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[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][U]Rey De Reyes 2013[/U][/COLOR][/B] Rey De Reyes: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix Rey De Reyes: Charles Rainier vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Rey De Reyes: [B]Boriken Love Machine[/B] vs Speed Machine Rey De Reyes: Phoenix Negra vs [B]Quentin Queen[/B] [I]- Queen's shocks keep on coming. And Negra doesn't need the boost/rub from making another finals.[/I] Rey De Reyes: [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs Hombre De La Energia Rey De Reyes Finals: ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? - [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [I]wins it all to solidify his Mainevent elevation. Mainevent Hernandez?[/I] Grudge Match: Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] Six Man Battle: [B]Angel De Mexico & The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Soul Krusher & Animal Magic. 4CS: [B]Amo Del Gato[/B] vs Gringo Starr vs Matt Hocking vs Mr Electricity.
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Rey De Reyes 2013 Rey De Reyes: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix Rey De Reyes: Charles Rainier vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Rey De Reyes: [B]Boriken Love Machine[/B] vs Speed Machine Rey De Reyes: [B]Phoenix Negra[/B] vs Quentin Queen Rey De Reyes: [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs Hombre De La Energia Rey De Reyes Finals: [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Boriken Love Machine vs Phoenix Negra vs Amazing Fire Fly Grudge Match: Jared Johnson vs [B]Nicky R!ot [/B] Six Man Battle: [B]Angel De Mexico & The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Soul Krusher & Animal Magic. 4CS: [B]Amo Del Gato[/B] vs Gringo Starr vs Matt Hocking vs Mr Electricity.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B][U]FCW Rey De Reyes[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Tuesday 27th August 2013[/SIZE] Attendance: 2000 (Sell Out !) Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch /[B] Backstage[/B] [B]Interviewer:[/B] Katie Cameron [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG]/ [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Match: Amo Del Gato vs Gringo Starr vs Matt Hocking vs Mr Electricity[/B] A fun fast paced four way that served it's purpose of getting the crowd excited for the main show action. After the ridiculous but always exilarating everyone dives to the floor spot, they ran through the 'musical chairs' of finishers with Mr Electricity planting Amo Del Gato into the mat with the Move#54 (Forward Russian Leg Sweep) only for Gringo Starr to dive off the top rope and spike Electricity into the canvas with the Revolver Drop (Tornado DDT), just as it looked the Los Beetoolz member was going to pick up a shock win, Matt Hocking (many people's favourite heading into the match) caught Gringo with the Shock Drop II (Flipping Neckbreaker) to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Matt Hocking defeated Amo Del Gato, Gringo Starr and Mr. Electricity in 7:33 when Matt Hocking defeated Gringo Starr by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]A relatively brief pre-show ended with Katie Cameron giving out free merchandise to the crowd. The upside to Cameron doing this over say Lisa Bowen is that she does it with a smile on her face, the downside is that Bowen is prepared to wear much more revealing out-fits. Mind you a bit less embarrasing for the horny teenage boys, when they're sat next to Dad.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is played to hype up the Rey De Reyes Tournament, it's quite an extensive video that puts over the history of the tournament, whilst also building up this years offering. Showing clips of the 10 men vying for this years trophy and clips from previous tournaments, showing those that have triumphed in claiming the trophy in previous years. [/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]___________________________________________________[/B] [I]Mainstream Hernandez is standing in the ring with a microphone and it doesn't take a genius to work out that the reaction from the fans is not exactly favoursome. Despite the booing and jeering the Mainstream Nation leader presses on with saying his piece.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] The Ultimate Prize will elude the Mainstream Nation no more, tonight I out last the competition and claim the key to win the power that the Nation deserves...the power that will make the revolution that will change not just FCW, not just wrestling but change the world to realise it's full potential because the Mainstream Nation will have it's day.....you cannot STOP US ! You cannot STOP US ! The Mainstream Nation shall never be STOPPED ![/COLOR] [I]Hernandez then drops the microphone, soaking in the jeers of the fans as I come out to make my entrance for the opening match of this years Rey De Reyes.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Rey De Reyes: [/B] [B]Charles Rainier vs Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] O'Hara and Lynch remind the fans that each match in the tournament (apart from the finals) has a twenty minute time limit. In the event of a draw happening, it will be the decision of FCW Commisioner Alex Braun as to what should happen in the case of that happening. In true heel fashion the Mainstreamer went on the attack before the bell had even rung, however I managed to absorb the attack and fought back, resulting in myself drop-kicking the Mainstreamer out of the ring and then wiping out Hernandez with a slingshot cross body. Joseph who had accompanied his leader to the ring then picked up a chair, which proved to be enough of a distraction for Hernandez to rake the back and then DDT me onto the floor to turn the match back in his favour. Following that Hernandez pitched me back into the ring and then brought himself crashing down upon my sternum with a slingshot elbow drop for a two count. The Mainstreamer then feeling in control began to 'toy' with me, taunting me to get up but cutting off any attempts at a comeback early. As ever Hernandez drew plenty of disdain from the crowd, as he looked to continue on with the punishment he was dishing out. Finally looking to put me away after a few relatively pin attemps Hernandez set up for the Pontiac to Home but I was able to slip out and then stun Hernandez with an Enziguri. A few moments later I snapped off a head-scissors take down and then headed up top for the Moonsault only for Hernandez to move out of the way, however I managed to land on my feet and then nail the Mainstreamer with the Raindrop (Dropsault)...... That looked to have won me the match but Hernandez managed to kick out at the last split second. Undettered I set up for the C.R Driver but the Mainstreamer slipped out and then raked the eyes, then as I got my bearings back I walked right into a Super-Kick. Hernandez then headed up top but took a little too much time doing so, and I staggered back up to my feet before attempting to bring the Mainstreamer back in with a superplex only for Hernandez to fight me off with back elbows. I then landed hard on my back before Hernandez launched himself off the top-rope to land the Apparition #14 (Moonsault Leg-Drop) which proved to be enough for the Mainstream Nation leader to be the first man to book his place in the Finals in the main event of the show. A great opener, full of energy but it also had enough time for Hernandez to draw genuine heat from the crowd, something he's doing with great aplomb at the moment. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Charles Rainier in 11:33 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]______________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Rey De Reyes: Phoenix Negra vs Quentin Queen[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Negra-Queen were always going to have a difficult time following an opener like myself and Hernandez had just put on but they combined to put on a pretty good match. They actually showed pretty good chemistry against one another but the main problem (is that apart from one slightly deluded fan wearing a Hawaiian shirt) is that no one really bought Double Q pulling out another upset.To be honest they were right to guess that way because Negra's still an important part of the upper-card and isn't on his way out anytime soon unlike Umaga. Negra as expected controlled most of the match but missed a Phoenix Firebird Splash and Queen managed to take advantage with a German Suplex for a two count. Queen then tried for the Q-Ball but Negra had obviously done his homework, blocked Queen's finisher and then countered with the Brainbuster. Negra then went back to the Phoenix Firebird Splash well for a second time, this time making a perfect connection upon the promising teenager's sternum to pick up the expected win and book his place once again in the finals. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Phoenix Negra defeated Quentin Queen in 8:38 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Prior to coming out of the ring, Speed Machine is seen warming up in the background when a familiar figure emerges into shot.....it's former W.O.V hype man Carl Batch. Batch's re-appearance is FCW is mostly met with boos, though some smarkier fans who appreciate his work as a manager seem excited by the motormouthed hustler's re-apperance in FCW.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! The Batchman is back in da house. Ya see playa's when W.O.V died and I didn't get the call from Da Power to follow him to his next venture, that left the Batch man seriously feeling dissed and the Batch man don't like that playa. However I've come back to take some playa's with serious potential right to the top. Starting with the man right behind me the People's champ Speed Machine. Speed Machine, well yeah he's a machine alright and he's been making the competition tap out but by joining the hottest wrestling agency in town Carl Batch Enterprises, I'm gonna take him to a new level. Ain't that right playa......[/COLOR] [I]Speed turns around but says nothing, he just stares into the camera with an intense focus.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred]You see that intensity, focus and with my the Batchman's connections this Machine will soon be heading right to the top of the Wrestling world.....Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Rey De Reyes: [/B] [B]Boriken Love Machine vs Speed Machine w/ Carl Batch [/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BorikenLoveMachine.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The match began fairly slowly with some tenatitive mat exchanges, that on paper should suit Speed more but Boriken was able to go hold for hold, frustrating the People's champion and after Boriken almost got Speed tied up into a Cloverleaf, Speed decided to bail and console with his new manager the returning Carl Batch on the outside. Boriken was keen to keep up the pressure though and went after Speed only for the intefering Batch to put himself in harms way but that allowed for Speed to chop block Boriken from behind. Back in the ring and Speed began to particularly target the right leg of Boriken, taking down the patriotic masked man with Dragon Screws and basement drop-kicks all designed to wear down Boriken, whilst also setting up for the Deadly Heel Hook. Speed then went to lock in the heel hook but Boriken managed to kick off the People's champ with his non weakenend left leg, before collapsing into the corner. Speed then came charging in with the Speed Strike only for Boriken to move out of the way at the last split second. Boriken then tried to take Speed by surprise with a quick roll up, Speed then seemed to retake control with a knee strike that had Boriken dazed before lifting the Puerto Rican Patriot up with a double underhook. Boriken however worked his way out of the move before peppering Speed with a series of fore-arms and then scooping the People's champ up onto his shoulders to then deliver a Finlay Roll. With Speed planted onto the mat Boriken decided to head up top, but he was too hobbled to climb the turnbuckle quickly enough and Speed was back to his feet. The Peoples champ then attempted to bring Boriken back in with a superplex but Boriken was able to fight off with back elbows, before launching himself off the top with a diving knee drop but Speed moved out of the way, causing Boriken to 'crash and burn' and do further damage to his already injured leg. Speed then stalked Boriken once again before locking in the Deadly Heel Hook but just as it looked like Boriken may be forced to tap the masked man managed to dig down and struggle his way over to the ropes to force the rope-break. Speed then tried to get in a cheap shot but Boriken moved out of the way and then planted the People's champ with a Uranage Slam. A hobbled Boriken then tried to get some feeling back into his legs, before taking down a charging Speed with a lariat. Boriken then scooped Speed up onto his shoulders once more and this time delivered a Fire-man's carry gutbuster, however the impact of the move also clearly hurt Boriken and he was slow to make the cover. Speed easily kicked outbut Boriken remained in control and seemed to be setting up for the Love Package but Speed was able to block and then sweep the legs out from underneath Boriken to once again apply the Deadly Heel Hook. Boriken manages to somehow turn his body over and kick Speed off once again..... Both stagger to their feet and Boriken catches Speed with the LOVE GUN ! (Double Knee Facebreaker) but though Speed is clearly stunned Boriken is unable to follow up with the cover and it now appears that the twenty minute time limit is also about to expire. Boriken finally makes it across over to Speed to make the cover but he took too long doing so and Speed kicks out, before grabbing the ankle of Boriken once again to apply the Deadly Heel Hook yet again. Boriken looks like he might be about to tap out but the bell rings before it slaps the mat. The match ends as a time limit draw and the two wrestlers in the ring and the fans are left confused as to who, if either of them will advance to the finals. Some fans even come out with the 'five more minutes' chant... It's unusual to see a Speed Machine match without him attempting to lock on the Speedbreaker 2000, but this was all about targetting Boriken's legs rather than the arm and thus the reason why it was built round Speed going with his lesser used Deadly Heel Hook Submission and Boriken bravely resisting. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Boriken Love Machine Jr drew with Speed Machine in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]Alex Braun then appears to a decent pop from the crowd, who have come to respect the authority figure for his no nonsense approach to dealing with difficult situations.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AlexBraun-FIN.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=sienna][B]Alex Braun: I[/B] could give these two five more minutes to see who deserves a place in the finals, but I won't.....[/COLOR] [I]The pause allows for some more impatient fans to start booing the decision...[/I] [COLOR=sienna]That's because I feel watching the effort out there from both guys in the ring, that both deserve..........[/COLOR] [I]Another pause[/I] [COLOR=sienna]A place in the finals !![/COLOR] [I]Both wrestlers look reasonably happy with the decision, despite having been through a war with one another already.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________ [B]Match #4: Rey De Reyes: [/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs Hombre De La Energia[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HombreDelaEnerga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The classic battle of Speed vs Power, though Hombre's hardly a lumbering giant and has can keep up with most high flyers but can he keep up with the frighteningly quick Fire Fly. Early indications suggest not as it's all Fire Fly in the early going as the dimunitive high flyer keeps Hombre off balance with head-scissors, arm-drags and drop-kicks and almost gets an early pin with the El Cristo (Headscissors take down into a Crucifix Pin)...Hombre manages to power out though and goes out for a powder. Fire Fly comes crashing through the ropes though and wipes out Hombre with the Tope Con Hilo before proceeding to high five the fans. Celebrating with the crowd proves to be a mistake however as Hombre clubs Fire Fly from behind and then dumps the LEA member against the ring-frame. Back inside and Hombre whips Fire Fly into the turnbuckle and then comes charging in, this time Fire Fly is worn down enough for the diminutive high flyer not to move out of the way at the last split second and he feels the full impact of a lariat in the corner. Hombre then takes Fire Fly over with a release belly to belly suplex. That earns a two count before Hombre scoops Fire Fly up onto his shoulders but the LEA man counters into a swinging DDT. That buys Fire Fly a little bit of time to re-group before nailing Hombre with a standing drop-kick and then snapping off a spinning head-scissors. That postion's Hombre in place for the Sky High Fire Fly but the MPWF powerhouse wasnt worn down enough and was back to his feet. Hombre then attempted to bring Fire Fly back in with a superplex but the diminutive high flyer reverses it into a cross-body in mid-air. Hombre then powered out of the pin attempt before catching Fire Fly with a stiff fore-arm...a series of clubbing blows followed before Hombre dumped Fire Fly with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Hombre then lifted Fire Fly up with a Half Nelson and looked set to finish the LEA man off with the Texas Backbreaker, but somehow Fire Fly managed to wriggle free and then take Hombre by suprise with a victory roll. Hombre powered out of the pin attempt again, before impressively lifting Fire Fly up from a Dead Lift position and slamming the ultra quick masked man onto the mat. Hombre then waited for Fire Fly to stagger to his feet to deliver the Energy Lariat but he would probably have been wiser to have immediately gone for the cover as Fire Fly ducked under and then springboarded off the ropes to take Hombre down with a springboard inverted DDT. Fire Fly then waited for Hombre to stagger back to his feet, before snapping off a head-scissors that he immediately transitioned into a Triangle Choke (a sequence he calls the Infest Hazard)...... Fire Fly had the hold locked on tight in the middle of the ring and Hombre was forced to tap. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Amazing Fire Fly defeated Hombre De la Energía in 10:13 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Katie Cameron catches up with Dean Daniels backstage[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] I'm here with Dean Daniels who faces.....[/COLOR] [I]Daniels then just yanks the microphone out of Cameron's hand....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] Run along Blondie.....[/COLOR] [I]Cameron stands her ground for a bit.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred]I said run along, I don't need to some bimbo asking me generic questions about my up-coming match....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Now as for you Ultimate Phoenix, some people may feel that I might want to run my mouth of about you right now, but the Affliction Trinity do their talking in the ring. In fact I respect you Phoenix, no one wins the amount of titles you have both here in FCW and in other countries like you have without being pretty damn good in the ring but tonight you'll get a look into the future because your time on top has now past. It's my time now ! It's my time to be the top dog around here ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Rey De Reyes: [/B] [B]Dean Daniels vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-FIN.