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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;432889]It may be tedious to you, but I'm not going to intentionally make the AI stupider. As always, the potential signings are ranked, given a touch of randomness, and then made offers for - those three get signed a lot because they're head and shoulders above the rest of the free agent pool, so of course SWF are going to go for them. If you add more randomness to it you'd end up with stupid decisions.[/QUOTE] Fair enough, then, although does the AI look outside it's home area to sign talent? 'Cos I've never seen a company sign somebody from abroad (for example, BHOTWG signing a prominent US worker, or SWF signing someone like Eric Tyler). I guess the big thing for me then is more talent for USPW. Giving them Caulfield seems a bit useless when they can't use him for more than one or two shows, after all.
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Well, it's worth remembering that they've had him for X number of months prior to the game starting, and that a savvy player can always get a non-agression or maybe even trade agreement with SWF to prevent poaching. The AI doesn't seem to do this, sadly. * Adam, are the new workers you're planning on creating likely to just be future workers and free agents, or are you planning any character revamps/new current workers who're signed to promotions? If the former, I can go ahead and start a long-term game. If the latter, I think I might wait to see what changes you make as chances are I'll be doing a diary...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;432913]Adam, are the new workers you're planning on creating likely to just be future workers and free agents, or are you planning any character revamps/new current workers who're signed to promotions?[/QUOTE] Future workers only. Nobody else will be moving promotions.
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This is very cool news, indeed. I'm a big fan of the 1975 and 1997 mods and I would love to see it brought into the modern Cverse more. I'd also love to see some of the '75 mod reflect even more of the wrestling of that time. It's one of my favorite mods.
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This may be a stupid question, but if I start a game and am playing it through out for awhile and then Adam updates files (new profiles, new workers and such) can I somehow incorporate that into my game... or will I have to start a brand new game to be able to use them? I'm really excited for the updates but am afraid of getting really into a game and then feeling like I have to abandon it so I can use the updates!!
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;432496]With phase 2, you'll see the addition of a whole heap of new workers; there's around 300 renders still awaiting addition, these will be be used as "future workers" to extend the database further. Then, for phase 3, I'll be going through and redoing a lot of biographies and such like, adding finishers for a lot of people who don't have them, and doing some articles for the web site.[/QUOTE] This pleases me.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;432994]This may be a stupid question, but if I start a game and am playing it through out for awhile and then Adam updates files (new profiles, new workers and such) can I somehow incorporate that into my game... or will I have to start a brand new game to be able to use them? I'm really excited for the updates but am afraid of getting really into a game and then feeling like I have to abandon it so I can use the updates!![/QUOTE] He answered that question earlier in the thread. You can import them into your workers file.
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The '97 mod was always my favorite, getting a chance to participate in the East Coast wars was a blast, the only problem was after the first or second release it died and so half the workers are left pictureless or in limbo :( Really excited about getting some history on some of these aging workers!
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;432863]One thign with the new talent IIm hoping for is some more people in the SWF and USPW. SWF is frankly tedious in the AI, with it always, ALWAYS signing Chris Caulfield, Darryl Devine and James Prudence, and it'd be nice to see that cut out a whole lot. As for USPW, I've tried to play as them several times and it's just impossible to believe that they got to Cult with so little talent on the roster. I know they're meant to be about big names, but c'mon, [I]Peter Valentine[/I] is their top heel. No way they managed to get to Cult with that Lummox at the top of the card (unless Shane Sneer is very, very good).[/QUOTE] Ive signed Prudence many times, and his partner. I was using USPW.
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Adam so not funny about New Zealand! I might be a Kiwi living in Australia, but I do so to steal their jobs and money not out of choice! Oh and its hotter here. If anything the awesome NZ army might invade Australia as they too busy mucking about with BBQ's to notice. Anyway looking forward to the updates after release.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;433596]Just to mention that Regular Joe and future worker Quentin Queen currently have the exact same picture so one of them could do with changing when the C-verse gets its update.[/QUOTE] So do Faith and Natalie DiMarco, they have both been altered in the commercial release.
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;433596]Just to mention that Regular Joe and future worker Quentin Queen currently have the exact same picture so one of them could do with changing when the C-verse gets its update.[/QUOTE] Rumor has it that Regular Joe is also pissed that he is considered 20% less sexy than Quentin Queen, and demands his Sex Appeal be reconsidered.
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Finally found this thread. I'm planning on starting a dynasty game going, but with Phase 2 looming over the horizen of the next couple of weeks, I'm worried that the first official patch will mean I'll have to start a game over. So I have a couple questions 1) Can any major gameplay improvements be forseen as game breaking? I remember an WMMA and '07 patch basically meant you had to start over or play through unpatched. Is there a feature that might be like that in the patching process or should this phase be pretty seamless. 2) If my game is past the time when the new workers would debut, when I import them will they then be available or will it be like in '07 where if you skipped past their debut date, they wouldn't be in the game at all? (i.e. if I started a game using the C-Verse in 2010, a whole ton of new workers would never be created because it had skipped past their debut date.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;432496]Oh, and phase 4 will see a political event as Australia invades New Zealand and turns it into a state. Just kidding. ;) [/QUOTE] Y'know, for the c-verse I actually wouldn't mind that. Would make for some interesting diaries that's for sure :)
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