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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;475504]Ehm how could TCW go back to National in 2 weeks? Still palying 07 or does the 6 months waiting not count for AI feds? [/QUOTE] Might have been a bit more than two weeks, then :p But it happened right before Andrews became available, so who am I to count? * As for Spirit, I've made him an offer and am waiting for him to reply. As I can't imagine I'll get away without stumping up his travel costs, I can't really justify paying him more than $300 a show (plus the same in travel) but if he'll work for that, I might just give D-Lyrium's storyline a try...
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The phone rang at – I groaned – 3.11am according to my digital clock. I picked it up. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Rip?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Jay got into a shouting match with a fan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh God... What happened?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“The kid was needling him. Jay shot back and ended up in a full-on screaming match.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Great. Anything physical?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“No. Kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What, Rip?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“What do I do?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’re his father. Speak to him. Get him to see that he can’t do that sort of thing. Certainly not when he’s company champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Yeah... yeah, you’re right.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And Rip?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Yeah, kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Stop calling me in the middle of the night. Please. Unless it’s something life-or-death, let me sleep ‘til morning. Who pulled Jay off the fan, anyway?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“No-one. It didn’t get that far.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s a blessing, anyway. Get some sleep, Rip, and speak to Jay in the morning.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Yeah, okay.”[/COLOR] I could hear Rip running his hand over his sandpaper-like stubble, and could almost see his eyes tracking over to where his drinks cabinet used to be. [COLOR="purple"]“Parenting’s not easy, kid.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s what they say, Rip. Sleep well, huh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Yeah, you too.”[/COLOR] * The $7,500 profit from February meant that I had earned MAW a grand total of 183 dollars in profit in the 26 months I’d been in charge. Even banks would give better interest on the $100,000 I’d originally had to play with. Still, like a true promoter, I was already thinking of a way to spend it – and Rip had been surprisingly easy to sway on the idea. Jay hadn’t reacted too badly to his fatherly approach, and that seemed to put Rip on the upswing, emotionally. * Rip and I stared around the assembled locker room – at least, those who were able to attend at fairly short notice. I spoke first. [COLOR="darkGreen"]“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending. We have a couple of announcements to make. Firstly, effective immediately, we will be trialling extending our shows by a minimum of thirty minutes. We’ll try a two-and-a-half hour show this month, with eight or nine matches instead of the usual seven. Depending on how that goes, there may be room to bump our usual shows up to a full three hours. The October and January shows would then be expanded as well, by a full hour, to become four hours in length.”[/COLOR] Rip stepped forward, and everything else seemed to fade into the background around him. There were times when I didn’t much like Rip, but he had presence – that was undeniable. [COLOR="purple"]“James is right, and that gives us problems and opportunities. The big problem is that we have more airtime to fill. That means matches will go longer, and there’ll be more matches as well. You’ll all need to be in top condition. And those of you who haven’t been on that many shows, this is your chance to get out there and show that when the time comes, we won’t be wrong in not having all our eggs in one basket.”[/COLOR] Rip paused. I’m not even sure that it’s a conscious thing on his part, but whenever he mangles a proverb, he leaves a couple of seconds for people to work out what he actually means. [COLOR="purple"]“We’ve had a good run, financially, in this last year. The kid’s been trying to sell me on another wild idea of his,”[/COLOR] he resumed, with a nod at me to show that the kid in question wasn’t his son. [COLOR="purple"]“We’re going to look at adding a second show to the monthly schedule – maybe as soon as next month. It’d just be a trial run, but if it’s successful, that’ll mean we’ll run a minimum of twenty-four shows a year.”[/COLOR] My turn again, and I had to cut across a fair amount of buzz from those assembled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And if that’s successful, maybe weekly shows reaching out to the Great Lakes and Tri-State areas again. We lost a lot of cash last time around. In a few months, maybe, we might just be able to run this without tanking.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“You’re serious about this?”[/COLOR] Jean asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“At the moment, yes,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“This company was created to nurture tomorrow’s stars, and the best way we can do that is by running an intensive schedule that gives people the chance to work as many matches as possible. I can’t guarantee we’ll be able to achieve this any time soon – you never know where the industry is going. I think that two shows a month is achievable, although it might make our profits take a downturn for a spell. But one show a month is just about keeping us in the public imagination. Two shows a month will get us more popularity twice as fast – and accelerate us towards regional and even national recognition.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]“That’s some big plans,”[/COLOR] Antonio said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m not going to try and bankrupt the company,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="green"]“We’ll run one trial, probably over the Easter weekend depending on schedules, and if it loses a lot of money, we’ll shelve the idea until we’re better off.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Define a lot of money,”[/COLOR] Jay growled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Off the top of my head, upwards of six or seven thousand dollars at month’s end,” [/COLOR]I replied. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“About a month’s profits. We can afford to eat that kind of loss for a few months – if the return is worth it. Ultimately, we’re a little restrained by the size of the Auditorium. Until we’re big enough to make a decent profit booking a 2,000 seat venue, we’re just about getting by on the ticket sales from the shows and the sponsorship money – and that’s not going to change much.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“More matches sounds good to me,”[/COLOR] Max Mayhem said, and there was a ripple of laughter. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s the idea,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Honestly, the big names like Jay and Aaron are going to get much the same time on each show. Hopefully, though, the extra time can mostly be spent on the guys who need the time to catch up. And sod it, I want a real tag division.”[/COLOR] More laughter. My continually frustrated attempts to build a tag division were a source of considerable humour backstage. The Gauge Brothers had recently rejected negotiations to bring them back into the fold, which I could understand. Quite how Lead Belly and Grease Hogg had managed to work out they were worth $700 – plus expenses! – of our money, though, was beyond me. To compound matters, Cameron Vessey had recently signed with USPW, and would be leaving before the next show came around. I didn’t really want to have The Firm drop the titles yet anyway – which meant that we’d had to draft in a substitute. I wasn’t that worried – the new guy I’d spotted was a highly talented youngster. But doing it this month would have detracted from the image of The Firm at a time when I wanted to boost it, and so meant that another show went by without the tag titles being defended. I had plans to play on that – but booking for a small company had its disadvantages, no question. * Darryl Devine has left NOTBPW – to work for us, FCW and CGC. I’m not saying his priorities are necessarily out of whack, but I am extremely glad that he made the choice that he did. I just don’t necessarily understand it... * [CENTER][B]MAW March Madness[/B] Erik Strong vs. Jefferson Stardust Kirk Jameson vs. Primus Allen Internet Favourites vs. Antonio & Raphael Trent Shaffer vs. Findlay O’Farraday Morgan & Benning vs. The Canadian Blondes The Watch vs. The Firm Stevie Grayson vs. Champagne Lover - #1 contender final ??? vs. Jay Chord Plus Hugh de Aske will be in action[/CENTER]
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[B]Erik Strong [/B]vs. Jefferson Stardust Kirk Jameson vs.[B] Primus Allen[/B] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday [B]Morgan & Benning[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]The Watch[/B] vs. The Firm [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Champagne Lover - #1 contender final ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Plus [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] will be in action
