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Maw 2008: A "Strong" Year

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[CENTER]The first round was over and the damage that was done had been severe. Rip had called a meeting to discuss how things were shaping up and I suspected a lot of questions to come my way. I was the last person walking into the War Room, something I had planned to do on purpose. Even though I have nothing but respect for every man in that room, this tournament has become my baby, and they all needed to know, Rip included, that I was the man calling the shots. Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“How nice of you to join us Mr. Avatar.”[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“I have shows to book and arenas to rent, I apologize if my schedule has been a little hectic.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Are you aware Mr. Avatar that the year has only just begun and we are already over 22,000 dollars poorer than what we started?”[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes sir I’m aware. I’m also aware that we have roughly one and half percent more fans than we started with in this region alone. And other polls suggest we have gained over a half percent in those areas. There is a method to my madness I assure you.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“There better be, because with God as my witness if we ever dip into the red I will see to it that you never book another wrestling show in your life do you understand that?”[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“Our roster is to heel heavy, we need to hire some faces who can help balance it out.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Hire…what? Are you even listening to me? We don’t need to spend anymore cash, I suggest you turn a couple of the heels to balance out the roster.”[/COLOR] Avatar: [COLOR="Blue"]“Fine…Jean you’re going to start fighting as a face, congratulations.”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Green"]“What? I can work as a face it will kill my momentum. Rip just let the guy hire some new talent.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Unbelievable! Fine you get 3 new contracts. You better know what the hell you’re doing! We will meet back here at the end of the second round. I need a drink.”[/COLOR] Rip stormed out of the room and all eyes were on me. I had done it, it hadn’t been easy, but I just gained control of every person in this room. Now the only question was can I keep them in my corner.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Stanley Hall Thursday Week 3 January 2008 Attendance: 141[/B] [B]Second Round Match: Antonio Vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (FCW)[/B] Antonio defeated Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr in 7:35 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] After the match the intensity of Jim Force is felt as he rushes to the ring running around and shaking as if he’s on all sorts of drugs. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Second Round Match: Oscar Golden Vs. Jim Force (USPW)[/B] Jim Force defeated Oscar Golden in 8:13 by pinfall with a Full Force. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]Second Round Match: Cameron Vessey Vs. Des Davids (USPW)[/B] Des Davids defeated Cameron Vessey in 12:37 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] After the match Mean Jean Cattley came out and vowed to destroy everyone in his path to becoming the Invitational champion. Even if it means defeating the likes of people who couldn’t hack it in MAW like Des Davids. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Citizen X[/B] Mean Jean Cattley defeated Citizen X in 12:55 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Nothing like having two of your own close out the night and put on the best match. Things are starting to get a bit more complicated for me now however. It seems I forgot that workers on loan could use “creative control” to block some booking decisions. So there are a couple who’s names will not be mentioned that have gone further than I wanted. [B]Stats:[/B] MAW: 2 World: 1[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=mad5226]Things are starting to get a bit more complicated for me now however. It seems I forgot that workers on loan could use “creative control” to block some booking decisions. So there are a couple who’s names will not be mentioned that have gone further than I wanted. [/QUOTE] You mean you didn't WANT MAW to feel this much of the FORCE?! I hit exactly the same problem in my NOTBPW dynasty, btw.
