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My first wrestling show!!!


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I've just got back from a s**t weekend away at Butlins. Fortunatly the highlight was Superslam Wrestling. It is the first time I've been to a wrestling show and I had my 4 year old son and my girlfriend with me. It was a great family night out as the Best of British took on the might of America. Oh how the yanks were booed, and they played the crowd brilliantly. It was like panto with violence. The first match was between Chad Collyer (USA) and rookie Ringo Ryan (UK). With my TEW head on this was obviously the training match as the experienced Collyer was showing the green Ryan the ropes. It was a good technical match with lots of submissions moves, but Ryan really needs to work on his selling skills as not once did he look in pain while Collyer was applying hold after hold. Collyer got the win. D+ The next match was a tag match between Bad News Brown and Brooklyn Brawler (USA) against Frankie Sloan and Kid Cool (UK). They spent the first fifteen minutes hyping up the crowd. Even my girlfriend got involved with her big rubber hand and chanting "Oo R ya!" to the americans. Kid Cool finished the match with a 619. Fun, fun, fun! C The main event was a handicap match. For the US was Barbarian, for the UK was former British Heavyweight Champion James Mason and the star of the night: Little Legs. A midget. He was class. This was the first time I have laughed out loud at a wrestling match. It was definatly the highlight of my entire holiday. A+ I'm thinking I might take my family down to Croyden next Friday to watch a proper ASW show.
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I remember seeing Chad Collyer at a show several years ago. It was at a theatre (so the ring was on the stage) and he went by the name of Chad Malenko. Unfortunately the people involved didn't have the same common sense when it came to the British-American dynamic. The ring announcer was trying to get us chanting "U-S-A" but we were having none of it. Glad to hear you had a nice time.
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