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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;461384]It's not a decision I took lightly as I knew Powers' popularity would take a bit of a hit. But it's still a B (OK it's not A, but it's nothing to be sniffed at) and that's the thing I could have cruised along with the safe option of having Power [SIZE=4]UP HERE [/SIZE][SIZE=2]and everyone else [/SIZE][SIZE=1]down here [/SIZE][SIZE=2]in terms of popularity but in the end I decided to go for it. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]In my opinion he was actually too dominant before, and when I saw that he would actually do the job for someone (even it is Hells Bouncer) fresh idea's for feuds/storylines started to swirl in my head. I promise you that Bouncer's title win is going to lead to something big and exciting, well it will if it goes to plan. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] I have no doubt that you are going to do something sweet with the Bouncer win.
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I always enjoy your dynasties Tigerkinney. Your devotion to details and movesets helps make the characters individual as much as the promos. Kudos on the title change. This might sound a bit harsh but in a lot of ways PRP is a bit like Jim Force in Acturus' (I can never remember how to spell his nick) dynasty. I think his fall from the pedestal will propel FCW above where it could be. A vanity promotion of PRP while Gonzalez toils in training gym improving the undercard. It legitimized Hell's Bouncer, who could easily have become Monster Jobber and makes the Messiah's Circus a stable to be feared as opposed to mocked. And I dig where you're going with Mainstream Hernandez.
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[CENTER][B][U]June in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] After last months disappointing show will bounced back well with a show that was up to the usual standard, and will hopefully prove to be a turning point in the history of FCW (for the better obviously) Some wrestling insiders have already said that the decision to take the FCW Puerto Rican Championship off Puerto Rican Power, signals the intention that FCW is looking to expand beyond being a vanity project for its owner. On the downside we did make a slight loss financially again this month, but we're not haemorraghing money at a rate, where the alarm bells are ringing. Hopefully with the better show this month, we can bring some fans back through the gate/sell more merchandise. Mr Lopez (P.R Power's) owner goal was to expand the popularity of FCW, not to play it safe and be tight with the finances, whilst the finances will need to be kept an eye on, it's clear that the owner has ambitions beyond being a small time promotion, that is just happy to survive. June also saw the departures of Handsome Stranger and referee Ryan Holland. The stigma of Stranger's humiliating episode of being involved in a bar fight (and on the losing end) had tarnished his standing with the owner, despite the fact that he was a solid part of the promotions upper mid-card, but he just wasn't outstanding enough to go to war with the owner over and Ryan Holland was asking for too much money in relation to what he brought to the table as a referee. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]June News and Notes from around the Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] Jeff Nova's Sports Entertainment revolution in U.K Wrestling has hit the buffers, with 21CW falling to Regional Size. [B]Worker Signings[/B] Despite their fall to Regional Size 21CW did secure the services of former MOSC UK Champion Kevin Jones on a PPA Deal. Jones will also be reviving his Shane Hannigans character, when working for 21CW. 5SSW boosted their roster with three new additions , veteran Yoko Ikina, high flier Ochiyo Ijima and prospect Etsuko Ariyoshi, all on PPA deals Alex Braun was the somewhat surprising addition to AAA, the former DaVE and RPW alumnus will be joining Jim Lou Freebush at the commentary table. Apparently Braun has been quietly following the exploits of AAA for years and jumped at the chance to join the all womens promotion in a non competitive role. NYCW have added FCW's Primus Allen to their roster. The following Gaijin's have signed on PGHW's two month Summer Tour, former DaVE star Art Reed, Mohammed El Yaagoudi and CGC's Shooter Sean Deeley Damian 'The Natural' Carvill made the slightly shocking decision to leave the relative security of NOTBPW, as he attempts to make a mark in the world's biggest promotion SWF. He will report to developmental territory RIPW for the forseeable future, but given his veteran status, he is hoping to be called up to the SWF fairly soon. Whilst RIPW Tag Team Champion John Greed was called up to the big leagues, causing the RIPW Tag Titles to be vacated Much like PGHW, WLW boosted their roster with a variety of Gaijin Talent. Americana sign's on again and joining him will be Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Canadian Independent star Jacob Jett and youngster Nathaniel Ca$ino. While Japanese younster Tsurayuki Kamachi joins on a PPA basis. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extended the PPA contract of Assasin's Guild member Stefan Raynor 4C have extended the PPA deals of T.J Bailey and home grown prospect Chris Flynn. 55SW have extended the contract of prospect Shiori Jippensha AAA extended the PPA deals of Vixxen, Kristbal Plum and Claire 'Missy' Masterson APW kept hold of Motty Kuroda of the Rising Suns tag team, not that there was much competition for his signature, seeing as there are no other promotions in Australia, BHOTWG extended the contracts of veteran Sessue Kawate, Junior Division prospect Mystic Dragon, Announcer Toru Minamoto and highly regarded referee Omura Umeki The current incarnaiton of the Soldiers of Fortune will be staying together in CGC, when the British Columbia based promotion extended the PPA deal of Destiny (Insane Heat), whilst the man Destiny replaced, Chance will be staying on as a road agent CZCW extended the PPA deals of two of it's key performes in Ultimate Phoenix and Frankie Perez. MAW have extended the PPA contract of Color Commentator Duke Hazzard MOSC will be keeping hold of Harley Neill for the forseeable future, after extending his PPA contract NOTBPW kept hold of key womens division member Melody Cuthill NYCW extended the PPA deal of veteran fan favorite Whistler (HO !) PSW extended the PPA contract of Lazy Joe ROF extended the contracts of Johnny Highspot and color commentator Peaches McCream PGHW's development territory SAISHO kept hold of Gonnohyoe Kada on a PPA contract SOTBPW kept hold of two of it's key workers in former Campeon de Mundo Champagne Lover and La Allianza member Pirata Malvado TCW kept hold of referee Ray Johnson, whilst Laura Huggins will continue on as the manager of her real life twin brother Freddie Huggins UEW extended the PPA deal of Geoff Borne USPW kept hold of one of it' star names, in Peter Valentine, while referee Robbie Sanchez also signed a contract extension WEXVV secured key performer Hiroshi Mirosue to another PPA contract [B]Releases/Departures[/B] Stefan Raynor's tag partner wasn't so lucky as Louie Peyton was released from his contract, the first budget cut since 21CW's fall to Regional Size AAA failed to come to agreement on a new contract with Sara 'Spamhead' York. Pistol Pete Hall who held the GCG Heavyweight Title for 14 months between February 2007 and April 2008, has left GCG, after the oldest promotion in Japan could not meet his demands on a new contract. Burning EXILE has also left after his short term contract came to an end. Former Tag Champion Greg Boone has left NOTBPW, after both parties failed to agree on a new contract. Nicolas Lopez has left OLLIE after the worlds oldest promotion failed to meet his terms. [B]Injuries [/B] Suprisingly none this month, none what so ever [B]Retirements[/B] Dread, considered one of the best big man workers of all time has called time on his in-ring career. Former 3 time UCR Female champion Vera 'Alpha Female' Grimm has also called it a day in the ring Halls of Immortals inducteee Dick The Devastator, who sealed his legacy in the business with 18 AAFW title reigns has left the business all together to enjoy a full retirement. [B]Backstage Problems[/B] Nariaki Hitomi has fallen out with Brother Yosh!taka in BHOTWG developmental territory Hinote Dojo Des Davids revealed on the radio that he really doesn't like fellow NYCW worker Herb Stateley And apparently Stetson Hatt has been getting under the skin of Simona Cox in EWA. I'm really surprised by that one as Hatt is a model employee :rolleyes: [B]Media News[/B] TCW made a further expansion to it's PPV coverage in a bid to compete with SWF, after striking up a deal with Premier Pay CAN TV to show their supercards in Canada. NOTBPW Championship Wrestling has ended it's run, many feel that this will only be a temporary blip and that the Canadian promotion should be able to strike up a new T.V deal for the Autumn T.V season. [B]Hall of Immortals[/B] Following his retirement Dread became the latest inductee into the Hall of Immortals. Dread won Six World Titles in both the U.S and Japan with SWF, GCG and BHOTWG but it was his ability to show that not all wrestlers over a certain size had to be useless hosses. Granted his skills had detiorated in about his final five years as a wrestler (The Dreadsault was no longer a thing of beauty, it was down right scary, especially for the wrestler on the receiving end of it)but those who saw Dread's work in the 80's and 90's will remember what a revolutionary and influential big-man worker he was. [B]Title Changes[/B] The newly formed duo of 'The Nature Boys' (Dingo Devine & Debonair David Peterson) ended the year long reign of The Melbourne Blondes in Australia's 'Premier' promotion APW Hooded Kudo became a 4 time BHOTWG World Champion, ten years after the end of his previous title reign. Staying in BHOTWG White Samurai has regained the Openweight Title in to become a two time champion The All Gaijin Duo of Nathan Coleman and Stuart Ferdinand ended the year long reign of Shotaro Ikina and Yasude Tayama to become GCG World Tag Team Champions Marat Khoklov regained the INSPIRE King of Fighters Title from Takiyuki Kikkawa. Kikkawa had managed to rack up an impressive 16 month long reign. Following John Greeds call up to SWF, the unlikely duo of Kentucky Bill and Lassana Makutsi defeated 'The Heartbreakers' to claim the vacant RIPW Tag Team Titles. Munemitsu Senmatsu was crowned the new King of the Death Matches in WEXVV ending Hiroshi Morisue's half year reign. Whilst the Warriors Heart Title went from when Geriatric Old Warrior to another when Saonji Omura ended the half year reign of owner Ryu Kajahara. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Half Year Media Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Whilst TCW have more hours of T.V (and at better timeslots), they still trail SWF where it really matters the most, the Pay Per View Market. SWF have had the top Six PPV's so far this year, all garnering a buy-rate over the 8 Mark. TCW's most popular offering Summer Showdown trailed far behind with a buy-rate of 2.36. It's a similar though much closely fought story in Japan, with BHOTWG doing better T.V ratings but PGHW doing better on Pay Per View. [B]Current T.V Shows[/B] 21CW Best of British Wrestling (Wednesday Late Evening for 1 Hour on Euro Cable Sports 1)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.09 5SSW In Action ( Thursday Early Evening for 1 Hour on All Japan TV)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.27 BHOTWG Lords of the Ring (Monday 'Primetime' for 90 Minutes on Japanese Sports Vision)/ Current Avg Rating: 2.35 CGC Title Bout Wresting (Monday Late Evening for 1 Hour on Pop ! Network)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.39 GCG Stars of the Golden Canvas (Thursday Late Evening for 1 Hour on Japanese Sports Vision 2)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.75 INSPIRE Warfare (Friday Late Evening for 1 Hour on Japanese Sports Vision 2)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.75 MPWF Lucha Total (Wednesday Early Evening for 1 Hour on Los Deportes Hoy)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.05 OLLIE Guerreros Del Anillo (Saturday Early Evening for 1 Hour on Los Deportes Hoy)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.05 PGHW The Kings Road (Tuesday 'Primetime' for 1 Hour on Japanese Sports Vision 2)/ Current Avg Rating: 1.75 SOTBPW Lucha Libre (Friday 'Primetime' for 1 Hour on Los Deportes Hoy)/ Current Avg Rating: 0.12 SWF Supreme T.V (3 Contracts: 90 Minute Running Time) * Friday Late Evening on America Sports 1/ Current Avg Rating: 2.65 * Friday 'Primetime' on UK Broadcasting Secondary/ Current Avg Rating: 0.35 * Tuesday Late Night on Canada-On-Air/Current Avg Rating: 0.65 TCW Action Packed (Monday Early Evening for 2 Hours on CBA)/ Current Avg Rating: 3.80 TCW Presents Total Wrestling (Tuesday Primetime for 2 Hours on GNN Total Sports)/ Current Avg Rating: 4.45 USPW American Wrestling (Sunday Late Evening for 1 Hour on NCTV)/ Current Avg Rating: 1.20 WLW Combat TV (Saturday Late Evening for 1 Hour on All Japan TV)/Current Avg Rating: 0.45 [B]Top 20 PPV by Buy-Rate (January-June 2008)[/B] 1. SWF Master of Puppets: 8.64 2. SWF Nothing To Lose: 8.36 3. SWF Times of Trouble: 8.33 4. SWF The World is Watching: 8.32 5. SWF When Hell Freezes Over: 8.22 6. SWF Awesome Impact: 8.16 7. TCW Summer Showdown: 2.36 8. TCW Excessive Force: 2.08 9. PGHW Night of FORTITUDE: 1.94 10. PGHW Night of WARRIORS: 1.90 11. PGHW Night of GLORY: 1.89 12. BHOTWG Fire Dream of the Immortals: 1.77 13. BHOTWG Test of Prophecies: 1.75 14. TCW Total Mayhem: 1.70 15. PGHW Night of PRIDE: 1.69 16. BHOTWG Sword of Destiny: 1.68 17. BHOTWG Inferno of Purity: 1.66 18. TCW Malice in Wonderland: 1.62 19. TCW Just Another Day ?: 1.60 20. TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread: 1.60
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[QUOTE]Whilst RIPW Tag Team Champion John Greed was called up to the big leagues, causing the RIPW Tag Titles to be vacated[/QUOTE] Workers getting called more frequently is one of the changes I really like in '08. I NEVER saw Greed get called up in the '07 game.
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][U]Delorean Driver.com[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [B][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][U]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW return to action on Saturday 5th July with their Territorio Desconicido show. Once again the show will take place at the Gynasium Aguada in San Juan. After the FCW Tag Team Championship was vacated in May, following a controversial draw between The Kings of the Street and Natural Storm, new champions will be crowned in a Six Team Tournament. The Six teams will be paired off in traditional tag matches, then the three winning teams will meet in a three way elimination to decide the new champions. The tournament involves some established teams in FCW and some newly formed duo's. The first round match-ups include The Messiah's Circus duo of Leper Messiah and El Hijo Del Zonk going up against FCW Peoples Champion Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall. Natural Storm versus fellow People' s Championship contenders Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh , and finally The Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) take on Primus & Samuel. The main event however will see Puerto Rican Power try to reclaim the FCW Puerto Rican Championship from Hells Bouncer. Bouncer won the title in a three way that also involved Shawn Gonzalez, but his victory was largely helped by the involvement of The Messiah's Circus, of whom it was revealed Bouncer had joined after the momentus event of his title victory. Can P.R Power regain the title and leave 'The Age of The Messiah' as a small foot note in the history of FCW or is a new era truly upon us ? The other 'victim' of The Messiah's Circus involvement in last months Puerto Rican Championship match Shawn Gonzalez will get a chance to gain some measure of revenge on the Leper Messiah lead faction, when he takes on Circus member Amo Del Gato. Finally Charles Rainier takes on a mystery debutant. All FCW officials have revealed about Rainier's opponent is that he is a well respected veteran and that he has held championship gold in both the United States and Canada. The bonus pre-show match will feature Joe Benning of The Young Americans taking on Tigre Salvaje Jr. [I]Here is a full run down for [SIZE=2]Territorio Desconicido[/SIZE][/I] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Territorio Desconicido[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Saturday 5th July 2008 at Gynasium Arriba in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B]Puerto Rican Championship[/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][B]:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE] Hells Bouncer vs Puerto Rican Power[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=blue]Tag Team Championship Tournament:[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & El Hijo Del Zonk)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Peoples Champion-[/SIZE] Mainstream Hernandez &[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Bradford Peverall[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Natural Storm (D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Kings of the Street (Rudy Velasquez & Jesus Chavez)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Primus & Samuel[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=blue]The winning teams then meet in a three way elimination [/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=blue]to crownthe new FCW Tag Team Champions[/COLOR][/I] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE] Amo Del Gato[/CENTER] [CENTER]Charles Rainier vs [I]A mystery debutant[/I][/CENTER] [/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New][B]Bonus Pre-Show Match:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Joe Benning vs Tigre Salvaje Jr[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]_________________________________________________________[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [quote] [SIZE=2][COLOR=purple][B]Predictions Form:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=purple][U][B]Territorio Desconicido[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple][B]P.R Title:[/B] Hells Bouncer vs Puerto Rican Power[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=purple]Tag Title Tournament:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=purple]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk) vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Natural Storm vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) vs Primus & Samuel[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]3-Way Elimination Finals: [I]Insert Winner here[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][FONT=Courier New]* Bonus point available for which gets eliminated first[/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Shawn Gonzalez vs Amo Del Gato[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Charles Rainier vs ???[/COLOR] [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=purple]Bonus point available if you can name the mystery opponent[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=purple]Joe Benning vs Tigre Salvaje Jr[/COLOR] [/quote]
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Territorio Desconicido P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] [I]will win by Dq or countout.[/I] Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk[/B]) vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [I]They won't win, but should make it to the three way.[/I] [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh [I]The name team wins as you take a look at some other combinations[/I]. [B]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez[/B]) vs Primus & Samuel [I]This is a tough one, as if you had used Galindo instead of Velasquez, this would be a no brainer for the other side. But Primus still needs time to develop in the ring, even though on paper they should develop into a dominant tag team in the future.[/I] 3-Way Elimination Finals: Insert Winner here [I]I'm not sold on Zonk as a tag team champion, but a stable needs gold to be a true force, and I don't think Bouncer will be in the Circus that long. But still, it will go to Natural Storm as the only credible 'face' team.[/I] * Bonus point available for which gets eliminated first [I]Kings get eliminated first[/I] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato [I]Squash followed by beatdown from the circus[/I]. Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] [I]Charles "welcome wagon" Rainier jobs to the newcomer.[/I] Bonus point available if you can name the mystery opponent [I]Who is 'everybody's' favorite regional level addition....Steve 'I am in every diary' Flash! ;):D[/I] [B]Joe Benning[/B] vs Tigre Salvaje Jr [I]Boring dark match, but Benning is supposed to have potential.[/I]
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[U][B]Territorio Desconicido[/B][/U] P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs Puerto Rican Power [I]- DRAW[/I] Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [I]- Because Messiah is more popular at the moment I feel, and is simply awesome character wise.[/I] [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh [I]- The more established team takes it.[/I] [B]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez)[/B] vs Primus & Samuel [I]- Higher up the card.[/I] 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]I say Natural Storm, following Dragonmack's reason.[/B] * Bonus point available for which gets eliminated first [I]- Messiah's Circus.[/I] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato [I]- Shawn is higher up, but gets decimated afterwards by all four members of the Circus.[/I] Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] [I]- Steve Flash debuts with a win.[/I] Bonus point available if you can name the mystery opponent [B]Joe Benning[/B] vs Tigre Salvaje Jr
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Territorio Desconicido P.R Title: [B]Hells Bouncer[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh [B]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez)[/B] vs Primus & Samuel 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Natural Storm for the win, Kings of the Street out first.[/B] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] [I]I'm going to be different. I think it's Fox Mask.[/I] [B]Joe Benning[/B] vs Tigre Salvaje Jr
