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Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0 (Cornellverse)

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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Peligro[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER]Thursday 26th June 2014[/CENTER] [CENTER]Attendance: 2000 (Sell Out !) [/CENTER] [CENTER]Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch /[B] Backstage[/B] [B]Interviewer:[/B] Katie Cameron [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG]/ [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [B]Match #1: Quentin Queen vs Joe Gilbert[/B] Why go and get some Rice and Beans when you can be treated to action like this ! Sarcasm aside this match wasn't that bad, though the result was never going to be doubt and as expected Double Q put Juicin' Joe away with the Q-Ball. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Quentin Queen defeated Joe Gilbert in 3:52 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Quentin Queen had something to get off his chest and grabbed the microphone....[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Quentin Queen:[/B] You know what Double Q is a little fed up. No actually really fed up, because I'm sick of being in matches where the fans have more interest in buying a carton of Rice and Beans. I'm tired of beating guys I know I can beat days in day out, and having nothing to show for it. My career should have soared after I beat Malilli Umaga at Rey De Reyes but for some reason that just ain't happened.[/COLOR] [I]Some of the fans begin to get in Queen's case.......[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen]OK I'll give it to you that it might sound like I'm just out here whining, but the fact is I just haven't had the SUPPORT, either from management or from anyone here in FCW. Did one of the faction leaders ask me to be in one of their gangs ? Hell No ![/COLOR] [I]Some of the fans are still telling Double Q to 'stop whining'[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen]Believe you me, I don't want to come across like those tedious bores the Mainstream Nation[/COLOR] [I]That comment sort of gets the fans back on Queen's side...[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen]But this was just something I needed to get off my chest, because anyone can see here on the Island that if you don't have back up, you ain't gonna go nowhere on this Island. Now I'll say I won't be expecting an offer anytime soon to join up with the LEA , because I don't go around wearing a goofy mask but there is one group in particular, given their 'philosophy' that I'm sure I should be able to fit in to, a certain group of young up-coming talent who caught their break right here in FCW, just like......ME. So why haven't I be offered a spot in that group ? I'd really like to know why, because I believe if someone, anyone lets me join up with them, then I'd have the backing to be heading places, just like I should have been for the past year.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Match #2: Xavi Ferrera w/Carl Batch vs Gringo Starr[/B] These two actually put together a pretty entertaining, fast paced contest with Starr managing to catch a somewhat overconfident Xavi Ferrera off guard to score a couple of close near-falls with a series of quick roll-ups. However when Starr went for the Revolver Drop (Tornado DDT), Ferrera was able to block and turn in into a Buckle Bomb, Starr the bounced off the turnbuckle and straight into a Superkick, to seal the win for the Batch Enterprises Inc. man. [B]Result: Xavi Ferrera defeated Gringo Starr in 4:55 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [I]The pre-show ends in usual fashion with Katie Cameron giving you some free merchandise to the fans in attendance. [/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The Mainstream Nation are out yet again to kick off the main show, much to the disdain of the fans who would rather not hear Mainstream Hernandez address them with one of his rants. This time though as he speaks, he appears to be wanting to get straight to the point.......[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Sara your games ain't gonna work, you're trying to stack the deck against us but you'll learn by the end of tonight that the only thing that can stop the Mainstream Nation is ourselves. You're trying to break us but mark my words you and your band of hired guns will fail. Because unlike them we ARE a team and we stick together till the very end.[/COLOR] [I]Sara Silver then emerges on the entrance ramp with the Guerreros' del Amor in tow.[/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SaraSilver.jpg[/IMG][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] If I was being so unfair to you James, then why would I even give you a chance to win the Undisputed Championship, why would I do that James ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Your mind games Miss Silver will have no affect on me and I can see right through your plan and I will rip those plans apart when I bring Puerto Rican Power to heel.[/COLOR] [I]Power then takes the microphone....[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] Wild conspiracies or not Mainstreamer, if you think you can beat me, then you really are even crazier than everyone thinks, because YOU have never defeated me. You may have laid me some vicious beatings, but you have never laid me down.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Tonight that all changes and Sara, my love your plan to destroy the Mainstream Nation will be broken, the Mainstream Nation can only break itself and as long as I am standing, that will NEVER EVER happen ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Undisputed Title Match Qualifier:[/B] [B] Mainstream Hernandez w/ Alyssa Viperini vs Puerto Rican Power[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG][/B] w/[IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The match begins with Mainstream Hernandez drop-kicking, Power off the apron before the patriotic Puerto Rican has even entered the ring, with Power staggered the Mainstream Nation leader then puts his own body on the line with dive off the apron to send himself crashing into Power, who ends up slumped against the guard-rail. Michael Bull applies a double count, but Hernandez breaks it up and then proceeds to stomp away on Power, before pitching the Guerrero's del Amor man back into the ring. The Mainstreamer goes for a quick cover but Power is quick to kick out. However Hernandez remains in control and the Mainstream Nation leader continues to methodically put the boots to Power, whilst jawing with the crowd. Another cover follows but Power again kicks out, only to get slapped across the face from the Mainstreamer, but that only seems to fire up Power, who begins to rise to his feet and soon has Hernandez on the backfoot. But the come back is cut off with a simple rake of the eyes and the Mainstreamer is back in control and after a boot to the mid-section he spikes Power into the mat with a DDT. The Mainstreamer then decided to taunt Power to get back to his feet and lined up to nail the former Undisputed Champion with a Superkick, but Power was able to side-step at the last split second and then level Hernandez with a clothesline. Power not back in control, sent Hernandez hard into the corner and then came charging in but the Mainstream Nation leader was able to get the boots up, and then hopped up onto the second rope, before drilling Power into the canvas with a diving DDT. Hernandez then looked to lock on the Love Me Now ! (Guillotine Choke) but Power still had some gas left in the tank and powered his way back up to his feet, before driving Hernandez backfirst into the turnbuckle, forcing the Mainstreamer to relinquish the hold. Power then staggered out of the corner to get some of his breath back, but that allowed for Hernandez to also re-group. With Power still on his knees, the Mainstreamer decided to take a risk and went up top but as he went for diving press, Power caught him and then slammed the Mainstream Nation leader hard onto the mat with a Powerslam. That brought Power a two count, before delivering a series of back body drops that began to wear down his despised opponent. Power then levelled the Mainstreamer with a roaring elbow, and the crowd knew what was coming next.....Atomic Drop, Spinebuster....SAN JUAN RUSH !! One.... Two..... Three ? It should have been three but unbeknownst to Power, Hernandez just so happened to collide with Michael 'No BS' causing the ref to fall flat on his face and be unable to make the could. Upon realising what had just happened Power went to revive Bull, but as he did [B]Atlas [/B]'sneaked' into the ring and levelled Power from behind with a Northern Lariat.... [CENTER][URL="http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/?action=view¤t=Atlas-1.jpg&newest=1"][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Atlas-1.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] Power stayed on his feet but then staggered right into a chokeslam from the Mainstream Nation's new Monster Enforcer. Atlas then revived his 'leader' and placed the Mainstreamer across the prone body of Power....Michael Bull now came to........ One...... Two.... Thr.... Remarkably Power kicked out, but as they staggered back to their feet Hernandez nailed him with a SUPERKICK ! and then nailed the patriotic hero with a second consecutive Superkick. One..... Two.... Three ! Mainstream Hernandez had finally scored a singles victory over Puerto Rican Power, much to the shock and disgust of the fans in attendance and in doing so had put an immediate spanner in the plans of Sara Silver to stack the deck against his fellow Mainstream Nation member Apathy. It's kind of a shame that Hernandez would finally score his big win over Power, in what has to be one of their lesser matches (not that this was bad, it wasn't up to the same standard as their matches from last year) but Power just wasn't prepared to fully put Hernandez over back then, however with Hernandez signing on with TCW on a PPA deal this past year, he is now at a level of popularity for Power to be prepared to 'job' to him. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Puerto Rican Power in 9:53 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Mainstream Hernandez is not done with Power and is soon joined by Atlas in putting a further beat-down on the Puerto Rican Patriot, to disapproving disgust from the crowd. They bust Power open with a series of chair shots, before Atlas delivers another impressive chokeslam on Power, onto a bed of chairs. Still not done Hernandez then locks in the Love Me Now ! screaming in Power's face that the Mainstream Nation will NOT be stopped ! Until ringside officials try to come into the ring to save Power, but they just get shoved to the floor by the imposing Atlas. However reinforcements come in the form of the rest of the Guerreros' del Amor pair of Ultimate Phoenix and Boriken Love Machine Jr and this time Hernandez and Atlas decide to bail out of the ring, but with damage done.[/I] [I]Ultimate Phoenix and Boriken then tend to Power, with the Mainstream Nation making their way back up the entrance ramp with sadistic smiles satisfied with what they had just done etched across their faces.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Undisputed Title Match Qualifier:[/B] [B] Phoenix Negra vs Dean Daniels[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-FIN.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As Phoenix Negra made his way up the entrance ramp, Ultimate Phoenix who was out just moments earlier to 'save' fellow Guerrero del Amor Puerto Rican Power had words with his 'brother' before deciding to stay at ringside to watch the match/support Negra in his up-coming Undisputed Title qualifier against the returning Dean Daniels. This one began tentively, with them going hold for hold with a mixture of chain wrestling and mat based grappling, that whilst basic was delivered very crisply and drew plenty of appreciation from the fans in attendance. The pace started to pick up a little more when Daniels took Negra over with snapmare and then delivered a kick to the back, which only prompted Negra to dish out the same, Daniels then tried for another snapmare but Phoenix blocked and then stunned him with a spin kick. Negra followed that up with a drop-kick that had Daniels reeling. The Affliction Trinity man then staggered into a leg-sweep from Negra, who then went to follow that up with a quebrada only for Daniels to move out of the way....despite that Negra managed to right himself back onto his feet only for Daniels to nail him with a roaring elbow. Daniels then took control with a front facelock and reeled off the Tri-Fecta of Snap Suplexes. That earned the Affliction Trinity man a two count, before Daniels decided to hop up to the second rope but before he could deliver what he had in mind, Negra popped back up to his feet and stunned Daniels with a step up Enziguri....Negra then placed a dazed Daniels onto the top-rope and proceeded to bring Daniels crashing back into the ring with a frankensteiner. Daniels kicked out of the subsequent pin attempt but Negra then managed to float through into the LAST CHANCERY ! But fortunately for Daniels, ring positioning was in his favour and he was able to scramble across to the ropes... After the rope break, Negra retained control and looked to drill Daniels with a brainbuster but the Affliction Trinity man was able to block, and instead took Negra over with a vertical suplex. But Daniels was too worn down to immediately follow up. As they both staggered back up to their feet, Negra charged at Daniels only to be pitched over the top rope with a back body drop but Negra was able to land on the apron and then sprung in off the top rope to take Daniels down with a flying clothesline. Negra then headed for the top rope but took too long to set up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash and Daniels lept back up to bring Negra crashing back in with a belly to back superplex. Negra was able to kick out the following cover from Daniels, but the Affliction Trinity man retained control with a elbow stroke, then Daniels looked set to drill Negra with the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver) only for Negra to slip out and nail Daniels with a spin-kick....Negra then doubled Daniels over with a heel kick to the mid-section before setting up for CERTAIN DEATH (Vertebreaker) but Daniels was able to block and bridged Negra over into a pin attempt. Negra kicked out and then nailed Daniels with a kick to the head, before drilling the Affliction Trinity man into the mat with a BRAINBUSTER ! One..... Two..... Thr..... Daniels kicked out at the last split second but remained rooted to the mat, and Negra paced around for a bit deciding what to do next, before deciding to head up top once again.......Negra then soared in off the top-rope with the PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH ! But Daniels got the knees up and then managed to trap Negra into a butterfly arm look before delivering a flurry of RELENTLESS/TRAPPED KNEE STRIKES. Negra was begining to fight out of the predicament, but as he tried to do so, Daniels would just become relentless with each knee strike and it looked as though Negra was beginining to fade and with Dewey Libertine not let read to call for the bell, Ultimate Phoenix hopped up onto the apron to throw in the towel !, prompting the balding ref to call for the bell ! The controversial finish, did not take away from what a great match this was and adds more intrigue to the current problems between the Brothers Phoenix and many will be asking did Ultimate Phoenix, throw in the towel to 'save' Negra or to keep Negra out of the main event ? Whatever the reason, it further see's Sara Silver's plans to stack the deck against Apathy crumble further, and this time it could have been self inflicted on the part of the Guerreros' del Amor. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Phoenix Negra in 15:11 by submission, after Ultimate Phoenix 'threw in the towel' for Phoenix Negra. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Undisputed Title Match Qualifier: [/B] [B]Ultimate Phoenix vs Speed Machine w/Carl Batch[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Could the final Guerrero's del Amor entrant make it into Undisputed Title match or would Speed Machine finally get his 'break out' victory amongst the 'elite' of FCW and put another spanner in Sara Silver's already crumbling plans ? Speed comes right at Phoenix with alot of aggression and puts the former Undisputed Champion on the back foot with a flurry of strikes. But Phoenix absorbs the flurry and comes back with a flurry of his own. They trade kicks and strikes with neither one backing down until Phoenix seems to create enough for an opening to go for the springboard roundhouse but Speed see's that coming and catches Phoenix to dump the Guerrero del Amor man with a high angle German Suplex....... One....... Two...... Phoenix kicks out, but Speed immeidately grabs hold of his ankle, only for Phoenix to kick Speed off with his free leg. Speed then comes charging at Phoenix but gets taken down with a leg lariat and the Batch Enterprises Man decides to roll out of the ring to re-group. However with the momentum swinging in his favour Phoenix decides to launch himself off the top rope with his trademark no hands plancha, wiping out both Speed and Carl Batch in the process. Phoenix then pitched Speed back into the ring before deciding to head up top, Phoenix then waited for Speed to rise to his feet before diving off to spike the former People's champion into the mat with a Tornado DDT..... One..... Two...... Speed kicked out and was then lifted back up to a vertical base as Phoenix looked to dump Speed with an Elemental Suplex but the Batch Enterprises man was able to force a standing switch...Phoenix then managed to escape a suplex attempt from Speed and then tried to stun Speed with a spin kick but Speed was able to duck under and sent Phoenix down to the mat with a Dragon Screw leg-whip that he immeidately turned into a DEADLY HEEL HOOK but once again Phoenix was able to counter by rolling onto his back and kicking Speed off with his free leg. But before he could rise back to his feet, Speed was there to nail him with a SPEED STRIKE (Shining Wizard)..... One...... Two..... Thr.... Phoenix kicked out but Speed kept the pressure on by admittedly re-applying the Deadly Heel Hook and it looked like it would only be a matter of time before Phoenix would either be forced to tap out or pass out from the painful submission. The first and second times Michael Bull checked on Phoenix, he got no response from the Guerreros' del Amor man but somehow the willing cheers of the fans helped Phoenix get a second wind and he seemed to use up every last out of energy to force a rope break. However it still looked to be only a matter of time before Speed would be able to put Phoenix away, and he dragged the former Undisputed and Tag champion into the ring, before double underhooking the arms to set up for the SPEED SNAP but Phoenix was proving to be something of a dead weight and Speed was struggling to get the Guerreros' del Amor man up, then suddenly out of nowhere he reversed the Speed Snap attempt into a FLAMING DRIVER (Sunset Driver)........ One..... Two..... Thr...... Had Phoenix made a stronger cover he could have won the match there and then, but Speed remained rooted to the mat and Phoenix despite being hobbled from being in the Deadly Heel Hook decided to head up top. But as could have been expected he took too long getting up there and before he could set up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash, Speed was back up to his feet to stun Phoenix with a jumping knee strike. Speed then joined Phoenix on the top turnbuckle and sent both of them crashing back into the ring with a superplex. Speed however was too worn down himself to follow up with a immediate cover and Michael Bull started a double count..... It was to be Speed who was able to rise to his feet first and he came charging with another Speed Strike but this time Phoenix was able to block and take Speed off his feet with a leg-sweep...then taking a lead out of his 'brothers' playbook he nailed Speed with a kick to the head and drilled Speed into the canvas with BRAINBUSTER ! One...... Two....... Three !! Ultimate Phoenix had just booked his place into the title match and did so by using one of his 'Brother's' finishing sequences to get the job done. Was this in 'tribute' to Negra or did he go for the kick to the head/brainbuster combo to get another 'one up' on Negra. Over the years whether it be as singles wrestlers or as a Tag Team unit, The Brothers Phoenix have on the whole been the MVP's of FCW and these last two matches were evidence of that fact. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Speed Machine in 14:45 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Team Championship: [/B] [B]Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs[/B] [B] No! Dance2Win (B-Pev & K-Zing) w/Carl Batch[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMiticoJr_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrazilJr_alt21.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [B][/B] [B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BradfordPeverall_Leather41.jpg[/IMG][/B][SIZE=2] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KashmirSingh_Leather21.jpg[/IMG] w/[B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] No! Dance2Win got their shot by beating (though many will actually say cheating) the Sons of Lucha Libre in a non title match, would they be able to follow up that victory when it really matters ? The champs started off hot, but after going for stereo dives, the challengers with the help of Carl Batch were able to get the advantage out on the floor. B-Pev and K-Zing then worked Capitao over in their corner and K-Zing came close to picking up victory with a Lighntin' Rod (Falcon Arrow)....However a miscommunication of a European Uppercut, German Suplex combo allowed for Capitao to then take the Batch Enterprises pair with a head-scissors take-down/neckbreaker combo to get the hot tag into El Mitico Jr.... Mitico then cleaned house and went close with a Quicksilver Suplex on K-Zing only for B-Pev to break it up...the man formerly known as Bradford Peverall then unleashed the Rapid Eye Movement sequence on Mitico, but before he could follow up with a pin attempt he was nailed with a springboard dropkick from Capitao and all four men were left laying in the ring. They then began to brawl as they got back to their feet which seemed to favour the challengers only for the Sons of Lucha Libre to reverse a meeting of the minds, Mitico and Capitao then took down their opponents with stereo drop toe holds, with Capitao locking B-Pev in his A Prayer For Mercy submission (Inverted Figure Four)....Mitico then drilled K-Zing into the mat with a Mitico Driver. B-Pev however was able to fight his way out of Capitao's A Prayer For Mercy to break up the pin, but was then taken down with a leg-sweep/clothesline high low from the LEA pair before being sent out of the ring. Mitico then lifted up the still dazed K-Zing onto his shoulders as Capitao headed up top and the champs were able to finally seal victory with the Lucha Dreams. About as routine a Tag Title defence as the fans are ever likely to see on a Puerto Rico show. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Sons of Lucha Libre defeated No ! Dance2Win in 8:51 when El Mítico Jr defeated K-Zing by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]The Sons of Lucha Libre retain the FCW Tag Team titles.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Katie Cameron tries to get a word with the Tag Champs....[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] Another great defence there from the Sons of Lucha Libre....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] Look I know where you're going with this, and well we're not interested...[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] Come on everyone wants to know where you stand with the issues between....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] Look we said, no comment....[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] But......[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] We'll show just where we stand when the time is right.[/COLOR] [I]The Sons of Lucha Libre then head back up the entrance ramp, somewhat irritated by Katie Cameron's questions.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: 4 Corner Survival: [/B] [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs Charles Rainier vs Fox Mask vs Nicky R!ot[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white] ____[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=white]___ [/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a pretty good 4 Corner Survival. After the usual early 'feeling out' exchanges things began to get interesting when R!ot who despite having a size advantage on me, didn't really want to get in the ring when I was in control of the match. When Fox Mask nailed me with a leg-lariat to be in control of the match, R!ot tagged himself in and seemed to want to form an 'alliance' with the Mainstream Nation member but that broke down when Fox Mask, miffed at R!ot's tagged wanted no part of it. This lead to Fox Mask and R!ot beginning to brawl with another and soon enough the match was totally breaking down, Fox Mask drop kicked R!ot out of the ring, only for Fire Fly to enter and send Fox Mask out with a Tilt-A-Whirl Head-scissors, Fire Fly then launched himself out of the ring with a tope con hilo before I climbed to the top turnbuckle and wiped out everyone else with a diving cross body. I then rolled Fox Mask into the ring to go for a quick cover, until it was broken up by Nicky R!ot that lead to a period of everyone trying to get the win with surprise pins or having their signature mvoes countered, eventually Fox Mask was able to nail the Fox Flip Off DDT on myself and looked to have the match won, had it not been for Amazing Fire Fly breaking it up with a slingshot senton. Fire Fly then snapped off a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors on Fox Mask that he immediately transitioned into his Infest Hazard Triangle Choke but Nicky R!ot broke that up with a series of stomps to the former LEA representative. R!ot then lifted Fire Fly up into a vertical suplex but that was countered with a stunner from Fire Fly. Fire Fly then headed up top and looked to be setting up for the Sky High Fire Fly but all of a sudden Angel De Mexico sneaked up onto the apron and that seemed to distract Fire Fly and that split moment of distraction allowed for Nicky R!ot to get out of the way, R!ot then delivered a running boot to Fire Fly before planting the ultra quick luchdore with the 'Charles Peterson' Exploder Suplex and despite the fact I had recoverd enough to enter the ring that was enough for R!ot to pick up the win in this four way. A smirking Angel De Mexico knowing that he had done enough to 'screw' Fire Fly out of what should have been his victory, then backed his way up the entrance ramp with the fans letting him know just how 'disappointed' they are in the LEA leaders current actions. [B][COLOR=red]Result:Nicky R!ot defeated Charles Rainier, Fox Mask and Amazing Fire Fly in 10:05 when Nicky R!ot defeated Amazing Fire Fly by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]As Angel De Mexico made his way up the entrance ramp, Carl Batch the leader of Batch Enterprises Inc decided to enter the ring, just as the victorious Nicky R!ot was about to make his exit.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Carl Batch:[/B]Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ! Great win their playa, always knew you'd get the job done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Thanks Carl, I suppose you want to know if I'm gonna be in with Batch Enterprises.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Carl Batch:[/B] You'd be right Playa, well what's it gonna be....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Nicky R!ot: Well I've given alot of thought to the offer and I'll ta......[/COLOR] [I]All of a sudden Nicky R!ot is interrupted by his Affliction Trinity associate Dean Daniels.[/I] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] You aren't seriously thinking about taking up joining up with Batch are you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Watch it fool.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] Look Batch, this is between me and Nicky right here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Think you'll find it was between me and Mr Batch, until you came out here to interrupt Dean.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] You ARE taking this offer seriously aren't you ? What about the Affliction Trinity Nicky ? What about US Nick ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Yeah what about us.....DEAN ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] Come on Nicky, I formed the Affliction Trinity with you and Brandon so that we could become the dominant force in FCW.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Except Dean, that it didn't like that did it, Brandon's gone and you went AWOL in Japan leaving me to fly the Trinity flag.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels[/B]: Well sure we've hit a rocky patch, but look I'm back now. I beat Negra to get into the Undisputed Title match and you just won your match, surely that's a signal that we're gonna be back on top.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: WE ? Since the beginning of this year there's barely been a we.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] Well we're back together now aren't we ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot[/B]: That's what you think and besides aren't we supposed be the Affliction Trinity ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Dean Daniels: I can't believe you're willing to throw away what we've got to be another one of Batch's Chronies.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Carl Batch: Look[/B] fool, I'm gonna take Nicky here to the top, just like I'm gonna do with the rest of my associates.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels[/B]: On tonight's evidence I'd say different, did Speed get the job done against Ultimate Phoenix...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]No[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Did B-Pev and K-Zing win the Tag straps...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Hell No[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]So Nicky do you really think Batch here is gonna help you to the top, do you really think so.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] At least he's shown some damn interest me of late...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] Look I'm sorry about letting things fall apart with us, but do you think joining up with a man you yourself once rejected, is going to solve your problems.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] My problems ? It's our problems Dean ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] OK it's OUR problems, but as I said I'm back now and i'm gonna be putting things right and that'll include getting a new third member of the Trinity, someone worthy enough to stand with us, someone worthy enough to replace Brandon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Fine Dean, you've convinced me that Affliction Trinity isn't dead quite yet.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Carl Batch:[/B] Damn it playa, I though we were about to do some damn business.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Dean Daniels:[/B] Sorry Batch but it looks......[/COLOR] [I]But then all of a sudden Nicky R!ot spins Dean Daniels and levels Daniels with a SUB POP BOP ![/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Nicky R!ot:[/B] Do you really think you could sweet talk me into thinking everything was gonna be alright Dean, well I'll tell you right now it's NOT. If you cared one iota about the Affliction Trinity you wouldn't have let things fall apart, the Affliction Trinity is dead Dean, it is Dead ![/COLOR] [I]R!ot then turns round to shake the hand of Carl Batch, signalling that he has joined Batch Enterprises Inc.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Carl Batch:[/B] You made the right choice playa...Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah ![/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Non Title: [/B] [B]Apathy w/ Alyssa Viperini vs Billy Russell[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeanJeanCattley-FIN.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BillyRussell.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match may have been non title, but Billy Russell really had nothing to lose going into this match. If he were to beat Apathy he would surely put himself in the title picture and he would probably also win favour with FCW Commissioner Sara Silver if he were able to at the very least soften the champion up prior to his title defence in the main event. Knowing that the longer this match would go on, the more damaging it would be for his prospects of retaining the title, Apathy took the fight right to Billy Russell from the start by jumping the former MMA before the bell had even rung. Soon enough the Mainstream Nation had sent Russell to the outside, where he introduced the local 'hero' to the ring-steps. Apathy wasn't done with delivering punishment out on the floor and whipped Russell into the guard-rail before charging in, only for Russell to get a second wind and stun Apathy with a jumping knee attack. That only seemed to stun the champion though who stayed on his feet but the former MMA man chopped Apathy down to his knees with a series of kicks, before rolling back into the ring to get a breather. Apathy then made his way back into the ring only for Russell to take him off his feet with basement drop-kick to the knees. Apathy then staggered back up to a vertical base only for Russell to deliver another basement dropkick that took the Mainstream Nation man back down to the mat. Russell then tried to applied the Kneebar but got kicked off and Apathy was able to stagger back up to his feet again but once again Russell kept the pressure on with another basement drop-kick to the knees and this time followed in with a running knee strike as the Mainstream Nation man dropped to the mat. Russell followed in with the pin.... One..... Two..... Thr..... Apathy kicked out, but Russell kept the pressure on by applying the kneebar. Apathy was in a world of pain at this point and looked set to tap out but all of a sudden found a second wind and was able to make it to the ropes. Apathy then raked the eyes of Russell on the rope-break before pitching the former MMA man out of the ring with a back body-drop...however Russell managed to land on the apron only for Apathy to send him crashing to the floor with a stiff elbow shot. Apathy then dropped to his knees again but with Russell now trying to shake off the cobwebs on the floor he had created some breathing space to 'regroup'. Russell then re-entered the ring only for Apathy to immediately jump him and stomp the former MMA man down to the mat. Apathy then scooped the dazed Russell up onto this shoulders and dropped the former MMA down across his knees with a fireman's carry gutbuster...though that was not the most wisest of moves considering the fact that Russell had been targetting Apathy's knees and the Mainstream Nation man recoiled in agony and was unable to follow up. They then both staggered up to their feet and Russell came charging at Apathy only to be planted into the mat with a Uranage slam. After a two count, Apathy then lifted Russell up for a Mood Swing but the Puerto Rican star was able to block and then took Apathy off his feet with a leg-sweep, before dropping down to try and reapply the knee-bar but Apathy managed to get Russell trapped in a triangle choke. Russell fought his way out with a series of elbow strikes to the top of Apathy's head, before being shoved hard into the turnbuckle. Russell then staggered out of the corner and was levelled with a clothesline from the Undisputed Champion. Apathy then lifted Russell up into a vertical suplex, and despite being a little wobbly legged was able to drive the former MMA man into the mat with THE SOLUTION (Vertical Suplex Side Slam)...... One....... Two...... Three !! Apathy had managed to defeat Billy Russell, but at what cost ? Not quite as good as the Brothers Phoenix matches from earlier in the show, but this was still a good semi main event. Alot of the time you get the feeling the crowd are more respectful of Russell because of the fact he is from the Island, rather than being fully appreciative of his style but Apathy is starting to really hit his stride in FCW now and he adapted well to his opponent. This could likely be Russell's last match, despite having a few more months left on his contract. He does have somewhat unfinished business with Speed Machine and Batch Enterprises Inc. but despite Batch's inteference in his last match against Speed, the victory for Speed was still decisive enough that the feud between those two can be brought to a close. It all depends on Russell's pay demands when his contract comes up * [B][COLOR=red]Result: Apathy defeated Billy Russell in 12:49 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]* O.O.C Note[/B]: Given the fact that TEW2010 is coming out soon, this WILL be Russell's last appearance but before the announcement, the situation was that I was going to let Russell's contract run down before deciding whether to renew it or not.[/FONT] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]A video package is shown to hype up the main event, it recaps what happened in the earlier qualifying matches and gives a run-down of Apathy's reign with the Undisputed Championship thus far. Considering it was somewhat rushed together, the package turns out to be pretty good.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: 4-Way Elimination Match for the Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Apathy vs Dean Daniels vs [/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeanJeanCattley-FIN.jpg[/IMG][B][COLOR=white]____[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-FIN.