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FINishers TEW05 Screenpack!

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Redpack [B]DONE![/B] Bluepack [B]DONE![/B] Greypack [B]DONE![/B] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/preview1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/preview4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/preview5.jpg[/IMG] Man.. It took me about.. 8 hours to do this. But I did it! Still some really minor things there, don't let them bother. Not every pixel is where it should be because of the original screens (and my lack of skill :P), and since it would have taken forever to adjust every single minor detail to perfection.. I took the easy way but it was still very rocky. I don't get paid for this :P Altough as the forum was down and moved, I re-edited some of the screens to make the buttons and boxes look better and the lines straight so it's not that bad. I used the old TEW 2005 background, slightly added red colour. And now that I have all the 137 images done finally, it is really easy to change the colour scheme between different variations of colours of that same theme. If different colours are requested, I'll be happy to make those. This screenpack is mostly for myself, but seeing that other people didn't like those original screens I'm really happy to share this mod with the community :) Be sure to say something if you end up using this theme so the time that I spent doing these and the hundreds of mouseclicks and shortcut presses would not feel so hard and exhausting! And also feel free to mod these forward; I kind of deleted almost all the borders around boxes, if you would like those back, just add those yourself! :) Enjoy! Comments and feedback are highly welcome! And remember to back up original screens if you do not like these and you want those old back without reinstalling the game ^^ Details: 137 Screen images! Colours Red, Blue and Grey. Size is just 6MB, whereas the original were 16MB large 9 Graphics images! 6 Taskbar images! Screens go to Screens folder, Graphics to the Graphics folder and Taskbar images to the Taskbar folder :PP Redpack (Contains taskbar and graphics also): [URL="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/FINishersRedpack.rar"]DOWNLOAD HERE[/URL] Bluepack (just Screens): [URL="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/FINisherBluepack.rar"]DOWNLOAD HERE[/URL] Greypack (just Screens): [URL="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/FINisherGreyPack.rar"]DOWNLOAD HERE[/URL] Taskbar and Graphics pack: [URL="http://koti.mbnet.fi/sadhappy/TaskbarsGraphics.rar"]DOWNLOAD HERE[/URL] [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=45851"]FINisher Basic B&W[/URL]
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I guess. But I think I'll be doing the screens first, and then go to the other taskbars and banners. We'll see :) And thanks for the comment! I also noticed that I need to make those black areas bigger.. As I edited those they kind of shrinked in the making, as I had to erase the borders.
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Redpack [B]DONE![/B] 137 Screens, 9 Graphics images and 6 taskbar images!! See the first post! :) It's great to be back at GDS forums! Enjoy the pack, and remember to comment and give feedback! :) Still to come: Blue and Grey TEW05 pack; They shouldn't take long, as I just have to change the colours :) Feel free to request!
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Do you mean TEW07 or 05? TEW07 had quite dark grey screens to begin with but I don't know, maybe. And as I said I will be doing Blue and Grey version of these TEW05 screens as they are really easy and quick to do as I now have done them in Red. Glad you like them! And yes it was really frustrating to do all those 137 screens one by one + those other images.. Altough I now know ALL the shortcuts :D
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Yeah.. I think that you just can't make those screen as perfect as you could if you do all those screens from the start. But that takes eternity. HHUK is doing fine job altough I think it will take him sometime to get those all screens completed. Prove me wrong, it just good that people have more alternative screens to choose from! I just edited those originals and messed with the background, that's why some of the text has some minor pixel disturbance. But thanks for the feedback :) And some new info: I am now doing the Blue screens! Shouldn't take too long, I'll probably get those finished during today!
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Aaaaaand Greypack is done :) But from the three I will be using the blue one most of the time and the others just for the sake of changing the theme. My work here is done :) I'm also really happy with the size of these screens as these are way much smaller than the original screens and even run faster than the originals if that is even possible (TEW08 is just so fast compared to previous games of the series).
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I removed the banner so it might have confused you. If you mean the first website image that comes when you go to game, it is the first preview image that I have on the first post, its the one with the red colour :)
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Mmm.. Yes it has? I just removed the banner, that is all. It still is the same website image with just different background image and colour of it :) Download and test it, it's just 3MB's pack. Altough I recommend loading the taskbar and graphics with it as it looks way better and doesn't glitch with the old taskbars and graphics.
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Great improvement. I wanted to mod the original screens but couldn't even think where to start since i wanted to scrap mostly everything. This'll give me a good base to work from. Going with the red pack myself, since I'm a sucker for the color.
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Nice to hear a negative comment :) And yes I had to blur much of those borders and boxes etc. because of the original screens and the way I had to change the background without touching the original text boxes. Altough I find it kind of funny as you say that these hurt your eyes; The original screens hurted mine. But, to each of his/hers own like someone said in another topic. :) Thanks for the feedback!
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