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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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Back to reading again. I was really pumped to see the alignment shift for Bradford and Singh but then they've fallen into the same song and dance, losing but with a different path on it. Glad to see Sons of LL with the titles, they've really put on some strong matches recently. I'm hoping Alex Braun entering the ring isn't a singular affair. It'd be neat to have him wrestle back for his power. Finally, where's da low level title at :D
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[quote=praguepride;736676]Back to reading again. I was really pumped to see the alignment shift for Bradford and Singh but then they've fallen into the same song and dance, losing but with a different path on it. Glad to see Sons of LL with the titles, they've really put on some strong matches recently. I'm hoping Alex Braun entering the ring isn't a singular affair. It'd be neat to have him wrestle back for his power. Finally, where's da low level title at :D[/quote] Right now No!Dance2Win are feuding with fellow lower midcard team 'HockPrime' they have at least moved on from being upset by Los Beetoolz. With the Tag Division in a sense of transition once again, one of or even both of these teams may well be moving up. You will have to wait and see with Braun, who is still on the FCW books, despite being removed from position of power. His wrestling skills are still at a decent level, but with D stamina he can't really go any more than about ten minutes tops. I know you're begging for a low level title to be introduced but it won't be happening anytime soon, if ever because this diary will be brought to an end when TEW2010 comes out and I'll be moving on to another project. I can see the advantage of a low level belt, as it gives the lower end of the roster something meaningful to fight over. Then again I'm a believer in titles actually meaning something and I think for a Regional sized fed a third singles belt would be too much. I know I did have three singles belts earlier in the diary, but two of those were part of an angle, where the original main event championship was ruined by the actions of then title holder.
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Fair enough. I just wanted to see a "Rice & Beans Championship" title :D One thing that you "could" build up is a "Shooting Star" style title. Where the winner is earkmarked as destined for greater things. So maybe the title in and of itself doesn't mean much because it's a bunch of low-end jobbers fighting it out, but maybe it also means that "hey, this guy might be a jobber now but check back in a year" It might be worthwhile to have it as a tournament style similar to the MAW Rip Chord Invitational. I know you have the Reye de Reyes but that's again at the top end, where the winner is marked for the Unified's. This would typically be a "Hardcore" belt but perhaps with the sheer amount of luchadores (or luchadore inspired :)) workers on the low-end, have a "luchadore" style title that's defend 2/3 falls etc. etc.
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[B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Ok quick note with where the diary is at, I've been working on the year end gameworld review, which obviously takes a bit of time to collate. I'm hoping to get the first part up tomorrow and the whole of it up by the weekend. Ultimately I'm hoping to get cracking on with what's in store for FCW in 2014, by the end of next week. And oh yeah the re-name 'HockPrime' competition is still open for anyone that is interested, which given the response so far no one could really give two hoots about (one measly entry so far !) :p
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[CENTER][B][U]Wrestling World Overview- Part One[/U] [/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=red][U]21st [COLOR=navy]Century [/COLOR]Wrestling[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jeff Nova / He[B]ad Booker[/B]: Pitbull Brown [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 6,468,788 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D Importance in South UK, Central and Mediterranean Europe, D- in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, E+ in rest of UK, F- rest of the World [B]Current Champions:[/B] World- Shane Hannigans (since December 2013), United Kingdom - Daniel Black Francis (since October 2013), UK Tag Team- 'The Buccaneers' Louis Figo Manico & Jay B (since April 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Hugh De Aske (25), Joss Thompson (32), Shane Hannigans (37), Stevie Stoat (37) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV Show + Monthly Supercard) C: 8 (13%), C-: 10 (17 %), D+: 19 (32 %), D : 9 (15 %), D-: 10 (17%), E+: 4 (7%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C, D+, C, C, D+ [B]Television:[/B] 21CW- Best of British Wrestling- One Hour late night Mondays on Euro Cable Sports 4. Coverage in UK and Europe, ratings currently around 0.04. 11 Episodes left on the contract. [B]Summary:[/B] 21CW's situation hasn't really changed all that much from last year, as in they're not going to go out of business anytime soon but any idea's Jeff Nova had in turning 21CW into the undisputed number one promotion in the UK appear to be a pipe dream, especially as much of the roster have also returned to working for ROF and MOSC in recent years. If anything 21CW's focus has now seemed to have turned to becoming the promotion to watch on the European mainland, with tours of Europe now seeming to take priority over shows in the UK (apart from 21CW base of the Southern UK region). Even though in general the quality of the shows was pretty much the same of last year, they are currently in a strong vein of form (by their standards) with Hugh De Aske putting in particularly strong performances and one has to wonder why they put the World belt back on the solid but hardly spectacular Shane Hannigans instead of De Aske who has been the promotions MVP throughout the year. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [U][B][COLOR=indigo][COLOR=olive]5 Star[/COLOR] Supreme Wrestling[/COLOR][/B][/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Sakukaro Kagawa / [B]Head Booker:[/B] Kuniyoshi Chishu [B]Prestige:[/B] B[I] /[/I] [B]Money:[/B] $ 24,997,580 [B]Size:[/B] Cult B- in Kinki and Kanto, C+ in Chubu, Hokkaido and Kyushu, C in Chugoku, C- in Tohoku Shikoku, E/E- Rest of the World. [B]Current Champions:[/B] World- Fuyoku Higa (since December 2013), All Asian- Saori Nakadan (since December 2013), Tag Team- 'The Loners' Jana Marie Bowen & Eri Sato (since December 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Alicia Strong (27), Amber Allen (26), Fuyuko Higa (23), Joanne Rodriguez (34), Megumi Nakajima (26), Raku Makuda (33) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 78 Shows (Touring Schedule: 6 months on, 6 months off- 3 shows a week + 6 Supercards ) A: 1 (1%), B+: 15 (19 %), B: 25 (32 %), B-: 30 (38 %), C+: 7 (9%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B, B-, B+, B+, B- 5SSW the world's leading All Women's promotion rose to National Size at the beginning of last year but couldn't sustain being at that level and by May they had dropped to Cult Size. Well they're back to where they were at the beginning of last year, with them on the cusp of rising up to National Size. Question is will they be able to sustain it this time, especially as Japan already has four other promotions at National or above and with their niche market they may struggle to establish themselves as a National sized promotion, on the other hand that might work in the favour as they obviously present something very different to the other promotions. WLW are the undisputed top promotion in Japan right now but the likes of BHOTWG, GCG and PGHW may be looking over their shoulders if 5SSW's all female product really begins to catch on with more than their core audience. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][COLOR=purple][U]Angel Athletic Association[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Anne Stardust/ [B]Booker:[/B] Catherine Quine [B]Prestige:[/B] E-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,785,940 [B]Size:[/B] Cult D in North West and Mid West, F+ in South West, Mid West, Prairies and British Columbia, F- Everywhere Else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Femme Fatale- Joanne Rodriguez (since January 2013), Top Contenders- Devil's Daughter (since June 2013)Tag Team - 'The Lost Souls' Alison Capone & Jana Marie Bowen (since February 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Devils Daughter (31), Joanne Rodriguez (34), Stephanie Wade (33), Vampella (32), Vixxen (41) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C+: 3 (25 %), C: 7 (58 %), C-: 1 (8%), D: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C, D, C, C+, C+ [B]Summary:[/B] AAA plan over the past few years to run a proportion of their shows in the neigbouring Mid West Region seems to have paid off and saw them rise in status to Cult Size by end of the year and their generally conservative approach has seen them build a solid financial foundation that should see them in good steed to ride out the expected financial storm that many a promotion goes through when making the step up from being a Regional promotion. That cautious approach though is also unlikely to see them make much growth beyond being a cult promotion but to AAA's advantage they are heading up a niche market in North America, so the likelyhood of them losing their top workers is fairly slim. NOTBPW does have it's women's division, with those workers tied down to exclusive contracts but that only has so many slots and 5SSW could well rise back to National in Japan but AAA have an agreement in place with their Japanese cousins to prevent the likes of current champion Joanne Rodriguez opting to sign a exclusive deal out in the orient. _______________________________________________________ [B][COLOR=magenta][U]Babes of Sin City[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Honey Golightly/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Marilyn Stardust [B]Prestige[/B]: E/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,078,966 [B]Size:[/B] Regional E+ in South West, F- everywhere else [B]Current Champions:[/B] Queen of the Ring - Raven Nightfall (since May 2013), Girl Power Tag Team- 'Mega Women' Charlize Angelle and Brooke Tyler (since October 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Lauren Easter (26), Raven Nightfall (37), Stephanie Wade (33), Vampella (32). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) D: 4 (33 %), D: 4 (33 %), D-: 4 (33 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] D+, D+, D, D-, D+ [B]Summary:[/B] Babes of Sin City have to their credit managed to turn themselves into a respectable Regional fed during the past seven years they have been in business. What they other is still very much a niche product and you're just as likely to see a stripping contest than a wrestling match but the wrestling has actually come on, which may well be due to the fact that they do actually have some women that can actually wrestle these days. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=sienna]Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Kaneie Komine/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Haruki Kudo [B]Prestige:[/B] A/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 81,397,043 [B]Size:[/B] National B in Kanto, B- in Kinki and Hokkaido, C+ in Chubu, Chugoku and Kyushu, C in Shikoku & Tohoku. Mostly E's everywhere peaking at E+ in Tri-State (USA) and lowest in Central Australia (F+). [B]Current Champions:[/B] World Championship- Yasunobu Masuno (since October 2013), Junior Championship- Insane Machine(since November 2013), World Tag Team - 'Raging Bulls' Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda (since March 2013), BHOTWG Televison - Everest (since October 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers[/B]: Eisaku Hoshino (39), Hiroaki Nakasawa (36), Miyamae (42), Samoan Machine (33), Seji Jimbo (25), Shimedzu (43), Yasanobu Masuno (31) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 63 Shows (Touring Schedule: 7 months on, 5 months off- 2 shows a week + 7 Supercards ) A*: 1 (2%), A: 9 (14%), B+: 21 (33%), B: 19 (30%), B-: 12 (19 %), C+: 1 (2%) Current Form (last 5 shows): B-, A, B-, B, B+ [B]Television:[/B] BHOTWG Lords of the Ring- 90 Minute Tour Highlights Package Monday Evenings on Japanese Sports Vision. Coverage across Japan. Current show ratings around 2.30. 25 episodes left on contract. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown across the whole of Japan via Emperor Choice. Biggest Buy Rate: 2.06 (Night of the Burning Hammer- March), Last Buy Rate: 1.78 [B]Summary:[/B] A year of consolidation for a promotion that could at one point call itself the Undisputed Number One promotion in Japan, that hasn't been the case since they were challenged for that slot by PGHW since the early 2000's. Since then both promotions have been surpassed by the rapidly rising WLW and a resurgent GCG and find themselves in a battle to be the number 3 promotion in Japan (something wrestling fans probably would have laughed at if you said this would become the status quo in Japan a decade ago). Luckily for BHOTWG and PGHW, the Japanese wrestling market (especially with it's touring schedules) appears to be able to support three, even four National sized promotions otherwise the likes of BHOTWG could have been plunged into the sort of legitimite crisis GCG found themselves in before they turned things round. The Burning World Championship changed hands three times over the past year, which seems to suggest that those in charge at the Tokyo based promotion, appear to lack faith in someone being able to carry the promotion since the retirement of Haruki 'Hooded' Kudo. _______________________________________________________ [B][U][COLOR=red]Canadian [COLOR=olive]Golden [/COLOR]Combat[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Alex DeColt/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Phil Vibert [B]Prestige:[/B] B-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 11,751,237 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C in Ontario, Quebec, Tri-State and Mid South, C- in British Columbia and rest of Mainland USA, D+ in Prairies, D in Puerto Rico, D- in Maritimes, F+ in Hawaii and Mexico, F- Rest of the World [B]Current Champions:[/B] World- Zeus Maximillion (since November 2013), Canadian- Jared Johnson (since November 2013), Tag Team- 'Risk and Reward' Damian Carvill & Mick Muscles (since February 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Alex DeColt (39), Dan DaLay (38), Destiny (43), Lee Rivera (33), Robbie Retro (27), Zeus Maximillion (36) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV Show + Monthly Supercard) B: 4 (7%), B-: 8 (13 %), C+ :14 (23 %), C: 21 (35%), C-: 5 (8%), D+: 6 (10 %), D: 2 (3%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C+, C, C, C+ [B]Television:[/B] CGC Title Bout Wrestling- 1 Hour Saturdays Late Evening on the Pop ! Network. Coverage across the whole of Canada, mainland U.S and Puerto Rico. Current show ratings around 1.45. 32 episodes left on contract. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown in Canada on Canada 1-Choice. Biggest Buy Rate: 0.33(DeColt Wrestle Festival- Day 2: April), Last Buy Rate: 0.28. [B]Summary:[/B] Just like last year CGC are probably spreading themselves too thin, as they try to establish themselves in the U.S aswell as their native Canada. What it has resulted in is a situation where they have established a fairly notable prescence in the U.S but at the detriment of maintaining their fanbase in their homeland. It seems as though CGC felt the need to compete with their now global sized rivals in NOTBPW by also targetting other markets but in doing so have probably done themsleves more harm than good, had they concentrated on their home market, there is no reason as to why they could not have been a National sized promotion by now, something that would give them the the bargaining power to tie down talent to written contracts. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][COLOR=darkred][U][COLOR=olive]Canadian [/COLOR]Womens [COLOR=olive]Wrestling[/COLOR] Federation[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Tamara McFly/[B] Head Booker:[/B] The Guru [B]Prestige:[/B] D/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 749,706 [B]Size:[/B] Regional E+ in Quebec, E in Ontario, F- everywhere else [B]Current Champions:[/B] Universal- Lauren Easter (since September 2013), Continental - Stephanie Wade (since November 2013), Tag Team- 'The Marvelous Ones' Eve Grunge & Missy Masterson (since April 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Joanne Rodriguez (34), Katherine Goodlooks (29), Lauren Easter (26), Tamara McFly (34). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B:1 ( 8%) B-: 1 (8 %), C+:5 (42 %), C: 4 (33%), D-: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B, C+, C+, C, C [B]Summary:[/B] The past year saw Tamara McFly's pet project consolidate it's position as a Regional sized promotion, as they head into the new year with a new Universal Champion with Lauren Easter ending McFly's two year long reign with the belt in September. The quality of their shows can be a little bit inconistent, on their capable of producing a great show, that is the equal of if not better than AAA but then equally also capable of putting a show that BSC would struggle to be proud of. [CENTER]_______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=royalblue]Coastal [COLOR=navy]Zone [/COLOR]Championship [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner/Head Booker[/B]: Cliff Anderson [B]Prestige:[/B] E/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 4,401,748 [B]Size:[/B] Regional C- in South West, E in North West, Mid South, North/West/Central Mexico, E- in Hawaiii, F- Everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Coastal Zone Championship: Ultimate Phoenix (since June 2013), Xtreme- Fox Mask (since July 2012), Tag Team- 'Overkill' Fox Mask & Mick Muscles (since October 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Andre Jones (28), 'Dark Star' Erik Strong (28), Mick Muscles (38), Ultimate Phoenix (37). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B: 3 (25 %), B-: 3 (25%), C+: 4 (33 %), C: 1 (8%), C-:1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, B-, C+, C-, B. [B]Summary:[/B] Last year it looked like CZCW may be ready to step things up and fnally start expanding beyond it's niche as a well respected Regional Indy, that only fans in the area and some tape trading 'smarks' know anything about. Well it might be to do with the fact that the current financial climate isn't particularly conducive to expansion or might be down to the fact that Cliff Anderson clearly likes looking at a big bank balance (actually who doesn't, but the point is CZCW have enough in the bank to be a little more ambitious than they have been). Yeah they can still produce great shows but they've practically been preaching to the converted for the past ten years and it's this perceived lack of ambition that has seen them lose the likes of Ernest Youngman and KC Glenn, both of whom were thought to be ushering in a brave new era for CZCW. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=blue]European Wrestling [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]All Stars[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner/Head Booker:[/B] Byron [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ / [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,163,523 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in Central Europe, F+ in Scandinavia & Mediterranean, F- everywhere else Current Champions: Universal- Doctor Insane (since August 2012), European - White Knight (since April 2013), Tag Team- 'Joint Chiefs' Scheming Behemoth & Jake Panic (since September 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Bam Bam Johansson (29), Byron (37), Doctor Insane (46). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) D: 2 (17%), D-: 10 (83%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] D-, D-, D-, D-, D- [B]Summary:[/B] Doctor Insane held their main title for the entire year, that's all that really needs to be said. Impressive bank balance, but I'm sure 'fans' who turn up to their shows will probably end the night feeling as though they had been a little ripped off. It's pretty clear that Byron has run out of idea's as a booker and one has to wonder if the whole thing is just a ruse to line his own pockets, especially as he also competes for the 'rival' UEW on a regular basis. He'll tell you that's someone who just looks like him that goes by the name of Jay Heartbreak. [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=red]Exodus [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]2010[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner[/B]: Diamond Furusawa, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Tasuku Shinozuka. [B]Prestige[/B]: C-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,064,751 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C- in Kanto & Kinki, D+ in Chubu, Chugoku, Kyushu & Hokkaido, D in Tohoku & Shikoku, E- in Tri-State, US, mostly F+ in rest of World. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Golden Crown- Mitsunari Fuganaga (since September 2013), Silver Crown- JOJI (since November 2013), Double Crown- 'The Pencil Pushers' Shirai Yanagawa & Tasuku Shinozuka.(since November 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Edo Phoenix IV (22), Ketsueiki Karasu (34),Mitsunari Fuganaga (34), Stealth Z (22) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 70 Shows (Touring Schedule: 8 months on, 4 months off- 2 shows a week + 8 Supercards ) C+: 5 (7%), C: 30 (43%), C-: 24 (34 %), D+: 11(16%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C-, C, C, C [B]Television[/B]: Ex2010 In Your Face One Hour Tour Highlights Package Tuesdays Late Night on All Japan TV. Coverage across Japan. Current show ratings around 0.10. 23 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary:[/B] Many amongst the wrestling community were fearing for Exodus 2010 existence as they headed into the new year, feeling that perhaps they had the jump up to Cult Size too soon, especially with the collapse of both 4C and APW over the past few years. But it appears as though Exodus 2010 have managed to the balance act of turning themselves in a profitable organisation, whilst also being able to put on shows of a reasonable enough quality to maintain their steady growth. They won't be challenging the 'Big 4' out in Japan anytime soon but they do looke to have established themselves as a viable alternative source of employment out in Japan, especially for young up and coming talent. [quote=FINisher; 1102] With only ~500,000, no PPV coverage, two shows a week and with only D+ being the highest popularity, EXODUS will go to bankrupt this year. [/quote]
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[B][U][COLOR=olive]Golden [COLOR=black]Canvas [/COLOR]Grappling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Hanshiro Furusawa/[B] Head Booker:[/B] Yoshifusa Maeda [B]Prestige:[/B] A/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 39,602,653 [B]Size:[/B] National B+ in Kanto, B in Kinki, B- in Chubu, Chugoku, Hokkaido & Kyushu, C in Shikoku & Tohoku. Mostly E's everywhere peaking at E+ in Hawaii and lowest in Central Australia (F+). [B]Current Champions[/B]: World Heavyweight Championship- Matthew Keith (since October 2013), World Heavyweight Tag Team- Takayuki 2000 & Masataro Kataoka(since June 2013), Openweight Championship- Jay Chord (since December 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Barry Griffin (39), Hiroyasu Gakusha (34), Jack Marlowe (38), Jimmy Cox (41), KC Glenn (22), Marat Khoklov (38), Matthew Keith (24) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 70 Shows (Touring Schedule: 8 months on, 4 months off- 2 shows a week + 8 Supercards ) A*: 1 (1 %), A: 15 (21 %), B+: 34 (48%), B: 15 (21%), B-: 5 (7%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B+, A, A, B+, B+ [B]Television:[/B] GCG Stars of the Golden Canvas - One Hour Tour Higlights Package Thursday Late Evenings on Japanese Sports Vision 2. Coverage across Japan. Current show ratings around 2.30. 17 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary:[/B] There is little doubt that GCG have made a miraculous turn around in the last couple of years, to the point that many feel they are now the number 2 promotion in Japan above the likes of BHOTWG and PGHW, what does seem a little bizarre however that despite this success they still haven't managed to ink up a deal to get their supershows onto PPV. Perhaps GCG feel that the PPV market is already saturated and instead wish to rely on the old fashioned way of bringing in fans through live gates. Once again the Gaijin contingent dominated the main event scene, including a somewhat surprising World Title reign for non regular Merle O'Curle (between May and October). The Irish man who is an 'icon' for his home promotion of ROF has impressed on previous tours but reign with the GCG World Heavyweight Championship was something no one would have expected. [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=sienna]Hinote Dojo[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Stunner Okazawaya/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Masami Aizawa [B]Prestige[/B]: D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,173,256 [B]Size:[/B] Regional C in Kinki, F+ in rest of Japan & Hawaii , F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champion[/B]: Triple Crown- Kazuma Narato (since September 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Kazuma Narato (35), Munemitsu Senmatsu (28), Strong Style Yoemon (42) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B-:4 (33%), C+: 7 (58 %), C: 1 (8 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, B-, B-, C+, C+ [B]Summary:[/B] Same old, same old in Hinote Dojo....Kazuma Narato is still the champ, they still don't have Tag Team Titles (despite having Tag matches on their shows) and they still aren't exactly carrying out their obligation as a feeder promotion to BHOTWG. [CENTER]_____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkred]INSPIRE [COLOR=black]Diversity[/COLOR] Group[/COLOR][COLOR=black] International[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Tadiyuki Kikkawa/ Head Booker: Tasuku Iesada [B]Prestige: [/B]B/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 29,742,141 [B]Size:[/B] Cult B- in Kanto, C+ in Kinki, C in Chubu, Chugoku, Hokkaido & Kyushu, C- in Shikoku & Tohoku. Mostly E's everywhere peaking at E+ in Hawaii and lowest in Central Australia (F+). [B]Current Champion:[/B] King of Fighters- Nigel Svensson (since October 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith (30), Masaaki Okazaki (43), Nigel Svensson (25), Tadiyuki Kikkawa (41), Tasuku Iesada (40) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 40 Shows (Touring Schedule: 8 months on, 4 months off- 1 show a week + 8 Supercards ) B+: 3 (8%), B: 7 (17.5 %), B-: 55 (50 %), C+: 7 (17.5 %), C: 1 (2.5 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B-, B, B, B+, B- [B]Television:[/B] INSPIRE Warfare - One Hour Tour Higlights Package Friday Late Evenings on Japanese Sports Vision 2. Coverage across Japan. Current show ratings around 1.45. 22 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary:[/B] INSPIRE have established themselves in the Japanese wrestling market since it was formed, offering up a niche product that offers up something a little different from the standardised Puro to be found amongst the likes of BHOTWG and PGHW, but when former Burning World Champion Tadiyukki Kikkawa formed the break away group in 2006, he must have had his sights set on not only competing with his former employers but also being ahead of them and that simply hasn't been the case and though they have become a profitable organisation, many see INSPIRE as something of a failure. The surprising King of Fighters Title reigns for Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Nigel Svensson did cause something of a stir and did freshen up a somewhat stale main event scene. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=navy]Men [COLOR=red]of Steel[/COLOR] Combat[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner/ Head Booker:[/B] Greg 'The Highland Warrior' McPeterson [B]Prestige[/B]: D-/[B] Money:[/B] $ 1,446,551 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- In North, E+ in Scotland, F+ in rest of UK, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] UK Championship: Hugh De Aske (since May 2013),Blood & Beer- Harley Neill (since October 2012), UK Tag Team- 'The Suicide Solution' Jeffrey McPeteson & Kevin Jones (since January 2011). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Danny Patterson (38), Hugh De Aske (25), Joss Thompson (32). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B-: 2 (17%), C+: 4 (33 %), C: 5 (42%), C-: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C+, B-, B-, C. [B]Summary:[/B] MOSC followed up a solid 2012, with an equally solid 2013 putting on shows the quality of which should really be beyond a promotion that uses a relatively small roster. However what they do, is use their resources well, something highlighted by having Hugh De Aske (who is probably the leading worker on the UK wrestling scene right now) as their Champion and carrying the main event scene. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=red][COLOR=darkgreen]Mexican[/COLOR] Hardcore [/COLOR][COLOR=darkgreen]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Don 'Coyote Dynamite' Richards/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Carlos Moreno [B]Prestige:[/B] B-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 3,877,756 [B]Size:[/B] Cult B- in Northern Mexico, C- in South Eastern Mexico, D in West Central Mexico, E in Mainland US, E- in Hawaii & Puerto Rico, F- Rest of the World [B]Current Champions:[/B] Campeon del Mundo- Marcos Flores (since October 2012), Nacional- El Mitico Jr (since November 2013), Campeones de Parejas- Gino Montero & Amazing Fire Fly (since August 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] El Demonio (39), El Leon (31), Electrico (38), Marcos Flores (38), Pablo Rodriguez (35) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 60 Shows (Weekly TV show + monthly super-show) A: 14 (23 %), B+: 22 (37%), B: 13 (22 %), B-: 9 (15 %), C+: 1 (2 %), C: 1 (2%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] A, A, A, B+, A [B]Television:[/B] MHW Tiro Abajo- 1 Hour Sundays Late Night on El Canal del Hombre Dos. Coverage across Mexico. Current show ratings around 0.10. 