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=white]_____ [/COLOR][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lots of questions going into his match, the Mainstream Nation have the advantage or will the lure of becoming Undisputed Champion drive a wedge between Mainstream Hernandez and the Undisputed Champion, as for Apathy himself one has to wonder if it would have been wiser for him to tap out to Billy Russell and will Dean Daniels have recovered from being dropped with a Sub Pop Bop from his now former stable mate Nicky R!ot and will he team with old rival Ultimate Phoenix to try and eliminate the Mainstream Nation or will he turn the numbers game against Phoenix ? Whatever the outcome, this clearly wasn't the match that Sara Silver had in mind, when the FCW Commissioner put together the format for this show. With the match to be contested under 'Tornado' Tag rules, Mainstream Hernandez kicked things off against Ultimate Phoenix. However when Phoenix peppered the Mainstream Nation leader with a kick combination Hernandez was quick to back up and tag out to the Undisputed Champion Apathy. Phoenix however knew where Apathy's weakness was and cut the champion down with a basement drop-kick and then sprung off the top-rope into a quebrada. Apathy powered his way out of the subsequent pin attempt and then after delivering a series of clubbing blows, scooped Phoenix up onto his shoulders only for the Guerrero del Amor man to counter into a Crucifix Bomb...... One.... Two.... Apathy kicked out but remain rooted to the mat and Phoenix headed up top but Mainstream Hernandez moved across the apron to hold the ankle of Phoenix, allowing for Apathy to recover and then bring Phoenix in hard with a biel from the top rope. Apathy then stalked Phoenix and levelled the popular masked man with a series of clothesline. After a two count, Apathy lifted Phoenix up for the Mood Swing but their positioning was such that Dean Daniels made a blind tag...the surprising thing was that he tagged Phoenix out of the match, rather than keep the mask man in the ring, in a weakened state. Daniels then proceeded to pepper Apathy with a flurry of fore-arms smashes, something that brought an appreciative cheer from the fans, something he had probably not heard since he was a member of FREEDOM 5. Apathy began to fire back though but a series of kicks to the heavily worked over knees of the Undisputed Champion saw Apathy doubled over in position, for the probably now former Affliction Trinity man to spike him into the mat with a DDT. That brought Daniels a close two count, before he dragged Apathy across to the corner to tag Ultimate Phoenix back in and to the surprise of the fans it looked like Daniels and Phoenix were about to work together to neutralise the Mainstream Nation, leaving Mainstream Hernandez to seeth with frustration in the opposite corner. The next few minutes of the match then settled down into Phoenix and Daniels working over Apathy, and wisely targetting the champions already worn down legs. Put to the champions credit he remained resilliant to what was thrown at him and was even able to force a rope break when Daniels was able to lock on a Figure Four Leglock. But when Phoenix followed up with a pin attempt off a slingshot corkscrew senton, Mainstream Hernandez had seen enough and came in to break up the pin attempt, only to be tagged with a roaring elbow from Dean Daniels and tossed out of the ring with a release overhead belly to belly suplex ! But Hernandez intervention at the very least did allow for Apathy to roll out of the ring and to try and re-group on the outside. With the Mainstream Nation pair re-grouping on the outside, Daniels and Phoenix then talked strategy in the ring and Phoenix looked set to soar over the top rope with the No Hands Plancha but as he looked set to do so, Daniels all of a sudden turned round and levelled Phoenix with a roaring elbow, immediately signalling that his alliance with the Guerreros' del Amor man was now over, something that drew a chorus of boos from the fans. It appeared that Daniels was only merely using Phoenix to help wear down the champion. Daniels then worked Phoenix over with the Tri-Fecta of snap suplexes, that brought the (former ?) Affliction Trinity man a two count, before scooping Phoenix up for the Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver) but Phoenix knew what was coming and slipped out before stunning Daniels with a step up Enziguri. A fired up Phoenix then snapped off a spinning head-scissors, before levelling Daniels with a leg lariat that took the man only minutes earlier he was forming an 'alliance' with out of the ring but as he set up for the the second time in the match his trademark no hands somersault plancha, he was tripped up from the outside by Mainstream Hernandez, who then dragged Phoenix out of the ring and whipped the Guerreros' del Amor man into the guard-rail. The Mainstream Nation leader then pitched Phoenix into the ring and stomped away on the popular masked man, before taunting Phoenix to get up, and as Phoenix did just that Hernandez nailed him with a SUPERKICK ! One.... Two.... Thr...... Phoenix kicked out, much to the frustration of Mainstream Hernandez , who then dragged Phoenix back up to a vertical base and looked set to drill Phoenix into the canvas with a DDT (often the precursor to Hernandez locking in the Love Me Now !) but the Guerreros' del Amor man was able to block and then countered into a Brainbuster ! One..... Two...... Thr..... But as Michael 'No BS' Bull was making the count he was dragged out of the ring and then tossed into the guard-rail by of all people...Phoenix Negra ! [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Negra then entered the ring and got in his Brother's face, before delivering a boot to the mid-section and drilling Ultimate Phoenix with a Brainbuster of his own. Negra then left the ring with the fans left in a state of shock..... At that point with Mainstream Hernandez having now rolled out of the ring, Dean Daniels re-entered and lifted the already dazed Ultimate Phoenix up for the RAISE THE STAKES (Cradle Piledriver) to drop the Guerreros' del Amor man on his head in under a minute...... After that with Michael 'No BS' Bull now recovered to count the pinfall, the three count was academic and thanks to the intervention of Phoenix Negra, in all his years of trying Daniels was finally able to pin Ultimate Phoenix shoulders to the mat for a full three count. [B]Elimination #1: Ultimate Phoenix @ 17:22 via Pinfall (Dean Daniels)[/B] Mainstream Hernandez then sneaked back into the ring and tried to clip Daniels from behind and tried to get a quick roll up only for Daniels to kick out, something that drew a cheer from the fans, despite the fact that he had betrayed his 'alliance' with Ultimate Phoenix, simply for the fact that the fans wanted to see anyone but the Mainstream Nation keep hold of the Twin Belts. Mainstream Hernandez however remained in control and pulled Daniels up and looked set to plant the former People's and Tag champion into the mat with Pontiac to Home, only for Daniels to block and counter into a Uranage Backbreaker. Daniels then lifed Hernandez back up and planted the Mainstream leader onto the canvas with a German Suplex into a bridging pin..... One..... Two..... Thr...... Hernandez kicked out but Daniels remained in control and butterflying the arms began to unleash a relentless stream of knee strikes, only for a re-freshed Apathy to save his Mainstream Nation stable mate by levelling Daniels with a clothesline. Daniels got back to his feet but then got booted in the mid-section and was then planted into the mat with a MOOD SWING (Swinging Fisherman Suplex)...... One.... Two...... Thr....... To the fans surprise/delight Dean Daniels managed to kick out, but Apathy stayed on Daniels and looked to be setting up to finish Daniels off with The Solution but the (former ?) Affliciton Trinity man stood his ground and then fired back with a flurry of elbow strikes. Daniels then delivered a boot to the mid-section and then scooped Apathy up to drill the champion into the canvas with the RAISE THE STAKES !! One..... Two.... Thr...... Apathy kicked out at the last split second. Daniels then paced around for a bit before deciding to take a risk at head up top, but Daniels had clearly forgotten about Mainstream Hernandez who cut him off and then sent Daniels crashing to the mat with a top rope DDT before applying the LOVE ME NOW !! (Guillotine Choke)..... Daniels however managed to fight his back to his feet and with one arm powerbombed the Mainstream Nation leader into the turnbuckle before collapsing to the mat out of sheer exahustion. At that stage all three lay on the canvas with the match now clearly taking it's toll on both champion and challengers. Daniels staggered up to his feet first but was levelled with a clothesline from Apathy but then got back to his feet again only to be nailed with a SUPERKICK from Mainstream Hernandez. The Mainstream Nation leader then taunted Daniels back to his feet before planting Daniels onto the mat with the PONTIAC TO HOME (Swinging Reverse STO) One...... Two....... Three ! Daniels had put in a brave effort but in the end the odds were stacked against him. [B]Elimination #2: Dean Daniels @ 23:09 via pinfall (Mainstream Hernandez)[/B] The horrible realisation that the Twin Belts were to stay in the hands of the Mainstream Nation came over the fans in the 'Monty' like a wave who began to jeer, boo and throw trash into the ring ! [I]The Mainstream Nation leader then took a microphone from the announce table.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Apathy you have served the Mainstream Nation well, and you will continue to serve as well but as your leader now is MY time to take my rightful place as the Undisputed Champion. So if you are prepared to do what is right for the Mainstream Nation, I order you to lay down for me......[/COLOR] Apathy however just stood there..... [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Come on Apathy, you knew one day it would come to this. You knew one day that when the time was right, you would let me hold the Twin Belts ![/COLOR] But Apathy wasn't going to lay down and instead drilled the Mainstream Nation leader with a forearm smash before lifting the Mainstreamer up into a Vertical suplex, to plant Hernandez down onto the mat with THE SOLUTION !! One..... Two....... Three !!! Apathy had just retained the Undisputed Championship in what has to be shocking, somewhat unlikely circumstances. Had the man Mainstream Hernandez brought in to bring the Undisputed Championship, to the Mainstream Nation just turned on his leader ? Perhaps the words uttered by Mainstream Hernandez that the Mainstream Nation can only destroy itself will be coming back to haunt the leader of the Mainstream Nation. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Apathy defeated Mainstream Hernandez, Dean Daniels and Ultimate Phoenix in 25:09; the order of elimination was Ultimate Phoenix first, then Dean Daniels, and finally Mainstream Hernandez. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Apathy retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] The aftermath of the match see's Apathy raising the Twin Belts aloft, the eerie mask that hides his features disguising his emotion, whilst Mainstream Hernandez looks on, as speechless as the fans in attendance at what just occured. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] FCW Peligro will go down as one of the most eventful shows in FCW History. Right now it seems that most of the current factions are riddled with internal problems, and surely all this turbulence must be heading somewhere.
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[QUOTE=Tweek It;775279]Great show, TK. I was wondering if when FCW comes to an end will you let those of us (well, me) that still can't figure out who Phoenix Negra.. in on who he is?[/QUOTE] That very question will be revealed by the time I wrap this diary up. I've just never felt the need to un-mask him, because for me he's so much more interesting with the mask on...I came close once with the mask vs mask against his 'brother' match that bizarrely resulted in neither Phoenix losing their mask.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;775286]That very question will be revealed by the time I wrap this diary up. I've just never felt the need to un-mask him, because for me he's so much more interesting with the mask on...I came close once with the mask vs mask against his 'brother' match that bizarrely resulted in neither Phoenix losing their mask.[/QUOTE] Sneaky piece of booking, that one. Loved it.
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[CENTER][B][U]Predictions Contest[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]There were 9 entrants all together for the FCW Peligro predictions contest, here's how everyone performed[/I] [B]8/9:[/B] Phantom Stranger [B]7/9:[/B] Foolinc, grj1234, Tweek It [B]6/9:[/B] Bigpapa42, Dragonmack [B]5/9:[/B] Beeker, LFC Chris, Marcel Fromage [I]With an almost perfect score, Phantom Stranger is the winner and for his great powers of prediction he gets a front row seat and backstage pass to this years edition of the Rey De Reyes event.[/I] __________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Predictions Analysis[/U][/B][/CENTER] Nearly everyone felt that somehow, someway Apathy would retain the twin belts and even the one who went against the general consensus felt that they would stay with the Mainstream Nation. Whilst the majority felt that Apathy would win the non title match, the fact that it was non title signalled that a fair few felt that Billy Russell had a chance to pull out the win. As for the Undisputed Championship qualifiers in the two Brothers Phoenix matches, a few called that it would be Speed Machine to pull off the upset against Ultimate Phoenix, when I probably ended up shocking a fair few people by booking Dean Daniels to go over Phoenix Negra. Daniels may have gone missing (in Japan) for a bit but he is an established upper card talent and this was a chance for me to re-establish as a contender for the twin belts, whilst continuing to further the problems brewing between The Brothers Phoenix. Most people tipped Puerto Rican Power to once again beat Mainstream Hernandez, as most felt Senor Lopez would over-rule with his creative control. But due to his nationwide exposure with both TCW and USPW, Hernandez has managed to get together enough overness that Power is now comfortable enough to actually put him over. The downside to him having a busy schedule, is the fact that he has a busy schedule and there are times it has caused some scheduling clashes but the upside is that he is one of a short list of workers that the boss has no problem in doing the 'job' for. The 4 Corner survival was always going to be a toss up between Fire Fly and Nicky R!ot as they have the most focus right now. Fox Mask has mostly been a tag wrestler in FCW and is currently making an excursion into singles, whilst I (Rainier) have pretty much returned to my midcard gatekeeper role. The two lowermidcarder vs jobber pre-show matches and the Tag Title match appeared to be guaranteed picks for just about everyone and I genuinely would have been shocked, if people decided to go the other way with their picks for hese matches.
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DAng, I go away for the holidays and there are two great shows waiting for me when I get back. I really hope it's not too long after the end of this diary thet you get a 2010 one up and running. I know you have a life and all, but I need me my TK fix! Things seem to be going into overdrive as we head towards the end, which should make for some great reading! My own personal wish is for Daniels to finally throw off his choker label and FINALLY get the belts as a face. I think Daniels and Cattley would match up really well. Oh, and I love that people are still wondering who Negra is. Makes me feel special to have guessed it right many moons ago. I thin it'll surprise a lot of people if it is revealed. It certainly openened my eyes to him and he's been invaluable in some games since. And hey, maybe he's moved onto TCW or SWF or WLW by the time 2010 comes round. Heck, I wouldn't be too shocked if he actually ended up in some kind of mask in the canon C-VErse. Something to stand him out from the pack... BUt I digress, I'm just excited to see what changes are coming in 2010 and what catches your interest enough to make yet another excellent diary. Will be good!
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[CENTER][B][U]June in Review[/U][/B] [/CENTER] Peligro continued our recent good form with our main Puerto Rico shows and we also put on another solid En Viaje in Philadelphia. The format for Peligro with what was a fairly reduced roster (with several members of the roster doing a double shift) helped us to cut costs this month and though we did end up losing money, they were kept down to just around $6000. It will be about a month before we run our next show though, which will be Night 1 of the Camino De Reyes shows (the precursors to Rey de Reyes itself) which will be run at the end of July. This years Rey De Reyes tournament will be an all FCW affair. Main reason why we are deciding not to use any guest stars this year is that now feel that the roster is now deep emough top to bottom not to have to bring in 'outside' names. Perhaps it's the hot weather, but there has unfortunately been an increase in problems amongst the locker room this month. Dean Daniels got into an argument with Phoenix Negra. Apparently Daniels was a bit miffed about a heel kick from Negra in their match that he felt was a bit 'low'. So instead of talking it out with Negra, he decides to start spreading rumours that Negra works as an S&M 'gimp', whilst wearing the Negra mask. Unfortunately I'm not making this up, why Daniels couldn't deal with being accidently kicked in the balls in a grown up fashion is beyond me, but I'll admit the whole S&M gimp thing was one of his funnier rumours. When Negra heard the rumours that were filtering round the locker room he of course wanted to get in a fist fight with Daniels, fortunately Ultimate Phoenix and Fox Mask were there to break it up. Upon hearing that Daniels was once again the instigator of these rumours, I pulled him aside and told him that whilst he is a invaluable member of the roster, that if his lapses into being a 'bit of a pratt' could well hurt his standing. I told him if he ever wants to hold the Twin Belts, then he better start acting more professional. Daniels wasn't the only one acting like a Kindergartner this month, earlier in the month at the En Viaje show in Philadelphia. Dewey Libertine spread a rumour that he saw Boriken Love Machine Jr, playing with himself in the shower. I told Libertine that at his age he should really know better. Funnily enough though the rumour did kind of backfire on Libertine, with a good portion of the locker-room branding him a voyeuristic pervert. It also appears that unfortunately for Lisa Bowen (Alyssa Viperini) her days in FCW may be numbered. Apparently Senor Lopez got a phone call from her dad Barry Bowen (better know to wrestler fans as Runaway Train) that his daughter should be made a bigger focal point in FCW. Senor Lopez construed this as Lisa whining to her dad that she should have an even bigger role in FCW and now the boss wants HER out of the company. Lisa denies that she ever went to her father, but the boss is as stubborn as they come and once he believes something, there's no budging him. It was a quiet month when it came to renewing contracts, with only Marc Speed putting pen to paper on a new contract. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW Surf Slam 2014 was another good effort from the California based promotion (B-) headlined by Fox Mask making a succesful first defence of the Coastal Zone Championship in a relatively short but action packed match against Atlas (B-), however it was outshined by the semi main event that saw the man Fox Mask beat for the title Ultimate Phoenix defeat Mick Muscles in another very good match between those two (B). MAW All For One was a solid effort (C+) and included a good one-two at the top of the show with JD Morgan successfully defending the title against Shady K and Jay Chord teaming with Andre Jones to defeat Avalanche and Malilli Umaga (both B-), however the undercard was at best average. NYCW's Showtime was the usually average effort from them (C) and was topped by a solid defence of the Empire Title from Edd Stone against Shady K (C+). That was actually matched for match of the night with the Tag Title match that saw Casey Valentine and Lee Rivera succesfully defend their belts against Rick Sanders and Lassana Makutsi. PSW's Featured Attraction was up to their usual standards (C-) but will be notable for the fact that Knuckles finally managed to get the better of JD Morgan to win the PSW Championship in a fairly well received 'Tables' match (C+). However the undercard as always was weak. RIPW's Painkiller was to put it mildly a bit of a mess (D-) and saw Matt Sparrow defeat Mick Muscles for the vacant RIPW Championship in a disappointing match (D) that was only booked as the semi main event, whilst the main event was a poor tag match between Jim Force and Philip LaGrenier against Stevie Grayson and Ekuma that ended in a no contest. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]June News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] Just like the previous time 5SSW managed to rise to National size, they have not been able to sustain it and have dropped back to Cult Size. With four other companies in Japan established at National size or higher it was always going to be 5SSW (with their more niche all female product) to be able to sustain being at that level. If truth be told 5SSW have probably hit their peak level as a promotion that can operate as a Cult sized promotion than can occassionally rise to National size during hot periods or more likely when a couple of big four of Japan are on the off season. On a positive note they did manage to get a fair amount of talent tied down to written contracts over the last few months. [B]Worker Signings[/B] BSC boosted their roster with the additions of Kate Lilly, Laura Flame and Bonnie Clyde. CWWF add teenage newcomer Ariel Breaks to their roster. Harry Allen who had a near three year run with CZCW between 2009 and 2012 has rejoined the California based promotion and Ash Campbell is also brought in. Reaper Dante is somewhat surprisingly the only extra additon to the Exodus 2010 roster for their upcoming summer tour. Many will read this as a cost saving measure for the upstart Japanese promotion and also a return to them putting the focus back on their own talent. Veteran Hirokazu Yamanoue has signed a written contract with GCG, as does former BHOTWG prospect Reijiro Hiraki, whilst Tasuku Shinozuka the veteran mainstay of Exodus 2010 expands his schedule by signing a PPA deal with the revitalised Japanese giants. Mexican Beast returns to MHW for the first time in ten months, and Hombre De La Energia also makes his return to the promotion. Lauren Easter signs an exclusive written contract to become a part of NOTBPW women's division and announcer Jerome Turner returns to his native Canada, to also join the Canadian giants on an exclusive written contract. NYCW make the somewhat controversial appointment of adding female referee Lois Hudson to the roster. One will have to wonder how well that would go down with NYCW's old school fanbase. 