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[B]Erik Strong [/B]vs. Jefferson Stardust [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Primus Allen Internet Favourites vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday Morgan & Benning vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] The Watch vs. [B]The Firm[/B] [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Champagne Lover - #1 contender final ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B]
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[B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer [/B]vs. Findlay O’Farraday [B]Morgan & Benning [/B]vs. The Canadian Blondes The Watch vs. [B]The Firm[/B] [B]Stevie Grayson [/B]vs. Champagne Lover - #1 contender final ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Plus[B] Hugh de Aske[/B] will be in action
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[B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Internet Favourites[/B] vs. Antonio & Raphael[B] Trent Shaffer[/B] vs. Findlay O’Farraday Morgan & Benning vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] The Watch vs. [B]The Firm[/B] [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Champagne Lover - #1 contender final ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Plus [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] will be in action
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MAW March Madness [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Internet Favourites vs. [B]Antonio & Raphael[/B] [B]Trent Shaffer [/B]vs. Findlay O’Farraday Morgan & Benning vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] The Watch vs. [B]The Firm[/B] Stevie Grayson vs. [B]Champagne Lover [/B]- #1 contender final ??? vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] Plus Hugh de Aske will be in action
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[I]It's not bad, but not awesome. I can only think that mine and Rip's reputations are attracting them - I'm at High for booking, and presumably having Rip as an owner helps with this sort of thing.[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: March Madness Friday, 26th March 2010[/CENTER] Erik Strong vs. Jefferson Stardust[/B] One of the ideas of having longer shows is to have veterans working matches with younger stars. We may have to rethink including Erik Strong in the former category. This was a below average effort from these two and, in fairness, it’s Stardust’s fault. A record, sell-out, 1,000 fans at the Auditorium deserve to see better matches than this – although we at least had the foresight to keep it short, with Erik going over with a Strongsault. Winner: Erik Strong (E+) * Earlier today, Rip approached The Firm’s locker room and knocked on the door. Jean answered, poking his head around the door frame, and keeping the door as closed as possible. Rip tried to see inside, but Jean moved to block him. [COLOR="blue"]“Yes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Jean, just the person. Listen, something I forgot to say to you last month. The rulebook for the company says that you can’t have double champions. If a champion wins another belt, he’ll have to give it up.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I know. So?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Oh, you know?”[/COLOR] Rip looked surprised. [COLOR="purple"]“Well, the thing is, you can’t have Valentine on your side – not without having to give up one of the titles if you win.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes, I know. We’ve made arrangements.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Good,”[/COLOR] Rip said, still looking surprised. [COLOR="blue"]“Thanks for bringing that to our attention – three hours before the match. What were we supposed to do – ask Curtis Jenkins?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Hey, I came in good faith, kid.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“The hell you did,”[/COLOR] Jean growled. [COLOR="blue"]“You wrote the rules, Rip. You were trying to screw us – the same way you have Jay with this bogus tournament where he doesn’t find out who he’s fighting until two minutes before the match. You knew full well about the double champion rule and you even found an excuse to get rid of Cameron so that we had to bring in someone else as Casey’s partner. It’s a good job that I double-checked. But don’t worry – we’ve got it covered. We’re not stupid, Rip. We know you’re still the weaselly sneak you always were – but now you’re trying to pretend you’re on the side of the angels. I don’t buy it – so don’t come around here trying to sell it.”[/COLOR] Cattley slammed the door, leaving Rip looking angrily at it. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Primus Allen[/B] I was curious about this match, as both men are akin to ripening fruits – in time, they’ll be wonderful. Right now, there’s still work to do. Analogies aside, this was a fairly entertaining match in which Allen was, for once, out fought by his gutsy opponent. Jameson took the fight to The Firm’s muscle, keeping him off balance throughout and never letting him use his fearsome power to get a grip on the match. He eventually caught Allen in a fearsome Kirk-Hold to force the submission out of the monster. Winner: Kirk Jameson (D) * Backstage, Primus Allen was warming down after his match. Findlay O’Farraday approached him and asked him for some more advice. [COLOR="blue"]“Footwork,”[/COLOR] Allen said, without looking around. [COLOR="blue"]“You’re strong, but you’re slow. You’ve got to learn to move lightly, or you’ll always be vulnerable to a fast opponent.”[/COLOR] Findlay nodded, and walked off, bouncing from foot to foot every few steps. * The Masked Patriot’s music played, and he came out to the ring, accompanied by Masked Patriot, both bearing the Stars and Stripes. They entered the ring, and MP took TMP’s flag, as TMP took a microphone. [COLOR="blue"]“The time has come. For three years now, Ah have walked among you, a symbol of the glorious country that I am proud to call home. But now the insidious Primus Allen has defeated me, and with that defeat came a heavy price – I must unmask. “Before I do so, Ah trust you will permit me to say a few words. Firstly, Ah have spent the last two months training this young man to be my successor to the legacy of this great name. Masked Patriot, I know that you will do myself, and all those who have worn this mask, proud.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Lastly... Thank you for all the support that you have shown me since I started here. Ah’m just a humble country boy at heart, but a few of you may remember me from my last career. I took the mask and the legacy of The Masked Patriot at first just to disguise myself, in case this wrasslin’ business wasn’t for me, in case I failed, and mah face ended up across all the papers and magazines. But the love that you have shown me, and the feelings that this mask inspire in you, have in turn inspired me. Ah may no longer be masked – but ah promise you, ah will always be a patriot!”[/COLOR] Slowly, and with several deep breaths, TMP removed his mask to reveal the rosy cheeks and slightly sheepish grin of former NFL star “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now... It’s time for me to make my debut all over again. If anyone in the back wants a match, Ah’m here and waiting!”[/COLOR] * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Hugh de Aske (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] If you want someone to go over hot, I’m learning, put them in the ring with Hugh de Aske. Really, the guy’s an out-and-out star. Smith pulled his weight in this match, as the slightly sozzled pirate danced around the former masked man’s charges just enough to stay in the match – but not enough that he could mount a serious offence. Smith looked highly dangerous, and with a little seasoning he could go on to big things, while de Aske further improved his image with a fighting performance against the re-energised former footballer. The match was too close to call, and went to the bell with the fans begging for more time. Winner: No-one (C+) * Antonio and Raphael came down to the ring, Raphael still chattering away on a phone in Antonio’s wake. [COLOR="blue"]“The tag team title situation seems to be up in the air right now,”[/COLOR] Antonio said. [COLOR="blue"]“Apparently Cameron Vessey has left the company, and that means that Casey Valentine hasn’t got anyone to team up with to defend the title. Now, I have no problems with Casey myself, but this seems like a golden opportunity to win myself some more gold. So Casey, come on out and get ready to hand over the gold. But remember – it’s just business, not personal.”[/COLOR] Instead of C-V-2’s music – which I suppose I should call C-V-1’s music – we were regaled with the Eastern sci-fi stylings of the Internet Favourites, who came down to the ring with Dawn. Dawn took the mic: [COLOR="blue"]“It’s not very nice of you to try and take advantage of another person’s misfortune like that, Antonio,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="blue"]“It makes much more sense for the four of you to fight it out, and the winner gets a shot at the titles next month.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Are you crazy? Next month Valentine might have a partner.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Well, I’m afraid it’s take it or leave it, because my boys certainly aren’t prepared to let you try and claim glory without honour,”[/COLOR] Dawn said sweetly, as Hugh Lee struck a martial arts pose and Mayhem yelled something in Klingon. Raphael tapped Antonio on the shoulder, and pointed at the screen of his PDA. Antonio looked at it, and grinned. [COLOR="blue"]“Hell, why not,” [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="blue"]“The market’s just closed up – I’ve got myself an extra twenty thousand or so to play with than I did this morning. I can afford to be generous.”