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the final RDR match to decide who would make the finals and on paper the most anticipated of all them as it featured two men who have reached the finals on several occasions. They began at a relatively slow pace with both weary and respectful of the capabilities of their opponent. After a while Daniels began to get more aggressive, switching up to a more striked based offence that seemed to give him the advantage for a short while, until Phoenix gave as he good as he got and backed up Daniels with a combination of kicks, ending with a forceful standing drop-kick from the Tag champion that send Daniels off balance, Phoenix then followed with a leg--sweep and then a quebrada for a two count. Phoenix then set up for an Elemental Suplex but Daniels fought that off and forced a standing switch before dumping the former two time Undisputed champion with a German Suplex. A series of stiff fore-arms shots kept Daniels in control after Phoenix kicked out, leading to the Affliction Trinitiy man reeling off a tri-fecta of snap suplexes for a two count. Phoenix remained rooted to the mat though and Daniels headed up to the second rope but the popular masked man moved out of the way as Daniels delivered a knee drop and then took the Affliction Trinity man by surprise with a quick roll up. Daniels kicked out and then delivered a knee strike that had Phoenix in a daze before lifting Phoenix up for the Human Roulette (spinning crucifix toss) but Phoenix managed to slip off and then nail Daniels with an Enziguri before dumping Daniels with an Elemental Suplex for a two count. Phoenix then decided to head up top, but Daniels wasn't down enough and he sent Phoenix crashing back into the ring with a Belly to Back Suplex, the Tag champion however somehow managed to flip onto his feet and as Daniels got back up he was met with a drop-kick that sent him out of the ring......Phoenix then immediately followed up with his trademark no hands somersault plancha. Phoenix then pitched Daniels into the ring and waited for the Affliction Trinity man to get up before taking Daniels down with the FLAMING DRIVER ! One..... Two.... Thr...... Just as it looked like Phoenix had the match won, Michael Bull is distracted by Daniels fellow Affliction Trinity member Nicky R!ot, at that point Jared Johnson comes out and attacks R!ot and those two continue their brawl into the crowd. Phoenix realising that Bull hasn't counted for three, thinks over the situation and with Daniels still down decides to head up top for the Phoenix Firebird Splash....... Daniels gets the knees up, and as they get back to their feet Daniels delivers a boot to the mid-section and then drills Phoenix into the mat with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver) and that proved to be enough for Daniels to sneak by and book his place in the Finals for the third consecutive year. A good match, but maybe not quite as good as it could have been and it felt like a relatively average performance from both Daniels and Phoenix on this occasion. Of course Phoenix best is better than most other's average but he is perhaps starting to show the odd sign that his peak years may be behind him. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 16:02 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Six Man Battle: [/B] [B]Lucha Equity Alliance: Angel De Mexico, El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr vs [/B] [B]Mainstream Nation: Soul Krusher, Masked Cougar & Fox Mask.[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMtico.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrasil.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyJackSheareralt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The Lucha Equity Alliance trio immediately took the fight to their Mainstream Nation opponents culminating in them wiping out Krusher and Animal Magic with a trio of dives to the floor. When things settled down a little bit they had Fox Mask isolated in their corner. Things turned round however when Masked Cougar had Dewey Libertine distracted by threatening to bring a foreign object into play that allowed for Soul Krusher to 'sneak' round and attack both El Mitico Jr and Capitao Brasil from behind preventing Angel De Mexico from making the tag and allowing for Fox Mask to then spike the LEA leader with a DDT before tagging in Soul Krusher. The 'monster' of the Mainstream Nation then prevented Angel from making the tag yet again, before planting Angel with a scoop powerslam before Masked Cougar scored a two count with a slingshot leg-drop. Angel then got to play 'Spencer Marks' for a good stretch and had the Mainstream Nation trio been more clinical, they probably could have finished the match off there and then had they not been so keen on dishing out more punishment however a miscommunication from Animal Magic on the Last Hunt, followed by a drop-kick from Angel on Soul Krusher lead to the LEA leader getting the tag into El Mitico Jr. Mitico cleaned house on both members of Animal Magic, finishing with a Mitico Driver on Fox Mask...however Soul Krusher was able to make the save before lifting Mitico up and planting him onto the mat with a Powerbomb...Krusher however was not the legal man and had to tag himself in. The Mainstream Nation monster then set Mitico up for another powerbomb but was taken by surprise with a Head-scissors take down before Capitao managed to tag himself in and launch himslef at Krusher with a Flying cross-body only for Krusher to catch him in mid-air and plant him with the Dead Man Walking. A recovered Angel De Mexico then made the save but a clothesline from Krusher put the Mainstream Nation back in control, Krusher then went for yet another powerbomb only for Angel De Mexico to counter into the AZTEC RANA (Reverse Hurracanrana). Had Angel been the legal man that would have ended the match there and then but instead he tagged out to Capitao Brasil Jr The delay in making the tag allowed for Krusher to kick out at the last split second undettered however Capitao went up for and set up for the Fall From Rio (Swanton Bomb) but Masked Cougar came over and hooked his leg that drew Mitico out of his corner and he came charged at Cougar. Capitao then launched himself off the top-rope but the distraction from Cougar was enough to cause him to crash and burn. Krusher then got the tag into Fox Mask who connected with the FOX HUNTER (Shining Wizard Enziguri) on Capitao) before knocking Angel off the apron, meanwhile Masked Cougar had just creamed Mitico with a chair shot on the outside. Cougar then joined Fox Mask in the ring to deliver the LAST HUNT on Capitao to seal victory for the Mainstream Nation trio. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Fox Mask, Masked Cougar and Soul Krusher defeated Ángel De México and The Sons of Lucha Libre in 12:31 when Fox Mask defeated Capitão Brasil Jr by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Jared Johnson vs Nicky R!ot[/B] [B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Johnson and R!ot then emerge from the crowd still brawling from earlier ! They enter the ring and the bell rings to officially start the match, despite the chaotic opening it's not a No DQ match. They just continue to brawl with one another, before it spills to the outside, R!ot then whips Johnson into the guard-rail but then misses Double J as he comes charging in...they continue to brawl on the outside and eventually Dewey Libertine see's no choice but to count them out. At that point Alex Braun comes out and agrees with the fans that the match should not end like that. The commisioner orders both Johnson and R!ot back to their corners and then tells Libertine to re-start the match at around the 3 minute mark. As soon as the bell rings again they go charging at one another, R!ot seems to gain the advantage with a clothesline and then sets Double J up for a vertical suplex but Johnson manages to work his way out of the move and then plant R!ot into the mat with a Forward Leg Sweep. That leads to a two count for Johnson who then plants his former stable mate face first into the mat with a Tar Heel Stomp before applying the Carolina Cross-Face but to Nicky R!ot's credit he does work his way out of the submission hold and then suddenly take the Carolina Born youngster over with the 'CHARLES PETERSON' (Exploder Suplex). Double J had enough left however to kick out. R!ot then paced around for a bit before the Affliction Trinity man headed up top and then took Johnson off his feet again with the Flying Double Axe Handle, R!ot then waited for Johnson to stagger back to his feet but the Team FREEDOM member saw the Sub Pop Bop coming ducked under and took R!ot's legs out with a basement drop-kick. However the momentum saw R!ot stagger into referee Dewey Libertine, causing the referee to fall flat on his face. Johnson then planted R!ot into the mat with another leg-sweep and applied the Carolina Cross-Face once again unaware that Libertine was trying to shake some cobwebs from his head. Eventually Double J realised this and went over to revive the referee, only for R!ot to produce brass knucks from his trunks and as Double J turned his attention back to R!ot he received a right fist from the Affliction Trinity man that knocked him out cold. R!ot then discarded the evidence and conveniently for him Libertine had fully 'come to' at just the right moment. Not a wrestling classic but the fans were into the match and both guys come out looking relatively strong. Johnson looked far from a jobber here, despite ultimately losing again whilst R!ot kept his heat as a heel by pulling out the victory via cheap tactics. The out of control beginning and re-start actually worked here too putting over the fact that these two want to tear strips out of one another right now. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Nicky R!ot defeated Jared Johnson in 11:07 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C [/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Puerto Rican Power comes it onto the entrance ramp to a big pop from the fans, the champion is holding the twin belts. [/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/I][/CENTER] [I]He then comes over to the commentary desk before laying the twin belts onto the desk and taking a head-set to join Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch on commentary for the Rey De Reyes Finals. O'Hara seems a little bit excited about the Undisputed Champion joining them at the announce table, whilst Lynch isn't so pleased.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]The two commentators and Power then shill the main event. Lynch says that whoever wins the trophy this year will take the twin belts off the champion, whilst also dismissing the possibilty of Amazing Fire Fly winning (because he's a midget) and Boriken winning (because he's hobbled and weak). Power puts over all six men as good competitors, that deluded weirdo Mainstream Hernandez included but says whoever will face him for the twin belts at Anniversario will end up feeling the Power.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Rey De Reyes Finals:[/B] [B] Amazing Fire Fly vs Boriken Love Machine Jr vs Dean Daniels vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Phoenix Negra vs Speed Machine[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ReyDeReyes.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BorikenLoveMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-FIN.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B][COLOR=white]_______________________________[/COLOR]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This years finals would already be different to previous years due to the fact that there were Six finalists instead of the usual five. The first five or so minutes of the match was basically just a feeling out process between all six competitors. Things picked up a bit when Amazing Fire Fly stepped into the ring, with the diminutive high flyer snapping off five consecutive head-scissor take downs on all five of his opponents, before wiping out everyone with a tope con hilo ! Fire Fly then pitched Boriken Love Machine into the ring and set up for the Sky High Fire Fly only for the patriotic masked man to get back to his feet and deliver a LOVE GUN (Double Knee facebreaker) from the top-rope ! But just as Boriken was about to make the cover, Speed Machine chop blocked him from behind and went back to the Deadly Heel Hook he tried so desperately to get Boriken to tap out to earlier in the night. This time round Boriken couldn't take the pain anymore and he was forced to tap and ensure that he was the first elimination from this years Rey De Reyes finals. [B]Elimination #1: Boriken Love Machine @ 7:54[/B] Things settled down a little bit after that, with the action really picking up again round the 11 minute mark when Amazing Fire Fly who had just avoided a super-kick from Mainstream Hernandez tagged out to Phoenix Negra. Negra seemed to be getting the better of the Mainstream Nation leader and looked set to deliver a Brainbuster when Hernandez slipped out and tagged in Speed Machine. Speed then caught Negra with a drop-kick that sent the Tag champion shoulder first into the ring-post...and then proceeded to work over the arm of the masked man. However when Speed went to lock in the Speedbreaker 2000, Mainstream Hernandez made a blind tag much to the frustration of the People's champion. Hernandez insisted that he should be the one to put away Negra, something Speed was too enamoured with leading to Speed immediately tagging himself back in as Hernandez put the boots to Negra. That lead to Speed and Hernandez then engaging in a shoving match that allowed for Negra to recover and take down the arguing heel pair with a DDT/Enziguri combo....at that point Hernandez though it best to bail out of the ring and re-group but Speed was caught with a boot to the mid-section and then drilled into the mat with the CERTAIN DEATH (Vertebreaker) to become the second man eliminated from the match. [B]Elimation #2: Speed Machine @ 13:48[/B] Dean Daniels who was probably the most well rested out of anyone at this stage then entered the ring and immediately took down Phoenix Negra with a clothesline, before waiting for the Tag champion to stagger back to his feet before delivering a release belly to belly suplex. That earned Daniels a two count, before the Affliction Trinity man whipped Negra into the corner and then came charging in with a running knee strike. Negra then staggered out of the corner, before Daniels reeled off a series of snap suplexes for another two count. Daniels then set up for the Raise The Stakes but Negra managed to slip out and then stun Daniels with an Enziguri before sweeping the legs out from underneath the Affliction Trinity man. However Negra was simply too worn down to follow up and so looked to tag out to Amazing Fire Fly knowing full well that Mainstream Hernandez wouldn't take the tag, however just as it looked like Negra would get the tag into Fire Fly, Hernandez sneaked round and pulled Fire Fly off the apron. A recovered Daniels then sneaked up behind Negra, and flung the mysterious masked man over with a release German Suplex. Daniels then scrambled across to make the cover....... One..... Two..... Thr.... Negra kicked out again. Daniels then lifted Negra up, hooking the arms but before he could deliver the Relentless knee strikes he somehow managed to slip out and then drill Daniels into the mat with a Brainbuster. With the adrenalin pumping...Negra then delivered a charging drop-kick that knocked Mainstream Hernandez off the apron before collapsing to the mat out of sheer exhaustion. Negra then looked to tag in Amazing Fire Fly who was back on the apron, but Daniels was back up and grabbed Negra's leg to prevent the masked man from making the tag but Negra was able to nail Daniels with an Enziguri before finally get the tag into Fire Fly..... Fire Fly made an imediate impact by springboarding into the ring and knocking down Daniels with a springboard drop-kick as series of head-scissor take down's then left the Affliction Trinity man in a state of disorientation before the diminutiive high flyer went back out onto the apron and waited for Daniels to stagger back to his feet....Fire Fly once again springboarded into the ring but Daniels managed to block the Inferno DDT but before Daniels could counter into a move of his own Fire Fly was a step ahead...as he took down Daniels with the El Cristo (Spinning Head-scissors into a Crucifix Pin)...... One...... Two..... Three Fire Fly's pin was perfect and Dean Daniels perhaps somewhat surprisingly was the next to be eliminated from the match leaving Amazing Fire Fly, Mainstream Hernandez and Phoenix Negra as the final three. [B]Elimination #3: Dean Daniels @ 20:12[/B] Mainstream Hernandez then entered the ring and came charging at Fire Fly only for the LEA man to be a step quicker than the Mainstream Nation leader. A spinning satellite head-scissors sent Hernandez out of the ring before Fire Fly wound up for the tope con hilo but put the brakes on when the Mainstreamer side-stepped out of the way but Negra had climbed up to the top turnbuckle and wiped out Hernandez himself with a moonsault press to the floor, before both staggered back to their feet and were duly taken down with a springboard press from Amazing Fire Fly. Things then broke down a little as they begun to brawl with another amongst the crowd. Amongst the melee as Michael 'No BS' Bull tried to restore order Mainstream Hernandez planted Phoenix Negra onto a chair with the PONTIAC TO HOME ! but Amazing Fire Fly had climbed up the rigging of the 'Hard' Camera before crashing down upon both Hernandez with the SKY HIGH FIRE FLY (Shooting Star Senton) !!! Some order was restored when Fire Fly and Negra both re-entered the ring with Negra clearly the more worse for wear out of the two and it looked the LEA man was about put Negra away with the Infest Hazard (spinning head-scissors into a Triangle Choke) but Negra managed to block and then deliver a Brainbuster before locking on the LAST CHANCERY !! But just as it looked like Fire Fly was about to tap, Mainstream Hernandez came in to make the save, even though it would be down to the final two if Fire Fly was to submit but Dane O'Hara did a good job of commentary of explaining that Hernandez probably fears Fire Fly less than Negra. After clubbing Negra from behind the Mainstreamer then set up for the Pontiac to Home but Negra managed to block but Hernandez was able to block a Brainbuster attempt and then spike Negra into the mat with a DDT but before he could synch in the Love Me Now ! Amazing Fire Fly broke things up with a standing shooting star press..... Fire Fly then headed up top once again but before he could deliver the Sky High Fire Fly for the second consecutive time in the match he was cut off by Mainstream Hernandez, but the LEA man managed to shove Hernandez off, but then he was cut off by Phoenix Negra who then drilled Fire Fly onto the top turbuckle with a BRAINBUSTER ! However Mainstream Hernandez broke up the pin again and as Negra staggered back to his feet he was nailed with a SUPER KICK ! One...... Two..... Three !! Somehow despite just being spiked on his head, Amazing Fire Fly had made it to the final two but Mainstream Hernandez was in full control and it only seemed a matter of time before the Mainstream Nation leader would be crowned the Rey De Reyes winner. [B]Elimination #4: Phoenix Negra @ 28:44[/B] But as Hernandez moved in for the kill Fire Fly caught him off guard with the INFEST HAZARD ! Luckily for the Mainstreamer he managed to manouvre his way over to the ropes to force the rope-break but a leg-sweep from Fire Fly put Hernandez flat on his back again and the diminutive high flier once again headed up top. But it was clear that Fire Fly looked a little worse for wear and he was slow making his way up the turnbuckle, yet Hernandez remained firmly rooted to the mat. SKY HIGH FIRE FLY !! But Hernandez gets the knees up and then applies the LOVE ME NOW !! The Mainstreamer has the hold locked on tight, as the fans vigorously chant 'Please Don't Tap' in support of Amazing Fire Fly but as the LEA tries to struggle free he begins to fade fast... Michael Bull checks on Fire Fly's condition.... The arm goes down.... Bull checks again..... Still no response...... One last look from the ref....... He calls for the bell as a chorus of boos rains down from the fans, Fire-Fly's completely out of it ! The fans don't like it one bit but the most hated man in FCW Mainstream Hernandez is the winner of this years Rey De Reyes. The Rey De Reyes Finals is always one of the matches of the year and this was no exception. Mainstream Hernandez won the match, which probably came as no surprise to many, however it's probably Amazing Fire Fly whose stock rose the most in the match by almost pulling off the shock victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Boriken Love Machine Jr, Dean Daniels, Amazing Fire Fly, Phoenix Negra and Speed Machine in 32:28; the order of elimination was Boriken Love Machine Jr first, then Speed Machine, then Dean Daniels, then Phoenix Negra and finally Amazing Fire Fly. Mainstream Hernandez wins the Rey De Reyes title.[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Mainstream Hernandez then stares at Puerto Rican Power who is at the announce booth, he gestures to the Undisputed Champion that he is 'next'. Power takes off his head-set and it looks like they are about to come to blows already but ringside personnel (in other words jobbers like Los Beetoolz minus the gimmick) get between them....the show then ends with the newly crowned Rey De Reyes winner and the Undisputed Champion then eye-balling one another.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A pretty good show overall, had the semi main event been a little better then we might have pulled off a B-. That may have happened if Power wrestled but there wasn't anyone else on the roster built up enough for a shot at the title or anyone I could bring in on a short term contract, I felt would produced a match of any great quality against Power.
