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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[QUOTE][CENTER][B]The SWF Is Back![/B][/CENTER] Six months have passed since SWF crashed to the bottom of the wrestling world. In that time, owner Richard Eisen and booker Peter Michaels have consolidated their roster and concentrated on simple, episodic television and using their massively talented stars to best affect. In those six months, the SWF has trimmed the fat and generally improved their performance in a number of areas. Accordingly the board of directors have agreed to once more begin operating on a global scale. Here at tew.com we expect SWF to immediately begin their roster expansion. Peter Michaels is known to be keen on the idea of raiding the locker rooms of the smaller feds – firmly establishing that they are beyond the reach of the lower leagues. Top of the list is expected to be former MAW Heavyweight champion Jay Chord, who recently left his father’s company under acrimonious circumstances. He could potentially become the first worker in many years to line up under both the SWF and TCW banners, which some in the industry say would go a long way to satisfying his ego. In addition to this, Eisen is understood to have personally approved plans to pillage the MAW locker room, with former SWF tag star Randy Bumfhole and hidden gem Ernest Youngman reported to be on the Supreme shopping list. More on this story as it develops. [RIGHT]~Scott Colton[/RIGHT][/QUOTE] [I]OOC: So, yeah, timing is everything - Richard just made this [U]personal[/U]...[/I]
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Awesome twist. Just what this diary needed right now, as the main storylines pretty much ended in WIABA :P I congratuled you Casey in the dotm -thread, and one more time: Well done, hands down: no competition in last month. It was clear that you would win. ^^
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[QUOTE=James Casey;520766]Thanks, Dragonmack, for the nomination and the kind words. Candyman, thanks as well - and there should be an update this weekend. I figure that, so long as McShamrock doesn't start up again, everyone's got a chance to win the award each month. [B]Beating up Rip certainly helped, though - Nothing like smashing an old man over the head to put smiles on people's faces :D[/B] Now to come up with two month's worth of storylines so I can be in contention for December's awards...[/QUOTE] LOL!
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[I]OOC: Both Jay Reso and Scott Colton have written for the diary... or, at least, their C-verse counterparts have. It's a tip of my hat to Scapino, who had the C-verse versions of Edge, Lita and Kane pop up in his awesome MWA diary. And thanks, Finisher - do you think I can call this diary a multi-award winner now? Anyway, isn't it showtime? :p[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Eleventh Hour Friday, 12th November 2011[/CENTER] Ernest Youngman vs. Jared Johnson[/B] An On Tour favourite made its main show debut to kick things off, with two of our most promising workers tying it up. It was a strong technical offering, with both men excelling at chain and mat wrestling. In the end, Johnson's greater experience shaded it, the North Carolinan picking up the win with an MDK Powerbomb. Winner: Jared Johnson (D+) * Aaron Andrews emerged from backstage, Heavyweight title secure around his Versace-suited waist. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Clearly,”[/COLOR] he began, before the boos rained down on him. He waited for the volume to dip slightly. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Clearly in this company I will get no respect – nothing that I don’t take for myself, anyway. I beat your favourite last month, and I know he’s somewhere licking his wounds right now. Hard luck for him – he ran into the greatest wrestler in the world and learned the consequences. “But apparently even that isn’t enough to make you peons realise that I am the all-time greatest – better than Cornell, or Strong... or Chord. So I’ve arranged for some back-up – someone, indeed someones, on whom I can rely, because I know they’re not motivated by glory, or honour, or anything so nebulous. All they care about is cold, hard, cash. They are Shady K and Knuckles – Lockdown!”[/COLOR] The former SWF stars emerged from backstage, looking menacing. They took up position on either side of the champion. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“And to prove my point that these guys are... worthy of associating with someone of my calibre, I’ve arranged a match for them with two of your most beloved wrestlers: Max Mayhem and Hugh Lee – the Internet Favourites!”[/COLOR] * [B]Internet Favourites vs. Lockdown[/B] This was just brutal – in more ways than one. The Favourites were blasted around the ring with little finesse by the new signings, who took great pleasure in meting out the punishment. Eventually, Shady K crushed Hugh Lee with a K Killer for the pinfall victory. Winners: Lockdown (E) * Lee and Mayhem limped backstage to their tricked-out locker room, complete with bean-bag chairs, 7.1 surround sound system, a plethora of modern and retro consoles and a hundred-inch television. They sunk into their chairs while Dawn – remember her? – looked on in dismay. [COLOR="Magenta"]“You tried,”[/COLOR] she said, as cheerily as she could manage. [COLOR="Magenta"]“You couldn’t know who you were being put up against. That was a cheap trick of Aaron’s.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“The man has no honour,”[/COLOR] Max said. [COLOR="Blue"]“And no logic. It hardly takes a genius level intellect to see that Lockdown are only out for themselves. If a better offer comes in, Andrews won’t see them for dust. “Actually, how much do we have in the party fund, Hugh?”[/COLOR] Hugh checked his wallet. [COLOR="Blue"]“Bagel.” “Oh, that’s right... We bought that Samus Aran statue...”[/COLOR] [I]Bong.[/I] The camera panned to the far corner of the room where, shrouded in gloom, Fumihiro Ota was just about visible as a dark shape. [COLOR="Blue"]“Master Ota?”[/COLOR] Ota removed one glove to reveal a pale hand, which twitched through a series of movements. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want to face Lockdown yourself?”[/COLOR] Twitch. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want us to find you a partner?”[/COLOR] Twitch. [COLOR="Blue"]“Someone... is badass a ninja term?”[/COLOR] Twitch. [COLOR="Blue"]“You adapted it.”[/COLOR] Twitch. [COLOR="Blue"]“You need someone capable of fighting on the same level as you, someone who can keep up with you at your... awesome ninja best?”[/COLOR] Twitch. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I think I may be able to help...”[/COLOR] Standing in the doorway was a sweet looking girl, demurely clad in a long skirt and a high-collared blouse. [COLOR="Blue"]“Who are you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“I’m Hugh de Aske’s new wench,”[/COLOR] she said, brightly, tapping at a minute skull-and-crossbones earring hanging from one ear. [COLOR="Magenta"]“And my client would very much like to team with your master.