[/COLOR] * [B]Internet Favourites vs. Antonio & Raphael[/B] The MAW tag division is a work in progress, and a small part of me wonders whether snapping up an experienced team like the former Dirty White Boys – or even bringing back Natural Storm – might help. But better to work with what we’ve got. This match was actually pretty decent, all things considered, with a good flow and the over the top antics of Dawn at ringside to live things up when the crowd got a little restless. Ultimately, Raphael nailed Mayhem with an Italian DDT to score the win for his team. Winners: Antonio & Raphael (D-) * Findlay was backstage, working on his footwork, and not looking at all like, for instance, an elephant with a thorn in each of its feet. Trent Shaffer and his manager Jenny were watching sceptically. [COLOR="blue"]“Dude, I probably shouldn’t bother asking, but what are you doing?”[/COLOR] Trent asked. [COLOR="blue"]“Working on my footwork,”[/COLOR] Findlay grunted. [COLOR="blue"]“Now beat it, you scrawny ---- or I’ll tear your pimply head off your scrawny neck.” “You know, for a lot of people, that’d be enough to get them angry. But I just let things roll... Anyway, you’re doing it wrong.”[/COLOR] Findlay paused, and looked over at Shaffer. [COLOR="blue"]“What do you mean?” “I mean, you’re doing it wrong – a guy your size doesn’t need to train like a cruiserweight. You’ll just end up hurting yourself. Whoever told you to train like that is an idiot, man.”[/COLOR] Findlay scowled. [COLOR="blue"]“He is not an idiot – and just for that, I’m going to show you my footwork – on your face!”[/COLOR] Shaffer had time for a stifled “Not cool!” as Findlay grabbed him and dragged him out of the locker room and down to the ring, Jenny trailing behind and looking helpless. * [B]Trent Shaffer vs. Findlay O’Farraday[/B] Jenny tried to rally Trent from the off as Findlay unloaded the big bombs. A series of hard, clubbing blows to the head and chest threatened to knock Shaffer clear unconscious, but as he was rearing back for the knockout blow, Findlay seemed to suddenly remember that he was meant to be working on his footwork, and began to hop around the ring like a kangaroo in need of a toilet break. This gave Shaffer the chance to clear his head and rally, and Findlay’s attempts to get his game plan working were brought to a crashing halt with a Heart Burn. Winner: Trent Shaffer (D-) * Findlay mooched backstage and found Primus Allen again. [COLOR="blue"]“I’m sorry – I suck,” [/COLOR]he said, as Allen mixed himself a drink from The Firm’s private bar. [COLOR="blue"]“Well, go work on your balance. See if you can work some flying moves into your repertoire,”[/COLOR] Allen said, taking a draft of his drink. [COLOR="blue"]“That’d be unexpected.”[/COLOR] Findlay nodded, and walked out dejectedly. Casey Valentine came in, and glanced back at him. [COLOR="blue"]“Are you really training him?”[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="blue"]“Nah, he sucks,”[/COLOR] Allen said, smirking as he downed the last of his drink. [COLOR="blue"]“It’s just fun seeing him get the ---- kicked out of him because he’s too dumb to realise how to use his strength.”[/COLOR] * The Canadian Blondes were backstage, preening and primping before their match. [COLOR="blue"]“Former champions against former champions,”[/COLOR] Oscar Golden declared. [COLOR="blue"]“This should be good.”[/COLOR] Flash Savage nodded. [COLOR="blue"]“And it seems to us, that whoever wins this – and let’s not kid ourselves, it’s going to be us – is all set for a title shot next month, whether or not Valentine finds himself a partner, eh?”[/COLOR] * [B]Morgan & Benning vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] The former champion teams put on a reasonable show – albeit one that made me miss the days of the Gauges and Shaffer and Grayson. This wasn’t really any worse than the previous tag match, but given who was involved I’d had slightly higher hopes. Still, the match was watchable, and it was really a lack of crowd interest that hurt it most as nothing the face team does seems to get them over. Still, a victory over a more over pairing can’t hurt – and they managed it here as Golden blew a dive, setting him up for a Joe and Behold to allow Benning to take the win. Winners: Morgan & Benning (D-) * Before the Trios title match, Jean Cattley came down to the ring. [COLOR="blue"]“The Firm is growing in influence – we have the Tag Team champions, the Invitational champion, and the soon to be Trios champions. We dominate this company – and won’t brook any argument on the topic. In order to ensure that we have the right number of people in order to control the company, allow me to introduce the new members of the Firm: First, a former Traditional champion and one of the finest wrestlers in the world... Darryl Devine!”[/COLOR] Devine appeared from backstage, and shook hands with Jean. [COLOR="Blue"]“Secondly, one of Canada’s fastest rising stars, Ryan Powell!”[/COLOR] A newcomer to MAW, Powell is in the traditional Canadian mould – talented, fast, and technically sound. * [B]The Watch (Ultimate Phoenix, Masked Patriot and Kashmir Singh) vs. The Firm (“Machine” Jean Cattley, Darryl Devine and Ryan Powell)[/B] for the [COLOR="purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] It occurred to me recently that this feud had been rumbling along in the background for almost a year, in a low-key manner. It really is time to give it some purpose, particularly as Brandon Smith and Primus Allen are pretty much off-limits from one another unless I want the fans to fall asleep from over exposure to their matches. This match was pretty good, serving among other things as a low-key introduction for Masked Patriot (#21, lest we forget) in his mentor’s place. The six men took to the largely unfamiliar match format without too much trouble, and put forward one of the night’s better matches. I think, in future, we’ll make the Trios matches fully lucha compatible to separate them from the normal tag matches, but otherwise this was an enjoyable tussle, with all six men getting a chance to shine. Ultimate Phoenix in particular seemed to enjoy busting out some lucha submission holds and at one point had Powell, Cattley and Devine all screaming in pain as he applied arm and leg locks in a sequence that only required moderate suspension of disbelief. Phoenix paid for his moment in the sun, however, as The Firm seemed to take it as a personal insult and set about targeting him mercilessly. With their leader in trouble, Patriot and Singh lost their cool somewhat and tried to storm the ring, but this just allowed a Firm triple-team to break Phoenix’ resistance, leaving him prey to a Cattley Mood Swing as The Firm claimed the Trios belts. Winners: The Firm (D+) * Stevie Grayson and Champagne Lover were backstage, staring one another down. Grayson was giving Lover the evil eye – but just looked a bit sick. He needs some work on his promo skills, no question. * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Champagne Lover[/B] - [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender final[/COLOR] Champagne Lover signed off with another quality display. By now, his signature spots were well known by the Mid-Atlantic fans, and they were able to enjoy loving hating his brilliance. Grayson kept up admirably well, utilising unsuspected Technical skills to counter Lover’s tremendous arsenal of holds and takedowns. It was a thrilling match, as both men have great stamina that allowed them to go for nearly half an hour without pause, before Grayson wore down the Mexican star enough for him to succumb to a 460 Degree Splash. Winner: Stevie Grayson (C) * [COLOR="red"]“Bravo, bravo,”[/COLOR] Jay Chord announced, coming down the aisle with the title belt over his shoulder. [COLOR="Red"]“Really, that was a fantastic match. And now you get the prize of facing me. Ring the bell!”[/COLOR] * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] Chord shows a certain, er, edge when the title is on the line. He pounced on Grayson as soon as the bell rang and nailed him first with a Super DDT and then with a Cradle Piledriver. Just like that, the match was over – and hopefully not spoiled too much by the dreadful chemistry that these two have. Winner: Jay Chord (D) [B]Overall: D[/B] (Ugh – Grayson and Chord could bring down a pot den full of hippies on two-for-one day) * [I]Next: Will he or won't he...[/I]
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For a change, I’d not become directly involved in the backstage mayhem at the show. Between the end of the Internet Favourites' loss to Antonio and Raphael, and Jay emerging for his title defence, Huey and Jay had become involved in a massive argument. All the witnesses said that Jay had refused to let some trivial matter drop, and eventually Huey had lost his cool. In the big scheme of things, it wasn’t much of a problem, and so Rip had taken him aside for a word about provoking things. Jay had blown it off, but hadn’t thrown a tantrum, dropped his pants, attempted to pick a fight with anyone... Sad to say, I was actually quite pleased with how he took it. Later that morning, I checked my hair in the mirror. No question, my hair is getting greyer much faster these days. * There was another reason that I wanted a mid-April show – Jay’s contract was up for renewal, and he’d studiously ignored any attempts by me to open negotiations. Rip had promised to speak to him, but it was good to have a contingency plan in place. Just in case. * The thing is, Rip had assured me that contract talks with Jay were going well. I was a bit leary – since taking personal charge of matters, Rip had allowed things to drag on. Jay and I were sitting in the canteen backstage at the Auditorium, me frantically running through the night’s running order, he sipping occasionally at a giant slurpee as though the night ahead was not one of the most important of his career. It wasn’t, I suppose. Just one of mine. We got ready for the show in silence backstage. Everyone seemed to know that Rip and Jay’s talks had broken down. The locker room was eyeing Jay curiously – and Rip even more so. Rip, meanwhile, was gargling with an alcohol-free mouthwash before taking the mic for the next two-and-a-half hours, looking for all the world as though he had no concerns on his mind. I wanted to scream at him, demand to know whether Jay had re-signed, or whether he’d be dropping the belt at the end of the night. He only had a few days left on his contract. We wouldn’t have the time to book another show – or the money. It was an unprecedented experience. It was like calling a real boxing match, or a football match. I didn’t know how tonight would pan out. I had no clue what would happen during Jay’s match. Watching Rip, I had no idea whether or not he even cared – his relationship with his son was, after all, not much to write home about. As I followed Rock and he through the curtain and onto the ramp, the butterflies in my stomach multiplied again and again and again. * [CENTER][B] MAW April Showers[/B] ??? & Kashmir Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes Ultimate Phoenix vs. Curtis Jenkins Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio and Raphael vs. Valentine & ??? Stevie Grayson vs. Findlay O’ Farraday “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Jefferson Stardust Shane Nelson vs. Primus Allen Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske Internet Favourites & Fumihiro Ota vs. The Firm Plus: Jay Chord will be in action[/CENTER]
