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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[I]Thanks for all the comments, everyone. Short write-ups in the main today - the main event gets all the love :D[/I] [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Fall Of The King Friday, 26th September 2009[/B][/CENTER] [B]Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio & Raphael[/B] With over seven hundred fans in attendance once more, these two undercard tag teams exchanged moves and holds for all ten minutes of this opening match, at the end of which the time limit expired and the four men had to make do with a draw. Winners: No-one (E+) * With the match over, Morgan and Benning stayed in the ring. [COLOR="blue"]“We’ve been at the very top, and we lost what we had,”[/COLOR] Benning said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now we have to learn how to get back up there.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“We’re big enough to admit that our tag title win was a one-in-a-thousand shot,”[/COLOR] Morgan agreed. [COLOR="blue"]“We weren’t ready to be champions. So we’re going to make ourselves ready. Next time we get a chance, we’re going to take it. And become champions that the fans of this company can be proud of.”[/COLOR] * Backstage, and Masked Patriot hyped up his upcoming match against Primus Allen, saying that Rip should watch closely – that his combination of speed, strength and technical knohow made him a perfect candidate for his team. * [B]Internet Favourites vs. C-V-2 (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] The Favourites did their best, but they were outclassed by the champions, who entered a dominant showing en route to victory via a Flying V on Mayhem. Winners: C-V-2 (E+) * Earlier today, Stevie Grayson and Ultimate Phoenix approached Rip in turn to ask for a place on his team. Rip listened to each in turn, and promised to get back to them. * Backstage, and we saw a montage of Sienna LeNoir approaching a number of people backstage, apparently seeking to recruit them as she had Stevie Grayson the month before. Black Eagle lurked in the background of each shot, appearing implacable and disinterested until he was spun round by Ultimate Phoenix. [COLOR="Blue"]“Black Eagle, you and I have never seen eye to eye, and this latest stunt of yours, seeking to recruit others for your own nefarious purposes, is nothing short of vile. I cannot in good conscience allow you to carry on attempting to spread your black influence through this company. Tonight I want to face you one last time – and if I win, you leave these people to live their lives in peace, understand?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Your terms are acceptable...”[/COLOR] Sienna said, in the foreground, and without looking at Eagle. [COLOR="blue"]“He will fight you this evening... and if he wins, then you must leave in his place... and allow him to find his true disciple among those who may be worthy...”[/COLOR] * [B]The Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen[/B] This was a fun power match that finally saw Patriot gain some traction in his ongoing battle with The Firm’s enforcer. For once, the two faced one another on an even battleground, and Patriot’s experience told as he was able to keep one step ahead of Allen, using his underrated speed to minimise and deflect the worst of Allen’s attacks. Findlay O’Farraday tried to cause trouble with a run-in towards the end of the match, but Patriot remained focused, before nailing Allen with an Inverted Piledriver for his first MAW defeat. Winner: Masked Patriot (D) * Earlier today, Trent Shaffer asked Rip for a place on the team. Rip seemed quite enthusiastic about the idea. As Shaffer walked away, Erik Strong buttonholed Rip and put forward his case. Rip seemed less enthusiastic, but Erik argued his case passionately and Rip promised to think about it. * [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Black Eagle[/B] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Loser Leaves Town match[/COLOR] This was a somewhat low-key match – better than average, but these two never quite seem to click when in the ring together. Eagle was at his most dastardly, using low-grade cheating constantly to keep Phoenix off-balance, but the heroic Phoenix was able to overcome his foe’s evil plans and nail the Phoenix Firebird Splash to dispatch the insidious Eagle from the company Winners: Ultimate Phoenix (D+) * Steven Parker came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“Rip, you brought me back to MAW to help defend it against the recent invasion. But you haven’t asked me to be on your team tonight? Now, I know I have my match against Jean, but when that’s done, wouldn’t it be something for you to have the new MAW champion working on your team? You know that it’s the right choice, Rip.”[/COLOR] Rip stood up and said: [COLOR="purple"]“Steven, you’d be a fine addition to the team if you didn’t already have a match – hell, you were the first name on my list. But after last month, I figured that you deserved a rematch. Still, if you get past Cattley quickly, you’re a definite candidate for the match.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Not that it’s going to happen like that,” [/COLOR]Jean Cattley said, appearing from backstage. “[COLOR="green"]The only way that this match is going to be short is if I beat Steven so badly that he surrenders inside five minutes. And I don’t think he’ll be in any state for your match after that.”