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MAW - Where past and future collide...

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[url]www.MAW.com[/url] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/News.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]JANUARY 2008[/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE="4"]A New Head Booker![/SIZE][/U][/B] We are pleased to announce that we have a new man pulling the strings behind the scenes. Unfortunately I do not know his real name, in fact no one does. Some even say he has no name. We don’t know where he’s from or how old he is or anything. All we know is that he was the only guy in the US that came to our audition (Yup, Chord holds auditions for his future bookers) so we had to hire him. He calls himself The Grand One for some reason. Why? I don’t know, but I have my theories. I personally think he’s a ninja. But then again, I’m a computer nerd, so I have lots of weird thoughts. You’re probably asking right now why Mean Jean can’t keep booking the shows? Well, this is quite embarrassing for him, but he wanted more time for himself. Rumor is that he’s picked up a new hobby. His psychiatrist advised him to do something like pottery, something relaxing. He says that will prevent him from having mood swings all the time. So, our new guy in charge has already made some pretty big decisions. From now on we’ll have a show every Wednesday evening called “MAW Weekly Showdown”. Then every last Friday of the month there will be a bigger show. This month’s big show is our yearly tournament, The Rip Chord Invitational. All kinds of big stars from all around the world are expected to show up again. There will be 16 contestants, but the first round of the tournament will be fought on our weekly shows, as else the big show would take way too long. The winner of the tournament will get a shot at Erik Strong’s Mid Atlantic Championship Title.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[url]www.MAW.com[/url] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/Roster.jpg[/IMG] [B]Main Eventers:[/B] Citizen X Erik Strong Mean Jean Cattley [B]Upper Midcarders:[/B] Antonio Cameron Vessey Oscar Golden [B]Midcarders:[/B] Casey Valentine Findlay O’Farraday Flash Savage Ricky Douglas The Masked Patriot [B]Lower Midcarders:[/B] Curtis Jenkins Huey Cannonball Max Mayhem [B]Openers:[/B] Jefferson Stardust Riley McManus[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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I'm playing a MAW game just now to poke around and they are extremely Heel heavy especially in the uppercard. I brought in Daredevil Aero and Fearless Blue to be team XDW a group of club kids to go against the pop boy band stars of The Canadian Blondes and sadly I still added an extra heel in Ash Campbell and put him with Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine as The Second Sons of Wrestling. But seriously you'll need to add at least 4 faces to even things out and at least two of them in the upper card.
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More competition :p Great to see people giving MAW a go, nonetheless. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this - and I like the design you've come up with for the website. I like the humour, too - Jean Cattley taking up pottery is quality :D You're brave putting on a show every week. I'm curious as to how you'll play this out, and whether you'll be able to break even or end up having to switch back to monthly shows to cut your losses. Whatever happens, I'll be reading.
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[url]www.MAW.com[/url] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/Results.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]“MAW Weekly Showdown”[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]Wednesday, Week 1, January 2008[/B] LIVE from Stanley Hall in front of 107 people.[/SIZE]
[B][COLOR="Blue"]Rip Chord:[/COLOR][/B] “Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all a happy new year to you all. Welcome to the place where wrestling is what it once used to be. Welcome to Mid Atlantic Wrestling! From now on we’ll be doing shows like this every Wednesday evening, so make sure to keep those free. This month is one of the biggest months of them all for us, as you probably know. The Rip Chord Invitational is coming up and boy will that be amazing! We’re following the same concept as last year, MAW vs. The World. In the first round every MAW wrestler will wrestle a non-MAW wrestler. The winner advances to the next round, yadda yadda yadda… I’ve sent invites to our sister-promotions and some friends of mine from my in-ring days. Tonight you will see Mean Jean take on a PSW representative, Brimstone in the main event. Earlier tonight you will see Cameron Vessey take on The New York Doll who comes straight from the Stomping grounds, New York City!” [B]Rating: C-[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/HueyCannonball.