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MAW April Showers [B]??? & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio and Raphael vs. [B]Valentine & ???[/B] [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Findlay O’ Farraday [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Shane Nelson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske Internet Favourites & Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]The Firm[/B] Plus: [B]Jay Chord[/B] will be in action
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??? & Kashmir Singh vs. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] - Go, Blondes, go! ¬_¬ [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins - When a guy is being used as an in-joke on-screen, he's unlikely to get a win against the leader of the face stable ¬_¬ - Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio and Raphael vs. [B]Valentine & ???[/B] - Dunno who Valentine's partner will be... Jarred Johnson would make most sense probably. [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Findlay O’ Farraday - Findlay is turning into a comedy spot. [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Shane Nelson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] vs. Hugh de Aske Internet Favourites & Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]The Firm[/B]
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[B]??? & Kashmir Singh[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes If they can lose to Morgan and Benning, they can lose to Singh and the newbie. [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] vs. Curtis Jenkins Morgan & Benning vs. [B]Antonio and Raphael[/B] vs. Valentine & ??? [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs. Findlay O’ Farraday I don't think Farraday wins until he snaps he comes to his senses with Primus. [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Jobber Stardust bites the dust, err stardust, yet again. Shane Nelson vs. [B]Primus Allen[/B] Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] Aske wins this match, which Rip declares as an impromptu number one contender's match. Internet Favourites & Fumihiro Ota vs. [B]The Firm[/B] Too powerful for the comic characters to take down. Plus: Jay Chord [B]will be in action[/B] Ahoy matey, there's gold to be won as Hugh steals Jay's booty and then kicks his other booty out the door.
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[CENTER][B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: April Showers Tuesday, 16th April 2010[/B][/CENTER] [B]Jesse Christian & Kashmir Singh vs. The Canadian Blondes[/B] Jesse Christian had contacted Rip a few weeks back to discuss the possibility of making a comeback. I’d been broadly in favour of the idea – despite his advancing years, he’s still a competent worker, and capable of putting on good matches. Still, his attitude didn’t endear him to me – despite being booked positively, having the lion’s share of the match under his control, he still objected to his team being booked to lose. I ignored him – but I can see now that he may be a lot more trouble than he’s worth. Oh, and Flash got Kashmir to tap to a Canadian Crab, for what it’s worth. Winners: The Canadian Blondes (E+) * Ultimate Phoenix came down to the ring: [COLOR="Blue"]“Curtis Jenkins may seem harmless and inoffensive, but I assure you that backstage he is an insidious presence. He openly seeks to become a member of The Firm. He has challenged me in an effort to improve himself. He seeks,” here Phoenix consulted a list, “money, fame, fast cars and enough gold to buy an Onyx Netherwing Drake, apparently. These are not the actions of a man who is pure of heart, and so he must be vanquished.”[/COLOR] * [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Curtis Jenkins[/B] Curtis Jenkins may never amount to much, but he deserves as much a chance as anyone, and taking part in matches against the best that the MAW has to offer won’t hurt his chances. Although he seemed a bit overwhelmed by the match, Jenkins put on a reasonable display, with Phoenix carrying the load in a fairly open match that ended with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. Winner: Ultimate Phoenix (D-) * Backstage, The Firm’s locker room was looking pretty full, and with the Trios titles, Tag Team titles and Primus Allen’s RCI trophy all on display, it was pretty dazzling as well. Casey Valentine was talking quietly to Jean Cattley. [COLOR="Blue"]“Listen, its all well and good you having the Trios titles, but we’re having to share a lot more than we used to. Do we really need the new guys around?”[/COLOR] Jean nodded. [COLOR="Blue"]“Strength in numbers. Oh, we’re individually formidable, and I am the best, but The Watch is still after us, and it doesn’t hurt to have additional bodies available for support.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, okay, and I’m not saying that Powell isn’t a pretty decent sort – but Devine?”[/COLOR] In the background, Devine could be seen admiring his reflection in the mirror, Trios belt around his waist, Tag Team title belt over a shoulder and RCI trophy in one hand. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, he wouldn’t have been my first choice, necessarily, but he was available and, really, he needs to be led. He’s always been a follower, and being around Jay Chord didn’t help. He may talk big, but he’s harmless when he’s being controlled.” “Well, okay,”[/COLOR] Casey said.[COLOR="Blue"] “But if he starts to make trouble...” “Oh, of course,”[/COLOR] Jean said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Look, I have no qualms about jettisoning dead weight. Look at Newton and Douglas, after all.” “And Vessey – you didn’t go to bat for him with the Board of Directors.” “Yes, well, Cameron and I didn’t ever really see eye to eye on certain issues – like exactly how big his cut should be. I prefer my colleagues to be sensible about these things.”[/COLOR] Cattley raised an eyebrow, and Valentine shied away. [COLOR="Blue"]“Now look, I only raised the issue of money-“ “Oh, don’t worry. I understand your motivations perfectly, Casey.”[/COLOR] The two stared at one another for a moment, before Valentine broke the look. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’ll fall into line,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“But I want it noted that Devine’s an ass.” “Well, if he ever causes trouble, you and your new partner can have first shot at him. Where is he, anyway?” “He’s in the gym. He’s very committed. Devoted to being the best.”[/COLOR] Jean looked at Casey, and raised an eyebrow again. [COLOR="Blue"]“And I guess I’ll be going to join him.”[/COLOR] Valentine upped and left, just as Rip came in. [COLOR="Blue"]“Where’s he going?” “To perfect his teamwork with his new partner.” “Good. They’ve got a match – they’re defending the titles against Morgan & Benning and Antonio & Raphael.” “When?” “Next.”[/COLOR] Cattley and Rip locked eyes, and Ryan Powell nervously shuffled his chair backwards a few inches. Primus Allen said that he was going to go fetch Valentine and ‘the new guy’. Along the way, he collected the tag belt and RCI trophy from Devine, who looked put out until Allen growled at him. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’d be a shame to see Casey lose the belts,”[/COLOR] Rip said, eventually. [COLOR="Blue"]“The new guy’s good. Very committed. He’s a local boy, too.” “The crowd’d like that – well, if he wasn’t associated with you.” “Still with the holier than thou act, Rip? I thought you were old enough to know that doesn’t fly – certainly not around here. I’ve known you too long. You may act as though butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth, but I remember how you used to be – and the leopard doesn’t change its spots.” “Cattley, one of these days I’ll show exactly what sort of man I am. In the meantime, get yourself ready – you and your lackeys have a match coming up, and your shaved gorilla can have one as well, just so you don’t think I’m going too soft.”[/COLOR] * [B]Morgan & Benning vs. Antonio and Raphael vs. Valentine & Johnson (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] Casey’s partner turned out to be indy stand-out Jared Johnson, a wickedly talented youngster who hails from North Carolina. He’s a technical whiz, and despite almost being twice his age, Thom Morgan in particular seemed inspired to try and match him. But Casey was the star of this match, showing innovation both on the ground and in the air, which was enough to carry his team to victory in a standard tag team match. Winners: Valentine & Johnson (D-) * Backstage, and Findlay O’Farraday was jumping rope. Trying, anyway – every couple of jumps he’d get the rope tangled in his feet, around his neck or caught on a light fitting. It didn’t help that he was getting more and more frustrated with each failed attempt. Stevie Grayson approached him looking angry – but after watching a few attempts he sighed, and shook his head. [COLOR="Blue"]“What?”