31 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary[/B]: It has to be said that at this moment in time, the best wrestling in Mexico can be found in the up-start MHW, who have consistently put on high quality shows throughout the year. That being said the old guard in Mexico, have done just enough to stay ahead of MHW to still be considered as 'bigger' promotions. However if MHW continue to offer up a quality product, wrestling fans in Mexico will soon catch on that they're not the little up-start alternative but the must see promotion on the Lucha Libre scene. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Mexican [COLOR=red]Premier [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]Wrestling[/COLOR] Federation[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner/Booker:[/B] Domino [B]Prestige:[/B] B-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 4,835,002 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C in Northern Mexico, C- in South Eastern, West Central and South West USA, E in Mainland USA, E- in Hawaii & Puerto Rico, F- Rest of the World [B]Current Champions[/B]: Campeon de Herencia de Mundo- Genio Verde (since June 2013), Campeon de Lucha- Hysteria (since June 2013), Campeones de Parejas- 'X-Rated' El Hispado Roja & El Mitico Jr (since November 2012), Campeones de Trios- Inca Jr, La Criatura de la Navidad & Ultra Spark Jr (since September 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Angel De Mexico (31), Blood Raven (32), El Mitico Jr (22), Electrico (38), Genio Verde (39) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV show + monthly super-show) B+: 1 (2 %), B: 10 (17 %), B-: 26 (43 %), C+: 14 (23 %), C: 6 (10 %), C-: 3 (5 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B-, B-, B-, B-, B- [B]Television:[/B] MPWF Lucha Total- 1 Hour Wednesdays Early Evening on Los Deportes Hoy. Coverage across Mexico and in South West USA. Current show ratings around 0.30. 22 episodes left on contract [B]Summary:[/B] Out of the three older promotions in Mexico, MPWF are probably in the most danger of being caught by/overtaken by MHW, it's not as though MPWF are offering up a particularly bad product, it's just that what is on offer amongst the rest of the Lucha Libre promotions is consistently better than what MPWF are putting on and if they want to not only stay ahead of MHW but also aim to become Mexico's top promotion once again they will have to step their game up. [B][U]Mid [COLOR=blue]Atlantic [/COLOR]Wrestling[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jay Chord/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Farrah Hesketh [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,980,781 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D in Mid Atlantic, F+ in Great Lakes & South East, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions[/B]: Mid Atlantic Championship- JD Morgan (since June 2013), Mid Atlantic Tag Team - Nicky Champion & Warlord Power (since September 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Avalanche (38), Jay Chord (23), JD Morgan (45), Shady K (31) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B-: 3 (25 %), C+: 6 (50 %), C: 2 (17 %), C-: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B-, C+, C+, B-, C+ [B]Summary:[/B] After the upheaval of last year with Jay Chord taking the reigns of MAW over from his late father Rip, things settled down this year for MAW. The Virginia based promotion put on solid shows throughout the year, without ever looking like they were going to grow from the position they are currently in, but given the current financial climate that's no real surprise. Some may have been surprised to see Jay Chord not become Mid Atlantic Champion, especially when Johnny Martin headed for one last big pay day at the SWF but it's clear Chord Jr does not want his MAW to appeaer to be a vanity project * [I]* Apparently this dude running MAW is Jay Chord, surely this must be some imposter, because according to some guy called James Casey I always thought Jay Chord was some selfish twerp with a humungous 'Me ! Me ! Me !' complex.[/I] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=navy]New [COLOR=royalblue]York[/COLOR] City W[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]restling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Derek 'The Stomper' Bradford/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Black Hat Bailey [B]Prestige[/B]: D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,921,021 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D+ in Tri State, F+ in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, New England, Quebec & Ontario, F in Maritimes, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Empire- Edd Stone (since November 2013), Tag Team- 'Sweet Pain' Lee Rivera & Casey Valentine (since December 2013), Tri State Regional- The Silencer (since December 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Andre Jones (28), Billy Russell (39) Edd Stone (27), Shady K (31) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C: 5 (42 %), C-: 7 (58 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C-, C, C-, C-, C [B]Summary:[/B] If there is one thing NYCW has been this year, that's consistent, consistently mediocre that is, but that comes as no surprise when their main champion for most of the year was someone who just doesn't have it to carry a promotion of any notable size and fans were relieved to see anyone (that anyone turned out to be Edd Stone) end what had become a tedious Empire Title reign for Andre Jones that looked to be heading for a second year. Jones got plenty of heat during his title reign but those running the show at the old school promotion clearly failed to see that heat wasn't heel heat, it was Enygma (go away) heat. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkred]North of the Border Pro Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jeremy Stone / [B]Head Booker[/B]: Eric Tyler [B]Prestige:[/B] A*/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 6,487,581 [B]Size:[/B] Global B in Ontario, Quebec and Tri State, B- in British Columbia, Mid South, Mid West, New England, South East and Northern Mexico, C+ in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, The Prairies, North West, South West, Rest of Mexico, C in Puerto Rico, D+ in Maritimes, D in Hawaii, F+ Rest of the World Current Champions: Canadian- Philip Roberts (since December 2013),Tag Team- R.K Hayes & Dark Angel (since May 2013), Womens- Jaime Quine (since October 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Bobby Thomas (37), Bruce The Giant (42), Dallas McWade (42), Dan Stone Jr (41), Jack DeColt (36), Jeremy Stone (46), John Maverick (37), Philip Roberts (45) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 68 Shows (Weekly TV Show + 12 Monthly Supershows- First 2 months of the year they also ran an extra TV show but contract was renewed for second TV show) A* : 3 (4%), A: 15 (22 %), B+: 17 (25 %), B: 14 (20.5 %), B-: 15 (22 %), C+: 4 (6 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] A, B+, B+, B, B [B]Television:[/B] NOTBPW Wrestling Tonight- 2 Hours. Mondays Prime Time on El Canal Del Hombre (Coverage in Mexico)...ratings around 0.30. Tuesdays Late Evenings on America Sports 1 (coverage in USA except Hawaii), rating around 2.35. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown in Canada on Canada 1-Choice and in Mexico on Demand- TV Mexico. Biggest Buy Rate: 3.11 (Winter War, December), Last Buy Rate: 3.11 [B]Summary:[/B] Despite losing one of their TV Shows this year NOTBPW still managed to retain their 'Global' sized status. There is still feel a feeling that things could go south for NOTBPW when the old guard retire and it's still a case that the veterans enjoy a much stronger push than the undercard 35 bridgade and something that could help bridge the gap between the midcard and main event for the younger talent in NOTBPW could be a return of a midcard title, but that does not look to be on the cards with the promotions philosophy clearly being that only the promotions 'best' deserves to hold gold. It was Jack DeColt who held the NOTBPW Canadian Championship for much of the year, before 45 year old Philip Roberts ended the former CGC stars reign towards the end of the year. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [COLOR=olive][B][U]Original [COLOR=darkgreen]Lucha [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Libre In[/COLOR] Extreme[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B]Owner:[/B] Joaquin Soler/ [B]Head Booker[/B]: Phoenix I [B]Prestige:[/B] B/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,557,500 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C in Mexico, C- in South -West, E in rest of mainland U.S, E- in Puerto Rico and Hawaii, F- Everywhere else. [B]Current Champions[/B]: Campeon de Universal- Ultimate Phoenix (since July 2013), Campeones de Trios- Phoenix I, Gino Montero & El Heroe Mexicano (since April 2012), Campeones de Parejas - 'Counterpunch' Luis Montero Jr & Hijo Del Mephisto (since July 2013), Campeon de Mexico- Apprentica Jr (since November 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Championa Jr (37), El Leon (31), Gino Montero (24), Mayan Idol (41), Ultimate Phoenix (37). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV show + monthly super-show) B+: 6 (10 %), B: 16 (27 %), B-: 14 (23 %), C+: 10 (17 %), C: 8 (13%), C-: 3 (6 %), D+: 3 (5 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C-B-, B-, B, B- [B]Television:[/B] OLLIE Guerreros del Anillo - 1 Hour Saturdays Early Evening on Los Deportes Hoy. Coverage across Mexico and in South West USA. Current show ratings around 0.30. 20 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary:[/B] The World's Oldest promotion find themselves firmly in the position of being Mexico's Number 2, consistently putting on shows that consistently better old rivals MPWF but not quite good enough to once again challenge SOTBPW for the top spot, of course that could all change if MHW continue to put on quality shows and surge in popularity.
