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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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See, that was exactly what I was hoping would happen. JD's pretty much the perfect guy to stand up to these guys: he's non nonsense, badass, and one of the few faces that hasn't the snot kicked out of him yet. Predictions for Beach Blast: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Raphael [I]Unless Raphael's joined the Fallen, he ain't winning here[/I] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons [I]Momentum boost, although I could see The Second Sons taking it[/I] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Citizen X [I]Neither of these guys are up to much at the moment, but I'll go with Gumble[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [I]I think of him more as The Slightly-Above-Average Ota, but he takes the win here[/I] [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Eagle's first on the ass-whuppin' list[/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Father Johan [I]They're both leaving, so I'm gonna go with Glenn driving Johan out with the win only for the Fallen to lay a beat-down on him to get rid of him[/I] Kid Toma vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Double A's not losing to Toma[/I]
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Aye good one on the morgan turn had me fooled that something had come up to spoil those plans. Morgan vs Andrews and the build up too it etc will be epic. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Raphael [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons [B]Steve Gumble [/B]vs. Citizen X Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Black Eagle KC Glenn vs. Father Johan [I]draw[/I] Kid Toma vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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I assumed something "nasty" happening to JD is an injury(hopefully not a retirement or a repeat of Nelson Callum), but we'll see eventually. Really sucks that KC left. It seemed like you had plans for him and Sienna that would've been fun to see play out. And congrats on DOTM...again. [B]MAW Beach Blast[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Raphael[/B] (yes, I'm crazy) Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Second Sons[/B] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Citizen X Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Black Eagle KC Glenn vs. Father Johan (draw/no contest) Kid Toma vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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[B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. Raphael [I]I'm not crazy, so I won't be predicting Raphael [/I] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Second Sons [I]Need to bounce back from their loss to ABH[/I] [B]Steve Gumble[/B] vs. Citizen X [I]Gumble seems to be a few spots higher up the pecking order.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]The Great Ota[/B] [I]AFF seems stuck in the role of plucky jobber.[/I] [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Black Eagle [I]Eagle become the first of The Fallen to be on an end of an ass whoopin from Morgan. I quite agree he is the sort of wrestler, where you don't have to change his character much face or heel, you just change who he's making tap out to the CAS.[/I] KC Glenn vs. [B]Father Johan[/B] [I]Glenn's on his way out, will probably be followed by him being 'Pillmanized' by The Fallen. [/I] Kid Toma vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Andrews super long run with the belt continues.[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Beach Blast Friday, 12th July 2012[/CENTER][/B] Familiar music played, and Kirk Jameson made his return to the company after a month on the sidelines. [COLOR="Blue"]"Hello everyone. It's great to be back and cleared for action. The Fallen did a decent job in putting me down... But not good enough. You see, they may have put me in a hospital bed, but they left me able to talk, and able to dial a phone... And that meant that my time out of action was productive, if a little frustrating as I wasn't able to help my friends. "You see, I've lined up a few surprises for The Fallen. I spoke to Mr. Chord, and one of those surprises ties in with Aaron's demands for new challenges. Aaron, you asked, and I've delivered – someone brand new to the company will be facing you for the Heavyweight title tonight. Mr. Chord will reveal who in due course. "But I also made contact with a couple of other people who don't like the way that The Fallen operate. One of them is a familiar face in this company. He may be working elsewhere right now but he's going to drop by in the next couple of weeks and lend a hand where it's needed. "The other is familiar full stop. Without him, well, I don't know if I'd be feeling so hopeful about our chances of stopping The Fallen before they get started. He even suggested a name for us: As we're on a crusade of sorts, and people like to call us white knights, we're going with Knights Templar. We're not a cult. I'm not trying to set myself up as some kind of saviour... But Bradford said that people need a symbol, that they need something to rally behind. And using that image struck our benefactor and I as something worth doing. "But most useful of all was his money. He's got a lot of it, and he's used a little of it to fund the help we've received. And at our next show he's going to come down and check things out for himself. It's something I'm very excited about – because he's even said that he's going to challenge Aaron for the title, if he still has it. And Aaron, believe me, this is one challenge that you won't be able to refuse. Impressive doesn't even begin to describe this guy..."[/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Raphael[/B] This was a let-down. Raphael was meant to make Jameson look good on his return, as they’re basically very similar in terms of talent. Unfortunately, they have no chemistry together and that really brought things down. Kirk picked up a simple win with The Bullseye. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D-) * [B]Smith & Singh vs. The Second Sons[/B] It certainly felt weird to write that match title without appending a (c) to Smith & Singh’s team name... For some reason, Rip had asked to be in charge of this match. I think he likes to get in among the workers occasionally, so a few times a year he takes charge of a match like this which doesn’t especially matter in the great scheme of things. Ultimately, it was a straightforward match that the Sons came out on top of, Valentine hitting Smith with the Sweet Sweet Heartbreak for the victory. Winners: The Second Sons (D) * Backstage, and Citizen X was using a hand press to run of some anarchic literature. Steve Gumble happened upon it and read through one of the leaflets. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Interested?"[/COLOR] X asked, hopefully. [COLOR="Blue"]"Sure, just off to the can, you know, and this could be something to read. And if there's no paper either then I win both ends up, you might say."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"This is serious information designed to stir the minds of the masses,"[/COLOR] X snarled. [COLOR="Blue"]"U-huh. You, uh, misspelled anarchy."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"I choose my own spellings!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"You spelled it with a 'p'."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"In the new world, conventions will be eradicated! Tonight, though, I'll settle for making you eat your words, conformist!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Sure, that's fine,"[/COLOR] Gumble said. [COLOR="Blue"]"But, er, I'll see you out there, okay? I still need to..."[/COLOR] He walked off, but came back a few seconds later to grab some more leaflets. [COLOR="Blue"]"Sorry, I might be a while. Go ahead and go down to the ring."[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Gumble vs. Citizen X[/B] Our slow climb up the match ratings continued with this match. Gumble hasn’t performed as well as I had hoped when I signed him, but considering his opponent in this match it was an acceptable effort. X’s contract runs out shortly, and I don’t think I’ll renew it as he’s proven to be expensive for what he brings to the table, so the result wasn’t really in any doubt as Gumble picked up what, for him, is a rare win with a Savate Kick. Winner: Steve Gumble (D+) * Amazing Fire Fly looked preoccupied as he came down to the ring and took the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"In recent weeks, we've seen Fumihiro Ota attacking people because of his sudden affiliation with The Fallen. I have to say, it sickens me. Ota, jefe, I'm not even sure it's you under that paint. Truth be told, I won't even believe it's you until you step in the ring with me so I can see for myself."[/COLOR] The challenge brought Ota out, and he sprayed a red mist into the air before he entered the ring. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. The Great Ota[/B] On the one hand, my admiration for AFF knows no bounds. On the other hand, he could only manage an average match up against The Great Ota. I don’t think I can bring myself to let him go, but I do think my last hopes of him ever being a star in MAW have subsided with this match. For what it was, it was okay as the two aerialists put forth a competent effort. But Fly’s skills simply don’t, er, fly with MAW fans and even with someone as respected as Ota it was too much to ask that the result would be above average. Ota picked up the win with a Ninja Strike. Winner: The Great Ota (D) * Backstage, Sienna was standing by with Black Eagle meditating in the background. [COLOR="Gray"]"My lord and our allies wish to make it known that JD Morgan must pay for his actions... He has abandoned us... Turned his back on us... For this he must pay..."[/COLOR] She leaned in closer to the camera. [COLOR="Gray"]"JD Morgan... The Black Eagle is coming for you..."[/COLOR] * Rip entered the ring: [COLOR="Purple"]"Looks like tonight we haven't scheduled a match for Donnie J, which is a shame as I've come to like having the All Action title defended in all manner of ways. So I think tonight we'll make the match between KC Glenn and Father Johan a lumberjack match, and they can have their buddies surrounding the ring to keep things even – that way they should be able to see the sneak attacks before they actually begin."[/COLOR] * [B]JD Morgan (c) vs. Black Eagle[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Simply put, JD Morgan is a marvel. If I could do it all over again, I’d have had him in the company from the start. While I’ve had to balance the fans expectations of old school brawls and long technical exchanges with the real-time availability of talent, overlooking Morgan was an error on my part. Eagle is no more a technician than Fly or Ota, but Morgan made him look good in this contest, and even though he’s past forty and accelerating he continues to improve in the ring. Eagle did his bit, his unorthodox style put to use as he sought to punish the unrepentant Morgan for leaving the faith. In the end, he took one risk too many and Morgan was right on hand to put him in the Mid Atlantic Stretch for the win. Winner: JD Morgan (C) * Backstage, and the opposing armies of the Knights Templar and The Fallen came face to face. [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, well, well, look what we have here,"[/COLOR] KC Glenn drawled. [COLOR="Blue"]"The fake preacher. As a God-fearing man myself, it's going to be a particular pleasure to take you down – and rip that shirt and collar right off you." [/COLOR] Father Johan smiled toothily. [COLOR="Teal"]"KC Glenn, for you the fall is only a matter of minutes away,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Teal"]"Take solace in that your friends will be there to try and catch you... but they will fail, my boy. Your downward plunge will be a thing to view in awe..."