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“A pirate and a ninja?”[/COLOR] Hugh asked, incredulously. [COLOR="Blue"]“O-M-G-splosion,”[/COLOR] Max breathed. They turned to look at Ota, who gave a thumbs up. * [B]Team OMGsplosion vs. Ford & Speed[/B] This was a decent example of back-and-forth tag wrestling, with the four talented workers each getting a chance to shine. Although de Aske and Ota are higher on the card than their opponents, they still sold well – and if anything, the heels came out of the match looking better as the new team worked out their kinks. Ultimately, however, Hugh caught Ford with a Cut-throat Driver for a successful debut as the internet went into meltdown. Winners: Team OMGsplosion (C-) * Riley McManus was warming up in the ring when a long-dormant theme played over the PA and Citizen X emerged from backstage. [COLOR="Olive"]“Three years ago, by the restrictive calendar adopted by decadent Western civilisation, I was banished from this company when the views that I held were felt to be too close to the bone – when the powers-that-be saw that anarchy was taking root in the stands, and that the concept of true freedom was being welcomed in the Mid Atlantic. Tonight I make my triumphant return, and soon the lie that is democracy will be exposed for the overplayed joke that it is. Soon all citizens will rise up – and then all will be in control of their own fate.”[/COLOR] * [B]Riley McManus vs. Citizen X[/B] X fit right back into the swing of things, pairing off against one of his old MAW opponents. He's picked up a bit up north, and his skills made this match acceptable viewing. McManus got a little bit of offence in, but mainly this was a way of reintroducing X to the crowd in a relatively low-key way, as he's mainly going to be involved in the midcard for the time being. He picked up the win with Flaming Anarchy. Winner: Citizen X (D-) * The Second Sons came down to the ring, looking very proud of themselves and their Trios titles. They strutted into the ring and Casey Valentine took a mic. But before he could say anything, Rip had stood up from the announcers’ table and joined them in the ring. [COLOR="Purple"]“Shut him up.”[/COLOR] Casey tried to speak, but apparently his mic had been turned off. [COLOR="Purple"]“I... tolerated you so long as my son did,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]“But he’s gone – and so I don’t see much reason to keep you around. Vessey, I never liked you anyway. You two...”[/COLOR] Rip paused, and looked at the two men that’d he’d trained. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’ve been thinking about the Trios titles, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t like them. Relying on two other guys to do the work for you if you can’t be bothered? That’s not what this sport is supposed to be about. We’re supposed to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice, wherever we are, whatever the circumstances. So as of tonight the Trios titles are being retired in MAW.”[/COLOR] The three other men objected immediately – and so loudly that they were audible even without a mic. [COLOR="Purple"]“Shut up,”[/COLOR] Rip growled. [COLOR="Purple"]“Now, no-one can say that I’m not a fair man. I’m bringing in a replacement championship: the All Action title will be worn by the man best able to adapt to the changing conditions that he’ll be required to defend it in. And the first of those conditions, to win the title, will be a battle royal to be held right now – and you three are all taking part.”[/COLOR] * [COLOR="Purple"]Ten Man Battle Royal[/COLOR] featuring [B]JD Morgan, Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey, Antonio, Kid Arachnid, Bradford Peverell, Chance Fortune, Marshall Dillon, Sheriff Blaze and Jefferson Stardust [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] I was stunned by this match. It was loaded with talent, I'll admit, and I expect to take a hit on the finances as a result – but still, this was much better than any comparable match we've put on. Bodies flew left and right as the match went on, and for the first several minutes there were no eliminations. The Second Sons worked as a unit, firing triple-team attacks at anyone and everyone as they sought to overcome the injustice meted on them through the loss of their title. Kid Arachnid was their first victim, tasting a double clothesline from the former C-V-2 and going over the top rope. Bradford Peverell took exception to their unsporting antics and engaged them, and his flying fists put them on the back foot. Elsewhere, JD Morgan and Chance Fortune were engaged in a slugfest by one corner. Jefferson Stardust tried to jump them both, showing rather more courage than brains. His reward was a double hiptoss that left him tangled in the ropes – and easy prey for Marshall Dillon, who pitched him up and over. Dillon looked pleased, but he was dropkicked in the back of the head by a resurgent Vessey, sending the cowboy over. When Sheriff Blaze saw his partner's elimination, he charged Vessey – but he was met with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak from Valentine, which sent him staggering against the ropes. Morgan quickly hit him with a hard uppercut that bounced the youngster up and out. With Bradford Peverell down and out on the mat as a result of overwhelming odds, the four remaining heels turned their attention to Chance Fortune, who gulped, but courageously went on the offensive for all of five seconds before Antonio struck from behind, dropkicking him on the leg and sending him sprawling to the mat. The Sons swarmed the fallen Fortune, who did his best to hold his own. But the three youngsters heels targeted his leg, stomping and twisting on the limb until Fortune was left almost doubled over in the centre of the ring, clutching at his injured leg. It was at this point that Bradford Peverell jumped into the fray, his fists flying and sending the Sons to three corners of the ring, staggered by the ferocity of his blows. Turning to face Morgan, Peverell was met with an almighty uppercut that sent him staggering backwards, and Morgan followed in with a lariat that took the youngster over the top rope. Morgan then turned to Fortune and hauled him upright. Fortune tried to fend off the taciturn Brit, but with his weakened leg was unable to gain any leverage to prevent himself being pitched over the top rope. Morgan stood on one side of the ring as the Second Sons regrouped on the other. Valentine rubbed his chin where he had taken Peverell's shot, and watched Morgan cautiously. Stepping to one side, he offered Morgan a painless exit from the match, and smiled as Morgan nodded and walked across the ring – before nearly decapitating Vessey with a lariat and landing a right hook flush on Valentine's jaw, in the same spot Peverell had already struck earlier. With both his allies down, Antonio backed off, begging for a reprieve, but Morgan lashed out with a boot to the gut and pitched Rip's first trainee over the top rope before he had a chance to recover. As Vessey struggled to his feet he was crushed against the turnbuckles with a shoulder charge before following his partner over the top