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Ohio Jewish Center (The Great Lakes Region) Saturday Week 3 January 2008 Attendance: 34[/B] [B]Second Round Match: Flash Savage Vs. Brimstone (PSW)[/B] Brimstone defeated Flash Savage in 5:07 by pinfall with a roll up. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Second Round Match: Findlay O’Farraday Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW)[/B] Insane Machine defeated Findlay O'Farraday in 7:50 by disqualification. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E-[/COLOR][/B] O’Farraday showed a complete disregard for rules and Insane Machine’s safety. His manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume handed him a chair in which he used to destroy both Insane Machine and Jay Fair when he tried to break it up. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: F+[/COLOR][/B] After the match Erik Strong once again came to the ring and talked about how he was going to continue to give the fans exactly what they wanted by beating everyone he had to. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Second Round Match: Erik Strong Vs. Nelson Callum (PSW)[/B] Erik Strong defeated Nelson Callum in 12:32 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B] Second Round Match: The Masked Patriot Vs. Plague (CZCW)[/B] Plague defeated The Masked Patriot in 16:26 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Brimstone continues to upset the MAW roster with his quick roll up victories. The main event was a show stealer, and exactly what I expected. The fans hated the ending of the Insane Machine match, which was expected, but I felt needed to be done to keep him looking monsterish. (Yes it’s a word I made it myself) [B]Stats:[/B] MAW: 1 World: 3 MAW workers advancing to the Quarter Finals: 3 USPW workers advancing to the Quarter Finals: 2 PSW workers advancing to the Quarter Finals: 1 CZCW workers advancing to the Quarter Finals: 2[/CENTER] Pick Em Results: trypio: 6/8 Jaded: 4/8 chris caulfield: 7/8 Arrows: 6/8 James Casey: 6/8 Thanks for all the feedback and predictions fellas. Keep it coming, Quarter-Final match-ups will be up soon
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[CENTER]After the show it was brought to my attention that there was another incident backstage involving Findlay O’Farraday and none other than Jay Fair. Apparently Jay felt like the chair shot delivered by O’Farraday had a bit more force behind it than he liked and said something to him backstage. This led to another near brawl and Jay standing on the red carpet in my office. I was sitting behind my desk smoking one of my best Cuban Cigars when Jay walked in the office. Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"You wanted to see me sir?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Mind telling me what the hell you were thinking starting anouther fight in no more than a week since the last one?"[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"This one wasn't my fault, he nearly gave me a concussion!"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I wish he would have maybe then he would've knocked some sense into you. Did I not make it perfectly clear that you weren't going to get a second chance?"[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"You can't fire me. We have a show in two days there's no way you can find a replacement in that time."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"So you've gone from from defensive to c0cky...impressive."[/COLOR] Through the glass from the window I could see Jay looking at me with a smug look on his face, as if he had me right where he wanted me. Silly official, did he not know who I was? Disgusted I took one last puff from my Cuban then tossed it behind me, just missing Jay's arm. Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"What the hell?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"You have ten minutes to gather your belongings and get the hell out of my building, otherwise I'm telling security you threatened to blow this place up.[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"You're bluffing."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"9 minutes 30 seconds."[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"Who the hell is going to ref the Quarter Finals?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I happen to have a few shows under my belt."[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"You a ref, you've got to be kidding me. You'll scare people off with that burnt up face of yours."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"6 minutes."[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Red"]"Wh...it's only been 1!"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I never was good at counting...5"[/COLOR] Jay immediately jumped from the seat and stormed out the office, not even bothering to shut the door behind him. Inconsiderate bastard. Who was I kidding I'd never refereed a match before in my life, but I couldn't just let him skate by. After all I had a reputation to uphold. After thinking about the situation for another minute or two I decided to pick up the phone. Sure I was going to try and get a new referee in here ASAP, but first I had to inform security there was a bomb threat.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents... [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Quarter Finals of The Rip Chord Invitational Thursday January Week 4, 2008[/B] Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Des Davids (USPW) Erik Strong Vs. Jim Force (USPW) Plague (CZCW) Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) Antonio Vs. Brimstone (PSW) [/CENTER]
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[B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Vs. Des Davids (USPW) - Cattley was destined for the final [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Jim Force (USPW) - If Force agrees to lose that is... will build up to a Mean Jean vs. Strong fued in the future. [B]Plague (CZCW)[/B] Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) - I like him better [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Brimstone (PSW) - Owner goals...