[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn vs. Father Johan[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]lumberjack match[/COLOR] And so the MAW careers of these two men limp to an end. Johan never came close to living up to his promise here, and his departure saves me a lot of grief trying to think of a way to justify using his excellent character but apparently mediocre skills. KC Glenn, though, was on the verge of breaking through when, well, he broke through with someone else. With their respective allies surrounding the ring, the match itself was wild chaos with everyone involved almost from the off. Aaron Andrews was the notable absentee, and on commentary I noted that he seemed to be enjoying the benefits of being a part of The Fallen – without putting in the work. His absence was little missed, though, as the competitors and their stablemates threw everything they had at one another. Glenn and Father Johan ended up trading blows atop the top turnbuckle as Glenn blocked a superplex attempt. As the chaos continued beneath them, the blows grew wilder and Father Johan lost his balance. He grabbed at Glenn, but could only succeed in bringing his opponent with him as the two toppled off the turnbuckle, dropping some ten or twelve feet to the arena floor below! Gradually the fight between the two factions petered out as the other members realised the seriousness of the situation. Twin sets of paramedics tended to the two men, loading them onto stretchers and wheeling them from the arena. The Knights Templar followed Glenn up the ramp, while the remaining members of The Fallen gathered in the ring. Winner: No-one (D+) * Looking a little shaken, Aaron Andrews entered the ring: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I guess we're not going to see either of them again any time soon,"[/COLOR] he said, and paused as this acted almost as a cue for the other members of The Fallen, who made their way up the ramp in pursuit of Father Johan's stretcher. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Hey, come back! What about my match?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Yeah, what about your match? Kid... heh. Sorry. Listen, we got someone great line up to take ya on, kid. He's a former World Tag Team champion, a member of one of the most storied families in wrestling history, a tough son of a gun and someone who I know is going places in this business... Kid Toma!" [/COLOR] Andrews looked grim as Toma strode out onto the ramp and stared straight through the Heavyweight champion, a confident smile on his face. * [B]Kid Toma vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] If this really were a try-out then Kid Toma failed. He and Aaron Andrews have no chemistry, and they had twenty-five minutes to show it. For this, we sent Kirk Jameson to 4C... The match itself wasn’t bad, by any stretch of the imagination – it just wasn’t the sort of thing that we should be putting in the main event. And that’s two shows in a row that have been spoiled by bad chemistry – rotten luck considering that Andrews normally doesn’t have a problem in that department. In the end, Andrews won a spirited but sloppy match with the Twisting Face Crusher. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C-) [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I](And that was still enough to raise the show to Above Average importance?)[/I] [I]Next: Odds, ends and a deal that's cheap - like the budgie...[/I]
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This diary is just several different types of awesome. Just finished reading the entire thing... took a while :p While the shows and the onscreen story is great, it was definitely the backstage shenanigans that hooked me and I really enjoyed the development of Rip's character, and the relationship with your character. Hopefully that kind of thing comes back more regularly at some point. Maybe one of the guys that has loyalty to Rip is given more responsibility backstage as compensation for limited onscreen success and starts to grate with your character? Perhaps a little too close to the Jay situation in some ways but I thought I'd throw it out there. Also, since you asked about real world suggestions for gimmicks, a Godfather type character could result in some fun promos. You could have fans win the chance to be his hoes, so they become free aides to the story, rather than workers you pay in the game world. And of course they'd have varying levels of attractiveness. Oh and because of the greatness of the character development, you've put me in a quandry. I was going to do a SWF diary, then after a bit of back and forth PMing with keefmoon, decided to do a WWF 2001 Invasion diary, but now I have a bit of a desire to do the SWF one again to put my stamp on some characters the same way you have here... so I'm torn between the two and don't have time for both :o Finally, congrats on DOTM and, belatedly, the baby news. If you need a story for your character to step away from MAW when you end the diary, perhaps art could imitate life and he leaves to focus on paternal duties?
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[I]OOC: Thanks for the comments - and welcome! Funnily enough, I've been thinking of bringing in a Godfather-style character. We'll have to see...[/I] * God bless PSW and NYCW. In a month when we failed to put our best foot forward despite three attempts, both companies stumbled with their single efforts, a D+ in both instances. Bizarrely, NYCW went for a 300 seat Pennsylvania arena rather than their standard New York 2,000 seat venue. * Bad news continues to come in for NYCW as long-time favourite Whistler has finally left the company. The fifty-year old has signed a developmental deal with RIPW. It would seem that Richard wants the charismatic patriot to work as a trainer, although what exactly he can teach anyone given that he’s the only developmental worker that RIPW have on their books at the moment is something of a mystery. Maybe hes in training for a managerial role? * Amazing Fire Fly has a lot more luck south of the border than he does north of it – WAM recently booked him to pick up his second Television championship. He’ll hope that this reign is more successful than the first as, despite a two month reign, he didn’t manage a single successful defence. In saying that, though, WAM is a bit of a weird company. The have successive shows in Jul and August named El Ego Ha Aterrizado, and it’s not uncommon for titles to be defended only once every two or three months. * We’ve said goodbye to John “Father Johan” Greed and KC Glenn. Although the Knights/Fallen storyline will continue, I must admit to being a bit disheartened. It’s not the first time that I’ve had to rewrite a storyline as a result of departures, and neither worker was crucial to