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P.R Title: [B]Hells Bouncer [/B]vs Puerto Rican Power Tag Title Tournament: Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk) vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall[/B] Natural Storm vs [B]Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh[/B] Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) vs [B]Primus & Samuel[/B] 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Mainsteram Hernandez & Bradford Peverall[/B] * Bonus point available for which gets eliminated first: [I]Messiah's Circus[/I] [B]Shawn Gonzalez [/B]vs Amo Del Gato [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs ??? Bonus point available if you can name the mystery opponent: [I]Everyone's thinking Steve Flash...did he win gold in Canada? Blast, and I don't have the game in front of me. Oh well...[/I] Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B]
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Territorio Desconicido P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] [I]- By DQ due to interference of the Messiah's Circle. Hell's Bouncer retains![/I] Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [I]- Mainstream and Peverall self-destruct somehow and MC continue to look dangerous.[/I] Natural Storm vs [B]Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh[/B] Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) vs [B]Primus & Samuel[/B] [I]- Yes this makes little sense but here's my thinking on it. KotS cost NatStorm their match so they return the favour. The two favourites are out of the tournament but can continue their fued while hopefully some other tag teams raise their game.[/I] 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Messiah's Circus[/B] (Angelus gets some gold to improve his position as the power broker of FCW.) * Bonus point - Jameson and Singh out first. [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] [I]- I never bet against the dreaded ???![/I] Bonus point available - ??? = Dammit I'm drawing a blank on his name right now. The Tradionalist from DaVE who is in CGC at the start of 08. [I]That Eric Tyler guy... thanks Dragonmack.[/I] Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B] [I]- Better name.[/I]
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[QUOTE]Bonus point available - ??? = Dammit I'm drawing a blank on his name right now. The Tradionalist from DaVE who is in CGC at the start of 08.[/QUOTE] Eric tyler. i thought of that possibility as well, but I think his popularity in America would be too high for a regional fed, plus he is on an exclusive PPA unless he left.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;462270]Eric tyler. i thought of that possibility as well, but I think his popularity in America would be too high for a regional fed, plus he is on an exclusive PPA unless he left.[/QUOTE] I'll go and edit that back in. I kept coming up with Vin Tanner and Chris Caulfield and flashed back to MaRK Cuban's in Monkeypox' 07 DaVE, even recalled his great feud with Acid but could NOT remember Tyler's name. It's a long shot to be sure, but I figured PRP might be willing to bring in a big gun to help teach some respect to that uppity bookerman. ;) And some psychology and basics.
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P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] [I]..but I don't think the title will change hands. [/I] Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk) [/B]vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [I]I got to go with the Circus again. [/I] [B]Natural Storm [/B]vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh [I]Going with the established tag team and a pair of faces for the fans to rally around in the end.[/I] [B]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez)[/B] vs Primus & Samuel [I]Primus & Samuel are not there yet. Besides, Primus is better off as a singles guy in the long run.[/I] 3-Way Elimination Finals: King of the Streets out first. Then the Circus, sadly and the winners are the [B]Natural Storm[/B]. Maybe a fued with a Circus tag team after that. [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato [I]Oh well. [/I] Charles Rainier vs [b]???[/b] [I]Steve Flash seems like the best guess. [/I] Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B] [I]Jobber Joe.[/I]
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P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] -DQ or Count out win. PRP won't lose two shows in a row. Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh [B]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez)[/B] vs Primus & Samuel 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Natural Storm[/B] -I'm saying that the Kings of the Street will be eliminated first. [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato -Not a lot of reasoning needed for this one. Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] -You seem to be okay with having Rainer lose here and there. I like the Flash call. He's great for the roster... Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B]
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Territorio Desconicido P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B]- By DQ due to interference by the Circus Tag Title Tournament: [B]Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) vs [B]Primus & Samuel[/B] 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Primus & Samuel[/B] [B]*Natural Storm[/B] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] [B] *Steve Flash[/B] Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B]
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P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power [/B] But doesn't win the title back Tag Title Tournament: Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk) vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall[/B] Natural Storm vs [B]Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh[/B] Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) vs [B]Primus & Samuel[/B] 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Primus & Samuel[/B] *1st out: [B]Jameson and Singh[/B] [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] *[B]Steve Flash[/B] - can't think of anyone else either! Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B]
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Territorio Desconicido P.R Title: Hells Bouncer vs [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] [I]That pesky circus will attack their enemy giving Bouncer a DQ loss but remain your damned champion[/I] Tag Title Tournament: Messiahs Circus (Messiah & Zonk) vs [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall[/B] [I]I am liking the Hernandez & Peverall combo alot! They win there opener.[/I] [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh [I]Storm is more established and I see Jameson as a future singles star.[/I] [B]Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) [/B]vs Primus & Samuel [I]The Street Kings take out the Primus/Samuel team. They need a name! Then they go on to win. [/I] 3-Way Elimination Finals: [B]Kings of the Street[/B] * Bonus point available for which gets eliminated first [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] vs Amo Del Gato [I]Its a bad night for the circus as Gato loses here. At least Bouncer remains the champ![/I] Charles Rainier vs [B]???[/B] [I]Lets see you got Raul the Darkness Warrior maybe um, I like the idea of picking up couple more luchadors. Maybe a couple of the Swarm guys. I don't really see Steve Flash I am gonna go with Jungle Jack Marlowe![/I] Bonus point available if you can name the mystery opponent Joe Benning vs [B]Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B] [I]Regular Joe is my favorite jobber! But it is his Job. [/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Territorio Desconicido[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday July 5th 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Gynasium Aguada, Puerto Rico (Attendance: 726)[/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U][I]Your Hosts for the show:[/I][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B] & [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Backstage Interviewer:[/B] Sara Silver[/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]The Sensational Singh is backstage somewhere with the newly turbaned Ox Mastadon[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Sensational Singh:[/B] Wooooo ! I am absolutely fantabalosa. But as if that really need stating, not only do you all get to witness these perfect abs month in month out, not only do you all get to see unparallelled athleticism, I am also an unqualified genius but sometimes even someone with so much on his side, like moi needs a bit of luck and as if the gods were smiling on me, they provided me with my own personal genie ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]I will ask my genie, the outcome of my match tonight against Natural Storm[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Oh Great Oxii, who will the match between myself and the other guy I'm partnering against Natural Storm ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]The Great Oxii:[/B] You will, great master[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]The Sensational Singh:[/B] And who will get the winning pin in the match, me or the other guy[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]The Great Oxii:[/B] You will, great master[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]The Sensational Singh:[/B] Will my wishes comes true ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]The Great Oxii:[/B] You will, great master[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]The Sensational Singh[/B]: Not that it needs guaranteeing, but The Sensational Singh can smell the sweet smell of success. The Great Oxii has spoken and by the end of the night, FCW's grandest superstar WILL have gold around his waist[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] This was another one of those pre-taped segments for the Video-wire/DVD Extras. They give an opportunity to explain some lower-card angles without eating into the main show. Originally Singh was going to mentioned that he had bought out the former Ox Mastadons contract from Stetson Hatt. But due to Hatt being a bit of a tosser, I'm just letting his contract run down, without him even getting a mention. It's like his managment of the 937 Ib Express never happened.[/FONT] [B]Match: Joe Benning vs Tigre Salvaje Jr[/B] Though this wasn't the worst match in FCW history and the fact that did show some pretty solid chemistry working together, this didn't save this match from being utterly forgettable, mostly due to the fact that most of the fans were buying cut-price Puerto Rican Power merchandise . Some fan of the message board called Dragonmack already had this pegged as a 'boring dark match' For anyone interested Tigre Salvaje Jr picked up the win with the Salvaje Suplex [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tigre Salvaje Jr defeated Joe Benning in 5:36 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: E+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] One day the Young Americans may pick up a win, but right now they are on the bottom rung. This was also an opportunity to give Tigre a 'token' win, as he was starting to get a bit disheartened about the amount of jobs he has done himself.[/FONT] [I]Sara Silver came out in a ridiciously tight corset top, leggings, platform shoes combination all in silver of-course........to shoot some 'merchandise' into the crowd.