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[B][U]Prediction's Contest [/U][/B] There were 9 entrants for the Rey De Reyes predicitons contest, here is how they all did.... [SIZE=2][B]7/9:[/B] LFC Chris [B]6/9:[/B] Phantom Stranger, Bigpapa42, Marcel Fromage, Dragonmack, foolinc [B]5/9:[/B] FINisher, Beeker, grj1234 Only one out-right winner this month in LFC Chris, who wins a Puerto Rican Power T-Shirt for his superior powers of prediction this month [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/powerkinny1.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE]
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Katie Cameron is not just some bimbo! She's a very attractive bimbo! Good show, as always. I realized upon review that I didn't actually pick a winner to the Rey Del Reyes final. D'oh! Would've went with Mainstream, too. Ah well, my own stupid fault. Good to see him get the win.
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[quote=Bigpapa42;698465]Katie Cameron is not just some bimbo! She's a very attractive bimbo! Good show, as always. I realized upon review that I didn't actually pick a winner to the Rey Del Reyes final. D'oh! Would've went with Mainstream, too. Ah well, my own stupid fault. Good to see him get the win.[/quote] Well I know that Katie Cameron is not just some bimbo, those are entirely Dean Daniels views Oh I see now you pick Hernandez to win ! ;) To be fair I probably should have spotted the fact that you failed to pick a winner for the Rey De Reyes [quote=Beeker; 698727] I totally think Q-SQuared should have made the finals. It was right there! Curse you TK! Curse you all! But great write-up. Good to see I called Mainevent Hernandez for the win. [/quote] At this stage Queen going over Negra, would have done more harm to Phoenix Negra than give Q-Squared an overness boost. Umaga was on his way out, so that was different..Negra on the other hand remains a roster cornerstone. I think pretty much everyone had it between Mainstream Hernandez or Dean Daniels to win this years tournament. Anyway last time the Mainstreamer faced Puerto Rican Power for the Undisputed Title back in February they produced a B rated match, which was a major factor in Hernandez winning the Rey De Reyes. Hopefully they'll produce more of the same this time round
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[CENTER][B][U]August in Review[/U][/B] [/CENTER] It's probably a good thing that next month we will only be running the one show next month, as we lost around $20,000, considering the current economic climate we may also have to consider running just the one show the following month too. As much as we would love to continue to expand we have to look at the reality of the situation. I was pretty happy with how the Rey De Reyes went this month, sure it would have been nice to have got a B-, but I honesty felt we couldn't have put on a better show. It didn't help that Bulldozer Brandon Smith decided to go out to Japan and tour with PGHW throughout July and August. Had he still been around he may have provided a solid/credible stop gap challenger for the Undisputed Championship. BBS is a good talent but if he continues to show a preference to go out to the Orient whenever PGHW etc offering him a chance to go on one of their tours, then we may well to have consider his postion in the promotion.... As you will have witnessed at Rey De Reyes Carl Batch made his return to the promotion as Speed Machine's mouth piece. The intention was always there to use Batch again but following the collapse of W.O.V we had nothing for him. With Speed's near silent gimmick and the fact that he's pretty poor on the mic even when he does say more than a few words, we felt it would be no harm in giving him an old-school manager who does the talking, whilst he does his talking in the ring. Of Course Batch and Speed have worked together before when Speed went by the M.C Speed moniker when he was in Wave of Violence. Jared Johnson, Primus, Quentin Queen and referee Michael 'No B.S' Bull all extended their contracts with us this month. [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW's Wave of Fury event, improved on last months offering but still wasn't quite up to the standard of their best shows (C+). Ultimate Phoenix retained the Coastal Zone Championship against Matt Sparrow in what was good main event (B-). MAW really stepped up this month with their Gauntlet event (B-). It was the semi main event which stole the show as Jay Chord carried Java to one of the Indonesian Beast's best matches in recent memory (B), in the main event J.D Morgan made a strong defence of the Mid Atlantic Championship against Avalanche (B-) NYCW continue to flounder in mediocrity, with Shattered event continuing a string of under par offerings (C-). Andre Jones made yet another uninspiring defence of the Empire Title, this time against Billy Russell (C-). It truly is baffling as to how Jones has held onto the belt for so long, as business has most defintely gone down for NYCW since he became champion. PSW's main events right now are good enough to basically put them on the same level right now as NYCW, and their Take No Prisoners event (C-) benefitted from JD Morgan making a solid defence of the PSW Championship against Knuckles (C) despite the usually weak undercard. RIPW are a step behind everyone else PSW included and their Found Guilty event (D+) reflected this. The main event saw Avalanche retain the RIPW Championship against Jim Force in an average Last Man Standing match (C-). [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]August News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] SWF yet again fail to maintain their spot as a Global sized company, with the amount of top drawer talent they had lost it was to be expected. The replacements they have brought in a mixture of promising youngsters and past their sell by date veterans simply aren't good enough to compete with the likes of TCW. The good thing for SWF is that they now have most of their roster tied down to written contracts, so that over time some of the up-coming young talents could develop into stars. The bad news for them is that the one true superstar they do have left in Steve Frehley only has a few months left in his contract. Seeing as even loyal servant Christian Faith decided to leave the once dominant SWF, can you see Frehley staying on-board the wrestling promotion equivalent of the titanic ? In fact the loss of Frehley could be the final nail in the coffin of the 'war' between SWF and TCW. [B]Worker Signings[/B] 21CW add Welsh youngster Neville Jones to their roster. Veteran journeymen Hitomaro Suzuki and Hirokazu Yamanoue plus gaijin talents Arthur Dexter Bradley, Insane Machine and Billy Russell will all take part in BHOTWG's up-coming Autumn Tour. In something of a surprise move former Lead Belly, best known as one half of the Dirty White Boyz has signed a PPA contract with European promotion EWA. GCG boost their roster for their up-coming tour with the additions of Akima Brave (Malilli Umaga), Jay Chord, KC Glenn and most vitally (because he holds their World Title) Merle O'Curle. Electrico returns to MHW, two years after his last appearance for the promotion. Don Henderson returns to ROF, whilst Jonathan Faust also joins. Rebelde Loco is brought back by SOTBPW, 8 months after his somewhat surprising departure from the promotion and Luna Oscura is also brought in. Long time SWF announcer Peter Michaels signed on with rivals TCW. Marc Speed expands his schedule by signing on with XWA. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contracts of Mister King, announcer Steve Smith, valet Kathleen Lee plus referees Jacob Bailey and Karl Dexter, 5SSW extend the PPA deals of Jaguar Endo, Tsuki Kawamata, Gorgon, Yu Hashimoto and Thea Davis. AAA extend the contracts of Brooke Tyler, Alison Capone and announcer Jim Lou Freebush. Eisaku Hoshino extends his rolling PPA contract with BHOTWG. BSC extend the contracts of Dharna Gregg and Annie Hitchc0ck. CGC extend the contracts of Canadian Dragon and Matty Phatty. CWWF extend the contracts of Missy Masterson, Kate Lilly and Tracy Brendon. EWA extend the contracts of Puffy The Sand Iron Player, Scheming Behemoth and Doctor Insane. GCG secure SUKI, Shingen Miyazaki and commentator Hidetada Kozu to new exclusive written contracts, whilst Burning Takash!ta extends his PPA arrangement. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Masaaki Okazaki, Kazuma Narato, SATO plus referees Doppu Ibu and Yoshi Shigemitsu. MAW extend the contracts of Greg Rayne, JD Morgan and Nicky Champion. A busy month of re-negotiations for MHW who secure new deals for Hijo Del Mephisto, El Hijo Espada Roja, El Sucio, Slayyer, Laberinto Jr, road agent Oceano, announcer Carlos Moreno, backstage interviewer Soledad Iglesias and referee Domingo Castillo. MOSC extend the contracts of Hugh De Aske, DJ Reason and road agent Tyrone Hughes. MPWF extend the contracts of Magnifico and announcer Carlos Moreno. NOTBPW secure John Maverick, Owen Love and Mighty Cavanagh to new written contracts. NYCW extend the contracts of Casey Valentine, Rudy Velasquez and Xavier Reckless. OLLIE extend the contracts of Championa Jr, Phoenix I, Hijo Del Relampago, Laberinto Jr and Atlantis Jr. PGHW secure Mito Miwa, Akinori Kwakami and referee Shihei Nagano to new written contracts. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Mick Muscles and Matt Sparrow. ROF extend the contracts of Stevie Stoat, Danny Patterson and annnouncer Justin Blackham. SAISHO extend the PPA deal of Matsudaira Morioka. SOTBPW extend the contract of Pablo Rodriguez, Miguel Marquez and valet Lucia. Kirk Jameson, Lassana Matkusi, manager The Guru and road agent Chief Two Eagles sign new PPA deals with SWF. TCW secure Ricky Dale Johnson, Brent Hill, manager Queen Emily and road agent Demon Anger to new exlusive written contracts. UEW extend the contracts of Beast Bantom, Stig Svensson and announcer Matthew Morris. USPW extend the contracts of Ash Campbell, Java, Damian 'The Natural' Carvill and female wrestler Raven Nightfall. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] CZCW fail to come to agreement on a new contract for Justin Sensitive. Hirokazu Yamanoue, Insane Machine and Hirokumi Sato all decide to finish up with INSPIRE. Pitbull Brown decides against renewing his contract with MOSC. Tamara McFly departs from NOTBPW. Despite the return of former Tag partner Don Henderson, Billy Robinson surprisingly departs from ROF. SWF were dealt another huge blow when long time head announcer Peter Michaels, was the latest in a long line of defections to TCW. When what many see as a 'company' man in Michaels departs for the rivals it's a strong indication that may feel the once dominant SWF's best days are now behind them and further confirmation that TCW are now the undisputed number one promotion. The only bright spot for SWF is that the have former DaVE announcer Mitch Naess on their books, who whilst not in Peter Michaels esteemed class is a capable replacement. UEW fail to come to terms on a new contract with Jason Cole (formerly known as Jed High). Cliff Anderson departs from USPW. Anderson who also the owner of CZCW and announces for NOTBPW, felt that he was over-stretching himself and perhaps not paying enough attention to his own promotion. [B]Injuries[/B] The Great Hisato, the current Universal Champion for WLW is suffering with a strained rotator cuff. The good news for Hisato is that WLW are on a break next month, so the month off should aid his recovery back to full fitness. Hirokazu Yamanoue who just signed a Touring contract with BHOTWG suffered a huge blow when he suffered a Spinal Disalignment in a match for INSPIRE. It is though that the injury will keep him out for nearly three months, thus making his touring contract BHOTWG virtually null and void. PGHW's Mito Miwa is expected to be out of action for around a month after suffering a Minor Concussion in a match against Bryan Holmes. Nicolas Lopez of SOTBPW and MHW has sustained a hernia and will be out of action for around two months. [B]Worker Retirements[/B] A lot of Retirements this month. Some of note, some no one is going to care about.... The legendary Christian Faith has called time on his in-ring career at the Age of 47. Faith recently turned down a new contract with the only promotion he has ever worked for the SWF and due to his loyalty to the promotion only felt it right to hang up the boots, rather than try to extend his career somewhere else. Faith entered the SWF in 1986 as a raw untested twenty year old under his real name of Chris O'Hanlon, where he mostly jobbed to the stars of the day such as Sam Strong, Rip Chord and Micky Starr. A year later however 'after paying his dues' he was repackaged as Christian Faith and it was clear even then, that here was a future main eventer to eventually take over when the likes of Strong and Chord were past their peak. Faith rapidly rose up the card but couldn't quite break the main event, hitting a ceiling called Sam Strong vs Rip Chord. However by 1992 Richard Eisen felt it was time for a change. Eisen felt that Sam Strong was becoming bigger and more important the SWF itself, something that didn't sit too well with Eisen and Rip Chords now well documented drinking problems were beginning to effect his performance. By the next year the two biggest stars of the SWF throughout the 80's and into the early 90's had departed. This of course was the opening that Faith who was seen as the nearly man of the SWF for the past two years needed and he captured his first World Title in October 1993 with a historic win over the 'monster' that had retired Sam Strong from the SWF...one Bruce The Giant. Faith then went on to hold the SWF World Heavyweight Championship a further three times, taking in fondly remembered feuds with the likes of Sam Keith and Runaway Train and even though is final title reign came in 2005, he remained hugely popular amongst the SWF fans, something that may had to do with Faith being an eternal babyface, having not even once ever turned heel throughout his 27 year long in ring career. Grandmaster Phunk (aka Danny B Bling) has called time on his in-ring career at the Age of 47. A late comer to the wrestling business Phunk (real name Danny Betteman) didn't start wrestling until his early thirties and even then it was natural Charisma and microphone skills that saw him mostly used as a manager rather than as an in-ring competitor. In 2001 the SWF took on Phunk (where he was renamed Danny B Bling) and he soon rose to stardom as arguably the top heel manager in the promotion. However by 2005 Phunk felt the desire to get back in the ring and prove himself as a wrestler but the SWF did not feel the same, especially as Phunk was almost 40 and despite making a few in-ring appearances he was mostly used as job fodder and it was clear that Phunk needed to leave the SWF if he wanted to realise his dream of making it as an in-ring competitor. So late in 2005 Phunk joined NYCW, where he joined a strong three year run winning the Tri-State Regional Title in 2006 and then the Empire Title the following year. Phunk's surprisingly good in-ring performances also caught the eye of his previous employer the SWF and in 2008 he re-joined the Sports Entertainment Giants, where this time despite being the wrong side of 40 he was to be pushed as an in-ring competitor and even though he never won a title in the SWF, he did manage to establish himself as fixture in their mid-card. Long time BHOTWG loyalist Sanetomo Shiraishi has called time on his in ring career at 49. He enjoyed most of his success in the Tag Team Divsion , where alongside Sessue Kawate he won the Burning Tag Titles on three separate occasions. In 2003 he suffered a potentially career threatening knee injury but battled back and in 2006 won his only singles title the Openweight Title, two years later he had one final run as a Tag champion alongside long time partner Sessue Kawate. Since then in more recent years the ageing Shiraishi has mostly been used as a lower card to mid-card 'gate-keeper'. Not that anyone would really care to notice but British wrestler Gabriel Green has called time on his in-ring career at the Age of 46. Green mostly worked the British 'Exhibition' circuit throughout his career and when he did get a chance with a 'name' promotion such as MOSC it was purely as an enhancement talent and he was never offered a long term contract with any promotion. Known as the 'Crazy One' Saonji Omura has now fully retired from the Wrestling Business. A hardcore legend Omura is probably most fondly