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[B][U]Pittsburgh [COLOR=dimgray]Steel [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Mitch Naess/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Alex Braun [B]Prestige:[/B] D- / [B]Money:[/B] $ 1,315,427 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in Tri State, F+ New England, Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, Ontario and Quebec. F- Everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] PSW Championship- JD Morgan (since May 2013), PSW National- California Love Machine (since May 2013), Tag Team - 'Roundhouse Puppy Kickers' Greg Rayne & Matt Sparrow (since December 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers[/B]: J D Morgan (45), Jim Force (39), Knuckles (31) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C+: 1 (8%), C: 1 (8%), C-: 8 (67%), D+: 2 (17%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C-, D+, C-, C-, C- [B]Summary:[/B] The PSW Championship reigns of former DaVE mainstay's Johnny Martin and JD Morgan were key in helping PSW to consistently put on their best shows since they came into existance. The undercard is still lacking with wrestlers who are lacking in talent or popularity and sometimes both but J.D Morgan in particular has done a great job of getting their uppercard up to respectability. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=teal]Pride [COLOR=royalblue]Glory [/COLOR]Honor [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner[/B]: Sadaharu Jimbo/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Nobuatsu Tatsuko [B]Prestige:[/B] A/ [B]Money[/B]: $ 61, 248,318 [B]Size:[/B] National B in Kanto, B- in Kinki & Hokkaido, C+ in Chubu, Chugoku & Kyushu, C in Shikoku & Tohoku. Mostly E's everywhere peaking at E+ in Hawaii and lowest in Central Australia (F+). [B]Current Champions:[/B] Glory Crown- Eisaku Kunomasu (since December 2013), Glory Tag Crown- Kozue Kawashima & Shuji Inukai (since July 2013), Historical Japan- Akinori Kwakami (since November 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Eisanaku Kunomasu (43), Mito Miwa (40), Nobuatsu Tatsuko (43), PRIDE Koiso (37), Yoshimi Mushashibo (38) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 63 Shows (Touring Schedule: 7 months on, 5 months off- 2 shows a week + 7 Supercards ) A: 14 (22 %), B+: 24 (38 %), B: 15 (23 %), B-: 10 (16 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B-, B, B+, B+, A [B]Television:[/B] PGHW The Kings Road- One Hour Tour Higlights Package Tuesday Evenings on Japanese Sports Vision 2. Coverage across Japan. Current show ratings around 1.75. 14 episodes left on contract. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown across the whole of Japan via Emperor Choice. Biggest Buy Rate: 1.99 (Night of PRIDE 2013- March), Last Buy Rate: 1.82 [B]Summary:[/B] Remember the days when PGHW used to be dominant in the minds of the IWC for show of the year candidates, well this year they did not produce one 'A*' rated show, something that will have come as a disappointment to those at the Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Towers in Osaka. On a positive note they still continue to be consistent with putting on a good quality product, but their main event scene is ageing and with that becoming more injury prone and there does not seem to be any sign of someone moving up from the mid-card ranks and it's something that has fans fearing they could end up going the same way as GCG did in the 90's if these potential problems are not soon addressed. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=teal]Pro [COLOR=darkslategray]Wrestling [/COLOR]SAISHO[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Sadakuno Nishimuraya / [B]Head Booker:[/B] Akikazu Miyagi [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ Mo[B]ney:[/B] $ 1,474,829 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in Tohoku, E+ in Kanto, F+ in rest of Japan, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Destiny- Kazuma Narato (since August 2013), Destiny Tag Team- Kenichi Komigata & Toshinobu Taku (since July 2011). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Josh Jones (25), Kazuma Narato (35), Strong Style Yoemon (42) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C+: 1 (8%), C:8 (67 %), C-: 3 (25%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C, C, C-, C [B]Summary:[/B] The main things of note in SAISHO was the fact that referee Akikzau Miyagi took over the book, after Hirokazu Yamanoue somewhat surprisingly decided to leave the promotion and Kazuma Narato defeated the departing Yamanoue for the Destiny title and now holds both singles titles in both BHOTWG and PGHW's 'feeder promotions'. Other than that SAISHO have just been plodding along doing the same thing they have done for the past ten years of it's existance. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=navy]Rhode [COLOR=royalblue]Island[/COLOR] Pro [/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner/ Head Booker:[/B] Professor Nero [B]Prestige:[/B] D/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,589,339 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D- in New England, E- in Tri-State, F- Everywhere Else [B]Current Champions:[/B] RIPW Championship- Avalanche (since October 2012), RIPW Tag Team- 'The Non-Conformists' Matt Sparrow & Ekuma The Hawaiian Strongman (since April 2012) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Avalanche (37), Jim Force (39), Mick Muscles (38) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C: 2 (17 %), C-: 4 (33 %), D+: 4 (33 %), D: 1 (8%), D-: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] D+, C-, D+, D, D+ [B]Summary:[/B] RIPW's modus operandi seems to be to have rough around the edges young talent, mix it up with veterans who appear to have been discarded by the big boys and with it's sports entertainment based product this results in their shows nerly always receiving a somewhat luke-warm reception. With their parent promotion of SWF falling on hard times, it seems unlikely that RIPW will benefit from their backing and it may well be in their best interests to break away from SWF and start to forge their own identity, where the talent they do will be able to flourish more under an enviroment where the fans they attract to their show aren't so ready to look for the 'finished article'. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Ring [COLOR=gray]of[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Fire[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner[/B]: Robert 'British Samurai' Brown/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Harley Neill [B]Prestige[/B]: D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 608,020 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D in South, D- in Midlands, F+ Rest of UK, F- everywhere else [B]Current Champions:[/B] Ring of Fire Championship- Stevie Stoat (since November 2013), Talisman - Kevin Jones (since July 2012), Tag Team- Rolling Johnny Stones & Kevin Jones (since September 2012). [B]Current Main Eventers[/B]: Joss Thompson (32), Kevin Jones (37), Merle O'Curle (36), Stevie Stoat (37) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B: 6 (50 %), B-: 3 (25 %), C+: 2 (17%), C: 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B-, B, B, B-, B- [B]Summary:[/B] For a promotion of ROF's small size to produce three quarters of their shows above a C+ rating, is nothing short of incredible and it's a testament to them that they deliver good quality shows on such a consistent basis, and it simply comes down to the fact that they know what their fans like and they do their best to deliver exactly that. Long title reigns seem to be the norm, rather than the exception in ROF with Kevin Jones holding the Talisman Title and the Tag Titles (which are a bit of an afterthought in ROF) with Rolling Johnny Stones throughout the entire calendar year, whilst Merle O'Curle's epic 27 month long reign with the ROF Championship was finally brought to a halt by Stevie Stoat in November. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=olive]South [COLOR=black]of the[/COLOR] Border [COLOR=black]Pro[/COLOR] Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jorge Ibanez/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Pablo Rodriguez [B]Prestige:[/B] C+/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 7,697,363 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C+ in Northern Mexico, C in Rest of Mexico and South West U.S, E in rest of mainland U.S, E- in Puerto Rico and Hawaii, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions[/B]: Campeon de Mundo- El Demonio (since September 2013), Campeones de Parejas- 'Power Connection' Hurucan Sandoval Jr & La Sombra Jr (since December 2013), Campeones de Trios- Tijuana Vampire, Rebelde Loco & Lobo Blanco(since August 2013), Campeon de Menor- Amazing Fire Fly (since August 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers[/B]: El Demonio (39), El Fuerza (35), Marcos Flores (38), Nicolas Lopez (38), Pablo Rodriguez (35). [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV show + monthly super-show) A:1 (2%), B+: 12 (20 %), B: 17 (28 %), B-: 21 (35 %), C+: 8 (13 %), C: 1 (3 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, A, B, B, B- [B]Television:[/B] SOTBPW Lucha Libre - 2 Hours Friday Evenings on Los Deportes Hoy. Coverage across Mexico and in South West USA. Current show ratings around 0.50. 