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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[QUOTE=James Casey;602090][I]Notes: Flash shouldn't main event[/I][/QUOTE] Thanks for that blinding flash of the obvious, Einstein. :D Just kidding. Another good writeup and I'm looking forward to how TV develops. It's going to be tough to manage roster size, costs and exposure. It will be fun to read.
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Cut down on the roster mate imho with just 1 hour to fill repitition won't set in too bad. Especially look at the tag division as paying 4 workers instead of 2 for the same grade and time filling can cost ya. All depends if the costs of tv become too great though.
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[QUOTE=pepper2008;602416]No add profit, it does not bode well... Mean Jean in FCW;)[/QUOTE] Depending on product, it's actually potentially viable. Sure, you're brought a lot closer to breakeven if not pushed over it, but all of a sudden you're able to grow a lot of territories from a few cores and maintain them without having to visit them - which is a tremendous boost. I can confirm this based on personal experience.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;602466]Depending on product, it's actually potentially viable. Sure, you're brought a lot closer to breakeven if not pushed over it, but all of a sudden you're able to grow a lot of territories from a few cores and maintain them without having to visit them - which is a tremendous boost. I can confirm this based on personal experience.[/QUOTE] This is all true. Plus, the extra overness you are gaining will make getting a PPV deal a guarantee the moment you hit Cult. Can't wait to see what you do with MAW on TV.
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[I]OOC: Not a bad idea - although running five shows a month might not be too good for audience burnout... We'll see how we go.[/I] * The San Juan High School cafeteria may just be the strangest place I've ever held a business meeting, quite apart from the fact that opposite me sat Jerry and Eric Eisen, while Jean Cattley rounded out our four person table. I was shaking my head in disbelief, unable to get my mind around what could possibly have brought such an unlikely assemblage together. [COLOR="Green"]"Okay, what? How? Why?"[/COLOR] I tried to marshal my thoughts. [COLOR="Green"]"What the hell?"[/COLOR] Jerry smiled, and nodded his head. [COLOR="Sienna"]"It's okay, we're not here to cause trouble."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"In fact, we're here to do you a favour, on behalf of our father,"[/COLOR] Eric went on. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Jean, do you want to explain?"[/COLOR] I turned to MAW's former cornerstone. [COLOR="Navy"]"Okay, here's the thing,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Navy"]"Mr. Eisen – Richard, that is – heard about you getting the TV deal. At first, he was kind of upset."[/COLOR] Eric snorted, and Jerry smiled at the tabletop. [COLOR="Navy"]"After a couple of days, he called me into his office. I thought for a moment that I was going to get cut – the way the company's been running lately, we're all sort of leary about how long we'll be kept on board. "You may have noticed that the company hasn't bounced back from Cult the way it has in the past."[/COLOR] Jerry cut in. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Once Peter left, and you stuck it out with MAW, Dad didn't have much to do but bring in Farrah again. But with so many people gone, it's not like she can just load up the card with the most over guys. We don't have that many of them left."[/COLOR] I nodded. SWF had haemorrhaged main event talent over the last few years. Steve Frehley, Remo, Rich Money and Marc DuBois had all left, while Jack Bruce and Christian Faith had retired. Eric was one of the current main event crew, along with Angry Gilmore, James Justice and the substantially less-inspiring trio of Lobster Warrior, Squeaky McClean and Frederique Antonio Garcia. In a way, the definition of the company as Cult was ephemeral – in terms of popularity, they were still a long way ahead of almost everyone, including a lot of the larger feds. But as is only appropriate in the wrestling business, perception was more important than reality, and when a company stumbles, it can take a long time – six months, maybe more – to recover their former status. [COLOR="Green"]"So what does this have to do with me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Dad is starting to view MAW as direct competition,"[/COLOR] Eric said, toying with a teaspoon. [COLOR="Sienna"]"You're about to go on national television and you've produced a lot of guys we've signed. Hell, more than half the under-35s on the roster are MAW products, either directly or guys who've spent extended periods with you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"I believe you have eleven of them. Plus Steve Flash, who’s not under 35, and Steven Parker, who is, but left you and joined TCW." [/COLOR] The Eisens exchanged glances, and I could see Jerry’s jaw tighten. I was not above taking cheap shots: Parker was a much bigger name after six months in TCW than he had been ever come close to being in over four years in Supreme. Perhaps wisely, it was Eric who spoke first. [COLOR="Sienna"]"That's just our point,"[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Sienna"]"In a year's time, you might be bigger than us – in a position to take our best talent – or take back, in the cases of the guys we signed from you. That's part of the business, of course, and no-one would blame you." "But we want to avoid that,"[/COLOR] Jerry said. [COLOR="Sienna"]"And so does Dad. He recognises that you guys have the momentum and, assuming you don't go bankrupt, you could be the coming power in this country. If that happens, SWF want to be on good terms with you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"And what does it cost us?