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Help - Questions about gimmicks and angles

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I have two separate questions I'm carrying with me for a while now. It would be really nice, if someone could answer my questions or at least tell me, where to look for. 1.) Since the promo came out, I'm playing a self-made local / small company in Europe. I always had the problem, that my audience didn't accept angles. At first I thought, my product settings were the problem. But now I regulated everything down on "None" except Mainstream, Comedy and Cult, which should make angles possible. - The fans still don't agree and only accept angles, when I set the match ration on 70%. 80% or 90% aren't still enough. Does this depend in some way on other settings, or is there logic behind it, that 80% are interpreted as 0%? 2.) Contrary to "cool" or "****y" gimmicks (etc) I'm not really sure how the three gimmick categories "gimmicky", "realistic" and "unique" are calculated by the abilities of their workers. Does anyone know, which abilities of a worker influence the effect of these gimmicks? It would be really nice, if someone would clarifies those things or at least give me some idea it.
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[QUOTE=Malioc;433902]I have two separate questions I'm carrying with me for a while now. It would be really nice, if someone could answer my questions or at least tell me, where to look for..[/QUOTE] I can try, but I'm not an expert. [QUOTE=Malioc;433902]1.) Since the promo came out, I'm playing a self-made local / small company in Europe. I always had the problem, that my audience didn't accept angles. At first I thought, my product settings were the problem. But now I regulated everything down on "None" except Mainstream, Comedy and Cult, which should make angles possible. - The fans still don't agree and only accept angles, when I set the match ration on 70%. 80% or 90% aren't still enough. Does this depend in some way on other settings, or is there logic behind it, that 80% are interpreted as 0%?.[/QUOTE] it sounds like your problem is not the match/angle ratio, but the overness and abilities of your workers. If the match ratio is 90% only your main eventers will get even a halfway decent response from the crowds, and their performance is still largely based on overness. For a local/small company with an entertainment focus, any angle that is one grade above your promotions popularity is about as good as you can expect. Only looks based ones sometime jump higher and even then a wrestler/valet with B+ sex appeal might only pull a D rating. [QUOTE=Malioc;433902]2.) Contrary to "cool" or "****y" gimmicks (etc) I'm not really sure how the three gimmick categories "gimmicky", "realistic" and "unique" are calculated by the abilities of their workers. Does anyone know, which abilities of a worker influence the effect of these gimmicks? It would be really nice, if someone would clarifies those things or at least give me some idea it.[/QUOTE] Every worker has a set of ratings for the gimmicks. If you look at the wrestlers skills. character > profile > skills You will see a box at the bottom right with ratings for face/heel performance as well as their rating for each gimmick type. the rest of the gimmick is based on the individual gimmicks settings. Which you'd have to use the editor to look at. They use a set of categories to determine what the game engine will look for. Athletic ability, menace, looks, microphone all have settings here, but these are not related to the gimmick type, just to the specific gimmick. Sorry I'm not more helpful on the gimmicks. The game kind of keeps that sectoin hidden behind the editor wall, and I haven't spent a lot of time looking over the structure of each gimmick to see the settings.
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First things first, thank you very much for your quick respond. You really helped me with the first question. [QUOTE=mvargus;433919]Every worker has a set of ratings for the gimmicks. If you look at the wrestlers skills. character > profile > skills You will see a box at the bottom right with ratings for face/heel performance as well as their rating for each gimmick type. the rest of the gimmick is based on the individual gimmicks settings. Which you'd have to use the editor to look at. They use a set of categories to determine what the game engine will look for. Athletic ability, menace, looks, microphone all have settings here, but these are not related to the gimmick type, just to the specific gimmick. Sorry I'm not more helpful on the gimmicks. The game kind of keeps that sectoin hidden behind the editor wall, and I haven't spent a lot of time looking over the structure of each gimmick to see the settings.[/QUOTE] Yep, I know / knew the "gimmick skills". But they only include 9 of the 12 categories. "Gimmicky", "Realistic" and "Unique" aren't regulated, even though they are own categories. This irritates me and brings me to the question, how good the individual worker handles those gimmicks. There is nothing to be found (at least, I think so) inside the editable worker details, skills, etc. But, still, a big thank you for you answer! ;-)
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Well, so far I didn't take it into further consideration. But it would be nice to know, if those three categories depend on more than the Heel-/ Face-Ratings, as the other 9 already have their special rating.
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