the intended pay-off due to come in October, but it does damage momentum to have them leaving in the midst of the story like this. Still, what would life be without a little challenge now and then? * Speaking of which, former MAW Tag Team champion Trent Shaffer – who suffered a bit of an indignity at our hands as he was drummed out of the company by Jay Chord, who claimed that Shaffer would never be as good a wrestler as him – has been snapped up by SWF. He joins Nicky Champion as a new signing, and that should be a great move for Supreme as Champion seems tailor-made for the company. Kid Toma has signed on a development deal, so I got lucky by not trying to sign him long-term. And finally, in what appears to be Richard’s last signing for a while, he’s decided to take Steve Gumble off our hands. I don’t mind that – Gumble never really fit in here, and he was pretty expensive. * Crippler Ray Kingman has retired from the business. The Canadian legend has spent the last few years on the convention circuit in any case, although he’s had a hand in the independent scene as well. * Donnie J has left 4C as the Canadian fed’s money woes continue to mount. They sold out the 2,000 seat Varsity Arena for their last show (Donnie lost a Triple Threat on the way out the door) and continue to have some real talent on their books, but with a bottomed out economy and a falling industry, Canada’s smallest fed is taking a beating in comparison to CGC and NOTBPW. * It’s been one of those good news/bad news days for Raymond Diaz. While working for PGHW, he’s picked up the Historical Japan title for his third reign with the belt. Unfortunately for him, he suffered a hernia during the match and can expect to be out for six weeks. No word on whether PGHW will put up with their champion being unavailable during that time. * The last remnants on the On Tour crew are set to leave MAW, with Jonnie Perez and Roderick Remus both entering the last few weeks of their contracts. Amazing to think that we were set to continue with the weekly shows back at the start of the year – things have changed in this company. * 4C have got Money – Rich Money, that is. And if you think that’s a bad joke, imagine what paying the wages of an International star will do for a company already on the edge of bankruptcy... * We finished top of the Regional Battles in the Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic in July, as expected. Many thanks again to NYCW and PSW, who’ve really helped us out this month by being so generous with their booking. * Raphael has signed a pay-per-appearance deal with CGC. That should give the talented youngster greater exposure and some fantastic match practise, which can only be good for him – and us. * [COLOR="Green"]“Rip, we need to talk.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, come in. We’ll have to make this quick – I’m heading out west for a few days. Have you seen this month’s tally sheet?”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="Green"]“Rip, that’s not important. Take a look at this.” [/COLOR] Rip looked at the sheet of paper in my hand. It was still warm from coming over the fax machine. [COLOR="Purple"]“Is this for real?”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="Green"]“They’re perfectly happy to go along with it. We send them Kirk, and we get back... him.”[/COLOR] Rip grinned, and I couldn’t help but smile back. It was quite a coup for us. [COLOR="Purple"]“Good work. Seems odd to do it this way, but...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, I know. But it’s the right thing, no question.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“I agree. A few more deals like that and it’s ‘Hello, Cult status.’”[/COLOR] I grinned, a little uncertainly. [COLOR="Purple"]“Relax, kid. This is just what we needed.”[/COLOR] * No predictions this time – departures, signings and so on have made the card a bit random.
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[CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Summernova Friday, 5th August 2012[/B][/CENTER] [B]Spectrum Infinity vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] A couple of matches on tonight’s show existed solely to give screen time and victories to a couple of teams who’ve not seen much of either lately. Of course, in doing so, you almost invariably end up upsetting someone else. Such is the nature of the booker’s life... The recent debutants scored the win in a contest in which the star performer was the Blondes’ manager, Kristen Pearce. Winners: Spectrum Infinity (D-) * Haley Buck emerged from the back, and behind her was a lean, muscular man. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I, as always, have been vigilant in keeping an eye on ways in which I can improve my portfolio. I am sure that it will not come as a surprise to many of you sheep here that when JD Morgan decided to ally himself with the Knights Templar,"[/COLOR] the last two words were spoken with a sneer. [COLOR="Magenta"]"That he no longer felt the need to retain my services as his manager. His mistake. "The man you see beside me is known as 'The Shooter' Sean Deeley. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear..."[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="SlateGray"]"...and I absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are lying cold at my feet, JD Morgan,"[/COLOR] Deeley proclaimed. [COLOR="SlateGray"]"Look on this match as a sample of what awaits you... and why you should stuck with this woman."