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"If you want to, you can have Jean back."[/COLOR] I blinked. [COLOR="Green"]"What?"[/COLOR] Jerry sighed. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Look, Dad signed Jean on a whim. Yes, he's a useful guy to have around, but his record in the company tells you what Dad thinks of him."[/COLOR] Jean frowned. He'd had over forty matches since joining SWF, and had just three wins to show for it. [COLOR="Sienna"]"He's too much of an MAW product to be attractive to Dad, but he recognises that he can be a big deal for you guys to have back."[/COLOR] I frowned. [COLOR="Green"]"So, Richard is giving us back someone that he took out of spite. He's doing that because he has no use for him, and out of fear that in six months time we'll be able to take his best toys away from him."[/COLOR] Jerry and Eric exchanged a long, loaded look. [COLOR="Sienna"]"That's pretty much it, yeah,"[/COLOR] Eric said, with a shrug of his shoulders. [COLOR="Sienna"]"I never said that Dad was [I]good[/I] at this."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Look, I think this could be an on-going thing,"[/COLOR] Jerry went on. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Hugh, Chance, all those guys... They're coming up for renewal in six months or so, as you say. If we don't at least make it back to National by then, well, we'll be signing per-appearance contracts with them. I think that Dad would be willing to let you have back the guys signed from you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Answer me this,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]"We have a deal with Richard from that poker game in Vegas. We can't sign anyone under contract to Supreme. Why's your father suddenly scared that we're going to try? As great as it would be to have Jean back, how do I know this isn't a trap so Richard can run to the dirtsheets and the Internet and complain about us breaking our word?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]"Because this is how our father operates,"[/COLOR] Eric said. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Look back thirty years to Supreme's first national expansion. We took everyone we wanted, and to hell with the consequences to our competitors. That's how Dad expects everyone to act – eventually, anyway. If you had the chance to crush our company, Dad would expect you to take it."[/COLOR] Jerry shot Eric a look that gave me pause. It was indecipherable, and yet... I nodded, slowly. [COLOR="Green"]"Your Dad could benefit from counselling,"[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Sienna"]"We've suggested it – Mom has, too. But he wouldn't trust anyone enough to confide in them, so what can you do?"[/COLOR] Eric said. He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. I shook my head. Richard Eisen was a larger-than-life character, with all his flaws and positive character traits accordingly magnified. The SWF giving to charity was significant news, because Richard was seen as such a complete sod. The SWF taking workers from smaller feds was significant news, because it reinforced the image of Richard as a black-hearted swine of the highest order. I looked at his sons. I liked Eric – I always had done. I’d had a hand in training him, may years before, when he was still a teenager. He’d never been the greatest of wrestler, but he tried hard and respected the veterans. He was good looking and charismatic, and popular with the boys in the locker room. Had his last name not been Eisen, I’d always felt, he’d have been given a lot more slack by the fans. But then, had his last name not been Eisen, he’d probably never have been signed by his father – so I guess it worked both ways. As for Jerry... I glanced across at the other Eisen son. He’d never been interested in stepping in the ring, although I’d heard that he’d undergone basic training at his father’s request, in order that he knew how to take a bump and so on. It was an open secret that Jerry would inherit the business one day, and if the rumours I’d heard were correct, he’d been more involved in the business side of things of late, with Richard starting to hand over the reigns. Slowly. I wouldn’t put it past Supreme to have a medium on the payroll, so Richard could communicate his desires from beyond the grave – Supreme was his company, and I doubted if he’d ever be comfortable handing things over to anyone else, even his own flesh and blood. Still, Jerry was the coming man. His being here was evidence of that, at least – but then, why bring Eric? He had no power backstage, nor did he have any interest in gaining it at this point in his career. This was Jerry’s show, not – Ah. That was it, wasn’t it? Jerry was his father’s