[/COLOR] * [B]Steven Parker vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] This was another very good match between these two tremendous workers. Once again, they went back and forth, and while they were holding back so as not to burn out the crowd before the main event, they still put forth a tremendous effort – easily the equal of almost any other match held in MAW since I joined. In the end, they could not be separated, and had to settle for another time limit draw. Winner: No-one (C-) * A short video played as the cage was lowered into place, reminding the crowd about the months-long build-up to this match. Myself and Rock explained the rules: The match begins with one member of each team entering the cage. After five minutes, a member from one of the teams enters enter the cage, giving his team the temporary handicap advantage. After two minutes, a member from the other team enters to even the odds. Entrants are alternated between teams every two minutes, giving the coin toss-winning team the temporary advantage in the numbers game before giving the other team the advantage with the freshest man and even odds. Once all eight men had entered the cage, the match truly begins. Both teams fight in the cage for as long as it takes until a member of either team submits or is knocked unconscious. There are no pinfalls, countouts or disqualifications and, of course, use of the cage is perfectly legal. * [B]Rip’s Team vs. Jay’s Team[/B] in a [COLOR="Red"]War Games match[/COLOR] The first men in were Trent Shaffer and Greg Gauge, who tore into one another from the off. The cage was brought into play in the early exchanges, with Shaffer feeling the steel on his back, but for the most part the first period was fought in the centre of the ring. That changed with the entrance of Darryl Devine, who helped Greg pitch Shaffer into the cage not once, not twice, but three times until Shaffer was busted open. Shaffer ate a Neutron Plex, but as Devine set him up for the Devine Dream Drop, the crowd erupted for the entrance of Mainstream Hernandez, who immediately flew at his nemeses, dropping Greg with a Superkick, and following it up with a piledriver as Shaffer managed to avoid the Drop with a low blow that left Devine doubled over. Shaffer fired off a savate kick, but Devine used Shaffer’s momentum against him, pitching him into the turnbuckles. Hernandez, though, grabbed Devine from behind and hit him with a back suplex, before hauling him upright and hitting Devine with a hard clothesline that carried both men over the ropes and into the unforgiving steel cage. Mainstream came off the better in the collision, and was ready to meet the next entrant – Jay Chord. Hernandez and Chord circled the ring before locking up, which Hernandez turned into an armdrag that carried Chord to Shaffer’s corner of the ring. Hernandez charged in, but Chord quickly hauled Shaffer up as a shield, making Hernandez pause – and allowing Greg Gauge to drill him with a Depth Gauge. As Chord watched on, Gauge clamped on the Proton Lock as Mainstream grimaced – but the match could not end until everyone was in the ring. That point came one step closer with the entrance of Erik Strong, who broke up the Lock as Darryl Devine re-entered the fray. For a short spell, Jay’s side had the advantage, with Jay alternating between the Mainstream/Devine and Greg/Erik fights as needed, but Trent Shaffer was able to drag himself upright and nail Jay with a series of hard rights. The three pairs continued to tangle, with no clear advantage to either side – that is, until Matthew Gauge entered and immediately moved to help his team captain. This seemed to upset his brother, who lost focus and got caught with a dropsault from Erik, sending him into Devine. Mainstream took the chance to crash the two heels’ heads together, before catapulting Devine through the ropes and into the cage, splitting his head open. Greg quickly followed as Strong and Hernandez briefly reunited their tag team to use Greg in a rocket launcher that sent him over the ropes and into the cage. Jay quickly targeted Erik, but this left Mainstream to grab Greg and grind his face against the steel wire of the cage, ripping open his forehead. Greg was only saved by his brother, who dropkicked Mainstream from behind and into the steel cage supports. This was the cue for the final entrance, as Stevie Grayson joined the fray. With all eight men in the ring, the door was locked, and the match truly began. Grayson made an immediate impact by going after Darryl Devine, knocking the Traditional champion into the cage once more, before targeting Jay Chord, who ate a Shining Wizard that sent him under the ropes and onto the sidelines. Just like that, the face team exchanged glances and nods. Swinging into action like a well-oiled machine, they quickly went after the Gauge brothers, splitting them apart and double-teaming both at the same time. Greg was caught with a Shining Wizard from Grayson, before Shaffer nailed him with a Heart Burn that left him down and out. The former tag champions shook hands, and then watched as Mainstream hit a Superkick on Matt, setting him up for a Strongsault from Erik. With the twins down and out, the face’s attention was turned to Darryl Devine, who tried to find solace somewhere, only to find no escape. A Superkick knocked him backwards into a Heart Burn, and Stevie ended the quick demolition with a 460 Degree Splash. That left Jay, who was hauling himself upright using the cage for support. With his head split open, and blood pouring down his face, he spat defiance at the faces. But if he was expecting sympathy or pity, he received none, for the Mid Atlantic fans had seen him go after too many people they cared for too often since his assault on hs father in January. The assault was brutal, and had it gone on for too long would have been cruel – but each member of Rip’s team attacked once, taking Jay down and out. Mainstream retrieved a microphone as the others moved into position. Erik clamped on an ankle lock, Trent a heel hook, and Stevie an armbar before Mainstream trapped the fourth limb in a grapevine. Jay cried out in pain as each hold was cinched in and, had he had a hand free, might well have tapped out. [COLOR="blue"]“Don’t worry, Jay,”[/COLOR] Mainstream said into the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“You still get your match next month. But this is just... payback. For all the attacks. All the arrogant talk and disrespect you’ve shown us and every other member of this company.”[/COLOR] Each man arched back on their holds, and Jay cried out again. [COLOR="blue"]“So, tell me, Jay,” [/COLOR]Mainstream said. [COLOR="blue"]“Without your friends around to back you up... Just how tough are you feeling right now?”[/COLOR] Strong gave Jay’s ankle an extra twist, causing him to yell once more. [COLOR="blue"]“Have you had enough?”[/COLOR] Mainstream asked. [COLOR="blue"]“Are you ready to give up?”[/COLOR] He moved the mic in front of Jay’s mouth, and after each man tightened their holds to the point that Jay’s limbs were being bent in the most unnatural way, he nodded his head. [COLOR="blue"]“Say it!”[/COLOR] Grayson yelled. [COLOR="Red"]“I QUIT!”[/COLOR] The bell rang, and each of the four members of Rip’s team released their grip on Jay at once. The members of Jay’s team were gradually finding their feet, and gathered around their fallen leader as the cage was raised. Rip left his position on commentary to join his team in the ring, but the mood was not one of celebration. Rip looked down on his fallen son with a mixture of sorrow and pity on his face, as Jay lay on the mat, beaten and bleeding, with their own personal match still yet to come. Winners: Rip’s Team (D+) [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I]Next: Backstage, and all the build-up to Rip vs. Jay...[/I]
