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APW: Fair Dinkum Wrestling

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Green"]APW:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Fair[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Dinkum[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]The door swung open as James J. McMinister greeted Jack Avatar, APW's newly-appointed head booker who will, hopefully, take APW to heights previously unseen in Australian wrestling, which is strange, considering he has been dubbed "The All-[B]American[/B] Boy." With Avatar holding no previous experience as a head-booker, APW took a gamble when they hired the 23-year-old American.[/I] [B]James J. McMiniser:[/B] G'day mate. How are ya? [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] Uh, I'm good, thanks. I'd just like to thank you for this great opportunity. [B]James J. McMiniser:[/B] No wokkas there, mate. Glad to see it didn't take much to reel ya in. [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] Well, I'm just glad someone picked me up. This is my first booking job, as you know. [B]James J. McMiniser:[/B] Yeah, fair dinkum, mate. Hopefully we'll build a great partnership and be kickin' goals with both feet in no time. [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] Umm, yeah. Okay. [I]After the initial meeting, Avatar got to work on creating the perfect card for the upcoming OzFest. Studying the roster, Avatar looked over the current and future stars, and tried to think of as many ways to push Swoop McCarthy, the undisputed future of Australian wrestling, to the moon. [/I] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]OzFest[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Commonwealth[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson © [SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Australian[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Swoop McCarthy © Big Daddy Horne vs. Nathan McKenzie [SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Tag[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Team[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Championship[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Crime Wave vs. The Melbourne Blondes © Motty Kuroda vs. Dingo Devine Jimmy Stratosphere vs. Jack Avatar [/CENTER]
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For the record I know nothing about the Austrialian scene. I don't even think I've looked over the bios. So this is going to be great for me to get acquianted with it. APW Commonwealth Championship Lanny Williams vs. [B]Harry Simonson ©[/B] APW Australian Championship Spiffy Stan Standish vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy ©[/B] [B]Big Daddy Horne[/B] vs. Nathan McKenzie APW Tag Team Championship Crime Wave vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes ©[/B] Motty Kuroda vs. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] [B]Jimmy Stratosphere[/B] vs. Jack Avatar
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APW Commonwealth Championship [B]Lanny Williams[/B] vs. Harry Simonson © APW Australian Championship Spiffy Stan Standish vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] © Big Daddy Horne vs. [B]Nathan McKenzie [/B] APW Tag Team Championship Crime Wave vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes[/B] © [B]Motty Kuroda[/B] vs. Dingo Devine [B]Jimmy Stratosphere[/B] vs. Jack Avatar This is how I'd book it anyway!
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[I]from [url]www.totalextremewrestling.com[/url][/I] [QUOTE][B]Kingpin Daddy Horne[/B] Big Daddy Horne may have alienated himself from the entire APW locker room after boldly declaring that he is carrying the company 'single-handedly' and that there isn't anyone else on his 'level' within the promotion. Some veterans are said to be furious.[/QUOTE] This seems to have given some heat to the upcoming match between Big Daddy Horne and Nathan McKenzie, though.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [I]The crowd went wild...ish as the show began...[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]OzFest[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jimmy Stratosphere defeated Jack Avatar[/COLOR][/B] (5:41) [I] - Stratosphere pinned Avatar after hitting Avatar with a Frog Splash.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]Jack Avatar debuted himself tonight against one half of The Rising Suns, Jimmy Stratosphere, although the two competitors failed to capture the audience's attention. Until... "SWOOOOOOP!" came the roar over the PA system, as Swoop McCarthy's theme blared throughout the arena. The crowd booed loudly as the "Chosen One" made his way down to the ring. [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] Welcome to SwoopFest '08! The first show of the year, and the superstar is here! We have a new bloke behind the reins, and he's promised you all three great title matches, one including yours truly. Now I know what you're all expecting: APW needs some change. Harry Simonson, was the first, and only APW Commonwealth Champion, a title he's held since our first event in April 2007. The Melbourne... the Melbourne... what are they called.. The