remembered amongst older wrestling fans for his tag team alongside Dick The Devastator. Despite being well over 50 he enjoyed a career revival with WEXVV around 2005-2008, where he enjoyed a rivarly with Ryu Kajahara and captured their top championshp, the Warriors Heart Title on four separate occasions. The most notable retirement amongst the female wrestlers this month is that of June Butler. One of the hardest hitters in women's wrestling and feared for her lariat finisher, Butler has been one of 5SSWs most succesful gaijin imports since the late nineties. She will perhaps best be remembered as one of the top tag wrestler in 5SSW, where she captured the titles on 8 occasions, forming two of the most succesful teams in 5SSW's history firstly alongside the legendary Crusher Ichihara as Destruction Inc and more recently with Chitose Ariwara as The Nature Girls. However Butler proved herself to be a top singles competitor as well capturing the World Title twice and the All Asian Title four times. Such is the respect 5SSW have for Butler that she was allowed to retire and in partciular her contribution to their Tag Division that she was allowed to retire as one half of the Tag Team Champions. Suzanne Brazzle has also decided to call time on her in-ring career at the Age of 35. Brazzle has been one of the most consistent performers on the North American women's wrestlin circuit since around 2006, without quite being seen as in the same bracket as the very top performers such as Joanne Rodriguez or Wanda Fish. She enjoyed mid-level title success with both AAA and CWWF. Capturing the Top Contenders in AAA and the Continental and Tag Team Titles in CWWF. Nurse Hope Daye has also officially announced her retirement as an 'in-ring competitor'. Daye worked for Babes of Sin City between 2005 and 2011 and has not actually entered a wrestling ring since and this is only confirmation that she is no longer actively looking to be booked as a wrestler. [B]Media News[/B] 5SSW have managed to find a new deal for their All Action TV show, with Japanese Sports Vision 2 showing it from next month, whilst WLW's Combat TV is now to be shown in Australia on The A.S.N. [B]Wrong Turn[/B] Super Sonic who is currenly working for RIPW on a PPA basis was pulled over by Police near Hartford Conneticut. Sonic (whose real name is Dwayne Ridley) was stopped by the Police after he was caught driving his 1994 Chevrolet Cavalier down a one way street the wrong way ! He was then found to be over the limit and subsequently charged with a DUI. [B]Title Changes[/B] Mister King upset Daniel Black Francis to capture the 21CW United Kingdom Title for the first time. DEVIL Karube teamed up alongside Gemmei Oonishi to defeat Romi Yamato and Tomoko Nagatsuka for the vacant 5SSW Tag Team Titles following the retirement of June Butler and Shiori Jippensha defeated Saori Nakadan to become the All-Asian Champion for a fifth time. Stan Manna upset Philip LaGrenier for the CGC Canadian Title, however he did not have much of a reign with the belt as he lost it in his first defence to Lee Rivera. It is the second time Rivera has held the secondary singles belt in CGC. SPEED D ended the near half year long reign of JOJI to become the Silver Crown champion in Exodus 2010 for the first time. Sycthe teamed up with fellow 'monster' Ekuma to defeat The Dirty White Boyz to capture the vacant Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles. Jake Idol and Richie Riggins (calling themselves Sweet and Sour) defeated Quentin Queen and Assassin #2 for the vacant PSW Tag Team Titles. Hirokazu Yamanoue's three year long reign with the Destiny Title in Pro Wrestling SAISHO was unfortunately ended through injury. Kazuma Narato defeated Torajiro Sekozawa to become the new champion and he now holds both titles in each of the 'feeder' promotions for BHOTWG and PGHW. Amazing Fire Fly defeated Hurucan Sandoval Jr to capture the Campeon de Menor title in SOTBPW for a third time, meanwhile Deliruim, Julio Dominguez and Junior Youth ended the nine month long trios reign of Tijuana Vampire, Huracan Sandoval and Nicolas Lopez but lost the belts in only their second defence to Vampire, Lobo Blanco and Junior Youth's former tag partner Rebelde Loco. Adam Matravers regained the Show Stealer title in WLW from Koji Kojima.
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[B][U]Diary on Hiatus [/U][/B] I'm going to be putting the diary on hiatus, probably for about a month. Right now I've got other things on, and I'll admit to feeling a little bit burned out right now and that a break will do me good. One thing this diary is NOT doing is coming to an end, I'm just stepping away from the diary for a bit because at this moment in time I'm not 'feeling it' for a number of reasons. I won't be doing a disappearing act, as I will still be checking out other people's diaries and still be active on these forums, I just won't be updating my own work for a little while. If you're suffering from FCW withdrawal symptoms check out gbasalmons new diary, as he's also attempting to take on the promotion from the Island. Mine's so far down the line now and the rosters changed so much, that it will feel different to this and going on his past work he's a good writer (just that his never last for an enternity like mine :p)...so definitely check it out. I think along with my long running effort, it's only the third time someone has attempted an FCW diary. I'm pretty sure there was one other effort but it lasted for about five posts before the writer gave up the ghost. Not even sure if they even ever got to the first show.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[I]Don't get too excited I'm not really back properly yet but inspired by others doing this (notably Big Papa 42), here is a history (it'll probably end up reading like an abridged version of the diary) of Charles Rainier's stint as head booker of FCW....[/I] [B][U]Part One (2008)[/U][/B] [B]January 2008[/B] * Charles Rainier (that's me) an up and coming young wrestler, that had a 'cup of coffee' as a jobber in the dying days of DaVE becomes the surprise new choice as the head booker of FCW, after Shawn Gonzalez admitted to owner and main star Wilson 'Puerto Rican Power' Lopez that he was finding the strain too much. * My first show at the helm as head booker see's Puerto Rican Power retain the Puerto Rican Championship in the main event against Leper Messiah * Shawn Gonzalez is a victim of a post match attack from Hell's Bouncer, sparking a feud between the two. * Titan is released, when I felt we had enough lumbering hosses already on the roster. * Working relationships are formed with MPWF, WLW and 4C in addition to our existing relationships with MAW and PSW. We also get SWF and TCW to agree non aggression pacts with us. [B]February 2008[/B] * 4C's Joey Poison challenges for the Puerto Rican Championship, but becomes the latest victim to Power's 'Four Moves of Doom' * Leper Messiah gains a pair of acolytes in El Hijo Del Zonk and Amo Del Gato as The Messiah's Circus is formed. * Handsome Stranger begins to feud with Mainstream Hernandez over the People's Championship * Extremly overweight Tag Team 937 Ib begin an open challenge, their first victims are hapless ex backyard duo Fearless Blue and Extreme Deluxe. Those who think current FCW worker Lennon McHarrison is Fearless Blue are seriously mistaken. * Shawn Gonzalez makes a revenge attack Hell's Bouncer and then challenges the 'monster' to a match at the next show. [B]March 2008[/B] * Rip Chord Invitational winner and MAW mainstay Mean Jean Cattley challenges for the Puerto Rican Championship, but like Joey Poison before him can't prize the belt away from Power. * The Shawn Gonzalez- Hells Bouncer match amounts to pretty much nothing, when it ends in a DQ win for the 'Lone Wolf' after five minutes. * Mainstream Hernandez defeats Handsome Stranger but doesn't win the People's Championship when the cowardly Spaniard keeps hold of the title by taking a count out loss. * Natural Storm continue to be frustrated in their efforts in trying to win the tag belts from the Kings of the Street, as the Kings get themselves blatantly DQ'd to retain the titles. [B]April 2008[/B] * Rudy Velasquez is the slightly surprising winner of a 4 Corner Survival also featuring Shawn Gonzalez, Hell's Bouncer and Leper Messiah. His prize for winning was a shot at the Puerto Rican Championship on the same night. To no one's surprise Puerto Rican Power retained the title. * Mainstream Hernandez finally defeated Handsome Stranger for the People's Championship in a Ladder Match. * The 937 Ib Express open challenge was answered by the duo of raw rookie powerhouse Primus and Samuel (formerly known as the Calamari Kid) who managed to defeat the overweight pair. Unfortunately they had no chemistry as a tag team what so ever meaning that their shelf life was somewhat short lived. [B]May 2008[/B] * Shawn Gonzalez and Hell's Bouncer main event what was probably the worst show in the history of FCW with a Last Man Standing match that ended in a draw when both competiors failed to answer the ten count. * The Tag Team Championships are held up after the latest match between the Kings of the Street and Natural Storm ends with a controversial double pin. * Jeremiah 'Stetson Hatt' Horowitz the mouthpiece of the 937 Ib Express starts acting like a jerk, I decide that I'm going to wash my hands of him when his contract runs out. * King Kong Kennedy's contract is not renewed, ending the 937 Ib Express. [B]June 2008[/B] * The people of Puerto Rico are left in shock when Hell's Bouncer defeats Puerto Rican Power and Shawn Gonzalez in a three way match for the Puerto Rican Championship, largely due to inteference from the Messiah's Circus. It was then revealed that Bouncer (who let's face it with his gimmick was a natural fit) had become Leper Messiah's latest follower. * Mainstream Hernandez just about holds onto the People's Championship against Kirk Jameson, with a flash pinfall after it looked like Jameson would end the Mainstreamer's after only his first defence. Jameson showed his displeasure at being unable to win the belt, with a post match beat-down on the champion. * Handsome Stranger suffers an upset loss to Primus. Behind the scenes the reason for the loss, is that Stranger was on his way out of the FCW door due to the fact that he had caused embarrassment to FCW by' losing' a bar-fight to some random drunk. From then on Senor Lopez only wanted 'real tough guys' to step into an FCW ring or at the very least someone who could handle themselves in a real fight. * I lose to The Sensational Singh, due to outside inteference from a newly be-turburbed Ox Mastadon. [B]July 2008[/B] * Hell's Bouncer retains the Puerto Rican Championship, when the rest of the Messiah's Circus get involved drawing the DQ loss. Post match Shawn Gonzalez rescues Puerto Rican Power from a beat-down but the former champion takes offence and says that he can fight his own battles. * The Messiah's Circus confirm that they are the new dominant force in FCW when Leper Messiah and El Hijo Del Zonk emerged as the new Tag Team champions, to claim the belts that were held up after last months show after a One Night ,Six Team tournament. * Ox Mastadon is now known as The Great Oxii and confirms his association with The Sensational Singh. * Well respected Indy veteran Steve Flash debut's in FCW with a win against myself. * Brett Graveson replaces Ryan Holland as the resident referee in FCW [B]August 2008[/B] * The first edition of what will become an annual tradition the Rey De Reyes Tournament is held. The finals are a 5-way elimination that feature Shawn Gonzalez, former DaVE star JD Morgan, Steve Flash, The Sensational Singh (who at the time was enjoying the strongest push he ever had in an FCW ring) and MPWF's Snap Dragon. This year not only would this years winner be crowned the first Rey De Reyes but they would also win the newly forme FCW Championship, after FCW felt that the Puerto Rican Championship had been tainted due to the fact the Messiah's Circus had de-faced that belt and re-named it the 'Messiah' Championship. It would be Shawn Gonzalez who emerge as the inaugral Rey Dre Reyes winner and FCW champion, edging out his former DaVE colleague JD Morgan. * Bradford Peverall takes offence to the Puerto Rican Championship being disrespected and challenges Hells Bouncer for the title but finds himself on the wrong end of a squash. * Kirk Jameson knocks out Mainstream Hernandez in their People's Championship match but is caught red-handed when it is revealed that he used a steel chain to do so. [B]September 2008[/B] * FCW celebrate one year in business with first annual edition of the Anniversario show * Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan battle to a 30 minute Time Limit draw over the FCW Championship, in what was an excellent main event that saved an otherwise mediocre show. * Puerto Rican Power (teaming alongside Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall) when he defeat the Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah, Hells Bouncer and Amo Del Gato) in a Six Man Battle to gain some measure of revenge on the faction. [B]October 2008[/B] * JD Morgan teams with Rudy Velasquez to defeat FCW Champion Shawn Gonzalez and Steve Flash in the main event of October's event Rescate. * The Messiah's Circus offer up an open challenge for the 'Messiah' Championship held by Hell's Bouncer. Jobber trio Matt Hocking, Joe Benning and Tigre Salvaje Jr all answer the challenge. Bouncer shows his dominance by squashing all three in a match that lasts for just a bit under two and a half minutes. * The Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Zonk) succesfully defend the Tag Team Championship against Samuel and Primus. After the match Primus shockingly turns on Samuel, after he appeared to save the former Calamari Kid from a beat-down at the hands of the Messiah's Circus * Mainstream Hernandez succesfully retains the People's Championship against The Sensational Singh thanks to unexpected inteference from rival Kirk Jameson. Jameson then claims that Hernandez 'owes him one' and demands another shot at the title himself. [B]November 2008[/B] * We get a noticeable attendance jump this month from the usual 700-750 fans we were attracting to the Gynasium Aguada up to just a little over 900, it appears that word is finally starting to spread that there is a pretty decent Wrestling promotion worth going to see on the Island. * JD Morgan gets another shot at the FCW Championship but this time is decisively beaten when he 'passes out' to Shawn Gonzalez' Latino Crab. * Kirk Jameson becomes the new People's Champion pinning The Sensational Singh in a three way. * Rudy Velasquez turns on the rest of the Kings of the Street, when he saves his opponent Steve Flash from a post match beat-down. Velasquez then seal his face turn by helping Flash back to his feet and giving the much loved veteran a respectful handshake. * Primus defeat's former Tag Partner Samuel in an extended squash, it what turns out to the former Calamari Kid's last match for FCW. * Eddie Howard answers the Messiah Championship Open Challenge and manages to put up a braver fight than the three jobbers from last month, lasting over 5 minutes in the ring with Hell's Bouncer before he inevitably fell to defeat. [B]December 2008[/B] * The first edition of Batalla Final is held (alongside Rey De Reyes and the Anniversario shows, Batalla Final would become an annual tradition) * Puerto Rican Power regains the Puerto Rican (Messiah) Championship from Hell's Bouncer. Despite the match 'blowing' off what was arguably the top feud in FCW at the time, the match is not the main event due to th fact that the first time they met, they had noticeably poor chemistry. As expected the match wasn't great but the fans did respond well to their hero regaining 'his' title. * Shawn Gonzalez succesfully defends the FCW Championship against fellow fan favourite Steve Flash in a main event that just falls a little short, due to the fact that the match lacked heat due to the all babyface dynamic. * More twists and turns with the Kings of the Street as Carl Batch helps Rudy Velasquez and debutant M.C Speed (Marc Speed) to a victory over Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez. It then looks like Batch is about to re-unite with Velasquez but it's all a set up as the former King of the Street suffers a beat-down at the hands of Speed and the 'rookie monster' Primus. Carl Batch then reveals that he has washed his hands with the Kings of the Street and has now put together a new crew dubbed Wave of Violence.