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[CENTER]It was the day before the quarter finals and we still didn’t have a ref. Rip had cancelled the meeting for the week and the rumor was I had drove him back to the bottle. I guess I couldn’t blame him, we had lost roughly 30 grand so far since this tournament began and unfortunately money was all Rip saw. He didn’t realize how big we were growing in such a short amount of time. We had already jumped ahead of BSC and FCW in terms of importance and we were now in the eighth position. I’m not sure how a bunch of strippers were considered more important than our legit business, but that was neither here nor there. If everything went according to plan I was expecting us to gain at least one if not two more positions on the list before the end of the month. Instead of the meeting with Rip myself and Jean decided to go get a drink. Apparently he heard about the little “happening” with myself and Jay and wanted some details, who was I to leave him waiting? Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“So you seriously told security he planted a bomb?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Of course not, I told security he said he planted a bomb. Two very different things.”[/COLOR] (Jean laughed so hard beer shot from his nose. We were working on our third pitcher, and neither of us had any plans on stopping.) Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“So what happened next?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Not a lot. Security went down and destroyed all his things. He was babbling about how he was going to sue and what not. He was harassed for a few hours then released after the place was cleared.”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“You’re a real character Avatar you know that? Aren’t you worried about Rip firing you?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Of course not. If he were to fire me I would be owed roughly 25,000 dollars. And after this month it would nearly wipe MAW off the map, something we both know he won’t risk doing.”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“So this whole thing was just a plot, for job security?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Of course not. We are gaining popularity in droves. We have more fans now than ever before, and we are expanding into other areas. In a year we are going to be in a very good place financially. I just need the time to get us there.”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“You’re a bizarre man, but a smart one. So I guess only one question remains.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“What’s that?”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“Your face, what happened? You were a mask most the times and on the few occasions someone sees your face it’s covered in burns.”[/COLOR] (I took a long draw from my Cuban. Followed by a quick chug of beer. I knew this was coming.) Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“When I was a kid 12 there was…an accident. Huge fire it burnt my face.”[/COLOR] Jean: [COLOR="Red"]“That’s a bit vague isn’t it?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, but for now it will have to do.”[/COLOR] (We finished the pitcher then ordered another 2. It was going to be one hell of a night.)[/CENTER]
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[B]Mean Jean Cattley [/B]Vs. Des Davids (USPW) - Cattley surely has to take this one. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Jim Force (USPW) - As much as I want to FEEL THE FORCE, I'm becoming a big Strong mark. [B]Plague[/B] (CZCW) Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) - Plague is teh awesome. [B]Antonio [/B]Vs. Brimstone (PSW) - Gotta be Antonio here to keep Rip happy.
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[B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Vs. Des Davids (USPW) [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Jim Force (USPW) [B]Plague[/B] (CZCW) Vs. Insane Machine (CZCW) Antonio Vs. [B]Brimstone[/B] (PSW) I say either he won't do the job, or you'll decide Antonio can't run around winning EVERY match, and decide to give him a loss here.
