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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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He's under a written deal with WLW and is gradually improving in Puro (D to D+), Aerial and Flashiness (E+ to D), Mat and Chain (D- to D), Submissions (E+ to D to D-, oddly) and Pyschology (C to C+) over the last twelve months. Popularity wise, he's at a C across Japan and E- everywhere else.
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Internet Favourites vs. The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Second Sons [/B]vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]???[/B] vs. Citizen X [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs. ??? [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Providence KC Glenn vs. Brandon Smith vs. Kashmir Singh vs. JD Morgan vs. Primus Allen vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Loser is Allen as he hasnt delivered he goods aka ratings with his title.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: April Showers Friday, 5th April 2012[/CENTER] Internet Favourites vs. The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Second Sons vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] to name the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contenders[/COLOR] to the MAW Tag Team titles I’m a glutton for punishment. That, or I truly believe that these guys can perform. To tell you the truth, it wasn’t as bad as all that – just kinda rushed with three eliminations in twelve minutes. The Sons won in the end, to earn a future shot at the Tag Team titles. Winners: The Second Sons (E+) * Aaron Andrews marched down to ringside and leant over the announcers’ desk, leaning on his fists, his face a few inches from Rip’s. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Change the match, Rip. No-one said anything about me defending against five men at one time when I won the title.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Not going to happen, champ. We’ve been letting you choose your challengers because, to be honest, you’ve been picking people we wanted you to fight anyway. Now, you have the right of refusal – and we let you kick Randy Bumfhole out of the match. Good thing we had KC Glenn ready and willing to take his place. It won’t even cost the kid his guaranteed title match. But I make the rules around here, Aaron, and I say that the match goes on.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“And what about the double champion rule? What if I pin Allen, or Morgan?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“I’ve changed the rules. Frankly, I don’t think that one person could hold on to two titles for very long anyway. Anyway, it’s only fair that everyone gets a fair shot at glory. If you win another title tonight then you can keep hold of it – as long as you can.”[/COLOR] Andrews scowled, and stalked off. * Brandon Smith and Kashmir Singh stood backstage, their title belts conspicuous by their absence. [COLOR="Blue"]“Although we’ll enter and leave this match as friends and partners, from bell to bell we’re going to be in competition with each other. We’ve always held gold together in this company. Tonight, one of us is going to get ahead of the other,” [/COLOR]Smith said. [COLOR="blue"]“My friend, I will help you as much as I can,”[/COLOR] Singh said. [COLOR="blue"]“But when it comes to the crunch... I will do what I have to.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Kashmir, I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t wondered what it would be like if we ever went head to head. Tonight we find out. No hard feelings if I dump you on your head out there.” “None at all, my friend. And you will forgive me if I take the Heavyweight title from your grasp?” “Not going to happen – but in the event that I’m unconscious and can’t stop you, then it’s all yours.”[/COLOR] * Unfamiliar music played, and Citizen X’s opponent emerged: Donnie J of CZCW fame. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"]“Ladies and gentlemen of the Mid Atlantic, good evening! My name is Donnie J and I am here to excite you and delight you. And for all the champions in this company, well, I am here to put the fright up you. I may not be the biggest, and I won’t lay claim to being the best... But I guarantee you that no-one will fight harder to put on a great show and walk away with the win!”[/COLOR] * [B]Donnie J vs. Citizen X[/B] This match was a high-flying affair, with both X and J taking to the air at every opportunity. If not quite what the MAW fans would choose to watch – a bit too CZCW – it was decent action, and they’ll watch that all night long. It was a fairly even match, but X was gradually outclassed by Donnie, who took control of the match in the closing minutes before putting X down with a Death On Miami Beach. Winner: Donnie J (C-) * Backstage, and JD Morgan was taking it in turns to keep five different punch bags rocking. In the foreground, Haley Buck was beaming at the camera. [COLOR="Magenta"]“This is JD Morgan, my client. He’s the toughest, fastest, strongest man in the company. And he’s going to end tonight with two titles. You see, some champions would view tonight as a challenge in keeping their title. They’d try and throw one of the other champions to the wolves. But my man is the biggest wolf, and he’s just as hungry for more gold as anyone else in this company. So there’ll be no ducking or weaving. My man will be approach this match the same way he does every other: Straight on, and aiming to win.” [/COLOR] * Beautiful classical music played over the speakers, and a second new wrestler made his first appearance for the company as he stepped through the curtain, wearing an expensive-looking charcoal suit. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Aristocrat.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]“Please, please,”[/COLOR] he said, waving his hand as though to quieten the disappointingly muted response. [COLOR="blue"]“Your welcoming is as underwhelming as your entire town. Honestly, if it weren’t for my familial thirst for competition and our need to test ourselves in battle, well, I would be back home in Windameer Manor with Claryse unknotting my shoulders and Michelle delivering the finest pedicure in all the Home Counties. “I am Lord Geoffrey Windameer. In every way that matters, I am your superior. Socially, historically, physically... I am a man of the world, and know that your first reaction to me will be one of hate and jealousy. It is simply too bad that you cannot immediately accept me as better than you. But I have come to expect nothing else. Instead I shall focus on proving my greatness, in order to make your eventual adulation and idolisation of myself as painless a process as possible. I am not an unkind man, after all, and know that such a situation is inevitable. As the future lord of this land, it is appropriate that I take care of you from the first.”