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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[quote=James Casey;546451][I]OOC: Likely to be last post until the weekend, so enjoy :) Hope everyone has a great few days, and I'll be back soon enough. Also, we seem to have a definite end date for the diary, because in June I'm going to be a dad for the first time :D[/I][/quote] Wow.. Congratulations man!! It's those big, big things in life.. Haven't experienced it yet myself but I love kids and want atleast 2-3 in years to come when it's the time for that. Congrats once again! :D
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Congrats on the little one. As a father of an 11 year old boy and 7 year old daughter you are in for treat. Sad to hear the diary may end but hey like the earlier post said, you're gonna need something to do at 1 Am :-)! I wish the best for your family and hope everyone is safe and healthy. Best wishes in the new year. Trevor L.
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[I]OOC: Thanks to everyone for the well-wishing and congratulations. (And to UFC-KING for the predictions :p) I am officially terrified, delighted, horribly impatient and perfectly prepared for my wife to stay pregnant forever if it means I don't have to take responsibility for a whole new human. Sound about right? And no - no parenting hints from Rip :D[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Great Lakes Madness Tuesday, 9th May 2012[/CENTER] “Broadway” Brandon Smith vs. Casey Valentine [/B]A simple brawl-based match, this gave Casey the chance to show off his rumble skills. On commentary, we noted that both champs were in action against perennial contenders tonight, and a win for the challengers in either match might put forward their profile to the championship committee. Valentine seemed intent on making this so as he scored with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak around the fourteen minute mark to snatch the victory, and celebrated like he’d won the title outright. Winner: Casey Valentine (D) * [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. Greg Ford[/B] A rare off night for Singh, but his slightly lead-footed offence was compensated for by the chemistry that the pair share. Given that Ford kind of carried the match, it was a shame that he ended up losing, but that’s the way it goes and Singh scored with a Cal Cutter for the win. Rock Downpour noted that the other half of the match ups (Smith/Speed and Singh/Antonio) would take place at the next show. Winner: Kashmir Singh (D) * Father Johan came to the ring: [COLOR="Teal"]“I go where I am directed. Tonight, I am among the Great Lakes and tonight it is my mission to educate KC Glenn. He is a promising soul, gifted in combat, and would be a fine addition to our family. KC, when you feel that the time is right, you will be welcomed with open arms, my son...”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn vs. Father Johan[/B] Hmmm... I adore Father Johan’s character (I’ve been wanting an evil preacher for a while now) but in his two matches so far he hasn’t sparkled. We’ll have to see if there’s any change to that in the coming weeks. The action was decent, but betrayed the relatively low overness of the two contenders, the action coming to a halt when Johan scored with a Crucifix Powerbomb to score the pin. Winner: Father Johan (D) * Donnie J came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“A few days ago I lost my All Action title. I must admit, I came to MAW expecting a hard fight. I didn’t realise just how hard that could be. I’m not one to quit, but Aaron Andrews is the toughest opponent that I’ve ever fought. “That being said, I don’t quit. Aaron, as ex-champion, I have a contractual right to a rematch for my title. I didn’t have that belt for long, but I got used to wearing it. Come out here now and get your ass handed to you.”[/COLOR] Aaron emerged from backstage, looking smug as he paraded his two title belts, each one held out at arms length as he turned in a slow circle to show off to all four sides of the arena. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You want your match, you got it,”[/COLOR] Aaron said. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You’re not bad, Donnie. And I had fun beating you – mainly because I got some more gold out of it, but also because you put up a good fight. I appreciate that, although you never had a chance of winning.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“That’s not how I saw it, champ,”[/COLOR] Rip announced from outside the ring. [COLOR="Purple"]“In fact, I thought it was so close that it could have gone either way in the last few seconds. It was great entertainment – and I want to see more of it, so I’m glad that you’ve agreed to fight each other again. A couple of things: This match is only for the All Action title. Donnie, you do have a rematch clause, but after losing last week I can’t justify giving you a Heavyweight title match.” [/COLOR] Donnie nodded, and Andrews looked smug. [COLOR="Purple"]“Secondly, because the match was so close I felt that we didn’t get the definitive answer about who the better wrestler was. So here’s the deal – tonight’s match will be a two out of three falls match. I think that ought to show who the best out of you two really is.”