rope. Casey Valentine was picked up by his hair, utterly insensibly. Seeing this, Morgan grinned sadistically and, taking a deep breath, hoisted Valentine up into the air in a gorilla press. A wide grin still plastered across his face, Morgan pitched Valentine out of the ring and onto his buddies below, ending the match and winning JD Morgan his first MAW title. Winner: JD Morgan (C-) * Backstage, and Firebird and Black Eagle are in a dimly-lit room. Eagle stares intently into the camera. Firebird begins to speak: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Let your illusions go. Any misconception that you may have had that we have somehow been weakened by recent events... Falsehood. Adversity allows us to embrace the darkness once more. It fuels us – forces us to thrive in our light. There are those who think that The Fallen have been weakened. But once more we have gold, and soon there will be more. We are the champions-elect. We thrive in conditions that would crush others. There is no possible opponent who can stand against us. “Together we are the Dark Raptors. Brandon Smith, Kashmir Singh, my old friends, beware. Your reign will be fleeting. Soon we will control this company. We will be everywhere.”[/COLOR] * [B]The Young Americans vs. The Dark Raptors[/B] The newly-focused pair of masked workers were all over the youngsters in this match. The Fallen duo showed great chemistry in their teamwork, tagging in and out smoothly and neutralising the greater experience of their opponents. Benning and Hocking showed fight as they tried to overcome the odds stacked against them, but the veteran duo of Eagle and Firebird were the stronger team, Eagle ending the match with a New Jersey Turnpike on Hocking for the win. Winners: The Dark Raptors (D+) * The Fabulous Bumfholes’ music played and Randy and Zimmy came down the aisle together in American for the first time in over a year. Entering the ring, they saluted the four sides of the arena, beaming as they enjoyed a rare outing together. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight is Zimmy’s last night with the company for a while.”[/COLOR] Randy announced over the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s right. But I wanted to go out on a high,”[/COLOR] Zimmy added. [COLOR="Blue"]“I wanted to show the fans here in the Mid-Atlantic what being a Bumfhole is all about – victory!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And who better to go over on your way out than the champion of the company, Aaron Andrews. What do you say, champ?”[/COLOR] There was a paused, and then Andrews emerged from the back. He looked disdainfully at the brothers. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Had you come to me at the start of the night, I might have agreed to your proposal in a way that would have favoured you. I might have chosen someone who would have made the contest a fair one. I might have taken pity on you, your boyish enthusiasm, your eagerness to share my limelight. “But approaching me in this way, asking for a match with no notice... Well, I just grabbed the person in the locker room who stands out the most: Primus Allen!”[/COLOR] Allen emerged from the back, and loomed over Andrews as the two men made their way down the aisle towards the ring. * [B]The Fabulous Bumfholes vs. Aaron Andrews and Primus Allen[/B] For almost twenty-five minutes these four men went all-out to entertain the fans. All four had their strong spots, with the intention to present them as equals. As gratitude for Zimmy's professional attitude, he wasn't booked to be squashed on his way out the door, although he did bump the hardest for Primus. As the match played out, it became more and more obvious that Andrews was trying to avoid Randy. At first, it was just a case of the two not crossing paths that much, but as time wore on it was becoming clear that whenever Randy entered the ring, Aaron would start to look for a tag – and when Randy left the ring, Aaron was suddenly much readier to enter the fray, even at the expense of taking a heavy beating from a fired-up Zimmy. Rip noted that it was smart from a title-holder's perspective, as Randy would have a huge case for a title shot if he beat the champion – even in a tag match. Zimmy, meanwhile, was wrestling his last match for the company – losing to him, if it happened, would cost Andrews nothing. Andrews' avoidance became more and more blatant until, eventually, Randy beckoned Zimmy over to the corner and demanded the tag, even though Primus was in the ring. A man afire, Randy struck hard and fast on the Traditional champion, his considerable experience telling as he avoided the big man's grasp. Eventually, Allen retreated to the corner, but Andrews refused to tag in. Allen growled and went back to the action, where a Bumfholecanrana sent him into the face corner, where Zimmy was ready with a trio of right hands that earned him a warning from the referee, and which also made Allen even angrier. But Randy was able to turn his opponent's anger against him, avoiding his charge like a matador and leaving Allen by his corner, looking flustered. Spying Andrews leaning away from him, already avoiding a tag not yet offered, Allen snarled and reached over the top rope, slapping Andrews across the chest before grabbing him by the back of his head and hauling him over the top rope and into the ring. With a grin on his face, he took his place outside the ring, leaving Andrews alone in the ring with Randy. A Bumfholecanrana sent the champ towards Zimmy, and when he rolled upright Zimmy made as if to hit him. Andrews scuttled backwards as quickly as he could, turning to find Randy waiting. One Bumfhole Buster later and Andrews was down – and three seconds later and Randy Bumfhole held a victory over the reigning Heavyweight champion! Winners: The Fabulous Bumfholes (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Collecting their walking papers... OOC: While I occasionally fudge the elimination order of matches like the battle royal for storyline purposes, the final four were exactly as stated – apparently the game wants the Sons to get a push too...[/I]