[/COLOR] * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] I really must stop thinking of Jared Johnson as someone whose matches can be placed above the fold during shows – despite my best intentions he’s strictly lowercard at this point. Matches like this won’t help much. Windameer (AKA Paul Huntingdon AKA Aristocrat) is an SWF midcarder like X, and like X he seems like he’d be better matched against uppercarders rather than carrying matches himself. The pair put together a so-so match, capped by a High Society from the debutant for the win. Winner: Lord Windameer (D-) * Kirk Jameson was backstage with Katie Cameron: [COLOR="blue"]“Providence, you like to talk about your delight in your own darkness. You act on your impulses to the point of exclusion. It’s dangerous for anyone who steps in the ring with you, and for yourself as well. “You’ve made your choice, Providence. You’ve never shown any sign of repentance. You’ve never given any indication that you might be capable of being saved. It’s a shame, but you’re not the person I want to turn back from the dark side.”[/COLOR] Katie looked at her client in mild concern, before adding: [COLOR="Magenta"]“Providence, you’re strong, and you’re fast – but you make stupid mistakes. Kirk is an intelligent wrestler, and while strength is important, and speed can be vital, intelligence makes the difference in more matches than either.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Providence[/B] I was sort of hoping for better from this match, but I guess that given the match just before it, this was maybe as good as I could ask for. Providence was his usual unpredictable self, throwing himself around the ring with abandon, determined to take out Jameson regardless of cost. Jameson played the more measured game, protecting himself as much as trying to wear down Providence who did an admirable job of doing that to himself. As always, Providence’s game plan consisted of trying to hit the big moves that would do more damage to Jameson than himself, but the fan favourite was able to block enough of the moves that when the momentum swung in his favour he was able to dish out a beating to the masked man with relatively little impediment, and when he clamped on the Kirkhold Providence was forced to tap out. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C-) * Kirk was celebrating his win when he was run over from behind by Primus Allen, who stomped on the fallen wrestler before hosting him upright with minimal effort and planting him into the mat with a Sitout Spinebuster. Allen scowled down at Jameson before walking off. Providence watched the attack with glee evidence on his face: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Intelligence, you say? Well, seems to me that speed and strength took you down there... and my intelligence allowed me to not be the one who got beaten up.”[/COLOR] Providence got down on his stomach and put his face right in Jameson’s. [COLOR="darkorchid"]“You’re on a holy crusade, Kirk. You want to save your friend. It’s very noble. I can’t possibly let you succeed, of course. You see, Kirk, life’s so much more fun if you treat it as a series of impulses – just like you said I do. I let Providence guide my hand. Today it was you. Tomorrow... turns out that it could be you as well. I don’t really care about Aaron Andrews, other than as the guy holding the title I want for myself one day. But I do care that you’re out to try and cramp my style. Because although you think you don’t care about me right now, you will. Soon, you’ll start to lash out again, just like you did in the past. When you can’t rescue your buddy from a situation he’s perfectly happy with, you’ll try and rescue everyone you can. I recognise the mindset. I do. But it won’t happen with me, Kirk. I’m happy just the way I am. So take this as a last warning, Kirk. Stay out of my business, or I’ll cause you so much suffering that what you just went through will feel like Christmas.”[/COLOR] * Aaron Andrews looked furious as he came down to the ring: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Don’t get me wrong, I never had any intention of being less than a fighting champion,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="darkred"]“But equally I’m not an idiot. What are the odds of me walking out tonight as champion? Five to one against? Fifty to one? A hundred to one? Any one of my opponents could get lucky tonight – or they could all gang up on me. It wouldn’t take much of a beating from five men to put even me down for a three count. “This whole contest is rigged to take the belt off me. I’m on the verge of setting a record in this company as the longest reigning champion – and this is what I get. Because I’m not one of Rip‘s pets, I get no respect. If I walk out of here tonight, I demand that you all respect me for what I’ve achieved!”[/COLOR] This received the expected response. [COLOR="darkred"]“Shut up! If I don’t start to receive the respect that I deserve, then I’ll leave this company and to hell with you all.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn vs. Brandon Smith vs. Kashmir Singh vs. JD Morgan (c) vs. Primus Allen (c) vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Gold Rush match[/COLOR] For almost half an hour, the six men laid waste to one another. The match started with each champion targeted by one of the challengers, with Smith going after his old foe Allen, Singh targeting the Heavyweight champ, and Glenn going after his Invitational final opponent Morgan. Alliances shifted as freely as bodies tumbled. At one point the tag champions were set against one another as they both tried to pin JD Morgan, but Primus Allen made the mistake of trying to take advantage of the momentary discord by going for the pin himself. The tag champions turned on the intruder, and unleashed a barrage of double-team offence on him, taking him out of the match for a spell, but also allowing Morgan the chance to roll out of the ring and regroup. Smith and Singh, realising that there was no point in them fighting each other – for a title would only change hands if a champion was pinned – instead joined Glenn in going after Aaron Andrews. But Andrews was able to come out of the situation smelling of roses, as he rolled with the punches, allowing the three men to get in each other’s way. He made it out of the ring where he landed a running knee on a near-recovered Primus Allen, rolling him into the ring to act as a spoiler for the squabble between the three fan favourites. Allen was soon joined by a refreshed Morgan as Andrews sat out the next portion of