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TCW: I Plan To Stick With This Diary I Swear

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"Any questions?" Eddie Peak raised his hand and spoke without waiting for acknowledgment. "You're an *******." "Yes. Yes I am. But that wasn't a question. Anything else?" This time it was Texas Pete's turn. "Who's going to be losing their job over this?" "I'll say right now that there are going to be cuts to the roster. We won't be posting a list or anything, but if any man here is worried that he's on the chopping block he can come and speak to me personally right after the meeting and I'll give a straight answer then. If anyone wants to leave the company as a result of all this I'll be happy to fill out a roster release before the end of the month, and I promise you'll get your severance pay and a glowing recommendation letter." The last question wasn't for me. I can only imagine how he felt hearing it. "Why is this happening, Tommy?" ================ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/shamelessposer/ewrevenge.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]TCW: SOLD![/b][/size] It's been confirmed, everyone. The second largest wrestling promotion in the world, Total Championship Wrestling, changed hands today. Cornell will get an undisclosed sum of money and some limited stock options out of the deal. Cornell has announced his plans to stay on the roster at least until September. Charles Cavendish is the interim booker. Yes, that Charles Cavendish. The TV exec who canceled Extreme TV. ================ "I did it because I'm tired, Rick. Everyone in this room knows how much I love the business. What I don't love is [i]business[/i]. I know you've booked, but you've never had to count the pennies. Never had to look Stink and Grunt in the eye and told them to not bother showing up to the next taping. I'd rather take ten of your clotheslines than look at another spreadsheet." "What happens when your contract runs out in September?" "We'll just have to see." ================ "I'd say that went about as well as could be expected." "The fans are smart. They'll know that I'm not in charge anymore, and they'll want an explanation. You going to give them one?" "Yeah, of course. I've managed continuity for an entire comic book line, so I think I can keep a few wrestling storylines straight." "It's not as easy as you're making it out to be. Trust me." "You trust me, Tommy. The company is in good hands." "Is that what you're going to say Tuesday? That the company's in good hands?" "If I have my way I won't be appearing on a TCW broadcast for as long as I live. I'm not a performer and I won't pretend to be. I'm going to stick someone the fans know into a leadership position. Like a commissioner." 'Have someone in mind?" "I know a guy. You know him, too."
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[b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview[/b] [i]Koshiro Ino debut match[/i] Koshiro Ino vs. Robert Oxford Giant Tana vs. American Buffalo [i]TCW Tag Team Title Match[/i] Genghis Rahn & Eddie Peak vs. The Machines (c) [i]TCW All Action Title Match[/i] Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach (c) Tyson Baine & Rocky Golden vs. Sam Keith & [i]TCW International Champion[/i] Wolf Hawkins [i]TCW World Heavyweight Title Match[/i] Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tommy Cornell (c)
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[b][size=5]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/size] Tuesday, Week 1, January 2008[/b] [b]Pre-Show [center]Aaron Andrews vs. Edd Stone[/b][/center] The match goes for about ten minutes, with the two men doing a surprisingly good job of warming up the crowd. About seven minutes in Edd Stone gets the pin with his feet on the ropes and a handful of tights. [b]C+[/b] [i]Wow. I need to book these guys together more often.[/i] [center][b]The New Wave (Scout & Guide) vs. Painful Procedure (Billy Jack Shearer & Randall Hopkirk)[/b][/center] This glorified squash match went for about eight minutes. Eventually The New Wave got bored and Scout got Billy Jack to tap out to the Special Force. Could've been better. [b]C-[/b] [i]Not much better than could be expected from Painful Procedure. I guess The New Wave can't be expected to work miracles.