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[B][U]Part Two (2009) [/U][/B] [B]January 2009 [/B] * Puerto Rican Power continues to turn the tide in his feud with the Messiah's Circus, when retains his Puerto Rican Championship in a Gauntlet series against the entire faction. * Shawn Gonzalez succesfully defends the FCW Championship against MPWF/CZCW star Ultimate Phoenix. Little did FCW fans know at the time, that Phoenix would go on to become arguably the most prominent star in FCW's history. * Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall take their budding friendship to the next level (professionally speaking) as they win a 4-way Tag Team scramble to become the new number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles held by the Messiah's Circus. * Hell's Bouncer becomes the first un-wanted departure from FCW, when he deems that we were no longer big enough for him. Even though he still had alot to learn, we felt Bouncer had alot of potential to turn into a decent big man worker. His improving performances for both SWF and USPW since is departure from us has vindicated that belief, it just would have been nice to be have been part of his development for a little bit longer. [B]February 2009[/B] * We take a risk by putting on two shows in the same month for the first time, it doesn't quite pay off as attendance is a bit down for the second show. * Shawn Gonzalez succesfully defends the FCW Championship against People's champion Kirk Jameson. * I form a new faction with Rudy Velasquez and Steve Flash called UNITY, mainly to oppose Wave of Violence, after I tease the fact that I was about to become W.O.V's third member (exc manager Carl Batch). The original premise of UNITY is that it was supposed to be faction where wrestlers of all backgrounds could work together, but it drifted away from that idea. * Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall (now going by the name of Totally Einstein) win the Tag Team Titles from the Messiah's Circus. It is also becoming increasingly noticeable that Mainstream Hernandez has a crush on backstage interviewer Sara Silver. * In a desperate attempt to keep The Messiah's Circus relevant, Leper Messiah attacks Puerto Rican Power and steals the Puerto Rican (Messiah) title belt. * Power then effectively puts the feud with the Messiah's Circus to bed at the month's second show when he he defeats Leper Messiah in a Cage match to succesfully defend 'his' Puerto Rican Championship /reclaim possession of the belt. * Kirk Jameson continues to build a reputation as one of the promising young talents in wrestling, with an excellent People's Title defence against myself that steals the show. * Jesus Chavez departs from FCW mainly due to his whiny backstage attitude, bringing an end to the Kings of the Street. [B]March 2009[/B] * Tag champion Mainstream Hernandez defeats myself, Dino Bravo and Angel De Mexico to earn a shot at the FCW Championship on the same night. The Mainstreamer put a brave fight but didn't quite have enough gas left in the tank to become a double champion and upset the more experienced Shawn Gonzalez. * After the match Wave of Violence deliver a vicious post match assault to Mainstream Hernandez (despite the fact that they weren't really feuding with the Mainstreamer, but I guess it signalled the fact they were targetting the Tag Team Titles held by Hernandez and Bradford Peverall). Sara Silver then showed that she had feelings for Mainstream Hernandez by putting herself in harms way to save Hernandez (who she refers to by his real name of James) from a further beating. Just when it looks like Wave of Violence are about to cross the line and lay their hands on Silver, Bradford Peverall comes to the rescue. * The 4CS featured two notable debutants, that of Dean Daniels (who began his FCW career with a slightly cheesy gimmick of a sleazy gambler under the name of Dino Bravo) and Angel De Mexico, who made his first appearance as an FCW regular. Angel had made on previous apperance in a Six Man scramble as a talent trade from MPWF. * Puerto Rican Power succesfully defends 'his' Puerto Rican Championship against Steve Flash in what turned out to be a disappointing match. Power also begins to dismiss the FCW Championship held by Shawn Gonzalez as a phoney title and that 'his' Puerto Rican Championship should be recognised as the only top title in FCW. * As expected Hector Galindo follows his Kings of the Street tag partner out of the exit door. [B]April 2009[/B] * Puerto Rican Power and Shawn Gonzalez face off in a Title unification match to decide who really is the top dog in FCW. This time we are unable to find a winner as the match ends in a double count out draw, probably because we wanted to drag this feud out for just a little bit longer. * Totally Einstein succesfully defend the Tag Team Titles against Wave of Violence, but just as it looks like the Mainstreamer is about to finally pluck up the courage to actually ask Sara Silver out on a date, W.O.V make a revenge attack and then kidnap Silver. * Lisa Bowen debuts in FCW and agrees to become the manager of Dino Bravo. The relationship is strictly business for her, fans probably get the impression that the sleazy Bravo wants more out of the relationship. [B]May 2009[/B] * Following the double count-out last month Puerto Rican Power and Shawn Gonzalez Title Unification re-match is fought under Falls Count Anywhere rules. It is Power who emerges victorious to become the Undisputed Champion. From here on the top singles champion in FCW would be referred to as the Undisputed Champion. * Shawn Gonzalez then revealed that it would be his last match in FCW, the kayfabe excuse was that he felt he had gone as far as he can in FCW. Behind the kayfabe Gonzalez wanted one more crack at the big leagues (he would turn up in TCW a few months later). So much for his friendship with Puerto Rican Power. * Angel De Mexico upset Kirk Jameson for the People's Championship. We had no plans to take the belt off Jameson at this stage but for some baffling reason he refused to sign a contract with us, despite being in the midst of a strong push that may well have seen him hold the People's belt for at least a year long reign and then eventually challenge for the Undisputed Championship. In alot of ways we were prepared for the departures of Bouncer and Gonzalez but the departure of Kirk Jameson remains the most frustrating to this day, mostly due to the fact that he never gave a valid reason as to why he wished to leave us. Part of me would love to say that his career has floundered since he left us for no apparent reason what so ever but he has lived up to his early promise, with the pinnacle of his career being a North American title run in the SWF (though that doesn't quite have the same Kudos as it used to). * Wave of Violence try to blackmail Totally Einstein to just hand over the Tag Titles in exchange for the safe return of Sara Silver, Mainstream Hernandez looks set to take the deal, only for Bradford Peverall to tell W.O.V to earn the belts the old fashioned way. * Matt Hocking turns on long time Tag partner Joe Benning, with the help of a mystery attacker who then reveals himself to be Arthur Dexter Bradley. Unsurprisingly the angle gets zero reaction due to the fact that it features two jobbers and a complete unknown. [B]June 2009[/B] * We rise to Regional size and manage to sell out the Gynasium Aguada for the first time ! * Unfortunately as we do that Steve Flash tells us he also wants to move on, citing that we weren't big enough for him. Flash's final match see's him draw with Natural Storm's after a double DQ, after both are attacked by Wave of Violence. D,.C Rayne then looks set to save hi partner from a beating, but turns on Howard instead, to reveal that he is the latest recruit to Carl Batch's band of thugs. * Despite having not really earned the title shot Dino Bravo (Dean Daniels) is the first to challenge Puerto Rican Power for the 'Twin Belts' (aka the Undisputed Championship). Bravo does his best to make the fans believe he could pull off the upset but Power retains as expected. * During the Tag Team Title match between Totally Einstein and Wave of Violence, Mainstream Hernandez is faced with the dilemma of leaving the love of his life Sara Silver at the disposal of Carl Batch or leave his tag partner in the lurch. The Mainstreamer chooses to 'save' the former,leaving the Tag Titles in jeopardy. Peverall tries his best to fend off W.O.V by himself but it becomes all too much. * The Sensational Singh- Great Oxii relationship starts to become under strain, when Singh's 'personal genie' stuffs up when trying to interfere on Singh's behalf in a People's championship match against Angel De Mexico, ensuring that the Patriotic Mexican makes a succesful first title defence. * Senor Lopez tells me that I shouldn't hire any wrestlers who have had problems with the Law, the most notable wrestler affected by this is Rudy Velasquez and in turn wiping out the original plans I had for the UNITY stable. [B]July 2009[/B] * We run a double header for this month and some how make a small profit, may be something to do with having cheaper workers at the time. * Night one see's Puerto Rican Power succesfully defend the Undisputed Championship in a 4 Corner Survival against Dino Bravo and Totally Einstein members Bradford Peverall and Mainstream Hernandez. * Post match Power is attacked by Madman Boone, who is revealed to have been recruited by Leper Messiah , who is looking to resurrect the Messiah's Circus * Wave of Violence succesfully defend the Tag Titles against UNITY, laying out Rudy Velasquez in the process. Former TCW star Harry Allen (sporting a grungey new look) then clears the ring of Wave of Violence and reveals that he is joined up with myself in the fight against W.O.V, this is pretty much the beginning of the re-booted UNITY stable. * A grudge match between Mainstream Hernandez and W.O.V's Primus is the surprise choice of main event, however they manage to 'step up' and deliver a pretty good match that is on a par with most of most Puerto Rican Power's title defences. Primus (who we were pushing pretty strongly at this point in time) emerges victorious following botched (?) interference from Bradford Peverall. It takes us about another three years to realise that it was Hernandez did all the heavy lifting and deserving of a main event level run. * Puerto Rican Power teams with People's champion Angel De Mexico to defeat Leper Messiah and Madman Boone in what turns out to be Boone's only match for FCW. * Harry Allen signals his in-ring debut with a victory over W.O.V's M.C Speed * W.O.V's D.C Rayne defeats former Tag partner Eddie Howard. * Rudy Velasquez departs due to his previous problems with the Law. The hugely respected Crippler Ray Kingman is brought in as our new road agent, Rico Santana did a solid job but the chance to bring in someone of Kingman's knowledge and stature was not to be missed. I truly believe the years Kingman spent with our roster prior to his retirement from the business did make a little bit of difference. [B]August 2009[/B] * We run two shows in the same month for the second month in a row. * Puerto Rican Power retains the Undisputed Championship but suffers a beat-down at the hands of a re-formed Messiah's Circus, that now includes Soul Krusher (BJ Shearer with demonic face paint and glazed eye contact lenses). * Angel De Mexico and Dino Bravo battle to a twenty minute time limit draw over the People's Championship. * Tension's between Totally Einstein's Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall are starting to reach boiling point, following Peverall's accidental (?) chair shot from last month. * JD Morgan returns to FCW and wins the 2009 edition of the Rey De Reyes, edging out another significant returnee to an FCW ring , MPWF's Ultimate Phoenix. The finals also include WLW's Kazuma Narato, Dino Bravo and Mainstream Hernandez. The best match of the qualifying one on one matches features two guest stars as WLW's Kazuma Narato and PSW's Teddy Powell...not exactly putting over our homegrown talent ! [B]September 2009[/B] * Rey De Reyes winner JD Morgan continues to make an instant impact in his return to FCW when he defeats the previously unstoppable Puerto Rican Power for the Undisputed Championship at our second Anniversario show. The Messiah's Circus then attempts to recruit Morgan but he flatly turns down the offer to do so. * Ultimate Phoenix signals his intention to make an impact in FCW with a big win over the Messiah's Circus Soul Krusher. * Bradford Peverall finally snaps and turns on his tag partner Mainstream Hernandez, then in an act deemed a little too shocking for the FCW fans to comprehend he 'accidently' lays out the Mainstreamer's girlfriend Sara Silver. * More strained relationships, this time between Dino Bravo and his manager Lisa Bowen, as an attempt to screw Angel De Mexico out of the People's Championship back fires. [B]October 2009[/B] * JD Morgan makes succesful title defences against Ultimate Phoenix and then former champion Puerto Rican Power. Power then shocks the FCW fans by announcing his immediate retirement from wrestling, stating that he felt he had nothing left to give. * Stevie 'Ringrust' Grayson emerges as the new People's champion, winning the belt in a three way with Angel De Mexico and Dean Daniels. Grayson was a big let-down in his run with us, due to the fact he couldn't shake off ring-rust and the only reason he had a title run is that we foolishly promised him a mid-card title run. * One of the most significant teams in FCW history makes their debut Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask). Cougar had already been in FCW for a few months , working singles. * Inky the Squid Boy lays down for Leper Messiah to become the latest recruit to the re-formed Messiah's Circus. * After months of being verbally berated by The Sensational Singh, after a series of 'friendly fire' incidents The Great Oxii finally stands up for himself. It doesn't result in a renewed push for Oxii (due to the fact he was still terrible in the ring) but his goofy gimmick was begging for a face turn. * Ultimate Phoenix puts pen to paper on a 'full time' contract with FCW. The recent arrivals of JD Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix as permanent roster members, saw us begin to find some consistency with our show and it felt as though we were beginning to step things up a little. [B]November 2009[/B] * Former People's champion Angel De Mexico almost upsets JD Morgan for the Undisputed Championship. It's the closest the Patriotic masked man would probably ever come to being the top man in FCW. * Former Best friends Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall face off in a grudge match and as so often happens with first time meetings, it ends in an inconclusive draw. * Nicky R!ot (known to fans who follow USPW as Nicky Champion) makes his debut and instanly joins UNITY, helping myself and Harry Allen to victory over Wave of Violence in a Six Man Battle. * In the ring Dino Bravo (Dean Daniels) continues to show a more aggressive attitude, which began to show the previous month, resulting in him being DQ'd when challenging for the People's Championship against Stevie Grayson. Backstage he begins to garner a reputation as an immature prankster. [B]December 2009[/B] * JD Morgan heads into 2010 with the twin belts intact round his waist making succesful title defences in a 4 way against Angel De Mexico, Bradford Peverall and Mainstream Hernandez and then UNITY's Nicky R!ot at Batalla Final. * Dean Daniels completes his transformation from Dino Bravo into the ice-cold wrestling machine that is Dean Daniels and destroys Stevie Grayson in the process to becomes the new People's Champion. Despite the fact he was coming a bit of a pain backstage, Daniels would go on to vindicate my decision to put the People's championship on him, as he would go on to have a strong reign with the belt that would help raise the prestige of the title in the eyes of the FCW fans. * I win my first title in FCW, alongside Harry Allen, as UNITY defeat Wave of Violence and Animal Magic in a three way elimination match to become the new Tag Team Champions. * Mainstream Hernandez defeats Bradford Peverall in a ladder match at Batalla Final. His victory means that Peverall will be fired from FCW should he ever lay as much as a finger on Sara Silver again. * Puerto Rican Power's 'retirement' doesn't last long but his return see's him turn his backs on the fans who idolize him and shockingly join Wave of Violence. Power would drop the patriotic part of his name and would now be known as Da Power. The Wave of Violence trio of Power, Primus and M.C Speed who then win a one night trio's tournament at Batalla Final, with the prize on other being a guaranteed Undisputed Title shot to be cashed in anytime during 2010 for the victorious trio. * 2009 was the year where we made the most significant improvement as a promotion and that was recognised when he won the most improved promotion accolade at the annual TEW awards.