Melbourne Bitches? The Melbourne... give me a hand here. [B]Crowd:[/B] Blondes! [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] That's right, the Blondes. Those pretty boys have held their titles since they first won them in June last year. And yours truly, the UN-DIS-PUTED Future of Australian Wrestling, Swoop McCarthy, your first-ever Australian Champion, is so far undefeated. So you're all expecting a change, aren't you? You're probably expecting some titles to change hands. Well... I can't promise you everything.. however Simonson and the Melbourne BoyBand lose their matches is up to them, but I can guarantee you one thing tonight. Swoop McCarthy will successfully defend his Australian title, and continue his unbeaten streak. [B]Crowd:[/B] Boooooo!! [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] So as of tonight, you may see a new champion and some new faces, but one thing will always be the same: the undefeated streak of Swoop McCarthy! Swoop drops his microphone on the ground with disrespect before walking backstage with a ****y grin on his face.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Dingo Devine defeated Motty Kuroda[/COLOR][/B] (7:33) [I] - Devine pinned Kuroda after a Southern Lights Suplex.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E+[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Green"]The Melbourne Blondes (w/Stephanie Drucker) defeated Crime Wave to retain the APW Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/B] (8:50) [I] - Rick Stantz pinned D.O.A. after a Flying Elbow Drop.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Green"]Nathan McKenzie defeated Big Daddy Horne[/COLOR][/B] (6:58) [I] - McKenzie pinned Big Daddy Horne after a Spear.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E[/B][/COLOR] [I]New Zealand Pit Bull marches down to the ring, microphone in hand. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull:[/B] Good evening, wrestling fans! Another year, the first ever OzFest! It seems the perfect time for me to introduce you to a new segment I like to call... "The Pit Bull's Open Challenge!" Every month I will leave an open challenge to anyone in the locker room. That means any man, back there, is free to face me in a one-on-one that night. So tonight--- The theme music of Debonair David Peterson blares all over the arena, as Peterson, with Sean Quartermainne in tow, strolls confidently down to the ring, ready to fight.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]New Zealand Pit Bull defeated Debonair David Peterson (w/Sean Quartermainne)[/COLOR][/B] (9:53) [I] - New Zealand Pit Bull pinned Peterson.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Green"]Swoop McCarthy defeated Spiffy Stan Standish (w/Max Forbes) to retain the APW Australian Championship[/COLOR][/B] (12:50) [I] - McCarthy pinned Standish with a Running Powerslam.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]McCarthy holds his title in the air, with his look of confident arrogance. He gives Standish a condesending look before exiting the ring with an even more arrogant stride.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Lanny Williams defeated Harry Simonson to win the APW Commonwealth Championship[/COLOR][/B] (16:37) [I] - Williams forced Simonson to submit with a Figure Four Leglock after hitting him with brass knuckles.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: C-[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Orange"]Overall[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Show[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Rating:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]A good first show of 2008, with the APW Commonwealth Championship reign of Harry Simonson finally coming to an end. Swoop McCarthy, "the Undisputed Future of Australian Wrestling" keeping his eight-month undefeated streak alive. What will happen next month at Big Night Out, the celebration of APW's first birthday? Will Lanny Williams' title reign continue? Will Swoop McCarthy's arrogance get the best of him? Will any other titles change hands? The answers will only come at the [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Green"]2008[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Big[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Night[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Out![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER]
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OOh brass knuckles. I take it you used the tainted win finish thing? How did the fans react to that? I edited my product a bit to escape problems like that - have you done that too? Will be nice to read about Swoop as a nasty heel - he's going the other way in my diary (check it out :P) Keep it up :)
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Yeah, I used the Tainted Win finish for the Williams/Simonson match, and there was nothing in the notes about the fans disliking that approach. I haven't edited the product at all, I want to see how well I can take my booking with this product before things start getting shaky, and then we'll look into it. I do prefer talent over popularity anyway, despite my preference towards Entertainment promotions.