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/RileyMcManus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Huey Cannonball vs. Riley McManus[/B] A cheap opening match to kick off the year with, doing what we’re supposed to do, giving youngsters some ring time. McManus is the most talented one of the two and had the upper hand most of the match. Cannonball’s victory came out of nowhere when he won by pinfall with a handful of tights somewhere around the 8 minute mark. [B]Winner: Huey Cannonball Rating: F+[/B]
[B][COLOR="Purple"]Cameron Vessey:[/COLOR][/B] “So, I’m fighting some lowlife punk from the Bronx tonight, eh? I’ve heard the guy’s real name is Filth Silvain. Says enough, right? I’d better take a shower after this is over with. I hate fighting poor people.” [B]Rating: E[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/CameronVessey.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Spike.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Cameron Vessey vs. The New York Doll[/B] New York Doll came to the ring with a garbage can in his hand obviously something he intended to use as a weapon, but Jay Fair took away it from him the minute he stepped foot in the ring. Vessey was clearly laughing at the guy feeling rather comfortable. Vessey was the most dominant wrestler, but NYD delivered some blows of his own from time to time. Vessey won with the regular Vessey Driver. [B]Winner: Cameron Vessey Rating: E[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/JeffersonStardust.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jefferson Stardust vs. Max Mayhem[/B] A filler match between both our main matches. Stardust came out acting like he’s the man as usual, but pretty quickly got his ass whooped when Max Mayhem entered the ring. The match was over in less than 5 minutes. Mayhem won with relative ease. [B]Winner: Max Mayhem Rating: F[/B]
Brimstone and Mean Jean are both already in the ring for their match, but apparently Jean has something to say. [B][COLOR="Red"]Mean Jean:[/COLOR][/B] “So kiddo, what’s your name?” … [B][COLOR="Red"]Mean Jean:[/COLOR][/B] “Oh, you don’t have a microphone. Someone give the kid a damn mic!” [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Brimstone:[/COLOR][/B] “My name i…” [B][COLOR="Red"]Mean Jean:[/COLOR][/B] “Take that bandana from your face when you’re talking!” Brimstone lowers the bandana covering his mouth. [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Brimstone:[/COLOR][/B] “My name is Brim…” [B][COLOR="Red"]Mean Jean:[/COLOR][/B] “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOUR NAME IS! You’re just another victim…” [B]Rating: E+[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Brimstone.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Mean Jean Cattley vs. Brimstone[/B] Brimstone was noticeably affected by the mind games Mean Jean is playing. It took a while until he was able to get on the offensive for a bit. Mean Jean seemed to play with him the first half of the match having a sadistic smile on his face. That smile went away for a while when Brimstone started showing off his top rope move arsenal. Cattley was able to outsmart him and hit a textbook Mood Swing to win the match. [B]Winner: Mean Jean Cattley Rating: D-[/B]
[U][SIZE="4"][B]The Tournament Schedule:[/B][/SIZE][/U] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/RCI08w1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[url]www.MAW.com[/url] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/Results.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]“MAW Weekly Showdown”[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]Wednesday, Week 2, January 2008[/B] LIVE from Stanley Hall in front of 105 people.[/SIZE]
[B]Rip Chord:[/B] “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again to Mid Atlantic Wrestling! First of all, next week’s show will be on Tuesday as one of Sam Strong’s boys is coming over and he can’t miss USPW’s tv taping on Wednesday. So, anyway… what a night is tonight going to be! Some old friends of mine will be in the RCI matches this very night. First of all our very own pretty boy Oscar Golden will take on none other than the five time! Five time! Five time TCW Cruiserweight Champion, Fumihiro Ota! I haven’t seen him in the building yet, but he’s probably being all sneaky and stuff running on the roof or something like that, as that’s what ninjas do. Then in the main event, one of your local heroes, The Masked Patriot will take on a man who has held no less than 4 DAVE titles, Vin Tanner!” [B]Rating: C[/B] Ernest Forthdyke-Hume comes out followed by his client, Findlay O’Farraday. [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ernest:[/COLOR][/B] “So, Chord… Me and my boy were looking at that tournament schedule hanging on the wall backstage. We noticed that my boy Findlay here wasn’t on it. Is that an error or something?” [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rip:[/COLOR][/B] “Nope.” [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ernest:[/COLOR][/B] “Well then, you better put him on that tournament or there will be consequences! Isn’t that right Findlay?” Findlay grins. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Rip:[/COLOR][/B] “Haha, you dare to threaten the great Rip Chord? I’ll walk away now before I lose my self-control and start hurting you.” [B]Rating: D-[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/FindlayOFarraday.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/RileyMcManus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Findlay O’Farraday vs. Riley McManus[/B] Pretty much a squash match to help O’Farraday’s threats look legit. McManus is one of the two lower card good guys I have so he has the privilege of being my #1 face jobber. That means he’ll get more experience in the ring and thus the chance that one day he’ll receive a push becomes bigger. Findlay wins after slamming McManus on the mat from great height. [B]Winner: Findley O’Farraday Rating: E-[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/CurtisJenkins.jpg[/IMG] [B]Antonio vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] A heel versus heel match, I’m going to have to do a lot of these in the future unless I turn some guys or bring new people in. I think Curtis is more of a tweener than a heel though because he hasn’t really fleshed out a character yet. This was more or less a tune up match for Antonio as next week he’s in one of the tournament matches. He wins with the Italian DDT. Awful chemistry right here though. [B]Winner: Antonio Rating: E-[/B]
Oscar Golden is in the ring for his match with Ota. His opponent seems to be not showing up. Just as Jay Fair is was about to announce that Golden automatically wins the lights go out and you hear the sound of thunder. The lights flash on and off as Ota jumps from behind the curtain, much to the joy of the crowd in attendance! [B]Rating: D+[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Oscar Golden vs. Fumihiro Ota[/B] Good match, I was afraid that Golden wouldn’t be able to keep up, but he kind of did. Ota carried the match though. He’s really good at that. Ota wins with after hitting the Ninja Strike somewhere around the 10 minute mark. [B]Winner: Fumihiro Ota Rating: D-[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/VinTanner.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: The Masked Patriot vs. Vin Tanner[/B] I was hoping for a better match. Tanner really costs way too much for what he’s worth. It’s not like Patriot is a potato bag that has to be carried throughout the match or anything, so he can’t blame it on that. Patriot was on the winning hand here until O’Farraday decided to run in while Tanner was distracting the referee. After which Tanner hit a V For Victory and pinned the guy. [B]Winner: Vin Tanner Rating: D[/B]-
After the match Vin Tanner and Findlay continue to punish The Masked Patriot some more. When they’re both satisfied they shake hands with each other and Vin Tanner thanks O’Farraday for his help. [B]Rating: D[/B]
[B][U][SIZE="5"] Tournament Schedule:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/rci08w2.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=BYU 14;433660]Love the formatting, are you using excell? I will probably start with MAW while I wait for D.O.T.T to come out, so I will be following with interest.[/QUOTE] Nope, Photoshop. I'm not really good at Excell. :p
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[url]www.maw.com[/url] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/Results.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]“MAW Weekly Showdown”[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Tuesday, Week 3, January 2008[/B] LIVE from Stanley Hall in front of 88 people.[/SIZE]