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[B][U]Part Three (2010)[/U][/B] [B]January 2010[/B] * Mainstream Hernandez gets a one on one shot for the Undisputed Championship, but falls short of being able to defeat JD Morgan for the title. Morgan shows Hernandez some respect for his efforts aftewards by shaking the hand of the brave challenger. Morgan came into FCW as a heel but was gradually beginning to act in a more babyface like manner with each show and had effectively become a 'tweener' at this stage. * In the second show of the month Wave of Violence intefered int the title match between JD Morgan and Nicky R!ot before Power cashed in his title shot on a already worn down JD Morgan to regain the Undisputed Championship. * People's Champion Dean Daniels went to a twenty minute time limit draw with Ultimate Phoenix in a non title match. * Myself and Harry Allen's reign as Tag Team champions is brought to an end by the Messiah's Circus duo of Leper Messiah and Soul Krusher. [B]February 2010[/B] * Da Power retains the Undisputed Championship against former ally and occasional Tag partner Angel De Mexico. JD Morgan the demands a re-match, but due to the fact that their match ended in a non-finish last month Nicky R!ot also wants a crack at the title, setting up a 3-way the next month. [B]March 2010[/B] * Da Power defeats JD Morgan and Nicky R!ot in a three way to retain the Undisputed Championship. * Ultimate Phoenix becomes the new number one contender with a win over Mainstream Hernandez. * Sara Silver starts to feel as though she is being stalked, as expected Hernandez accuses former best friend/turned bitter rival Bradford Peverall of being the 'stalker'. * I challenge Dean Daniels for the People's Championship, but find a wrestler who has turned into a uber focused unstoppable force in the way of me claiming my first singles title. [B]April 2010[/B] * Dean Daniels comes close to defeating Ultimate Phoenix but ends up losing the match by DQ when he ignores referee Brett Graveson's five count in a match that had both Daniel's People's Championship and Phoenix' Number one contendership to the Undisputed Title on the line. * Nicky R!ot gets the chance to earn another Undisputed Title shot in a non title match against Da Power, but ends up on the losing end after he is the victim of a slapjack shot. * The first edition of what will become another annual event in the FCW calendar Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor is held. We realised that all the 'big' shows were in the second half of the calendar year. * Da Power retains the Undisputed Championship against Ultimate Phoenix * UNITY defeat the Messiah's Circus 2-1 in a three match singles series with each of the matches having a different stipulation. * Bulldozer Brandon Smith makes is debut laying out Mainstream Hernandez and then revealing himself to be Bradford Peverall's personal enforcer and the man behind 'stalking' Sara Silver. Peverall then warns Hernandez, that he may not be able to lay a hand on Sara but BBS (who instantly displays a misogynistic attitude) won't have any problem doing so. * One of the worst signings in FCW history Stevie 'Ringrust' Grayson departs from FCW, whilst Jared Johnson (a protege of Johnny Bloodstone from Carolina) comes into the promotion. Though he has never quite risen above the mid-card during his time with FCW Double J has managed to obtain his own personal super fan who attends all the events, might be something to do with this super-fan also coming from Carolina. [B]May 2010[/B] * JD Morgan teams with former rival Ultimate Phoenix to defeat Da Power and Primus in a special attraction Tag match. Yes, you did read into that right Primus was involved in another main event. * The UNITY duo of Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot defeat the Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & Soul Krusher) in a Barrio Street Fight to win the Tag Team Titles. * Dean Daniels retains the People's Championship in a three way that also includes bitter rivals Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall * Comedy wrestler The Great Oxii and ultra- bland Eddie Howard form quite possibly the worst team in FCW history...Seriously Funny. They start off with a win on the pre-show against resident jobber duo Joe Benning and Leftie Wilkes. [B]June 2010[/B] * I challenge Da Power for the Undisputed Championship but come up short of pulling off the upset. * Angel De Mexico defeats JD Morgan, Ultimate Phoenix and Dean Daniels in a 4CS to get another crack at the Undisputed Championship. Angel was enjoying the biggest push of his FCW career at this stage before his gradual slide back down to the midcard. * UNITY (Harry Allen/Nickt R!ot) make a succesful first defence of the Tag Team Titles againsty Animal Magic in a match based purely around the rather novel concept of who is the better team. [B]July 2010[/B] * Angel De Mexico's challenge for the Undisputed Championship is as succesful as the first time. What was noticeable is that (Puerto Rican) Da Power was having better quality title matches as a heel, than as a face, though I think it had more to do with the fact that he was facing better quality opponents in his second run as champion. * Dean Daniels succesfully defends the People's Championship against both members of Animal Magic. * The Heat Magnets (Matt Hocking & Arthur Dexter Bradley) 'help' UNITY retain the Tag Team Titles against bitter rivals Wave of Violence. Naturally they want a shot at the Tag belts themselves. [B]August 2010[/B] * For the first time the Camino De Reyes event is held, which has now become the tradtional 'build' show for Rey de Reyes with spots in the Rey De Reyes tournament being earned. * Da Power retains the Undisputed Championship at Camino De Reyes after he takes a count-out loss to keep hold of the twin belts. * UNITY keep hold of the Tag Team Titles in a 4-way elimination match against Wave of Violence, Heat Magnets and Animal Magic that also served as a qualifying match for the Rey De Reyes tournament with Allen and R!ot both earning a spot in the tournament, * WLW's The Tic makes a few guest appearances in August but loses both his matches a People's Title challenge against Dean Daniels and a Rey De Reyes match against Nicky R!ot. * Da Power is forced to defend the Undisputed Championship in a Cage match against Mainstream Hernandez at the Rey De Reyes event but makes a mockery of the FCW officials plan to have him lose the belt fair and square by escaping the cage. Hernandez simply got the title shot here as everyone else credible enough to challenge was involved in the Rey De Reyes tournament. * Ultimate Phoenix emerges as the 2010 Rey De Reyes winner, defeating last years winner JD Morgan, Angel De Mexico, Nicky R!ot and Harry Allen in the finals. * The opportunity at winning singles gold plants the first seeds of tension between Tag Team Champions Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot. * MPWF's Electrico and Teddy Powell (for the second year running) are guest performers in the tournament, with Electrico putting on a great match with eventual runner up JD Morgan. * The Sensational Singh quits FCW after losing to Angel De Mexico. [B]September 2010[/B] * Anniversario II see's us move to the bigger, nicer Ricardo Montenez Ballroom for the first time. We didn't sell the place out but we now turning away enough fans from the Gynasium Aguada that we thought the time was right to move to the bigger venue. * JD Morgan regains the Undisputed Championship defeating Da Power and Rey De Reyes winner Ultimate Phoenix. * Electrico challenges Dean Daniels for the People's championship, and like fellow guest challenger The Tic is unable to defeat Daniels, who is noticeably putting together a dominant run with the secondary singles title. * Bradford Peverall defeats Mainstream Hernandez in a 'San Juan Deathmatch' . Post match Bulldozer Brandon Smith drags Sara Silver into the ring, but Peverall tells BBS to back-off, teasing that he actually does have some compassion towards Sara Silver and planting the seeds for the next stage of the long running Mainstream Hernandez- Bradford Peverall- Sara Silver saga. [B]October 2010[/B] * The Undisputed Championship match between JD Morgan and Ultimate Phoenix ends in a draw, after Brett Graveson lost control of the match due to inteference from Da Power and a mystery man in a mask almost identical in design to Ultimate Phoenix (accept for the Black and Red colours). That man of course would be Phoenix Negra, who would go on to become a more than capable 'nemesis' for Ultimate Phoenix. * Teddy Powell (who was on an 'extended' guest run) earns a shot at the Undisputed Championship with a win over Angel De Mexico. * Nicky R!ot loses to Dean Daniels by count-out in an attempt to win the People's Championship. More tension between Harry Allen and R!ot prior to the match, when Allen us shown to be clearly jealous about R!ot getting the title shot. I try my best to play peacemaker but it's becoming apparent that there's nothing 'united' about UNITY. * Phoenix Negra blatantnly inteferes in the main event of the second show this month, when he attacks Da Power...causing Ultimate Phoenix to lose the match on a DQ. After the match Phoenix Negra leaves Ultimate Phoenix in a heap with a vicious post match attack, confirming that his actions to intefere were purely to 'screw' Phoenix out of the victory. * JD Morgan makes a relatively routine title defence against Teddy Powell * Seriously Funny* pull off an upset win over now pretty much irrelevant Messiah's Circus (the feeling was that the stable had now run it's course and that as cool as the Leper Messiah gimmick was, the wrestler behind the gimmick Tully Arthurs was unlikely to ever grow into being anything more than a mediore worker at best). Arguably the worst team in FCW's history* post match celebration for the biggest win of their FCW career is then interrupted by The Ring Generals. The Generals talked themselves up like they were going to be the best thing going in FCW's Tag Divsion but ended up being a huge disappointment. * Bradford Peverall saves Mainstream Hernandez from a vicious beating at the hands of Bulldozer Brandon Smith, ending his association with the misogynstic Bully and planting further seeds for a reconcilliaton with his former best friend/Tag Team partner. * Angel De Mexico teams with Animal Magic to defeat UNITY in a Six Man Battle, earning Angel a shot at the People's Championship and Animal Magic another shot at UNITY's Tag Team Titles. Nicky R!ot is somewhat ungrateful in defeat after the match, refusing to shake Angel De Mexico's hand * The flamboyant disco dancer Mr Electricity makes his FCW debut, he looks suspiciously like Sensational Singh who had quit FCW just two months earlier. [B]November 2010[/B] * Undisputed Champion JD Morgan teams with Ultimate Phoenix to defeat rivals Da Power and Phoenix Negra. * Dean Daniels retains the People's Championship against Angel De Mexico, who only four months earlier had his sights set on the bigger prize of the Undisputed Championship * Bradford Peverall saves Mainstream Hernandez from another post match beat-down at the hands of BBS and then apologizes for what he made Hernandez and Sara Silver go through over the past year. The Mainstreamer feels though that he is playing 'mind games', where as Sara believes Bradford is being sincere and that he really is 'sorry'. * Growing tensions within the UNITY camp as Nicky R!ot gets himself DQ'd to ensure that UNITY retain the Tag Titles against Animal Magic. Actions that don't sit too well with the win fairly philosophy of the stable. [B]December 2010[/B] * We mark our 50th show with FCW Oro (Gold) * People's champion Dean Daniels wins a 4CS also featuring Angel De Mexico, Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra, he then almost wins the Undisputed Championship from JD Morgan later in the show but his intensity gets the better of him as he ends up being DQ'd when he refused to let up on a rope break (and yes we had been here before with the match Daniels had against Ultimate Phoenix earlier in the year) * Animal Magic become the FCW Tag Team champions for the first time, defeating UNITY and Wave of Violence in a Ladder match * Darryl Devine debuts with a victory over Mainstream Hernandez, then appears to align himself with BBS joining the Bulldozer in a beat-down of the Mainstreamer only for Bradford Peverall to make the save. Peverall then makes another go at apologizing to Hernandez, the Mainstreamer then half heartily accepts the apology but tells Peverall a Totally Einstein reunion is off the cards. * Steve Flash makes his return to FCW and goes to a double count out draw with Da Power. * Former MMA star Billy Russell returns to Puerto Rico to challenge JD Morgan for the Undisputed Championship, after a technical submission based battle Morgan comes out on top. After the match Russell took offence to Morgan offering him a respectful handshake. * Dean Daniels near year long reign as People's champion is brought to an end without him even being pinned for the belt, with Darryl Devine winning the title in a three way that also included Angel De Mexico. It was a classic case of feeling that Daniels had grown beyond the mid-card belt but we didn't want him to actually 'lose' the title. * Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra finally get to meet in a 1vs1 match in an FCW ring and it's the 'evil brother' who comes out on top. It's the first of many excellent matches between these two, who would go on to have arguably the greatest rivalry in FCW history, certainly in terms of consistent match quality. * UNITY comprising of Nicky R!ot, Harry Allen and the returning Steve Flash (who was a last minute replacement after I was taken out by W.O.V backstage) defeat Wave of Violence (Da Power, M.C Speed and Primus) in a Six Man Battle, after Primus shockingly turned on Da Power. Coming into the match it looked like UNITY was the faction with all the problems with Nicky R!ot looking the most likely to turn on his team. * Totally Einstein team up again but Mainstream Hernandez wants no part of the reunion walking out on Peverall during their match with the Ring Generals, despite that Peverall manages to bravely pull out the victory.
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Snap, you did have me excited there, TK. You had me hoping that things were back on the go... though I very much understand the hiatus. Cool read and can't wait to see the rest. As for me "inspiring" someone... that's just a weird thought to me. Edit - whoa, the rest got up quick. Got some more reading to do!