son. There was something else going on – I didn't believe for a second that SWF saw MAW as any kind of a threat. A couple of years down the line, maybe, but right now? Jean was the cheese being dangled in front of us to distract us from that was really happening. I weighed the matter up in my head, before nodding. Whatever the real reasons were – and I couldn’t totally rule out goodwill on Richard’s part. He had his moments, same as anyone – having Jean back would be a shot in the arm for us. Even if we were about to be raided again, well, what could we realistically do to stop them? [COLOR="Green"]"It’s business, at the end of the day,”[/COLOR] I said, with a pointed look at Jerry, who met my eyes evenly. [COLOR="Green"]“I’ve long since accepted that morals don’t come into it – but if Richard wants to do a nice thing, who am I to stop him? Jean, are you happy coming back?"[/COLOR] "Of course." [COLOR="Green"]"Then we'll talk with Rip tomorrow, okay? Gentlemen, you understand that I need to clear this with Rip."[/COLOR] The Eisens nodded. [COLOR="Green"]"Thank you for coming down, and say hello to your father from me. He'll be hearing from us tomorrow."[/COLOR] We shook hands, and went our separate ways. Jean, as it happened, didn't have anywhere to stay, so he ended up on the floor of my room. The next day we flew economy back into North Carolina where Rip and Katie were waiting to greet me. At the sight of Jean, Rip went as pale as a ghost. It took a lot of explaining to get him on board with Richard's latest proposal – he was even less optimistic about it being the start of a beautiful friendship than I was – but when it became clear that it would mean Jean being back with us... The two men shook hands, before embracing as though a father and son had been reunited. Katie and I left them alone to get caught up, and as she drove us back to the house, I began working out ways to fit Jean into our ongoing storylines. At the very least, I decided as we pulled into the driveway, there was the small matter of him being forced out of MAW by Casey Valentine to deal with... * [CENTER][B]MAW Old School Rules[/B] Thea Davis vs. Nadia Snow Brooke Tyler vs. Deborah Young Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota Team Honor vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood (c) vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles Aaron Andrew's choice: Kirk Jameson vs. ??? – non-title[/CENTER]
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I am very interested in see who the mystery man is as well as the backstage stuff. Thea Davis vs. [B]Nadia Snow[/B] [B]Brooke Tyler[/B] vs. Deborah Young Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs.[B] Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota[/B] Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood (c) [/B]vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles Aaron Andrew's choice: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. ??? – non-title
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[B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]The face women have begun to turn the tide a little, so I think that will continue here with this match. [/I] Brooke Tyler vs. [B]Deborah Young[/B] [I]Honestly I have no idea, probably the match where half the crowd will be more interested in what is on offer at the concession stands.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota[/B] [I]The 'upset' isn't unfeasible but I feel the heel duo have enjoyed a more focused push in MAW.[/I] Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles [I]My feeling is that ABH will lose these in a straight two on two match up.[/I] Aaron Andrew's choice: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. ??? – non-title [I]Whoever Andrews choice is, they're going down[/I]
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[B]MAW Old School Rules[/B] [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [B]Brooke Tyler[/B] vs. Deborah Young [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Burn[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood[/B] (c) vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles Aaron Andrew's choice: [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. ??? – non-title
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Phew! I'm doing my darnedest to try and get caught up with this one - I sadly trailed off with the "false ending" of Andrews beating Jameson way back when, and I've missed quite a bit. Still, it seems to be another chapter is starting up, with Cattley returning and a new TV deal, so it seems as good a time as any to get back into the swing of this one, even if I'm not caught up and don't have any idea who have the roster is (truth be told, with all the name changes you tend to throw around, I rarely ever knew who was who anyway :p). Anyway, onwards... MAW Old School Rules [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [I]This is simply blind faith in Senor Tigre's ability to predict match outcomes. Speaking of which, sir, I am also doing my best to get caught up your game as well, so look for me to start showing myself in your thread sometime in the next four-to-six weeks (I've got plenty of reading to do!).[/I] [B]Brooke Tyler[/B] vs. Deborah Young [I]This is simply a lack of faith in TigerKinney's ability to predict match outcomes.[/I] Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota [/B] [I]I'm bracing myself for the eventual monster push for AFF, but I don't think it will begin here.[/I] Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles [I]I'm sticking with the champs. Seems to be an easy pick.[/I] Aaron Andrew's choice: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. ??? – non-title [I]The point is to set up Andrews vs. Jameson, right? What fun would it be if Jameson didn't thwart Andrews at every turn until they fought?[/I]
