Plague (CZCW)[/B] Plague defeated Max Mayhem in 10:46 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] Erik Strong comes to the ring next and thanks the fans for coming out. He tells them not to worry he is going to end the losing streak of MAW right now. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]First Round Match: Erik Strong Vs. Al Coleman (CZCW)[/B] Erik Strong defeated Al Coleman in 15:54 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The last match was a bit disappointing. It seems the “home field advantage” for PSW really paid off as they destroyed MAW tonight. [B] Score:[/B] Maw: 1 World: 3 [B]Round 1 Stats:[/B] MAW workers advancing: 9 USPW workers advancing: 2 (Jim Force and Des Davids) PSW workers advancing: 2 (Brimstone and Nelson Callum) CZCW workers advancing: 2 (Plague and Insane Machine) FCW workers advancing: 1 (Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.) [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]MAW Proudly Presents... MAW Vs. The World Round 2 of The Rip Chord Invitational[/SIZE][/B] [B]Day 1 Thursday Week 3 January 2008[/B] Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Citizen X Cameron Vessey Vs. Des Davids (USPW) Antonio Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW) Oscar Golden Vs. Jim Force (USPW) [B]Day 2 Saturday Week 3 January 2008[/B] Erik Strong Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW) Flash Savage Vs. Brimstone (PSW) Findlay O'Farraday Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) The Masked Patriot Vs. Plague (CZCW)[/CENTER] Picks, Comments and Suggestions are always welcome. Round 3 will begin the more detailed matches.
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[U][B]Day 1 Thursday Week 3 January 2008[/B][/U] [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Vs. Citizen X [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] Vs. Des Davids (USPW) [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW) Oscar Golden Vs. [B]Jim Force (USPW)[/B] [B][U]Day 2 Saturday Week 3 January 2008[/U][/B] [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW) Flash Savage Vs. [B]Brimstone (PSW)[/B] [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B] Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) The Masked Patriot Vs. [B]Plague (CZCW)[/B]
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Day 1 Thursday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Mean Jean Cattley [/B]Vs. Citizen X - Lemme tell ya something, Mean Jean's a WINNER! [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]Vs. Des Davids (USPW) - Vessey is a superstar in the making. Antonio Vs. [B]Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. [/B](FCW) - Gotta put at least a couple of none-MAW guys over. [B]Oscar Golden [/B]Vs. Jim Force (USPW) - Golden Shower for Force, just as earlier predicted. Day 2 Saturday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Erik Strong [/B]Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW) - Strong is incredible. Flash Savage Vs. [B]Brimstone [/B](PSW) - Brimstone rocks. Findlay O'Farraday Vs. [B]Insane Machine [/B](CZCW) [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] Vs. Plague (CZCW) - Could go either way, but I'm a massive mark for Bulldozer.
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Day 1 Thursday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Vs. Citizen X Cameron Vessey Vs. [B]Des Davids [/B](USPW) [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW) Oscar Golden Vs. [B]Jim Force [/B](USPW) Day 2 Saturday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW) [B]Flash Savage[/B] Vs. Brimstone (PSW) Findlay O'Farraday Vs. [B]Insane Machine [/B](CZCW) The Masked Patriot Vs. [B]Plague[/B] (CZCW)
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Day 1 Thursday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Vs. Citizen X Cameron Vessey Vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] (USPW) [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW) [B]Oscar Golden[/B] Vs. Jim Force (USPW) Day 2 Saturday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW) Flash Savage Vs. [B]Brimstone[/B] (PSW) [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B] Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) The Masked Patriot Vs. [B]Plague [/B](CZCW)
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[QUOTE]Day 1 Thursday Week 3 January 2008 [B] Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Vs. Citizen X Cameron Vessey Vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] (USPW) [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW) [B]Oscar Golden[/B] Vs. Jim Force (USPW) Day 2 Saturday Week 3 January 2008 [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW) Flash Savage Vs. [B]Brimstone[/B] (PSW) [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B] Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) The Masked Patriot Vs. [B]Plague[/B] (CZCW)[/QUOTE] Brave man, putting your champ in a tourny like this - don't think I noticed that before. I'm still not used to Strong being MAW champion :D As for the rest, most seem obvious picks to me. But Golden/Force I picked simply because I don't mark for Force the way most folks around here do :o O'Farraday/Machine could go either way - but Machien is the kind of guy O'Farraday needs to beat to solidify himself as MAW's monster.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;434798]Brave man, putting your champ in a tourny like this - don't think I noticed that before. I'm still not used to Strong being MAW champion :D As for the rest, most seem obvious picks to me. But Golden/Force I picked simply because I don't mark for Force the way most folks around here do :o O'Farraday/Machine could go either way - but Machien is the kind of guy O'Farraday needs to beat to solidify himself as MAW's monster.[/QUOTE] See I would agree with you on the Erik being in the tournament. The problem is I made it such a huge tournament (And Im starting to kick myself for it lol) that the only way I could make it work was to use every single person I had on my roster. So it's literally MAW Vs. the world!
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