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I looked around the locker room, and frowned. It wasn’t as full as it had been – the eleven released workers had been replaced by four, with a fifth still considering our offer. But the eleven let go hadn’t expected to be on the main shows. The new guys, it was fair to say, did. And there simply wasn’t room. I turned and limped down the corridor to try and find Rip. He was in his office, playing Freecell on his computer, having recently switched from Minesweeper after he got stuck on the intermediate level. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rip, we need more time,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Purple"]“Ten goes there... What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Time, Rip. We need to go another thirty minutes on the main shows.”[/COLOR] He raised an eyebrow at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“Why?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Because of the new guys, and having an extra title on the main show – at least for the time being.”[/COLOR] He thought about it, and then nodded. [COLOR="Purple"]“Okay. Make sure the underneath guys keep getting their share of time.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I will,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And this should improve the show overall – the additional quality from the extra matches should offset the loss of interest from having the lower guys on.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“You sold me on it already, kid,”[/COLOR] Rip said, with a half-smile. [COLOR="Purple"]“I know it’ll cost money, but maybe you’re right – maybe it’ll help everyone without costing show quality.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good. I’ll get the posters and website updated,”[/COLOR] I said. Rip nodded, and went back to his game. After so much drama in the last couple of years, it felt odd to be able to decide company policy in a break between games again. Odd, but nice. * MAW On Tour Wednesday, 17th November 2011 Amazing Fire Fly def. Nelson Callum – D- Kid Arachnid def. Raphael and Roderick Remus – D- Jared Johnson def. Jonnie Perez – E- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Notes: Another back-to-front show – this needed a fourth match, and a booker who can remember that Jonnie Perez couldn't main event his own funeral * Richard had been busy. It was Sunday night, and we had a show scheduled for the following night. In the last week or so, the SWF had re-signed Liberty and snapped up Troy Tornado, as well as recalling Kurt Laramee from a short stay in RIPW. More damagingly to us, three of our brightest stars would be leaving to join them. We were gathered in Rip's house. I'd been there occasionally, mainly when Rip had wanted to show off one toy or another. This time, he was using it to make sure that he was on home turf. Not that he wanted to fight with the departing trio – he just wanted to make it clear where their loyalties lay right up until the time they left the Mid-Atlantic. [COLOR="Purple"]"We just wanted to thank you for your efforts here,"[/COLOR] Rip said, with a wide smile at the three men. [COLOR="Purple"]"And to make sure you understood how tonight was going to go."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You're going to put your opponents over to the best of your abilities,"[/COLOR] I said, making it as clear as crystal. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You're leaving with our thanks, with our best wishes for the future, our absolute belief that you'll make it... and our determination that in leaving us three names short of a roster you'll do the right thing on the way out."[/COLOR] All three men nodded. They understood. We chatted for a while about the matches they'd take part in the next day before they filed out with orders to get a full night's sleep and be in peak condition. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What do you think?"[/COLOR] I asked Rip. [COLOR="Purple"]"Well, the Eisens are back on top,"[/COLOR] he said with a shrug. [COLOR="Purple"]"I'm glad you convinced me to stop chasing after them. God only knows what would have happened if I still felt that way. Anyway, who have you got lined up to replace them?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"No-one,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Purple"]"No-one?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That's right. I didn't have any particular plans for any of them, they can all be replaced... It's fine."[/COLOR] Rip raised an eyebrow. [COLOR="Purple"]"They're all big names. It diminishes our star power."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Not by that much,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"They're not our biggest names – not by a long chalk."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Well, I hope you know what you're doing, kid."[/COLOR] Rip said. I nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"We've already agreed that it's time to move folks up. This just gives us the impetus we need. Besides, we're losing three or four guys, and we've got three who haven't debuted yet. It seems like the perfect opportunity."[/COLOR] That, and the paucity of viable big name candidates out there on the independents these days. We'd got lucky snapping up Randy Bumfhole, for example. We wouldn't be as lucky again. [COLOR="Purple"]"Three or four?"[/COLOR] I frowned. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You didn't hear? There was another approach earlier today. He hasn’t made his mind up yet, but it's one that might need a bit more thought."[/COLOR] Rip scowled. [COLOR="Purple"]"Just get me in a room with Eisen,"[/COLOR] he began, and then shook his head. [COLOR="Purple"]"Any word on Jay?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Richard seems to be avoiding TCW guys – which means that Aaron might be safe. But then, Randy got approached, so I guess there's still no love lost between them. I suspect that Jay will go to Japan in a couple of months. I wouldn't plan on him being around here again any time soon, Rip."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Yeah, I know,"[/COLOR] Rip sighed. [COLOR="Purple"]"One day, huh?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Yeah,"[/COLOR] I agreed. Why not? [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"First, though, this special show..."[/COLOR] * [CENTER][B]MAW Farewell Tour[/B] Kid Arachnid vs. Citizen X Team OMGsplosion vs. Lockdown Ernest Youngman vs. JD Morgan Chance Fortune vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Farewell Tour Monday, 22nd November 2011[/CENTER] Kid Arachnid vs. Citizen X[/B] These two aren't going anywhere – but I was curious about their respective abilities in this sort of environment. It was an okay match, with enough action to keep the crowd interested – although I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't better. C'est la vie. X seemed to take offence at Arachnid's mask, and tore at it throughout the match, trying to reveal the Kid's ID. This just seemed to fire up the Kid, however, and drive him onwards, resulting in X taking a hellacious beating that had him down and out – to his considerable surprise as Arachnid dismantled him with a quickfire series of moves, leading to a Cradle Piledriver for the win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (D+) * Backstage, Chance Fortune approached Kid Arachnid. [COLOR="Blue"]“Got a moment?” “Sure.” “I’ve been meaning to speak to you about your mask.” “What about it?” “Listen, I know you wanted to make a splash from day one, and we all agreed that anything that wound up Jay Chord was good fun – but Jay’s gone. You don’t need to wear the mask anymore.”[/COLOR] Arachnid touched the mask protectively. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s who I am.” “It’s not. Look at the other guys who wear masks around here: Providence, Black Eagle, Firebird... They all have something to hide.” “What about Amazing Fire Fly?” “He’s Mexican – it’s part of his cultural heritage.” “Well, maybe I have Mexican ancestors!” “Mexican [I]wrestling[/I] ancestors? Listen, K-” “Chance, please.” “Okay, whatever. But listen, I’m not always going to be available to give you advice, so take this one with you: You’re a hell of a wrestler, Kid. Don’t hid behind a mask – be true to who you are. Here, even if nowhere else, that’s going to be enough.”