[/COLOR] Findlay growled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Nothing,”[/COLOR] Grayson replied.[COLOR="Blue"] “I want a match with you. You attacked my friend Trent last month, and as I need to take some anger out on someone, you seem like the ideal target.” “Fine,”[/COLOR] Findlay said, apparently eager to work off some frustration of his own. * [B]Stevie Grayson vs. Findlay O’ Farraday[/B] This was a short match but allowed us to establish that Grayson and Findlay work well together. The story was simple, but compelling – Findlay again went against his instincts as he tried to follow Primus Allen’s advice. Grayson stuck with what brought him to the dance – and in this case a 460 Degree Splash was enough to secure victory. Winner: Stevie Grayson (D) * Brandon Smith was already in the ring as Jefferson Stardust made his typically grandiose interest, a single spotlight trailing him down to the ring as his latest song blared over the PA. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hello, Delaware. A thousand people, all here to see me. It’s flattering – it really is. Signed copies of my latest CD are available via my website, as always. “I’m pleased to be here, to liven up your lives with a little Stardust. This will be a moment to tell your grandchildren about – and when you do, remember to tell them that the man who lost to my magnificence was “Bulldozer” Brandon Smi-“[/COLOR] Smith cut the rocker off with a well-placed right hand, setting the match in motion. * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. Jefferson Stardust[/B] Smith and Stardust have great chemistry, which I knew, and which helped this match into the ‘average’ category. Another short one, Stardust sold for twenty as the Bulldozer bounced him around the ring, before crushing him with a Backdrop Driver for the win. Winner: Brandon Smith (D) * Backstage, and the massed ranks of The Firm were in their own special locker room. Valentine and Johnson looked triumphant, Allen was spoiling for a fight, and the Trios champions were warming up. Valentine fixed the camera with a firm stare. [COLOR="Blue"]“We can keep this up as long as we like. Every man in this room is a champion. Every man knows what it takes to compete at the highest level – even the new guys. In case the Mid Atlantic has forgotten, that’s what The Firm is all about: The finest wrestlers, at the peak of their game. And all others will fall before us.”[/COLOR] * [B] Shane Nelson vs. Primus Allen[/B] In contrast, these two have no chemistry – but their basic skills let them put together a reasonable match. Nelson’s goal was to stay one step ahead of Allen, stinging and striking as available. Allen concentrated on deflecting as much damage as he could, landing a few big strikes that caused a lot of damage. In the end, Allen’s approach won out in a closely-contested match as he nailed the Running Powerslam for the win. Winner: Primus Allen (D-) * Kirk Jameson came to the ring and issued a challenge to Hugh de Aske for his Traditional title. The pirate appeared, with Sienna on his arm, and accepted the challenge with a few well-chosen nautical phrases. * [B]Kirk Jameson vs. Hugh de Aske (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] One of these days, I’ll give Hugh the main event slot and be done with it. In the meantime, midcard aficionados can enjoy matches like this, with Hugh in so much control that even Kirk – a quite experienced competitor, lest we forget – was undone and at times left looking a little like a student on his first day of training. On commentary, we sold it as Hugh’s unusual style. In reality, he’s just an awful lot better. Hugh eventually put Kirk down with a Cut-Throat Driver to manage another successful defence. Winner: Hugh de Aske (C+) * Fumihiro Ota and the Internet Heroes were backstage, getting warmed up for their match. Lee was copying Ota’s moves with a little too much enthusiasm and a little too little grace. Mayhem, meanwhile, was practising Form Seven with a lightsabre. * [B]Internet Favourites & Fumihiro Ota vs. The Firm (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Trios titles[/COLOR] Lucha trios matches are conducted under 2/3 falls rules. The Firm, showing remarkable teamwork considering this was only their second outing, really didn’t need that – they dominated from start to finish, with Ota the face team’s apparently only chance of doing any damage. When he took to the air, he was peerless, and therefore The Firm wisely kept him grounded as much as possible. After Powell took Mayhem down with a Canadian Lariat after about five minutes, it was Ota’s turn to taste defeat as he fell victim to a Devine Dream Drop as The Firm made their first defence of their titles. Winners: The Firm (D) * Jay Chord came down to the ring, delighting once more in his status as champion. Taking a mic, he addressed the crowd, the other workers, and the people in charge: [COLOR="Red"]“I’ve played along with my father’s scheme,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Red"]“I fought everyone placed in front of me. And I beat them. So I don’t think that we need to have the powers-that-be choosing any more of my opponents – I can do that quite well, thank you. I-“[/COLOR] Jay’s voice vanished, and he looked in some confusion at his microphone. [COLOR="Purple"]“Sorry, son. You may think that you’ve beaten everyone you need to – but I kind of disagree,”[/COLOR] Rip said, from the announcer’s table. [COLOR="Purple"]“You see, there’s someone you haven’t fought yet, and you really ought to – he works out west with you after all.”[/COLOR] Aaron Andrews appeared at the top of the ramp as his music played. Jay, meanwhile, pitched a fit. * [B]Aaron Andrews vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight title[/COLOR] For once, Jay was faced with a real threat to his title as Andrews exploded out of the blocks in this highly enjoyable tussle. Utilising a fantastic array of strikes and holds, Andrews dominated much of the first ten minutes of the match as Chord fought desperately to avoid being defeated. A thumb to the eye and a low blow earned Chord some space, both seemingly unseen by Chad Brent. Chord took advantage with his own attacks, focusing his assault on Andrews back to weaken his offence – and particular his Standing Hot Shot finisher. The momentum see-sawed back and forth, although Jay was more vicious in his attacks, and seemed to cause more damage as a result. Both men attempted their finishers, but neither could manage to land the crushing blow needed to score the win. Andrews tried going airborne, with some success, but his injured back prevented him from taking advantage of the Flying Bodypress that left Jay down in the centre of the ring. Instead, as Andrews struggled upright, Jay hit a Super DDT that would have finished the match – had Andrews not hit with such impact that he ended up rolling halfway out of the ring. The end eventually came when Chord went for a Cradle Piledriver for the umpteenth time in the course of the match. Andrews somehow contrived to float over, and as he landed on his feet he spun fluidly around, booting Jay in the gut as he turned and hoisting him in turn into a Standing Hot Shot. Andrews dropped wearily on top of Jay to make the cover, hooking the leg as the referee counted one... two... And then the bell rang, signalling the end of the match, and a time limit draw. Winner: No-one (C) * The crowd looked on in confusion as Rip entered the ring, the ring bell in one hand, the title belt in the other. Andrews confronted him, asking if Rip had rung the bell. Rip nodded, and proceeded to ring it again on Aaron’s skull. Andrews dropped as though he’d been shot as Rip turned to his son. Jay was just coming to when Rip stood over him. He dropped the bell, and held the belt out to Jay, who took it in disbelief, before looking in even wider disbelief as Rip held out a hand to help his son up. Jay took it, and Rip hauled him upright. Jay looked around in disbelief, first at Andrews, then the ring bell, then his title belt, and finally up at Rip, who cracked a wide smile and opened his arms wide. Jay beamed, and embraced his father in the centre of the ring as the fans voiced their disapproval. Rip raised Jay’s hand as they turned in a circle, giving everyone in attendance a clear view of the new alliance. [B]Overall: C-[/B]
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Well, that was a swerve! But a great swerve. Although it is starting to feel even more like Aaron Andrews w/ Ultimate Phoenix vs. Everyone Else, as all the main stars are heels now. The Watch are essentially a midcard rag-tag band of jobbers led by an Upper Midcard guy. I can't even remember who else is in the stable, although I think Morgan and Benning are... Damn Hugh de Aske though. He ruined my predictions clean-sweep :p I even got the new Firm member right. Le sigh.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;477327] Damn Hugh de Aske though. He ruined my predictions clean-sweep :p I even got the new Firm member right. Le sigh.[/QUOTE] I was suitably impressed by that - did you know when JJ debuts, or just a lucky guess? And believe it or not - and you certainly wouldn't guess it from the way I book him, but the guy's a flake - Stevie Grayson is the other 'big' name face for MAW. I could count Ota as well, but the guys rings a gong in his promos. If he was a heel, he'd be champion of everything. Twice. But as a face... Midcarder - despite what the autopush tells me. And the Watch is Phoenix, Bulldozer, Kashmir, Patriot (the new one) and Morgan & Benning. I won't claim it's the new Dangerous Alliance or anything, but they're all pure of heart. Kinda...