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[B]MAW Old School Rules[/B] [B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow Brooke Tyler vs. [B]Deborah Young[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Burn[/B] vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood (c)[/B] vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles Aaron Andrew's choice: Kirk Jameson vs. [B]???[/B] – non-title
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[B]MAW Old School Rules[/B] [B] Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow [B]Brooke Tyler[/B] vs. Deborah Young Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota[/B] Team Honor vs. [B]Always Breakin' Hollywood[/B] (c) vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles Aaron Andrew's choice: [B]Kirk Jameson [/B]vs. ??? – non-title
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[B]Thea Davis[/B] vs. Nadia Snow Brooke Tyler vs. [B]Deborah Young[/B] Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs. [B]Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota[/B] [B]Team Honor[/B] vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood (c) vs. Ford & Speed – MAW Tag Team titles Aaron Andrew's choice: [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. ??? – non-title
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[I]OOC: Welcome back, hrdcoresideburns - and thanks to everyone for the predictions![/I] [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Old School Rules Friday, 12th May 2013[/CENTER] MAW Women’s title tournament: Thea Davis vs. Nadia Snow[/B] Thea Davis may be the leader of the women's forces in MAW, but she doesn't have the overness to carry a match outside the Mid Atlantic. That was supposed to fall on the head of Snow, who's had national exposure with USPW for several years – but ultimately, despite being part of the Women's title tournament, the fans just weren't that into it, and the match ending Blonde Ambition from Snow put a full stop on another show of why I'm probably going to struggle with women's singles matches that don't involve Alicia or J-Ro. Winner: Nadia Snow (E) * Always Breakin’ Hollywood were backstage, with Haley Buck looking professional and the champions lounging around in expensive looking leather coats, suits and sunglasses. [COLOR="Magenta"]“My clients wish for this ongoing issue between themselves and Natural Storm to be resolved in the near future. Accordingly, the challenge is issued for a match at Mother, May I? We trust that this will see an end to the matter.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah,”[/COLOR] Brown growled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Keep after us after that, and we’ll break your necks.”[/COLOR] * [B]Team Honor vs. Always Breakin' Hollywood (c) vs. Ford & Speed[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] A typically busy triple threat tag match, with the referee struggling to maintain order as he was besieged by the six men. Three of those stood out, as Lassana Makutsi really worked hard to get the crowd into the match, while Lenny Brown impressed with his aerial skills, and Primus Allen brought the match to an end with a series of brute strength enhanced technical exchanges with Jared Johnson that ended up with the North Carolinan falling victim to a Sunset Boulevard from the champs. Winners: Always Breakin' Hollywood (D-) * Brooke Tyler was backstage, looking nervous: [COLOR="Blue"]“Everyone hears my last name, and they think that they know all about me. Well they don’t! I’m not hardcore! I don’t even really know how to swing a chair, even if Thea did talk me into it that one time. But I’ve been drawn against Deborah Young in the title tournament, and that means that I’m going up against the strongest, biggest woman in wrestling. I don’t know if I can beat her, I just don’t. I have to try, that’s how my daddy brought me up, but I’m just... If I can get through this match without being badly hurt, I’ll think of it as a win.”[/COLOR] * [B]MAW Women’s title tournament: Brooke Tyler vs. Deborah Young[/B] Despite her considerable downsides, Deborah Young remains a striking and unforgettable woman, and she showed star presence in this match. Aided by Haley Buck, whose clients already had one win under their belts after the previous contest, she was able to make relatively short work of her young opponent, eventually putting her down with a Sit Out Powerbomb to advance to the semi-final of the title tournament. Winner: Deborah Young (D) * [CENTER][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLN6zPmAIAw"][I]How can you see into my eyes...[/I][/URL][/CENTER] The lights flickered, the music boomed, and for the first time in over two years, “Machine” Jean Cattley stepped through the curtain and stood before the fans of MAW. [COLOR="Navy"]“It’s good to be back. It’s been too long. I was forced out of MAW, and now-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“You were forced out by me!”