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[I]Jack Avatar stormed into the locker room, grabbed Rick Stantz by the scruff of his shirt, shoving him up against one of the lockers. [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] If you EVER do anything like that again, your ass is outta here! You got it? [B]Rick Stantz:[/B] Whatever. Avatar let go of Stantz, and watched him storm out of the room. "Whatever?" he repeated to himself. "That's all the mongrel would say?" Avatar knew he'd have to keep his eye on Stantz and his seemingly growing ego.[/I] from [url]www.aussiewrestling.com.au[/url] [QUOTE]After the main event at tonight's OzFest, Rick Stantz, apparently unhappy with the way referee Virgil Mann called his tag team match, provoked and assaulted Mann in the dressing rooms, before several workers rushed to Mann's aide, holding Stantz at bay. Reportedly becoming more and more arrogant, Stantz asked head booker Jack Avatar and owner James J. McMinister for a bigger push during the week, apparently feeling he deserves an upper-midcard spot, and was furious when his request was denied by both men. Tag team partner Blake Belushi was said to have had some private words with Stantz after the incident, but nothing further has been released.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Big[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Night[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Out[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Commonwealth[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR][/B] Nathan McKenzie vs. Lanny Williams © [B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Australian[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR][/B] Debonair David Peterson vs. Swoop McCarthy © [B][COLOR="Green"]The[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Pit[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Bull's[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Open[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Challenge[/COLOR][/B] New Zealand Pit Bull vs TBA [B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Tag[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Team[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Championship[/COLOR][/B] The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes © Boo Smithson vs. Alyx Macquarie[/CENTER]
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Nathan McKenzie vs. [B]Lanny Williams[/B] © [I]New-crowned champ retains.[/I] Debonair David Peterson vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] © [I]Swoop's destined for bigger things, but I suspect he'll not lose his undefeated streak yet. [/I] [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs TBA [I]Open challengs run more than two shows before being derailed. [/I] [B]The Rising Suns [/B]vs. The Melbourne Blondes © [I]A good lesson in this for the problem child, and faces chasing the title's always a good standby story.[/I] [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie [I]Total guess.[/I]
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APW Commonwealth Championship [B]Nathan McKenzie[/B] vs. Lanny Williams © APW Australian Championship Debonair David Peterson vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] © The Pit Bull's Open Challenge [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B]vs TBA APW Tag Team Championship The Rising Suns vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes [/B]© [B] Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [I]There's 280 Fans All Packed In Marv's Sports Central For:[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Big[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Night[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Out[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Orange"][U][B]Pre-Show[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jack Avatar defeated D.O.A. (7:29)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Avatar pinned D.O.A. after a very mixed match.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Even after Jack Avatar pegged D.O.A. as a "Hot Prospect" earlier in the year, APW's audience just don't seem to dig the Crime Wave style, as D.O.A. received some very vocal disapproval from the crowd.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Dingo Devine defeated Whirlwind Lee Wilkes (8:50)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Devine pinned Wilkes after a Southern Lights Suplex.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]No one expected the Pre-Show to have great matches, but the match between Devine and the "debuting" Whirlwind Lee Wilkes was definitely not terrible. Avatar obviously sees something in Devine but isn't prepared to match him up with the "big boys," and this match against Wilkes is hopefully of mutual benefit to all three men which made it happen.[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Orange"][U][B]The Show[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]Boo Smithson defeated Alyx Macquarie (9:20)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Smithson forced Macquarie to submit with a Crossface Chickenwing.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]A very talented technical-yet-boring worker against a developing all-rounder should've been a good opening match-up, but Macquarie was really off his game tonight, and brought the overall performance of the match down.