[B][COLOR="Green"]Rip Chord:[/COLOR][/B] “As usual, welcome to MAW! Another great card we have today. Let’s cut to the chase here, shall we? The first match will feature our Italian badboy Antonio wrestling against one of my buddy, Sam Strong’s boys. He sent over the young but talented Happy Elwood. Then in the main event Citizen X will take on one of his former arch rivals in CZCW none other than the great high flying legend in the making, 5 time Coastal Zone Champion, Fox Mask! Isn’t our random match making machine awesome?” [B]Rating: C[/B] Casey Valentine comes out. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Casey:[/COLOR][/B] “Say, Rip… I couldn’t help but notice when I looked at that tournament schedule that I wasn’t on it.” [B][COLOR="Green"]Rip:[/COLOR][/B] “Ugh, not this again… Look kiddo you’re not good enough yet. Rack up some good wins, train hard and you’ll be in it next year. Jeez!” [B][COLOR="Purple"]Casey:[/COLOR][/B] “So, you’re saying I suck, you’re saying I don’t train hard enough? Huh? Want me to call my uncle Peter to ask if he wants to whoop your old ass for me? I don’t think so.” [B][COLOR="Green"]Rip:[/COLOR][/B] “Haha! Kiddo, even when I’m 100 years old I’ll still have more wrestling abilities than your uncle Peter has ever had. Don’t mess with me, son!” [B]Rating: D+[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/CaseyValentine.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG] [B]Casey Valentine vs. Max Mayhem[/B] Max Mayhem is the second face wrestler of the undercard guys, and since I can’t always use McManus as my bumping boy Max will have to do some of that work as well. This was the best opening match we’ve had so far, so he did a good job at making Valentine look good. [B]Winner: Casey Valentine Rating: E[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/HappyElwood.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Antonio vs. Happy Elwood[/B] A good midcard match, if the final show get’s the same rating as this match I’ll be satfied. Happy Elwood was the face in this match. Antonio worked the heel role quite well, working on body parts and using some illegal stuff like eye gauges and such. He won by pinning Elwood using the ropes as leverage. [B]Winner: Antonio Rating: E+[/B]
[B][COLOR="Red"]Citizen X:[/COLOR][/B] “Well well, Foxxy Boy… just like in the old days, huh? Me beating you up… Good times, good times! But those times are over. I’m the man around here you know, just like you once were at CZCW… yup, you’re no longer the man around there. Not since those TCW rejects came in. I’ll make you an offer. You lay down and let me pin you and I’ll talk to Rip about signing you to a contract. What do you think, my furry friend?” [B][COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask:[/COLOR][/B] “Ok… Let’s do this then.” Fox lays down as the crowd is booing. [B]Rating: D[/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/CitizenX.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Citizen X vs. Fox Mask[/B] Jay Fair rings the bell and the match is underway. 1…2….Kickout! Fox Mask pushes X off of him and starts doing all kinds of fancy moves on him much to the joy of the crowd! X was surprised by this and it took him a while to regain his confidence. The match went back and forth, but in the end Fox Mask came out on top. Fox Mask will face Antonio at the invitational. [B]Winner: Fox Mask Rating: E+[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Fox Mask:[/B][/COLOR] “For the record, it was me beating him up in CZCW. Hence why he was only a one time Tag Team champion over there. See you the last Friday of the month when I’ll be kicking some mafia ass.” [B]Rating: E+[/B]
[B][U][SIZE="5"]Tournament schedule:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/rci08w3.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Thanks for all the nice comments by the way. :)
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[QUOTE=mad5226;434317]Looks great so far man. I see either Jean or Antonio taking the tournament. I wish I were half as skilled as you with photoshop man your making my diary look bad with all your pretty pictures =)[/QUOTE] Diaries are not about graphics, I use them to camouflage my mediocre writing. :D [QUOTE=James Casey;434390]I'm really enjoying this so far - the graphics are a nice touch, and the importing of other workers is cool, too. Here's hoping next January you can manage to bring in someone better than Happy Elwood, though ;)[/QUOTE] I hope so too. :D But I needed one a guy from him that was willing to lose, so... Elwood was perfect. :)
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[url]www.MAW.com[/url] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/Results.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]“MAW Weekly Showdown”[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Wednesday, Week 4, January 2008[/B] LIVE from Stanley Hall in front of 106 people.[/SIZE]