'Big Cat' Brandon James and Guide fresh from their successful tour with the Exodus 2010 promotion, will get their chance to show of their skills in Japan on a bigger stage, when they join up with PGHW for their upcoming summer tour, and Morimasa Kato will also take part in the tour. Black Eagle makes the somewhat suprising decision to sign a developmental deal with the ailing SWF and joins up with their feeder league RIPW. Jay Chord has decided to rejoin WLW for their upcoming tour and Burning EXILE is brought back in on short term PPA contract. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contract of Joss Thompson and Glen Ward. 5SSW re-sign Eri Sato and Ikuko Temko to new PPA deals. A busy month for AAA who extend the contracts of Charlize Angelle, Debbie Rose, Dharma Gregg, Jessica Bunny, Kathy Neptune, Olivia Diamond, Roxy Kitten, Sprite plus referees Lois Hudson and Brett Graveson. BHOTWG secure Polish born youngster Pavel Vanzycha plus veterans Chuich Sanda and Sanetomo Shiraishi to new exclusive written contracts, whilst the original Elemental signs an extension to his 'legends' contract. BSC extend the contract of Amy Galaxy, Sara Marie York and Vampella. CGC extended the contract of Akima Brave, Jason Evans, Mick Muscles, Destiny, road agent Chance, announcer Terry Smith and backstage interviewer Hotstuff Marie. CWWF extended the contracts of Joanne Rodriguez, Jessica Bunny, Stephanie Goodlooks, Stephanie Wade, authority figure Grace Harper, managers Carl Batch and Sara Marie York plus their current commentary team of Ted Ross and Suzanne Brazzle. CZCW were busy this month extending the contracts of Ultimate Phoenix, 'Dark Star' Erik Strong, Mick Muscles, Atlas, The Midnight Prowler, Marshall Dillon and color commentator Gigolo Jack Stein (Rodger Dodger). EWA extend the contracts of Hercules Johansson, Inky The Squid Boy, colour commentator Joan Evans and referee Patrick Garrett. Exodus 2010 extend the contracts of Evil Spirit and manager Nene Ebina. GCG secure home growns Takayuki 2000, Omezo Shiketei plus gaijins Jimmy Cox and Soul Taker to new exclusive written contracts, whilst Burning Takash!ta extends his PPA arrangement. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deals of Dean Daniels, Munemitsu Senimatsu, Ryu Saito and Nichiren Amagawa. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Matsudaira Morioka and Azumaro Shimizu. MAW extend the contracts of color commentator Duke Hazzard. MOSC extend the contract of colour commentator Lawrence Young. MPWF extend the contracts of Arthur Dexter Bradley, El Mitico Jr and valet Chica de Partido. NOTBPW secure Art Reed to a new exclusive written contract. NYCW extend the contracts of Greg Rayne, Lee Rivera, Primius Allen, authority figure Cheerleader Nicki and her 'bodguard' Land Mass, color commentator Whistler plus backstage interviewer and web analyst Rock Downpour OLLIE extend the contracts of El Heroe Mexicano and Hijo Del Mephisto. PGHW secure youngster Kazushige Matsuki to a new written contract plus commentators Keji Takeda and Sosa Mori, whilst Burning Takash!ta extends his PPA arrangement. PSW extend the contracts of Californina Love Machine plus manager Alex Braun. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Ekuma, Lenny Brown, Jim Force and manager Ernest Forthdyke Hume. ROF extend the contracts of Walter Morgan, Pitbull Brown, Rolling Johnny Stones and colour commentator Peaches McCream SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Hirokumi Saito. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Nicolas Lopez, Pirata Malvado, Enrique Merino, Tijuana Vampire and El Estrella. SWF re-sign Freddy Huggins and ring announcer/general eye candy Jessie (Gilmore) to new PPA deals. UEW extend the contracts of Scott Van Den Berg and valet Marianne. USPW extend the contracts of Jumbo Jackson, Lassana Matsuki, Hollywood Brett Starr, Nevaca Nuclear, Scythe, general hanger on Peter Valentine plus referees Baby Jamie and Robbie Sanchez. Antoni Maxi Marquez, Nathaniel Ca$ino, Extraordinario Jr and Mr Lucha III all return to WLW for yet another tour and Eisaku Hoshino see's his PPA contract extended. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Lauren Easter finishes up with AAA, BSC and CWWF after signing an exclusive written contract with NOTBPW. Sister Beth Mercy fails to come to agreement over a new contract with BSC. CGC do not renew the contract of Hollywood Brett Starr and they fail to come to terms over a new contract with Joe Sexy. Reijiro Hiraki leaves behind Exodus 2010,Hinote Dojo and SAISHO after signing a written contract with GCG, INSPIRE lose Hirokazau Yamanoue to GCG, whilst they decide to not renew the contract of Battle Sakata. MHW fail to come to terms over a new contract with Velocidad. Kashmir Singh fails to come to terms over a contract extension with NYCW. RIPW decide against renewing the contract of Justin Sensitive. K'Lee Hawkins is unable to agree a new contract with ROF. Tasuku Shinozuka cuts SAISHO from his schedule after he was offered a PPA deal with GCG and they fail to come to agreement on a contract extension for Hypnos. Jerome Turner leaves SWF after signing an exclusive written contract with NOTBPW. Black Eagle takes the decision to leave TCW and join SWF's developmental territory RIPW. Whilst Eagle had dropped to be used as an out and out jobber in TCW, the decision to switch to the ailing SWF and then go RIPW has raised several eyebrows. WLW decide against renewing the contract of Cameron Vessey. [B]Injuries[/B] SWF's Charlie Thatcher suffered a Spinal Disalignment and will be out of action for around the next three months. Hinote Dojo's Ryushi Saito is suffering with a Floating Knee Cap and has been advised to rest up by Doctors for over a month. [B]Worker Retirements[/B] Alicia Strong shocked the wrestling world when she announced the decision to hang up her wrestling boots at just 28. Strong says that she wants to go out whilst she is still 'on top' but many feel she was starting to struggle with juggling a busy wrestling schedule with running the company she inherited from her father USPW. Trained by 5SSW legend Sensational Ogiwara made her professional debut in the spring of 2007 and in her all too brief seven year career she (as many expected) went on to become one of the leading female wrestlers of her generation. Strong captured the USPW Women's Title three times between 2008 and 2010 before the decision was made to retire the title but capturing the 5SSW World Title at the end of 2012 and holding it for a solid five month long reign into the following year will be the achievement that will be most respected amongst her peers. However with her decision to retire from in-ring competition at such a young age, will leave many feeling that she could have achieved so much more as a wrestler. Aaron 'Hardcore' Killah Mustafa decided to hang up the wrestling boots at the Age of 46. Mustafa was a journeyman who drifted amongst various 'Bingo Hall' feds on the North American independent circuit until he settled with 4C, where he had a reasonable amount of success as part of the Thug Life Tag Team alongside Slim V where he was a three time Tag Team Champion and his run their also included a run as Hardcore Champion. However when 4C folded in 2010, offers for regular work were not too forthcoming for the ageing Mustafa. Geordie Jimmy Morris the founder of ROF in the UK, has decided to retire from in-ring competion at the Age of 46. Morris founded ROF in 1998 but sold the promotion to Robert 'British Samurai' Brown in 2005 when he tried to chase his dream of working in Japan, however interest (even amongst the small independents) in his services in the orient was humilatingly low and Morris returned to the UK with his tail between his legs. However instead of making a return to the company he founded, he decided to join up with MOSC. However the fact that he probably didn't want to show his face in ROF and the fact that MOSC were based nearer to his hometown of Newcastle the decision probably shouldn't have come to a suprise. Morris then had a two year run with MOSC before becoming a fixture on the UK 'Bingo Hall' show circuit. . [B]Title Changes[/B] Sensational Dragon won this years edition of BHOTWG Best of the Super Juniors tournament, it is the first time Dragon has triumphed in the tournament despite already being a five time Junior Champion. Dragon defeated Masked Cougar, Kansuke Konda then Yoshii Shiomi in the Finals to take claim on the trophy. Shiomi defeated Red Panther and then Eagle Kawasawa to reach the finals, whilst VENOM and Harumi Okazawaya rounded out this years field. Many felt this years tournament was a bit weak with some notable names missing from this years field including the currenr Junior Champion Black Cobra and Elemental III who had won the tournament on the three previous occasions. Robbie Retro took claim of the CGC Canadian title for the first time to end the half year long reign of Matty Phatty. The CWWF Universal Title was left vacant following the departure of champion Lauren Easter to NOTBPW. Easter succesfully defended the title against company owner Tamara McFly in her final defence and was classy in putting the CWWF looker room over on her way out. Jimmy Cox defeated Hiroyasu Gakusha to become the GCG World Heavyweight Champion for a fourth time. Raul Hughes defeated Tasuku Iesada to become the INSPIRE King of Fighters for a third time. Danny Patterson ended the half year reign of Jonathan Faust to become the Blood & Beer champion in MOSC for the second time. Super Apprentica regained the Campeon de Mexico title in OLLIE from Apprentica Jr to win the belt for a second time. Knuckles brought to an end the 13 month long reign of bitter rival JD Morgan to win the PSW Championship for the first time. Matt Sparrow defeated Mick Muscles for the vacant RIPW Championship. Marcos Flores ended the nine month reign of El Demonio to become a two time Campeon de Mundo in SOTBPW and Delirum dfeated Soda De La Uva to become the Campeon de Menor for the first time. Eddie Peak ended the half year long reign of Danny Fonzarelli to become the TCW International Champion for the first time.
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[B][U]O.O.C Note:[/U][/B] Ok this is one of those state of the diary address type posts. After running through the next few months of the game I now have a clear vision of where the diary will end and that is the Anniversario show. There will be more four more shows posted up, Camino De Reyes Nights 1 and 2, Rey De Reyes and Anniversario. All shows will be given full write-ups with a proper preview. And as I'm a glutton for punishment, I'm even doing a full Rey de Reyes tournament preview again (I hope to get that posted up tomorrow). It will probably will take me into next month to get this diary completed (and TEW2010 will be out by then) but I feel the diary deserves a proper send off, instead of just a 'here's what was going to happen' sort of post. After this diary has been wrapped up, I will take a break from diary writing for a bit and will probably return with something new for TEW2010 sometime during the summer.
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Good to hear, TK. A diary of this caliber deserves a proper end-point. Not just stopping at some random point where the writer feels like it (whoops!). As disappointed as I am when this one does come to close, its been an awesome run. I am happy that you were are willing to keep pushing past the release of 2010 to close this one out properly. Even with all the great projects that TEW 2008 has seen, this and JC's MAW will always be the definitive 2008 diaries to me (with sincere apologies to all the other fine writers). So thank you for the great read and the great inspiration, and I for one look forward to how you end things from here.
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[CENTER][B][U][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][CENTER][B][SIZE=3][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ReyDeReyes.jpg[/IMG][/U][/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]2014 Rey De Reyes Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]The Rey De Reyes tournament is seen as one of the major events in the FCW calendar as not only will the winner join the likes of Mainstream Hernandez, Darryl Devine, Ultimate Phoenix, JD Morgan and Shawn Gonzalez as previous winners of the trophy, they will also go on to challenge for the Undisputed Championship at Anniversario in September[/I]. [I]Like last year, the field features twenty competitors and will feature 10 'Qualifying' matches over two nights during the Camino De Reyes shows. The winners of those matches will then face off against one another at Rey de Reyes in singles matches, the winners of those will then vy to become the Rey De Reyes champion in the five way elimination finals.[/I] [I]Unlike the previous edition of the tournament, last years champion Mainstream Hernandez will return to defend his title. [/I] [I]Here we take a look at this years field[/I] [B][U][COLOR=#a0522d]Amazing [/COLOR][COLOR=darkorange]Fire [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]Fly[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]From:[/B] Guadalajara, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Anywhere and Everywhere. Age: 23/ Height: 5 ft 5, Weight: 155 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Sky High Fire Fly (Shooting Star Senton) Inferno DDT (Twisting, springboard Tornado DDT), El Cristo (Spinning Headscissors into Crucifix pin), Infest Hazard (Spinning Head Scissors into a Triangle choke) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2012 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2013 (Runner Up) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Austin Smooth /[B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez, Primus Amazing Fire Fly was the surprise package in last years tournament when not only did he make it to the Finals but was also the final elimination in the match. Since then Fire Fly went on to win the People's Championship only for the Lucha Equity Alliance leader Angel De Mexico to turn on him for doing so. Fire Fly will fancy his chances to advance to the next round as he faces one of the outsiders for the tournament in Austin Smooth , however a potential showdown with Mainstream Hernandez (who edged him out to win the Rey De Reyes last year) awaits in the next round. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]********************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#006400]Angel De[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000] Mexico[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Acapulco, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Acapulco, Mexico [B]Age:[/B] 32/ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10, [B]Weight:[/B] 200 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Mexican Death (Flying /Tilt-A-Whirl Armbar), Aztec Rana (Reverse Huracanrana), Aculpulco Twist (Corkscrew Neckbreaker) [B]Previous RDR Appearances[/B]: 2010 (Finals) , 2012 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2013 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] El Mitico Jr [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Phoenix Negra, Masked Cougar The current People's Champion has gone from being a well respected heroic figure amongst the fans to being one of the most devious wrestlers in FCW in recent months, with a change of attitude set off by his jealousy of the rest of the LEA holding gold whilst he was in something of a slump. That saw Angel turn on Amazing Fire Fly and 'screw' the diminutive high flyer to take claim of the belt for himself. Since then Fire Fly has been 'kicked out' of the Lucha Equity Alliance but the Sons of Lucha Libre have not made clear their position. We could very well find that out when Angel faces one half of the Tag Team champions in the form of El Mitico Jr. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]******************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#808000]Austin [/COLOR][COLOR=dimgray]Smooth[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AustinSmooth.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Atlantic City, New Jersey/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Atlantic City, New Jersey [B]Age:[/B] 20/ [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 200 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Smooth Hold (Camel Clutch/Full Nelson combination hold), Silky Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] Debut Appearance [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent[/B]: Amazing Fire Fly [B]/Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez, Primus The youngster from Atlantic City has been in FCW for about a year but has thus far struggled to rise up the rankings and has mostly been stuck working on the pre-show, however a good showing in his debut appearance in the Rey De Reyes will see his stock rise and though he starts off as one of the outsiders for the tournament, there is the potential he could catch his opponent Amazing Fire Fly on an off day and given Fire Fly's recent problems with Angel De Mexico that is not entirely unfeasible. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#0000ff]Boriken [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Love[/COLOR][COLOR=red] Machine[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Jr[/COLOR] [U][B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BorikenLoveMachine.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U][/U][/B] [B]From[/B]: Ponce, Puerto Rico / Bill[B]ed From:[/B] Ponce, Puerto Rico Age: 22/ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10, [B]Weight:[/B] 200 Ibs [B]Finishers[/B]: Love Gun (Double Knee Facebreaker), Love Package (Small Package Driver) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2013 (Finals) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Xavi Ferrera/ [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Dean Daniels, Charles Rainier The patriotic masked man made it to the finals last year when Boriken Love Machine Jr took Speed Machine to a time limit draw and the decision was made by then FCW Commissioner to put both into the Finals thus making the match a Six Way as opposed to the usual five way. Boriken will be hoping to at least match that achievement this year and faces fellow Puerto Rican youngster Xavi Ferrera in his qualifying round match. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#006400]Capitao [/COLOR][COLOR=#808000]Brasil [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Jr[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=#000080][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrazilJr_alt21.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/U][/B] From: Tijuana, Mexico/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [B]Age:[/B] 25/ Height: 5 ft 9, Weight: 185 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Fall From Rio (Swanton Bomb), A Prayer For Mercy (Inverted Figure Leglock), Samba Roll (Forward Roll Senton Bomb) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] Debut Apperance [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Speed Machine/ [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Fox Mask, Ultimate Phoenix This will be Capitao Brasil Jr's first appearance in a Rey De Reyes despite with the promotion since 2011. One half of the current FCW Tag Team champions the Lucha Equity Alliance man faces a potentially tough road to make it to the finals with him facing a finalist from last year in Speed Machine in his qualifying round match and then his potential opponents in the next round could either be Animal Magic's Fox Mask (a man he has plenty of history with over SoLL's and Animal Magic's battles over the Tag Team Titles) or Ultimate Phoenix a former two time Undisputed Champion and winner of the Rey de Reyes in 2010. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=#ff8c00]Charles[/COLOR] Rainier[/U][/B] [U][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U][/LEFT] [B]From:[/B] Providence, Rhode Island/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Providence, Rhode Island [B]Age:[/B] 28 /Height: 5ft 11, Weight: 200 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] C.R Driver (Double Underhook Piledriver), Raindrop (Dropsault), Moonsault [B]Previous RDR Appearances[/B]: 2008 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2010 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2011 (Wild Card Battle Royal), 2012 (Qualifying Round) , 2013 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Dean Daniels/ [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Boriken Love Machine Jr, Xavi Ferrera The leader of Team FREEDOM, Rainier has had a somewhat mediocre record in this tournament having never made it to the Finals. The qualifying round will see him renew old rivalries with Dean Daniels, should he make it past Daniels then Rainier may well fancy his chances to reach the Finals for the first time. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Dean Daniels[/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-FIN.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Ann Arbor, Michigan / [B]Billed From:[/B] Ann Arbor, Michigan [B]Age:[/B] 39 /[B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 250 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Raise The Stakes (Cradle Piledriver), Relentless Knee Strikes [B]Previous RDR Appearances[/B]: 2009 (Finals) , 2011 (Runner Up), 2012 (Finals), 2013 (Finals) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Charles Rainier / [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Boriken Love Machine Jr, Xavi Ferrera Dean Daniels has one of the strongest records in this tournament of anyone in this field having reached the Finals in all four of the previous editions he has taken part in but he has yet to actually win the Rey De Reyes. At this moment in time Daniels stands at something of a cross-roads in his FCW careeer since his return from an extended break in Japan with what appeared to be the apparent implosion of the Affliction Trinity stable. Daniels first round opponent will be a man he once stood alongside in the FREEDOM-5 faction only to turn on him to form the Affliction Trinity and though Daniels will be the favourite in that match, Charles Rainier will be up for that match and keen to prove a point. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [LEFT][COLOR=#808000][B][U][COLOR=#808080]El [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mitico[/COLOR][COLOR=gray] Jr[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMiticoJr_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [/LEFT] [B]From:[/B] Mexico City, Mexico / [B]Billed From:[/B] Mexico City, Mexico [B]Age:[/B] 23/ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2 , [B]Weight:[/B] 245 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Mitico Driver (Scoop Slam Piledriver), Quicksilver Suplex (Swinging Fisherman Suplex) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2012 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Angel De Mexico / [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Masked Cougar, Phoenix Negra In an unusual move the current FCW Tag Team champions have entered this years tournament and that has thrown up an intriguing qualifying round match up for El Mitico Jr with him facing off with his fellow LEA leader Angel De Mexico. Thus far the Sons of Lucha Libre have yet to really show where they really stand amongst the feud between Angel and former LEA member Fire Fly, just how El Mitico Jr approaches this match could well give a clue as to where his loyalties truly lie. Even if Mitico does make it past Angel De Mexico, he finds himself in what many will see as one of the trickiest of all the tournament brackets with his potential second round opponents being Phoenix Negra or Masked Cougar. If Mitico can reach the Finals it will see his stock as a singles wrestler rise considerably in FCW but would he be willing to put his loyalty to Angel De Mexico and the Lucha Equity Alliance in jeopardy to do so ? [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#8b0000]Fox [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]Mask[/COLOR][/U][/B] [U][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U] [B]From:[/B] Portland, Oregon / [B]Billed From:[/B] An Undisclosed Woodland Location [B]Age:[/B] 34/ [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 7 , Weight: 190 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Fox Hunter (Shining Wizard Enziguri), Fox Flip Off DDT (Shiranui) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2010 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix/ [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr, Speed Machine Despite being with FCW since the Fall of 2009, this is shockingly only Fox Mask's second appearance in the tournament and even then his only previous appearance was in a four way Tag Team match that served as both a match for the Tag Titles and as a qualifier to the singles round proper, in the years prior to the tournament finding a more consistent format. With Animal Magic currently on something of a hiatus as a team due to the stipulation that they can't currently challenge for the Tag Team Titles, Fox Mask will be looking to make an impact in the Singles Ranks however he faces one of the favourites for the tournament in Ultimate Phoenix in his qualifying round match but a win over one of the most decorated competitors in FCW history would surely give him confidence to go all the way. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#ff8c00]Jared[/COLOR] Johnson[/U][/B] [B][U][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Chapel Hill, North Carolina / [B]Billed From:[/B] Chapel Hill, North Carolina [B]Age:[/B] 24/ [B]Height[/B]: 5ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Carolina Crossface (STF into Crossface)- often proceed by Tar Heel Stomp (Curb Stomp), MDK Powerbomb (Sunset flip Powerbomb) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2011 (Wild Card Battle Royal), 2012 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2013 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Joseph / [B]Potential RDR Opponents[/B]: Nicky R!ot, Quentin Queen The Team FREEDOM man could well fancy his chances to reach the Finals for the first time in what many will view as one of the 'weaker' brackets in the tournament. The one time protege of former NOTBPW Champion Johnny Bloodstone will face off with Joseph of the Mainstream Nation in the qualifying round. Should he make it to the next round, he faces a potential match up with current rival Nicky R!ot. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Joseph [U][B][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/B][/U][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Waterville, Maine/ [B]Billed From:[/B] An undisclosed location [B]Age:[/B] 25/ [B]Height[/B]: 6 ft 2 , [B]Weight:[/B] 250 Ibs [B]Finisher:[/B] Misery Be-Shared (Wrist Clutch Fisherman Brainbuster) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2013 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifying Round Opponent:[/B] Jared Johnson / [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Nicky R!ot, Quentin Queen Despite being with FCW since it's exeption this will be only Joseph's second appearance in the tournament, having made his debut last year. Recent years has seen Joseph grow in stature from hapless curtain jerker to a respectable midcarder since his allegiance to the Mainstream Nation. He finds himself in a bracket where he may well fancy his chances to progress further in this years tournament but it would still be something of a shock if were to make it all the way to the Finals. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Mainstream [COLOR=darkred]Hernandez[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ReyDeReyes.jpg[/IMG][B] (Defending Champion)[/B] [B]From:[/B] Toronto, Ontario/ [B]Billed From:[/B] The Mainstream Nation [B]Age:[/B] 28/ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10 ,[B] Weight:[/B] 210 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Love Me Now ! (Guillotine Choke, usually preceded by a DDT), Apparition #14 (Moonsault Leg Drop) , Pontiac to Home (Swinging Reverse STO), Super Kick. [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2010 (Qualifying Round), 2013 (Winner) [B]Qualifying Round Opponent:[/B] Primus /Potential RDR Opponents: Amazing Fire Fly, Austin Smooth. The leader of the Mainstream Nation may have only made two previous appearances in the tournament but he goes into this years tournament as the defending champion and he will be keen to repeat his success and put himself in line once again for a crack at the Twin Belts that have thus far alluded them; and given the fact that his alliance with Apathy could well have come to a crashing halt when the current Undisputed Champion refused to simply lay down for Hernandez, the Mainstreamer may well be seeking revenge for Apathy's dissent. In a bit of a deja vu from last year Hernandez will face off with the same opponent he matched up with in the qualifying round from last years tournament in the form of Primus. Should he make it past Primus then he faces a potential match up with the man he edged out to win last years tournament Amazing Fire Fly. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************[/COLOR][COLOR=olive]****[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#ff8c00]Masked [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Cougar[/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MaskedCougar.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] San Diego, California/ [B]Billed From:[/B] An Undisclosed Mountain-Top in California [B]Age:[/B] 32/ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 215 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar (Wheelbarrow Chicken-wing Facebuster) , High Rise Cougar Pounce (Top Rope/Springboard Spear) , Cougar Pounce (Leaping Spear [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2010 (Qualifying Round), 2012 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifying Round Opponent:[/B] Phoenix Negra /[B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Angel De Mexico, El Mitico Jr. A former three time Tag Team Champion (alongside Fox Mask) Cougar is currently finding himself having to prove his worth amongst the singles ranks in FCW, due to the current stipulation that Animal Magic cannot currently challenge for the Tag belts. Finding himself in arguably the toughest of all the brackets, he faces off with perennial challenger Phoenix Negra in the qualifying round, should he be able to upset the former Undisputed and Tag Team champion then Cougar's stock as a singles wrestler should have already risen in FCW and who knows if he could make it past someone with Negra's pedigree then who knows he may well make it all the way to the Finals. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*******************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Nicky[COLOR=darkslategray]R!ot[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG] [/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Norfolk, Virginia / [B]Billed From:[/B] Seattle, Washington [B]Age:[/B] 28/ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 4 , [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] 'Charles Peterson' (Exploder Suplex) , Sub Pop Bop (Crooked Arm Lariat) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2010 (Finals), 2011 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round)2012 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2013 (Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Quentin Queen / [B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Jared Johnson, Joseph. The recent recruit to Batch Enterprises Inc. (having chosen to defect from the Affliction Trinity and end his alliance with Dean Daniels at Peligro) Nicky R!ot will fancy his chances to at the very least make it to the finals of this years tournament. He will be considered the favourite in his qualifying match up with Quentin Queen and he could well be hoping to avenge a recent loss to current rival Jared Johnson in the next round. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]*****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U]Phoenix [COLOR=red]Negra[/COLOR][COLOR=black] [U][B][B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackPhoenix1.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B][/B][/U][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Location Undisclosed [B]Billed From:[/B] 'The Ashes' [B]Age:[/B] ??/ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11 ,[B] Weight:[/B] 195 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Phoenix Firebird Splash (Phoenix Splash) , Certain Death (Vertebreaker), Last Chancery (Bridging Arm Triangle Choke), Brainbuster [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2011 (Finals), 2012 (Runner Up) , 2013 (Finals) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Masked Cougar/[B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Angel De Mexico, El Mitico Jr This will be Phoenix Negra's fourth consecutive appearance in the tournament and despite reaching the finals on all three of his previous appearances he has yet to win the tournament but it's that sort of consistency and the fact that he has tasted success in FCW before, means that the mysterious masked man should be considered as one of the tournament favourites. However saying that he finds himself in one of the trickier tournament brackets and if he is not on top of his game and looks beyond his opponents prior to the Finals (that he will expect to reach), then he could well find himself on the end of an upset. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=#ff8c00][B][U]Primus[/U][/B] [/COLOR] [B][U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllenF5.jpg[/IMG][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Durham, North Carolina /[B] Billed From:[/B] Durham, North Carolina [B]Age:[/B] 25/ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 4, [B]Weight:[/B] 315 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Rrruuussh (High Speed Shoulder Tackle) , Power Plant (Running Power Slam) [B]Previous RDR Appearances[/B]: 2008 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round), 2010 (Qualifying Round), 2011 (Qualifying Round), 2012 (Qualfying Round), 2013 ( Qualifying Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Mainstream Hernandez /Potential RDR Opponents: Amazing Fire Fly, Austin Smooth Currently one half of the Primal Shock Tag Team and a member of Team FREEDOM, the young powerhouse has never quite reached the potential heights of success that some thought he may have done during his time with FCW given his raw athletic talents. He will feel some sense of deja vu when he faces off with the man who defeated him at the same stage of the tournament last year Mainstream Hernandez. A win over last years winner would be considered something of a breakout victory for Primus. Beyond that the ultra quick former People's Champion Amazing Fire Fly would probably await in the next round. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#000080]Quentin [/COLOR][COLOR=purple]Queen[/COLOR] [U][B][COLOR=#800080][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/B][/U][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Los Angeles, California/ [B]Billed From:[/B] Los Angeles, California [B]Age:[/B] 20/ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2, [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Q-Ball (Spinning Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2013 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Nicky R!ot/[B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Jared Johnson, Joseph Last year Quentin Queen caused the upset of the tournament when he defeated Malilli Umaga in his qualifying round match up on his Rey de Reyes debut, however since then he has failed to build on that victory and many are now wondering if that victory was little more than a fluke. Once again Double Q finds himself matched up against an opponent more fancied to go further in the tournament in the form of Batch Enteprises new recruit Nicky R!ot. Can Queen cause another upset and finally push on from his 'breakout' win from the previous years tournament ? [CENTER][COLOR=olive]***************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#4169e1]'Speed Machine'[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray]Marc Speed[/COLOR] [U][B][B][U][COLOR=#2f4f4f][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarcSpeed-SubZeroFIN.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/U][/B][/B][/U][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] Sacramento, California / [B]Billed From:[/B] The Distant Future, The Year 2000. [B]Age:[/B] 31/ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11, [B]Weight:[/B] 220 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Deadly Heel Hook (Single Leg Boston Crab/Ankle Lock combo) , Speedbreaker 2000 (Cross-Arm Breaker) , Speed Strike (Shining Wizard) , Speed Snap (Double Arm DDT) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2010 (Qualifying Round), 2012 (Finals), 2013 (Finals) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr/[B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Fox Mask, Ultimate Phoenix . Speed Machine (who held the People's Championship for much of last year) is beginning to build some solid form in the Rey De Reyes having reached the Finals for the tournament for the past two years and he will be hoping to at least match that achievement this year if not go one better. Many see the Batch Enterprises Inc. man on the cusp of cementing himself amongst the elite of FCW but thus far (the recent win over former MMA star Billy Russell apart) victories over the true main event calibre members of the roster have thus far allluded him. If Speed can get past Capitao Brasl Jr (one half of the current Tag Team champions) a potential showdown with Ultimate Phoenix awaits. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]****************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=#4169e1]Ultimate[/COLOR][COLOR=#000080] Phoenix[/COLOR] [U][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/B][/U][/U][/B] [B]From:[/B] San Antonio, Texas, [B]Billed From:[/B] 'The Ashes' [B]Age:[/B] 38/ [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11, [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Phoenix Firebird Splash (Phoenix Splash) , Flaming Driver (Sunset Driver), Elemental Clutch (Koji Clutch) [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] 2009 (Runner Up) , 2010 (Winner), 2011 (Finals), 2013 (Rey De Reyes Singles Round) [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Fox Mask /[B]Potential RDR Opponents:[/B] Capitao Brasil Jr, Speed Machine Many see Ultimate Phoenix as the 'Ace' of FCW and the popular masked man has a good pedigree in the tournament having reached the Finals on three of the four occasions he reache the tournament (including a triumph in 2010). However last year after a one year break from the tournament he was defeated in the singles round on the Rey De Reyes show, albeit to an established main event calibre talent in Dean Daniels and the former two time Undisputed Champion will be keen to show that he still has what it takes to go all the way in the Rey De Reyes and claim the trophy for a second time. [CENTER][COLOR=olive]**************[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][COLOR=indigo]Xavi [/COLOR][COLOR=lime]Ferrera[/COLOR][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_XaviFerrera.jpg[/IMG] [B]From:[/B] Fajardo, Puerto Rico / [B]Billed From[/B]: Lisbon, Portugal [B]Age:[/B] 20/[B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 1 [B]Weight:[/B] 230 Ibs [B]Finishers:[/B] Buckle Bomb/Super Kick combo (Power Bomb into the turbuckle followed by a Super Kick), High Impact Frogsplash (High Angle Frog Splash), Ferrerarana (Kip Up Hurricarana). [B]Previous RDR Appearances:[/B] Debut Appearance [B]Qualifiying Round Opponent:[/B] Boriken Love Machine Jr/[B]Potential RDR[/B] [B]Opponents:[/B] Charles Rainier/Dean Daniels. Xavi Ferrera is a young wrestler brimming with potential and given his c0cksure attitude he sure does know it too. The Batch Enterprises man is actually from Puerto Rico but because he appears to care little for the fans he has decided to bill himself from the country of his parents heritage, Portugal in Europe. His qualifying round match up is an intriguing match up with fellow Puerto Rican Boriken Love Machine Jr, who unlike Ferrera is proud to be from the Island and will have the full support of the fans behind him. If Ferrera can knock-off the fan favourite then either Charles Rainer or Dean Daniels awaits in the next round.