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]The Rising Suns defeated The Melbourne Blondes (w/Stephanie Drucker) to win the APW Tag Team Championship (11:38)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Rick Stantz after a Frog Splash.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]A great performance from three men in the ring, but Motty Kuroda, the other half of the rising suns, didn't give the best performance, which ended in a more disappointing match than expected.[/I] [I]The match is over, and the Rising Suns are celebrating their victory, and first title reign as APW Tag Team champions. Rick Stantz is still down in the ring, as Blake Belushi is making his way back up the aisle. The Suns stop celebrating and see that Stantz is still on the ground. They attack, and beat him into the canvas. Belushi ignores the attack, refusing to help out his partner. This was obviously "punishment due" for Rick Stantz, who was the cause of a post-event brawl after last month's OzFest. The 24-year-old also apparently grew upset with Avatar after being refused a better push, and this is obviously how the head booker has repaid him.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]New Zealand Pit Bull defeated Vance Sturt (6:42)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - New Zealand Pit Bull pinned Sturt.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]Round two of the Pit Bull's Open Challenge, and this time the NZ veteran came up against Vance Sturt, who had the honour of competing in the first-ever APW match, but not much else. This match was easy work for the Pit Bull.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Harry Simonson defeated Trehawke Phillips (10:54)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Simonson forced Phillips to submit with a Boston Crab.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]This match was obviously just a "rubber match" in order to keep Simonson looking dangerous after losing his title last week. Phillips' poor performance didn't help as he paled in comparison to the vastly superior Simonson.[/I] [I]"SWOOOOOOOOOP!!" That can only mean one thing: that c0cky bastard is on his way to the ring. "The Chosen One," "The Undisputed Face of Australiann Wrestling," or simply, "Swoop." Pick a nickname: it fits. [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] See how many eyes lit up when my name was roared over the PA? I bet I woke about half you up didn't I? Don't worry, I don't blame you for falling asleep during this god-awful event. Especially that last event, what the hell was that? Trehawke Phillips? Who the hell is he when he's at home? And Harry Simonson... that schmuck can't even defend a title, let alone beat anyone worth beating. And those Melbourne Bores losing their titles. I told you, didn't I? Swoop McCarthy was right: only Swoop McCarthy would retain his undefeated streak. And it will continue again tonight as I defend my title against Dismal David Peterson. [B]Sean Quartermainne:[/B] Just calm down there, Swoop. You're putting the crowd to sleep. My client, [B]Debonair[/B] David Peterson, is going to wipe the mat with your face tonight, as he goes home the new APW Aust--- [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] What's the matter, Peterson? Can't speak for yourself? No, no, don't worry about it, I can understand you're intimidated by me. I mean... I'm vastly superior to you in every way, and I even have the ability to talk. Peterson moves to grab the mic off Quartermainne before Swoop starts up again. [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] No no, don't bother: we dont need another reason to put this crowd to sleep. They came here to see excellence, not mediocrity. Which is why I'm still puzzled as to why this match is happening. But either way, get in the ring now and let me wipe my arse with your face.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Swoop McCarthy defeated Debonair David Peterson (w/Sean Quartermainne) to retain the APW Australian Championship (17:53)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - McCarthy pinned Peterson after a Running Powerslam.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D[/B][/COLOR] [I]Quartermainne did some entertaining work at ringside, as we all witnessed the best match of the show so far. McCarthy and Peterson worked well together and it clearly showed in their performances.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Lanny Williams defeated Nathan McKenzie to retain the APW Commonwealth Championship (16:44)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Williams forced Simonson to submit with a Figure Four Leglock.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D[/B][/COLOR] [I]Apparently the crowd weren't very impressed to see McKenzie wrestle tonight, who [B]was[/B] well below his best, as he grew visibly tired towards the end of the match, clearly unable to keep up with Williams as the match wore on.[/I] [B][COLOR="Orange"]Overall[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Show[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Rating:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Too many weak performances from too many wrestlers let the crowd, the show and the other wrestlers down. Two good title defences from McCarthy and Williams, who are obviously the two biggest heels in the company, not that it matters to this audience. A surprise title change in the tag team department, as many were expecting the Melbourne Blondes' streak to continue. The loss was probably brought on by Stantz' backstage antics last month, though.[/I] [/CENTER]