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I’d been planning the cage match for a long time, in various incarnations. Hell Monkey was nearly a part of it – had I not been able to bring back Greg Gauge, Monkey would have been the fourth member. Originally, before Devine signed, Jean Cattley was nearly the fourth member of the team – but then, I’d considered putting him on Rip’s team due to the long relationship between the two. Phoenix, Ota, Patriot and Kirk Jameson were all considered for the face team – and Parker was set to take part instead of Shaffer until he had that match with Jean at the last show. I just [I]had[/I] to follow that one up. As MAW is only a small promotion, I had to use a certain artistic license to run this match, so it was just a standard 4 vs. 4 match – but that’s okay. Most of the workers wouldn’t have done too well in a hardcore environment anyway. Oh, and Eagle really is gone. His contract came up, along with the reminder that he was due a midcard title run – a run I had no chance to give him. I’d hoped to get one more show out of him, but I was just a few days short so had to hotshot the LLT match for this show. He may return, as I felt that his gimmick had a lot of mileage left in it. We’ll see. * Apparently beating the hell out of Jay keeps him in line – no trouble this month. * Trent Shaffer won his second CGC Canadian title two days after taking part in the war games match. He defeated Sean Deeley, who’s always on MAW’s shortlist. The match wasn’t bad, either... * [CENTER][B]October – Where It All Begins Again[/B] Trent Shaffer vs. Antonio Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. The Gauge Brothers Stevie Grayson vs. Darryl Devine Internet Favourites vs. The Canadian Blondes Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix vs. Morgan & Benning Steven Parker vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh vs. C-V-2 Rip Chord vs. Jay Chord[/CENTER] [I]Next: Interim[/I]
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Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]The Gauge Brothers[/B] Stevie Grayson vs.[B] Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix vs.[B] Morgan & Benning[/B] [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] Rip Chord vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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October – Where It All Begins Again Trent Shaffer vs. Antonio [I]Trent follows up his War Games win with another victory.[/I] Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. The Gauge Brothers [I]The Gauge Brothers beat down the boys from Puerto Rico.[/I] Stevie Grayson vs. Darryl Devine [I]Devine gets some payback for last month's loss.[/I] Internet Favourites vs. The Canadian Blondes [I]This is the internet, who else can I vote for? Internet Favourites[/I] Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix vs. Morgan & Benning [I]Ota and Phoenix take down former champions.[/I] Steven Parker vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [I]Cattley doesn't lose the title yet. Parker is robbed and loses.[/I] The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh vs. C-V-2 [I]C-V-2 retains thanks to Primus Allen interference.[/I] Rip Chord vs. Jay Chord [I]I love Rip, but Jay takes out his old man.[/I]
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October – Where It All Begins Again [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Antonio Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]The Gauge Brothers[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Internet Favourites vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Morgan & Benning Steven Parker vs. “[B]Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] Rip Chord vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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[B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Antonio Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]The Gauge Brothers[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Morgan & Benning[/B] Steven Parker vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] Rip Chord vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Antonio[/B] Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]The Gauge Brothers[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Morgan & Benning Steven Parker vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. C-V-2 [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. Jay Chord
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No predictions, but I'm happy to see Rip doing well. In my very first game after buying the full version, I was simming just to see how the world went when I had a message pop up in March '08 saying there was an opening for a booker for MAW after a change of ownership. I looked, and Larry Wood was owner after Rip passed away. :(
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[B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Antonio Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. [B]The Gauge Brothers[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Morgan & Benning Steven Parker vs. [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] [B]The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. C-V-2 Rip Chord vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Just wanted you to know that I've been reading and enjoying this.