[/i] [b]KR:[/b] Welcome to a new era in TCW Presents Total Wrestling! I'm Kyle Rhodes, and alongside me in the announce booth is my constant companion whether I like it or not Jason Azaria. [b]JA:[/b] We've got a great show for you tonight as always, but the big news is of course the sale of our company to Charlton Media Ventures. What does that mean for the company? We have no idea. [b]KR:[/b] Hopefully our former boss and reigning TCW World Heavyweight Champion Tommy Cornell will enlighten us before the end of tonight's programming. [b]JA:[/b] Instead of dwelling on the unknown, let's just get into tonight's match. Making his TCW debut against Robert Oxford, it's Koshiro Ino. [center][b]Koshiro Ino vs. Robert Oxford[/b][/center] Ino makes a great debut here. Oxford seems to feed off of the puro star's stiff strikes and comes back with a few of his own. I was worried that we were going to have a legit fight on our hands until Joel Bryant backstage assured me that Robert was probably having the time of his life. Koshiro Ino hits the Kobra Bite and picks up the win at 11:14. [b]C+[/b] [b]KR:[/b]It looks like Oxford is going to be feeling the effects of that match for a long time. What was that finishing move? [b]JA:[/b] It's called the Kobra Bite, and it's led Ino to tag team gold in his homeland. Eddie Peak and Genghis Rahn head out to the ring, and they look awfully angry. [b]Genghis Rahn[/b]: Most of you probably know that I'm not a good person. Until last year, there was nothing I enjoyed more than delivering DDTs and elbow drops to do-gooders like Ricky Dale Johnson and Giant Tana, all the way down the roster to Crash Lewis back when he was stinking up TCW rings. I've brawled with Bryan Holmes. I've busted open Sam Strong. [b]Eddie Peak[/b]: This man is a hardcore legend, but it's been years since he's gotten a shot at the World Heavyweight title. And there was no way that a younger guy like me could get any opportunities around here unless he was willing to play ball and join Cornell's clique. But things changed this past week. Cornell didn't know this, but when he sold this company without so much as sending a telegram or carrier pigeon our way, that was the last straw. He's broken the camel's back, and now I'm going to powerbomb that camel right through a table! We're taking the fight to the Syndicate tonight, starting with the tag team champions. [b]Genghis Rahn[/b]: And when we're the tag team champions, when we've got gold around our waists, we're going to be coming for [i]you[/i], Tommy. [b]C+[/b] [center][b]Giant Tana vs. American Buffalo[/b][/center] American Buffalo dominates Giant Tana throughout the match, which is nothing special but does at least have a "Holy ****!" moment when American Buffalo delivers a pumphandle slam to Tana. He gets the pin at 6:33, then delivers The Stampede for good measure after the bell rings. [b]D+[/b] [i]With performances like that, Tana might not be with the company much longer.[/i] We're with [b]Rick Law[/b] backstage. He delivers a short promo directed at American Buffalo, questioning Buffalo's cheap shot on Tana after the match and why someone of his talent is paired with "A snake like Goldworthy." [b]C[/b] [b]KR:[/b] Well, that wasn't preachy at all. [center][b]TCW Tag Team Title Match Eddie Peak & Genghis Rahn vs. The Machines (Brent Hill & John Anderson)[/b][/center] This back and forth match seems to be going at too fast a pace for Genghis Rahn, and he's pretty obviously blown up around the eighth minute. There's a very weird dynamic to the match, with Rahn busting out the heel techniques and getting face pops for it. Rahn has Hill on the run and is ready to go in for the kill when Eddie Peak brains him with a steel chair and the match ends via DQ at 12:39. [b]C-[/b] [i]I thought that Rahn was in good enough shape to work this match the way it was booked, but that didn't seem to be the case. At least the fans responded well to Peak's heel turn.[/i] [b]KR:[/b] I wonder if that's hardcore enough for Rahn. [b]JA:[/b] I thought for sure that we'd seen the end of The Machines as tag team champions. [b]KR:[/b] Next week's Total Wrestling will have a match to decide who faces The Machines at Malice In Wonderland. [b]JA:[/b] Will it be The Young Guns or The Tag Team Specialists? You'll have to tune in to find out. [b]E[/b] [b]KR:[/b] Next we have the match I've been looking forward to all night. Sammy Bach is defending his All Action title against fellow DaVE alumnus Joey "Freakin'" Minnesota. I know I've been on record bashing DaVE in the past, but if there's one thing Phil Vibert's flea market operation got right it was hiring these two young athletes. [center][b]TCW All Action Title Match Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach[/b][/center] These two got twenty minutes on the card, and they didn't waste a second of it. There was high flying, brawling, and no small amount of mat wrestling as Joey Minnesota pulled out all the stops. Ultimately it wouldn't be enough, as Sammy Bach used the ropes and stole the pin at 19:42. [b]C+[/b] [i]It wasn't the show stealer we'd thought it would be, but the match these two put on certainly isn't anything to sneeze at either. We've definitely got plans for these two in the future.