[/COLOR] * [B]Donnie J vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] in a [COLOR="Purple"]two out of three falls match[/COLOR] You may ask yourself why I gave Aaron Andrews the All Action title. I may ask Aaron why he demanded a midcard title run at his contract renewal when he was already in the midst of what is now an eighteen month main event title run. All in all, we ended up with another thirty-minute barnstormer as the two picked up where they’d left off a few days before. Aaron snared the first fall in under ten minutes, nearly snapping Donnie in half with a Twisting Face Crusher. Donnie fought back hard, shrugging off the beating he’d taken to whittle away at the champion’s advantage. The second fall was the longest of the match, weighing in at nearly fifteen minutes as the two men threw everything they had at one another. Eventually, J scored with the Death On Miami Beach to level the match at a fall apiece. The third fall was much slower paced, with both men exhausted and it was clear that a single mistake might make the difference between victory and defeat. The mistake was Andrews’ as he tried for a boot to the gut to set up a second Crusher, but J caught his leg and drilled him with a dragon whip, snapping Andrews almost out of his boots and allowing J to flip over into a bridging cradle for a straightforward three count as he regained the All Action belt. Winner: Donnie J (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](A fifth match on these shows might lessen the burden of fifteen-minute midcard matches...)[/I] [I]Next: Silly smarkiness...[/I]
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[I]OOC: About a dozen adware, spyware, malware and virus scans later and my desktop PC seems to be clean and ready to go. I'm looking forward more and more to the days when I get a new, modern, laptop. I think I'll restrict internet access to about five sites - there should be no risk of infection then. In theory...[/I] * Smart marks everywhere were reported to be on the verge of rioting today when Giant Redwood and Puerto Rican Power, together known as Hostile Intent, captured their third USPW Tag Team titles. The smarks were then reminded that by the terms of their charter they weren’t supposed to watch, let alone care about, USPW. They were given the choice of either surrendering their membership of the group, or admitting that they actually like Super Sam Strong’s Family Friendly show. The riot was quickly dispelled. Power and Redwood continue to stink up arenas throughout the country, although it has been noted that teaming them up means that only one match is guaranteed to bomb per night. * [CENTER][B]MAW Mother, May I?[/B] Steve Gumble vs. Providence Bradford Peverell vs. JD Morgan vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Jared Johnson vs. Eddie Powell “Broadway” Brandon Smith vs. Marc Speed “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. Antonio KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and Father Johan Donnie J vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER] * [I]OOC: I'd feel faintly bad about such a short update... It gets better after this, I promise :p[/I]
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Just got caught up on this, excellent stuff....really liked the goldrush match, may have to nick that one for my diary down the road :D;) Steve Gumble vs. [B]Providence[/B] [I]Gumble's only just recently debut and could do with the win to legitamise him as a threat.[/I] Bradford Peverell vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [I]J.D Morgan's a class above in this match.[/I] Jared Johnson vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] [I]The fresher talent, and I roared with laughter at the Powell alt with the Afro.[/I] [B]“Broadway” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Marc Speed [I]Smith's more over and actually more believable as a singles force.[/I] [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Antonio [I]The better talent[/I] KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird and Father Johan[/B] [I]Alot of good talent in this match but the heels take it.[/I] Donnie J vs.[B] Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Take it this is for Aaron's Heavyweight Title, besides the champ needs a win back against Donnie.[/I]
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[B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Providence Bradford Peverell vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer [B]Jared Johnson [/B]vs. Eddie Powell [B]“Broadway” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Marc Speed [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Antonio [B]KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird and Father Johan Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[B]MAW Mother, May I?[/B] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Providence Bradford Peverell vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer Jared Johnson vs. [B]Eddie Powell[/B] [B]“Broadway” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Marc Speed [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. Antonio KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird and Father Johan[/B] Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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MAW Mother, May I? Steve Gumble vs. [B]Providence[/B] Bradford Peverell vs. JD Morgan vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs. Eddie Powell [B]“Broadway” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Marc Speed “Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Antonio[/B] KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird and Father Johan[/B] Donnie J vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]- Belated congrats on the baby news![/I] :D