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Vs. The World[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Ohio Jewish Center (The Great Lakes Region) Saturday Week 3 January 2008 Attendance: 41[/B] [B]Quarter Final Match: Antonio Vs. Brimstone (PSW)[/B] [quote]Brimstone has made it into the Quarter Finals by shocking his opponents with quick reflexes and solid basic skills. Antonio is the better wrestler of the two and carried the match though out. I held the ref duties since I had yet to acquire a referee with any talent, and the fans let me know how bad I was.[/quote] Antonio defeated Brimstone in 5:39 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]Quarter Finals Match: Insane Machine (CZCW) Vs. Plague (CZCW)[/B] [quote]The fans still hate me for refereeing the match, but I’ll take it over the alternative. These two were pit together because of the chemistry they showed during their CZCW matches, and they didn’t disappoint here. The high risk moves as compared to the more technical wrestling was something our fans are not used to, but they seemed to enjoy it.[/quote] Plague defeated Insane Machine in 14:31 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] It’s time it’s Jim Force Time! Buy his merchandise, feel the Fooorrrccceeee. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]Erik Strong Vs. Jim Force (USPW)[/B] [quote]The MAW champ against the people’s champ. A pretty good match here, with Strong showing that he has what it takes to lead this company and take charge of a match. He more or less carried this one, with Force using his charisma to keep the fans in it.[/quote] Erik Strong defeated Jim Force in 7:54 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B] Mean Jean Cattley Vs. Des Davids[/B] [quote]A blast from the past in this one with the fans clearly on the side of Davids. As it turns out Des Davids is a prick and a pain in the ass to work with when booking a match. Jean could have told me this before allowing him in the tournament, but I guess it’s my mistake. The match itself was a great one, the ending just wasn’t what I wanted at all.[/quote] Des Davids defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 14:36 by pinfall with a Quarterback Sack. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Again Des Davids played the creative control card, and I’m left guessing on how the tournament is actually going to play out. Everyone assumed it was Force who was doing it, but he's been a The new and champ about this whole thing. improved Erik Strong has really impressed me through out this tournament. The semi’s and the finals will both be held on Saturday at The Rip Chord Invitational and is sure to be full of surprises. [B]Stats:[/B] MAW: 2 World: 2[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents... [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]The Rip Chord Invitational[/COLOR][/SIZE] Saturday January Week 4, 2008[/B] Semi-Final Match: Erik Strong Vs. Des Davids (USPW) Semi-Final Match: Antonio Vs. Plague (CZCW) Max Mayhem Vs. Cameron Vessey Tag Team Title Match: The Canadian Blondes (c) Vs. To Be Announced Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs. Findlay O'Farraday Casey Valentine Vs. Riley McManus[/CENTER] As always feedback comments and predictions are welcome. Also, don't forget to say who you think will win the tournament. Thanks for reading. *NOTE: Dazzling Dave Diamond had one more appearance left on his trade agreement so I figured why not use him.
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Really enjoying the backstage shenanigans as well as the short and sweet match write-ups. I contemplated doing a tourny as big as this a few times but never could find the money for it. Hope it doesn't cripple you financially for the months to come. Keep up the great work. Semi-Final Match: [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Des Davids (USPW) Semi-Final Match: [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Plague (CZCW) Max Mayhem Vs. [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) Vs. To Be Announced Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs. [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B] [B]Casey Valentine[/B] Vs. Riley McManus Antonio to take home the cup.
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Semi-Final Match: [B]Erik Strong[/B] Vs. Des Davids (USPW) Semi-Final Match: [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Plague (CZCW) Max Mayhem Vs. [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Canadian Blondes (c)[/B] Vs. To Be Announced Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs. [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B] [B]Casey Valentine[/B] Vs. Riley McManus [B]Antonio[/B] wins the tourney.
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Semi-Final Match: Erik Strong Vs. [B]Des Davids[/B] (USPW) Your champ is going to have to job out here because Des is a little b. However, you could just have him get attacked, and then replace him with Strong in the finals. Semi-Final Match: [B]Antonio[/B] Vs. Plague (CZCW) Max Mayhem Vs. [B]Cameron Vessey[/B] Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] (c) Vs. To Be Announced Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs. [B]Findlay O'Farraday[/B] DDD gets destroyed to put over the monster you're building. [B]Casey Valentine [/B]Vs. Riley McManus [B] Antonio [/B] wins, to feud with Erik Strong, who Antonino doesn't see as a real finalist...or champion.
