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More questions than you can shake a stick at

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Okay here is my situation, I still play TEW 05 since I never purchased TEW 07 due to me not thinking that much changed to warrant a purchase. Well after playing TEW 08 and reading the DJ, I love it and plan to purchase it. However, I want to continue my game from 05, because I put too much time into it to start all over. So I have some questions that hopefully some of you may be able to answer... 1. I've already converted my database 05 < 07 < 08. However, with all of the new features, besides the movesets, what other of the individual stats would I have to manually adjust because it wasn't in the 05 version? 2. What other database stats would I have to manually adjust? 3. I know there still is no way to import saved games, so what do you guys suggest I do when it comes to basically fixing the database to reflect my saved game? 4. Any suggestions for me when it comes to finding a way to keep records from my saved game? (ie Year End Awards, Match Results, etc) 5. Any other tips for me when it comes to adjusting my TEW 05 database and moving my 05 game to 08? Oh and one more very important question, can you actually add new wrestlers in-game this year? I know one of the things that frustrated me was if a new guy debuted on TV and he's not in your game, there was no way of including him without adding him to the database, but that would mean you would have to start a new game just for them to be available. The two main culprits in my game were JTG and Santino Marella. I mean I know since I'm going to make my database for TEW 08 a direct copy of my saved game so I could guys that aren't already on there, but who is to say that 6 months from now some completely new guy debuts?
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[QUOTE=KingofOldSchool;432442]1. I've already converted my database 05 < 07 < 08. However, with all of the new features, besides the movesets, what other of the individual stats would I have to manually adjust because it wasn't in the 05 version? 2. What other database stats would I have to manually adjust?[/quote] Loads. Like, tonnes. I can't even remember what stats '05 had, but from 07 > 08 alone theres: Industry Rep and Potential for workers, as well as a new size category. Importance for Regions. Risk tolerence for TV networks and PPV carriers. Wrestling stance for TV networks. That's just off the top of my head. It seriously isn't worth all the effort, no matter how far into your game you are. [quote]3. I know there still is no way to import saved games, so what do you guys suggest I do when it comes to basically fixing the database to reflect my saved game?[/quote] The only way would be to change the database date to the date you're in in your game, and then edit everyone's stats and popularity to match. [quote]4. Any suggestions for me when it comes to finding a way to keep records from my saved game? (ie Year End Awards, Match Results, etc)[/quote] Impossible, unfortunately. [quote]5. Any other tips for me when it comes to adjusting my TEW 05 database and moving my 05 game to 08?[/quote] Don't do it. :p [quote]Oh and one more very important question, can you actually add new wrestlers in-game this year? I know one of the things that frustrated me was if a new guy debuted on TV and he's not in your game, there was no way of including him without adding him to the database, but that would mean you would have to start a new game just for them to be available. The two main culprits in my game were JTG and Santino Marella. I mean I know since I'm going to make my database for TEW 08 a direct copy of my saved game so I could guys that aren't already on there, but who is to say that 6 months from now some completely new guy debuts?[/QUOTE] You've ALWAYS been able to import new workers. Right from TEW 04 (or, if not, at least 05). Create a new guy in the database, then go to the Options screen and check out the Import Data button :p
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I can answer a few of your q's: The popularity thresholds for companies have changed from 05 to 08, so you may find your company drops a level or two during the conversion process. New workers can be imported from your database (this was in 07, not sure about 05) but can't be created (as far as I know) straight into a saved game. You'd have to create them in your database and then import them, but they won't start with any contracts you give them in the editor. I can't think of way to copy over Awards, Match result etc - your best bet is just to keep 05 ready to go whenever you need to check something. I'd also add that as it's a new game, chemistry, destiny and other randomised stats will all be reset - your favourite pairings may now have terrible chemistry.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;432447]Loads. Like, tonnes. I can't even remember what stats '05 had, but from 07 > 08 alone theres: Industry Rep and Potential for workers, as well as a new size category. Importance for Regions. Risk tolerence for TV networks and PPV carriers. Wrestling stance for TV networks. That's just off the top of my head. It seriously isn't worth all the effort, no matter how far into your game you are. [/QUOTE] But there will be real world databases released I would assume, so the effort would be there it's just going to be rather long and tedious process. I mean if I'm going to spend $35 on this, I want to be able to continue my current game from 05. I mean hell, in my like 3 years of owning TEW 05, I've only completed a year and a half of gameplay. I know that may not seem a lot, but it's a lot to me. Not to mention with the new interface, it's probably going to give me more motivation to book more and more cards. More or less I just wanted to figure out and easier way to get all of the editing done as quickly as possible. But with the sound of things, I may just have to go through and go over EVERY wrestler's stats.
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Ok, so I imagined you were talking about an epic fifteen-year dynasty or something ¬_¬ A year and a half shouldn't be much of a problem, as you'd only really need to bother editing champions, tag teams and promotion sizes. Since worker stats wouldn't have changed much at. That's not so bad. I had visions of you trying to edit a 2005 database to account for all the changes in 2015 or something :p That would take years.
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[QUOTE=KingofOldSchool;432457]I mean hell, in my like 3 years of owning TEW 05, I've only completed a year and a half of gameplay.[/QUOTE] :eek: So you're going to go through all this trouble.....for 18 months of game? :confused: [QUOTE=KingofOldSchool;432457]I know that may not seem a lot, but it's a lot to me. Not to mention with the new interface, it's probably going to give me more motivation to book more and more cards. More or less I just wanted to figure out and easier way to get all of the editing done as quickly as possible. But with the sound of things, I may just have to go through and go over EVERY wrestler's stats.[/QUOTE] Honestly, D-Lyrium was being nice. Personally, I'd say don't even bother. You're looking to jump from two completely different platforms. 07 was a HUGE leap over 05 and 08 is a HUGE leap over 07. Essentially, you're trying to go from a DeSoto to a Maserati Quattroporte to eke out 5 horsepower or something. Easiest thing to do (if you want to call it that) would be to create or convert your database and tweak it to fit your game. Heck, just promotion product is going to take you weeks to do (and that's an 07 addition. 08 adds even more to the feature). You're going to have to figure out what 'cutting edge' means in 07/08 terms and that's not easy (trust me on that. I've been working on it actively for 2 years, just about).
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