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[B][U]Part Four (2011) [/U][/B] [B]January 2011[/B] * We take a month off in preparation for trying to crack a few markets outside of Puerto Rico, the original plan was to go with a touring schedule for the whole year but we decided to scrap that idea when we decided it wasn't cost effective due to the fact we didn't attract enough fans to the shows outside of Puerto Rico to make it a cost effective plan. [B]February 2011[/B] * We presented out first show outside of Puerto Rico, in the Tri-State region drawing a whopping 265 fans to the show. * Da Power teamed with Billy Russell to defeat JD Morgan and Primus in a hugely disappointing Tag match. Primus despite turning on Power last month still wore his W.O.V gear. This was the beginning of a W.O.V vs W.O.V feud that went absolutely nowhere, due to the huge difference in overness between Power and everyone else associated with W.O.V and the fact that Power has creative control anyway. * Darryl Devine makes a succesful first defence of the People's Championship against Steve Flash. * Nicky saves his tag partner Harry Allen from a post match beating at the hands of a very intense Dean Daniels, actions that confirm that R!ot and Allen have put their differences that stemmed from the Rey De Reyes match back in August behind them. * Sara Silver somehow managed to persuade FCW managment to get Totally Einstein a shot at the Tag Team Titles against Animal Magic, a turn of events Mainstream Hernandez was far from happy with. However in the Tag Title match Hernandez began to turn his attiude towards Peverall around and it looked like they would win the titles again only for Darryl Devine, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and a heel turning Jared Johnson to intefere. * Darryl Devine, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Jared Johnson then confirm that they have formed a new alliance. Devine who is the clear leader of the group calls the new faction Devine Right. Devine Right would go on to become the dominant heel stable in FCW over the next couple of years. * After a couple of small shows outside of Puerto Rico, our first show of the year back 'home' see's JD Morgan defend the Undisputed Championship against Billy Russell for a second time in a Tap-Out (submission match) and once again it was Morgan who came out on top. * The Tag Team Titles change hands twice on the same show in a 3 team round robin challenge. Animal Magic succesfully defended the titles against UNITY, but then lost the titles to Totally Einstein only for UNITY to emerge as the new champions by the end of the show, when they defeated Totally Einstein, ensuring that Totally Einsteins second reign as the Tag Team Champions was the title shortest reign in FCW history. After their short lived title reign Mainstream Hernandez finally puts his differences aside with Bradford Peverall (or so we thought). [B]March 2011[/B] * JD Morgan puts on a classic with Phoenix Negra to retain the Undisputed Championship * Dean Daniels still can't beat Ultimate Phoenix * Tag champion Harry Allen comes up short in his challenge for the People's Championship against Darryl Devine. * The Heat Magnets (Arthur Dexter Bradley & Matt Hocking) join Devine Right [B]April 2011[/B] * The second edition of Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor II see's Ultimate Phoenix win a Gauntlet Series to claim the Undisputed Championship for a second time defeating Da Power, Steve Flash, Dean Daniels and finally defending champion JD Morgan. * Phoenix Negra defeats Angel De Mexico to keep himself firmly in the title picture. * The Heat Magnets intefere in the Tag Title match between UNITY and Totally Einstein, as they look to force their way into the title picture. * KC Glenn makes his debut in FCW, falling to Jared Johnson in a Six Man Tag. Despite starting with a loss, Glenn would go on to have a relatively short but impactful run with FCW. * Eddie Howard turns on The Great Oxii breaking up Seriously Funny and turning heel in the process- absolutely no one cares. Even I don't care which is why the angle was played out on the pre-show. [B]May 2011[/B] * The most unventful month ever since I took over the FCW booking reigns. May was a month off but we took the decision to scrap the Touring experiment and return to a more regular schedule. [B]June 2011[/B] * We sell out the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom (aka the Monty) for the first time. * Ultimate Phoenix retains the Undisputed Championship against Da Power. The W.O.V leader then blames the loss on M.C Speed and proceeds to turn on Speed. Primus then makes the save for his former Tag partner. * Phoenix Negra wins a three way elimination match with former champion JD Morgan and Dean Daniels to seal his position as the number one contender to the Undisputed Championship. * Darryl Devine retains the People's Championship against Darryl Devine, whilst UNITY makes a succesful title defence against The Heat Magnets. * After Senor Lopez decided to relax his stance on workers who have/had law problems, we decided to bring back Rudy Velasquez. Velasquez however would go on to become a disappointment in his second run, unable to shake off ring rust from being out of regular work since he left us. * Ox Krevaziuk (aka The Great Oxiii) does not have his contract renewed. Ox was a good backstage guy and that probably extended his stay with us but at the end of the day he was a terrible wrestler and the FCW that had developed under my book did not have room for workers who couldn't deliver at least a competent performance in the ring. [B]July 2011[/B] * The biggest news of the month was what happened backstage, in the fact that the boss Wilson 'Da Power' Lopez had a major falling out with former champion JD Morgan. This unfortunately led to Morgan's departure from FCW with his final match seeing him put over Dean Daniels. I say put over because Morgan phoned it in, and who could blame him. I was pretty close to telling the boss where to stick his job, because I was frustated that his pig-headness had cost us one of our best workers and an established main event talent. But I had too much invested in FCW now and at the very least wanted to see through the storylines I already in place. Despite being a major source of frustration at the time we bounced back from losing Morgan. * Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra almost killed each other, when they both went crashing through the announce table in ther Undisputed Championship match as their very personal rivalry continued to heat up. * Animal Magic win the Tag Team Titles for a second time defeating UNITY and the Heat Magnets in a three way elimination match. * Mainstream Hernandez become the People's champion for a second time winning the belt in a 4 corner surival that also includes defending champion Darryl Devine, perennial contender Angel De Mexico and Tag partner Bradford Peverall. We felt that Devine had now out-grown the belt and as the leader of our hottest heel stable we felt he should have his sights set on the twin belts, also the fact that Morgan was on his way out opened up a spot in the main event title picture for Devine. * Eddie Howard inteferes to ensure that Da Power wins a three way Barrio Street Fight against M.C Speed and Primus. Howard who refer to himself as Big Eazy, then basically become Power's lackey as the Power led Wave of Violence involved in W.O.V Gold with Carl Batch who chose to stay alongside Power as a sort of hype man. [B]August 2011[/B] * Ultimate Phoenix retains the Undisputed Championship in a three way against Phoenix Negra and Dean Daniels. * The Specialists (Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas) make a guest appearance to challenge Animal Magic for the Tag Team Titles but unable to defeat the masked duo. * Darryl Devine wins the 2011 edition of the Rey De Reyes defeating Undisputed Champion Ultimate Phoenix, Phoenix Negra, Dean Daniels and MPWF's Spanish Superfly in the process. The other thing to come out of the match was Lisa Bowen turning on Dean Daniels, when it looked like Daniels was set to win the trophy, this came afte Daniels turned down Devine's offer to join Devine Right earlier in the night. * Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson also enter the tournament but both come out on the losing end of their matches against Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra. * W.O.V Gold (Power and Eazy) defeat the W.O.V originals Primus and M.C Speed. I think this was the match where I realised this feud wouldn't have any legs and besides Wave of Violence had lost it's momentum and had been surpassed by Devine Right as the main heel stable. * Cracks begin to appear again within UNITY with Nicky R!ot and Harry Allen questioning my position as the stables leader, as I was tending to lose more matches than I won. [B]September 2011[/B] * Phoenix Negra inteferes in the Undisputed Title match against Ultimate Phoenix and Darryl Devine at Anniversario I; attacking both competitors. Earlier in the night Negra defeated Dean Daniels in a contenders match. The logic behind Negra costing Devine the title victory, is that he wants to defeat his 'brother' Ultimate Phoenix for the title. * Lisa Bowen reveals her reasons for screwing over Dean Daniels and siding with Dean Daniels. She says Daniels is a big match choker and does have what it takes to win the Undisputed Championship and that he was a fool to turn down the offer of joining the hottest stable in FCW. * Bradford Peverall fends off some unwanted amorous advances from Mr Electricity towards Sara Silver. Silver thanks Peverall aftewards, however Mainstream Hernandez sees them becoming 'friendly'. Mainstream Hernandez mistrust once again towards Peverall is not helped by Peverall botching costing the Mainstreamer the People's Championship against Bulldozer Brandon Smith, after his attempts to help backfire. [B]October 2011[/B] * Ultimate Phoenix and Dean Daniels team up to defeat Phoenix Negra and Darryl Devine in a special attraction Tag match, in one of those partners that don't like each other type matches. In the end Daniels and Phoenix manage to work together, Negra and Devine don't, with Devine turning on Negra in revenge for costing him the title at Anniversario. * Mainstream Hernandez 'accidently' costs Bradford Peverall the chance to become the People's champion in a match against Peverall's former associate Bulldozer Brandon Smith. [B]November 2011[/B] * Ultimate Phoenix defeats 'brother' Phoenix Negra in a Cage match to retain the Undisputed Championship * On the same show Darryl Devine wins a cage match against Dean Daniels, escaping the cage just when it looked like Daniels was going to do the same if not for the inteference of Daniels former manager Lisa Bowen. * UNITY (Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot) retain the Tag Team Titles against Animal Magic and then turn on me, when I come to join in their post match celebration. Former rival Primus, makes the slightly surprising save from Allen and R!ot laying a further beat-down to me. [B]December 2011[/B] * Phoenix Negra becomes the new Undisputed Champion defeating Dean Daniels, Darryl Devine and finally 'brother' and nemesis Ultimate Phoenix in a 4-way elimination match. * Steve Flash defeats Da Power and is then attacked post match by fellow original UNITY member Rudy Velasquez. I was going somewhere with this but what ever plans I had for Rudy Velasquez became abandoned when I decided not to renew his contract, due to disappointing performance. * Harry Allen and Nicky R!ot now referring to themselves as X-UNITY retain the Tag Team Titles against Totally Einstein, after Mainstream Hernandez walks out mid-match. * Angel De Mexico forms the Lucha Equity Alliance stable with fellow luchadores El Mitico Jr and Capitao Brasil Jr, within that stable Mitico and Capitao form a full time tag Team called the Sons of Lucha Libre and exiting prospect Amazing Fire Fly debuts with a win over Mr Electricity (who at this stage had begun his slide to the gatekeeper to the mid-card role he currently finds himself in).
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[B][U]Part Five (2012)[/U][/B] [B]January 2012[/B] * Though we had scrapped the touring idea, January had now become our official off-season month. [B]February 2012[/B] * Ultimate Phoenix and Darryl Devine went to a 30 minute Time Limit Draw in the first main event of 2012. * Phoenix Negra made a succesful defence of the Undisputed Championship against Steve Flash * Sara Silver puts her relationshp with Mainstream Hernandez on hold, over his recent jealous behaviour toward's Silver's growing friendship with Bradford Peverall. The fans are also noticeably turning on Hernandez at this stage, believing Silver than anything going on between her and Peverall is nothing more than friendship and that she is becoming hurt by Hernandez frequently paranoid behaviour. * X-UNITY retain the Tag Team Titles against former rivals turned allies Charles Rainier (myself) and Primus. Thanks to inteference from W.O.V Gold, X-UNITY then reveal that they are to join forces with W.O.V Gold. * We formed a working relationship with NOTBPW [B]March 2012[/B] * Undisputed Champion Phoenix Negra, Ultimate Phoenix and Darryl Devine have a round robin series, that see's Devine defeat Phoenix, Negra defeat Devine to retain the Undisputed Championship but Ultimate Phoenix emerge as the Undisputed Champion for a second time when he defeats Phoenix Negra in the main event. * Animal Magic regain the Tag Team Titles from X-UNITY. The non kayfabe reason for the title switch is that I decided not to renew the contract of Harry Allen, who was demanding a little too much money but the main reason is that I had become tired of him demanding a title run, every time his contract came up for renewal. * Dean Daniels defeats Devine Right member and People's champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith in a non title match, as his feud with Darryl Devine and his stable continues. * Daniels also reveals that he has formed a new alliance to go into battle against Devine Right with Charles Rainier, Primus and Steve Flash. Despite only have four members the faction would be called FREEDOM-5. [B]April 2012[/B] * Ultimate Phoenix retains the Undisputed Championship against Dean Daniels, thanks to a distraction from Daniels bitter rival Dean Daniels, it also means that Daniels still can't get a win over the one man he can't seem to beat in FCW. * Guest star NOTBPW's Aaron Andrews defeats former Undisputed Champion Phoenix Negra. Andrews who was over on a talent trade for a few dates, was basically a short term solution to freshening up the main event scene. However his creative control meant that he wasn't willing to put over anyone and looking back in hindsight I feel that is was a little bit of a mistake to bring him in. * Former Messiah's Circus member Soul Krusher returns to FCW destroying Bradford Peverall at the command of a new look Mainstream Hernandez. This completed the heel turn for Hernandez and was essentially the pay-off to a long running storyline for the Mainstreamer that would see him go on an emotional rollercoaster leading to the jealous, whiny character he had become. * Darryl Devine fed up with Jared Johnson and the Heat Magnets failing to deliver victories in the ring for Devine Right sets up a three way match where the loser will be kicked out of the stable. * Marc Speed who had been absent for a few months following the quiet scrapping of the W.O.V Gold vs W.O.V originals angle re-emerges with a completely new look and a new silent but deady attitude as Speed Machine. Defeating Mr Electricity in his re-debut, it's a positive change for Speed, who would go from someone with one foot out of the door to becoming a fixture in the Upper mid-card over the next year. * Ultimate Phoenix defeats People's champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith in a champion vs champion match at the third edition of Mejor Que Nuestro Mejor. * Aaron Andrews defeats another FCW main eventer in W.O.V Gold leader Da Power. * Phoenix Negra keep himself in the hunt to regain the Undisputed Championship with a win over FREEDOM-5 leader Dean Daniels. * Matt Hocking is kicked out of Devine Right after his Tag team partner Arthur Dexter Bradley turns on him, nailing Hocking with a 'Green Box' which would become the foreign object of choice for Devine Right. * Steve Flash departs from FCW again ! After he is put through a table with a Devine Nightmare Drop from Darryl Devine. [B]May 2012[/B] * Darryl Devine takes Aaron Andrews to a 30 minute Time Limit draw in the final match of the NOTBPW's guest stars, special attraction run in FCW. * Devine Right's Jared Johnson gets an unexpected shot at the Undisputed Championship, when being the fighting champion that he is Ultimate Phoenix insists that their non title match is changed to a title match. As expected Phoenix retained the title with relative ease, however his celebrations were cut short with a post match attack at the hands of you guessed it.....Phoenix Negra, who noticeably made use of a Ladder to do much of the damage. * Mr Electricity saves Bradford Peverall from a beat-down at the hands of Mainstream Hernandez and Soul Krusher. This would lead to the formation of the Dance2Win Tag Team, a pairing that would sadly end up sending both Peverall's and Singh's (Electricity's) careers in reverse. * Arthur Dexter Bradley defeats former Tag partner Matt Hocking in a poor match that quickly finished any plans I had for a prolonged feud between the pair. * In sad news away from FCW, wrestling legend and MAW owner Rip Chord passed away. [B]June 2012[/B] * Ultimate Phoenix makes a succesful defence of the Undisputed Championship against Mainstream Hernandez and then fends off another ladder based post match attack from Phoenix Negra. Phoenix then challenges Negra to a Ladder war * FREEDOM-5 begin to turn the tide in their war with Devine Right. KC Glenn (who had been gradually rising up the FCW ranks and had taken Bulldozer Brandon Smith close a couple of times in challenging for the People's Championship) was revealed to be the new member, combining with Dean Daniels to defeat