[/I] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________[B]___[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]As with most shows we open with Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch welcoming us to the show, then shilling the main event[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Tonight FCW crowns new Tag Champs, as Six Teams vie to become the FCW Tag Team Champions and following the injustice of Hells Bouncer winning the FCW Championship, Puerto Rican Power has a chance to reclaim the Puerto Rican Championship[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Injustice ? Dominacion was the most glorious night in FCW's history as Puerto Rican Power was exposed for the Charlatan he truly is[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara[/B]: Too right it was an injustice Power and Gonzalez were beaten down 4 on 2 by Bouncer and his new pals the Messiah's Circus. If tell me Hells Bouncer won the title fair and square then you've been way too much of Leper Messiah's cool aid.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] It's you that's been drinking the cool aid[/COLOR] [I]All of a sudden The Messiah's Circus start making their way towards the ring[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Great this all we need, rub it why don't you Circus[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch[/B]: It's time you showed some respect to the most inspirational movement to ever happen to the world of professional wrestling. This is the age of the Messiah, and it's about time you realised that Dane.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Dane O'Hara:[/B] Please don't tell me you're buying into all of this. The day you turn up in clown make up, I'm leaving the announce desk ![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Cueball Lynch:[/B] Don't tempt me with your idle threats, now will you just listen to the words of someone truly inspirational[/COLOR] [I]Leper Messiah now has a microphone, and probably the only people in the crowd who are about to lap up (not heckle) what he has to say are his fellow Circus members and their new number one fan Cueball 'I'll cheer the heels no matter what' Lynch.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Leper Messiah:[/B] The Age of The Messiah is upon us, for it's genesis was born at the passage they called Dominacion. A passage that was set to be the confirmation that your false idol shall be worshipped for eternity, but alas it was not to be, for history shall show that your idol was weak. For he does not have the strength, and nor do any that oppose us to take us down, for we are the Messiah's Circ.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][I][COLOR=black]At this point Puerto Rican Power has heard enough and the former Champion storms the ring, soon he is joined by Mainstream Hernandez and Bradford Peverall. A massive brawl breaks out, l Bret Graveson witnesses that Messiah, Zonk, Mainstream & Peverall are all in the ring and decides to ring the bell for the opening contest in the mini tournament for the vacant Tag Team Championship.[/COLOR][/I] [/COLOR] [B]Ratings: D+ for O'Hara and Lynch hyping the main event, D- for the Messiah's Circus rant, D- for brawl[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Tag Title Match Qualifier:[/B] [B]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & El Hijo Del Zonk) vs [/B] [B]Bradford Peverall & Mainstream Hernandez[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zonk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverell.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Soon enough the wild brawling spilt to the outside once again, ending up with the Peoples Champion Mainstream Hernandez taking everyone down with a suicide plancha. Mainstream then brought Zonk back into the ring, and it looked like he was about to put the match away early with the Pontiac To Home, but Zonk sneaked in a low blow. Whilst on the outside Leper Messiah blew some sort of black mist into the face of Bradford Peverall, leaving Peverall disorientated and gasping for air, giving the Messiah's Circus a clear advantage in the match. Mainstream Hernandez now found himself isolated in the wrong part of town, but the Peoples Champion managed to use his natural athleticism on several occasions to get away from the Circus' corner only to find that he had no one to tag out to. It looked as though Mainstream would have to win the match all by himself. All hope looked lost for Mainstream when the Circus set him for a version of the Doomsday Device, but the Peoples Champ managed to reverse Zonk's flying clothesline into an inverted DDT before digging down enough energy to nail Leper Messiah with a super-kick. Mainstream then slumped to the canvas, this time Peverall was there to make the tag and the Peoples champ slowly crawled across, only to be pulled back by Leper Messiah but Mainstream used his other foot to drill the Messiah's Circus leader in the side of the head with an Enziguri and get the tag into Peverall. Peverall cleaned house on both members of the Messiah's Circus with a flurry of uppercuts, before sending Zonk out of the ring with a back body drop and nailing Leper Messiah with a running European Uppercut that brought Peverall a close two count. Peverall then took Messiah down with the Rapid Eye Movement sequence (jabs followed by a discus lariat) and again that looked like bringing his team victory, but Zonk dived in at the last second. Bret Graveson then had problems getting Zonk to go back to his corner, causing the official to be occupied, and when Peverall went to make his next move on Leper Messiah, the Messiah's Circus leader gave him another blast of mist (this time red in colour). Peverall screamed 'it friggin' burns !' as he staggered blindly around the ring and into The Prophecy (spinning side slam) as The Messiah's Circus advanced to the three way finals. Solid story based match to kick off the show and what could possibly be more 'evil' than blowing mist into the face of an opponent to gain an unfair advantage. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Messiahs Circus defeated Mainstream Hernandez & Bradford Peverall in 8:46 when Leper Messiah defeated Bradford Peverell by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Tag Title Match Qualifier: [/B] [B]Natural Storm (D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard) vs [/B] [B]Kirk Jameson & The Sensational Singh w/ Maryam Vega & The Great Oxii[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KirkJameson.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/B]w/[/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OxKreviazuk_alt31.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=white]__[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaryamVega.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kirk Jameson must have heard Sensational Singh's promo from earlier, as he didn't exactly look as if he wanted to be tagging with the flamboyant Indian. D.C Rayne and Singh started things out and engaged in some basic mat wrestling, Singh took control and then went to tag in Jameson, but Jameson waved him off and stepped down off the apron. This then gave Rayne a chance to recover and take a confused Singh down with a belly to back suplex. Rayne then tagged in Eddie Howard, from there Natural Storm worked quick tag to keep Singh isolated in their corner. Howard then went to finish Singh off with the Natural Ending (Release Power Bomb), but The Great Oxii hopped up onto the apron distracting Bret Graveson, this then allowed Singh to sneak in a low blow on Howard. Rayne then came in to protest but Graveson sent him back to the corner, giving the flamboyant Indian enough time to scramble back to his corner. This time Jameson casually tagged himself into the match, and seemed to mouth something at his partner. The Marksman waited for Eddie Howard to stagger up to a vertical base before leaping up and nailing the big man of Natural Storm in the head with the Pin Point Accuracy (Step Up Enziguri). Howard fell to the mat like a big oak tree and Jameson went for the cover. That looked to have gotten the egosticial duo the victory, but D.C Rayne managed to dive in to make the save. Rayne was then sent back to his corner, but his intervention allowed Eddie Howard enough time to recover, and the powerhouse started to rock Jameson with a series of fore-arms but the talented young technician had the Powerline (Running Clothesline scouted) and he was able to duck under and take Howard down with a drop toe hold. Jameson then dropped down and synched in the BSITWE. Rayne then came in again to try and save his partner but Singh cut Rayne off, taking the smaller man of Natural Storm down with a Russian Leg Sweep before applying the Singh it Back (Figure Four) Natural Storm now found themself each locked in a painful submission, but it was Howard and Jameson that were the legal men and this is where Jameson's focus was. Just as it looked like Howard was going to tap out, he managed to dig down enough energy to scramble across and make it to the ropes. As Jameson was forced to release his hold, Singh also let go of D.C Rayne's hold, this gave Rayne and opportunity to get shot in on Singh, as he clotheslined the blonde haired Indian over the top rope, before following Singh to the outside. Whilst those two brawled on the outside Jameson waited for Howard to get to his feet, arrogantly taunting the Powerhouse to do so. He then went to nail Howard with the Pin Point Accuracy, but unlike earlier Howard had it scouted and he exploded into life, to take Jameson down with a Leaping Lariat. Howard then picked a stunned Kirk Jameson up, whipping the young technician into the corner. Howard then followed in with a shoulder block to the mid-section and waited for Jameson to stagger out of the corner. All of a sudden The Great Oxii made his way into the ring....charging at Eddie Howard, but the Natural Storm man managed to move out of the way, and instead Oxii ended up squashing Kirk Jameson ! Eddie Howard then hit the Powerline on Oxii, sending the wrestler formerly known as Ox Mastadon out of the ring. Eddie Howard then tagged in D.C Rayne and the experienced duo made sure of victory by putting Jameson down with the Natural Storm. Rayne then made the academic cover, as Howard stood guard. A solid but pretty basic tag match, the high point was definitely the spot where Jameson and Singh had both of their submissions locked on simmultaneously but other than that the match wasn't anything to write home about. It also seemed to mostly be there as a catalyst to build some tension between People's Championship hopefuls Kirk Jameson and The Sensational Singh. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Natural Storm defeated Kirk Jameson and The Sensational Singh in 8:39 when D.C Rayne defeated Kirk Jameson by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match, a dazed Kirk Jameson goes up to his ' tag partner' The Sensational Singh, he really lays it into Singh verbally and everyone in the arena can make out the words 'that fat idiot'. Just as it looks like Jameson is about to take it a step further from the verbal to the physical, the 'fat idiot' he was referring to comes between himself and Singh and all of a sudden 'the Marksman' backs off.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Tag Title Match Qualifier:[/B] [B]Kings of the Street (Rudy Velasquez & Jesus Chavez) w/ Carlos Batch vs [/B] [B]Samuel & Primus[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RudyVelasquez.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JesusChavez.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheCannonballKid.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The two big men of the teams Jesus Chavez & Primus start things off. Chavez lays in a few chops on Primus, which have absolutely ZERO effect on the powerful big man. For some reason though Chavez gets all c0cky and challenges Primus to a shoulder tackle trade-off. Chavez goes first and again, Primus barely moves but when it was the turn of the 'rookie monster' Chavez was almost knocked out of his boots. Chavez stumbled back to his corner and Velasquez made the tag, who then tried to take Primus by surprise with a springboard drop-kick but Velsasquez just ended up bouncing off Primus, and then planted into the mat with a snap powerslam for a two count. Samuel wanted in, and Primus duly obliged. The former Calamari Kid scored with a leg-drop for a two count, before picking up Velasquez and nailing the KotS man with a leg lariat for another two count. Samuel then kept up the pressure by going for a quebrada, but that proved to be a mistake as Chavez pulled the top-rope, causing Samuel to lose his balance. Velasquez took immediate advantage by sending Samuel into the KotS corner, signalling the start of the standard 'face in peril' segment that has become a staple of almost every tag match in America. The Kings of course had several opportunities to put Samuel away, but the former Calamari Kid refused to stay down, and he eventually managed to create an opening by taking down Velasquez with spinning head scissors and then sending Chavez out of the ring with a drop kick. Velasquez was back up however and he blocked the way between Samuel and Primus, but Samuel simply rolled under and got the hot-tag into Primus. Primus sent Velasquez high into the air with a back body drop. Chaves then charged at Primus but was knocked down with a shoulder tackle. Velasquez then got up and nailed Primus with an Enziguri, but all it did was stagger Primus, who simply turned around and almost took Velasquez head off with a vicious clothesline. Some how Velasquez kicked out, before the tag was made back into Samuel. Primus dropped simply lifted Samuel up and launched his partner chest first onto the KotS man. Jesus Chavez dove back in to make the save, before Primus clotheslined Chavez out of the ring. Carlos Batch then got on the apron, threatening to blow his customary cigar smoke into the face of the big man, causing Primus to lose his cool and go after the Kings mouthpiece. That proved to be mistake, as whilst Primus was pre-occupied with Batch. Jesus Chavez sneaked back round to shove Samuel off the top-rope, after the former Calamari Kid had blocked a street cutter attempt from Velasquez and then respond with a sit-out face buster (that looked somewhat familiar to his old finisher as the Calamari Kid). Before Samuel could have time to realise what was just happenened he suddenly found himself in the Electric Chair Position on Chavez shoulders, before falling victim to the Kings version of the Doomsday Device, they call the Da Drive By. Primus then suddenly realised that his attention had been diverted, but it was too little, too late as Bret Graveson counted to three. This was probably the best of the first round matches, as both Velasquez and Samuel are solid high flyers, whilst Primus is an impressive physical specimen. Simple but effective storytelling too, with Primus looking a dominating prescence but his inexperience ultimately costing his team a place in the finals. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Chavez) defeated Primus and Samuel in 9:36 when Rudy Velasquez defeated Samuel by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]The victorious Kings of the Street just so happened to find Sara Silver backstage, and they use the opportunity to hype up their chances in the tag title finals[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Looks like the Kings of the Street are going to join me[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carlos Batch:[/B] That's right Mamacita, one set of jabroni's down, another two to go, and then we can reclaim the bling we never should have lost in the first place[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Now one of your opponents you have plenty of history with in Natural Storm......[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rudy Velasquez:[/B] Storm, you goin' down again fools....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:.....[/B]but, the real wildcard could be The Messiah's Circus, who are making a strong case to becoming the dominant faction in FCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Carlos Batch:[/B] The Kings of the Street fear no one, and come the finals later tonight we are going to show those clowns, who the real big boys are in FCW[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Charles Rainier vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesAvatar.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] As most people had managed to guess on the FCW message boards, the mystery opponent was former RPW and current NYCW champion Steve Flash. Flash is too well respected by the fans to come in as a heel, so this was a face vs face match. The problem with face vs face matches, is that they often take time to warm up and this was no exception having a very low key, respectful beginning. We took it to the mat for a bit, and then I tried to switch up the pace by running the ropes and trying to take Flash off his feet with leg-lariats etc, but the veteran managed to keep up with me, resulting in one of those cheesy 'indy stand-offs' We locked up again, and before I knew it, Flash had me in a Boston Crab, however I was close enough to the ropes for it to have much effect. I then seized the intiative on the rope break by sending Flash to the outside with a drop-kick, before climbing to the top and taking Flash down with a flying cross-body. The competitive juices were flowing now and the match had definately switched up a gear, I rolled Flash in for the pin, but the veteran was able to kick out. I then went out onto the apron, and as Flash got up I knocked him back down with a springboard clothesline. That earned me another two count, before I brought Flash back to his feet and double underhooked the arms for the C.R Driver, but Flash held firm and then sent me up and over with a back body-drop. I managed to land on my feet but was then nailed with a super-kick. Flash thought he had the match won there and then, but I was able to dig down and kick out, just before Gravesons hand slapped the mat for a third time. Flash then whipped me into the ropes and waited to take me down with the Flash Bang, but I had it scouted and I managed to duck under, before coming back off the ropes to take Flash down with a springboard roundhouse kick. With Flash flat on his back, I then went up top and came down across the well respected veterans sternum with a moonsault. Flash was again able to kick out, but was still out of it enough, for me to try for the C.R Driver once again, but once again Flash was able to counter the move, this time reversing it into a double underhook suplex. I managed to kick out and then nailed Flash with the Raindrop (Dropsault) as soon as we rose to our feet. The crowd felt sure that I had the match won, but Flash managed to stretch a foot out and save himself. Frustrated that I was unable to put Flash away I then headed back up top, but I was too indecisive over my next move and that gave Flash an opportunity to get back to his feet and bring me crashing back into the ring with a superplex. Then as we both staggered back to our feet, Flash seized the intiative with a fore-arm shot that left me dazed an open for the Flash Bang (Jumping Cutter, think Orton's RKO). Very few people have ever kicked out of the Flash Bang and I wasn't going to be one of them. A solid match, but I was hoping for a little better, but that can be the problem with face vs face matches, in that they sometimes lack the emotional spark to take it from being a good match to an excellent match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Steve Flash defeated Charles Rainier in 10:38 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Steve Flash lends me a hand to get back to my feet, he then offers me a handshake (telling me that I had given him a good match) to further my plucky babyface image I accept the handshake and then raise Flash's hand.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Shawn Gonzalez vs Amo Del Gato[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShawnGonzalez.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmoDelGato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Basic pattern of the match, was that Gonzalez would dish out some punishment on Del Gato, then the Messiah's Circus member would manage to slip out of further punishment with an gouge of the eyes or a back-rake, before running to the ropes and taking down Gonzalez with flying clotheslines/drop-kicks. Del Gato's tactics only seemed to make the Lone Wolf more determined and eventually Del Gato went to the well once too often and Gonzalez brought Del Gato crashing back in with superplex, before rolling through an locking on the Latino Crab, forcing Del Gato to tap out immediately. Sensing that the rest of the Messiah's Circus might storm the ring, Gonzalez quickly let go of the hold and then rolled out of the ring before escaping into the crowd. Solid extended squash for Gonzalez, that gives him back a win (seeing as he took the fall in the title match). [B][COLOR=red]Result: Shawn Gonzalez defeated Amo Del Gato in 3:47 by submission with a Latino Crab. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D[/COLOR][/B] [I]Frustrated at Amo Del Gato's loss, the rest of the Messiah's Circus are backstage and once again Leper Messiah has something to say[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Leper Messiah:[/B] Our fallen brother shall return, for he has made a sacrifice to further our cause. Brother Del Gato shall return stronger, for those who join the circus are blessed with eternal fortitude. But tonight will be a glorious night for the Messiah's Circus, for we shall be bathed in a trinity of gold and the fallen idol who once ruled this land shall be buried for all eternity. The Age of the Messiah is no longer upon us, for it has arrived ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: 3-Way Eliminator for the vacant Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & El Hijo Del Zonk) vs[/B] [B]Natural Storm (D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard) vs [/B] [B]Kings of the Street (Rudy Velasquez & Hector Galindo)w/ Carlos Batch[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LeperMessiah.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zonk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]vs[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DCRayne.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EddieHoward.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]vs[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RudyVelasquez.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HectorGalindo.