[/COLOR] Casey Valentine strode out onto the ramp and got in Jean’s face. [COLOR="Sienna"]“I would have thought that you’d have the decency to stay gone.“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“I was invited back by the owner of the company, Casey. But you do make a good point. I owe you for the way you ran me out of this company, and I’d hate to leave something like that hanging... So in one week’s time I want you in a match. I’ve spent two years waiting for a chance to get some payback, and I don’t want to wait much longer.”[/COLOR] * [B]Amazing Fire Fly and Burn vs. Lord Geoffrey Windameer and The Great Ota[/B] It's ironic, or something – certainly less than helpful. Windameer is this year's Bradford Peverell, with a distinctly patchy win/loss record, and an intermittent appearance rate. And yet it's the other three who've complained about their records of late. Unfortunately, Ota found his third non-compatible partner in under six months in this match, which really threw off the timing and affected the flow of the match. Everyone did their best, and Ota showed why he's still invaluable to us in the way he carried himself, but no-one cares about Burn which was an additional burden. In the end, Windameer picked up a win over Fly with a High Society. Winners: Windameer and Ota (D) * Rip stood in centre ring, looking as though he didn’t want to say what he had to say. [COLOR="Purple"]“Aaron Andrews isn’t here tonight. He’s asked me to explain his choice for Kirk Jameson’s opponent. In his words, then: [/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"]‘I wanted to pick someone with the talent to fight my old friend to a standstill, but also someone who I could rely on to get under his skin. There were a few people I could have chosen, but then I started thinking about much Kirk's so-called chivalry has cost me. I decided that I loved the idea of using that against him. With that in mind, there was really only one choice – Joanne Rodriguez!’[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]”[/COLOR] J-Ro came out and played to the fans, waving a thick wad of $100 bills to show that she was being well compensated for the match she was about to have. * [B]Aaron Andrew's choice: Kirk Jameson vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] A show-saving match, this started off very slowly with Jameson clearly hesitant to lock up with his chosen opponent. J-Ro had no such compunctions, flicking out hard and high kicks with impressive accuracy, before grounding the champion and working him over with an armlock designed to neutralise his strength advantage. On commentary, Rip groused about men facing women. I noted that Wanda Fish and The XX Factor had broken that barrier, but Rip countered that any woman going up against Jameson was at an unfair disadvantage. Jameson showed what Rip was talking about as he began to get into the match. The fans lapped up his minimal offence, designed to wear J-Ro down as painlessly and chivalrously as possible. J-Ro fought hard, but as Jameson’s tactics began to bear fruit, it was clear that she was on the wrong end of a losing battle, and it wasn’t too much longer before he applied the Kirkhold to force out the submission. Winner: Kirk Jameson (B-) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I](Note to self – returning hometown hero should return... in their hometown. Jean's promo could have played much better in North Carolina than in the Sweat Box) Next: Who's chasing Aaron?[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;603152]Interesting choice of opponent for Jameson, with Joanne Rodriguez. A brilliant piece of booking in my opinion and a case where a mixed gender match has some logic behind it.[/QUOTE] Agreed. I thought the idea of picking J-Ro was pretty cool, especially since MAW is suppose to be representing the old school.
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I, too, loved J-Ro as Kirk's opponent. I think the finish might've been sort of out of character, since he's putting this young lass in so much pain that it's tap or snap, where a pin would've been more "gentleman-like" and "mercyful" even if he'd still have to either hit her with a big move or "humiliate" her with a small package or a roll-up. Can you tell I'm putting way too much thought into this? :p Still loved the angle, though. Just the thing Andrews's character would do. Looking forward to seeing what TV does for MAW's business.
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;603167]I, too, loved J-Ro as Kirk's opponent. I think the finish might've been sort of out of character, since he's putting this young lass in so much pain that it's tap or snap, where a pin would've been more "gentleman-like" and "mercyful" even if he'd still have to either hit her with a big move or "humiliate" her with a small package or a roll-up. Can you tell I'm putting way too much thought into this? :p Still loved the angle, though. Just the thing Andrews's character would do. Looking forward to seeing what TV does for MAW's business.[/QUOTE] Don't worry about thinking too much into stuff. I saw Rip's comment on women facing men and thought of a storyline of talented woman wrestler getting on a good roll, but can't get a chance at the champion because Rip thinks a woman can't be the champ.