26 episodes left on contract. [B]Summary:[/B] SOTPBW continue to be Mexico's top promotion and out of the three 'established' promotions in Mexico are probably the least under threat right now from the surging MHW. Last year it looked like they could have a battle on their hands from OLLIE for the top spot, but whilst SOTBPW didn't really do anything extra special this year to surge ahead of the 'Old Lady of Mexico', OLLIE didn't really do enough to challenge them for the tioop spot once again. [CENTER]_____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=teal]Supreme [COLOR=royalblue]Wrestling [/COLOR]Federation[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Richard Eisen/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Eric Eisen [B]Prestige:[/B] C+/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 167,690,448 [B]Size:[/B] Cult B- in Tri-State, South UK and Kanto, C+ in Mid South, Mid West, New England, South East, Northern Mexico, Kinki and Hokkaido. C in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, South West, Rest of Mexico, Chubu, Chugoku, Kyushu, C- in Puerto Rico, Rest of UK, Tohoku, Shikoku and Eastern Australia, D+ in Hawaii and Western Australia, D in New Zealand, D- in Quebec and Ontario, E+ in Prairies, British Columbia, Central Europe and Central Australia, E in Maritimes, Scandinavia & Eastern Europe. [B]Current Champions:[/B] World Heavyweight- Eric Eisen (since October 2013), World Tag Team- 'Doomsday Generation' Nevada Nuclear & 'Dark Star' Erik Strong (since November 2013), North American- Jack Giedroyc (since October 2013) Shooting Star- Stevie Gumble (since October 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Bart Biggz (33), Big Smack Scott (38), Colussus (27), Eric Eisen (35), Freddy Huggins (29), Frederique Antonio Garcia (38), Sammy Bach (35), T-Rex (38) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 68 Shows (Weekly TV Show + 12 Monthly Supershows- First 2 months of the year they also ran an extra TV show but contract was renewed for second TV show) A: 4 (6%), B+: 7 (10 %), B: 18 (26%), B-: 14 (21%), C+: 5 (7%), C: 8 (12%), C-:2 (3%), D+: 4 (6%), D: 4 (6%), D-: 2 (3%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] D-, D, C, B-, D [B]Television:[/B] SWF Supreme TV- Mondays Late Evenings on Australia Channel 2 (coverage across Australia), current Ratings around 0.10. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown via 1 Choice TV (Australia), PPV Japan (Japan), Premier Pay-UK TV (UK), Pay Per View Services (Canada), Seleccion Mexico (Mexico), U-Demand (USA) Biggest Buy Rate: 4.28 (Awesome Impact 2013 - March), Last Buy Rate: 2.72 [B]Summary:[/B] Back in May the SWF despite losing some considerable talent rose back up to Global size after a string of good shows but two months later they dropped to cult and once again the head booker in this case William Franklyn (the Masked Mauler) was made the scape goat. In truth what has really hurt the SWF is the fact that TCW surged ahead, talent started to jump ship and then the talent that did stay loyal lost faith with the direction of the SWF. Eric Eisen was given the book after Franklyn was removed of his duties, amid cries of nepotism and in October put the World Title on himself but given the fact that the star names have all but deserted the SWF this should have come as no surprise. Christian Faith and Steve Frehley the were last two true Supestars flying the SWF flag and with them now gone it is hard to see how they will ever get back to competing with TCW. Their only hope to return to the top of the wrestling world, is to hope that TCW struggle to keep their huge roster happy and that there are a few more like Sammy Bach, who was unhappy with his push in TCW and decided to jump over to the SWF. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Total [COLOR=darkslategray]Championship[/COLOR] Wrestling[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Tommy Cornell/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joel Bryant [B]Prestige:[/B] A/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 100,854,150 [B]Size:[/B] Global B+ in Tri-State, Kanto & South UK, B in Mid West, Mid South, New England, South East, Quebec, New England, Northern Mexico, Kinki, Hokkaido, Eastern Australia, B- in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, North West, South West, British Columbia, Rest of Mexico, Chubu, Chugoku, Kyushu, Western Australia, C+ Puerto Rico, Prairies, rest of UK (accept Scotland), Tohoku, Shikoku, Western Europe, Mediterranean, C in Hawaii, Scotland, Scandinavia, New Zealand, C- in Eastern Europe, D+ in Maritimes, D in Central Australia [B]Current Champions:[/B] World Heavyweight- Genghis Rahn (since December 2013), International- Eddie Chandler (since September 2013), World Tag Team - 'The Machines' John Anderson & Brent Hill (since August 2013), All Action- Steven Parker (since December 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] American Buffalo (40), Genghis Rahn (43), John Anderson (38), Koshiro Ino (36), Randy Bumfhole (29), Scout (35), Tommy Cornell (35), Zimmy Bumfhole (29) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 108 Shows (2 Weekly TV Shows + 12 Monthly Supershows) A*: 14 (13 %), A: 41 (38%), B+: 33 (31 %), B: 15 (14 %), B-: 5 (5%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] B+, B, A, B+, B+ [B]Television:[/B] TCW Action Packed (2 Hours)-UK : Fridays Early Evening on UK Broadcasting Prime, Current Rating around 0.60, 45 episodes left on contract/ USA: Mondays Late Evening on America-Sports 1, Current Rating around 3.20, 2 episodes left on contract/Japan: Thursdays Prime Time on Japanese Sports Vision, Current Rating around 2.15, 45 episodes left on contract/Canada: Tuesdays Early Evening on Canada-On-Air, Current Rating around 0.80, 32 episodes left on contract TCW Presents Total Wrestling (2 Hours)- North America: Saturday Evenings on GNN Total Sports, Current Rating around 6.0, 44 episodes left on contract/ Japan: Tuesday Evenings on J-Network East 2, Current Rating around 2.00, 20 episodes left on contract /UK: Friday Evemiongs on UK Broadcasting Secondary, Current Ratings around 0.50, 31 Episodes Left on Contract [B]PPV:[/B] 1-Choice TV (Australia), PPV Japan (Japan), Premier-Pay CAN -TV (Canada), Premier Pay EURO-TV (Europe), Seleccion Mexico (Mexico), U-Demand (USA), United Kingdom Choice (UK) Biggest Buy Rate: 6.56 (Summer Showdown- July), Last Buy Rate: 6.35 [B]Summary:[/B] TCW were named the PW Hits Promotion of the year for a second year running and with 14 A* rated shows scattered throughout the year it's not hard to see why. Right now TCW are undoubtly the Number 1 promotion in the World with WLW only really coming anywhere near close to challenging them for that title. But that's not to say there have not been some questionable decisions and some concerns for the future. Genghis Rahn was a surprising choice to dethrone Tommy Cornell for the World Title at the end of the year, considering the talent they have on the roster. Rahn is a solid, loyal worker with a considerable following but he is not World Champion material, if his is just a short transitional/loyalty reward reign then no harm done but Rahn is no Tommy Cornell and a long reign for Rahn could do more harm than good. The other danger is that TCW could well struggle to keep a talented but over-crowded roster entirely happy. They may have four hours of TV time plus PPV every month but it's a more a case of keeping so many ego's in check, the first warning that not everyone is happy with their push came when Sammy Bach decided to jump ship to the SWF in May. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=olive]Ultimate [COLOR=darkslategray]European [/COLOR]Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Ali Bloxsome/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joey Beauchamp [B]Prestige:[/B] D-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 2,263,835 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D+ in Mediterranean, F+ in Central Europe and Scandinavia, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] World- Louis Figo Manico (since December 2013), Nations- Jay Heartbreak (since January 2012), Tag Team - 'Heartbreak Connection' Jay Heartbreak & Scott Van Den Berg (since March 2010). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Edward Cornell (30), Louis Figo Manico (45), Sergei Kalashnov (34) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) B-: 1 (8%), C+: 10 (83%), C- : 1 (8%) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C-, B-, C+, C+ [B]Summary:[/B] This is what was said about UEW last year.... [I]Relationships between EWA and UEW can't be that strained when the owner of the EWA promotion holds one half of the Tag Titles (which he's done for almost 2 years) and the secondary singles belt of the rival promotion. Out of the two UEW continue to put on the better quality shows but who outside of Europe really cares ?[/I] The exact same still applies one year later, accept for the fact that Jay Heartbreak (Byron) has now held the Tag Titles for almost going on three years. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=red]United [COLOR=navy]States[/COLOR] Pro Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Alicia Strong / [B]Head Booker:[/B] Corporal Doom [B]Prestige:[/B] B-/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 15,805,914 [B]Size:[/B] Cult C+ in Tri State, C in Mid South, Mid West, New England, South East, Ontario and Quebec. C- in Great Lakes, North West, South West, Mid Atlantic and British Columbia, D+ in Prairies and Puerto Rico, D in Hawaii, D- in Maritimes, E+ in Mexico, E in Japan except Tohoku & Shikoku (both E-), Rest of the World F+ [B]Current Champions[/B]: World- Bart Biggz (since September 2013), Television- James Hernandez (since October 2013), World Tag Team- 'The Unholy' Jumbo Jackson & Robbie Retro (since May 2013), Intercontinental- Casey Valentine (since September 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Bart Biggz (33), Jumbo Jackson (38), KC Glenn (22), Robbie Retro (27) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 60 Shows (Weekly TV Show + Monthly Supercard) B: 1 (2 %), B-: 18 (30 %), C+: 24 (40 %), C: 10 (17 %), C-: 3 (5 %), D+: 4 (7 %), [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] C+, C+, D+, C+, C [B]Television:[/B] USPW American Wrestling- One Hour Sundays Late Evening on NCTV, Thursdays Late Evening on Maple Leaf Sports. Coverage in whole of USA on NCTV and in Canada on Maple Leaf Sports. Current ratings around 2.00 on NCTV, 0.50 on Maple Leaf Sports. 32 episodes left on NCTV contract, 20 left on Maple Leaf Sports contract. [B]PPV:[/B] Currently shown in USA and Canada on Public Access Select [B]Biggest Buy Rate:[/B] 0.71 (Apple Pie and Wrestling- August), Last Buy Rate: 0.62 [B]Summary:[/B] There are signs that USPW have gone through a bit of a transformation over the past year, with it no longer have a feeling of being a semi retirement home for ageing former stars of SWF and TCW. The two men to hold the World Title over the past year have been Darryl Devine and Bart Biggz, two men far removed from the image of the plodding monsters or broken down old timers that were associated with carrying this promotion for so many years and though Devine has gone (deciding to sign a written contract with NOTBPW) there is more considerable young talent on the roster such as KC Glenn, James Hernandez and Robbie Retro, poised to be fixtures in the USPW uppercard for years to come, should they be able to hold on to them. There's no surprise that the change happened when Sam Strong decided to hand over operations of USPW to his daughter Alicia and the likes of Randall Hopkirk and Giant Redwood hung up the wrestling boots and though they won't be challenging TCW for the top spot anytime soon, there is no reason why the can't overtake an ailing SWF and become the number two promotion in the U.S. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=royalblue]World [COLOR=navy]Level[/COLOR] Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Koji Kojima/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Haru Kurofuji [B]Prestige:[/B] A/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 162,537,099 [B]Size:[/B] Global B+ in Kanto, B in Kinki, Hokkaido, Tri State, B- in Mid South, Mid West, New England, Ontario, Quebec, C+ in Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, North West, South East, South West, C in Shikoku, Tohoku, The Prairies, British Columbia, South UK, C- in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Mexico, D+ in Midlands UK, North UK, Ireland, D in Maritimes, Scotland, Western Australia, Eastern Australia, E+ in New Zealand, E in Central Europe, Mediterranean, Scandinavia, Central Australia, E- in Eastern Europe. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Universal- KC Glenn (since October 2013), Show Stealer- Barei Yasujiro (since November 2013), Tag Team- 'Power Trip WLW' Haru Kurofuji and Koji Kojima (since July 2013), Street Fighting- Magnum KOBE (since November 2013), Tap Out- The Incredible KOYAMA (since October 2013). [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Americana (33), Antonio Maxi Marquez (32), Arthur Dexter Bradley (23), Eisaku Hoshino (39), Jacob Jett (27), KC Glenn (22), Mr Lucha III (26), Rhino Umaga (35), William Hayes (34) [B]Show Ratings[/B]: 96 Shows (Touring Schedule: 8 months on, 4 months off- 3 shows a week + 8 Supercards ) A*: 2 (2 %), A: 21 (22 %), B+: 54 (56%), B: 18 (19%), B-: 1 (1 %) [B]Current Form (last 5 shows):[/B] A, B+, B, B+. B+ [B]Television:[/B] WLW Combat TV- 2 Hour Tour Highlights Package-Mexico: Mondays Late Nights on Canal Dos . Current Ratings around 0.14. 8 episodes left on contract/ North America: Mondays Late Night on CBA. Current Ratings around 3.35. 58 episodes left on contract./Australia: Wednesday, Late evening on The ASN. Current Ratings around 0.15/ 20 episodes left on contract/Japan: Wednesdays Prime Time on Japanese Sports Vision. Current Ratings around 2.75. 12 episodes left on contract [B]PPV:[/B] 1 Choice-TV (Australia), Emperor Choice (Japan), North America Prime Select(USA/Canada) [B]Biggest Buy Rate:[/B] 11.36 (Highs and Lows- October), Last Buy Rate: 11.07 [B]Summary:[/B] This was the year where things kind of plateaud for the WLW juggernaut, there is still little doubt that they are the number one promotion in Japan right now but in terms of challenging TCW for the position of being the number one promotion in the World, they seem to have fallen back a little, with their North American rivals producing considerably more A* rated shows. That being said WLW's October PPV Highs and Lows produced the biggest buy-rate of any PPV throughtout the entire calendar year for any Wrestling company. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=darkred][COLOR=dimgray]X[/COLOR]-Wrestling America[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Mamoth / [B]Head Booker[/B]: Bob Casey [B]Prestige:[/B] F+/ [B]Money:[/B] $ 52,038 [B]Size:[/B] Small E- in Mid West, F- Everywhere elsee [B]Current Champions:[/B] International- The Insane Heat (November 2012), All American- The Silencer (since October 2013), International Tag- The Silencer and James Prudence (since July 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Knuckles (31), Nevada Nuclear (30), The Insane Heat (43) [B]Show Ratings:[/B] 12 Shows (Monthly shows only) C: 3 (25%), C-: 5 (42%), D+: 3 (25 %), D: 1 (8%) Summary: In terms of the quality of shows XWA have been able to put on throughout the year, they have done well for a promotion of their size but they lost money this year and it's touch and go whether or not they will remain in existance for much longer. If they are able to 'survive' the next year then they may be able to push on and really start to make their mark on the U.S Independent scene. [CENTER][SIZE=3][I]APW went out of Business in 2013[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]The current position with........[/I] [B][U][COLOR=darkorange]Freedom [COLOR=darkred]Caribbean[/COLOR] Wrestling[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Owner[/B]: Wilson 'Da Power' Lopez/ [B]Head Booker:[/B] Charles Rainier [B]Prestige[/B]: D / [B]Money:[/B] $ 327,535 [B]Size:[/B] Regional D in Puerto Rico, E- in Tri State and South East, F- everywhere else. [B]Current Champions:[/B] Undisputed Championship- Apathy (since December 2013), People's Championship - Amazing Fire Fly (since November 2013), Tag Team Championship: 'The Sons of Lucha Libre' El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr (since December 2013) [B]Current Main Eventers:[/B] Apathy (35), Dean Daniels (38), Mainstream Hernandez (27), Phoenix Negra (Age unknown, believed to be between 30 and 35), Puerto Rican Power (42), Ultimate Phoenix (38) [B]Summary:[/B] A frustrating year as our finances went down but did not grow either, we have plateaud in our home area, but that is where we only seem to make any considerable amount of money for our shows. I really am starting to wonder if I have taken FCW as far I can and despite putting on consistently good shows for a promotion of our size, our remote location may well be hampering us from being able to grow. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]2013 Tournament Winners[/U][/B] [B]Best of the Super Juniors (BHOTWG):[/B] Elemental III (bt Black Cobra) [I]* This is the third straight year that Elemental II has won the tournament[/I] [B]Rey De Reyes (FCW):[/B] Mainstream Hernandez (bt Amazinf Fire Fly, Boriken Love Machine Jr, Dean Daniels, Phoenix Negra and Speed Machine). [B]Rip Chord Invitational (MAW):[/B] Jay Chord (bt Henry Lee) [B]Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup (NOTBPW):[/B] Jeremy Stone & Dan Stone Jr (bt Owen Love and Marc Dubois) [I]* This is the third straight year the Stone Siblings have triumphed in the tournament and their seventh victory overall.[/I] [B]Elite Series (PGHW):[/B] Eisaku Kunosmasu (bt Mito Miwa) [B]Elite Tag Series (PGHW):[/B] 'Team Dynasty 2000' Yoshimi Mushashibo & Shuji Inukai (bt Kozue Kawashima& PRIDE Koiso) [I]* This is the eighth time Team Dynasty have won the Elite Tag Series.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;739973]Damn !! this post started another page... Go check out Parts 1 and 2 of the Gameworld Oveview (well just part 1 at this moment in time) on the previous page.[/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure I say this every time you do the annual global review, but I very much enjoy reading those. Its just cool to see what's happening in all the different promotions, since it can vary notably game to game. So thanks once again for taking the time to do it.
