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*HYPE* The One (Real World vs. Cornellverse)

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Erm, hate to be annoying, but any chance it can be downlaoded to another site? I used to always prefere raidshare but I don't get the cats thing, finally got 1 right after 5 attempts andit said browser doesn;t support the site and couldn;t be downloaded. Hope thats ok?
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it is uploaded to [URL="http://www.bobinc.net"]http://www.bobinc.net[/URL] now UPDATE: I am taking my time with the mod now as i feel ive had little feedback so i am going to wait until i have released the finished product now before release, I am putting WWE, TNA and ROH into a spreadsheet and comparing all there stats for better understanding and for a better flowing mod, i will release the spreadsheet as well if there is enough interest :)
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Hi again, downloaded from bobinc and it says "your using the one data" yet theres no ROH or TNA wrestlers coming up in editor or game, and niether promotion is there. Do they have wrong data? I downloaded twice, first time just overwrote original data, second time I deleted all data, downloaded, put it in and still nothing?
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Yep, I am. Strange note, I did "data check" just now, it came up with a few like bryan danielson and brent albright saying "no worker relationship, no worker promotion" after that i did another data check and the amount of workers had gone down! I just downlaoded again, still no luck! I even deleted the roiginal data so that it would start fresh, everythings back except the new stuff. (also-I'm not an idiot, even though my failings do indicate it, lol, just for anyone reading this :P) P.S. I downloaded another mod to see if I was doing it right and that one worked no problems
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[QUOTE=tnafan;441642]Looking good! The only suggestion that I'd make (and it's one you've already mentioned) is to put the core ROH guys under written contracts. Can't wait to see the finished product.[/QUOTE] I agree because I lost some "contract" guys my first month
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lavelleuk: I really dont understand ur problem as no one else has had it, have u got vista or something as it could be to do with that. gripperm: I will give the regulars written contracts (Danielson, McGuinness, The Briscoes etc...) and others down the card will start on open so they can seek work (Jigsaw, ROH Students etc...) for the next beta, no date set yet im not getting much time at the moment to even play the game cos of work :(
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It was a Vista issue, I was just putting it in the default folder, which worked with 2 mods I downloaded, but not yours. No idea why that was, but all sorted now! Feel silly, but I'm sure I'll cope! Will be starting a game with it later tonight or tommorow night anyway, looking forward to full version now :)
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had a quick look tonight, looking good, few people we disagree with for stats, but thats to be expected, but on the whole we have similar opinions. The 2 things I did notice though are that you havn't done Robert Roodes stats(I'm not a fan, but even i think he's better than 0 accross the board so I'm assuming its a mistake? ;) ) Also you only did upto psychology on Tyler Blacks stats. I see its been mentioned about TNA announcers so won't mention it again :) Anyway, looking very good, can't wait for the rest, heres hoping you get sacked so work no longer interfeares ;)
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well i hope i dont get sacked but get more work done on this mod, also please if you have any worker stats you disagree with even slightly let me know i like to debate/discuss stats anyway but please give a valid point and ill let you know why i have put it that way. I have lowered the stats of some wrestlers due to my comparisons of the cornellverse so that could be why. FIXED: Robert Roode he has stats now FIXED: Tyler Black he has full stats now WWE coming along nicely ive finished the spreadsheet and am filtering it into the game.
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I edited the ones I disagreed with so this is going of my memory, but I think the Briscoes were underated compared to others, I'm not a massive fan of chris hero so in my opinion they should have had better stats than him. I think the others were Christian cage, homicide and hernandez face gimmick rating, I believe they were quite low yet there one of the best things about TNA as faces. There was a couple more but I forget, I think maybe Homicides stats in general may have been a little low, but then I may be biased as I'm a huge fan of his. Maybe the motor city machine guns too? I believe one of them had quite low stats, but forget which. It wasn't anything big though :) A few TNA wrestlers need brawling lowered too, Dudlezs, BG James, Abyss, hardcores good for these but I believe in a normal 1-1 match they wouldn;'t get a B-, which si what there brawling is. Booker T I think was another, I'd lower brawling. There was a couple more, I just think in general they need to be lowered a little compared to rest of cornellverse, but not sure if thats what you've done? Also-BG James personality hasn't been done.