[/i] [b]Rocky Golden and Tyson Baine[/b] head out to the ring and cut a promo on Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins. Baine promises to "send Cornell and his lackeys to Hell." [b]C[/b] [center][b]Tyson Baine & Rocky Golden vs. The Syndicate (represented by Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins)[/b][/center] Tyson Baine plays the babyface-in-peril possibly for the first time in his career with this match, getting isolated and broken down by the methodical Sam Keith. He gets the hot tag around the seventh minute and Golden cleans house. He picks up the win at 12:22 with the Rocky Road by pinning Sam Keith, and on the outside of the ring Hawkins learns why you don't start a fistfight with a man who's fifty pounds larger and half a foot taller. [b]B[/b] [i]Better than it had any right to be, given Baine's limited talent and two inexperienced competitors. Maybe the storylines I've booked won't turn to crap.[/i] [b]Tommy Cornell[/b] cuts a promo backstage hyping his main event title defense against Ricky Dale Johnson. He says that while his ownership of the company might be a done deal, there's no way he's leaving as long as he's got gold around his waist.[b]B+[/b] [center][b]TCW World Heavyweight Title Match Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tommy Cornell[/b][/center] Cornell as always gave the audience everything he had, but RDJ had trouble keeping up in a match this long. The match featured interference from every other member of The Syndicate, and Cornell eked out the win at 21:46 with a Guilt Trip. [b]B[/b] [i]I booked these two for too much time and RDJ paid the price for it. He's normally one for knowing his limits, but I think he tried to hard to impress the new management. Hopefully giving away a pay-per-view main event on free TV will earn us some goodwill with the fans.[/i] [b]Tommy Cornell:[/b] You new guys thought you could take the title from me your first night on the job? I don't care who the hell you all think you are, but the gold is staying with me until the day I die! I'm unstoppable! The Syndicate is unstoppable! The lights go out for a few seconds. When they come back on, Cornell is a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. The camera zooms in on a cardboard sign left on the prone Cornell, and the sign simply reads "The Management." [b]B[/b] [b]Overall: C+[/b]
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I walked up to the door and knocked. Well, "walk" could be a little bit of an overstatement. My legs were still half asleep from the flight and the cab ride wasn't much better. I may or may not have had a couple of drinks on the flight over, too. So okay, really it was more of a stumble. Don't you judge me. Nemesis opened the door and he was big and scary and certainly seemed pissed off to see the guy who canceled his pride and joy standing on his doorstep in the early morning with no notice. "What the hell are you doing here?" "I need your help." "Then you've come to the wrong place, *******." "*******. I've been called that a lot lately." "Can't imagine why. I suggest you get out of here before I kick your ass and then call the cops on you for trespassing." "Tell you what... if it means I can come in and explain myself, I'll let you punch-" "Deal." Everything went white. Then red. Then I realized I was at the bottom of the steps, my neck was sore, and the incline was making my bloody nose drip into my eyes. "Jesus, Charlie, you give an offer like that to someone it's best to make sure you can take a punch first. Come on in and I'll get you some ice." ================ "Nice place. Is that oak?" "I know you didn't come here to get punched in the face and compliment my furniture. Said you needed help." "There's a position in TCW that needs to be filled. An onscreen authority figure, sort of a commissioner. The fans like you. The talent likes you. Cornell wouldn't be where he is today if you hadn't beaten the crap out of him ten years ago on SWF programming." "That can't be all there is to this." "You're not an idiot, and even if you were it wouldn't benefit me to lie about this part... you know that TCW got a lot of DaVE talent in the last year." "No thanks to you." "And that's exactly why I want to sign you to a contract. Hopefully giving you a job will help smooth things over with guys like Eddie Peak." "If I were to agree to this, I'd want in on the booking team. Guys like you need to be kept honest." "I want to make something perfectly clear to you, Nemesis. I did not want to cancel Extreme TV. But if I didn't sign the paperwork, the network would have just fired me and gotten the next guy in line to do it instead. I'm sorry." "Have someone at your office fax me the paperwork. I'll look it over and I'll think about it." "Fantastic."