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]The Rip Chord Invitational[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live from The Stanley Hall Saturday Week 4 January 2008 Attendance: 182[/B] [B]Casey Valentine Vs. Riley McManus[/B] [quote]We start the Invitational off with some new blood. Valentine is a “special project” of Rip and Riley has all the makings of a future star. Both men put on a decent show and got the night started off right.[/quote] Casey Valentine defeated Riley McManus in 7:51 by pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [B] Findlay O’Farraday Vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] [quote]Diamond had another show left on his contract with us, and we couldn’t think of a better opponent. This was obviously an all out brawl that the fans really seemed to get into. You could hear everyone in the arena gasp when O’Farraday picked Diamond up by the throat and slammed him to the ground. A move not normally seen here at Stanley Hall.[/quote] Findlay O'Farraday defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 7:52 by pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tag Team Title Match: American Embassy Vs. The Canadian Blonds[/B] [quote]Our newest Tag Team of The American Bandit and The Masked Patriot was put to the test tonight for the first time in front of a crowd. They played off each other fairly well, but in the end the experience of The Blondes stole the show.[/quote] The Canadian Blondes defeated American Embassy in 12:56 when Oscar Golden defeated The Masked Patriot by pinfall with a Golden Shower. The Canadian Blondes make defense number 1 of their Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles. [COLOR="Red"][B]Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [B]Max Mayhem Vs. Cameron Vessey[/B] [quote]A future star for sure Cameron Vessey faced a glorified jobber in Max Mayhem. That’s all that really needs to be said about this match.[/quote] Cameron Vessey defeated Max Mayhem in 10:02 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]Semi-Final Match: Antonio Vs. Plague (CZCW)[/B] [quote]Flyer against Technician. This was a great match that kept the fans on the edge of their seats. Plague slipped out of an Italian DDT early and nailed Antonio with a New Jersey Turnpike. Amazingly however Antonio was able to kick out after only a 2 count and even mounted a comeback. However a second failed attempt for an Italian DDT proved fatal. And as Plague climbed the ropes and nailed a second New Jersey Turnpike, it was all over.[/quote] Plague defeated Antonio in 15:34 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B]Semi-Final Match: Erik Strong Vs. Des Davids (USPW)[/B] [quote]The match started with these two men shaking hands and sizing each other up. Davids seemed taken back by the enhanced ability that wasn’t present when Davids was a part of the company. Davids battled back but Strong seemed to have an answer for everything Davids threw at him. Davids would eventually go on the offensive again and toss Strong into the corner. He then set up for a quarterback sack but Strong moved at the last second and Davids hit the corner post hard. Strong took advantage of this quickly, and scored the huge win.[/quote] Erik Strong defeated Des Davids in 12:36 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] A quick video is shown displaying the path that Strong and Plague took to get to the finals. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]MAW Rip Chord Invitational Finals: Erik Strong Vs. Plague (CZCW)[/B] [quote]These two men wasted no time and the action started the second the bell sounded. Both men put everything on the line here, and pulled no punches. Strong tried a Strong Sault but missed Plague who was playing possum. This led to a great showing of offense for Plague, but he still couldn’t put Strong down. Then the champ got his second wind and began laying into Plague. With Plague out of it Strong went back up top, but was stopped dead in his tracks when Antonio came running down to the ring with a chair. Confused Strong left the top ropes to see what was going on, and to try and get Antonio away from ringside. However, Antonio threw the chair at Strong who instinctively caught it. What he didn’t anticipate was Plague who had made it back to his feet, and the second Strong caught the chair Plague nailed him with a roundhouse kick that knocked him out cold.[/quote] Plague defeated Erik Strong in 17:53 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike after a distraction from Antonio. Plague wins the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] After the match Rip reluctantly made his way down to the ring with the cup in hand. Rip: [COLOR="Green"]“It’s with a heavy heart, that I present this trophy to a man, who isn’t even a member of the MAW family.”[/COLOR] (It was then that Antonio made his way back down the aisle.) Antonio: [COLOR="Red"]“Actually that’s not entirely true.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]“What? Which part?”[/COLOR] Antonio: [COLOR="Red"]“It seems that your son Jay is a bit more ambitious than you old man. You see he sent me to negotiate with Plague just before this event. I guess he saw something in him that you didn’t.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]“That’s not possible, Jay doesn’t have control of this company, I do!”[/COLOR] Antonio: [COLOR="Red"]“Well, that’s not entirely true either. It seems you left him 100 percent of the company in a trust fund. A fund that he was able to access early.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]“Wait you mean…”[/COLOR] Antonio: [COLOR="Red"]“I mean you’re out of a job old man. Starting immediately the greatest Italian wrestler of all time is the new Commissioner of MAW.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]“This isn’t over Antonio, not by a long shot. I’m going to get the best lawyers, and when I do I’m going to make sure you never step foot inside a ring again.”[/COLOR] (Rip pushes his way past Antonio and the fans are left in a state of shock.) [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Just to recap. Plague is the newest member of the MAW family, and Antonio is now calling the shots. You can bet he’ll have some huge announcements at our next show MAW Evolution. [/CENTER] Pick Em Results: Showtime4Lajf: 5/7 trypio: 5/7 TheJoshRollins: 4/7 Thanks for the feedback and kind words everyone. Let me know what you think of the latest swurve. Hopefully it wasn't to far fetched.