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[QUOTE]the Briscoes were underated compared to others[/QUOTE] Mark Briscoe has a B in Flashiness and B- in Aerial those are awesome stats for a young worker (especially comparing to the cornellverse) Jay Briscoe is the better rounded wrestler but isnt as flash as Mark but again is good enough for top rated matches. [QUOTE]I'm not a massive fan of chris hero so in my opinion they should have had better stats than him[/QUOTE] possibly lowering abit but he is a fantastic technical wrestler, i know he is more of a comedy ****y heel at the minute but i still think a B- is about right for his technical skills. [QUOTE]I think the others were Christian Cage, Homicide and Hernandez face gimmick rating[/QUOTE] I just believe they are better heels, Christian is good for a time at being a babyface but he never stops there long enough because he is a better heel. Hernandez is a big silent type and i do think i may have short handed his babyface stat but i still think he has the potential to be a better heel. Homicide is awesome as a heel, he is a decent babyface but i prefer him in his old ROH days. [QUOTE]There was a couple more but I forget, I think maybe Homicides stats in general may have been a little low, but then I may be biased as I'm a huge fan of his[/QUOTE]. I like Homicide but i think B- for Rumble, B- for Technical and C/C+ for flying is awesome, he is one of the best all rounders in the game. [QUOTE]Maybe the motor city machine guns too? I believe one of them had quite low stats, but forget which[/QUOTE] Alex Shelley i think is a B- for technical i think a C to C+ for his flying skills was fair because i believe the guys i have at B- and above are better and remember C's are very good scores in this game. [QUOTE]It wasn't anything big though A few TNA wrestlers need brawling lowered too, Dudlezs, BG James, Abyss, hardcores good for these but I believe in a normal 1-1 match they wouldn;'t get a B-[/QUOTE] I agree with The Dudleyz as they have become lazy recently, BG is a low C- so he is ok there in my opinion and Abyss i think can be awesome but was ruined in gimmick matches recently so i give him the benefit of the doubt. [QUOTE]Booker T I think was another, I'd lower brawling.[/QUOTE] i think Booker T deserves a B- he had some good matches last year in my opinion although i have not seen many of his TNA matches. Any comments on mine are welcome
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Were the briscoes that high to start with? For some reason I thought I edited them, obviously not. DEFINATLY agree about those 3 being better heals, so should definatly remain having a better heal rating, but I just think the face one should be higher, ok there better as heal, but I may be gett8ng that stat wrong, but I thought having in 60s meant they can't really be face? BG I thought was higher brawling, so again, my mistake. Looking at it again it was Rhino I thought was high, think that comes down to opinion again, I like Rhino in short burts, but wouldn't say he has the talent of B-, might just be me. Booker T I've never really liked in ring, so I think thats an opinion thing, of the top of my head I can't think of any matches of his I'd watch again, or really that many I sat through without forwarding at all. But then I'm sure theres wrestlers I like you don't, so opinion thing I'm sure. Same with abyss I feel, watching his matches they all seem very sloppy if he's not being beaten to a bloody pulp, and can't stand his punches either, again, might just be an opinion thing :) There was none I looked at and thought "thats just wrong" jsut minor fine tuning on my aprt I think, it might be 'cus I was looking at people I liked and thinking someone like Booker T can't be better than him, lol.
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ive been thinking about this and maybe a C+ for Booker T as he isnt as good as his peak (in my opinion - his late WCW run) which i would rate at B- so i will knock it down a bit, Rhino i loved in ECW and early WWE but i think your right in recent times i have not seen a match where i thought WOW that was close to being awesome, so a C+ for him too. The Dudleyz i dropped to high C's. Abyss again i just always liked his TNA stuff from 2003-2005 but then he was just fed gimmick matches and put in fueds with poor workers so i might drop him to a B- and leave his hardcore at B. I like these types of talks to do with stats there isnt enough on here with out it turning into a my opinion is better, any others let me know.
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Yeah, I've noticed that, thats why I wasn't going to say anything to begin with. Thing is everyone likes diferent things and diferent people, so of course there will be diferent opinions. I get the feeling that theres a few people who'd have proberly been unhappy with me saying what I did, maybe even refusing to release it, seems it can be a bit pety! Regarding any others, I havn't noticed any more really, might when I have a longer, more involved game, but on the whole I really agreed with the stats.
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Sounds good, you going to just do profiles of sites or something or going to do a more "TEW" style profile, say "Jarrett first got his break as the womanbeating IC champ in WWE, but he never made it to world champion until he movedto the now defunct WCW, where he won the title x times. After its closer he took a break before joining TNA when his own father was the owner. sadly in 2007 he had a family tragedy, but has come back more determind to suceed" Hope you get what I mean? I seen some mods where its just the generic profile they get on the promotions site iwhere its about the charector, instead of the history of the guy
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