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[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/shamelessposer/wrestlingheat.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]TCW's New Authority Is...[/b][/size] WrestlingHeat.com's sources in the TCW locker room have confirmed that the new authority figure hinted at in last week's broadcast is none other than DaVE's own [b]Phil Vibert[/b]! We've also received word that the TCW website will be updated with the profiles of several new wrestlers over the next few days, and we believe that three of these will be revealed as the up-and-coming indy trio [b]The Latino Kings[/b]. ================ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/shamelessposer/wrestlecircle.jpg[/IMG] [size=5][b]TCW: One Rumor Shot Down, One Started[/b][/size] Other, less reputable wrestling websites have recently reported that Phil Vibert will make his TCW debut before the end of the month. We can safely say this is untrue, as none other than Vibert's childhood friend Chris Caulfield stated in an interview with this website earlier in the week that Vibert has taken a hiatus from the wrestling industry for the foreseeable future. Former national wrestling star [b]Paul Steadyfast[/b] has recently announced on his blog that all of his future wrestling dates have been canceled. He was quick to add that "No one's died or anything. This is good news, and you'll be seeing a lot more of me soon."
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[b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview[/b] Tommy Cornell confronts the new commissioner! Koshiro Ino vs. Ronnie V. Pain [i]Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Match[/i] The Young Guns vs. The Tag Team Specialists Joey Minnesota vs. Edd Stone [i]TCW International Title Match[/i] Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins Genghis Rahn vs. Eddie Peak [i]TCW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Match[/i] Tyson Baine vs. A Mystery Opponent
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[size][b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/size] Tuesday, Week 2, January 2008[/b] [b]Pre-Show[/b] [center][b]The New Wave (Guide & Scout) vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Robert Oxford & Joel Bryant)[/b][/center] It's a nice back and forth contest that gets the crowd going. Scout gets the pin on Robert Oxford in 6:54. [b]C+[/b] [i]Wanted to test the waters before putting these four in a match on pay-per-view. Looks like that match can safely go forward.[/i] [center][b]Aaron Andrews vs. Sam Keith[/center][/b] Just a look at the two names involved should make it clear that this is an obvious jobber match. Andrews nonetheless gets in some decent offense before Sam Keith gets the upper hand and puts in the Proton Lock at 5:58. [b]C+[/b] [i]I'm beginning to suspect that Aaron Andrews is going to be a big star for us.[/i] [b]JA:[/b] TCW's new era continues tonight! In the next two hours we'll find out who's pulling the strings and making the matches. [b]KR:[/b] But first we have the Japanese newcomer Koshiro Ino in battle against Ronnie V. Pain. [center][b]Koshiro Ino vs. Ronnie V. Pain[/b][/center] Just a total squash. Ino no-sells Pain's power moves and then hits the Kobra Bite at 6:49. [b]C-[/b] [i]I can't tell if my being impressed at the mediocre match is a compliment to Koshiro Ino or an indictment of Ronnie V. Pain.[/i] With no fanfare and no introduction, Nemesis walks down the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand. The crowd slowly realizes what's going on, and within a few seconds there are "NEMESIS!" and "DaVE!" chants. [b]Nemesis:[/b] Meet the new boss. I ain't the same as the old boss. The suits have made me commissioner, and it's because they know I'm not about to take any crap from Tommy Cornell or his syndicate. Last two times Cornell and I were in the ring together he ended up a bloody mess. So I'll understand if he doesn't have the balls to come down to the ring right now so we can have a proper reintroduction. He waits a few seconds. Cornell doesn't show up. [b]JA:[/b] It wouldn't surprise me if Cornell isn't even in the