[/COLOR] Chance walked off, leaving Arachnid looking thoughtful. * Rip entered the ring. [COLOR="Purple"]“Now, I’ve had a few folks asking me about the All Action title, so here’s the deal: JD Morgan, or whoever holds the title, will be required to defend it in randomly selected matches – and they won’t find out what the stipulation is until just before the match starts. That keeps things entertaining, it keeps the champ from getting complacent. They might be facing Black Eagle in a ladder match, or Brandon Smith in a street fight – or even the Heavyweight champ himself in an Iron Man match. Tonight, though, he’ll be facing Ernest Youngman in a submission match!”[/COLOR] * [B]Ernest Youngman vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]submission match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] And this is a match where the participants don't click. Occasionally, I guess, that doesn't matter too much. We're intent on getting Morgan over in MAW after several months of him beint The Fallen's muscle. While he's still that when needed, I want him to have a separate ID as well, and this match – against the future star that is Ernest Youngman – was a great way of building to that. Both men were in fine form and really got the crowd into the match. With the focus as much on their interaction with the fans as the action, their lack of chemistry was masked, and instead the clever (if heavily choreographed) sequences went down a treat. Morgan in particular sold for twenty, the usually taciturn heel showing previously unexpected facial acrobatics as Youngman tried to force the submission from him – only for Morgan to turn the tide with a vicious uppercut that knocked Youngman silly, and left him prey to a Shot Of JD before Morgan clamped on the Cross Atlantic Stretch for the win. Winner: JD Morgan (C) * Backstage, and Lockdown came face-to-face with Team OMGsplosion. The hired thugs sneered as they looked at their opponents, who looked back defiantly – and, of course, very, very coolly. * [B]Team OMGsplosion vs. Lockdown[/B] Although the ninja and the pirate put up a better fight than the Internet Favourites, there were still long stretches in this match where they were kept on the back foot, mainly while Hugh de Aske was in the ring. Fumihiro Ota's ninja tricks seemed to keep the heel team on their toes when he was in the ring, and so Shady K and Knuckles took it on themselves to try and prevent it occurring – isolating de Aske for long spells and dishing out some horrendous damage as the pirate sold like his life depended on it. Eventually he was overwhelmed, falling to a K Krusher to give Aaron Andrews' insurance policy the win. Winners: Lockdown (C-) * Chance Fortune came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight, I get a chance to become MAW champion – to end the reign of Aaron Andrews. It’s odd – Aaron demands our respect, but in doing so he should realise that he’ll never receive it, he-“[/COLOR] The champ’s music played, and Andrews stalked out to the top of the ramp, ignoring the boos and jeers of the crowd. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Fortune, you don’t have a clue about respect. You care too much about being liked. You walk around giving out advice like you know anything about this business. You only earn respect by taking it – and that’s what I do. I beat anyone in front of me, regardless of how liked they are.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Then why hire Lockdown?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“For insurance. There’s people in this company who’d love nothing more than to see me without this belt – and that means I have to make sure that I have someone around to cover my back. And the only people that I can trust are the people I buy the trust of. Everyone else... is against me, sooner or later.”[/COLOR] Chance shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Aaron, I can’t wait to take that belt off you. Listening to your paranoid ramblings is enough to make me think that maybe this isn’t my lucky day after all.”[/COLOR] * [B]Chance Fortune vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Andrews struck first and hardest in this match, going after the veteran Fortune from the bell and unleashing his best moves in rapid succession. Fortune was able to gain some breathing space by bailing from the ring, but found himself at Andrews' mercy once again as the champion followed him outside and went after him on the arena floor, including a suplex on the mats that left Fortune writhing in pain. Back in the ring, Fortune was able to slow Andrews down by keeping him locked in a series of painful submission holds, but he was unable to find the right combination to effectively break down the champion's resolve. Losing his focus slightly, Fortune argued a close call with the referee, leaving him open to a blindside attack and, in turn, vulnerable to a Spinning Face Crusher as the champion retained. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: Saying goodbye - not three times, but four...[/I]
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[I]OOC: How to tell when a diary reaches critical mass - posters start having conversations amongst themselves :p[/I] * [COLOR="green"]“Aaron, what the hell?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“It was just a joke!”[/COLOR] Citixen X was being restrained by Primus and Brandon, and looked as though he had murder on his mind – GBH at least. Aaron looked genuinely shocked, as though X was overreacting to having his shoes cut up. [COLOR="green"]“Aaron, this isn’t good enough. You’re the champion, and that doesn’t just mean that you get to carry the gold – you have to act like the standard bearer for the entire company, behind the scenes as well as on screen. I know your character is a whining ----, but I suggest that you leave it behind when you come back through the curtain – or you’ll be leaving that behind,” I pointed at the title belt, “next time you leave the ring.”[/COLOR] Aaron paled, and X’s struggles lessened significantly. [COLOR="darkred"]“I understand,”[/COLOR] Aaron said, quietly. [COLOR="darkred"]“Sorry, X. I’ll pay for a new pair of shoes.”[/COLOR] I left them to it – I had other business to attend to. On the other side of the locker room the three departing wrestlers were gathering their possessions before they headed up north together. I cleared my throat, and held out a hand. [COLOR="green"]“Chance,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="green"]“Thanks for everything. “It’s been great having you around, and I look forward to seeing you back in the big leagues.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Thanks for giving me a place to keep sharp,” [/COLOR]he said, as we shook. I turned to the next man in line. [COLOR="green"]“Ernest... Even I never imagined that Richard would catch on this quickly. Bloody hell, kid... Remember us when the whole world calls you King Midas, huh?”