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[CENTER]The month was finally over. There had been some grumbling backstage about how the show went down, but overall I would have to say it was a complete success. The boys in back were exhausted, this had been one of the hardest month’s of their lives. They deserved some time off and that was exactly what I planned on giving them. All he had booked for the month was Evolution, and for now that’s all we need. Come March I plan on talking to Rip and the rest of the committee about going to a weekly show. Rip of course would be firmly against it, but if I could get the other three on board he would be sure to follow. The February meeting took place precisely at 8 am and I made it a point to bring the doughnuts. I knew how this meeting was going to play out, it was a gift I had I suppose. Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Let’s start from the top shall we. Jay give me the break down on finances.”[/COLOR] (Jay looked at me and I cringed. I knew it was going to sound a lot worse than it was, but how could I prove that to Rip.) Jay: [COLOR="Green"]“We started the month out with an even 100,000 dollars. Our sponsors spotted us 16,000 and we made roughly 4,000 off ticket sells.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Sounds about right, and the expenses?”[/COLOR] Jay: [COLOR="Green"]“Show costs ran us just over 6,000 a difference of 2,000 dollars when compared to ticket sales. 50,000 was spent on worker expenses, a large sum of that coming from the talent trades we had in place.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“56,000 in expenses and only 20,000 in income, do you see a problem with that Mr. Avatar?”[/COLOR] (I thought about this question…ah who am I kidding, I never think before answering.) Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“No not at all actually.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Perhaps you went to public schools Mr. Avatar but they idea of a business is to make money.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Indeed it is, I’m glad to see we are on the same page.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“You know I’m getting sick of your crappy attitude. And I have half a mind to…”[/COLOR] (Before letting him finish that sentence I tossed an internet report on the table.) Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“What the hell is this?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“This is a report from TEW.Com the most trusted wrestling site on the internet. In the report you will find that they refer to MAW as one of the fastest growing companies in the world. And we have gone from the 10th most important in the US to the 5th. Jumping ahead of some regional companies such as CZCW and PSW.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Well that’s a pretty impressive report Mr. Avatar, but I have a similar report saying we came in third, or last, place in the regional battle with the same two companies care to spin that?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Minor details…Jay, tell you’re father about the talent we decided to sign.”[/COLOR] (Rip was losing his patience with me, and I wasn’t in the position to battle him…yet.) Jay: [COLOR="Green"]“We have successfully come to terms with Black Eagle (obviously), Ace Youngblood, and Frankie Perez.”[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Red"]“Wait, let me get this straight. We hired two people from the CZCW roster…why?”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“We are going to use it in a storyline, in which I will reveal in detail as soon as this damn camera gets out of the room.”[/COLOR] (That’s right…I’m talking about you!)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Evolution[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Stanley Hall Friday Week 4 February 2008[/B] MAW Championship Match: Erik Strong © Vs. Plague Cameron Vessey Vs. The Masked Patriot Ace Youngblood Vs. Findlay O’Farraday Jefferson Stardust W/ Kristen Pearce Vs. Max Mayhem[/CENTER] As always feedback comments and predictions are welcome. Thanks for reading