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[B]Trent Shaffer [/B]vs. Antonio [B]Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. The Gauge Brothers rout for the underdog! Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Morgan & Benning [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] Rip Chord vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] this diary is awesome
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I'm really enjoying reading this diary, it might even inspire me to write my own. Here's my predictions: October – Where It All Begins Again [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Antonio [B]Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. The Gauge Brothers Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix vs. [B]Morgan & Benning[/B] Steven Parker vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley - [B]Draw[/B] [B]The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. C-V-2 Rip Chord vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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[QUOTE]No predictions, but I'm happy to see Rip doing well. In my very first game after buying the full version, I was simming just to see how the world went when I had a message pop up in March '08 saying there was an opening for a booker for MAW after a change of ownership. I looked, and Larry Wood was owner after Rip passed away.[/QUOTE] [I]:( I must say, in every game I've played as someone else, Rip tends to pass away early. In the games I play as MAW, he seems to stick it out for a good while. I was delighted to make it this far without him popping his clogs, obviously. * Thanks to everyone who's commented and predicted so far - I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying the show. I'll post the show tonight, and after that I'll be on holiday for a week or so - hence the mad scramble over the last week or so to get to this point. I'll probably go back to once-daily updates after that - maybe even less :eek: I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge shipshirt's awesome '07 MAW dynasty, incidentally. This diary wouldn't be here without him - go check out his [URL=""]CWB[/URL] dynasty to see a few familiar faces. Anyway...[/I] * It was nearly two years since I’d signed on to help Rip with MAW. It was fun being backstage again – and enough time had passed that I wasn’t too bitter about being around people who did what I used to love to do. Saying that, there were moments when I could have walked away without a backwards glance. I’d received a phone call that morning from one of the participants in that night’s matches, stating that there was no way that they were going along with the finish I’d booked. I was ready to kick some serious arse – the match had been planned for a long time. Now was not the time to try and mess me around. I slammed through the doors of the Delaware Auditorium, making Hugh Lee jump about a foot in the air and drop his snow cone down the front of his shirt. He gave me one look and got out of my way as I headed for the office that I shared with Rip. The door opened before me with a crash, and the guilty party looked up at me, defiantly but not without some guilt. I snarled at him, knowing that there was nothing I could do about it – and that anyone who acted up backstage was going to feel the brunt of my anger afterwards. It was not a good start to what should have been the finest card of my career... * [I]Next: Rip vs. Jay. Do I need to say anything else?[/I]
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[I]Read and see...[/I] * [CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Where It All Begins Again Friday, October 26th 2009[/B][/CENTER] [B]Trent Shaffer vs. Antonio[/B] Antonio’s impressive run continues – he’s undefeated in several matches. This was his first real top-level test, as former tag champion Trent Shaffer matched his considerable speed against Antonio’s more all-round abilities. The two concocted a decent opener before the record 889 fans in attendance, before Antonio scored his biggest win since taking the 2008 RCI by dropping Shaffer with an Italian DDT Winner: Antonio (D+) * The Gauges were on ripe form, taunting their opponents for lacking the tag team experience and all-round skill that they possessed. While Mainstream Hernandez grinned ****ily, Kirk Jameson pointed out that there would be no ambushes in this match. No sneak attacks. For once, they had the Gauges right where they could see them. * [B]Mainstream Hernandez and Kirk Jameson vs. The Gauge Brothers[/B] ---- creative control. All I wanted from this match was the exiting Greg Gauge to put Kirk Jameson over after their match a