[/COLOR] He laughed, and we shook hands. [COLOR="blue"]“Thanks for everything, James,”[/COLOR] he said, looking a little embarrassed at my gushing praise. I turned to the last man in line. [COLOR="green"]“Hugh,”[/COLOR] I said, before I paused, unsure what to say exactly. [COLOR="green"]“Damn. Who the hell do I turn to now when I want a great match, guaranteed?”[/COLOR] Hugh chuckled. When he spoke his Belgian accent was firmly in place. It’s total absence when he was on the microphone was one of the damnedest things I’d ever seen – or heard – in the business, and he seemed to compensate off-screen by making it even thicker. [COLOR="blue"]“James, it ‘as been a pleasure,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="blue"]“And one day, I ‘ope, we will work togezzer again. Mes amis ‘ere in the Mid Atlantic, well, I will be sure to drop by when we are in town. And, of course, things may not work out for me up there. In which case keep a seat at the table for me, yes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“But of course,”[/COLOR] I said, drawing a smile from our soon-to-be-ex-resident pirate. [COLOR="green"]“I can’t tempt you to stay? The internet very nearly exploded when we paired you and Ota.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“It is a wonderful team and, perhaps one day... I am sorry for Haley, of course. And for Sienna, that we will never complete the storyline we began with her.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="green"]“I have an idea for that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Monsieur Casey, you [I]always[/I] have ideas – that is what made working here so much fun. And now I shall see if M. Michaels also has ideas. If not, well, in time I shall be looking for work again.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“You know where to find us. All of you.”[/COLOR] I shook Hugh’s hand, and walked the three of them to the door once they’d made the last of their farewells. I watched them drive off with a mixture of regret, disappointment and frustration present in my thoughts. Despite what I’d said to Rip, the company would miss the three of them. Not as badly as we’d miss a Flash or Andrews, perhaps, but Hugh in particular would be a big loss. I stood in the parking lot for a long time, waiting for inspiration to strike as I reviewed the roster and tried to work out who could be moved up the card to replace the departed. So deep in thought was I that I didn’t even realise someone had joined me until they cleared their throat. [COLOR="blue"]“Boss?”[/COLOR] I turned around. He was holding a piece of paper with an all-too-familiar logo at the top, a very large number in the middle, and a spiky, over-sized signature at the bottom. [COLOR="green"]“Oh no,”[/COLOR] I said in disbelief. [COLOR="Green"]“You have got to be kidding me.”[/COLOR] * MAW On Tour Wednesday, 24th November 2011 – South East Nelson Callum def. Amazing Fire Fly – E+ Raphael and Curtis Jenkins def. The West Texas Peacekeepers – E Riley McManus def. Jefferson Stardust – F Citizen X def. Kid Arachnid – D- Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] Notes: Check out that semi-final match, huh? And that's with great chemistry between them... * Some good news, of a sort: Bradford Peverell has captured the USPW Television Title. Hugh de Aske was also working for Sam’s bunch of merry OAPs, and was champion when he left the company for the SWF. Inexplicably, he wasn’t required to drop the title before he left, and instead there was a short tournament in which the final match saw Bradford topple Leper Messiah (great gimmick, which I ripped off for Providence, kind of. Rubbish wrestler, though) for the belt. * [CENTER][B]November – Remember November[/B] RCI: Bradford Peverell vs. Primus Allen RCI: Jonnie Perez vs. Firebird Lassana Makutsi vs. Roderick Remus Amazing Fire Fly vs. Jared Johnson Kirk Jameson and Kid Arachnid vs. Providence and Citizen X The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Lockdown Smith & Singh vs. The Second Sons Steve Flash vs. Aaron Andrews Plus JD Morgan will be defending his All Action title[/CENTER]
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Noooooo! I can't believe Hugh is gone -- I had sort of a man crush on him. Well, it has to be done. In honor of the dread pirate, I will repost the greatest diary scene ever. Long live the pirate -- you will be missed. [QUOTE=James Casey;493042]Earlier today, Jonnie Perez and Matthew Gauge were in Rip’s office, running through the contract for Jonnie’s rematch with Matthew. Suddenly, the door to the office burst open, and Hugh de Aske strode into the room with Sienna at his side. [COLOR="Purple"]“What the hell-“[/COLOR] Rip managed to growl, before Hugh drew his cutlass and positioned the tip of the blade below Rip’s chin. [COLOR="Blue"]“Ah ah ah,”[/COLOR] Hugh said, before swinging the cutlass in a wild loop. Rip closed his eyes and gripped the edge of his desk – but when the cutlass slammed home, it was buried in the top of Rip’s desk, and had cleaved the match contract in two on the way down. Jonnie and Matthew looked at Hugh in disbelief as he grinned proudly at them. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sienna, love, make with the writing.”[/COLOR] Sienna sashayed forward, winked at Rip – who had regained his composure – and proceeded to scrawl loopily across the front of each half of the contract with a quill pen that she extracted from her cleavage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Amazing where you can stash an inkpot,”[/COLOR] Hugh said to Jonnie, who was staring at the cutlass. Rip took the two halves of the contract from Sienna, who beamed proudly at him. [COLOR="Purple"]“She’s signed your name to the contract,”[/COLOR] he said, neutrally. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yer right, lad. Sir,”[/COLOR] Hugh corrected himself. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ve been without a treasure chest for far too long, and this lad put it well last time – gold opens doors,” [/COLOR]he nodded to Matthew, who clasped the Traditional title possessively. [COLOR="Purple"]“You could have just asked,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Pirate,”[/COLOR] Hugh shrugged. [COLOR="Purple"]“Well, it does appear to be legally binding,”[/COLOR] Rip went on, with an eye on the cutlass. [COLOR="Purple"]“And what the hell, this is the land of opportunity, after all.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Good working under you, cap’n,”[/COLOR] Hugh said, with a salute. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, we’ve got to go and get ready. If ye’ll excuse us...”[/COLOR] Hugh threw an arm around Sienna, who giggled and waved coyly at the other three as Hugh dragged her off, singing a sea shanty as they went.