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A TCW I've been playing around with... First Week Main Event Rocky Golden and RDJ over Cornell and Keith for control of TCW for a week. Second Week Rocky Golden struts out, announces his new "good guy name" The Rock. He also announces that neither he, nor RDJ will be controling TCW this week, as he's giving that control to ... Phil Vibrant. Vibrant announces the return of DAVE as a TCW brand. Future Plans (TCW Brand) [U]Tommy Cornell[/U] - Determined to never give up TCW again, his (and the syndicate's) only goal is to keep him in charge. [U]Wolf Hawkins[/U] - As part of "in charge for a day" Vibrant made a match for Malice in Wonderland Wolf vs. Cornell for the title. This starts a "friendly" fued which boils over into Wolf leaving the syndicate (with Tommy's title). [U]The Machines[/U] - Keep on dominating. [U]Ricky Dale Johnson[/U] - Keep pushing Cornell's buttons, setting up a fued between him and Cornell after Cornell drops the strap. (DAVE Brand) [U]Eddie Peak[/U] - First champion. Psycho role. [U]Joey Minnesota[/U] - Plays an underdog role, coming close to topping Peak but eventually failing each time. [U]The Rock[/U] - Second Champion, after winning the belt aligns with Sam Keith, Scout and Guide as the Extreme Syndicate. [U]Sammy Bach and Danny Fonzanelli(sp?)[/U] Fued with each other over Brass Knuckles Championship until Masked Avitar takes it from Bach. Then the two blood fued for a long time, until reaching respect for each other, Bach turning and teaming to take on The New Wave. Any suggestions?
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I'm ok with everything but calling Rocky Golden, The Rock. I'd go with calling himself "The Golden One" or something like that. Calling him the Rock would be like calling Jack Bruce Y2J in C-Verse 1997. I'm also not a fan of the user character as a wrestler, but that's just me.
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Phil would never align with SWF if you follow story purposes. In fact that's why Nemesis helped give DaVE the leg up (also, it's Phil Vibert) As for TCW, I think Tommy would have too much respect for Vibert to trivialize DaVE that way. Tommy isn't McMahon, and DaVE would not be bout and cannibalized like WCW was.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;433401]Phil would never align with SWF if you follow story purposes. In fact that's why Nemesis helped give DaVE the leg up (also, it's Phil Vibert) As for TCW, I think Tommy would have too much respect for Vibert to trivialize DaVE that way. Tommy isn't McMahon, and DaVE would not be bout and cannibalized like WCW was.[/QUOTE] Sean Douglas WAS ECW for a good long time. Didn't stop Heyman from working with WWE.
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ok, wow.... really not a fan of calling Rocky Golden "the rock", i liked foolinc's suggestion though, as The Golden One, that works well but is probably more of a heel name. As for the DaVE invasion....as a DaVE fan since the very first TEW i have to say im not happy with someone running a DaVE angle when they don't even know the owners name....Its Phil Vibert, not Vibrant. I also dont think that Rocky golden would fit with the whole DaVE mantra....but then again...Kane as ECW champion? you know what...go for it....its your game, have fun with it. but me? I wouldnt watch it. and for whoever said Vibert wouldnt allign with SWF, he doesnt have a dislike relationship with the Eisens, only Nemesis does, so if the money was right im sure nothing would stop him from doing so. And besides anything can happen in wrestling...
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I'm actually planning on doing something close to this with SWF. With the bitter feud between Christian Faith and Vengeance (the former Skull DeBones) building up, I'm planning to bring in "The Hardcore Icon" Johnny Martin and The Wolverine to surprise Faith and win the SWF Heavyweight title for Vengeance. The next week, they'll announce the invasion of SWF by "Extreme Violence and Danger" (EVaD) and, as the storyline continues I'll add a few more outsider wrestlers to the group (a repacked "Total Rush" Teddy Powell, and The Comedian) and maybe have a one or two SWF workers "turn" on the promotion to join the EVaD Army over time. I'm thinking this will eventually all lead up to the "EVaD" group winning a match that causes Richard Eisen to be forced to fund the launch of an "EVaD" Promotion and show (actually a SWF brand split with Hardcore leanings) where the group and its wrestlers will go (and give me an excuse to raid some other promotions to fill out the brand).
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I think if Adam read this thread, he'd love it. TEW was made for people to book their way and to create things they'd want to happen. That's why this game is so awesome - [I]nobody[/I] will book the same promotion the same way, ever. It's always fun to see how people book differently - it's so diverse. :)
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I don't see any problem with people using 'real-life' names like The Rock in the C-verse. After all, The Rock (reality) was Rocky Maivia before he changed, so changing Rocky Golden to that isn't really that odd. Doesn't mean you have to book him the same way. Actually, if you totally ignored real-life here, The Rock to me would be a good name for a big wrestler that was a strong, silent type with a chiselled physique. In my 2007 ROF game I wanted to call Merle O'Curle 'The Celtic Crippler', and thought about it a bit first because of the whole Benoit thing. And I wanted an event to be called King of the Ring, which again I pondered over because it was a WWE name. But I thought sod it...they're the best fit for what I'm doing, and in this particular world those things don't exist anyway. Then again, I don't watch wrestling nowadays so probably don't have the affinity with certain stars and names that others do. All a matter of opinion. That's what's great about this game. You can take it where you want.
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