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[CENTER][B]MAW Proudly Presents… [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Evolution[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Stanley Hall Friday Week 4 February 2008 Attendance: 93[/B] We start the day out with bright green, red and blue flashing lights. Smoke fills the bottom of the stage and out of the lights step…Jefferson Stardust. He of course is met with a ring of boos but seems to think he is the best wrestler in the world. As he plays to the crowd out steps his beautiful manager Kristen Pearce. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: F+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Jefferson Stardust W/ Kristen Pearce Vs. Max Mayhem[/B] [quote]A slow start and a rough crowd. Stardust played a perfect role. The end came when Pearce jumped up on the apron and offered Mayhem “anything he wanted” of course Max couldn’t pass this offer up. Of course he would never get a chance to take her up on it as Stardust got back on his feet and hit him with a perfectly executed fishermen’s suplex.[/quote] Jefferson Stardust defeated Max Mayhem in 5:39 by pinfall after Kristen Pearce interfered. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: F+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ace Youngblood Vs. Findlay O’Farraday[/B] [quote]A complete squash here. While I expect Ace to be a major player later in the year, right now he’s in the way of a massive heel monster in the making.[/quote] Findlay O'Farraday defeated Ace Youngblood in 8:15 by pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: E[/COLOR][/B] [B]Cameron Vessey Vs. The Masked Patriot[/B] [quote]A much better match, especially compared to the last two. Vessey has the sort of c0ckiness that is perfect for a heel. Patriot is still green, but is putting on great matches and just waiting for his time.[/quote] The Masked Patriot defeated Cameron Vessey in 9:57 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [B] MAW Championship Match: Erik Strong © Vs. Plague[/B] [quote]Even though it’s a rematch from last month the fans didn’t seem to care at all, or perhaps that’s why the attendance is so low. Plague came out flying like we knew he would, and Strong had no problem showing off his flying skills as well. The fans couldn’t get enough of these two great athletes and I was sad to see the match end. But of course all great things do end, and this one ended with Strong keeping the strap.[/quote] Erik Strong defeated Plague in 17:37 by pinfall with a Strong Sault. Erik Strong wins the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] After the match Antonio rushed to the ring from the back and began to hammer away at Erik Strong. Plague seemed to think this was a pretty good idea and helped Antonio in the beat down. Then from out of nowhere a new wrestler appeared and Frankie Perez cleared the ring of both Antonio and Plague much to the enjoyment of the crowd. [B][COLOR="Red"]Rating: F+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] Final Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The main event was a dream come true and I would love to see it again. The Vessey Patriot match would’ve been better but they seemed to have chemistry problems. All in all a great show and soon it will all come together…hopefully.[/CENTER] Up Next in MAW...Will Rip allow me to run 2 shows a month? And we deal with yet more backstage issues...are you kidding me?
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[CENTER]After the show I was made aware of yet another issue backstage. Apparently Plague was constantly staring at Duke Hazzard. This of course made Duke feel very uncomfortable and felt it was due to his “southern accent.” I was getting pretty tired of these problems backstage and especially didn’t want to see new talent already getting involved in it. I immediately called for Plague to meet me in my office. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Do you know why I called you here?”[/COLOR] Plague: [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Fair enough. It has come to my attention that you are giving Duke some pretty nasty looks care to explain?”[/COLOR] Plague: [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m sorry…do you speak English?”[/COLOR] Plague:[COLOR="Red"] “…”[/COLOR] (This guy made me laugh. How was I suppose to get a read on a guy that didn’t talk, blink, or offer any body language what so ever.) Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Very well, I’m going to read you something. It’s called the Riot Act and it basically says that if your poor performance continues you will be released.”[/COLOR] Plague: [COLOR="Red"]“…”[/COLOR] (I began to toss peanuts at the face of Plague to see if I could get some type of reaction. Nothing. I even hit him in the eye a few times and still he didn’t even blink. So not knowing what else to do I read the riot act…all 125 pages of it. When I finished Plague still hadn’t moved, hadn’t blinked, or said a word. Feeling I had done all I could do I told him to leave the office. I then called Duke and told him he may want to start locking his door at night.)[/CENTER]
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