[/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Remember November Friday, 26th November 2011[/CENTER] Kirk Jameson and Kid Arachnid vs. Providence and Citizen X[/B] This was Jameson's first match since losing to Aaron Andrews, and it was annoying that his role as replacement mentor to Kid Arachnid is spoilt from the off with a case of bad chemistry. Jameson looked good in the match, a new commitment evident in his approach to the fight as he comfortably outwrestled the two heels – but when Arachnid entered the fray, he was taken to task by Providence, falling in relatively quick order to an Eye Of Providence. Winners: Providence and Citizen X (D+) * Kirk was consoling Arachnid backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look, losses come with the territory – it’s how you come back from it that matters.” “I hadn’t lost since I came here,”[/COLOR] Arachnid said, with a sigh. [COLOR="Blue"]“Not once. Now I can’t seem to buy a win.” “Look, you just have to believe in yourself, Kid. You’re good: Believe that, and don’t listen to anyone who tries to bring you down. Even if it’s you yourself.” “Believe in myself.” “Yes. It worked for me.” “Okay. Are you going to go psycho and make me nearly go psycho trying to turn you back from the Dark Side?”[/COLOR] Jameson frowned. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s good advice, wherever it came from.” [/COLOR] Arachnid sighed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Maybe you’re right.” “I am. Look, I know you’ve learnt a lot working with Chance, Steve and Randy, but... Well, the way things are going around here, you’re going to need to strike out on your own sooner or later. Why not now?” “Leave The Firm?” “No – I mean, if nothing else, you have that swanky locker room. But with Chance gone... You could take his place, you know? Just take some chances – who knows what might happen?”[/COLOR] Kirk walked off, leaving Arachnid deep in thought. * Rip stepped into the ring: [COLOR="Purple"]“It’s that time of year again. I’ve invited the great and the good to take part in my annual invitational tournament. Tonight we’ll see the first two first round matches, with two more at each of the next three shows. And, of course, in two months time we’ll be here for the nig night itself. Who’ll be joining us? Well, tonight we’ll start to find out. “Tonight we’ll also be taking a leaf out of the book of a former colleague of mine – Nemesis.“[/COLOR] Rip paused as the fans popped at the mention of the hardcore icon. [COLOR="Purple"]“We know that JD Morgan is a hell of a fighter, and one of the best technical wrestlers in the company. What we don’t know – and what we’ll find out tonight – is how he reacts to sudden changes in circumstances. Tonight, the All Action title is on the line all night long – any where, any time, any way. It could be in the locker room, it could be in the ring – hell, it could be in the john. Until tonight is over, that belt is up for grabs, and so long as the holder is pinned or submits, there are no other rules!”[/COLOR] * JD Morgan was arriving backstage, his body language betraying considerable anger as he listened to his phone. [COLOR="Blue"]“I-“[/COLOR] he began, but got no further as he was jumped by Kid Arachnid, who was wielding a steel chair. A hard shot to the head sent Morgan sprawling to the ground, and Arachnid made a quick cover for a three count to become the new All Action champion! * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Jared Johnson[/B] I have a great deal of faith in Jared Johnson, and see him as one of the future stars of this company. That said, the fans just weren’t interested in this match – although that's probably more down to Fly's presence than anything else. Weighing in at around five minutes too long, Johnson put the crowd out of their misery with an MDK Powerbomb for the win. Winner: Jared Johnson (D) * Backstage, and Firebird and Black Eagle were passing The Firm’s locker room as Kid Arachnid approached from the other direction. The three men entered a stand-off, with none of them moving for a long moment – only for Arachnid to attack first, leaping headlong at the two heels. Tackling Black Eagle, the two men went sprawling to the ground, trading hard punches as they went. Firebird picked up the All Action title belt thoughtfully, before bringing it down hard on the back of Arachnid’s head. Eagle rolled Arachnid calmly onto his back and covered for the three count. Rising slowly to his feet, he extended one hand to Firebird, who placed the belt in his hands before applauding. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Clearly there is still much I have to learn from you,”[/COLOR] he said, in an impressed tone. The two men walked off, leaving Arachnid groaning in the corridor. * [B]RCI: Bradford Peverell vs. Primus Allen[/B] All credit to both competitors, this was a strong showing. Peverell's been floating around for a few months now without much to show for it, while Allen's seemingly on the verge of something big – just like he has been for the last three years or so. He was even approached by RIPW about ten days back, just like Ernest. In his case, though, nothing seems to have come of it. Anyway, 2010's RCI champion had the better of the early going, but Peverell rebounded strongly, using his greater speed to outmanoeuvre the much bigger Allen, and eventually taking him out with a Dream Left Hook to score a slight upset as he advanced to the quarter-finals. Winner: Bradford Peverell (C-) * [B]RCI: Jonnie Perez vs. Firebird[/B] We've just renewed Jonnie Perez's contract on the basis that he has shown a slight improvement in recent months. But I suspect that this will be his last chance to prove himself to us. Although he's had a few decent matches, he should be capable of much more than this with Firebird, who's excellent. There was no sign of anything fundamentally wrong with the match – it just sort of meandered to the end, which was a Phoenix Firebird Splash to send the veteran through. Winner: Firebird (D) * Black Eagle was making his way out of the arena, sneaking from crate to nook to storage rack, attempting to escape the arena with his new title in his possession. Passing a sweatshirted backstage worker, he sideslipped around a stack of chairs before attempting to make a break for the door. However, before he could move more than a couple of steps, the staffer jumped him from behind, sending him crashing headfirst into the wall. The worker grabbed him and pitched him backwards, sending him smashing into the stack of chairs, which collapsed on top of him. The worker dived on top of Eagle’s prone form and made the cover, scoring a three-count and becoming the fourth All Action champion of the night! Standing up, and collecting the fallen title belt on the way, the staff member pulled back the hood on their shirt, revealing the very unexpected face of... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/WandaFish_alt.jpg[/IMG] ...Wanda Fish.[/CENTER] [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]“Surprised to see me here? Don’t be. This is where the best wrestlers come to try their luck – and I definitely qualify. I’ve wrestled all over the world, fighting anyone who dared to step into the ring with me – and now I’m crossing the gender divide. Expect to see a lot more of me – if anyone in this company will accept my challenge.”