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[I]Short update - had I not left my USB stick at work last night this would have flowed better :o[/I] * Backstage, I pulled Rip aside. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I take it Jay’s staying, then?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Purple"]“He’s staying – and he agreed to sign on for the same money as his last deal.”[/COLOR] I was impressed, but didn’t want to make Rip’s ego blow up too much. [COLOR="Purple"]“So, where do we go from here, kid?”[/COLOR] he asked. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You don’t know?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“The alliance is Jay’s idea – the rest of it is up to you.”[/COLOR] He grinned, and I couldn’t help but smile as well. I already had a hundred ideas for where to go from here – some of which even involved Rip and Jay working in tandem. * You’ll like this. We contacted Adrian Garcia, manager supreme, as a possible hiree to come in and work with The Firm, as a mouthpiece wouldn’t harm them by any means. Guess how much he asked for? No, higher. Higher than that. Still higher. No – not quite that high. [I]$1,500[/I] an appearance, 600 downside. Travel expenses. Merchandise... For a [I]manager![/I] We didn’t take him up on it. * A massive day in wrestling – 22nd April 2010, Dan Stone hangs up his... boots? Well, whatever, he’s no longer the owner of NOTBPW. Victoria Stone is named as his successor, and I can well imagine that there’s some changes on the horizon. Larry Wood is Victoria’s choice as head booker, in a thoroughly deserved move for one of wrestling’s true nice guys. * No predictions this time – it’s all being booked on the night.
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[I]This ought to please D-Lyrium...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Spring Fever Friday, 26th April 2010[/CENTER][/B] The Teen Spirit mashup of Ace of Spades hit the PA, and the near-900 fans in attendance went crazy as Rip and Jay Chord sauntered down to the ring. Rock and I looked at each other in delight – this much hatred for the brand new pairing was a good thing. [COLOR="Purple"]“What, you hate me for being a good parent?”[/COLOR] Rip asked, with a sneer. [COLOR="Purple"]“Are you really saying that none of you would help out your own children if you had a chance?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“You’re the best, pops,”[/COLOR] Jay said, as they laughed at the quietened crowd. [COLOR="Purple"]“’Why, Rip, why?’ That’s all I’ve heard this last month. And my response is always the same – because Jay is my son. And what he’s said over the last year or so makes sense. I put my own son in hospital six months ago. What sort of responsible parent does a thing like that? And while he was lying there, forty stitches in his head from a chairshot I gave him, I vowed that I would do my damnedest to protect the kid from that point on – and make up for all the ---- he had to put up with from me before that.”[/COLOR] Jay smirked, and took the mic. [COLOR="Red"]“For the slower-witted among you, allow me to point out that my Dad has been guiding my career from the shadows for the last six months. My cashing in my title shot, my defences of my title, my dominance over those that I face... All arranged with my father’s assistance. And really, there’s no way that that’s going to change any time soon. I’m going to be champion of this company for a long, long time!”[/COLOR] As if on cue, Aaron Andrews’ music played, and the TCW star emerged to a booming ovation. [COLOR="Blue"]“Very good, well done,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You had us all fooled, Rip. Well, apart from Jean Cattley, for some reason... But I have to say, I don’t like the way you went about things. You cost me the title last month. I’d say that it’s only fair that I get another shot tonight.”[/COLOR] Rip appeared to give this some thought, before bursting out laughing. [COLOR="Purple"]“Get real, Andrews. We’re calling the shots around here. What’s fair or not doesn’t even rate on the scale of how we do things.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Actually, Dad, Aaron does have a point. You see, he did do very well last month. I think he does deserve another shot,”[/COLOR] Jay said. [COLOR="Red"]“I mean, he’s not in my league, so it won’t be a Heavyweight title match. But I think he’d put on a good match against the pirate, don’t you?”[/COLOR] Rip grinned. [COLOR="Purple"]“Son, you’re quite right. Tonight’s main event will be Aaron Andrews against Hugh de Aske – for the MAW Traditional title!”[/COLOR] The fans popped, although there was a fair spread of boos as people felt Andrews was being screwed. Certainly Andrews didn’t look happy about the match. [COLOR="Purple"]“And to make sure we start the show off hot, I think that you should defend your title, son. I’ve lined up an international superstar for you to face. We’ve seen from Champagne Lover’s performances recently just how good the best of Mexican wrestling can be, so at great expense I’ve lined up another of Mexico’s finest – Amazing Fire Fly!”[/COLOR] [I]Little Spanish Flea[/I] played, and out came Amazing Fire Fly, a gangly lightweight in yellow and orange ring gear and mask. The fans were not very impressed – although the Chords thought that the music in particular was hilarious. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Jay Chord (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Amazing Fire Fly made his pro debut in this match as the Chord family’s chosen opponent. The young luchador bounced around the ring, at first bamboozling the champion with his flashy assaults, before Chord managed to bring himself back into the match with a series of hard blows that brought him back to earth, before falling victim to a Cradle Piledriver. Winner: Jay Chord (D-) * Backstage, The Watch were gathered in a bare and featureless locker room. Ultimate Phoenix was pacing back and forth, his cape billowing out behind him. [COLOR="Blue"]“Phoenix, are you okay?”[/COLOR] Brandon Smith asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“You’ve been pretty... intense these last few months.”[/COLOR] Phoenix paused, and looked balefully at his ally. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“We are losing the war, my friend. Evil has spread throughout this company, and we seem to be powerless to stop it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You mean Rip and Jay? What are we going to do – they’re in charge.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“So we should give up? No – never! I have a plan.”[/COLOR] Phoenix charged out of the room, leaving the others to exchange bemused glances. * Jared Johnson came down to the ring. [COLOR="Blue"] “Good evening, everyone,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m Jared Johnson – one half of the MAW Tag Team champions. On behalf of my partner, Casey Valentine, and our colleagues in The Firm, I’m issuing an open challenge to any team that thinks they can come and take out titles away."[/COLOR] Ultimate Phoenix’ music played, and the masked star emerged at the top of the ramp. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Johnson, your challenge is accepted – on behalf of The Watch’s tag team specialists, Thom Morgan and Joe Benning! But not just that, The Watch challenges The Firm tonight! We’ll take you and break you, one by one.”[/COLOR] Johnson’s eyes went wide, but he was spared the task of responding by the music of The Firm’s leader, Jean Cattley. Cattley emerged from the back, and came face to face with Phoenix, the two leaders glowering at one another. [COLOR="Blue"]“If you want that, The Firm is ready to give it to you – at a price. If your team ends up on the losing end of our little series, you split up, and quit bothering us.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] “Your terms are acceptable – provided that the same applies to your consortium of desperadoes.”[/COLOR] Jean smirked. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’ll keep them on their toes. You’ve got a deal.