the match, content to let the other five men batter one another. Rip noted that it was smart tactics, as he avoided being placed in a position where he might lose his own title, albeit at the cost of earning himself some greater glory. Back in the ring, the five men were brawling freely, conflicts and partnerships lasting for seconds before flowing into a further variant. Andrews watched on intently, until he was stooged off by Haley Buck, who alerted a momentarily unoccupied JD Morgan to the champion’s presence. Morgan scowled and went after Andrews, who was slow to react and ended up getting caught by the All Action champion, who dragged him back into the ring, making the match once more a six man affair. Now Andrews was a marked man, with all the five other competitors trying to capture his title for themselves. Smith and Singh held a brief conference and shook hands, agreeing apparently to set their team aside for the duration – and immediately being forced to work together as Allen scored a Sit Out Spinebuster on Andrews, the pinfall only broken as the tag champions barrelled into the big man. As Morgan and Glenn scuffled, Smith went for the champion and tried for a Backdrop Driver, only for Andrews to break free and duck an attempt by Glenn to Tune Up The Sunshine Band. The kick hit Smith, sending him to the mat and as Glenn recoiled in shock Morgan drilled him with A Shot Of JD. Glenn hit hard, but near the ropes and Morgan immediately turned his attention to Andrews in his pursuit for greater gory. Andrews seemed to panic at the sight of the implacable Morgan pursuing him, and bolted for the outside of the ring. He was stopped in his tracks by Kashmir Singh, who tussled with the champ before Primus Allen intervened once more, nailing both men with a double clothesline that took the two over the top rope to a hard landing on the arena floor. Allen looked down at his fallen foes with a satisfied look on his face – which changed to surprise as he was grabbed from behind by JD Morgan who turned him around and into A Shot Of JD. With Allen down in the centre of the ring, and Andrews out on the outside, Morgan hesitated for a moment. But with Haley screaming at him from the outside to make the cover, Morgan did so. Three seconds later the match was over – and JD Morgan had retained his All Action title, and captured the Traditional title as well! Winner: JD Morgan (C) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Hello and goodbye. To one person...[/I]
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;542474]Whoa pictures!!!! Whats happening has MAW´s production budget been increased? lolz and aye merge/dump one it was to many titles for your size fed. BTW whats up with the trios titles?[/QUOTE] There've often been pictures with a major debut. And the trios titles have been quiet for what feels like a year of game time at least.
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JD's the man - he deserves the recognition and it was time for Allen to drop the Traditional title. We're going somewhere with this, believe me. The Trios titles have been retired, however. It's easier to work with singles titles and six-man matches tend to suck. That said, there'll be plenty of potential for multi-man matches in a few posts time... ;)
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We struggled manfully on after the pillaging of our locker room, but the loss of Wanda Fish and the imminent departure of Randy Bumfhole meant that we would be down by six of our seven top babyfaces in just a few months. As a consequence, Rip has agreed that we needed to make some new acquisitions. He’d only given me one condition when I went on my signing spree: [COLOR="Purple"]“No more superstars, kid. They’re more trouble than they’re worth.”[/COLOR] * This was new. I picked up Samuel "Cannonball Kid" Pratt as one of the new workers but before he even got the chance to debut he signed an exclusive contract with SOTBPW. So, er, hi Sam. And bye, too. * [CENTER][B]MAW South East Crisis[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Primus Allen Fumihiro Ota vs. ??? Donnie J vs. JD Morgan ??? vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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Aw, would have liked to see what you'd be able to do with Pratt. He always seems to have tons of unfulfilled potential. MAW South East Crisis Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [I]gets his win back[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Ota isn't much more than cannon fodder, dependable and quality cannon fodder[/I] Donnie J vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [I]He's building[/I] ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]I'm never going to pick a surprise upset for the title on debut, because then it wouldn't be a surprise[/I]
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[I]OOC: Debuts a go-go. The first one was planned. The rest, as previously noted, arose from the need to replace all our recent losses.[/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: South East Crisis Monday, 8th April 2012[/CENTER] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Primus Allen[/B] Look, we’ll be honest here – this match existed for the angle that followed. Still, the two of them have decent chemistry and were able to capitalise on a simple story of a distracted Allen, still frustrated by his title loss at our last show, being upset by the smaller and more nimble Fly, who was able to avoid his much larger opponent before scoring with a Sky High Fire Fly for the shock victory. Winner: Amazing Fire Fly (D) * Amazing Fire Fly went crazy on getting the three count... for all of three seconds. Before he had a chance to celebrate proeprly, a tall black man slid into the ring and leapt agilely to his feet. In one swift move he planted his boot in the back of Fly’s head, sending the masked man’s skull forward while the rest of him snapped backwards, before crashing brokenly to the mat. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/LennyBrown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Primus Allen climbed to his feet and watched as the newcomer set Fly up on the top rope in a seated position. He then grabbed the top rope and sprang upwards to land on it where he paused for a second to let the crowd take in the sight, before leaping sideways, wrapping his legs around Fly’s head and flipping him over into the centre of the ring with a hurricanrana. The newcomer smirked arrogantly at Fly’s prone form, before extending a hand to Allen, who shook it warmly. Allen snatched up a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]“This here is Lenny Brown,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s an old friend of mine from my days before wrestling. Last week I was robbed of my Traditional title. I could go after it again, but I figure I might as well spread my focus. So anyone with gold, whether it’s that thief Morgan, that paranoid ass Andrews or those fools Smith and Singh, watch out. We’re in the hunt.”