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[CENTER][B][I][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Delorean Driver.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [U][I][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Your Top Wrestling News Site[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/I][/U][/CENTER] [B]Notes From A Small Island:[/B] FCW are back in action at the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom in San Juan to present Night One of the Camino De Reyes events on Monday 21st July, as this years Rey De Reyes Tournament gets under way. Night One's qualifying matches will see last years winner Mainstream Hernandez start his defence of the trophy he won last year against Team FREEDOM's Primus in what is actually a repeat of their qualifying round match from last year, another tournament favourite Ultimate Phoenix takes on Fox Mask, Charles Rainier goes up against his one time stable mate turned rival Dean Daniels, Nicky R!ot faces off with Quentin Queen and Boriken Love Machine Jr goes up against Xavi Ferrera. The rest of what looks to be a stacked card is rounded out with three championship matches, one of which will be for the Undisputed Championship with Apathy defending the twin belts against Puerto Rican Power in a Cage Match !Despite Apathy 'turning' on Mainstream Hernandez at FCW Peligro, commissioner Sara Silver still feels that Apathy has not completely left the Mainstream Nation and that the twin belts are still in their possession. With The Brothers Phoenix failing to get the job done, Silver has now put her trust in the patriotic icon Puerto Rican Power to bring the twin belts to the Guerreros' del Amor. Angel De Mexico will also put his People's Championship on the line against Team FREEDOM's Jared Johnson. This time last year the fans would have been on the side of Angel but during the past year both Angel's and Double J's attitudes have changed, whilst Johnson has become more respectful and humble, the Lucha Equity Alliance leader appears to have turned his back on his old values of fair play and honor. Rounding out the main show Angel's fellow Lucha Equity Alliance members The Sons of Lucha Libre will put their Tag Titles on the line against the Mainstream Nation duo of Atlas and Joseph. The challengers have no previous experience of teaming together but it's that 'X-Factor' that could make them dangerous opponents for the defending champs. For those who can get to the 'Monty' early they will see everyone's favourite Beatles impersonators Los Beetoolz welcome FCW's newest arrivals Hollywood Brett Starr and Brendan Idol. The new duo are calling themselves 'Destination Greatness' which seems to suggest that they are somewhat confident in their own abilities. Here is a full run down of the card for Camino De Reyes Night One.... [CENTER][B][U]Camino De Reyes- Night One[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Monday 21st July 2014 at Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico [B]Cage Match for the Undisputed Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Apathy vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Guerreros' del Amor'[/SIZE] Puerto Rican Power [B]People's Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] Angel De Mexico vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/SIZE] Jared Johnson [B]Tag Team Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Lucha Equity Alliance'[/SIZE] The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs [SIZE=1]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/SIZE] Atlas & Joseph [B][COLOR=sienna]Rey De Reyes Qualifiers:[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing the Mainstream Nation'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]Defending Champion-[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Primus[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing the Mainstream Nation & Animal Magic'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Fox Mask[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing Guerreros' del Amor'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing Team FREEDOM'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Charles Rainier[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Dean Daniels[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing Guerreros' Del Amor'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing Batch Enteprises Inc.'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Xavi Ferrera[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna]'Representing Batch Enterprises Inc.'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=sienna]Nicky R!ot[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Quentin Queen[/COLOR] [B]Pre-Show Match:[/B] Los Beetoolz vs Destination Greatness ___________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][quote] [B][COLOR=purple]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B] [B][U][COLOR=purple]Camino De Reyes- Night One.[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Undisputed Championship (Cage Match):[/B] Apathy vs Puerto Rican Power[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]People's Championship:[/B] Angel De Mexico vs Jared Johnson[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Tag Team Championship[/B]: The Sons of Lucha Libre vs Atlas & Joseph[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]RDR Qualifier: Mainstream Hernandez vs Primus[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier[/B]: Fox Mask vs Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Charles Rainier vs Dean Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier[/B]: Boriken Love Machine Jr vs Xavi Ferrera[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]RDR Qualifier:[/B] Nicky R!ot vs Quentin Queen[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Los Beetoolz vs Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol) [/COLOR] [/quote] [/LEFT]
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Camino De Reyes- Night One. Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [b]Apathy[/b] vs Puerto Rican Power [i]Apathy holds on until the final show I feel - although it'd be a shame for the diary to end without Hernandez holding the gold[/i] People's Championship: [b]Angel De Mexico[/b] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [b]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/b] vs Atlas & Joseph [i]Maybe a DQ loss to keep Atlas strong, but I can't see him and Joseph winning the belts[/i] RDR Qualifier: [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] vs Primus [i]Easiest call of the night[/i] RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [b]Ultimate Phoenix[/b] [i]2nd easiest![/i] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [b]Dean Daniels[/b] [i]Daniels got a big win the last show, he's not losing to Rainier[/i] RDR Qualifier: Boriken Love Machine Jr vs [b]Xavi Ferrera[/b] [i]Bit of an upset[/i] RDR Qualifier: [b]Nicky R!ot[/b] vs Quentin Queen Los Beetoolz vs [b]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol) [/b] [i]Meh. Ill go with the new guys[/i] [i]
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Camino De Reyes- Night One. Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power People's Championship:[B] Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Atlas & Joseph RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs Primus RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Xavi Ferrera RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)[/B]
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Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy [/B]vs Puerto Rican Power People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Atlas & Joseph[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Dean Daniels RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Xavi Ferrera RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol) [/B]
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[B][U]Camino De Reyes- Night One.[/U][/B] Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy [/B]vs Puerto Rican Power [I]- Anytime PRP is in a title match there's a very good chance he'll opt to put the belt on himself, but I think Apathy is over enough that with some shenanigans from the Nation he walks out with the belt... still. Although the thought of Hernadez never holding the Twin Belts seems oddly fitting to me. As fantastic a doucheheel as he's been, it seems like not achieving his 'one true goal' would suit his character perfectly.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson [I]I'm not the biggest fan of Angel, but his heel turn as helped him a great deal. Johnson is the blander of these two, and I don't like the thought of a vanilla babyface with the belt.[/I] Tag Team Championship: The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Atlas & Joseph[/B] [I]- I can't believe I'm picking them either. But this via DQ or something. So the titles don't change hands. It keeps Atlas looking badass, gives Joseph a long overdue moment and... well... it could further the implosion of the LEA and make the Sons chose sides.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus [I]- Primus hasn't underwhelmed or overwhelmed during his tenure... he's just whelmed. ANd well, that's not enough to keep the Mainstreamer from defending his cup.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Fox Mask[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [I]- Ok, so this looks like I've picked a lot of upsets, which I have, but I feel one member of Animal Magic picks up the win. Why Fox instead of Cougar? I think Ultimate is more willing to job and is pretty much teflon at this point. He's a main event talent. Dropping a match to long time rival (and friend from CZCW) won't hurt him on the island at all.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Dean Daniels [I]- Because Daniels is being a twat recently and this is his punishment.[/I] RDR Qualifier: Boriken Love Machine Jr vs [B]Xavi Ferrera[/B] [I]- Portugal > Puerto Rico[/I] RDR Qualifier: Nicky R!ot vs [B]Quentin Queen[/B] [I]- A screw it, I know I'm wrong but I'd love to Q2 to become a 'one a year surprise. I know this is wrong but it would free up Daniels and R!ot to settle their issues.[/I] Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol) [/B] [I]- Love the Beetoolz gimmick but they don't need a single win to remain entertaingly jobtastic.[/I]
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Camino De Reyes- Night One. Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power [I]I think Apathy holds on for the time being while the title picture gets ever muddier with the Mainstream Nation and Phoenii issues.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Jared Johnson [I]Double J has made great strides but I see no reason to take this off Angel yet[/I] Tag Team Championship: The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Atlas & Joseph[/B] [I]Atlas is looking dominant and so Angel comes in to cause a DQ. The Sons are unimpressed at retaining their belts in such a cheap fashion.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs Primus [I]Mainstream moves smoothly along[/I] RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]Phoenix also advances[/I] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] [I]Kind of torn on this one. I can see it being a Daniels punishment, but then he's a slightly revitalised guy to throw in to key matches right now.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr [/B]vs Xavi Ferrera [I]I don't think you're ready to let Ferrera fly just yet[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen [I]I like Beeker's thinking here but I still don't see him beating R!ot[/I] Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)[/B] [I]Interesting new team - I can see why you have paired them. Although whenever I actually get a pair of wrestlers who I have a really good idea for as a team, they have zero chemistry. Without fail! They'll win, and I hope you get a good chemistry note![/I]
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Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Atlas & Joseph RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Xavi Ferrera RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)[/B]
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Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy [/B]vs Puerto Rican Power People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico [/B]vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Atlas & Joseph RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs[I] Ultimate Phoenix[/I] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr [/B]vs Xavi Ferrera RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot [/B]vs Quentin Queen Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness [/B](Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)
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Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power [I]You can't really book a non-finish in a cage match, but that's what I'd do if you could. That said, PRP has shown he'll lie down to Apathy, so...[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson [I]As much as I love JJ, there's only one person who'll take this belt off ADM, and that's AFF[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Atlas & Joseph [I]Another routine defence, eh?[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus [I]Now, you [U]could[/U] go for the swerve, but Primus has been as big a cypher for you as he was for me, so Mainstream all the way[/I] RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]The Ace could drop this, and FM is certainly a talented worker... but I just don't see it happening[/I] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] [I]The last-minute self-push could start here, but DD has been the unsung rock of this diary in many ways, and a last hurrah seems fitting[/I] RDR Qualifier: Boriken Love Machine Jr vs [B]Xavi Ferrera[/B] [I]Six of one...[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen [I]Sorry QQ. Go tag with Austin Smooth :p[/I] Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)[/B] [I]With a name like that, a debut defeat would be crushingly destiny-setting[/I]
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Predictions Form: Camino De Reyes- Night One. Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power [I]We haven't had the inevitable power struggle at the top of the mainstream nation yet and the belt will be the catalyst.[/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson [I]there is stil more from the Lucha alliance to play out.[/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Atlas & Joseph [I]Joseph makes this a squash[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus [I]by dq when Primus destroys him[/I] RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [I]Fox Mask is your jobber to the stars[/I] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] [I]As are you[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr [/B]vs Xavi Ferrera [I]BLM is farther along than Xavi[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen [I]squash[/I] Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)[/B] [I]You cant have a name like that and then lose to Los Beetoolz!![/I]
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Camino De Reyes- Night One. Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power People's Championship: Angel De Mexico vs [B]Jared Johnson[/B] [I]Yes, I am picking Jared. I'm looking for a countout win with Firefly getting involved against Angel. [/I] Tag Team Championship: [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre[/B] vs Atlas & Joseph Joe is involved. Lose. RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus [I]Atlas takes out Primus for Mainstream to get the victory.[/I] RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Charles Rainier[/B] vs Dean Daniels [I]I think you should win this one to show Dean he isn't going to get the win because of him leaving you high and draw for Japan. Take it to him![/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Xavi Ferrera RDR Qualifier: [B]Nicky R!ot[/B] vs Quentin Queen Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol)[/B] [I]The rest are no brainers to me. [/I]
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Camino De Reyes- Night One. Undisputed Championship (Cage Match): [B]Apathy[/B] vs Puerto Rican Power [I]Interesting, but I would be shocked if the title changed hands before the final card. [/I] People's Championship: [B]Angel De Mexico[/B] vs Jared Johnson Tag Team Championship: The Sons of Lucha Libre vs [B]Atlas & Joseph[/B] [I]I imagine a DQ finish here because it would be weird of Atlas jobbed immediately in his return match. You need to keep him strong.[/I] RDR Qualifier: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Primus RDR Qualifier: Fox Mask vs [B]Ultimate Phoenix[/B] RDR Qualifier: Charles Rainier vs [B]Dean Daniels[/B] RDR Qualifier: [B]Boriken Love Machine Jr[/B] vs Xavi Ferrera RDR Qualifier: Nicky R!ot vs [B]Quentin Queen[/B] Los Beetoolz vs [B]Destination Greatness (Hollywood Brett Starr & Brendan Idol) [/B]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]FCW Camino De Reyes- Night One[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE=1]Monday 21st July 2014[/SIZE] Attendance: 2000 (Sell Out !) Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, San Juan, Puerto Rico[/CENTER] [LEFT][B]Commentary Team:[/B] Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch /[B] Backstage[/B] [B]Interviewer:[/B] Katie Cameron [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DaneOHara.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=2] & [/SIZE][/B][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CueballLynch.jpg[/IMG]/ [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/I][/LEFT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]The Lucha Equity Alliance are seen backstage talking amongst themselves as the camera gets nearer, we manage to pick up some of the conversation which seems to be between Angel De Mexico and El Mitico Jr , whilst Capitao Brasil Jr just seems to be a by-stander[/I]. [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Well it's obvious I think this Rey De Reyes draw is fixed, they want to drive a wedge between us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] I think you're over thinking this Angel[/COLOR]. [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] Really do you, well it won't be you going up against me is it now ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr[/B]: What you afraid I might actually beat you Angel, is that it ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico[/B]: Not at all, but do you really want to make the same mistake as Fire Fly ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] I won't be making any mistakes and besides shouldn't you be focused on defending that belt of yours tonight .[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico:[/B] As if I'm worried about Jared Johnson[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] I'd be careful about over-looking him if I were you[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Angel De Mexico[/B]: Look Mitico I'm the People's Champion, I'm the leader of the Lucha Equity Alliance and I'd advise you to know your place in the order of things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]El Mitico Jr:[/B] Oh I know my place alright Angel[/COLOR]. [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Match: Destination Greatness (Brendan Idol & Hollywood Brett Starr) vs Los Beetoolz (Gringo Starr & Lennon McHarrison).[/B] The Beatles impersonators have basically become FCW's official welcome mats for newcomers starting at the lower end of the spectrum. They basically do what they have come accustomed to doing here on the Island putting up a little bit of a fight before being over-whelmed and it is Gringo Starr who ends up eating the pin after he eats a Hollywood Hammer (Fireman's Carry Powerslam) from Hollywood Brett Starr. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Destination Greatness defeated Los Beetoolz in 4:45 when Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Gringo Starr by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D-[/COLOR][/B] [I]The victorious newcomers then decide that they deserve some mic time[/I]. [COLOR=darkred][B]Hollywood Brett Starr:[/B] There's room for only one STARR here and it sure ain't that joke I just hammered. We ain't come here to make up the numbers, oh no we have our sights set on the very top because that's where we deserve to be.....[/COLOR] [I]The fans who can be bothered to begin to get on the somewhat arrogant newcomers case.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Brendan Idol[/B]: Like it or not he's a Starr and I'm and Idol put that together and you know we are something Special. The girls looks us and swoon, whilst all the guys are jealous because not only do we have the looks, we also have the talent.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Hollywood Brett Starr:[/B] All you failures better get used to us, we are icons in the making, we WILL become the icons we are destined to become.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D-[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Katie Cameron is out to do her usual routine of giving out some free merchandise, and being pleasing on the eye to do all the red blooded males in the audience doing so.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The Mainstream Nation come to the ring but noticeably the Undisputed Champion Apathy is not with them. As per usual they are greeted with a chorus of boos from the fans....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] There is something I must address and that is the betrayal of Apathy to the Mainstream Nation.....[/COLOR] [I]The fans cheer this being mentioned[/I] [COLOR=darkred]Oh the collapse of this revolution would please you wouldn't it....but I'm afraid that's not going to happen because the reason Apathy is not here, is that he assured me he is sorry for the mistake that he made at Peligro.....[/COLOR] [I]The fans soon returning to boos and jeers at the very thought that everything is back on trakc again with the Mainstream Nation.....[/I] [COLOR=darkred]You see he is simply preparing to defend the twin belts, to protect them for me ! And with the clearly unfair challenge the corrupt commissioner has set in his way, I for one am actually quite grateful for what he did.....[/COLOR] [I]Sara Silver and the challenger for the Undisputed Championship Puerto Rican Power then emerge onto the entrance ramp.....[/I] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] Is that so James ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Oh how I love the way you still call me James, you want to destroy me, you want to bring down the Mainstream Nation , yet you still show affection for me....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver:[/B] You really don't get it do you[/COLOR] ? [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Oh I get it alright, you're hurt that I ended it, that I moved on......and you're hurt because you failed to become a part of something so beautiful as the Mainstream Nation and oh it will be a [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]beautiful night Miss Silver because tonight I will walk out of here as the Undisputed Champion...