As the crowd is still in uproar suddenly a guy jumps from over the barricade. [B][COLOR="Purple"]Guy:[/COLOR][/B] “Hey, hey! MAW is Mainstream! That’s right, I’m back! At least for one night that is… What would the Rip Chord Invitational be without “Mister RCI” himself Mainstream Hernandez in it, huh? I’ve heard I’m fighting “Straight F-“ Ricky Turner… His name still doesn’t really ring a bell, does it? It won’t after tonight either, I’ll make sure of that.” [B]Rating: E+[/B] Suddenly another guy jumps from over the barricade… [B][COLOR="Red"]Other Guy:[/COLOR][/B] “Well well, looks like I’m not the only one making my return here tonight. That’s right, Al Coleman is in the building on behalf of the Coastal Zone. A much bigger and better place to wrestle than this little hall right here.” [B][COLOR="Purple"]Mainstream:[/COLOR][/B] “Woah, ladies and gentlemen, this is the real deal right here *coughs* some real bad attitude is in the building. Oh yeah! That was sarcasm by the way if you didn’t get it, Mr. Coleman.” [B][COLOR="Red"]Coleman:[/COLOR][/B] “Ouch, that hurt. Not! Anyway, I heard you will be fighting in the undercard today, which is good. You’ll make me look even better in the main event tonight. That’s right, straight to the main event. I’m going to punish you former buddy, Erik Strong tonight. Perhaps you can share a hospital room with him this night, it’ll be fun, like in the old days.” [B]Rating: E+[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/FlashSavage.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG] [B]Flash Savage vs. Max Mayhem[/B] Due to the lack of face tag teams and the already big wage bill this month there were no matches for our tag team champions. So I had to give them something to do and booked one of them in the invitational and the other one gets to be in an opening match. He defeated Max by submission using the Canadian Crab. [B]Winner: Flash Savage Rating: F+[/B]
[B][COLOR="Green"]The Masked Patriot:[/COLOR][/B] “I want to apologize for my loss two weeks ago. I have failed. Don’t worry, one day I’ll get Findlay back. That’s my main goal now. I’m going to train until I can defeat him. Justice shall prevail!” [B]Rating: D[/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/JeffersonStardust.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jefferson Stardust vs. The Masked Patriot[/B] Patriot had something to set straight and that’s exactly what he did. This match was pretty one-dimensional. It’s not that Stardust didn’t try or anything, but every time he attempted to cheat The Patriot outsmarted him. He ended it with a vicious Backdrop Driver. [B]Winner: The Masked Patriot Rating: E+[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/RickyTurner.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Ricky Douglas vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] This was the more traditional styled Ricky Douglas working with classic submission holds and some good old brawling versus the high flying flashy fast paced Mainstream Hernandez and it made a pretty good bout. The fans were happy to see Hernandez in an MAW ring again and were even more happy when he was able to hit the Apparition #14 and pin Ricky Douglas. [B]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez Rating: D-[/B]
[B][COLOR="Blue"]Erik Strong:[/COLOR][/B] “The Champ is here! Coleman, the tides have turned over the years, haven’t they? I’m the big man around here and you still have to prove yourself in CZCW. I’ll follow Mainstream’s example and rip you into pieces in a few moments.” [B]Rating: E+[/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/ErikStrong_alt4.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] [B]RCI Tournament Match: Erik Strong vs. Al Coleman[/B] A solid match with lots of back and forth action. Coleman frequently using underhanded tactics and utilizing moves that are on the borderline of what’s allowed. Strong will always be the underdog due to his size disadvantage. He was able to beat the odds and pin Coleman after a Strong Sault after a 15 minute match. [B]Winner: Erik Strong[/B] [B]Rating: D-[/B] After the match Mainstream Hernandez comes out and celebrates together with Strong in front of the crowd. [B]Rating: D-[/B]
[B][U][SIZE="5"]Tournament schedule:[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MAW%202008/Banner/rci08w4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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Mainstream vs Strongnot touch especially for yhe passing of the tourch and all of that. I thought about doing it myself, but decided against it. Im not sure what you have planned for the tourny obvisouly, but I feel like having these guys meet in a later round would've helped build it more. Still...awesome idea
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Don't mind if I do... Mean Jean over Vessey Ota over Tanner Antonio over Fox Mask And of course Erik Strong over Mainstream Hernandez Mean Jean over Ota Antonio picks up the win over Strong via underhanded tactics (which the fans HATE by the way.) That sets up Mean Jean and Antonio...givin your owner goals I'm going to have to say Antonio for the win
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