building tonight. He had trouble walking to the back last week after that surprise chair shot, and it looks like we know now who delivered it. [b]Nemesis[/b]: **** it. I'm tired of waiting. I'm scheduling a TCW World Heavyweight title match [i]right now[/i], Tommy Cornell versus Rick Law! Get out here or vacate the title! [b]B-[/b] [center][b]TCW World Heavyweight Title Match Tommy Cornell vs. Rick Law[/b][/center] Cornell has a bandage on the back of his head from last week's chair shot. Rick Law comes in with some very nice, very stiff power moves to start off the match, including this visually interesting clothesline-into-gutwrench-powerbomb sequence. He holds control for the first half of the match, getting several two-counts on the champion. Cornell takes control with a drop toehold and then a series of elbow drops to the knee. He continues working the leg until a pinning sequence at the end of the fifteenth minute, when Law simply doesn't have the leg strength necessary to kick out. [b]B[/b] [i]Good match. Not that it's reasonable to expect any less from Cornell.[/i] After the match we're backstage with Floyd Goldworthy. [b]Floyd Goldworthy:[/b] My client has asked me to issue a statement about Rick Law, who you just saw lose a match to Tommy Cornell. Last week, Law asked my client why he resorted to cheating and bullying in his matches when such behavior had proven ineffective in the past. I believe that the match we just witnessed should provide ample evidence to the audience and to Mr. Law that the only thing ineffective in TCW is his own outdated model of sportsmanship. And like anything else known to be outdated and defective, my client and I believe there is reason for Rick Law to be... discarded. [b]C-[/b] Wolf Hawkins, Sam Keith, Brent Hill and John Anderson are shown in the front row. Hawkins gives an insincere wave to the camera. [b]C+[/b] [b][center]TCW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Match The Young Guns (Harry Allen & Steve Gumble) vs. The Tag Team Specialists (Robert Oxford & Joel Bryant)[/b][/center] Old school meets was-new-school-five-years-ago in this clash of the midcard. Gumble seems lost due to the match's deliberately slow pace, while Harry Allen seems to have no problem going to the mat with Bryant or Oxford. Allen manages to pick up the pin following a top rope guillotine leg drop at 9:15, and The Young Guns look like they're going to Malice in Wonderland. [b]C-[/b] [i]Being jobbed so much the last couple of weeks hasn't been putting Robert in the best of moods, but he's announced his retirement a month from now and he's just not a big enough draw to go out on top. I hope he'll stay a team player instead of putting in half-efforts like this match in the next couple of weeks.[/i] [center][b]Joey Minnesota vs. Edd Stone[/b][/center] The two men are both very talented athletes, but the match isn't as good as could normally be expected. Stone keeps blowing even the simplest of spots, and an aggravated Minnesota ends it with a Minnesota Salute at 10:03. [b]C[/b] [i]Edd Stone had one of his infamous "off nights." I wish he'd said something before I'd booked him this far up the card.[/i] Backstage, Wolf Hawkins punches a locker and screams. [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b]: Who the hell does this Nemesis think he is? Just because he took a few chair shots to the head for a plastic title belt he gets to book me in title matches? I do not deserve this sort of treatment. I'm a member of the Syndicate, I'm the best young talent in wrestling today, and I am not going to stand for this. [b]C+[/b] [center][b]TCW International Title Match Wolf Hawkins vs. Rocky Golden[/b][/center] Hawkins seems to be made of rage and hair gel in this match, but mostly rage. He overcomes the size difference between himself and Golden, brawling with the bigger man and even coming out on top in some of the exchanges. At the fifth minute Golden makes his comeback, laying into Hawkins with some stiff punches and a nasty looking piledriver, but Hawkins retakes the offensive with a low blow. In twelve minutes Golden is bruised, exhausted, and pinned. [b]B[/b] [i]Another match with Rocky Golden better than it had any right to be. There's no way I'm putting him into a long-term title program right now, but I'll definitely keep an eye on him.