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from [url]www.aussiewrestling.com.au[/url] [QUOTE]Rick Stantz was the focal point of a backstage incident when a mean-spirited prank he pulled on Nathan McKenzie nearly led to a fight breaking out.[/QUOTE] [I][B]Jack Avatar:[/B] Rick, what's wrong with you? Last month you assault Virgil and tonight you played a stupid prank on a fellow worker? Seriously, mate, this is your final warning. Clean up your act, or start looking for another job. [B]Rick Stantz:[/B] Fine, no more pranks in future.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Fight[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Night[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Commonwealth[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]#1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Contender's[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Match[/COLOR][/B] Nathan McKenzie vs. Harry Simonson vs. Debonair David Peterson [B][COLOR="Green"]The[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Pit[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Bull's[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Open[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Challenge[/COLOR][/B] New Zealand Pit Bull vs TBA Boo Smithson vs. Spiffy Stan Standish Jimmy Stratosphere vs. Alyx Macquarie Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Dingo Devine [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [I]There's 276 Fans All Packed In Marv's Sports Central For:[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Fight[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Night[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]The Melbourne Blondes defeated Crime Wave (6:53)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Rick Stantz pinned Switchblade after a Flying Elbow Drop.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E+-[/B][/COLOR] [I]These Australian crowds still hate D.O.A., and don't look to be growing much fonder of him in the future.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Dingo Devine defeated Whirlwind Lee Wilkes (7:51)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Devine pinned Wilkes after a Southern Lights Suplex.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]Not the most exciting match ever, but good experience for the two. A match clearly just booked for developing their in-ring skills.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jimmy Stratosphere defeated Alyx Macquarie (8:35)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Stratosphere pinned Macquarie after a Frog Splash.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Stratosphere and Macquarie don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Avatar is clearly trying to keep up interest in Macquarie and Stratosphere.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Boo Smithson defeated Spiffy Stan Standish (11:26)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Smithson forced Standish to submit with a Crossface Chickenwing.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]Max Forbes did some good managerial work in Standish's corner, despite the fact that Smithson and Standish didn't wrestle very well together.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]New Zealand Pit Bull defeated Jack Avatar (9:39)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - New Zealand Pit Bull pinned Avatar.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Avatar and NZ Pit Bull have great chemistry, and it showed in their peformances. This match was a great opportunity to give Avatar some overness, and for the two workers to teach each other a thing or two.[/I] [I]Once again, Swoop is on his way to the ring, something which has become a standard thing. [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] You know what? I'm getting awfully bored of carting this chunk of metal around. This means nothing to me anymore. I need a title which means something. So what if I'm the Australian Champion? A year-long reign combined with a perfect APW record. I deserve so much more. You know what I deserve? I deserve a title that deserves me. And that title is currently sitting in Lanny Williams' locker room. And I want it. And I'm pretty sur--- The theme song of Lanny Williams breaks out as he strolls down to the ring. [B]Lanny Williams:[/B] Swoop, Swoop, Swoop. You think you're so special, don't you? The first ever APW Champion? Sorry to break it to you, Swoop... but somebody had to win it. Vance Sturt won APW's first ever match and look at him, he's a nobody. So what if you're young, undefeated, and a potential star? What makes you think you deserve the title I worked my entire life for? You have a title, Swoop. Why do you need two? [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] Well, Williams, first of all... I'm not a [B]potential[/B] star, I'm [B]the[/B] star. I carry this promotion, and everyone knows it. You, and all those other idiots backstage would be nothing without me. I'm th-- [B]Lanny Williams:[/B] Okay, okay, Swoop. Please, shut the hell up before you bore us all to death. You want a title shot? Okay, you've got it. But you have to prove to me that you deserve it. Beat me tonight, in a non-title match, and you've got your match next month at Fight Night. [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] It's on![/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Swoop McCarthy defeated Lanny Williams (16:21)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - McCarthy pinned Williams after a Running Powerslam.