[/COLOR] * [B]Steve Gumble vs. Sean Deeley[/B] I think this may have been Gumble’s best match with us – quite sad that it’s his last. I also think I should avoid workers named Steve in future. Grayson and Gumble underperformed, and Flash... Well, Flash is the exception to the rule. The match pleased the MAW crowd as the technically gifted Deeley was able to wear down the more aerially-arrayed Gumble, en route to a victory via a Front Choke Lock. Winner: Sean Deeley (C) * [B]The West Texas Peacekeepers vs. Ford & Speed[/B] If it’s possible for tag teams to have chemistry with each other, these two do. The Peacekeepers are promising, but have yet to develop that final polish that separates the fortunate-to-have-a-job from the will-never-job. Ford & Speed, as much as they’ve generally lacked direction since being set loose from The Fallen, are talented workers and while they don’t often break into the C range, they also rarely drop out of the D range – and that’s enough to keep them active in this division. The grumbling heels picked up the win over the cowboys with a Fallen Chances that let Ford pin Dillon. Winners: Ford & Speed (D) * Donnie J and Eddie Powell were in the ring, getting ready to start their match when Rip Chord interrupted things: [COLOR="Blue"]"God bless the All Action title,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]"It gives me a chance to test my workers, and see how adaptable they are. You see, MAW completed the signing of another tremendous talent just a few hours ago, and it seems like this is the perfect way to debut him. So ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Rudy Velasquez!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RudyVelasquez_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] * [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J (c) vs. Eddie Powell vs. Rudy Velazquez[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] Powell seemed to sense that Velazquez was a kindred spirit in the early going of this match as the Latino star smacked Donnie J around with a series of leaping attacks that left the champion reeling. However, when Powell made his overtures to the debutant about a possible collaboration, Velasquez didn’t hesitate to deliver a barrage of offence even more crushing to his other opponent. Powell was left down and out, and for a spell the match was contested between the champion and the relentless Velasquez, resulting in some impressive aerial exchanges before Velasquez tapped into his street gang upbringing with a spell of high-speed brawling that could have seen him score the upset win had Eddie Powell not leapt into the fray with some unaccustomed brawling of his own. Velasquez went toe to toe with the wannabe stud for a short spell before Velasquez turned things up a notch with a Street Cutter. Rising to his feet, however, he turned into a Death From Miami Beach from the champion that sent him crashing to the mat. On instinct, he rolled out to the safety of the ringside area from which he watched helplessly as the champion scored with a second Death From... on Powell to retain the gold. Winner: Donnie J (C) * Jaime Quine and Thea Davis stood backstage: [COLOR="Blue"]"Look, we're not out here trying to prove that women are better than men or anything like that,"[/COLOR] Davis said. [COLOR="Blue"]"We want to make that clear from the start." "Thea's right. And just to make it clear to everyone, we're not girlfriends – any more than Kashmir Singh and Brandon Smith are boyfriends,"[/COLOR] Jaime said. [COLOR="Blue"]"We're just trying to make some money, doing what it is that we do best." "We're not here to make political points. We're wrestlers. This is a wrestling company. We'll take our bruises the same way anyone else would – and we'll dish out a few of our own as well." "Of course, if we get to win the Tag Team titles along the way, well, that'd be sweet." "But just so we're clear,"[/COLOR] Thea finished. [COLOR="Blue"]"We're not gonna be dying the straps pink."[/COLOR] * [B] The XX Factor vs. The Dark Raptors (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a pretty good tag match, considering the challengers. The two women fought gamely, at times holding a clear advantage over the champions who seemed to be treating them even more lightly than Father Johan and Providence had, weeks before. On the outside, Sienna seemed upset by this and several times she had to prompt one or other of the masked duo to intervene to prevent a title switch. Eventually, however, the champions got their act together and Eagle put Quine down with a New Jersey Turnpike for the successful defence. Sienna followed the Raptors up the ramp, looking daggers at their backs. Winners: The Dark Raptors (D+) * Kirk Jameson and JD Morgan were backstage: [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm glad that JD's agreed to team with me tonight to exact a little justice on the guys who attacked him last time out,"[/COLOR] Kirk began, but Morgan cut him off. [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm not a member of the Knights Templar,"[/COLOR] Morgan said. [COLOR="Blue"]"I'll take my chances as they come. I'm not hunting The Fallen – in fact, it seems like I've got Sean Deeley to worry about. But it doesn't matter. Whatever match I get put in, I'm going to do my best to win. And as anyone who's seen me in action knows, that's usually enough." [/COLOR] * In another part of the backstage area, Providence and The Great Ota were preparing for their match. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"Well now, here's a thing,"[/COLOR] Providence said, as Ota meditated. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]"The golden boy Kirk Jameson and my old friend JD Morgan. And we get to play with them both. Providence is shining on me today. "Don't worry, fellas. I know tonight's gonna be fun. For me. Maybe for you. Who knows? But I know I'm going to have fun..." [/COLOR] * [B]Kirk Jameson and JD Morgan vs. Providence and The Great Ota[/B] This was an even better tag match, which is promising for future exchanges between the two sides. The low spot was Providence, whose mind seemed to be elsewhere. At least with him it’s almost in character for him to zone out – and with Ota as his partner it didn’t affect the match too much. The match involved the four men exchanging offence on a fairly even basis, with no-one looking especially dominant or out of place, in line with their general card positions. However, while Jameson leads the Knights, and Morgan is an established headliner, Providence and Ota are low men in their group and accordingly it was they who took the loss, Ota falling to A Shot Of JD. Winners: Jameson and Morgan (C-) * After the match, Jameson stayed in the ring. [COLOR="Blue"]"Ladies and gentlemen, I promised you that a recognisable face would be coming to help us out, and tonight he's here. This is the man who funded the appearance of Kid Toma as I try and keep The Fallen on their toes. This is the man who, with KC Glenn on the injured list after his match last show, will be helping us fight The Fallen in this very ring. This is the man who... well, this is a man who knows all about working with tyrannical despots and egomaniacs. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you tonight... [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/RichMoney.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "...Rich Money!"[/COLOR] Money emerged to his familiar SWF theme music and made his way down the aisle. Fans used to seeing him as a despicable heel seemed a little unsure what to make of him, but warmed to him quickly as he shook the hand of Kirk Jameson upon entering the ring. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Kirk, thank you for the welcome – and thank you for agreeing to work with me. You see, I've been keeping an eye on events down here in MAW for some considerable time now, and I've been waiting for a chance to get involved. Well, as everyone knows I'm richer than Croesus, and I've waited for the time to do something worthwhile with my money. "I found that opportunity here, in funding the Knights Templar and everyone who fights alongside them. I've seen Firebird and his like before, and I won't have them spoiling a company that I've become very fond of. So I'm pitching my tent right next to Kirk and lining up alongside him. And where better to start my mission then at the very top of the company, with the man currently holding this company's Heavyweight title? What do you say, Aaron?"[/COLOR] Andrews emerged from the back, looking as though he'd seen a ghost. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I don't know what you're playing at, Money, but you've got no business around here. I'm not stepping into the ring with you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Is that a fact, champ?"[/COLOR] Rip asked, from the commentary table. [COLOR="Purple"]"You see, I know you've refused one challenge already this month – a challenge you've been ducking for several weeks now. I seem to remember us having words on this subject before, only you had a different view on it back then..."[/COLOR] Rip paused as the words sank in. [COLOR="Purple"]"Now, do you want to fight Rich Money, or do you want to want me to make the match that you've already refused?" [/COLOR] Andrews appeared stricken. Finally, he raised the mic to his lips. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I'll fight Money."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]"Glad to hear it. Now, normally I wouldn't give away a match like this without some sort of build-up but everyone's here so let's go nuts. Kirk, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the ring and I'm issuing a fair warning here: If anyone tries to interfere in this match then they will be suspended without pay for the next month!"[/COLOR] * [B]Rich Money vs. Aaron Andrews (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Hell yeah. I love the fact that 4C are able to pick up Money because of his limited Canadian popularity – and that because of that they were willing to accept Kirk Jameson in a trade. Bigger picture, we get someone who’s a genuine International star working for us for a few shows – and it only costs us $1,800 a time, or about two-thirds an Andrews. Shame we couldn’t make it longer... The two didn’t have any particular chemistry in the ring, but the overness of Money was more than enough to carry this to a rating better than anything we’ve scored in the last nine months or so. Although the fans were a little unsure about Money as a face at first, they quickly grew to love seeing his signature spots (the Money Roll triple suplexes and the Life Of Riley spinning Death Valley Driver in particular) employed against the black hearted Andrews. The champion fought back, and wasn’t above using cheap tricks to distract the referee, allowing for even cheaper tricks in his offence against his challenger. He did enough to forestall Money’s victory, prolonging the match to the thirty minute mark, collapsing out of sheer exhaustion as the bell rung as Money looked on in frustration. Winner: No-one (B+) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I](Was it wrong to hope for a B-? We need a better undercard for that, I know...)[/I] * Not surprisingly, Rich Money heads up the Franchise Players, Talk The Talk, Show Stoppers, Ring Generals and Who’s Hot sections of the Creative Meeting screen. * [CENTER][B]MAW South East Grand Parade[/B] Team Honor and ??? vs. Black Eagle and The Second Sons Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and The Great Ota “Dogfight” Donnie J vs. Providence JD Morgan vs. Sean Deeley[/CENTER]
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Rich Money and Sean Deeley? :eek: That's some great business to bring those two in. I think you might just win the Regional Battle this month :p Also, where did you get that Rudy Velazquez? I'd guess it was in the Alt pic thread and I've just missed it. He looks a lot more pushable than in his default pic. Could probably build off that pic to get new gimmicks for him too.
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[B]Team Honor and ??? [/B]vs. Black Eagle and The Second Sons [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird and The Great Ota[/B] “Dogfight” [B]Donnie J[/B] vs. Providence [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Sean Deeley [QUOTE] (Was it wrong to hope for a B-? We need a better undercard for that, I know...)[/QUOTE] Just do what ya think is ya third best match as opener next time. The All action title seems well suited for it. [QUOTE]"...Rich Money!"[/QUOTE] Let the good times roll! Maybe sign an over canadian for permanent trading so ya can use kirk? [QUOTE]I also think I should avoid workers named Steve in future[/QUOTE] Steve De Colt, Steve Frehley, Steven Parker? lol
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More than just a couple of shows - you see, after signing with 4C Rich also signs with CGC so he's around for the next few months, one deal or another :D Not on every show, but still - it's a definite plus :) Deeley's someone I've wanted to bring in for, well, years - but he's always been tied up with Japanese work. He's [I]perfect[/I] for MAW, though - as we'll see... And I think that Velasquez pic is his alt in the default db. If not, I think J Silver came up with it. It's a lot more impressive than his standard pic, for sure.