[/COLOR] * With the ring cleared, a wailing saxophone marked another debuting worker, this one a vaguely familiar figure in a polyester lounge suit and a white guy afro. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TeddyPowell_alt3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]“Greetings,”[/COLOR] he declared. [COLOR="Blue"]“You see before you Eddie Powell, the sultan of shimmer, the lord of the lock in, your god of good times. Everyone in this company takes life so seriously. Moral issues, violence, a thirst for vengeance and damnation... It’s all so depressing. Lighten up, MAW! A good time with Eddie Powell will start around sunset, involve a couple of bars, a club and a lot of Harvey Wallbangers and, if you’re one of the lucky ladies, then it might just involve a four poster bed at the sweetest suite in the whole state – and that’s wherever Eddie happens to be. “There’s a lot of people who need to liven up in this company. Kirk Jameson could do with getting off his high horse. Bradford Peverell spends way too much time thinking about protecting ‘his people’ at great cost to himself. Brandon Smith and Kashmir Singh have kind of the right idea, but Broadway shows have nothing on disco. Eddie has a lot of work to do... And the sultan of shimmer ready to start right now. Anyone whose life needs brightening up, come on out!”[/COLOR] Fumihiro Ota emerged, looking speculative as he approached the unknown quantity in the ring. * [B]Fumihiro Ota vs. Eddie Powell[/B] I’ve been holding off on hiring Teddy Powell because, frankly, I thought he’d be a bit of a lightweight. Well, anyone can look good against Fumihiro Ota so the jury’s still out – but this wasn’t a bad start. Dragging the crowd up with a very good match was in fact a good start to his MAW career, and putting the ninja over for his first win in several attempts without complaining certainly makes for a nice change from our usual squad of egomaniacs. Ninja scored with a Ninja Strike for the win. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (C-) * Rip Chord stood from the announcers’ table as JD Morgan and Donnie J arrived for their All Action title match. [COLOR="Purple"]“Morgan, give your title to the referee,”[/COLOR] he ordered, and when Morgan complied, he went on. [COLOR="Purple"]“Tonight’s title match will be a ladder match. I figured we’d make Donnie feel right at home, and it’s always good to see our stars stretching themselves in new environments.”[/COLOR] The title belt was hung from a hook lowered from the ceiling, before it was raised up to a point around fifteen feet in the air. * [B]Donnie J vs. JD Morgan (c)[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]ladder match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Haley Buck had a face like thunder as she led her charge to the ring for this match. She seemed to feel that the match favoured J somehow – and she may have been right, as J took the early advantage, using the ladder early and often in his assault on the champ. J is clearly at home in this environment, but Morgan is tough and stubborn, and came back from his early disadvantage to seize the ladder and use it as a weapon – while keeping his feet firmly on the ground. In the end, Morgan’s reluctance to climb the ladder proved to be his undoing as he took too long to risk climbing when he had J down and the match won. When he finally started to climb, J had recovered enough to climb the other side of the ladder – and his comfort rating with the ladder was clear as he shot up the ladder while Morgan struggled. The two exchanged blows at the top of the ladder, making it shake and totter. Finally, a thunderous blow from Morgan toppled the ladder, and the two men shared a moment of terror as the ladder tumbled sideways, dropping them towards the top rope. Once more, J’s prowess betrayed itself as he landed on his feet atop the rope, holding onto the ladder for balance. Morgan, however, dropped astride the ropes in a cringeworthy spot that drew groans of sympathy from every man in attendance. J balanced on top of the rope before grabbing a second ladder standing in the corner of the ring and using as a fulcrum to slingshot himself back towards the centre of the ring. As the ladder rocked upright, he grabbed at the belt hanging over the ring and as the ladder tipped over once more he was left hanging above the ring, a wide beaming smile across his face as he hung from the belt, before the catches gave way and he dropped flat backed to the mat below, belt clutched tightly to his chest as Haley screeched from ringside. Winner: Donnie J (C+) * Aaron Andrews came down to the ring and took the house mic: [COLOR="DarkRed"] “I’m feeling generous. My fellow professionals have entertained me well tonight, and so I feel like giving something back to them. To that end, if anyone in the back feels like facing off against me, come on out – tonight, I’m giving someone a chance to make themselves famous.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/SteveGumble_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Unfamiliar music played, and we were treated to a further debut as former TCW star Steve Gumble came down to the ring, looking pleased as Andrews pitched a fit. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“No no no no no,”[/COLOR] he yelled, waving a finger at Gumble. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You don’t work here. You don’t get a match.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah, he does,”[/COLOR] Rip announced. “[COLOR="Purple"]As of a couple of hours ago, anyway. And yeah, he does get a match. You made an open challenge, champ. You can’t back out on it because you didn’t check your facts beforehand.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Aaron, I saw what a success you’ve made of yourself here in the Mid Atlantic. What can I say? I’m inspired. And how can I turn down a chance to start at the top? Besides, I’ve only been here a couple of hours, and I’ve already heard a lot of people complaining about how bat---- crazy you’ve gone, trying to keep hold of that belt. I think that I’ll be doing everyone a favour by taking it off you.”[/COLOR] Andrews’ expression changed from sour to angry. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Fine. This just goes to prove my point. Everyone in this company is conspiring to take my title from me. But as long as I’m breathing, this belt stays mine!”