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The announce team, mention during the introductions that Jesus Chavez picked up an injury working the first round match, and that Hector Galindo would be taking his place for the Kings of the Street. The freshest man in the match Galindo and Zonk of the circus start things off, they do some fast paced moves that involve bouncing off the ropes, resulting in Zonk sending Galindo out of the ring with a spinning head-scissors take down. Velasquez comes in and nails Zonk with a lariat, he goes for the early cover, but Leper Messiah is into make the save for his partner. Messiah the simply throws Velasquez through the ropes and out of the ring, before following the KoTS man out of the ring. Zonk then takes the opportunity to rol over and tag in D.C Rayne of Natural Storm. Hector Galindo then re-announces his arrival back into the match by taking Rayne down with a missile drop-kick. Galindo then waited for Rayne to get back to his feet, before planting the Natural Storm man into the mat with a running bull-dog............ One......... Two......... Eddie Howard dove in to make the save. Galindo was back to his feet, but Howard took him down with the Powerline. Howard went for the cover, but he was not the legal man, but it had given D.C Rayne enough time to recover and he lifted Galindo back to a vertical base, before taking the KotS man over with a Northern Lights Suplex. Velasquez then dove in to make the save, but was immeidately followed in by Leper Messiah who nailed Velasquez with a running boot. From there the match completely broke down, with brawling in and and around the ring, in the end both members of the Kings of the Street and Zonk found themselve on the top-rope, before all hitting flying cross-bodies on Eddie Howard, Leper Messiah and D.C Rayne. However D.C Rayne managed to use the momentum to roll through, then apply an armbar on Zonk, just it looked like Zonk might tap Leper Messiah managed to dive across and make the save. Messiah then lifted D.C Rayne up into a military press and powered the Natural Storm man down with the strongman slam, only to be sent out of the ring with the Powerline (Running clothesline from Eddie Howard) but Howard left himself open to a leg-lariat/leg-sweep combo from the Kings of the Street and when he staggered back up to his feet, both of the Kings had gone up top but whilst Rudy Velasquez managed to pull out the Latino Press, Leper Messiah had come across and pushed Galindo off the top turnbuckle and crashing onto the guard-rail. Velasquez realising what had happened quickly made the pin on Eddie Howard......... One......... Two............ Rayne dove back into the ring to make the save, but Zonk then came off the top-rope to land across the back of D.C Rayne with the Zonk Bomb. The blue haired 'clown' then rolled an already dazed Eddie Howard............ One.................. Two........... Three And Natural Storm were gone from the match up, leaving the tag titles to be contested between the former champions The Kings of the Street and the Messiah's Circus. [B]Elimination #1: Natural Storm in 7:47[/B] Zonk then rose back to his feet but was met immediately by a kick to the gut from Velasquez and then drilled face first into the canvas with a Street Cutter ! One......... Two........ Thr.......... Nooo !! Leper Messiah broke up the pin with an elbow drop. The former Tully Arthurs, then lifted Velasquez up into a Full Nelson and slammed the KotS man onto the mat, with a move that looked eerily similar to Puerto Rican Power's San Juan Impact. Messiah then went for the cover but Brett Graveson informed him he was not the legal man. The Messiah's Circus leader then tried to inimidate Graveson, backing the referee into the corner , but the face painted weirdo had left himself open to attack and Hector Galindo, duly obliged by taking Messiah down with a springboard bull-dog. Galindo then went back to his corner and waited for Velasquez to make the tag but Zonk was back up and the blue haired clown, cut Velasquez off with a low-blow before rolling the KotS man up into a small package.......... One....... Two........ But Velasquez kicked out and as they both rose to their feet t was the KotS man who seized back the advantage with a jawbreaker, followed by a facebuster. Velasquez then got the tag into Galindo, who immediately rushed over to the Messiah's Circus corner to drop-kick Leper Messiah off the apron, he then ran up the turbuckle and used the momentum to take down Zonk with a Moonsault press........ One....... Two...... Zonk kicked out ,and rose back to his feet with a series of elbow shots to Galindo's mid-section but he was then planted back onto the mat with a rolling cutter and Galindo once again headed up top, but Leper Messiah was back up and he cut Galindo off with a clubbing blow to the back. Galindo then slumped onto the top turbuckle and Zonk brought him crashing back in with a hurracanrana, before using the momentum to roll through and make the pin.......... One................ Two.......... Galindo kicked. They then both rose back to their feet, and then ran the ropes only to take each other out with Leg Lariats. As Bret Graveson made the ten count, they both then scrambled across, to make the tag and make the tag they did. Leper Messiah tried to take Velasquez down with a big boot , but the KotS man ducked under before sliding under the ropes. Velasquez then quickly headed up top, before knocking Messiah down with a missile drop-kick. Velasqueze then kept the pressure on with a quebrada for a two count........He then stepped away from Messiah and went for a running keen strike, but the leader of the Circus blocked it then, caught Velasquez throat first. The former Tully Arthurs then lifted Velasquez upwards and planted the former tag champion with a choke-slam. One.......... Two................ Hector Galindo dove in to make the save, Zonk was now back in and it broke down again, but the Kings seized the advantage once again by sending both members of the Messiah's Circus out of the ring with stereo drop-kicks. With the adrenalin pumping through their bodies, they both then headed to the top and came flying off with stereo cross-bodies, but whilst Hector Galindo found his targer of Leper Messiah, Velasquez crashed and burned as Zonk side-stepped out of the way. Galindo and Zonk then re-entered the ring, and it was Galindo who came out on top, after blocking a head-scissor attempt from Zonk and planting the smaller member of the Messiah's Circus into the mat with a Wheelbarrow facebuster. Galindo then headed up top once more and came crashing down with the Latino Press but Brett Gravesons gaze had been averted by an incident on the ringside area, involving Carlos Batch, who was staggering around with black mist in his face. Suddenly realising that Galindo was making a cover, Graveson dropped down to make the count........ One......... Two........ Thr......... Zonk go the shoulder up. Galindo couldn't believe it and started to argue with Graveson, before seeing that his manager Carlos Batch was in some discomfort. That left Galindo open to a fore-arm shot throught the ring ropes from Leper Messiah, Galindo then staggered back and tripped over Zonk who was back to a kneeling position. Zonk then rolled Galindo up into a small package......... One............. Two............. Rudy Velasquez was back to his feet and is in the ring Three But he recovered too late, The Messiah's Circus are the NEW FCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS ! and now hold three quarters of the gold in FCW Whilst the finals didn't really surpass the rest of the tournament, it was at least consistent with the good but not great quality throughout. The match did seem to find more rhythm once it was down to the final two, where the Kings ended up as de-facto faces. The Circus have quickly taken the Kings place as the most hated faction in FCW, though there was a small section of the crowd, who seemed to be for the Circus, as if they were followers of Leper Messiah's cult. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Messiahs Circus (Leper & Zonk) defeated Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Galindo) and Natural Storm in 14:53; the order of elimination was Natural Storm first, and finally Kings of the Street (Velasquez & Galindo).[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Messiahs Circus (Leper & Zonk) win the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Chavez wasn't really injured at all, but he had been moaning about the amount of losses he had taken. Seeing as I already used the 'freebird' rule for the Kings, I decided to put him in the first round match, which the Kings won, then replacing him with Galindo (who hasn't whinged so much) to basically do the job in the finals.[/FONT] [I]After the match the Messiah's Circus celebrate in the ring. I say celebrate, both Messiah and Zonk just grabbed the belts raised them in the air and then stared blankly out into the crowd, soaking in the boos[/I]. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [I]All of a sudden Puerto Rican Power jumps over the guard-rail and knocks the newly crowned tag champs down from behind. He then nails Zonk with the San Juan Rush, before nailing Leper Messiah with a roaring elbow, then placing the Messiah's Circus leader into a Full Nelson, he is then about to deliver a San Juan Impact (Full Nelson Slam)......when Hells Bouncer suddenly appears in the ring and knocks the former champion down with a clothesline, Leper Messiah then slides out of the ring, and Brett Graveson rings the bell for the main event to begin.[/I] [B]Ratings: B- for P.R Powers revenge attack, C+ for Hells Bouncer making the save[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Puerto Rican Championship: [/B] [B]Hells Bouncer vs Puerto Rican Power[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellsBouncer.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Puerto Rican Power gets back to his feet and he comes right back at Hells Bouncer with a series of fore-arms. Hells Bouncer doesn't back down though and the pair brawl back and forth around the ring, exhanging fore-arms, clotheslines and knee lifts. Eventually Puerto Rican Power is able to spring off the ropes and rock Hells Bouncer with a roaring elbow. The newest member of the Messiah's Circus manages to stay on his feet, but he leaves himself open to a knee lift, which has him doubling over. It's at this point that Puerto Rican Power, displays his impressive power by getting the near seven footer up and then down for a vertical suplex. Such move took a lot out of Power, as well as his opponent and he was only able to drape an arm across, the champion.......... One......... Two....... Hells Bouncer raised his shoulder, keeping the match and his title reign alive. As both men staggered to their feet, Power seized the advantage once again, but as he came back off the ropes with a roaring elbow, he was tripped up by El Hijo Del Zonk (who made his way down to the ringside area). The forme champion stumbled into a big boot from Hells Bouncer and as he rocked back against the ropes Hells Bouncer sent Power tumbling over with a clothesline. To no one's suprise Leper Messiah and Amo Del Gato had also made their way down to the ringside area and whilst Zonk distracted Brett Graveson, Messiah and Del Gato delivered an out of ring beat-down to the iconic former champion, before rolling Power back into the ring. Hells Bouncer, dropped an elbow onto Power and then made the cover.......... One........... Two........... Much to the disbelief of Bouncer and the rest of the Messiah's Circus Puerto Rican Power kicked out. Bouncer then lifted Power up to vertial base, rocking the champion with a flurry of fore-arm shots, before wrapping both his hands round the throat of the former champion. But just it looked like Power was going to fall victim to the Damnation Drop, he managed to break free by stamping on the feet of the monstruous champion. Power then delivered a well placed knee lift to the mid-section of Hells Bouncer, before rocking the champion with a roaring elbow, that spun the champion around and into the grasp of Puerto Rican Power who applied a Full Nelson. Hells Bouncer now found himself in not just any Full Nelson, but P.R Power's feared submission the Atomic Full Nelson. But just as it looked like Hells Bouncer was going to fade, the near seven footer, managed to use his natural power, to drive Puerto Rican Power backwards. Hells Bouncer continued to ram Power into the turnbuckle but the former champion was refusing to let go. Eventually Bouncers persistance paid off and Power was forced to break hold of the submission, as both slumped to the mat out of exhaustion. As both got up, Power went for another of his trademark roaring elbows but this time Hells Bouncer was a step ahead, rocking Power with a vicious clothesline. Power then staggered forward to Hells Bouncer, who then delivered a series of clubbing blows, that had the former champion doubling over. Hells Bouncer then went for a power bomb but Puerto Rican Power held firm, and he trie to get Hells Bouncer up and over with a backbody drop, but Hells Bouncer stood his ground and eventually it was the champion who out in this battle of wills, as he was able to lift Power up an plant FCW's most iconic wrestler into the canvas with a powerbomb.................... One........... Two............ Thr Puerto Rican Power got his shoulder up just in time. Bouncer moves in for the kill, lifting Power back to a vertical base and applying a choke hold, but Power fights out of it with elbow shots to the side of Hells Bouncer head. Bounce then tries to cut off his comeback but all of a sudden Power starts no-selling Hells Bouncer offence and soon enough Power has the champion rocking with a flurry of punches and fore-arm strikes. Power then rocks Hells Bouncer with a roaring elbow, then as the champion staggers forward, he delivers an inverted atomic drop......before planting the champion back on to the canvas with a spinebuster ! Puerto Rican Power then wound up to finish Bouncer off with the San Juan Rush but he was smacked in the back of the head with a chair shot from Leper Messiah, that saw the former champion fall flat onto his face. The Messiah's Circus then stormed into the ring and Bret Graveson saw no other choice but to call for the bell and give Puerto Rican Power the DQ victory. In terms of the quality of the 'wrestling' on offer this was a pretty boring match as all they did was basic sports entertainment brawling for the most part and interject it with the odd power-move, to get over the fact that both of them in there are big and strong but the clear face/heel divide saved this match from being a total disaster and most of the crowd are still fully behind Puerto Rican Power. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Puerto Rican Power defeated Hell's Bouncer in 9:20 when Hell's Bouncer was disqualified.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Hells Bouncer retains the FCW Puerto Rican Championship [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Messiah's Circus then continue to lay a beating on Puerto Rican Power, but just as it looked like Power was going to get mist blown into his face, Shawn Gonzaled stormed the ring, baseball bat in hand, he then entered swinging wildly at all four members of the circus, eventually clearing the ring of the now dominant heel faction.[/I] [I]Puerto Rican Power then gets to his feet, and instead of being thankful for Gonzalez intervention, he appears a little offended and we can see him mouth ' I can fight my own battles' They then get in each others faces, verbally sparring with one another but come short of coming to blows.[/I] [B]Ratings: C- for post match attack and recue, C+ for tenson between Power and Gonzalez[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: D+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Slightly disappointing, not get the usual C- rating but then again the tag division isn't that strong right now and the show was mostly based around tag team wrestling (One day I might have teams the quality of Size of the Fight, The Rebellion, P.I.N.K, HorrIno)
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[B][U]Predictions Contest[/U][/B] [I]10 entrants this time round, here's how they all did[/I] [B]8 Pts:[/B] d w w, March [B]7 Pts:[/B] Dragonmack, Smurphy1014 [B]6 Pts:[/B] Beeker, maskedpropaganda, Trekkiemonsta [B]5 Pts:[/B] Midnightnick, Rob4590 [B]3 Pts:[/B] Actarus [I]Therefore our two winners are d w w and March. There prize is a signed poster of current People's Champion Mainstream Hernandez.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][U]July in Review[/U][/B][/CENTER] Whilst July's show wasn't up to the standards we had been setting, it was still a solid show considering that the focus was mostly on one of our weakest areas, that of the tag team divsion. On the positive note, we managed to make a slight profit this month, which is important as we'll expect to make a loss next month as we will be bringing in some 'name' talent for some one off appearances to be part of a tournament we are planning to be a centrepiece of the FCW calendar. Whilst Steve Flash's arrival was no surprise to many he does supply a valuable veteran prescence. As well as working as an in-ring competitor, he will also be sharing road agent duties with Rico Santana. That's not a knock at Santana but Flash is someone who has managed to meld together old-school story-telling with a high impact modern offence, something a fair few of our workers are currently struggling at and we are hoping that by having Flash work with them they will be able to pick up a few valuable tips. The locker room has been generally harmonious, only real problem at the moment is Jesus Chavez who has been making it know that he is unhappy about the amount of 'jobs' he has done. Whilst I'm trying my best to keep the peace, and I had Galindo take the job in the tag title match (though I'm sure he'll start piping up with complaints soon), Chavez has an over inflated opinion of his worth to FCW, he's not exactly irreplaceable and to be honest his woe is me attitude is making the possibility of us offering him a new contract more remote. [RIGHT]___________________________________________________________[/RIGHT] [CENTER][B][U]July News and Notes from around the Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] Australia's biggest promotion, actually only promotion APW has risen to Regional Size, which means that about 1000 people in all of Australia, actually care about the promotion. [B]Worker Signings[/B] Steph 'Principessa' Hazel, Emma Bitch and Amber Allen will all return for 5SSW on their next tour, whilst Ukrainian Karen Bilous signs on for her first tour of the leading Joshi promotion. Bilous has been tipped to tour Japan for sometime, and it's been a suprise that it has taken as long as it has for it to finally happen for her. Following their rise to Regional Size APW have made their first signing in the form of the Afro haired Cole Taylor BHOTWG have called up Taro Shionaya from development in Hinote Dojo Acid seems to be making Japan his new home having signed a PPA deal with GCG, on top of his current PPA agreement with WLW 19 Year Old prospect Ryushi Sato has signed a PPA deal with BHOTWG developmental territory Hinote Dojo. NOTBPW have signed FCW's Kirk Jameson on a PPA deal. Black Eagle has signed on for SWF's feeder league RIPW, the good news for CZCW fans is that it's only on a PPA basis, meanwhile Ash Campbell (the son of Nemesis) has also expanded his bookings by signing on with RIPW, alongside working for PSW and CGC. Damian 'The Natural' Carvill, Atlas and Bear Bekowksi all received call ups to SWF from RIPW. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] After rumours that he would be one of the budget cuts for 21CW since their fall to Regional size last month, former 21CW World Champion Red Dragon put pen to paper on a new contract extension. Current tag champion Huntress Makiko and long term gaijin prescence June Butler have signed PPA extensions with 5SSW Tracy Brendon, one half of Tag Champions the Brendon Sisters has signed a new deal with AAA APW secured both of the former tag champs The Melbourne Blondes, as Blake Belushi and Rick Stantz put pen to new contracts Heiachiro Sakai and Toshiki Shibanumo have been secured to new exclusive written contracts with BHOTWG, whilst Eisaku Hoshino has signed yet another short term contract BSC have extended the PPA deal of Vampella CGC have signed Chrisitan Price to a new PPA contract Burning EXILE has signed a short-term contract with INSPIRE, whilst Roku Sotomura signs on for a more long term PPA deal. MOSC have kept hold of current UK Champion Danny Patterson. Axl Grease has also seen his contract extended MPWF have extended the contract of Hijo Del Relampago, who many feel will be a future main eventer in Lucha Libre NOTBPW have extended the PPA deal of Omar Brown NYCW have extended the deal of veteran tag teamer Wiley Steinway. PGHW have secured Washi Heat to a new long term written contract PSW have extended the PPA deal of Wooton Fitzpaine, one half of the Good Ol' Boys SOTBPW have given new PPA deals to Mexican Ghoul and Reaper Cicero. Color commentator Eduardo Prieto will also be staying on Lobster Warrior, Enforcer Roberts and Bart Biggz have all signed new written contracts with SWF TCW have extebnded the written contract of Freddy Huggins USPW secured the services of the key part of their womens division Alicia Strong, whilst Jumbo Jackson and referee Baby Jamie also sign new PPA deals [B]Injuries [/B] CGC star Jack DeColt sustained a Broken Tail Bone, that will put him out of action for a month [B]Retirements[/B] Japanese veteran Masayuki Shiga called time on his in-ring career. Shiga was never seen as a big star but he was a solid mid-card prescence for GCG and then more prominantly for PGHW where he twice held the Historic Japan Championship. [B]Media News[/B] TCW expanded their PPV coverage to Japan, by signing a contract with PPV Japan to show their monthly supercards [B]Other News[/B] Taka Kajiwara's babyface image took a slight knock when the WLW, WEXVV and Hinote Dojo color commentator was caught in possession of some 'soft drugs' OLLIE's Asesino De La Espada was also guilty of the same offence. [B]Title Changes[/B] The Ivanoff Brothers half year long Tag Team Title reign in 21CW was ended by the tandem of Joey Beauchamp and Leo Price [I][FONT=Courier New](O.O.C: One that I should have reported last month)[/FONT][/I] The Awesome Kiyaru won the Best of the Super Juniors in BHOTWG for a fourth time, defeating current Junior champion Optimus, then sometime tag partner Golden Scorpion and finally Acid in the Finals. Laberinto Jr's 13 month reign as the Campeon de Mexico in OLLIE was ended by Julio Dominguez Alexander Robinson saw his four month reign as Historical Japan Champion ended by his own tag partner Lee Bennett Pirata Malvado regained the Campeon de Menor in SOTBPW from Blood Raven, earning a third reign with the title SWF saw two title changes as Kurt Laramee became the North American champion, ending Rich Money's 7 month long reign, whilst Zimmy Bumfhole prised away the Shooting Star Title from Marc Dubois to become a two time champion. Steve Gumble is the new TCW All Action Champion, ending Fumihiro Ota's 4 month reign with the belt. The WLW Universal Title is back round the waist of Emerald Angel, his third reign with the top title in the Lucharesu promotion.