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[B]Team Honor and ???[/B] vs. Black Eagle and The Second Sons Smith & Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird and The Great Ota[/B] [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J[/B] vs. Providence [B]JD Morgan[/B] vs. Sean Deeley
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MAW South East Grand Parade Team Honor and ??? vs. [B]Black Eagle and The Second Sons[/B] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird and The Great Ota [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J[/B] vs. Providence JD Morgan vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B]
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Great business in getting Money in, a real coup of a signing, even it'll only be for a few appearances. Team Honor and ??? vs. [B]Black Eagle and The Second Sons[/B] [I]Could go either way but I'll tip the heels [/I] [B]Smith & Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]The losing streak ends here [/I] Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Firebird and The Great Ota[/B] [I]Coin toss, this is a very even match up, but i'd give the edge to Firebird and Ota.[/I] [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J[/B] vs. Providence [I]Donnie strikes one back for the good guys.[/I] JD Morgan vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [I]Just got this feeling Deeley makes an instant impact by winning the Traditional belt. This then frees up Morgan to get dragged into the Fallen-Knights Templar feud further/ set his sights on the big belt.[/I]
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[QUOTE=James Casey;558129]More than just a couple of shows - you see, after signing with 4C Rich also signs with CGC so he's around for the next few months, one deal or another :D Not on every show, but still - it's a definite plus :) Deeley's someone I've wanted to bring in for, well, years - but he's always been tied up with Japanese work. He's [I]perfect[/I] for MAW, though - as we'll see... And I think that Velasquez pic is his alt in the default db. If not, I think J Silver came up with it. It's a lot more impressive than his standard pic, for sure.[/QUOTE] Its a J Silver One I remember it.
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That makes sense, my bad either way it looks damn cool and Rudy seems like a good addition to the Mid Atlantic while were here lets do predctions to. Team Honor and ??? vs. [B]Black Eagle and The Second Sons[/B] [I]Eagle needs some heat going into the feud[/I] [B]Smith & Singh [/B]vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]Blondes are not a real threat anymore[/I] [B]Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Firebird and The Great Ota Tough call but I think Kirk makes the difference here, I think he gets a title shot soon and he needs some momentum for that. [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J [/B]vs. Providence The Fallen doesnt need titles to be awesome and Donnie J has better matches JD Morgan vs.[B]Sean Deeley[/B] With interference from the Fallen becuase they try to recruit Deeley
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;558127] Just do what ya think is ya third best match as opener next time. The All action title seems well suited for it. [/QUOTE] [I]I think you may be right - my experiments seem to bear this out. Thanks![/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: South East Grand Parade Tuesday, 9th August 2012[/CENTER][/B] Barely had the show started then familiar music played and for the first time in four months Randy Bumfhole stepped out onto the ramp. [COLOR="Blue"]“Miss me? I know I've missed performing here – but thanks to Rich Money and Kirk Jameson, I'm back for a few shows to try and take a little revenge for myself on the man who put me out: Aaron Andrews. I'll start with his teammates, but rest assured, Aaron, that I'll be on your case soon enough."[/COLOR] * [B]Team Honor and Randy Bumfhole vs. Black Eagle and The Second Sons[/B] I’m glad that I decided to put this on first. Randy’s appearance got the crowd buzzing, and his presence seemed to energise the other participants in the match. Considering it was a multi-man tag match, this was a commendable effort with all six man performing reasonably well – although Lassana Makutsi’s decision to try and go airborne is questionable as it nearly cost his team the match, Antonio nearly capitalising on his crash and burn before Johnson saved his team-mate and scored with an MDK Powerbomb for the win. Winners: Team Honor and Randy Bumfhole (C-) * [B]Smith & Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] Back to basics with a match that never seems to be as good as it should be. A year ago these two feuded over the titles and I’d hoped that MAW fans might have long memories – but none of those matches took place in the South East. Whoops. Despite the talents of those involved, this match had to be scripted as none of them are great ring psychologists. I suspect that’s why it wasn’t the most impressive match going, and why the crowd seemed pleased when Oscar Golden pinned Singh after an O, Canada! to get the win for his team. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (D-) * Kirk Jameson and Bradford Peverell were backstage and about to give a promo when they were blindsided by Firebird and The Great Ota who proceeded to beat them down, before dragging them down the aisle and throwing them into the ring for their scheduled match. * [B]Bradford Peverell and Kirk Jameson vs. Firebird and The Great Ota[/B] I hope the competitors in the previous match were taking notes. Even without the benefit of team chemistry between Firebird and Ota, these four men were able to put forward an enjoyable match that focused more on individual talents then teamwork, Peverell and Jameson adjusting on the fly to compensate for their opponent’s shortcomings. In the end, though, it was the heel team that took the advantage as Firebird scored with a Phoenix Firebird Splash on Peverell for the win. Winners: Firebird and Ota (C-) * Donnie J sat atop a ladder that had been set up in the middle