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Gumble vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was another strong performance to close out a card that should ensure a crowd of more than 500 (grrr) at our next show in the South East. The two men tore into one another for almost thirty minutes, with Gumble’s aerial offence at times overpowering the well-rounded champion, whose only detectable weakness lies in a vulnerability to superior speedsters. The one-time TCW cowboy tore into the man who could be seen as his successor in the company’s undercard. The war raged around the inside of the ring and at one point spilled onto the arena floor as Andrews bailed out, only to be surprised by a suicide dive from Gumble through the ropes, leaving both men down. When battle resumed, both men were slowed by the impact. The fight raged on for several more minutes, with neither man able to gain the advantage. It seemed that Andrews might actually be on the verge of defeat as Gumble was able to block two attempts at Andrews’ finishing move, the second allowing him to lash out with his Savate Kick finisher. But Andrews seemed to avoid the attack almost by instinct, and when Gumble spun around to continue his assault Andrews was able to nail the Twisting Face Crusher to sneak a narrow victory over the debutant. Andrews beat a hasty retreat after the bell, pausing only to take a careful look back at the ring, where Gumble looked disappointed but not defeated, and ready to continue fighting. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] * More bad news for Black Eagle, as his ex-girlfriend Raven Nightfall has retired from active competition. Although she may gain a backstage position somewhere, her big attraction came from her in-ring persona, so any chance he may have had of hooking up with her again so she could cover the costs of living while he recuperated... Gone. * [CENTER][B]MAW Spring Fever[/B] KC Glenn and Lassana Makutsi vs. The Second Sons vs. Ford & Speed Amazing Fire Fly vs. Raphael Fumihiro Ota vs. Lenny Brown Kirk Jameson vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Steve Gumble vs. Firebird Randy Bumfhole vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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Kicking myself for not predicting that JD would be just dropping the All-A title to Donnie J - Good decision. [B]MAW Spring Fever[/B] KC Glenn and Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [I]You seem to be giving them a little push[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Raphael[/B] [I]Personal preference, oh and AFF had his win last show[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] [I]See every other time I pick Ota to lose[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] [I]Needs to establish himself as a threat[/I] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Firebird [I]Ditto[/I] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Bye Bye Randy[/I]
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Finally got all caught up again. How I can continue to let my education get in the way of reading this diary, I have no idea. :p KC Glenn and Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] vs. Ford & Speed [I]I like them... and so do you, from the looks of things.[/I] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs. Raphael [I]I'm actually a big Raphael fan, but Firefly has a lot more upside. Plus, he just beat Primus Allen. Raphael ain't nothin'.[/I] Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Lenny Brown[/B] [I]Lenny Brown is AWESOME, I have determined[/I] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] [I]Windameer could use a win after his losing effort in his debut. Not a big fan of guys debuting and losing their first match BTW.[/I] :p [B]Steve Gumble [/B]vs. Firebird [I]Gumble proved he could deliver at great match against the champ, so he probably gets a win here to keep him looking like a worthy main event/upper card guy.[/I] Randy Bumfhole vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Randy's on his way out. I don't recall when Randy's contract is up, though, so if this is a non-title affair he could get at win to set up a title match at the next show...[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Spring Fever Friday, 12th April 2012 [/CENTER] Fumihiro Ota vs. Lenny Brown[/B] I'll admit that Lenny Brown has been rushed into a top spot alongside Primus Allen, but the pair together will make for a solid tag team. Unfortunately, thanks to Nelson Callum, there are nights when Allen isn't available, and Brown isn't high enough up the card to go over... anyone, really. The match was okay, but the fans are apathetic towards Brown at this time, and the result was a Ninja Strike from Ota as he starts to get some momentum once more. Winner: Fumihiro Ota (D) * Randy Bumfhole emerged from backstage, mic in hand: [COLOR="Blue"]“Aaron, I keep hearing that you’ll accept the most impressive challengers – but I also hear that you used your champion’s right to refuse a challenge to have me kicked out of the Gold Rush a couple of shows back. With all due respect to my colleagues in the back, I think that I qualify as impressive. So I’m taking my challenge public, champ. Either face me tonight, or everyone will know that you’re a damn coward.”[/COLOR] The champion emerged to a mixed response. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Impressive? Bumfhole, what titles have you held here in MAW? The Trios title? It got retired because it wasn’t impressive. What singles success have you had here? None. Your single victory over me came in a tag match, where you were teaming with your own brother. I’d say the odds were on your side that night. “But you know what? You’re right. You do deserve another match. Last time we met, apparently I didn’t beat you bad enough because you’re still walking around, talking big but acting small. So tonight you get your match, and I’ll even put the title on the line... But if you want me, you’ll have to step inside a steel cage to get me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Champ, it would be a pleasure. I know you’ve had your moments in the cage, but I’m old hand at them myself. I can’t wait to get my hands on that title.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn and Lassana Makutsi vs. The Second Sons vs. Ford & Speed[/B] Our tag teams seem to have picked up some of the slack recently, and are now often to be found holding their own in terms of match ratings. With a third full-time team in the match instead of the makeshift paring of Glenn and Makutsi, this might have broken into the C region. As it was, the random duo were dumped out early as Makutsi ate Fallen Chances, while the two heel pairings went back and forth for another eight minutes or so before Valentine drilled Speed with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak for the win. Winners: The Second Sons (D+) * Backstage, Sienna approached Firebird. [COLOR="Gray"]“My lord Firebird... While my master the Black Eagle is incapacitated... I am to serve you as I would serve him...”