[/COLOR] * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Roderick Remus[/B] Somewhat buried in the middle of the card came this match. Makutsi was making his debut here, and Remus is a reasonable opponent for a worker of his calibre –talented, but no-one knows who he (Makutsi) is. That seems likely to change as the match was a reasonable effort for a worker in his position, and while he lost to Remus in a little less than six minutes, it was still a quite promising match. Winner: Roderick Remus (D) * Wanda Fish was striding confidently down the corridor, only to round a corner and find herself face to face with Shady K and Knuckles. She attempted to find a way around them, but their bulk filled the whole corridor. Knuckles chuckled roughly. Wanda looked the two men up and down. Swallowing hard, she held her nerve and avoided Shady’s first lunge, only to get caught with a hard clothesline from Knuckles. Fish struggled valiantly, but the odds were always against her and when Shady whipped her into a big boot from Knuckles she went down on the floor, allowing Knuckles to make the cover with one foot to become the new All Action champion. * [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Lockdown[/B] These four teams brawled relentlessly for almost ten minutes, pounding each other with feet and fists. There wasn't much wrestling on show – but then, we didn't expect any. Knuckles, off the back of his title win, was particularly dominant – at one point slamming Sheriff Blaze hard on Marshall Dillon before picking up Shady K and gorilla pressing him onto the pile. The Peacekeepers struggled manfully, but were outclassed by their opponents, who responded to every strike with one much harder, and eventually Dillon fell victim to a K Killer, giving Lockdown the win. Winners: Lockdown (D) * Knuckles was looking very pleased with himself as he and Shady posed in the ring – but without warning he was caught in the back of the head by a dropsault from Amazing Fire Fly, who had emerged from the crowd, hopper the barrier, and dived into the ring. Fly exploded into action, hitting Shady with a series of spinning kicks that took the much larger man down. Fly bounded upright and caught Knuckles with a monkey flip as the bigger man came charging out of the corner. As Dillon and Blaze held Shady back, Fly sprang to the top turnbuckle and leapt off with a Sky High Fire Fly, landing perfectly on top of Knuckles and scoring a stunning three count to become the All Action champion! * [B]Smith & Singh (c) vs. The Second Sons[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] The new champions made their first defence of the titles in this decent tag team match. Casey Valentine tried to take the fight to Brandon Smith, but the Broadway Bulldozer outmuscled him, despite Valentine’s ever-improving brawling skills. Antonio tried to get his team back on track with a display of technical skill, but this simply resulted in Kashmir Singh entering the fray, his technical wizardry outplaying the former Invitational champion. The Sons fought hard, but were just not quite on the same level as the champions, who retained when Antonio fell prey to a Smith Backdrop Driver. Winners: Smith & Singh (D+) * Amazing Fire Fly bounced backstage, celebrating his win with anyone and everyone he happened upon. He sprung around a corner – only to be flattened by a chairshot to the head so vicious that he’s likely to be an inch or two shorter as a result. JD Morgan walked into view, a purple bruise covering one side of his face. He dropped the chair to the ground and picked up the title belt, placing one foot across Fly’s throat for a three-count to regain his title. Aaron Andrews emerged from his locker room and took in the scene. Morgan glowered at him, and the two eyed one another carefully. Andrews backed away a few steps before making his way out to the ring, where he picked up a mic: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I have held this title for thirteen months – and by the time the Invitational rolls around I’ll be even closer to setting a record. I’d like to think that my continuing dominance will earn me the respect that I’m due – but I’m sure the ignorant fools who run this company will continue to disrespect me by giving anyone who asks a shot at my title. It’s not going to happen anymore. “From now on, I will exercise my right to refuse the challenge made by any member of this roster, from JD Morgan down to Amazing Fire Fly – and even Wanda Fish, if she hasn’t learnt what happens when you mix it with the big boys. “Unless I feel that a challenger deserves a title shot – in other words, unless he has earned my respect – I will not defend my title. I’m not easily impressed, so it may be a long time before I put this belt on the line after tonight.”[/COLOR] Steve Flash emerged from backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, I’m delighted to beat the deadline,” [/COLOR]he said, with an exaggerated wipe of his brow. [COLOR="Blue"]“Imagine if I had to prove myself to you. Andrews, any champion needs to be ready to defend their title at any time. We’ve already seen that tonight. I refuse to believe that you have the sort of power that lets you pick and choose your challengers.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Believe it, old man,”[/COLOR] Andrews said. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“The other old man at the announcers’ table was so desperate to get me to sign a new contract last month that he gave me everything I asked for. The right to refuse challenges was just one of the perks.”[/COLOR] Flash shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“Son, I’ve seen your type before. So obsessed with being seen as the best that you lose track of everything you need to do to be the best. It’s always sad – but, on the bright side, some of them come to their senses when they get their ass handed to them. I hope the same’s true for you once we get done here tonight.”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Flash vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Andrews seemed to feel that he had something to prove in this match, as he went after Flash move for move, and hold for hold, trying to outwrestle the vastly experienced veteran. Unfortunately for Andrews, as well-rounded as he is, he’s not on a par with Steve Flash technically – and he found himself being schooled by the savvy leader of The Firm. Switching tactics, Andrews retaliated with a series of hared forearm blows to Flash’s face, raising a rapidly expanding bruise around Flash’s left eye. The match degenerated into a slugfest, and in that environment Andrews had the advantage. He brutalised Flash, unleashing hard blows that Flash struggled to defend himself against. Flash came back with some technical wizardry, but he was slowed by the damage that he had taken, and struggled to hold Andrews at bay. It was a relatively even contest, but Andrews was pulling ahead by inches – and when he clamped on a sleeperhold Flash faded, the pain and lack of oxygen overwhelming him as his arm dropped once, twice and a third time to give Andrews the victory. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Need to work out some kinks in the match scheduling...)[/I] [I]Next: Ah-ah...[/I]
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