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[quote=Bigpapa42;739983]I'm pretty sure I say this every time you do the annual global review, but I very much enjoy reading those. Its just cool to see what's happening in all the different promotions, since it can vary notably game to game. So thanks once again for taking the time to do it.[/quote] No problem, it takes a bit of time to put together so glad to see that the effort is appreciated :) Part two is now up on the previous page- Part 3 will be up tommorow, then it's the roster review after that.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;740640]No problem, it takes a bit of time to put together so glad to see that the effort is appreciated :) Part two is now up on the previous page- Part 3 will be up tommorow, then it's the roster review after that.[/QUOTE] I agree with BigPapa and you. These are always fun to read and I know from experience that they take a long time to do.
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[quote=jesseewiak;741358]That SWF main event roster is...ugly. Do they have an up and comers on their roster or is that truly the cream of the crop? And yes, SWF/TCW/WLW are all obscenely rich.[/quote] [I]SWF's full roster heading into 2014..it's kind of like BigPapa42's SWF diary but in reverse....[/I] [B]Main Event:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Bart Biggz [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Big Smack Scott[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Colussus[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Eric Eisen[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Frederique Antonio Garcia[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]T-Rex[/COLOR] [B]Upper MidCard:[/B] [COLOR=red]Brett Biggz[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Ernest Youngman[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Greg Wright[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jack Giedroyc[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Madman Boone[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Paul Huntingdon[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] [B]Midcard:[/B] [COLOR=red]Charlie Thatcher[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Citizen X[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Donnie J[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Harry Allen[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Henry Lee[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Johnny Martin[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Shady K[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Tank Bradley[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Teddy Powell[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Lower Midcard:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#0000ff]Erik Strong[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Lassana Makutsi[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Lumberjack Jeff (Grunt)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Man Mountain Cahill (Ronnie V.Pain)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Paul Steadyfast[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Stevie Gumble[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][B][COLOR=black]Jobbers:[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Calamari Kid[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]James Prudence[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]John Greed[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Mr America[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]The Masked Mauler[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;741404][I]SWF's full roster heading into 2014..it's kind of like BigPapa42's SWF diary but in reverse....[/I][/QUOTE] Hey! I'm not sure if I'm being complimented or insulted. Either way, I probably can't argue it. So I'll just nod. I was going to comment on SWF having EE as champion, thinking they had to have better options. Looking over that roster, he might very well be their best choice. That hurts. A lot. And holy hell that's a big bank that WLW is sitting on. I thought TCW's war chest was impressive... until I saw that...
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;741404][I]SWF's full roster heading into 2014..it's kind of like BigPapa42's SWF diary but in reverse....[/I] [B]Main Event:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Bart Biggz [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Big Smack Scott[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Colussus[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Eric Eisen[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Freddy Huggins[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Frederique Antonio Garcia[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sammy Bach[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]T-Rex[/COLOR] [B]Upper MidCard:[/B] [COLOR=red]Brett Biggz[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Ernest Youngman[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Greg Wright[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jack Giedroyc[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Madman Boone[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Paul Huntingdon[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] [B]Midcard:[/B] [COLOR=red]Charlie Thatcher[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Citizen X[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Donnie J[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Harry Allen[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Henry Lee[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Johnny Martin[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Shady K[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Tank Bradley[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Teddy Powell[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Lower Midcard:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#0000ff]Erik Strong[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Lassana Makutsi[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Lumberjack Jeff (Grunt)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Man Mountain Cahill (Ronnie V.Pain)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Paul Steadyfast[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Stevie Gumble[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][B][COLOR=black]Jobbers:[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Calamari Kid[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]James Prudence[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]John Greed[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Mr America[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]The Masked Mauler[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'd so play the crap out of that mess.
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[quote=Bigpapa42;741417]Hey! I'm not sure if I'm being complimented or insulted. Either way, I probably can't argue it. So I'll just nod. [LEFT]I was going to comment on SWF having EE as champion, thinking they had to have better options. Looking over that roster, he might very well be their best choice. That hurts. A lot. [LEFT]And holy hell that's a big bank that WLW is sitting on. I thought TCW's war chest was impressive... until I saw that...[/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/quote] [LEFT]Oh how I wish I'd have either of TCW's or WLW's war-chest. Heck I'd even taken SWF's inspite of their decimated roster. [LEFT]Ok in comparison to SWF's ultra lame roster, here is TCW's (BigPapa42 stylee) so awesome they probably don't know what do with it roster[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Main Event:[/B] [COLOR=red]American Buffalo[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Genghis Rahn[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]John Anderson[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Randy Bumfhole[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Scout[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Zimmy Bumfhole[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=black]Upper Midcard:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=blue]Danny Fonzarelli[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Eddie Peak[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Joey Minnesota[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Tom Gilmore[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Remo[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Rick Law[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][B][COLOR=black]Midcard:[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Ares (Vengeance)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Benny Benson[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Brent Hill[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Chris Morrisette[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Clark Alexander[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Jay Chord[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Ricky Dale Johnson[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Rocky Golden[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Troy Tornado[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tyson Baine[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Valiant[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Wolf Hawkins[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][B][COLOR=black]Lower Midcard:[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Des Davids[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Kirk Jameson[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Kurt Laramee[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Rich Money ( :confused: :eek:hmm OK...maybe not like Big P's SWF diary) [/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Steven Parker[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Curtain Jerkers:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=red]Acid[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Black Eagle[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Jack Griffith[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]James Hernandez[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Mikey James[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Texas Pete[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/LEFT]
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[quote=Tigerkinney;741432][left]Oh how I wish I'd have either of TCW's or WLW's war-chest. Heck I'd even taken SWF's inspite of their decimated roster. [LEFT]Ok in comparison to SWF's ultra lame roster, here is TCW's (BigPapa42 stylee) so awesome they probably don't know what do with it roster[/LEFT] [COLOR=#ff0000][B][COLOR=black]Lower Midcard:[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Rich Money ( :confused: :eek:hmm OK...maybe not like Big P's SWF diary) [/COLOR] [/quote] [SIZE=3]I am shocked, horrified, angered, sickened,[/SIZE][SIZE=2] enraged, disenfranchised, emotionally drained, [/SIZE][SIZE=1]tortured, and demand some sort of recount or quick edit at the very least...[/SIZE] Seriously? I mean, really? My two favorite CV workers having an obvious backstage political war. Tommy, quit keeping Rich down! Let my people go! He's money! Trust me! I think Rich money being a lower midcard talent is worse because American Buffalo is a main eventer.
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