[/COLOR] Firebird looked her up and down, a feral smile tugging at his lips. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“I am pleased, Miss LeNoir. There are... many services that you can perform for me. Tonight will be your first test. While I face the Hollywood interloper, there is a task that you will perform.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]“I am not to accompany you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“No. You must contact an acquaintance of mine. An ally in the Black Eagle’s stead. He will strengthen our ranks while your master recuperates.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]“Where may I contact him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] “You will find him in my address book,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Under F. F For Father. Father Johan...”[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Gumble vs. Firebird[/B] We needed some quality and star power in the midcard, and we got it with the two main eventers going at it. In an ideal world, this match would have had some heat behind it, and it's not outside the realms of possibility that they'll clash again, which is just one of the reasons that the match was sent to an evenly-contested time limit draw. Winner: No-one (C-) * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Raphael[/B] I understand that down in Puerto Rico they have a name for matches like this – the rice-and-beans match. Not that these two aren't talented, but they're a way down the list in terms of popularity and momentum – if not talent. The fight basically existed to give folks a chance to get a beer or hit the bathrooms, and therefore ran for around eight minutes before Raphael drilled Fly with an Italian DDT for the win. Winner: Raphael (D-) * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] We segued immediately into the next match where brash newcomer Windameer went up against the fan's favourite, Kirk Jameson. The two traded smooth technical exchanges for fifteen minutes, keeping the fans on the bubble ahead of the main event, before Kirk scored with The Bullseye from the top rope for the victory. Winner: Kirk Jameson (C-) * Kirk picked up the mic after his win: [COLOR="Blue"]“For months now, people have been accusing me of being a white knight; Of being too noble for my own good. I’ve fought against that because, considering the people who’ve said it, it hasn’t seemed like a good thing. “Then it occurred to me that getting upset about something like that was just stupid. Why should I be bothered about being considered noble? It’s a good thing. I stand up to bullies, and to thugs. I’m chivalrous,”[/COLOR] he added, with a nod to Katie on the outside of the ring, who beamed at him. [COLOR="Blue"]“I fight the good fight. I shine a light in the darkness. I keep the faith. “There’s a lot that’s wrong with this company. Firebird and Black Eagle. Providence. Even my old friend Aaron. I’m making it my mission to cleanse this place. I won’t sink to their level to do it – but I will get it done!”[/COLOR] * [B]Randy Bumfhole vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]steel cage match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Randy wasted no time in trying to bring the cage into play during this match. Inside a minute, he tried to run Andrews headfirst into the steel bars, only for Andrews to block at the last second. The two men re-engaged in the centre of the ring, exchanging chops and punches before Andrews went to the ropes, only to get caught on the way out with a spinebuster. Bumfhole rained down punches on Andrews, who could only cover up until Bumfhole punched himself out. Letting Andrews up, he seemed to think that the champion was more injured than he was as he turned his back to play to the crowd, letting Andrews score with a shoulder block to the knee that dropped Randy like a stone. For the next few minutes, Andrews tore into Randy’s injured knee like a man possessed, driving the point of the knee into the mat several times and draping it across the bottom rope before dropping his entire weight on it. However, he failed to learn from Bumfhole’s error, and he in turn played to the crowd a little too much, strutting and woo-ing before trying to apply a figure four leg lock. Bumfhole was able to shove him off with his good leg, and Andrews went face first into the steel bars, knocking him giddy and leaving him down in the corner. Randy, meanwhile, was frantically trying to massage some feeling back into his leg as the referee counted them out, reaching eight before Randy struggled upright, limping heavily as he approached Aaron. However, rather than getting too close he threw himself forward in a dropkick that snapped Andrews head back against the turnbuckle. Bumfhole stayed on the offence, battering Andrews’ prone form until the referee got in between them and forced him away. He checked on Andrews to see if he could continue, but Bumfhole couldn’t wait for an answer and instead grabbed Andrews by the hair and hauled him out of the corner before going for a Bumfhole Buster. Andrews blocked seemingly out of instinct, before lashing out with a kick that forced Bumfhole’s knee back on itself and past the normal stopping point. Bumfhole yelled out in agony as Andrews staggered backwards, resting on the top rope as Randy crumpled to the mat, clutching his wounded leg. Aaron hung from the top rope for several seconds before striding forward, blood streaming from his nose and his chest heaving as he unleashed a barrage of kicks and stomps, forcing Bumfhole to try and cover up and shield himself from the attack. He managed to block the worst of the damage, but one kick caught him flush in the face and cracking the back of his head against the steel bars. Andrews grabbed him as toppled forward and with an almighty heave smashed him into the mat with a Twisting Face Crusher. Andrews looked down on his fallen foe, before smirking. Turning to the cage bars, he began to climb, straddling the cage at the top and spitting a mouthful of blood onto the still form of Bumfhole on the mat fifteen feet below. With a look of grim satisfaction on his face, Andrews swung his leg over the cage and climbed down the outside, dropping the last few feet to bring an end to the match and his thirtieth title defence. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Our second show to rise to Above Average importance) Next: Farewell to a legend, and trouble up north...[/I]