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Mother, May I? Friday, 12th May 2012[/CENTER] Steve Gumble vs. Providence[/B] Our plans for Steve Gumble and Providence are sort of interlinked, so it’s good that they can put on a decent match cold like this – with the fans still settling into their seats, they went out and put on a decent match that involved wild brawling from Providence that kept Gumble off balance. Although he was able to slow Providence down somewhat with limblocks, his skills weren’t sufficient to keep the masked man down for long, and he didn’t seem confident enough in his ability to hit Providence to go to the air with his best offence. This ended up costing him the match as Providence caught him with an Eye Of Providence for the win. Winner: Providence (C-) * Providence took the mic: [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Exciting times. A lot of talk backstage. People whispering behind their hands. Watching what they say. Don’t worry folks,” he said, leaning into the mic, and grinning crookedly. “I know what you’re saying. I know what you’re thinking. You’re all going to get what’s coming to you. We’ll make sure of that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“We?”[/COLOR] Rock asked, as Providence dropped the mic and walked away. * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Eddie Powell[/B] The midcard continues to be pretty average, but at least this time I remembered to, you know, book it in the midcard. These two are very capable workers, and the coming months should see them continue to improve. In the meantime, they put on a reasonable offering brought to an end when Powell scored with a Motion Sensor. Winner: Eddie Powell (D) * [B]“Broadway” Brandon Smith vs. Marc Speed[/B] This was a good midcard match, and it’s nice to know that I have options for both men should their teams ever go the way of all things. The booking was fairly predictable as the result was reversed from the last show with Smith picking up the win, and the Ford & Speed team member dropping the match as Smith drilled Speed with an Inverted Piledriver. Winner: Brandon Smith (D+) * [B]“Sensational” Kashmir Singh vs. Antonio[/B] As I had halfway suspected, Antonio’s match was almost guaranteed to be the weakest of the four. He meshed okay with Singh, and the two put on a decent technical show, with Antonio using just enough brute force to wear down the tag champ before scoring with an Italian DDT to take the win. Winner: Antonio (D) * Backstage, Firebird and Father Johan were preparing for their match. Sienna approached, and was ignored by them as they plotted their strategy. Finally, she cleared her throat. Firebird looked up. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“You weren’t summoned,” [/COLOR]he said, before turning back to Father Johan. Sienna hovered for a moment, looking uncertain. Father Johan looked up. [COLOR="Teal"]“Harlot, leave. Walk from this place, woman, and cease your carnal temptations. You will find no takers here.”[/COLOR] Sienna looked shocked, but before she had a chance to move, Father Johan leapt to his feet. [COLOR="Teal"]“Leave! Begone, vile temptress! You are not welcome in this place. LEAVE!!”[/COLOR] Sienna turned and fled, nearly knocking over Kirk Jameson and KC Glenn as she passed them in the corridor. Glenn turned to go after her, but Kirk took his arm. [COLOR="Blue"]“Later,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Cause first, symptoms later.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and Father Johan[/B] I can only think that the crowd’s mood was brought down by the preceding average matches, as this should have been a much stronger match. Either that, or Father Johan (and maybe KC Glenn) just aren’t capable of more? Whatever the reason, this was a slightly worrying match as I have big plans for these four men – and their allies – over the coming months. The action was okay, but not inspired given who was involved, and was brought to an end when Firebird scored the Phoenix Firebird Splash on Glenn for the win. Winners: Firebird and Father Johan (D+) * [B]Bradford Peverell vs. JD Morgan (c) vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Peverell was on the defensive almost from the off, firing off punches to try and keep his two opponents from being able to work together. But he was overwhelmed after a valiant effort as Windameer and Morgan united to take him down. But the team fractured almost immediately as Windameer tried to order Morgan around – something that the brutish ****ney took exception to, slapping the taste out of the Lord’s mouth before nearly taking him out of his boots with an exploder suplex. Peverell bounced back into the fray with a high dropkick that took Morgan out of the ring as Haley Buck shrieked on the outside. Peverell pounced on the blue-blooded Windameer and unloaded with a series of hard strikes as Windameer shrieked, unable to cope with the roughhouse tactics. Finally, a Dream Left Hook put Windameer down and Peverell seemed certain to claim the title, only for Morgan to dive back into the ring and grab the rangy biker from behind, hoisting him up and over in a half nelson suplex that left him crumpled on the mat, folded over and in no condition to resist as Morgan clamped on the Cross Atlantic Stretch, forcing the referee to call the match in the champion’s favour as Peverell was in no condition to continue. Winner: JD Morgan (C) * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="Purple"]“Last week we saw Aaron Andrews defeat Donnie J for the All Action title in a fantastic match. When we went to the Great Lakes earlier this week, Donnie regained the title in another classic. In doing so, Donnie also won himself the right to make another challenge for the Heavyweight title. And he’s chosen to strike while the iron is hot. Tonight the two men will go at it one more time. And because these guys work so well together, I’ve decided to make it a thirty-minute Iron Man match!”