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I'm really torn as to who to start with. Australia all by myself and the benefits and penalties that go with it OR Puerto Rico kind of all by myself but with the benefits of being in the US, but the added competition for sure. I like both rosters and have ideas for both. Just need to be making a decision soon.
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APW is loads of fun to play, I havent had a chance to try FCW yet, if your a fan of giving the wrestlers mic time though APW is not the way to go in Straight Edge mode...such a waste of Swoop McCarthy's skills... As bland as they are, i always make sure to sign up the melbourne blondes into RIPW for SWF, and Swoop too...gotta give the aussies a chance on the worldwide stage.
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[QUOTE=Bossman;432767]Well, I think FCW is too easy because they have loads of good wrestlers.[/QUOTE] I took FCW for a spin, and I'd argue that they only seem easy. FCW has a number of rather visible flaws. 1) they have a branding split in that there are all the luchadors who were brought in by Shawn, but then you have the big super heavyweight brawlers brought in by Puerto Rican Power. You are going to have to hope to find some chemistry, because you have a shortage of each matchups. 2) the roster has like 8 more wrestlers than you need. So there will either be complaints about lack of use, or higher than average show costs in order to get everyone into the shows. 3) Not many good Microphone people. This promotion is one that pushes overness, but you can't get the quick build through promos and angles. Although you do have the one good manager in Carl Batch. they can be very good, but they aren't a perfect promotion. Can't say as much about APW because I haven't looked at them much.
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I have to say, that I usually never ever try a company outside of the US due to my long established indy favorites in the north american scene, but I took APW for a month long spin and I enjoyed it. In fact I might start a long running game with them on the full release as it was great to get to know a whole new countries worth of workers. As had been said though, the product isn't condusive to running angles (at all which is a big change for me as I'm a Sports Entertainment guy at heart) but they really do have a talented roster. Haven't took FCW for a spin yet but probably will before the full version comes out.
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[QUOTE=Trackersan;432922]I have to say, that I usually never ever try a company outside of the US due to my long established indy favorites in the north american scene, but I took APW for a month long spin and I enjoyed it. In fact I might start a long running game with them on the full release as it was great to get to know a whole new countries worth of workers. As had been said though, the product isn't condusive to running angles (at all which is a big change for me as I'm a Sports Entertainment guy at heart) but they really do have a talented roster. Haven't took FCW for a spin yet but probably will before the full version comes out.[/QUOTE] Enough TEW08ing with the best sarcastic announcer in Australia... and go read my diary you ingrate! :P And APW simply because that dynasty seems like a riotous fed to fumble about the southern hemisphere with.
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I've been having a blast playing as FCW. It's not horrendously hard, and if you go for a traditional style of wrestling then it's probably quite up your street. And remember: PRP is a national hero, exploit him for everything he's worth.
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[QUOTE=mvargus;432849]I took FCW for a spin, and I'd argue that they only seem easy. FCW has a number of rather visible flaws. 1) they have a branding split in that there are all the luchadors who were brought in by Shawn, but then you have the big super heavyweight brawlers brought in by Puerto Rican Power. You are going to have to hope to find some chemistry, because you have a shortage of each matchups. 2) the roster has like 8 more wrestlers than you need. So there will either be complaints about lack of use, or higher than average show costs in order to get everyone into the shows. 3) Not many good Microphone people. This promotion is one that pushes overness, but you can't get the quick build through promos and angles. Although you do have the one good manager in Carl Batch. they can be very good, but they aren't a perfect promotion. Can't say as much about APW because I haven't looked at them much.[/QUOTE] Not sure I would quite go along with these arguments. 1: I'd say it's more a POTENTIAL branding split than a current one. It appears many of the lucha guys are really green and essentially jobber fodder. So you can use the brawlers up top and groom the lucha guys on the undercard. Once they get polished you might have a branding decision on your hands. But off the bat, it's not that big a problem. 2: Okay. This one I see. Dollars will be hard to come by and the extra manpower could be a drain. But as far as usage, I would think putting the surplus guys in the tag ranks and bolstering that division would help. Assuming you kept them all of course. 