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Two entertaining performances from both competitors kept the crowd happy. The two bounced well off each other, and McCarthy's massive push and undefeated streak prove Avatar obviously sees what we all see in Swoop McCarthy: stardom.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Harry Simonson defeated Nathan McKenzie and Debonair David Peterson (16:44)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - Simonson forced Peterson to submit with a Boston Crab.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D-[/B][/COLOR] [I]McKenzie just can't get this crowd to like him, and his performance towards the end waned a bit as he visibly grew tired. This match gives Simonson #1 Contendership for the APW Commonwealth Championship.[/I] [B][COLOR="Orange"]Overall[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Show[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Rating:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]D[/COLOR][/B] [I]A better show than last month, but a few members of the roster pegged as stars (namely McKenzie, D.O.A. and Switchblade) just can't seem to gain any sort of momentum or approval from APW's audience, which is definitely holding them back at this stage. And now that Swoop McCarthy has defeated Lanny Williams, and keeps his unbeaten record alive. Next month he and Williams will face off for the APW Commonwealth Championship.[/I] [/CENTER]
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Rick Stantz has gotten a lot of heat with the rest of the locker room due to his recent attitude, and there are signs that it could turn into a very bad situation if not handled soon. [I][B]Jack Avatar:[/B] Look, Rick, I told you last time that it was your final warning, but people are always going to have arguments from time to time. Not all people get along perfectly. Which is why I can understand some of the heat you're getting, but you have been acting like a c0cky little prick lately, so I'm fining you 25% of your wage. [B]Rick Stantz:[/B] This is a complete waste of time. [B]Jack Avatar:[/B] Whatever, Rick, okay? Seriously, clean up your act, or get out. This seriously [B]is[/B] your final warning.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Beachfront[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Breakdown[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Commonwealth[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR][/b] Swoop McCarthy vs. Lanny Williams © Harry Simonson vs. Debonair David Peterson [B][COLOR="Green"]The[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Pit[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Bull's[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Open[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Challenge[/COLOR][/B] New Zealand Pit Bull vs TBA Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Vance Sturt The Melbourne Blondes vs. The Rising Suns Jack Avatar vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes [/CENTER]
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APW Commonwealth Championship Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Lanny Williams[/B] © - I would say Swoop is cheated out of this. He's not quite popular enough yet for the main strap. I think. [B]Harry Simonson[/B] vs. Debonair David Peterson - Harry is better. The Pit Bull's Open Challenge [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs TBA - He won't lose til his 5th challenge. [B]Spiffy Stan Standish[/B] vs. Vance Sturt - Sturt is dead weight. The Melbourne Blondes vs. [B]The Rising Suns[/B] - Stantz is making it hard for you to give them wins. Jack Avatar vs. [B]Whirlwind Lee Wilkes[/B] - I can't see you pushing yourself! Keep it up, buddy :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [I]Here We Are At.... Marv's Sports Central?[/I] [SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Beachfront[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Breakdown[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]Jack Avatar defeated Whirlwind Lee Wilkes (7:59)[/COLOR][/B] [I]- Avatar pinned Wilkes.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E-[/B][/COLOR] [I]Whirlwind Lee Wilkes and Jack Avatar have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances, although the crowd were totally burned off by having to watch a match between two jobbers. I don't see this is a major push for Avatar, more of a training ground.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]The Melbourne Blondes defeated The Rising Suns (13:28)[/COLOR][/B] [I]- Rick Stantz pinned Jimmy Stratosphere after a Flying Elbow Drop.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Motty Kuroda was really off his game tonight, and the match appeared to be too long, as the crowd seemed to get bored of the Rising Suns fairly quickly.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Spiffy Stan Standish defeated Vance Sturt (6:35)[/COLOR][/B] [I]- Standish pinned Sturt after a Brainbuster[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E+[/B][/COLOR] [I]Just a match to keep Standish looking dangerous enough to be a competitor, although he wasn't good enough to carry Sturt.