couple of months back. But Gauge used his creative control clause to block that – and with the weight of TCW behind him, what could I do? The four teams instead assembled a fantastic match that saw Mainstream in particular on top form – but no-one was able to get the decisive finisher to score the win. Winners: No-one (C-) * The Gauges weren’t done, and they tried to jump the face team after the bell. But Mainstream and Kirk were prepared for this, and Matthew was taken down with a double superkick. Greg immediately tried to backpedal, but Mainstream caught him and whipped him towards Kirk, who hoisted him up into the air in a flapjack, only to add further damage with a dropkick as Greg dropped back down. Greg was left writhing in pain in the ring as Kirk and Mainstream left, arms raised in celebration. * Darryl Devine paced back and forth, tracing his fingers over the gold faceplate of the Traditional belt. [COLOR="Blue"]“Grayson, you’ve said yourself that people expect more of you. Well, I know you’ve peaked. I know that you’ve already gone as far as you could ever expect to. And I beat you at your very best, on the upswing after capturing this title. Too bad for you – you’ll never be that good again, and I get better every day. Tonight will be a short match.” [/COLOR] Stevie smiled humourlessly at the camera: [COLOR="Blue"]“Darryl, you’re right. You beat me at my best. But you’re wrong, as well. That was the best I’d ever been – but I’m getting better as well. I’m as good today as I’ve ever been, and tomorrow I’ll be better still. You, well, I saw how good you really are last month – battered and broken and bleeding in the middle of the ring. And that’s an image that sticks with you – I’d say we can expect a repeat tonight.”[/COLOR] * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Darryl Devine (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] As I’d expected, these two put on a good match, which would have been much better had Stevie not been off his game a bit. Devine had the better of the early going, but Grayson – with Jenny cheering him on and getting the crowd behind him – was able to rally and nail the 460 Degree Splash to score the win and regain the title. Winner: Stevie Grayson (D+) * The Internet Favourites were backstage, kibitzing over how to push Jay Chord in Total Extreme Wrestling 2009. Dawn came in and told them that they were up – and asked if they’d read the briefing materials she’d prepared on the Blondes? Hugh and Max exchanged a guilty look, and glanced at the encyclopaedia-sized books on the table. They nodded quickly, and Dawn looked sceptical, but led them out of the locker room. * [B]Internet Favourites vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] A cooldown match – and I’m glad I had it here. With the unexpected bonus of the earlier tag match, we had four hot matches on the card, and I didn’t want to completely burn the crowd out. The managers were the real stars of the match, drawing some heat from the audience as they exchanged barbs with one another – more than the match itself did. The end came when Golden caught Mayhem in a Golden Shower. Winners: Canadian Blondes (E) * Earlier today, Morgan & Benning approached Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Uh, guys?”[/COLOR] Morgan asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“Excuse me, could we have a moment?”[/COLOR] Benning added. The masked veterans turned to look at the former champs. [COLOR="Blue"]“Um... we were wondering...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“...if it might be possible...” “...for us to get a match tonight...” “Why us?”[/COLOR] Phoenix asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“Because you’re really good...” [/COLOR]Morgan said. [COLOR="Blue"] “...and that’s what we want to test ourselves against,”[/COLOR] Benning added. Phoenix and Ota exchanged a look, and Ota produced his gong from somewhere. He tapped it twice. [I]Bong. Bong.[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]“The gong has spoken,”[/COLOR] Phoenix said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ll see you out there, I guess.”[/COLOR] * [B]Fumihiro Ota and Ultimate Phoenix vs. Morgan & Benning[/B] I should have seen this coming – Phoenix and Ota are singles workers for a reason. Getting past their lack of chemistry, this was a reasonable match that served as further team practise for the former tag champs, who are improving but weren’t quite able to eke out the win – Benning falling to the Phoenix Firebird Splash. Winners: Ota and Phoenix (D-) * C-V-2 were admiring their title belts backstage, and looking pleased with themselves. [COLOR="Blue"]“We rule,”[/COLOR] Vessey said. [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s no denying it.” “None at all,”[/COLOR] Valentine agreed. [COLOR="Blue"]“We rule so much, in fact, that we ruuuulllllle.”