[/COLOR] * [B]Donnie J vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] in an [COLOR="Purple"]Iron Man match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] A perfect cap to these guys’ trilogy of matches, with the full thirty-minute time limit filled out. Unlike their previous match, this was a slow burner as the two men mostly paced themselves, conscious of the gruelling task ahead of them. For the first ten minutes, the two men treated the fans to a display of intricate chain wrestling that the MAW fans lapped up, cheering each reversal, counter and fluid sequence. As the clock ticked into double digits, however, the tempo increased and J went for the first big sequence of the match, stunning Andrews with a series of high dropkicks before going to the top turnbuckle for a diving clothesline. Andrews took the move hard and crashed to the mat as though knocked cold. From there, it was a relatively simple matter for J to score with a Death On Miami Beach to take the lead, giving him a huge momentum advantage as the clock kept ticking. Andrews was still groggy as the match resumed, and he swung at air as J moved at speed before him, easily avoiding the champion’s clumsy swings. J even taunted Andrews a little by waving a hand in front of his face – but it backfired as Andrews seized Donnie’s hand and nearly snapped it off with a vicious arm wrench as he revealed that the grogginess was at least a partial sham. J was surprised but largely undaunted, and for the next several minutes the two traded hard blows – although Donnie was noticeably favouring his wounded arm. Andrews began to take control of the match as the clock ticked past fifteen minutes, and J was just able to escape as Andrews went three times for Face Crusher attempts, only to take a Standing Hot Shot as he twisted out of the third. Although he kicked out of the pinfall attempt, he was hurt by the impact with the turnbuckle, and when Andrews was quick to follow up with a leaping tornado DDT, the challenger was down for three as we approached the nineteenth minute. The third fall started off slowly once again, as Donnie nursed his battered face and Andrews seemed to be feeling the effects of his earlier beating. After a lengthy feeling-out process that ended up going nowhere, Andrews terminated the technical portion of the match with an almighty right hand that sent J sprawling. The nimble speedster, however, rolled backwards and into a crouch and, as Andrews tried to press the advantage, he was met with a spear tackle that left J on top in the mounted position, reigning punches down on Andrews from above. The champion managed to shrug Donnie off, but his nose was bloodied by the attack and while he managed to get to his knees, the challenger was right on him again, lashing out with a series of straight-legged and roundhouse kicks to the head and chest, trying to drive Andrews down to the mat – or, at least, keep him off his feet. J overextended, though, and got caught when Andrews was able to trap his leg, leaving him hopping and then suddenly down on the mat as Andrews leveraged him onto his back. Shaking his head groggily, Andrews delivered a low dropkick to the side of Donnie’s head as he rolled onto all fours. With the challenger prone, Aaron dropped three consecutive elbows to the back of his head before adding further punishment with a handstand kneedrop. Staggering upright, Aaron stamped on J’s head a couple of times, before trying to pick him up for a Twisting Face Crusher. J sandbagged, however, and Andrews couldn’t lift him up into the move. Instead, Andrews went for a DDT only to be shoved away by J. Andrews snarled, and charged at his challenger, only to nearly have his head taken off by a reflexive roundhouse kick from J that spun Andrews around before dropping him to the mat as J fell to his knees. The challenger crawled across the mat and dropped flat, throwing an arm over Andrews as he fell. The referee dropped and counted one... two... thr... But Andrews got his shoulder up. Pushing himself onto all fours, Andrews threw a punch at J, who had struggled to his knees. Donnie responded in kind, and the two exchanged blows while trying to stand upright, with seemingly every third blow knocking the recipient back to their knees. Sensing that the exchange was going nowhere, Donnie ducked under a wild roundhouse and threw himself forward, tackling Andrews and bearing him to the mat. Andrews rolled with the momentum and ended up on top of his challenger, rolling into a cradle that got him a close two count. Donnie broke free and went for another roundhouse kick, but Andrews just managed to duck the blow and, as Donnie swung full circle, Andrews grabbed him and heaved him up and backwards, dropping him on top of the turnbuckle with a Standing Hot Shot. Andrews dropped bonelessly on top of Donnie, and the referee made the three count. With less than a minute on the clock, neither Andrews nor J moved and the referee seemed unsure about counting them out – it would make no difference to the outcome. But as the seconds passed, J stirred and grabbed Andrews. Slowly, achingly, he rolled sideways, dragging Andrews with him, and rolling him onto his shoulders. The referee dropped to his knees and began the count: One... two... thr... But the bell rang, and the match was over, with Andrews winning by the skin of his teeth. Both men were helped from the ring by trainers and backstage staff, and Andrews looked like anything but the winner as he was carried up the aisle, his face and chest crimson with his own blood, his title belt lying forgotten with the timekeeper as he was manhandled through the curtain and vanished from view. Winner: Aaron Andrews (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Mother, May I? rises to Above Average importance)[/I] [I]Next: News, news, news...[/I]