of the ring. [COLOR="Blue"] "Forgive me, but it's not often that I get to look down on people,"[/COLOR] he began, with a broad grin. [COLOR="Blue"]"I said when I came here that I was ready to fight to prove myself, and I've done that. I'm the current holder of the All Action title, and I've taken part in some of the most gruelling matches of my career to keep hold of the belt. At the same time, I've somehow become wrapped up in this business with The Fallen... and all because of one man: Providence. "The way he acts, the way he talks... It sickens me. We don't fight to hurt people, we do it to entertain you all, and to make some money for ourselves. We know that we have to defeat our opponents... But at the same time we know that there's a line you don't cross. You try and incapacitate your opponent, not cripple them. "Providence couldn't care less about that. I've fought people like him before, or, at least I thought I had. But the more I see of him, the more I realise it's not that he doesn't care, it's that he doesn't see that there's anything to care about. He doesn't look at me, or you, or anyone the way that normal people do. He's dangerous. And I feel like I need to be the one to stop him."[/COLOR] * [B]“Dogfight” Donnie J (c) vs. Providence[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]ladder match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action title[/COLOR] I’ve said previously that not picking up JD Morgan earlier was a big mistake on my part. So was not signing Donne J – this was the second opponent from the MAW uppercard that the CZCW stalwart has chemistry with. The match was classic David vs. Goliath, with the reckless and relentless Providence using every tool at his disposal to try and take down the gutsy and determined Donnie. Providence’ tactics were those of constant pressure, scarcely letting up as he attempted to take the champion out of commission. But Donnie for his part simply would not concede defeat, and on several occasions he was able to use the ladders both as a weapon and to turn himself into a weapon. While his attacks were much more infrequent, they did considerably more damage as even the wild Providence wasn’t able to keep up with the level of risk Donnie was prepared to subject himself to. Ultimately, it paid off as Donnie leapt from a ladder on one side of the ring to the one standing in the centre on which Providence was perched, below the title belt. Donnie scored with a clothesline, knocking his unpredictable, face-painted opponent to the mat below and leaving the way clear for him to clamber up the rungs and retrieve the belt for a successful defence. Winner: Donnie J (C+) * Sean Deeley came down to the ring with Haley Buck: [COLOR="Magenta"]"I would be remiss in my duties as a manager of future champions if I didn't make contingency plans for the situations I may find myself in. Such as a defection from my ranks. With JD Morgan's departure, I knew that I had to move swiftly to replace him. It couldn't just be anyone. It had to be someone who was superior to him. Now, I obviously retained Morgan initially because he was an excellent competitor, and that hasn't changed. But the man standing beside me is better yet."[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]"You see, Morgan, you present yourself as this unstoppable force, but that's false. Because you are very stoppable. Very stoppable indeed. And when I take you down, and force you to submit, you will have to admit that I am your superior in every way that counts. You have your merits when it comes to the roughhouse style that these sheep in the audience like so much, but when it comes to the sweet science of true wrestling, of forcing your opponent to surrender because they are unable to go any further... Well, that's my forte, and something you can never hope to stand up to me in."[/COLOR] * [B]JD Morgan (c) vs. Sean Deeley[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] A strong card ended well with this technically excellent contest. Deeley is every inch Morgan’s equal when it comes to the mat-based side of wrestling, and has added skills that allow him to effectively brawl and even go to the air when necessary. While Morgan is somewhat more one-dimensional – at least, other than his vicious European uppercuts – he has almost two decades of experience over Deeley, allowing him to counter almost everything ‘Shooter’ threw at him. Morgan’s style is more roughhouse, and not as smooth, but it’s every bit as effective and while Deeley was able to counter or reverse many of the moves, it certainly seemed that Morgan had the edge. Nonetheless, Morgan was unable to trap Deeley in a submission move – although Deeley did end up putting so much of his effort into avoiding that predicament that he seemed truly surprised by Morgan’s decision to bring a pragmatic end to the match with A Shot Of JD. Morgan scored the pin, but from the outside Haley Buck made sure that he knew that he’d taken the ‘easy’ way to a win – and that he hadn’t proven anything to her or her client. Winner: JD Morgan (C+) [B]Overall: C-[/B] [I]Next: Reconciliation?[/I]
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The phone rang, jolting me awake. I looked at the clock, which read 12:05am. With a groan I half-stifled in the hope that Katie might not wake up, I picked up the receiver. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Rip? What... Rip, you know I’ve been up late these last few nights sorting out the extension to Aaron’s contract. What’s so important?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“I’ve got someone who wants to speak to you!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I... What? Rip, who-“[/COLOR] There was the sound of the receiver on the other sound being handed over, and then the last voice I’d ever expected to hear on the other end of the line spoke to me. [COLOR="Red"]“Hello James.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“...”[/COLOR] I shook my head and tried a third time. [COLOR="Green"]“Jay?” [/COLOR] [I]OOC: More tonight - I left my USB stick in work last night :o[/I]
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