[/COLOR] Vessey ****ed an eyebrow. [COLOR="Blue"]“Don’t be stupid, Casey,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“We do rule, though.” [/COLOR] * [B]The Masked Patriot & Kashmir Singhvs. C-V-2 (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This was a straightforward face-in-peril tag match, with the minor quirk of Patriot being the one in trouble, following a Primus Allen distraction that caused him to taste an early Sweet Sweet Heartbreak. He avoided defeat on that occasion, but it knocked down his defences and he struggled to escape from the champions’ honed offence. When he did make the hot tag to Singh, the well-rounded cruiserweight tried to make up for lost time, but he was caught between the champions and relentlessly double-teamed as they used quickfire tags to give them an almost permanent legal five seconds to work together. Singh was quickly worn down, and the champs allowed him to tag in Patriot – but he was far from recovered from his earlier beating, and quickly fell victim to a Flying V as the champs retained. Winners: C-V-2 (D+) * Backstage, and Steven Parker and Jean Cattley came face to face. They exchanged polite nods, as Rock commented on the high respect they had shown for one another. [COLOR="Blue"]“This is your last chance. You know that,”[/COLOR] Jean said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Thirty minutes, one winner. You won’t get another shot while I’m champion.” “I won’t need one,”[/COLOR] Steve said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Iron Man match? Thirty minutes is nothing – this should have been an hour. Don’t get me wrong, Jean, you’ve always been good, and you’ll always have my respect, but this is a young man’s game – and you’re already the wrong side of thirty.” “Age don’t matter a damn,”[/COLOR] Jean said, with a feral smile. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s the mileage. And believe me, in the twelve months I’ve had this title, there’s not been a single time I’ve been pushed. I’m glad you’re back, Steven – it’s nice to have someone worth fighting. But you won’t dethrone me – no-one can.”[/COLOR] * [B]Steven Parker vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley (c) [/B]for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] in a thirty minute Iron Man match Had this been a normal match, it would have been over in double-quick time as Parker blitzed the champion from the off, never giving him a second’s rest as he scored hit after hit, move after move on the way to a Future Shock that gave him a shock lead at 4:43. Cattley got to his feet looking furious, and the second fall was a much cagier affair. Cattley used his excellent technical skills to blunt Parker’s offence, holding the challenger at bay and slipping in clean strikes of his own that got past Parker’s defences, gradually wearing him down as the two tangled in long chain wrestling sequences that had the fans on their feet. Finally, Parker seemed to gain the upper hand, but as he went for a second Future Shock, Cattley feinted left, leaving Parker to grasp at open air, completely open to a Mood Swing that levelled the scores at 16:32. For a full minute, the two men stared at one another from opposite corners of the ring, breathing heavily as they regarded one another. With the fans in full voice, the two circled the ring warily, before tying up in the centre of the ring, a lockup that Cattley one with a boot to the gut before he went for another Mood Swing that Parker nearly reversed into a Future Shock. They broke, and this time Jean went for Parker’s eyes, forcing him onto the defensive as he abandoned a technical assault to try and beat the challenger senseless. But Parker was able to capitalise on the champion’s loss of composure, retaliating with a dropkick to the knee that took Cattley down, and had him limping as he tried to follow Parker around the ring. But Parker grew overconfident, and when he tried to catch Cattley with a telegraphed Future Shock, Cattley responded with an Asiatic strike to the throat that left Parker gasping for air. Cattley tried for a Mood Swing, but his knee buckled, and Parker fell on top for a long two-count. Cattley was just able to escape from the pinfall, and struggled to his feet. Parker followed him, clutching at his throat, and the two exchanged weary punches in the middle of the ring. Parker gained the upper hand, and when Cattley went for another Asiatic strike, Parker grabbed his hand and twisted it, before using Cattley’s momentum against him to take