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[CENTER][I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][B][U]Delorean Driver.com[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal][B][U]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] After a lengthy rest period FCW return to action on Saturday August 23rd with what promises to be their biggest show yet 'Rey De Reyes'. The centre piece of the event will be a 10 Man tournament that is expected to be annual event, where the winner not only earns the Rey De Reyes trophy but is also guaranteed a title shot at Anniversario. They Rey De Reyes tournament will feature 10 competitors, 7 of which are part of the FCW roster, whilst the other 3 are guests from other promotions FCW have a strong relationship with. The format of the tournament is that there will be five singles match-ups and then the winners will meet in a 5-way elimination match to crown the Rey De Reyes. The match ups will be as follows: Rudy Velasquez of the Kings of the Street takes on Shawn Gonzalez, Steve Flash takes on 4C's rising star Davis Wayne Newton, Charles Rainier takes on CZCW and MPWF veteran Snap Dragon,Samuel takes on The Sensational Singh and the rookie monster Primus faces off with PSW and former DaVE stalwart J.D Morgan. Also on the show Hells Bouncer will put his FCW Puerto Rican Championship on the line in an open challenge to anyone on the roster (accept Puerto Rican Power). The former champion will look to get back on the winning track when he faces off with Natural Storm's Eddie Howard in a first time ever meeting. Kirk Jameson gets another chance to prise away the Peoples Championship from Mainstream Hernandez and the Kings of the Street duo Jesus Chavez & Hector Galindo will try to reclaim the Tag Team Championship from the Messiah's Circus pair of Leper Messiah and El Hijo Del Zonk. The pre-show will feature two matches with D.C Rayne taking on Carlos Gonzalez and Dragon Del Arco Iris going up against Amo Del Gato of the Messiah's Circus. [I]Here is a full run down of the card for Rey De Reyes[/I] [CENTER][SIZE=2][B][U]FCW Rey De Reyes[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Saturday 23rd August 2008 at Gynasium Arriba in San Juan, Puerto Rico[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=blue]Rey De Reyes Tournament:[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]'Representing Kings of the Street'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue]Rudy Velasquez[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]'From 4C'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Charles Rainier[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]'From CZCW'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue]Snap Dragon[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Samuel[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Primus[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue]'From PSW'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=blue]J.D Morgan[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=blue]Winners meet in 5-Way Elimination Match to decide the 2008 Rey De Reyes[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Puerto Rican Championship[/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][B]:[/B][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=1]'Representing The Messiah's Circus'[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] Hells Bouncer vs [I]'A member of the FCW Roster'[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Peoples Championship:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs Kirk Jameson[/CENTER] [CENTER]Puerto Rican Power vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Natural Storm'[/SIZE] Eddie Howard[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] The Messiah's Circus (Leper Messiah & El Hijo Del Zonk) vs Kings of the Street (Jesus Chavez & Hector Galindo)[/CENTER] [CENTER][/SIZE][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New][B]Bonus Pre-Show Matches:[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]D.C Rayne vs Carlos Gonzalez[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Courier New]Amo Del Gato vs Dragon Del Arco Iris[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]_______________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=purple]Rey De Reyes[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]Rey De Reyes Tournament:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Rudy Velasquez vs Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Steve Flash vs Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Charles Rainier vs Snap Dragon[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Samuel vs The Sensational Singh[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Primus vs J.D Morgan[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=purple]Winner of Five-Way Finals:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][COLOR=purple]Bonus Points available if you can guess the order of elimation correctly, a point for each one you get correct[/COLOR][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Puerto Rican Championship:[/B] Hells Bouncer vs ???[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][COLOR=purple]Bonus point available if you can guess the yet to be named opponent.[/COLOR][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Peoples Championship:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez vs Kirk Jameson[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Puerto Rican Power vs Eddie Howard[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Zonk) vs Kings of the Street (Chavez & Galindo)[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]D.C Rayne vs Carlos Gonzalez[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=purple]Amo Del Gato vs Dragon Del Arco Iris[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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Rey De Reyes Tournament: Rudy Velasquez vs [b]Shawn Gonzalez[/b] [i]Should be a good match, but I think Gonzalez edges it out here.[/i] [b]Steve Flash[/b] vs Davis Wayne Newton [i]I have Flash to win it all and really establish himself in FCW.[/i] [b]Charles Rainier[/b] vs Snap Dragon [i]You can at least put yourself over the visiting talent. Samuel vs [b]The Sensational Singh[/b] [i]Singh deserves a break.[/i] Primus vs [b]J.D Morgan[/b] [i]I think one visitor will get through, and Morgan seems like the one.[/i] Winner of Five-Way Finals: [b]Steve Flash[/b] Bonus Points available if you can guess the order of elimation correctly, a point for each one you get correct [i]Rainier is the first eliminated, then Singh, then Morgan, then Gonzalez.[/i] Puerto Rican Championship: [b]Hells Bouncer[/b] vs ??? Bonus point available if you can guess the yet to be named opponent. [i]I think Peverall will answer the challenge, and put up a brave but losing effort.[/i] Peoples Championship: [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] vs Kirk Jameson [i]I don't think Hernandez loses it here.[/i] [b]Puerto Rican Power[/b] vs Eddie Howard [i]Well duh.[/i] Tag Team Championship: [b]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/b] vs Kings of the Street (Chavez & Galindo) [i]The Circus wins against the worst of the KotS combinations.[/i] [b]D.C Rayne[/b] vs Carlos Gonzalez [i]Squash.[/i] [b]Amo Del Gato[/b] vs Dragon Del Arco Iris [i]Gato is a part of a major stable, Iris... isn't.
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Predictions Form: Rey De Reyes Rey De Reyes Tournament: Rudy Velasquez vs [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Davis Wayne Newton Charles Rainier vs [B]Snap Dragon[/B] [B]Samuel[/B] vs The Sensational Singh Primus vs [B]J.D Morgan[/B] Winner of Five-Way Finals: Shawn Gonzalez Bonus Points available if you can guess the order of elimation correctly, a point for each one you get correct Dragon, Samuel, Flash, Morgan with winner Gonzalez Puerto Rican Championship: [B]Hells Bouncer[/B] vs ??? Bradford Peverall Bonus point available if you can guess the yet to be named opponent. Peoples Championship: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Kirk Jameson [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] vs Eddie Howard Tag Team Championship: [B]Messiah's Circus (Messiah & Zonk)[/B] vs Kings of the Street (Chavez & Galindo) [B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs Carlos Gonzalez [B]Amo Del Gato[/B] vs Dragon Del Arco Iris
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