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[I]OOC: Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm going to try and keep the strictly male/female matches to a minimum on the main shows, but in the storyline it worked well. With a bit more heat and maybe the title on the line, J-Ro and Kirk could have put on an MOTY candidate for us. Anyway, I've got quite a way ahead in the game again, so I need to crack on.[/I] * In a move that shocked precisely no-one, Eisaku Hoshino has extended his deal with WLW. Hoshino has been in the top 15 wrestlers worldwide for the last six years and more. He's signed repeated short-term contracts with BHOTWG in that time, as well as working for GCG for around eighteen months before signing on with WLW two years ago. One of the best wrestlers in the world, he's incredibly over in Japan and wouldn't exactly get laughed out of the office if he moved Stateside either. He's successfully played both ends against the other since going freelance, as while he's clearly settled in BHOTWG, equally he would walk into the main event scene of any Japanese fed, and many feds worldwide as well. * Just as an experiment, we're putting the On Tour shows up to ninety minutes for the last fortnight of May. I suspect that we may end up running that way once the TV show hits as, realistically, we can't expect to get everyone on one hour of television a week. This should give us an idea of how much money we can expect to lose over the coming quarter. * [B]MAW On Tour – Tri-State[/B] Kristabel Plum def. "Twilight" Michael Ferdinand – E Greg Ford def. Jared Johnson – D- Burn def. Deborah Young – D- "Machine" Jean Cattley def. Raphael – D MAW Traditional title: Bradford Peverell (c) def. Jaime Quine – D+ [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I]Notes: Male on female violence may not be very Traditional, but it worked, and the other matches are a fair reflection that, On Tour, the men and women will mix a lot more than on the bigger shows ... Jean hasn't lost anything – a D is a great result considering the opposition and the location ... I glitched and made this a [U]Small[/U] show for my [U]Medium[/U] brand workers – which means more upset workers who've 'missed' a show.[/I] * Newcomer Michael Ferdinand attacked Antonio backstage during the show. I optimistically put it down to nerves – and let him off lightly. Poor Antonio seems to attract problems backstage, and I think a lot of the guys view him rather as I do – someone who's around more from connections than talent. Nonetheless, physical violence should be constrained to the ring, particularly where we can't make any money by putting them in a match. * This should be interesting: SWF have approached Aaron Andrews (who also works for TCW) and Providence (who also works for NYCW and USPW). If Andrews signs, he'd be the first worker to be involved in matches for both TCW and SWF since... ever. And he might do it, as he's be an instant main eventer in the land of Supreme. Providence, on the other hand, probably won't leave us – he's got too good a thing going on with his current jobs, and signing for SWF wouldn't be much of a step up in their current state. Potentially complicating matters is the approach from the Stones to Andrews. Let's be honest here: Aaron's contract is up in a few months. I don't imagine he'll re-sign for us. Once he leaves here, TCW (and NOTBPW?) will have the option of tying him to a written deal, but he's too much of a hot prospect to go on the open market for long. Well, I say that, but Steve Frehley is still only signed to CGC, so what do I know? Also of note: Andrews left NYCW without dropping the Empire title to anyone. They had ample warning to book the match, but it didn't happen. And these guys are ahead of us in the promotion rankings? * [CENTER][B]MAW I Am Not Left Handed Either[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. Rudy Velasquez (c) – MAW All Action title Kristabel Plum vs. Jaime Quine "Machine" Jean Cattley vs. Casey Valentine Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez Kirk Jameson's choice: ??? vs. Aaron Andrews[/CENTER]
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[B]MAW I Am Not Left Handed Either[/B] Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez[/B] (c) – MAW All Action title [B]Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Jaime Quine [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Casey Valentine Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Kirk Jameson's choice: ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez [/B](c) – MAW All Action title Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Jaime Quine[/B] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Casey Valentine Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] Kirk Jameson's choice: ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B]
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Amazing Fire Fly vs. [B]Rudy Velasquez (c[/B]) – MAW All Action title [I]Rudy only just won this title, and as much as you have a soft spot for Fire Fly I don't see Rudy's reign ending this quickly[/I] [B]Kristabel Plum[/B] vs. Jaime Quine [I]Keeping the face women relatively strong[/I] [B]"Machine" Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Casey Valentine [I]Anything other than a return win for Cattley would be a major surprise.[/I] Alicia Strong vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]This could go either way, but I think J-Ro will put out the win here, it might not been clean but she seems to be here for the long haul in MAW more than Strong.[/I] Kirk Jameson's choice: ??? vs. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [I]Like last time, whoever the mystery opponent is...I don't see them winning the match.[/I]
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