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Sara Silver[/B]: Either you're a genius, or you've completely lost your marbles.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Those who do not believe in the Mainstream Nation, would love to think it is the latter but I can assure you by the end of tonight you will see that is only the former.[/COLOR] [I]Puerto Rican Power cuts in on the conversation.[/I] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] I don't think so Hernandez, because you've forgot one thing Apathy will be defending those twin belts in a steel cage...against ME[/COLOR] ! [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: Oh I have not forgotten, and like those other false idols who fight , or rather attempt to fight alongside you, you too will fail.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] They may have failed but you see I'm more hungry than ever to reclaim that the twin belts. There was once a time, where I'd do anything to keep hold of the twin belts, a time when I was a despicable as you and your brainless followers but I am prepared to fight fire with fire. Tell Apathy to bring his worst and I'm telling you now, he will not prepared for what I am about to bring down on him to once again become Undisputed Champion.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I really wouldn't go around giving these brainless sheep who hang on your every word false hope , Mr Power. You plead for Apathy to bring his worst, oh believe you me will bring it, because not only will he be fighting for himself he will be fighting for me, he will be fighting for the Mainstream Nation ! He will keep fighting until he has uttered his last breath are you prepared to do that Power[/COLOR] ? [COLOR=navy][B]Puerto Rican Power:[/B] Oh I'm prepared all right, I'm afraid Hernandez your so called 'beautiful night' will turn ugly for you but be a beautiful night for everyone not only in this arena tonight but on the entire Island. Tonight I proudly walk out as the Undisputed Champion once again and leave the Mainstream Nation in tatters[/COLOR] ! [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] Keep peddling them false dreams Power, keep giving yourself false hope because the only time you will be re-united with the Twin Belts will be in your dreams, because your nightmare will continue...a beautiful nightmare ! [/COLOR] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]___________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]As the Mainstream Nation, plus Sara Silver and Puerto Rican Power depart a video is shown to hype up this years Rey De Reyes Tournaments, it's mostly just short clips of this years participants interspersed with clips of the previous years victors.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Rey De Reyes Qualifier:[/B] [B] Boriken Love Machine Jr vs Xavi Ferrera w/ Carl Batch[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BorikenLoveMachine.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_XaviFerrera.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Xavi Ferrera came to the ring draped in the Portuguese flag, whilst Boriken was proudly displaying the fact he was from Puerto Rico there was no guessing what so ever who the fans wanted to see this one. Boriken wanted to get things going right away but Ferrera bailed out of the ring before the Guerreros' del Amor man could get anything going. This cat and mouse continued for about the first few minutes of the match, and frustrated with Ferrera's tactics Boriken foolishly gave chase, falling right into the trap that the Batch Enterprises man was clearly trying to set, with Ferrera blindsinding Boriken. Ferrera then stomped away on Boriken before making a loose and arrogant cover. After that pin attempt Ferrera taunted Boriken back to his feet before attempting to slap the patriotic masked man down but that only seemed to fire up Boriken who began to fire back with a series of lefts and rights only for Ferrera to cut off the comeback with an eye poke. Ferrera then attempted to whip Boriken into the ropes but the GDA man held firm and instead planted Ferrera across his knee with a Uranage backbreaker. Ferrera then recoiled in pain before Boriken levelled him with a clothesline, Boriken then went to follow up with a cover but once again Ferrera bailed out of the ring but Boriken was going to give the Batch Enteprises man no let up this time and launched himself over the top rope with a slingshot cross body. Boriken then pitched a dazed Ferrera back into the ring and then decided to head up top. Just as it looked like Ferrera was about to make it to his feet Boriken landed a top rope elbow drop. One..... Two... Thr.... So close but Ferrera still had enough life left to kick out. Boriken then picked up what looked to be a near lifeless Xavi Ferrera up to a vertical base and looked to be setting up for the Love Package but Ferrera was playing possum and countered with a borderline legal knee shot to the groin, that caused Boriken to double over in agony. The Batch Enteprises man then delivered a snap DDT before making a somewhat lax cover that Boriken was able to easily kick out of. Boriken then fought his way back up to his feet but Ferrera was back on the ascendancy and he was able to cut the patriotic masked man off with a leg lariat, before popping back to his feet and proclaiming to everyone in the 'Monty' that he was 'hotter than Piri Piri !' before proceding to stomp away on Boriken. Confident he had done enough to keep Boriken down on the mat Ferrera headed for the top turbuckle but unfortunately for Ferrera that confidence was misplaced and Boriken raced up the turnbuckles to send Ferrera crashing back into the ring with a release belly to belly superplex ! However Boriken also fell to the mat hard and was unable to follow up with a immediate cover but the GDA man was up first and looked set to nail Ferrera with the Love Gun but then the outside prescence of Carl Batch came into play, grabbing Boriken's ankle. The Patriotic masked man managed to kick Batch off but the distraction was enough for Ferrera to kip up to his feet and take Boriken by surprise with the FERRERANA.... One....... Two..... Three ! Xavi Ferrera advances to the next round on his Rey de Reyes debut in what many will consider a bit of an upset. The fans in the Monty of course are non too happy about it, knowing full well that Boriken probably had the match in the bag, had it not been for the intervention of Carl Batch. This turned out to be a great choice for an opener, once they got the heel stalling from Ferrera out of the way, this was non stop action and they really seemed to click with one another as opponents. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Xavi Ferrera defeated Boriken Love Machine Jr in 9:53 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Rey De Reyes Qualifier:[/B] [B] Nicky R!ot w/Carl Batch vs Quentin Queen[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NickyChampion_grunge1.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CarlBatch.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_QuentinQueen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] With Ferrera having pulled off an upset in the opener, the man who caused the upset of the tournament last year was up next. Would lightning strike twice for Quentin Queen, however like Xavi Ferrera before him Nicky R!ot would have Carl Batch to offer 'support' at ringside. There didn't look like much chance of an upset happening in the early going as Queen somewhat distraced by Batch was blindside by Nicky R!ot as the bell rang. The Batch Enterprises man then dominated Queen with some basic brawling, before planting the youngster onto the mat with a scoop powerslam, before dropping an elbow for a two count. R!ot then taunted Double Q to get up, but as he went for a clothesline Queen was able to duck under and then stun R!ot with a jawbreaker before following up with a drop-kick that had R!ot staggering backwards into the corner. Queen then charged in with a leaping splash before snaring R!ot in a Northern Lights Suplex that he bridged into a close two count. Queen then looked to keep the pressure on and looked to be setting up for another suplex variation only for R!ot to buy himself some seperation with a rake of the eyes. Double Q then staggered into an elbow shot from R!ot. The Batch Enterprises man then tried to get Queen up for a vertical suplex, only for the youngster to hold firm but R!ot fired in a knee shot to Queen's lower regions and got the vertical suplex at the second time of asking, holding Queen up in the air for almost half a minute. R!ot thought that would be enough but Queen managed to kick out. Double Q however remained rooted to the mat and R!ot decided to head for the top turnbuckle but as he flew off with a flying double axe handle, Queen was able to rise to his feet and winded the Batch Enterprises man with a shot to the mid-section. Queen then set up for the Q-Ball but R!ot had the move scouted and was able to block before firing in a series of side elbows. With Queens' guard now done, R!ot then planted Double Q onto the canvas with the 'CHARLES PETERSON' ! (Exploder Suplex)..... One..... Two..... Three ! There would be not upset win this year for Double Q as Nicky R!ot advances to the next round. This was fairly short but the action that was there was pretty good due to the fact that they displayed some decent chemistry with one another. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Nicky R!ot defeated Quentin Queen in 7:35 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Rey De Reyes Qualifier: [/B] [B]Charles Rainier vs Dean Daniels[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CharlesRainierF5.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DeanDaniels-FIN.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Rey De Reyes action continued as it was time for me to go out there and take on Dean Daniels, who is looking to continue his recent good form despite recently seeing the Affliction Trinity fall apart due to Nicky R!ot's defection to Batch Enterprises Inc. Given the history between us the match begins surprisingly low key and somewhat cagey. Either it's a sign that the intensity of mutual disdain has now past or it's just the fact that neither one of us want to make an early mistake. Throughout the early going Daniels tries to get me in position for a suplex but each time he manages to get me in hold, I am able to use my quickness to escape and stun him with various kick variations but I too am unable to get any offence going with Daniels cutting me off with basic but effective brawling. The pace starts to pick up when I am able to duck a clothesline from Daniels and then stagger him with a spin-kick. I then came charging at the ex-Affliction Trinity man but Daniels was able to use the momentum to pitch me over with a back body-drop. However I was able to land on the apron and then stun Daniels with a leaping Enziguri. With Daniels staggering back into the ring, I then decided to head for the top turnbuckle and launched myself off with a flying crossbody only for Daniels to catch me and drop me across his knee with a backbreaker. I then recoiled in agony as Daniels immediately followed with a roaring elbow that dropped me to the mat. After a two count, Daniels kept the pressure on by lifting me back up to a vertical base and then snapping me over with a snap suplex, two more followed as Daniels continued to work the back...... After the third snap suplex got a two count, Daniels then dragged me back up to my feet before whipping me hard into the corner, with my back bouncing off the turnbuckle. After another pin attempt, Daniels then backed me up into the corner again before delivering a series of chops and then pitching me up onto the top turnbuckle. Daniels then climbed up himself and looked to be setting up for a superplex but I was able to shove him off and then drilled the ex-Affliction Trinity man with a missile drop-kick. However I also hit the mat hard on the back that Daniels had been working over, and I was unable to folllow up and it was Daniels who was back to his feet first and he was able to get a waistlock before deciding to fling me across the ring with a release German Suplex..... But I was able to flip myself onto my feet and as Daniels turned around I was able to stun him with a leaping Enziguri, before taking him off his feet with a leg-sweep, with some adrenalin now pumping through my body, I was able to put the pain of my injured back out my mind and sprung off the ropes into a quebrada..... Daniels kicked out emphatically at two but as he got back to his feet, the momentum continued to swing my way as he caught him with a drop-kick and then planted him face first into the mat with a running bulldog for another two count before deciding to head up top once again. I then set up for a Moonsault but Daniels was back to his feet but as the ex-Affliction Trinity was still on the end of a moonsault press but as I went for the cover, Daniels rolled through and then snared me in a belly to belly hold before flipping me into the turnbuckle with a release overhead belly to belly suplex. I then began to crawl back to my feet only for Daniels to catch me with a running boot. Daniels then lifted me up into the crucifix position, in an attempt to set up for the Human Roulette (Spinning Crucifix Toss) but I was able to slip off his shoulders, onto the apron, before doubling Daniels over with a shoulder block and then taking him by surprise with a sunset flip. One..... Two..... Daniels kicked out and rolled through but I was then able to stun him with a basement drop-kick, before lifting him up in position for the C.R Driver but Daniels was able to firm and then reversed into a Raise the Stakes (Cradle Piledriver) attempt but I was able to slip out and then stun Daniels with a spin-kick. With Daniels staggered I then followed up with the RAINDROP (Dropsault) before scrambling over to make the cover One...... Two... Thr....... Ring positioning had managed to save Daniels, I then dragged Daniels nearer into the centre of the ring and set up for the C.R Driver again but once again Daniels was able to block and this time scooped me up onto his shoulders into a Fireman's Carry position before me dropping onto the mat with a Samoan Drop...... But I shocked Daniels by showing Fighting Spirit ! and popping straight back up to my feet and stunning the ex-Affliction Trinity man with a leaping kick. I then followed that with a basement drop-kick that set Daniels in position for the C.R DRIVER ! (Double Underhook brainbuster) This time I managed to nail it but I was out of energy and I was unable to follow up with a immediate cover but Daniels looked out of it and I scrambled across before laying my body over Daniels to make the pin..... One..... Two...... Thr...... No !! Enough time had lapsed between me nailing him with the C.R Driver and making the cover for Daniels to have enough energy to kick out. However Daniels remained rooted to the mat and I headed up top once again, before launching myself off with the moonsault..... However Daniels managed to get the knees up, before drilling me into the canvas with the RAISE THE STAKES ! (Cradle Piledriver)....... One..... Two..... Thr..... Once again much to Daniels frustation I showed tremendous fighting spirit by kicking out but the ex-Afflction Trinity man stayed focused and did not allow me time to rest up and he soon had me caught in a double under-hook before raining in a Relentless barrage of knee strikes. I then quickly began to fade and for my own well being Dewey Libertine saw no other choice but to call for the bell ! The generally pretty good standard of the tournament matches thus far continued with my match against Dean Daniels. The story we had here was that Daniels in the end was just that little bit stronger and a little more ring savvy but that I showed a never say die attitude, to ensure that it would be no walk in the park for Daniels. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Dean Daniels defeated Charles Rainier in 15:43 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Dean Daniels is standing over me as I struggle back to my feet and all the fans are thinking right now, is that Daniels is about to send a message by delivering some after-match punishment, but instead as I turn around he offers out a hand and helps me up to my feet.[/I] [I]The fans are still thinking that he's about to do something heinous and the look on my face says that i'm prepared for the same thing. But then Daniels says something inaudible to the fans, but clearly what seems to be an apology to myself...you even see the words 'I'm sorry' come from his mouth. I see that he is in fact sincere with his apology, we shake hands, then we embrace and then Daniels raises my arms aloft as though I was the victor. I had clearly regained his respect and the fans soon see this as a face turn for Dean Daniels, lapping up the fact that he was once again one of the 'good guys'.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Ahead of his challenge for the People's Championship, Katie Cameron catches up with Angel de Mexico. Jared Johnson has a very focused, you could intense demeanour about him as Cameron looks set to introduce the challenger.....[/I] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] I'm here with Team FREEDOM's Jared Johnson who will be challenging the leader of the Lucha Equity Alliance, Angel De Mexico for the People's Championship and that match will be up next ![/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Thats right Katie and I'm not going to stand here and spout about having an intention to win the title, I'll do my talking in the ring.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] Bit of a cliche don't you think ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkslategray][B]Jared Johnson[/B]: Cliched it may be, but that's the guy I am. I read the message boards, I read the fans comments and they say I'm a bit 'Vanilla'. They think I'm a bit bland, don't have much personality blah blah blah.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] I must say though that Vanilla is my favourite flavour of ice cream.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Hey even you ain't really listening to me are you ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron:[/B] Oh I am Jared, I am.[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][B]Jared Johnson:[/B] Well I don't really care what people have to say about what I have to say. All I care about is what I do when I step into the ring. Heck even my opponent, Angel De Mexico is overlooking me, and I'll prove to him and everyone that they should overlook Jared Johnson at their peril. Angel better be ready, heck the whole of FCW better be ready because Jared Johnson has evolved, the Jared Johnson of 2014 is not the Jared Johnson who arrived here in 2010.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple][B]Katie Cameron[/B]: I swear you were the same person.[/COLOR] [B]Jared Johnson[/B]: Hey I'm being serious here, it's time everyone including you took Jared Johnson seriously. Because this will be the year that I truly begin my rise to the top and it starts right now by winning the People's Championship. Next time you'll be interviewing me Katie, I'll have a some gold round my waist. [I]Johnson then heads off looking very focused and amped up for his People's title match with Angel De Mexico[/I]. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: People's Championship: [/B] [B]Angel De Mexico vs Jared Johnson[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Peoples.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG][COLOR=white][COLOR=black][B] vs [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JaredJohnson.jpg[/IMG][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/CENTER] It was no surprise to see the match begin with some slick chain wrestling and the fact that Double J had a counter for everything Angel tried to throw at him in the early going left the Lucha Equity Alliance leader somewhat frustrated. Angel then tried to step it up a gear by going for a more aggressive 'brawling' based form of attack but as he charged at the Team FREEDOM man, Johnson was sent him tumbling with a drop toe hold. The Carolina born youngster then twisted Angel's leg with a spinning toe hold before starting to lock in an Indian Deathlock but the LEA leader was able to kick him off. Angel then hobbled back up to his feet, only for Johnson to nail him with basement drop-kick and then plant him with a leg hook belly to back suplex for a two count. Johnson then attempted to roll through into the Carolina Crossface but Angel managed to turn onto his back and send Double J flying with a monkeyflip. Johnson however landed on his feet and as Angel turned around he walked straight into a boot to his mid-section. Double J then looked to set deliver the MDK Powerbomb but Angel was able to block and then raked the eyes of Jared Johnson before planting the Team FREEDOM man onto the mat with a Hangmans Neckbreaker. That earned the champion a two count, before the LEA leader headed up top but, as he looked set to fly off, Johnson popped back to his feet and cut Angel off with a leaping palm strike. Johnson then set Angel up for superplex but got shoved off and was then taken down with a flying crossbody......Johnson managed to roll through however and once again looked to synch in the Carolina Crossface but Angel was able to wriggle free and then as they got back to their feet took Johnson down with a leg lariat. Double J then staggered back up to his feet but walked straight into a spining headscissors from Angel who then immediately transtioned into the MEXICAN DEATH Armbar! But Double J managed to slip free of the hold and then had the LEA leader caught in the Carolina Crossface but once again Angel was able to find an escape, this time making it to the ropes to force a rope break. Angel then regained the advantage by getting in a cheap shot on the rope break, the masked man then set up for the Acapulco Twist but Double J was able to block and then countered into a Fisherman Suplex for a two count..... Johnson then turned Angel over and the LEA leaders face was about to mee the mat curteousy of a Tar Heel stomp but Angel somehow managed to scramble his way over to the ropes and force a rope break before Double J could do so. At that point Angel delivered a low blow to Johnson before deciding to bail out of the ring and head up the entrance ramp, something that didn't go down too well with the fans in attendance. When Johnson got back to his feet, it was too late, Angel was gone and too the fans and Double J's frustration, the LEA leader had just taken the easy way out to keep hold of the People's Championship when it was clear that the going was getting a little tough for him to do so. This match was just starting to go up another gear, when Angel took the count out loss, whilst the finish may have taken a little from the match, it did continue to build Angel's transformation from heroic, honorable babyface to a sneaky,dishonest heel. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Jared Johnson defeated Ángel De México in 9:49 by count out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Angel De Mexico retains the People's Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]The camera's backstage where Mainstream Hernandez is giving motivational speech to his Mainstream Nation followers Atlas and Joseph. Alyssa Viperni is also there. [/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I want you two to show that the Mainstream Nation will dominate, I don't just want you to win those belts, I want you dominate, I want you to show that WE are a force, a force than cannot be stopped.....I want you to destroy them, rip up their dreams.....I want you to fire a glorious shot and show the whole world just what you are made of.