3: If FCW were seeking to go cult or national, I could see this. But they are Small on the brink of Regional. As such they are a pretty low level indy and are the kind of place the young guys are supposed to learn their craft. So I say just throw the guys out there on the mic and let them learn. Then again, I'm pretty old-school in my distribution of mic time. The mic to me is all about pumping up the match. If a guy gets more than 2 minutes out of me, it's usually because a storyline demands it or because I'm desparate to fill the last couple niggling minutes that keep a show from being complete. Besides, if memory serves it takes something like five minutes before a segment is held against your show rating. A low level promoter like FCW's should take advantage of that. Remember, as FCW in 2008 you're a gateway promotion. Not a destination. Take advantage of that and take chances with your talent. Your function in the industry is to polish the new guys up. And if you can't? Well there are plenty of other young bucks out there you can replace them with. PPA's cost nothing to terminate.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;433041]Not sure I would quite go along with these arguments. 1: I'd say it's more a POTENTIAL branding split than a current one. It appears many of the lucha guys are really green and essentially jobber fodder. So you can use the brawlers up top and groom the lucha guys on the undercard. Once they get polished you might have a branding decision on your hands. But off the bat, it's not that big a problem. 2: Okay. This one I see. Dollars will be hard to come by and the extra manpower could be a drain. But as far as usage, I would think putting the surplus guys in the tag ranks and bolstering that division would help. Assuming you kept them all of course. 3: If FCW were seeking to go cult or national, I could see this. But they are Small on the brink of Regional. As such they are a pretty low level indy and are the kind of place the young guys are supposed to learn their craft. So I say just throw the guys out there on the mic and let them learn. Then again, I'm pretty old-school in my distribution of mic time. The mic to me is all about pumping up the match. If a guy gets more than 2 minutes out of me, it's usually because a storyline demands it or because I'm desparate to fill the last couple niggling minutes that keep a show from being complete. Besides, if memory serves it takes something like five minutes before a segment is held against your show rating. A low level promoter like FCW's should take advantage of that. Remember, as FCW in 2008 you're a gateway promotion. Not a destination. Take advantage of that and take chances with your talent. Your function in the industry is to polish the new guys up. And if you can't? Well there are plenty of other young bucks out there you can replace them with. PPA's cost nothing to terminate.[/QUOTE] Well said. I'd like to emphasize his suggestion of sticking the luchas in tag teams, or even creating a "lucha division" that can take up the undercard, leaving the big boys to main event the show.
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[QUOTE=Sigilistic;433051]Well said. I'd like to emphasize his suggestion of sticking the luchas in tag teams, or even creating a "lucha division" that can take up the undercard, leaving the big boys to main event the show.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure all of the big guys are really ready to main event. :P It was well said though. And I never said I didn't like FCW. I do and will probably play a longer game with them once the full version is available. It just has a few quirks to deal with. But then again, any good promotion does.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;433041]Not sure I would quite go along with these arguments. 1: I'd say it's more a POTENTIAL branding split than a current one. It appears many of the lucha guys are really green and essentially jobber fodder. So you can use the brawlers up top and groom the lucha guys on the undercard. Once they get polished you might have a branding decision on your hands. But off the bat, it's not that big a problem. 2: Okay. This one I see. Dollars will be hard to come by and the extra manpower could be a drain. But as far as usage, I would think putting the surplus guys in the tag ranks and bolstering that division would help. Assuming you kept them all of course. 3: If FCW were seeking to go cult or national, I could see this. But they are Small on the brink of Regional. As such they are a pretty low level indy and are the kind of place the young guys are supposed to learn their craft. So I say just throw the guys out there on the mic and let them learn. Then again, I'm pretty old-school in my distribution of mic time. The mic to me is all about pumping up the match. If a guy gets more than 2 minutes out of me, it's usually because a storyline demands it or because I'm desparate to fill the last couple niggling minutes that keep a show from being complete. Besides, if memory serves it takes something like five minutes before a segment is held against your show rating. A low level promoter like FCW's should take advantage of that. Remember, as FCW in 2008 you're a gateway promotion. Not a destination. Take advantage of that and take chances with your talent. Your function in the industry is to polish the new guys up. And if you can't? Well there are plenty of other young bucks out there you can replace them with. PPA's cost nothing to terminate.[/QUOTE] well said. and a good rebuttal to my weak analysis. I tend to avoid having lots of tag teams so I didn't see the same solution you did, but I might go back to that when the full version is available and I try to get FCW to national. :) I still say its not perfect though. There are definitely a few quirks and potential problems hidden in all that wrestling talent. the fact that PRP always, always, always seems to sign with USPW before the month ends definitely adds an element of frustration as he's your biggest draw. Fortunately, it always seems to be a PPA, so you just have to schedule around USPW's schedule.
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