[/i] Eddie Peak is in the ring with a microphone. Sweet fancy Moses, this can't end well. [b]Eddie Peak:[/b] So people have been asking me why I turned on my bestest buddy in the world Genghis Rahn. And I'll tell you why. You ever read The Giver? Anybody? Yeah, me neither. Anyway, I hate old people and wish they would all die. Last night I complained about The Syndicate taking up spots at the top of the card, but what Rahn didn't seem to understand is that washed up scrubs like him who won't go into the hardcore elephant graveyard where they belong are taking up space too. This is my time, not his, and it's time we proved that with a match. Genghis Rahn, get your fat ass out here! [b]C+[/b] [b][center]Eddie Peak vs. Genghis Rahn[/b][/center] There is absolutely no pretense that this match is about wrestling, as it immediately devolves into two men beating the hell out of each other. First Rahn is busted open, then Peak, and it only gets worse from there. Both men are disqualified at 10:50 when they attempt to choke each other with the same rinside A/V cable. [b]B-[/b] [i]Fans seemed to actually enjoy this dirty finish since it showed promise that there'd be more between these two in the future. Rahn's conditioning remains a problem we'll have to work around.[/i] The camera cuts to the locker room, where Tyson Baine is lacing his boots. Ricky Dale Johnson walks into the frame. [b]RDJ:[/b] Hey. [b]Baine:[/b] What do you want? [b]RDJ:[/b] Cornell was given the choice of who would face you in the number one contender match. [b]Baine:[/b] I know. [b]RDJ:[/b] You probably figured that he'd pick Wolf Hawkins or Sam Keith. One of his boys who could either hurt you before your match against Cornell or maybe even win and then lay down for him at Malice in Wonderland. But he picked me instead. [b]Baine:[/b] Had a feeling that something like this was going to happen. He wants us to tear each other apart. [b]RDJ:[/b] I'll be up front with you. I want that title shot. But whoever wins, I don't want this to turn personal. The important thing is that the best man wins so he can take the title from Cornell. [b]Baine:[/b] I wouldn't have it any other way. [b]B[/b] [b][center]TCW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contender Match Tyson Baine vs. Ricky Dale Johnson[/b][/center] This relatively short main event ran into problems because of all of the brawling in the previous match. With no one getting busted open or choked on a cord, the crowd seemed a little more subdued than normal. It was still a pretty decent match, and a good one by Tyson Baine standards, and it's Baine who picks up the win some time into the twelfth minute. [b]C+[/b] [i]Despite all the talk onscreen of "the best man winning," RDJ wasn't happy about the outcome of this match. Nonetheless, Baine needs the win here more than he does and the fans are sick of seeing RDJ/Cornell.[/i] [b]Overall: C+[/b]
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[b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Preview[/b] Clark Alexander vs. Texas Pete Koshiro Ino vs. Freddy Huggins Harry Allen vs. John Anderson The New Wave vs. The Tag Team Specialists Newcomer Rudy Velasquez vs. Wolf Hawkins Rick Law & Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach & American Buffalo Rocky Golden vs. Sam Keith Genghis Rahn & Tyson Baine vs. Tommy Cornell & Eddie Peak
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I know how frustrating it is to go for a while with no replies (HINT HINT) So... Clark Alexander vs. [B]Texas Pete [/B] [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs. Freddy Huggins Harry Allen vs. [B]John Anderson[/B] [B] The New Wave[/B] vs. The Tag Team Specialists Newcomer Rudy Velasquez vs. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] [B]Rick Law & Joey Minnesota[/B] vs. Sammy Bach & American Buffalo Rocky Golden vs. [B]Sam Keith[/B] Genghis Rahn & Tyson Baine vs. [B]Tommy Cornell & Eddie Peak[/B] Now go review mine, lol. j/k
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