him through a Future Shock to score the pin at 29:21. With so little time left, Cattley had no chance to retaliate, and Steven Parker became the new and two-time MAW Heavyweight champion! Winner: Steven Parker (C) * The last notes of ‘[I]Ace of Spades[/I]’ faded from the PA, and Rip and Jay stood face to face in the ring for the first time. The two men stared at one another for several long moments, before Rip raised a mic to his mouth. [COLOR="Purple"]“Last chance, Jay. We can both walk away here and now, and everything else can be forgotten. If we go through with this-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“No,”[/COLOR] Jay said. [COLOR="Red"]“No walking away. No turning the other cheek. I’ve dreamed of this night for nineteen years. Nothing you can say will make me change my mind.”[/COLOR] Rip sighed, and let his head drop. [COLOR="Purple"]“If this is the way it has to be, then,”[/COLOR] he said, with a sigh. [COLOR="Purple"]“I think I always knew it was you under that mask, Jay. I guess I didn’t want to admit it. I hoped it was someone else because, deep down, I knew that this day would come eventually, if we were in the same company.[/COLOR] He sighed. [COLOR="Purple"]“Ring the bell.”[/COLOR] * [B]Rip Chord vs. Jay Chord[/B] We deliberately booked this match short to try and counteract Rip’s poor stamina, but he went at it so hard that he was still exhausted. Unfortunately, and improbably, the match suffered from a lack of chemistry. Clearly the Chords’ personal problems had stopped them from working together in the build-up to the match – despite how much both stood to gain from a high quality showing. This was basically a high-powered, high speed brawl with Jay battering Rip for the first few minutes as his father refused to put up any defence, allowing himself to be split open by Jay’s repeated blows. Eventually, Jay grew tired of beating on a defenceless old man, and confronted Rip, yelling at him to fight back. Rip stared stonily at Jay, his hands hanging limp by his sides. Jay reared back and slapped Rip once, twice, three times. On the fourth attempt, Rip caught Jay’s hand, and the cameras zoomed in to show the fire burning in Rip’s eyes as Jay suddenly looked cowed. Rip struck back, the tide suddenly in his favour as he battered his son from pillar to post, following him outside the ring and choking him with a camera cable, before rolling him back into the ring and following him with a chair. Referee Chad Brent got in Rip’s face, warning him against using the weapon, but Rip pointed out that it was his company, and that he made the rules. Raising the chair above his head, he waited until Jay managed to stagger upright, before bringing the chair down on his son’s unprotected skull. Jay dropped to the mat, the pinfall academic. As ‘[I]Ace of Spades[/I]’ played over the PA, Chad Brent raised Rip’s arm unenthusiastically. Rip celebrated like the old days were back, but as a team of EMTs swarmed the ring to tend to Jay, his enthusiasm seemed to fade. He looked at his son being loaded onto a back board, and dropped to his knees beside him. He followed Jay as he was manoeuvred onto a stretcher, and rolled up the ramp, the last image as the cameras faded to black that of a concerned Rip following his son backstage, the curtain dropping behind them. Winner: Rip Chord (D-) [B]Overall: D [/B] * [I]Creative control 2 Head booker 0... Fallout coming in the next post - which'll be next week or so. Hope you enjoyed the show :D[/I]
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Good show and boooo for bad chemistry, ring rust (i assume) and owners + non wrestler with creative control! Otherwise would have been a c or c+ show! Still nice write up and have a nice week, found the subscribe tool and am now an official abonee hehe.
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Personally, I think the main event went the right way. Jay's good, but basically a w*nker who needs to have his attitude beaten out of him, so losing a lot would help him. If I were using him he'd probably be a job-b*tch in charge of helping people improve. But that's why I'm no good at TEW2008
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I agree. Im glad Rip went over as well, plus the way it all ended was a nice touch as well. I'm also pleased with how the Championship match went down. I susect Jean slowly turning on his former friend...but Ive been wrong before
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Well, just read the whole damned thing. You've got talent, kid. I have to say, I KNEW right from Rip/Jay post that KA was Jay. It was too well timed. Or, mis-timed. Too....Coincidental? Still, I got shivers when he unmasked.