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I had to chew out Aaron after the show. Again. For spreading rumours. Again. This time, the target of his innuendo was... Jared Johnson. I mean, seriously, I like Jared. He’s a good kid. He has his head screwed on right and one day soon he’s going to be somebody in this business. But for heaven’s sake, talk about a waste of time. Even I didn’t care what the rumour is, and I’m probably Johnson’s biggest mark. [COLOR="Green"]“Just remember, Aaron,”[/COLOR] I said, as he made to leave the room. [COLOR="Green"]“KC could cash in his title shot at any time. Understood?”[/COLOR] He paled slightly. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I won’t let it happen again,”[/COLOR] he said. I nodded, but I think we both knew that we’d be back here again, probably within the next three months. * Recent weeks have seen the likes of Donnie J, Kirk Jameson, Thea Davis and Amazing Fire Fly extending their contracts with other companies – or as I like to think of them, the Competition. Now that we’re below almost everyone in terms of prestige (I’ll still haven’t forgiven Nelson Callum for that), I’ve decided that the capital C is fully justified. * Oz Lord, the Canadian referee who works in Mexico, has been jailed for assaulting a man while aboard a British Airways airplane. The offence was committed while the plane was on the tarmac in Spain, and the victim was a Polish immigrant presently resident in Jamaica. Lord was tried in Japan and jailed in the States – or, at least, on Guam. * Elsewhere (and a bit more importantly for us), Jay Chord has signed a written contract extension with TCW. That means that he won’t be available to negotiate with us any time soon, of course (we’re informed that it’s a two year deal) but that’s not so bad. The temptation always existed to try and bring back Jay as soon as he’d speak to us again. This way he gets some seasoning at the hands of Tommy who might be more prepared to get behind him now that he’s signed exclusively. As it is, Jay hasn’t done too badly in Hollywood as he’s a two-time International champion and the reigning tag team champion – although he and Darryl Devine have held that title for almost two months and not defended it once. He’s about 1:1 in his win/loss ratio over his TCW career, although that improves to 15-1-6 so far this year. He’s had a couple of sterling matches against Randy Bumfhole that have made me rue missed chances – and look forward to the day two years hence when TCW have crashed (again) and we can steal them both and condemn Tommy to a lifetime of watching us in misery as we excel night after night... ...or am I getting ahead of myself? * Apparently Robert Oxford didn’t agree with the decision to make Jay’s deal an exclusive one, as he’s decided to hang up his boots... ...or am I reading too much into this? * Can you believe that Duberry Excess is a three-time 4C tag team champion? Having captured the belts recently with Hardcore champion Zimmy Bumfhole, he’s also held the titles with Phenomenal E and Barry Kingman. Is he blossoming up north, or is this just a sign of how far the company – which formally counted such luminaries as Eddie Peak among its roster – has fallen? Elsewhere in the company, MAW midcarder Raphael has parted ways with the company on amicable terms. * Tyson Baine is the new TCW champion, toppling Brent Hill in a strong match at Total Mayhem 17. The match of the night was inevitably the semi-final bout between Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins, which saw mentor going over student in their ongoing ‘respect’ series. * Our inability to crack C+ shows with any consistency came back to bite us this month as NYCW (C+) and PSW (C) each had higher rated shows than any of our efforts. That costs us popularity and prestige in the Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic. That, frankly, sucks. It’s one of the problems with the TEW.com rankings as we held three shows in May against one each for our competitors, but they get the prestige boost. * Money wise, May was a very good month for us as we turned a twenty-thousand dollar profit. I think that may actually be a record for us. [CENTER][B]MAW High Noon[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. Aaron Andrews Thea Davis, Bradford Peverell and Jared Johnson vs. Raphael, Eddie Powell and Lord Geoffrey Windameer The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. The Canadian Blondes vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood Smith & Singh vs. The Second Sons vs. Ford & Speed Donnie J vs. Father Johan Steve Gumble vs. JD Morgan Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird[/CENTER]
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Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]Thea Davis, Bradford Peverell and Jared Johnson[/B] vs. Raphael, Eddie Powell and Lord Geoffrey Windameer The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes [/B]vs. Always Breakin’ Hollywood [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons vs. Ford & Speed [B]Donnie J[/B] vs. Father Johan Steve Gumble vs. [B]JD Morgan[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird
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