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Nathan McKenzie defeated New Zealand Pit Bull (2:44)[/COLOR][/B] [I]- McKenzie pinned NZ Pit Bull after a Spear.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: E[/B][/COLOR] [I]McKenzie charged to the ring for round 3 of the Pit Bull's Open Challenge, and literally tore his opponent apart in the ring, dominating the Pit Bull to win the match in just two minutes. Even after the match was over, McKenzie kept attacking the Pit Bull, and had to be restrained by several officials.[/I] [I]Time for our monthly "Swoop Segment," but this time it's Lanny Williams making his way down to the ring. The APW Commonwealth Champion is putting his title on the line tonight against Swoop, after losing to him last month. [B]Lanny Williams:[/B] Swoop, you did well against me last week, I will admit. But you got lucky, I was clearly the better competitor. But, I will honour our agreement. I will still face you tonight for the Commonwealth title. However, I'd like to add a stipulation of mine. I request that you put your title on the line, tonight. That way this match will prove who is actually the better wrestler. Swoop appears on the entranceway. [B]Swoop McCarthy:[/B] Sounds good to me, Lanny. I'd love to take your title, and become what I like to call.. The First and Only APW Unified Champion! [B]Lanny Williams:[/B] Okay then. You heard it, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, there will be a match for [B]both[/B] the APW Commonwealth and APW Australian titles. And the winner will be crowned the APW Uni--- [B]Nigel Darling:[/B] Whoa, whoa, hold on a minute there, Lanny. No one ran this by me. You guys know the rules: title matches must be run past a figure of authority first. I'll tell you what. I'll let this little match slide for now, but I'd like to make some changes of my own, then we're all happy, how's that sound? Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, you will see Swoop McCarthy and Lanny Williams face off for [B]both[/B] APW Singles titles tonight and the winner will be crowned the APW Unified Champion. But, as I said, there is one small thing I'd like to change about this match which would make it a little bit more fair, and leave everyone happy. If Swoop wins this match, he will successfully retain his APW Australian Championship, and win the APW Commonwealth Championship, therefore becoming the first and only APW Unified Champion. However, if Lanny Williams wins, he will successfully retain his APW Commonwealth Championship, [B]but[/B] he will [B]not[/B] win Swoop's APW Australian Championship, and therefore will [B]not[/B] become the first and only APW Unified Champion. Nigel smirks and he and Swoop depart without waiting for a reply from Williams.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Harry Simonson defeated Debonair David Peterson (19:42)[/COLOR][/B] [I]- Simonson forced Peterson to submit with a Boston Crab.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: D[/B][/COLOR] [I]Quartermainne did some good work in Peterson's corner, in a match purely designed for momentum and popularity boosting.[/I] [B][COLOR="Green"]Swoop McCarthy defeated Lanny Williams to win the APW Commonwealth Championship, retain the APW Australian Championship, and become the first-ever APW Unified Champion (19:42)[/COLOR][/B] [I] - McCarthy pinned Williams after a Running Powerslam.[/I] [COLOR="Orange"][B]Match Rating: C-[/B][/COLOR] [I]A great match from two great competitors, and a result which upset almost everyone: Swoop McCarthy is now the APW Commonwealth Champion, after Nigel Darling manipulated the match in his favour. No doubt this will create some heat between all three men involved. To add insult to injury, Swoop turned and assaulted Williams with the belt he just won off him. He spat at Williams and then strolled backstage with a huge grin on his face..[/I] [B][COLOR="Orange"]Overall[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Show[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Rating:[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]D[/COLOR][/B] [I]A huge surprise this month, with Swoop McCarthy kept his unbeaten streak alive, retained the APW Australian Championship, won the APW Commonwealth Championship, and became the first and only APW Unified Champion. He is riding a huge momentum wave at the moment, and it seems nothing can stop him. What will happen next month? Will he remain "Unified Champion," or will Williams get his way, and claim back his title?[/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o60/EzumaWarsaw/Diary%20pics/APW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Caged[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Showdown[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]2008[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Green"]APW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Australian[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Championship[/COLOR][/b] Lanny Williams vs Swoop McCarthy © New Zealand Pit Bull vs TBA Rick Stantz vs. Jimmy Stratosphere [/CENTER]
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APW Australian Championship Lanny Williams vs [B]Swoop McCarthy ©[/B] - Swoop retains even though there are some dubious circumstances. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B]vs TBA - Last week was a blip. [B]Rick Stantz [/B]vs. Jimmy Stratosphere - Rick is just better.
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