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[I]Thanks for all the comments - and I wish that I could have had Jay doing the J-O-B a bit more. If he'd signed on as intended, he'd have been losing as KA [U]and[/U] himself from day one, to try and keep his popularity down. Alas, 'twas not to be. (If this weren't a diary game, he'd be jobbing to Max Mayhem - but what's life without drama?)[/I] * Backstage, I stared moodily at the wall, waiting for someone to say something. Not for the first time, Antonio was the one who approached me. The poor kid looked scared. I supposed that it wouldn’t do my reputation any harm for the roster to be a bit afraid of me. He didn’t need to speak – I stood up painfully and followed him through the Auditorium’s corridors, passing a number of backstage workers who seemed to share Antonio’s misgivings on sight of me. The locker room door was shut. Rip’s rather worn looking sheet of ten – eleven – rules hung there forlornly. I hadn’t read them since that first day. Why would I? I’d dictated them to him, years before in that hospital room. I opened the door. Jay Chord was mid-rant, and spun to face the door with furious anger glowing in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say, or possibly yell, something. [COLOR="Blue"]“Don’t even think about it,”[/COLOR] I said, quietly. Jay’s mouth closed. Like Antonio, he seemed to be thrown by the look on my face. My ears pricked up at a familiar sound. Half-turning, I flipped my cane over in my hand to hold the butt end of it. I stuck it out into the hallway, and used the handle to hook Rip around the arm. With a sharp yank I pulled him into the locker room, making him drop the phone into which he was recounting his stunning victory. He squared up to me when he regained his balance, but for once he was cowed by the look in my eyes. [COLOR="Blue"]“All of you will do me the courtesy of listening to me,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="Blue"]“This should have been the greatest card that we could put on. It should have seen the height of drama, the finest matches, the continued progression of the workers who make up this promotion... It should not have seen an old man and a spoilt child in the main event. It should not have seen the Heavyweight title match demoted to semi-final status when by any definition of merit it should have been on last. It should not have been spoilt by the fact that a father and son cannot work together. Do we understand?”[/COLOR] The locker room exchanged glances with one another. No-one seemed to want to speak. [COLOR="Blue"]“Here’s what’s going to happen. Rip, Jay, you’re not going to be anywhere near next month’s show, do I make myself clear? You’re going to be holed up somewhere, learning about being father and son. If I’m satisfied with what I see on your return, you can expect to find a place for you on this roster.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, this is my promotion! Where the hell do you think you get off telling me-“[/COLOR] Rip stopped in mid-sentence. This may have been because I’d pivoted on my one good leg, snatched up a folding chair and swung it around with a crack into the doorframe. Rip jumped back, and Jay looked like he was about to jump me, but the Gauges held him back. Calmly, I unfolded the chair and set it down on the ground. I put my weight on the backrest and left it there, even as Raphael rather timidly picked up my cane from the floor where I’d dropped it and handed it back to me. When I spoke, my voice was calm, and professional. [COLOR="Blue"]“Rip, don’t think for a second that I have the least bit of respect for you. You started this promotion on the back of my ideas, to build something you could hand to your son. Then, then the chance came to finally give something to the business, to help build a legacy, you went out and put on the ----test match of the night – with your own son! And you had to win! You make me sick, Rip. You dragged me back in here on the promise that you’d changed, but you’re as big an egomaniac as you ever were – worse, even, because you’re nearly sixty and you still have to be on top. You did nothing to prepare yourself for the match, and you turned the whole show into a joke. I’m disgusted with you. “And as for you,”[/COLOR] I rounded on Jay. [COLOR="Blue"]“You little punk. You expect the whole business to be handed to you on day one. I could find a dozen of you in any school, in any town, in any state. You’re here because of your name, Jay. Make no mistake about that. And that name, and the attitude that seems to go with it, is something you’re doing a fine job of living down to. “Now both of you, get out of my sight, and don’t come back until you’ve got yourself in order.”[/COLOR] Jay looked ready to fight, but Rip took him by the arm and led him away. No doubt that father and son were glaring daggers at my back – but I ignored them and kicked the door shut. [COLOR="Blue"]“Those of you who don’t remember the rules can read them on your way out,”[/COLOR] I said, feeling myself calm down. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now, here’s what’s going to happen next month. It’s time for the Invitational again, which means we’re going to run the qualifiers. Four matches on each of the next two shows...”[/COLOR] * GCG have snapped up Matthew Gauge, thus killing off my planned Grayson/Gauge feud. Oh well... We tried to bring back Jacob Jett, but couldn’t come to terms on a decent package for him. Ultimately, what he wanted was just a shade too much. Instead, we’ve snapped up recent debutant, Hugh de Aske, who’s also working for NYCW, so should have a decent knowledge of about half our roster. * [CENTER][B]November – Remember November[/B] Riley McManus and Shane Nelson vs. C-V-2 RCI: Stevie Grayson vs. Hugh de Aske RCI: Trent Shaffer vs. Jefferson Stardust RCI: Erik Strong vs. Antonio RCI: Kashmir Singh vs. Primus Allen The Masked Patriot vs. Raphael Steven Parker vs. Darryl Devine[/CENTER]
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November – Remember November Riley McManus and Shane Nelson vs. [B]C-V-2[/B] RCI: Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] RCI: Trent Shaffer vs. [B]Jefferson Stardust[/B] RCI: [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Antonio RCI: Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Raphael [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Darryl Devine
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Riley McManus and Shane Nelson vs. [B]C-V-2[/B]RCI: [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske RCI: [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust RCI: Erik Strong vs. [B]Antonio[/B] RCI: Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]The Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Raphael [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Darryl Devine
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