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kashmir Singh vs. Ryan Powell[/B] The junior stable members kicked off the series with a match that saw an even exchange of offence. Both men are well-rounded workers, and kept things just the right side of interesting, before Singh hit the Bombay Duck for the win. Winner: Kashmir Singh (D, The Watch leads, 1-0) * Backstage, and The Firm were divvying up the remaining members of The Watch for their matches. Devine was adamant that he wanted to face Ultimate Phoenix, and after a brief discussion, he was given the shot in what was set to be the last, and potentially decisive match. * [B]Masked Patriot vs. Primus Allen[/B] We’ve seen this match before – sort of. But this Patriot, of course, is not the old Patriot, making this a whole new match. Same result as usual, though – Allen nailed Patriot with a Running Powerslam to continue his recent hot run of form. Winner: Primus Allen (D, Scores are tied, 1-1) * [B] Morgan & Benning vs. Valentine & Johnson (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] This match was all about Joe Benning, who seemed to have taken Phoenix’ pep talks to heart. Whenever he was in the ring, he was dominant, showing new skills and improved control. However, Casey Valentine had also been practising, and a series of hard blows to the face allowed him to score with a Sweet Sweet Heartbreak to retain the titles, and give The Firm the lead. Winners: Valentine & Johnson (E+, The Firm leads, 1-2) * [B]“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith vs. “Machine” Jean Cattley [/B] Smith and Cattley tied up again and again, trying to find an advantage as their respective abilities cancelled each other out. Cattley eventually managed to take Smith down, but Smith would not be daunted, and bulled his way back upright. Smith powered through, pummelling The Firm’s leader with a series of thunderous strikes that left Cattley dazed and prone, and vulnerable to a Backdrop Driver that gave Smith his biggest win to date – and put The Watch on level terms going into the fifth and final match. Winner: Brandon Smith (D+, Scores are tied, 2-2) * [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs. Darryl Devine[/B] This was a suitably barn-storming match, as probably the two most over members of their respective stables waged war for almost fifteen minutes. Phoenix busted out his most spectacular moves, taking huge risks as he tried to convincingly win the fight for his team. But it was a case of one risk too many as a Phoenix Firebird Splash was attempted too soon – and Devine leapt up and caught him with a Devine Dream Drop on the way down, leading to an easy pinfall, and the win for The Firm. Winner: Darryl Devine (C, The Firm win, 2-3) * The series was over, and The Watch had lost. By the rules of the contest, they could no longer work together as The Watch. The six men gathered in the ring, and shook hands. Five of them did, anyway. Phoenix rolled out of the ring, and was walking forlornly to the back. Brandon Smith followed him, and grabbed his shoulder to turn him around. He was met with a spinning back fist that knocked him to the ground. Phoenix sprinted back into the ring, rising to his feet as though on springs and taking Morgan and Benning down with a double clothesline. Barely breaking step, he vaulted over the top rope to the ringside area, where he grabbed a chair. Sliding back into the ring, he teed up and smashed the chair across Patriot’s back. Swinging wildly, he caught Singh in the stomach, doubling him over, before bringing the chair crashing down on the Indian’s back. Morgan and Benning tried to stop him, but Benning took a swing across his chest, while Morgan took a glancing blow across his face with the side of the chair that put him down. Phoenix stood alone in the ring, until Brandon Smith slid in and tried to reason with him. His eyes blazing, Phoenix raised the chair over his head. Smith faced him down, not making any effort to protect himself as he tried to talk Phoenix down. His reward was a wickedly hard chairshot right between the eyes that crumpled Smith up like a paper cup as Phoenix was left the last man standing, his chest heaving as he looked at the carnage around him. * [B]Jesse Christian vs. Findlay O’Farraday[/B] This was a short match pitting two power wrestlers against one another as a counter – and comedown – from the previous match and segment. There was a certain thrill in seeing these two monstrous specimens tie it up – even if Christian snatched the win in double-quick time with a Torture Rack. Winner: Jesse Christian (E+) * [B]Aaron Andrews vs. Hugh de Aske (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional title[/COLOR] Mildly disappointing given who was involved, but still a fine end to the show, this match saw the two competitors exchanging high speed, innovative offence for over twenty minutes. Andrews gave de Aske the appropriate respect, but it was clear that his heart wasn’t in the match, and de Aske took advantage on a number of occasions. Eventually, Andrews pulled himself together as the fans rallied behind him, with de Aske utilising sneaky tactics to try and snatch the win. Andrews retaliated and went airborne, bombarding the pirate from all angles with his trademark flying attacks, before snatching the win – and the title – with a Flying Body Press. Winner: Aaron Andrews (C) [B]Overall: D+[/B] [I](Huh. Guess Christian/Findlay counted for more than I thought it would. I’m getting a bit tired of seeing D+...)[/I] [I]Next: New signings, a massage and a possible promotion...[/I]
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[I]Off to see Dark Knight (or Wall-E) tonight, so an early post today...[/I] * We lost about $7,000 in April. That’s borderline for a sustainable financial investment – and I think that it wasn’t helped by the two shows only being about ten days apart, meaning over a hundred fewer fans at Spring Fever. Unless we can separate them by fourteen days, it’s probably not worth trying again in the short term. Possibly by year end, though, we can look at revising that opinion. The longer show experiment, on the other hand, seems to be worth repeating. Rip and I have agreed to two-and-a-half hour shows as a standard, with Where It All Begins Again in October, and the Rip Chord Invitational in January a full four hours in length. We may have to consider shipping in one or two bigger names for those shows. * I don’t often go in to work on Saturdays – I like my weekends, and there’s not too much going on anyway in a local fed that only runs once or twice a month. The surprise on the face of our receptionist as I entered MAW headquarters was therefore somewhat understandable. Somewhat – but she looked a bit too surprised. And as I passed her desk, she picked up her phone and dialled a number – four digits, internal – and had a hushed, urgent conversation with whoever was on the other end of the line. I was only intending to pop into my office and pick up a book I’d left there the day before. Instead I took a detour down the hall, past the kitchen and its ratty collection of mugs, and around the corner to Rip’s office, where his secretary was hustling someone through the door with a guilty look on her face. A look that only intensified as she caught sight of me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Good morning, Jenna, what’s going on?”[/COLOR] I asked, as I limped forwards. I intensified the limp – Jenna had always felt a bit sorry for me, and I had a feeling that I needed every edge I could get. [COLOR="magenta"]“Mr. Chord has some guests visiting,”[/COLOR] she said, her eyes on the floor between us. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Anyone I know?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Should I put the kettle on?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]“Um...”[/COLOR] By now, I was standing in front of her, my free hand on the door handle. She stood between me and the door, but I intensified my pathetic look. It’s possible that my lip may have trembled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Who’s in there, Jenna?”[/COLOR] I asked, releasing the door handle. I’d given her something... [COLOR="magenta"]“Mr. Chord wanted it to be a surprise!”[/COLOR] she said, unable to help herself. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s nice. I like surprises,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What is it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]“Mr. Casey...”[/COLOR] she said, her voice a plea. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m sure they’d like something to drink,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tea, maybe. Or coffee, perhaps? Why don’t you go and get that, and I’ll just pop in and speak to Rip.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mr. Casey, please,”[/COLOR] she repeated. I frowned. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Jenna, whatever happens in the next few minutes, I’ll take full responsibility – on my honour. You have nothing to worry about. Rip won’t take it out on you. Now, run along and make the tea – two sugars for me.”[/COLOR] She gave me a pained look, but reluctantly stepped away from the door. I waited until she was down the hall and the clink of cups could be heard, before stepping through the door. Rip paused in mid-flow, a flip chart open on a trestle beside him. A series of masked faces were displayed on the chart, and a number of recognisable indy wrestlers were gathered around as well. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Rip?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="purple"]“Hello kid,”[/COLOR] Rip growled. [COLOR="purple"]“Didn’t expect to see you here. Where’s Jenna?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“She was in the kitchen when I came past. What’s going on?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“We’re looking at some possibilities for the new storyline.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Okay, what do you have?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“These guys are all interested in coming in, working a few shows, seeing what happens,”[/COLOR] Rip said, a grudging note to his voice. I limped forwards, looked closely at the flipchart with the masks, names and character ideas. I looked around, and nodded at the wrestlers, one or two of whom I had worked with, years before. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And what do you want per show?”[/COLOR] I asked, pointing at one of them. [COLOR="Blue"]“Er...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Kid, a word,”[/COLOR] Rip demanded, opening the door to his office and pointing inside. I followed him in, and closed the door behind me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“New faces are good,”[/COLOR] I said, before Rip had the chance to say anything. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Are they all here for the new stable?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Not all of them. Some of them. Two of them are here for the tag team spot.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Good. Did Jay talk you into this?”[/COLOR] I asked, disingenuously. His features didn’t move, even a fraction. [COLOR="purple"]“This isn’t a contest, kid,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="purple"]“This is my company.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It is – but I’m your head booker. If the guy I spoke to wants more than 700 a show, I hope you won’t hire him. Because I won’t be booking him.”[/COLOR] Rip stared at me for a moment, and then smirked. [COLOR="purple"]“You think you’re such a badass, don’t you kid?”[/COLOR] I clasped my hands on top of my cane. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’d beat you if it ever came down to it, Rip.”[/COLOR] He shook his head. [COLOR="purple"]“Let an old man have some fun, kid. You do well when I keep you on your toes – better, even.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You want these guys on the next show?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Yeah – you know Phoenix isn’t available. So this is the way to go.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Okay – you’re the boss.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]“Good. Remember that, and I won’t have to throw my weight around too much.”[/COLOR] I grinned. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I don’t mind being kept on my toes – the ones that work, anyway. And if you – or Jay – want to bring in new guys, well, that’s your right. But at least let me sit in on the meetings first, huh?”[/COLOR] Rip smirked again. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m just weeding out some of the wastrels, kid. Everything after that is up to you.”[/COLOR] * Unlike Rip, I know quite well how to operate a computer – being an early adopter of the Internet had always helped me. I was flicking through totalextremewrestling.com when I came across an in-depth profile of MAW – a new feature that gave lengthy analysis on the careers of our workers. Although some of the details were wrong (the writer, for example, assumed that Jay has creative control. He doesn’t – although I’m reasonably willing to accede to his demands when it suits me, or when I couldn’t care one way or the other) it was a pretty decent article. One of the features they had, which interested me, was worker highlights. Who’s Hot, Who’s Not and so on. For example, Ryan Powell was getting no love from the writers – and fair enough. I haven’t established him as much as I could have done. High on their ‘Who’s Hot’ list was a name that had been on my mind for a while now. Staring thoughtfully at the screen, I reached for my phone and dialled Rip’s direct number. [COLOR="Purple"]“Rip? Hi. I think I know who to program with Jay over the next few months...”[/COLOR] * [COLOR="blue"]“James?”[/COLOR] I looked up, and smiled reflexively at the sight of Katie Cameron standing in the doorway. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good afternoon. What brings you down here today?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="blue"]“Jacob,”[/COLOR] she said, with some trepidation. I frowned, and then sighed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“INSPIRE?”[/COLOR] She nodded. [COLOR="blue"]“He asked me to give you his apologies – he was all set to fly down, but they came in for him and...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“... he had to find out if they could swap his plane ticket for one to Japan. I know. Sorry, love. It would have been great to have him back, but it just seems like it’s not meant to be.”[/COLOR] She smiled weakly, and nodded at the reams of paper on the table in front of me. [COLOR="blue"]“You look busy.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I am. We’re booking for four titles, there’s a bunch of feuds getting greater or lesser attention on our shows. Turns, promos, making sure everyone’s running with the right momentum... We’ve picked up some new guys, and the story that goes with them should be a good one. But it means less time available for the guys we already have here... And did you know that Greg Gauge has gone to INSPIRE as well?”[/COLOR] I pinched the bridge of my nose. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It’s not easy being MAW.”[/COLOR] Katie moved around to my side of the desk and stood behind me. Before I could react, her fingers were digging into my deltoids. I gasped, a little in pain, a little in pleasure. [COLOR="blue"]“Jacob generally needs a pretty good massage after a hard match,”[/COLOR] she said, working nimbly through the knots and stiffness. I shut my eyes, and tried to will away the images of what surely happened next in that scenario. In my mind, it wasn’t Jacob with Katie... [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Thanks,”[/COLOR] I managed to grit out. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You need some time to head off to Japan with Jacob?”[/COLOR] Her fingers released their hold on me, and I slumped back in my chair. It felt good – a couple of minutes of work had freed up muscles that hadn’t moved so easily in weeks. [COLOR="blue"]“No, it’s okay,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="blue"]“We both have our careers, and with my work up north, I’d have to come back pretty much as soon as I got out there. It wouldn’t be worth it.”[/COLOR] I winced. Not worth going out to see her boyfriend? I wanted to ask – but I was absolutely the wrong person to do so, some obscure honourable part of my conscience declared. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Well, there’s always e-mail and phones and stuff.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Exactly,”[/COLOR] she replied. [COLOR="blue"]“And it’s only until he gets snapped up long-term by one of the big companies, eh?”[/COLOR] I nodded. In so far as I was certain of anything in this business, Jacob Jett’s eventual hiring by TCW or SWF was something I was certain of. When that might happen, I was less certain of. But I figured it had to happen eventually. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Well, if you ever need company, give me a call,”[/COLOR] I said, the words escaping me before I had the chance to consider them properly. [COLOR="blue"]“You mean that? Thanks, James. It can get a bit lonely sometimes,”[/COLOR] she said, beaming at me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No problem,” [/COLOR]I said, wondering if there was a way I could politely withdraw the offer. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I mean, so long as Jacob won’t mind.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Well, it’s not Jacob’s decision to make, is it?”[/COLOR] she replied, her dazzling smile vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. [COLOR="blue"]“See you at the show.”[/COLOR] She turned and stalked out of the office, in high dudgeon. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Damn,”[/COLOR] I muttered, not for the first time in my life wondering whether a man could ever understand the workings of a woman’s mind. * A few days later, my phone beeped. I checked it curiously. I didn’t have many people who might text me. I couldn’t envisage Rip, for example, lol’ing anyone. I read the text several times before I took it in properly. [I][COLOR="Blue"]Sorry about the other day. Can I buy you dinner to apologise? KC[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh boy,”[/COLOR] I murmured. * [CENTER][B]MAW Mother, May I?[/B] Masked Patriot vs. Raphael Shaffer & Grayson vs. Valentine & Johnson Erik Strong vs. Hugh de Aske Aaron Andrews vs. Antonio Kirk Jameson vs. Jay Chord Plus Fumihiro Ota, Kashmir Singh and “Bulldozer” Brandon Smith will all be in action![/CENTER]
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Man, the backstage stuff is getting almost as good as the shows. :p Also, Johnson was a bit of a guess. I have him in my CZCW game, and realised he was from North Carolina, and the debut date was about right, so... And yaay, no more Watch :p [B]MAW Mother, May I?[/B] [B]Masked Patriot[/B] vs. Raphael Shaffer & Grayson vs. [B]Valentine & Johnson[/B] Erik Strong vs. [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] vs. Antonio - Something else to moan about; a former TCW guy who must be in your top three faces, now with the secondary title :p These new guys better be awesome... Kirk Jameson vs. [B]Jay Chord[/B] - Ooh, I hope this is the new program you were on about in the last post. It could be awesome. But knowing Jameson in this dynasty so far, it probably won't be :p
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