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Runaway Train has hung up his boots after an illustrious career. It didn't have the most memorable end, however. His last ten matches saw him putting SWF World champion Steve Frehley over six times in very good matches, although he also beat Marc DuBois and James "Liberty" Justice (twice). His final match came at The World Is Watching, where he went over fellow veteran Enygma in a truly dire match (E+) not helped by the show taking place in Tokyo, where neither man has any popularity of note. The show as a whole was weak – worse than anything we've put on (A shows, at least) in well over a year. * Randy Bumfhole has left MAW. Although he had some good matches during his time here, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. His first nine matches only yielded two Cs – balanced by two Ds. He found superior form thereafter, mainly working singles matches and pulling Cs and even some Bs, with a lengthy draw against Aaron Andrews pulling a B+. In all, his twenty-five matches scored an average C rating for which we were paying $3,000 a time. To pick an obvious example from the rest of the roster, Firebird in 2011 and 2012 has also pulled an average C rating from his matches, and while he hasn't gone beyond a B- in that time, he's only paid $1,500 a show. While I believe I'd be happy to bring back Randy in the future, I don't think he was the breakout superstar I was hoping for – his overness didn't bring in the profile raising matches we'd hoped for. * The day after Randy jumps ship, Zimmy picks up his first 4C Hardcore title, defeating Zeus Maxmillion. * Black Eagle made a visit backstage to FCW's last show – which is nice. Unfortunately, while he was there, he managed to upset Fumihiro Ota. Apparently this was the straw that broke the camel's back (coincidentally). I'm told that there's been trouble brewing between the two for a while now, and while the there's enough people in the locker room in MAW to keep them apart – and we have enough people who are respected that trouble's generally kept to a minimum – in FCW the two don't have that luxury. * Our performances in the last month saw us finish top in the Regional battles for both the Mid Atlantic and Great Lakes regions, ahead of NYCW and PSW in both regions. We also turned a profit of approximately $14,000, dimmed somewhat by the sub-500 crowd in the South East and the annoying 1300 attendance at the second Mid Atlantic show. Much more like that and I’ll just run one show in each region each month – with Fish and Bumfhole off the wage bill, I’d probably still be turning a profit... * ...which would make me different from 4C in Canada – the company is experiencing major financial trouble, and is understood to be one bad month away from the red. Seven workers have been cut from the roster, including MAW alumni Stan Manna and the thrilling-but-spotty Kamikaze Christian Vars. Raphael is also rumoured to be on his way out, although in his case it appears that this will be a result of his contract expiring in the next month or so. * [CENTER][B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] KC Glenn vs. Firebird Jared Johnson vs. JD Morgan Steve Gumble vs. Father Johan Bradford Peverell vs. Eddie Powell Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota vs. Lenny Brown and Primus Allen Smith & Singh vs. The Second Sons Donnie J vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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KC Glenn vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Jared Johnson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Father Johan Who? Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Lenny Brown and Primus Allen [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[B]MAW May The Force Be With You[/B] KC Glenn vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Jared Johnson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] Steve Gumble vs. Father Johan (?) Bradford Peverell vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Lenny Brown and Primus Allen Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW May The Force Be With You KC Glenn vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Jared Johnson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] Steve Gumble vs. [B]Father Johan[/B] [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Eddie Powell [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota[/B] vs. Lenny Brown and Primus Allen [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW May The Force Be With You [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Firebird - [I]Just Because[/I] Jared Johnson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] - [I]JD is the Man[/I] Steve Gumble vs. [B]Father Johan[/B] - [I]Gumble is to me what Grayson is to you, and Johan got a mention LAST SHOW!![/I] [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Eddie Powell - [I]Eddie is on Debut[/I] Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Lenny Brown and Primus Allen[/B] - [I]New Team v Not a Team[/I] Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] - [I]WWE style tag team push[/I] Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] - [I]Champ is here[/I]
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KC Glenn vs. [B]Firebird[/B] Jared Johnson vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] Steve Gumble vs. [B]Father Johan[/B] [B]Bradford Peverell[/B] vs. Eddie Powell Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]Lenny Brown and Primus Allen[/B] Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[I]OOC: Likely to be last post until the weekend, so enjoy :) Hope everyone has a great few days, and I'll be back soon enough. Also, we seem to have a definite end date for the diary, because in June I'm going to be a dad for the first time :D Now, on with the show![/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: May The Force Be With You Friday, May 5th 2012[/CENTER] KC Glenn vs. Firebird[/B] This was a stupidly good start to the show, the two men tore into one another from the bell, Firebird’s experience meshing extremely well with Glenn’s enthusiasm and prodigious talent. Although the two have fought in the past, this was the best of them all. The end came when Glenn was pitched over the top rope to the outside, sending Sienna scrambling from safety and leaving her sprawled on the floor. Firebird came outside and grabbed Glenn, rolling him back in and climbing to the top rope, never once looking in Sienna’s direction. He dived off and hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash perfectly, and covered for the win. Winner: Firebird (C) * Firebird made his way backstage where he was greeted by Sienna. [COLOR="Gray"]“He is here...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Excellent,”[/COLOR] Firebird beamed. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Let us greet him properly.”[/COLOR] They proceeded to a locker room and as they entered they were greeted by the rear view of a man clad all in black, with fiery red hair spilling down around his shoulders. He turned to greet the newcomers, revealing a priest’s dog collar around his neck. [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JohnGreed_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Father Johan,”[/COLOR] Firebird said rapturously, dropping to one knee before the man, and bowing his head. [COLOR="Teal"]“My friend,”[/COLOR] Father Johan said, extending a hand. Firebird took it, and kissed the ring on the man’s finger. [COLOR="Teal"]“How goes our crusade?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“We have suffered a setback,”[/COLOR] Firebird replied, resting his forehead on the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“The Black Eagle has been injured spreading our message overseas.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“A grievous wound – but survivable. He will rise again. Stronger and more committed than before. Until then I shall fight beside you. We will succeed. Our word will endure.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“I am honoured, Father. If I may be of any assistance in any way... Would you care for the aid of Sienna? The Black Eagle is taken with her.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]“No, my friend. It would not do for a man of the cloth to be seen to associate with such as her. Your support will be sufficient. She... is not required.”[/COLOR] Sienna looked a little put out at being discussed in such a way, and appeared unsure whether she should stay in the room. Firebird rose at last, and turned to her. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Go. We have much to discuss. You will be summoned, if you are required.”[/COLOR] * [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Fumihiro Ota vs. Primus Allen and Lenny Brown[/B] Straightforward tag team action, with the new pairing of Allen and Brown isolating Fly and smashing him into the mat repeatedly with a series of high impact strikes, slams and suplexes. Fly made the hot tag to Ota, who cleaned house for a spell – but before long Fly was back in the ring, and flat on his back from a Sit-Out Spinebuster to give the heel pairing the win. Winner: Allen and Brown (D+) * [B]Steve Gumble vs. Father Johan[/B] Annoying. There was no chemistry in this pairing, which is a real shame as I’d hoped for a hot middle spell to the show. It was an even contest, which ended when Johan nailed a Crucifix Powerbomb for the win. Winner: Father Johan (D) * Backstage, and Bradford Peverell was working out, doing chin lifts on a doorway. The door opened and Eddie Powell came face to, well, face with Peverell’s bobbing waistline. [COLOR="Blue"]“This is not what Eddie Powell was expecting this evening...”[/COLOR] Powell grabbed Peverell and yanked him off the doorframe, sending him crashing to the floor. [COLOR="Blue"]“As you’ve spoiled the sultan of shimmer’s mojo, you can make amends by acting as his punching bag,”[/COLOR] Powell said, as Peverell tried to gather his wits from his unexpected landing. * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. Eddie Powell[/B] Two midcarders getting the same score as the match proceeding it – go figure. Another even contest, this one saw Peverell pick up a rare win (he never seems to lose overness from jobbing, and I’ve yet to find the right opponent to make a decent feud for him) while Powell continues to prove his worth as a midcarder of some promise. Peverell nailed the Dream Left Hook for the win. Winner: Bradford Peverell (D) * [B]Smith & Singh (c) vs. The Second Sons[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] I was disappointed by this one, as both teams have scored better results with weaker foes in recent weeks. Put it down to nerves on the part of the challengers – or maybe the champions? It was an okay match, but the card was sagging in the middle when I’d hoped that it would soar. Smith picked up the win over Valentine with a crushing Backdrop Driver for the successful defence. Winner: Smith & Singh (D) * [B]Jared Johnson vs. JD Morgan[/B] This was something of a last throw of the dice for Johnson, as to whether his ongoing development time would be allocated to someone else. A rare example of a non-title match, this was a very good contest indeed. Morgan and Johnson showed considerable chemistry, their realistic chain wrestling styles meshing extremely well, with a tasty side order of bruising strikes giving the whole thing a faintly Japanese air that the fans really liked. Morgan scored the win with A Shot Of JD. Winner: JD Morgan (C-) * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="Purple"]“I’ve always looked at the All Action title as being a little bit spicier than the other belts. I can put it on the line at any time, and in any place. And tonight I’m putting it on the line in the next match... at the same time as the Heavyweight title... making it a title versus title match!”[/COLOR] * [B]Donnie J (c) vs. Aaron Andrews (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight titles[/COLOR] When you need a great main event... I’m delighted that I’d decided to book the next few shows around these two, as they have great chemistry. This lived up to the All Action tag perfectly, with no quarter asked, and none given throughout the twenty-two minute battle. With both titles on the line, there was a real sense in the arena that either man could walk away a double champion, and J seemed to have it won on a number of occasions as he scored breathtaking near falls again and again. But the champion had his share of the match as well, with a particular point of note being an athletic standing leap to the top rope to block a J dive, turning it into a superplex and then, as J rose, nailing the Twisting Face Crusher for the win – and the All Action title! Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](But for the midcard, this could have been a classic)[/I] * [CENTER] [B]MAW Great Lakes Madness[/B] KC Glenn vs. Father Johan Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Ford Donnie J vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;546451][I]OOC: Likely to be last post until the weekend, so enjoy :) Hope everyone has a great few days, and I'll be back soon enough. Also, we seem to have a definite end date for the diary, because in June I'm going to be a dad for the first time :D [/QUOTE] Congrats, man. As the father of a two year old girl (and another one en route) I wish you all the best. It really is one of the only things that lives up to its hype; just a life changing experience. :) Good luck.
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