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LittleVerse Mod In The Works [Help Needed!]

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Hi, everyone! I'm normally not in the TEW areas of the forums anymore due to me not owning 07 and not getting into 05 very much, but I'm loving 08 and have had an idea for a mod since 05: [B][U]The LittleVerse[/U][/B] My idea is to create a universe of a smaller scale than CVerse or the real world made up of unique workers, promotions, and etc. than is intended to be of a lower difficulty to accommodate new TEW players or new simulation game players in general. The promotions will be of every imaginable type and vary in size, but will all be in a good position to grow or change at the player's will. Also, there will be no hopeless garbage workers. (Every worker will be good for something, or have a large amount of potential to [I]become[/I] useful.) I, personally, have entered games with high hopes in CVerse, and soon realized that I hadn't quite gotten on top of the game and often flounder because of it. I survive, but my will to succeed takes a big hit from that "New Game Smell" that normally involves massive hiring/firing sessions and struggling to find exactly who the fans want to see and who works well with who. The problem truly isn't bothersome enough to warrant a mod by itself, but think this would be a great mod to use as a template for future fictional mods and a great experimental environment due to it's relatively controlled atmosphere. --- I come here to ask the good people of GDS for help... I could use as much as I can get. I'm good enough at laying things out, but I'll need experienced modders to assist me in tweaking things and setting things so they'll function correctly (Setting popularity is annoying, and so is balancing worker contracts and roster size!). I also need PLENTY of creative input. I can only come up with so many ideas for promotions and workers... Finally, I need artists to potentially render worker's pictures and promotion's logos. (This isn't absolutely necessary, but any help would be greatly appreciated.) The game isn't released officially until Sunday, but I've already begun work. If you'd like to help, post or PM what you'd like to contribute to. If Adam doesn't mind, I've already carried over the gimmicks, angles, venues, moves, match types, injuries, PPV carriers, and TV networks. (We can make our own, but in the meantime, I'd like to focus on workers and promotions and internal details first!) Thanks in advance!
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Anyone? I could really use the help... The point of the mod is to be fun, and I really think it will be. I'd do it myself, but without any experience it would take much longer and lack quality. I could use input from anyone and everyone who wants to aid me!
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I think if you're looking to make a "beginners" version of the game, the best way to do it would be just to scale down the current cornellverse. I believe Adam has already granted blanket permission for people to edit it any way they want. I'd suggest cutting the world down to SWF, TCW and USPW with some of the top free agents (I have no idea what the right amount would be). Having 3 promotions would bring back the simplicity of the old EW/PW days and might be less daunting for a newcomer. It also might convince an experienced player to give the cornellverse a chance on a smaller scale. You could also tweak the characters if there were things you wanted to add, but you wouldn't have to worry about creating lots of renders and tweaking all those stats.
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[QUOTE=scorpion;435164]I think if you're looking to make a "beginners" version of the game, the best way to do it would be just to scale down the current cornellverse. I believe Adam has already granted blanket permission for people to edit it any way they want. I'd suggest cutting the world down to SWF, TCW and USPW with some of the top free agents (I have no idea what the right amount would be). Having 3 promotions would bring back the simplicity of the old EW/PW days and might be less daunting for a newcomer. It also might convince an experienced player to give the cornellverse a chance on a smaller scale. You could also tweak the characters if there were things you wanted to add, but you wouldn't have to worry about creating lots of renders and tweaking all those stats.[/QUOTE] That would work on a functional level, but I'm not simply advocating a "beginners" mod. This is intended to break people to fictional universes (which your idea would be perfect for), to teach players how to play (which I'd manage by including a tutorial file), and to have fun through the mod making process. If no one wants to join me, and I plan on doing something like this, I'd have to do what you said. But... That wouldn't be any fun! :D
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[QUOTE=scorpion;435465]I could help with the creative process, though I admit I'm old school in my thinking. But I have never attepted to do stats or renders.[/QUOTE] Old school would be good for the old school style stuff... :) Right now I'm just tinkering, as this idea may be unpopular or too early to bring out with the game so new, so it'll be a while before I get into it...
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