Darryl Devine and Jared Johnson in Tag competion, whilst I upset the dominant looking People's champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith to claim my first singles gold in FCW. [B]July 2012[/B] * Darryl Devine inteferes in the Ladder War for the Undisputed Championship between Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra, tipping over the ladder to send both crashing through a ringside table, much to the fury of all the fans in attendance after a match where the two rival 'brothers' left everything in the ring to be the Undisputed Champion. Devine smugly justifies his actions to the fans, saying that he saved the twin belts for their beloved Ultimate Phoenix. * Animal Magic see their reign as Tag Team Champions brought to an end at the hands of the Mainstream Nation (Mainstream Hernandez and Soul Krusher) [B]August 2012[/B] * August saw the return of the Rey De Reyes tournament, this year there were two Camino De Reyes shows partly enforced by scheduling clashes with other promotions, notably with talent who went on tours of Japan. But what was also noticeable was a shift away from an emphasis on guest stars and that the tournament had a more structured feel to it from the Camino De Reyes shows onwards. We felt that we now had a strong enough roster of talent not to rely on guest performers to boost the tournament and the experience with Aaron Andrews (where he ended up putting over no one) made me a little more wary of over using guest talent at the expense of our own performers. * Night one of the Camino De Reyes show saw KC Glenn upset Darryl Devine in a non tournament match. Devine had a tournament by and Glenn wasn't taking part in the tournament due to being unavailable for the Rey de Reyes show itself * Night two of Camino De Reyes saw Ultimate Phoenix retain the Undisputed Championship against KC Glenn, thanks to a distraction from the debuting Malilli Umaga (aka Akima Brave). Umaga then made an instant challenge to Phoenix for the title following his relatively short match with Glenn. Phoenix then said that Umaga could earn a title shot right now if he beats him a non title match. Umaga did beat Phoenix to earn a title shot making an instant impact, Phoenix however would avenge the loss at Rey De Reyes in the return match with the Twin belts on the line. * Darryl Devine became the first man to repeat as Rey de Reyes champion defeating Dean Daniels, stable mate Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Phoenix Negra and surprise finalist Speed Machine in the finals. * Earlier in the show Nicky R!ot helped Darryl Devine to victory over W.O.V Gold leader Da Power. R!ot who had only just joined W.O.V Gold a few months earlier had now jumped over to Devine Right. The reason for this is that we felt W.O.V altogether had run it's course and that R!ot had started to show a sort of mercenary characteristics and someone who would happily switch his allegiance at the drop of a hat. After the match Da Power was a victim of a post match between at the hands of Devine Right, this would see Power disappear from FCW action until the end of the year. * Matt Hocking and Primus answered an open challenge from the Mainstream Nation for the Tag Team titles, though they lost this would see the formation of the 'HockPrime' tag team, though Hocking (a former Devine Right member) would never quite be accepted a fully fledged member of FREEDOM-5. [B]September 2012[/B] * Darryl Devine follows up his Rey De Reyes winner by defeating Ultimate Phoenix for the Undisputed Championship at Anniversario V. * Dean Daniels defeats Malilli Umaga in a disappointing match but is attacked post match by Java. A smirk on Umaga's face during the beat-down suggests that Java is an associate of the Samoan. * Mainstream Nation retain the Tag Team Titles against The Sons of Lucha Libre thanks to inteference from new recruit Spirit. * Amo Del Gato who won a second chance poll, earned his roster spot back in a 4 corner survival that also saw long term jobber Joe Benning eat the pin and lose his job with FCW. * Phoenix Negra defeats KC Glenn in what was sadly for us Glenn's final match in an FCW ring. Due to his work with WLW and the international exposure they had as a promotion, due to them growing to become the biggest promotion in Japan, if not the World, Glenn had out-grown us as a promotion. Annoyingly it also added to the stop-start momentum of FREEDOM-5 , who never seemed to have the full quota of five members available as the name suggested during their run as a stable. * Fox Mask defeated Masked Cougar in the first singles meeting between the two in an FCW ring. The pair weren't on verge of a break up but challenged one another to a match because they felt they were losing the edge, the match however was slight let down and saw me put a halt on any possible plans for a mini series of matches between the Animal Magic pair. [B]October 2012[/B] * Darryl Devine retains the Undisputed Championship in a three way against Ultimate Phoenix and Phoenix Negra. * The Amazing Fire Fly joins the Lucha Equity Alliance [B]November 2012[/B] * Steve Flash returned to FCW, to the shock of Darryl Devine and made a challenge for the Undisputed Championship. The match ended in a no contest leading to a massive brawl between Devine Right and FREEDOM-5. * Dean Daniels continues to feud with Malilli Umaga & Java, unfortunately that feud heads nowhere fast when I discover Umaga and Java have no chemistry what so ever as a pairing. [B]December 2012[/B] * Dean Daniels defeats Darryl Devine but unfortunately only by DQ following blatant inteference from Devine Right, meaning that he does not claim the Undisputed Championship in the main event of the first of two shows for December. The new FCW commisioner Alex Braun then comes out to announce a steelcage warfare match between Devine Right and FREEDOM-5 and if Devine Right lose, Darryl Devine loses the Undisputed Championship. He also announces that whoever makes the winning pin/submission will be guaranteed a shot at the Undisputed Championship to be cashed in anytime over the next year. * Ultimate Phoenix challenges Phoenix Negra to a mask vs mask match to finally put their two year long feud to bed. * The Sons of Lucha Libre are denied Tag Team glory again, as the latest recruit to the Mainstream Nation 'Joseph' (a returning Joe Benning with badly applied eye make up) costs them the chance to become champions for the first time. * My half year long reign as People's Champion is brought to an end by Speed Machine, the former M.C Speed who was probably the most improved performer in FCW during the past year. * Phoenix Negra defeats Ultimate Phoenix in the mask vs mask match in the main event at Batalla Final but bizarrely decides not to de-mask his 'Brother' and long time nemesis. * FREEDOM-5 defeat Devine Right in Steel Cage Warfare, leading to Darryl Devine becoming stripped of the Undisputed Championship with Dean Daniels forcing Jared Johnson to tap out to seal himself a guaranteed title shot for the Undisputed Championship. During the match Da (actually scrub that) Puerto Rican Power made his return to an FCW for the first time in five months as the fifth member of FREEDOM-5, as he returned to his original patriotic babyface ways. * Darryl Devine had actually refused to sign a new contract, saying he had outgrown us, I actually knew this was likely to happen for a few months but decided to go with a slightly different way of him losing the belt, instead of hot-shotting it onto someone else. It also creates a situation where Devine can perhaps return one day to FCW and make a claim for the Twin Belts, stating that he never actually lost the Undisputed Championship. * The Mainstream Nation retained the Tag Team Championship in a 3-way Ladder war against Animal Magic and The Sons of Lucha Libre. It had to be said that the three teams involved in that match had really helped to elevate the Tag Team Championship over the past year. _________________________________________________________ [I]2013 the current year starts on Page 77- to find out how the story continued from Batalla Final 2012, well you're going to have to actually read that :p[/I]
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[quote=Bigpapa42;712396]Snap, you did have me excited there, TK. You had me hoping that things were back on the go... though I very much understand the hiatus. Cool read and can't wait to see the rest. As for me "inspiring" someone... that's just a weird thought to me. Edit - whoa, the rest got up quick. Got some more reading to do![/quote] Well I had been working on this in bits and bobs over the past few weeks, so it was just a case of cutting and pasting. Even though I guess I didn't take a full break from the diary, it's not the same as writing current stuff (which I needed to take a break from) and plus it was fun to look back over the old storylines and feuds from prior years.
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] When FCW started many wrestling fans thought it wouldn't last , but Six years later the Puerto Rican based promotion is still standing, earning a reputation for putting on some of the best in-ring action anywhere across the North American independent wrestling circuit. And once again they'll be marking another year of top quality action with their annual Anniversario show at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan on Tuesday September 17th , where the main event will see Puerto Rican Power put the Undisputed Championship on the line against this years Rey De Reyes winner Mainstream Hernandez. Puerto Rican Power is clearly a hero to the Puerto Rican people once again but he could have his work cut out in keeping the twin belts out of the grasp of the man they love to hate, Mainstream Hernandez. Hernandez has already challenged for the title on two previous occasions this year and though he failed to prize the twin belts from Power's grasp, he did run the patriotic champion close and with the momentum of his victory in the Rey De Reyes tournament, the Mainstream Nation Leader will feel confident that he can go one better. The Brothers Phoenix have looked impressive as Tag Team Champions since they won the belts from the Mainstream Nation but will face perhaps their toughest challenge yet to hold onto the titles when they put them on the line in a Ladder War against former three time champion's Animal Magic and perennial nearly men The Sons of Lucha Libre. Former fan favourites Animal Magic, seem to have discovered a more ruthless edge since joining the Mainstream Nation, whilst the LEA duo of El Mitico Jr and Capitao Brasil Jr will be keen to prove that they have what it takes to finally claim the gold that has so far alluded them. However the defending champions, have the experience to handle the pressure. The People's Championship will also be on the line, in a 'battle of the Machines' as Speed Machine puts the belt he has held for nearly ten months on the line against second generation star Boriken Love Machine Jr. A local favourite Boriken will have the support of the crowd behind him, but with Speed now backed by the returning Carl Batch, the masked mans's task to try and win the belt from the impressive Speed may have become even tougher. The Affliction Trinity and Team FREEDOM, two stables born out of the ashes of Devine Right and FREEDOM-5 will face off against one another in a series of singles matches with Nicky R!ot taking on Primus, Bulldozer Brandon Smith going up against Jared Johnson and Dean Daniels facing off with Charles Rainier. Both factions will be keen to gain the advantage over the other and neither will want to be leaving Anniversario on a back of a whitewash at the hands of their rivals. Rounding out the main show Lucha Equity Alliance leader Angel De Mexico takes on the Mainstream Nation's Soul Krusher, Amazing Fire Fly takes on Quentin Queen in a match up between two of the brightest young talents in FCW and Dance2Win will be keen to avenge an upset loss at the hands of Los Beetoolz from earlier this year. Fans who get to the 'Monty' early will be treated to a Six Man scramble, featuring Team FREEDOM's Matt Hocking, the Mainstream Nation duo of Joe Benning and Spirit, Amo Del Gato, Remmy Honeyman and newcomer Austin Smooth. Here is a full run-down of the card for Anniversario VI [CENTER][B][U]FCW Anniversario VI [/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tuesday 17th September 2013 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Puerto Rican Power[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=black]'Representing The Mainstream Nation'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]2013 Rey De Reyes Winner- [/SIZE] [COLOR=#808000][COLOR=black]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]3-Way Ladder War for the Tag Team Championship:[/B] [/COLOR] The Brothers Phoenix (Ultimate Phoenix & Phoenix Negra) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Animal Magic (Masked Cougar & Fox Mask) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) [B]People's Championship:[/B] 'Representing Batch Enterprise Inc.' 'Speed Machine' Marc Speed vs Boriken Love Machine Jr [COLOR=navy][B]Stable Warfare-Singles Series:[/B] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing The Affliciton Trinity'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Dean Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Charles Rainier[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing The Affliction Triniity'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Jared Johnson[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing The Affliction Trinity'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Nicky R!ot[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Primus [/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing The Lucha Equity Alliance'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Angel De Mexico[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing The Mainstream Nation'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Soul Krusher [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][SIZE=1]'Representing The Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Amazing Fire Fly[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]Quentin Queen[/COLOR] Dance2Win (Bradford Peverall vs Mr Electricity) vs Los Beetoolz (Gringo Starr & Lennon McHarrison) [B][FONT=Courier New]Bonus Pre-Show Match- [/FONT][/B] [B][FONT=Courier New]Six Man Scramble:[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Courier New]Amo Del Gato vs Austin Smooth vs Joseph vs [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Matt Hocking vs Remmy Honeyman vs Spirit[/FONT] ____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][quote] [B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][COLOR=purple]Anniversario VI[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship:[/B] Puerto Rican Power vs Mainstream Hernandez [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]3-Way Ladder War for Tag Team Championship:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]The Brothers Phoenix vs Animal Magic vs The Sons of Lucha Libre [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Speed Machine vs Boriken Love Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Dean Daniels vs Charles Rainier[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Nicky R!ot vs Primus[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico vs Soul Krusher[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Amazing Fire Fly vs Quentin Queen[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Dance2Win vs Los Beetoolz[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Six Man Scramble:[/B] [SIZE=2]Amo Del Gato vs Austin Smooth vs Joseph vs Matt Hocking vs Remmy Honeyman vs Spirit[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/quote][/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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Sweet hot damn, we're back!!! [U][B]Anniversario VI[/B][/U] Undisputed Championship:[B] Puerto Rican Power [/B]vs Mainstream Hernandez [I]Tough call. I could see this one going either way.[/I] 3-Way Ladder War for Tag Team Championship: [B]The Brothers Phoenix[/B] vs Animal Magic vs The Sons of Lucha Libre People's Championship: [B]Speed Machine [/B]vs Boriken Love Machine Dean Daniels vs [B]Charles Rainier[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Jared Johnson [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Primus Angel De Mexico vs [B]Soul Krusher[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs Quentin Queen Dance2Win vs [B]Los Beetoolz[/B] Six Man Scramble: [B]Amo Del Gato [/B]vs Austin Smooth vs Joseph vs Matt Hocking vs Remmy Honeyman vs Spirit
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[COLOR=Black][U]Anniversario VI[/U] Undisputed Championship: Puerto Rican Power vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B] 3-Way Ladder War for Tag Team Championship: [B]The Brothers Phoenix[/B] vs Animal Magic vs The Sons of Lucha Libre People's Championship: [B]Speed Machine[/B] vs Boriken Love Machine [B]Dean Daniels[/B] vs Charles Rainier [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Jared Johnson Nicky R!ot vs[B] Primus[/B] [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Soul Krusher [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs Quentin Queen [B]Dance2Win[/B] vs Los Beetoolz Six Man Scramble: [SIZE=2]Amo Del Gato vs [B]Austin Smooth[/B] vs Joseph vs Matt Hocking vs Remmy Honeyman vs Spirit[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Undisputed Championship: [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez 3-Way Ladder War for Tag Team Championship: [B]The Brothers Phoenix[/B] vs Animal Magic vs The Sons of Lucha Libre People's Championship: [B]Speed Machine[/B] vs Boriken Love Machine [B]Dean Daniels [/B]vs Charles Rainier Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] Nicky R!ot vs [B]Primus[/B] Angel De Mexico vs [B]Soul Krusher[/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly[/B] vs Quentin Queen [B]Dance2Win[/B] vs Los Beetoolz Six Man Scramble: [B]Amo Del Gato[/B] vs Austin Smooth vs Joseph vs Matt Hocking vs Remmy Honeyman vs Spirit
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