[/COLOR] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]The Sons of Lucha Libre (El Mitico Jr & Capitao Brasil Jr) vs[/B] [B] Atlas & Joseph w/Alyssa Viperini[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElMiticoJr_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [B][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_CapitaoBrazilJr_alt21.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]vs[/B] [B][URL="http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/?action=view¤t=Atlas-1.jpg&newest=1"][IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Atlas-1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RegularJoe_alt1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This latest defence of the Tag Team titles from the Sons of Lucha Libre didn't turn out to be much of a match. The LEA pair controlled the early going, until Joseph back-raked Mitico and tagged Atlas into the match. The monster then dominated but as he went for the Kronus Bomb on Capitao, but was stopped in his tracks with a top-rope shoulder block from Mitico,. Atlas stayed on his feet but was then planted with a crucifix bomb from Capitao (who was still the legal man). The 'Brazilian' then followed the Samba Roll for another two count, before heading up top but as he did Joseph came over and levelled him with a chairshot, right in view of Michael 'No BS' Bull for the blatant DQ Looking back on the finish, it didn't make the Mainstream Nation pair look threatening, it just made them look dumb and I was suprised the crowd didn't crap on it all that much (I know I would of). I guess it could be explained away as Joseph heading Mainstream Hernandez words about 'destroying' the opposition a little too eagerly. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Sons of Lucha Libre defeated Atlas and Joseph in 5:31 when Joseph was disqualified after hitting Capitao Brasil Jr with a chair. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]The Sons of Lucha Libre retain the FCW Tag Team titles[/COLOR]. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Post match and Atlas and Joseph (keen to follow up Mainstream Hernandez orders and 'send a message') continue to put the boots to the Tag Team Champions but then help comes out in the form of their former LEA associate Amazing Fire Fly [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmazingFireFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Fire Fly nails the Mainstream Nation pair with a springboard drop-kick but soon enough the dimunitive high flyer is overwhelmed. However the Sons of Lucha Libre are now back to their feet and they end up helping Fire Fly to clear the ring of Atlas and Joseph.[/I] [I]Fire Fly and the Sons then look at each other, but just as it looks like the Sons might just reconcile with the former People's Champion they decide to roll out of the ring instead. Leaving everyone still wondering just where the position is. Dane O'Hara put over on commentary that thr Sons obviously still feel some sense of loyalty to Angel De Mexico but that perhaps Fire Fly's gesture here has made them even more torn on who they should give their backing to.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Rey De Reyes Qualifier: [/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez w/Alyssa Viperini vs Primus[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MainstreamHernandezEmo1.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimusAllenF5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We were back to Rey De Reyes action in the next match, as Mainstream Hernandez began his defence of the trophy and like his campaign last year he would have to go through Primus first. The Mainstream Nation leader got a cheap shot in on Primus at the start, but it has no effect on the young powerhouse who just fired back. In fact Primus dominated the early going as he pummelled Hernandez from corner to corner using his size and power to overwhelm the Mainstreamer, who was trying to get out of the firing line of the Team FREEDOM man. As Primus upped the pressure he whipped Hernandez hard into the corner and then came charging in only for the Mainstream Nation leader to get the boots up, but as Hernandez hopped up to second turnbuckle, Primus levelled him with a hard right hand and then flung the defending Rey De Reyes champion across the ring with a Fall Away Slam.... The Mainstreamer then staggered back up to his feet but got taken down with a running clothesline for a two count. Primus then scooped Hernandez up into the powerslam position but the Mainstream Nation leader was able to fight out with an eye poke, before raking the back of the Team FREEDOM man and then delivering a kick to the stomach before drilling Primus into the mat with a DDT..... The Mainstreamer then tried to lock on the Love Me Now ! (Guillotine Choke) but he simply didn't have Primus worn down enough and the young powerhouse was able to lift Hernandez up and then drive the Mainstream Nation leader into the mat with a Powerbomb before making the cover with a folding press..... One.... Two.... Thr..... Hernandez was able to kick out and then tried to scramble out of the ring only for Primus to catch up with him and get a waistlock hold in position for a German Suplex but the Mainstreamer was able to block that by hooking his leg up into Primus lower regions. Primus then staggered back and then walked into a SUPERKICK from the Mainstream Nation leader. To the Mainstreamer's annoyance that only seemed to stun the Team FREEDOM powerhouse. But Primus was still stunned enough not to fire back with anything and Hernandez headed up top, before drilling Primus with a missile drop-kick that this time did put Primus onto his back. Hernandez then went for the cover only for Primus to emphatically kick out at one.... The Mainstreamer then fired in another Super Kick but again Primus was able to shake it off, but Hernandez cut Primus off with an eye-poke and then set up for the Pontiac To Home only for the powerful youngster to block that and then lift Hernandez up with into vertical suplex...... Primus held Hernandez up in the air for about twenty second before sending the Mainstreamer crashing to the mat..... One..... Two..... Hernandez kicked out but Primus stayed on the Mainstream Nation leader, whipping Hernandez across the ring before setting up for the Rrrrruuuussshhh ! but the Mainstreamer was able to dodge out of the way at the last split second and Primus ended up colliding with a turnbuckle. The Mainstreamer then fired in a leaping fore-arm to stun Primus further, before taking the Team FREEDOM powerhouse off his feet with a basement drop-kick. The Mainstreamer then headed up top and looked to be setting up the Apparition #14 only for Primus to begin to stagger to his feet, so Hernandez decided to go for a moonsault press instead only to be caught by Primus but just as it looked like the Team FREEDOM man would drive Hernandez into the canvas, the Mainstream Nation leader countered into a swinging DDT ! Hernandez then locked in the LOVE ME NOW ! for the second time in the match..... But like earlier Primus began to power his way up to his feet but this time the Mainstreamer held firm and instead of being able to force the Mainstreamer to break the hold, this time Hernandez was able to gradually force Primus back down to the mat. Despite his great efforts it looked like Primus was quickly running out of gas and the Mainstreamer was steadfast in keeping a tight hold with the Love Me Now ! and soon enough Dewey Libertine saw no other choice but to call for the bell. This was near enough a repeat of their match from last year, yet it was also a little better with the story being here that perhaps Hernandez understimated Primus a little bit this time round and was somewhat lucky to advance. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mainstream Hernandez defeated Primus in 9:24 by submission with a Love Me Now !. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Rey De Reyes Qualifier: [/B] [B]Fox Mask w/Alyssa Viperini vs Ultimate Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FoxMask.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_LisaBowenGoth1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The final Rey De Reyes match of the night was our semi main event for the show, as the 2010 winner Ultimate Phoenix took on Animal Magic's Fox Mask who was looking to cause an upset. Alyssa Viperini once again was there to accompany a member of the Mainstream Nation to the ring. The beginning of the match was somewhat cagey with Phoenix and Fox Mask trading strike and kick combinations put neither really being able to string anything together, the pace began to pick up a little a few minutes in with Phoenix landing a leg lariat and then taking Fox Mask down with a head-scissors take down but Fox Mask then rolled out of the ring to re-group just as Phoenix was building some momentum. Phoenix then teased the no hands plancha before doing a back flip into the ring and inviting Fox Mask back into the ring. This time they locked up and Phoenix took Fox Mask over with a snapmare before nailing the Animal Magic man with a basement drop-kick to the back of the head that lead to a quick cover before Phoenix busted out a standing moonsault for another pin attempt. Phoenix then lifted Fox Mask back up and set up for an Elemental Suplex, but the former three time tag champion was able to fight out and then came off the ropes to stun Phoenix with a springboard Enziguri. Fox Mask then delivered a boot to the mid-section before twisting Phoenix round into an inverted facelock, before dropping the GDA man with an inverted DDT.... That brought Fox Mask a two count, before the Mainstream Nation representative followed in with a quebrada only for Phoenix to move out of the way but Fox Mask landed on his feet and nailed Phoenix with a drop-kick, that sent Phoenix stumbling into the corner and Fox Mask came charging in only to be pitched over the top rope but Fox Mask landed on the apron and stunned Phoenix with an Enziguri before springboarding back in to plant the former two time Undisputed Champion down onto the canvas with a springboard front flip bulldog...... One.... Two... Thr... Phoenix managed to kick out but Fox Mask was now in control and set up the FOX FLIP OFF DDT (Shiranui) but Phoenix was able to block and shoved Fox Mask into the turnbuckle, the Animal Magic man then rebounded back towards Phoenix who was able to apply a waistlock and send Fox Mask over with a release belly to back suplex. As they both got back to their feet, it was Phoenix who was able to regain control, putting together a kick combination that had Fox Mask staggered before spinning the former three time Tag champion around to set up for an Elemental suplex but Fox Mask was able to fight his way out but then got nailed with a drop-kick from Phoenix as he tried to launch an attack off the ropes. Phoenix then set Fox Mask up for another Elemental Suplex attempt, and this time got it, immediately applying a bridging pin..... One..... Two.... Thr..... Fox Mask kicked out but remained planted to the mat and Phoenix decided to head up top but Fox Mask was playing possum and leapt back up to nail Phoenix with a springboard Enziguri. Phoenix tumbled back into the ring and Fox Mask followed up with a boot to the mid-section before setting the GDA man up for the Fox Flip Off DDT but once again Phoenix was able to block and crotched Fox Mask onto the top-rope. Phoenix then attempted to bring Fox Mask back in with a superplex but the Animal Magic man fought Phoenix off with back elbows before driving Phoenix's face first into the mat with a top-rope double stomp ! One..... Two..... Thr..... Phoenix kicked out and then rolled through into an inside cradle..... One... Two.... Back to their feet and Fox Mask nailed Phoenix with a kick to the head and tried for yet another Fox Flip Off DDT attempt....this time he managed to get it only for the former two time Undisputed Champion to somehow land on his feet and then stuns the Animal Magic man with a roundhouse kick.......and then plants Fox Mask onto the canvas with the FLAMING DRIVER (Sunset Driver)...... One...... Two..... Thr...... Alyssa Viperini saved the match for Fox Mask by placing his foot on the ropes......Ultimate Phoenix incensed by this then went to argue with Michael 'No BS' Bull but as he did so, Fox Mask sneaked up from behind and tried to sneak the win with a quick roll up whilst grabbing hold of Phoenix tights..... One...... Two...... Thr...... To the delight of the fans Phoenix managed to kick out but then quickly got nailed with a kick to the head....Fox Mask then went for another quick cover... One..... Two...... Phoenix kicked out again but got stomped back down to the mat by the Animal Magic man who then paced around for a bit contemplating what to do next. Realising that he had not had much success with going for the Fox Flip Off DDT and decided to go for the Fox Hunter (Shining Wizard Enziguri) instead but he took too long mulling over that decision and Phoenix was able to catch Fox Mask charging in and take the Animal Magic man down with a Dragon Screw leg-whip. Phoenix then stalked Fox Mask as the Animal Magic man struggled back to his feet before delivering a boot to the mid-section and drilling Fox Mask into the mat with a brainbuster One...... Two.... Thr.... Fox Mask kicked out but remained firmly rooted to the mat and Phoenix headed up top......before landing upon the Animal Magic man with the ever graceful, always spectacular PHOENIX FIREBIRD SPLASH ! One.... Two.... Three ! Really good match and one that justified it's semi main event slot. I knew that Ultimate Phoenix would be able to deliver, but Fox Mask also held up his end of the bargain. It's easy to forget sometimes that Fox Mask is also a very capable singles wrestlers, as we've been so used to seeing him in the Tag ranks alongside Masked Cougar here in FCW. I think virtually no one truly believed that Fox Mask could pull off the upset here but they told a good story, with the fact that Fox Mask kept going for the Fox Flip Off DDT but ultimately failing to land it a nice key point to build the match around. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Ultimate Phoenix defeated Fox Mask in 14:47 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is then shown to hype the main event, the steel cage match between Apathy and Puerto Rican Power for the Undisputed Championship. It shows highlights of their previous battles over the twin belts and also intersperses it with clips of how this showdown ties into the whole Mainstream Nation- Guerreros' del Amor feud. It puts over the fact that Sara Silver is putting her trust in the heroic patriot Puerto Rican Power to get the job done and also plays up the recent tension within the Mainstream Nation camp, following Apathy's decision to not 'lay down' for his leader in the recent 4-way elimination match for the Undisputed Championship at the previous show. All in all this was a really well put together video package that did a good job of hyping up the importance and the underlying intrigue of the main event.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Cage Match for the Undisputed Championship: [/B] [B]Apathy vs Puerto Rican Power[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCW_PuertoRican.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_FCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeanJeanCattley-FIN.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Power entered the cage first, taking in the rapturous applause of the fans in the attendance, who most definitely on his side before Apathy made his way down to a generally negative reaction though there was some respectful applause for the man who had held the title since last year's edition of Batalla Final with perhaps the fact that he is perhaps not on board with following Mainstream Nation as he was at the start perhaps forging a chain of opinion from some sections of the fanbase. During the pomp and ceremony of the introductions O'Hara and Lynch also remind us that the match can be won and the Undisputed Championship for that matter can be won by pinfall, submission or by escaping the cage (either through the cage door or by climbing out over the top). As the bell rang Apathy and Power stared daggers into one another before simulatenously unloading on another with lefts and rights with neither champion nor challenger backing down. Eventually Puerto Rican Power's extra size began to give if some leverage and he began to back Apathy up into the corner, before unloading with a series of knife edge chops but Apathy was able to soak them up and fired back with a series of fore-arm smashes and then tossed Power into the cage......the GDA man bounced off the cage-wall, before sent straight back into the cage first by the champion. Apathy then tried to send Power into the cage a third time but the patriotic hero was able to block the attempt and instead sent Apathy into the cage instead. The momentum had turned back in Power's favour and the challenger sent Apathy on a tour of the cage, sending him into all four sides. Apathy then staggered back towards Power and ate a clothesline..... One..... Two..... Apathy was able to kick out and before Power could keep on the offensive the champion delivered a headbutt to Power's mid-section, causing the challenger to double over before Apathy spiked the GDA man into the mat with a DDT. Apathy then stomped away on Power, before going for a cover....... One..... Two.... Power kicked out but as he struggled back to his feet he was taken down with a chop block from Apathy, who then applied a spinning toe hold that he then transitioned into a Figure Four Leg Lock....... Power managed to kick Apathy off but as he sat back up, he ate a vicious front-kick from the Mainstream Nation man, who then went right back to re-applying the Figure Four as he looked to weaken the larger challenge by keeping him off a vertical base..... The fans pleased for Power not to tap and the patriotic hero seemed to feed off their energy as he managed to turn the leverage over onto Apathy causing the champion to reach for the ropes. Both Apathy and Power then slowly got back up to their feet, before trading lefts and right again....the champion then gained the advantage with an eye-poke and then attempted to plant Power into the mat with a side Russian leg-sweep but the GDA man was able to block and then levelled Apathy with a clothesline, before scooping up the champion but instead of going for a powerslam onto the mat he drove Apathy against the cage and then followed up with a powerslam onto the mat....... One..... Two.... Thr...... Apathy managed to kick out, but Power then lifted up the Mainstream Nation man up for a vertical suplex but the challengers legs began to buckle underneath him, with the work Apathy did on his legs earlier perhaps now coming to fruition. The champion then staggered Power with a jawbreaker, before delivering boot to the mid-section and the driving Power into the mat with a DDT that he immediately transitioned into the LOVE ME NOW ! Was this in honour of Mainstream Hernandez or was Apathy sending a message to the Mainstream Nation leader...... But just as it looked like Power was going to fade, he got another wind and powered his way back up to his feet, before lifting Apathy up into a powerbomb position and driving the champion back-first into the cage forcing the champion to break the hold. Both champion and challenger then lay on the canvas trying to re-find the energy to come out on top of what was starting to become a brutal and demanding match. As the got up Power nailed Apathy with a roaring elbow, inevitably the atomic drop and Spinebuster followed and then Power nailed the champion with the SAN JUAN RUSH ! One..... Two..... The fans were in anticipation of Apathy's reign as champion coming to an end.... Thre......... NO ! Apathy managed to barely get his shoulder up at the last split second. However Apathy remained firmly rooted to the mat and Power also realised that the match and title could be won by simply escaping the cage and began to hobble his way over to the door. But the fact he was hobbled had slowed him down and Apathy was able to recover just as the door was opening for Power. Apathy levelled Power with a clothesline from behind and then sent the challenger face first into the cage.....Power then bounced off right into a belly to back suplex that saw the GDA land hard but also took alot of energy out of the champion who was unable to follow up. Apathy was up first however and decided to start climbing the cage but Power was soon back to his feet and cut Apathy off before scooping under and powerboming the champion onto the mat before collasping out of sheer exhaustion. This time Power started to move first, and started to crawl over to the door, but he was so slow that Apathy was once again able to catch up and grabbed the leg, but Power managed to kick the champion off and he was just about to crawl out of the cage when all of a sudden Mainstream Hernandez emerged and slammed the door in Power's face. The champion bounced back off the cage and was then chop blocked from behind by Apathy. The champion then began to climb out of the cage but like Power before him he was slow in making his escape and as he go to the top, Power was back to his feet and soon enough with the adrenalin pumping through him, Power climbed up the cage wall to cut Apathy off, it then looked like Power was about to bring Apathy crashing back into the ring with a superplex but the champion then raked the eyes and fired in a fore-arm smash, causing Power to fall with an almighty bump back into the ring from the top of the cage ! With Power practically pronounced 'dead' by Dane O'Hara on commentary, Apathy then climbed down the cage to ensure another succesful defence of the Undisputed Championship. I don't think Power has taken a more sicker bump than the one he did at the end of this match, during anytime his career. These two put each other through a war in that cage match and the fans lapped up what was a real nail biter of main event that had them on the edge of the seats and at several times during the match had them believing that Apathy's reign as champion was set to come to an end at the hands of their home-grown hero. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Apathy defeated Puerto Rican Power in a Cage match in 14:43 when Apathy escaped the cage. [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Apathy retains the FCW Undisputed Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Mainstream Hernandez grabs the Twin Belts from the announce table before they can be handed back to Apathy. The champion however grabs them back.......before the Mainstreamer grabs mic....[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] So this is how you repay me, for all I've done for you.... I suggest you keep your end Apathy, you knew full well that this was the arrangement....[/COLOR] [I]But Apathy doesn't budge and just walks right past the Mainstream Nation leader but as he begins to make his way back up the entrance ramp he is levelled from behind with a Northern Lariat from Atlas who then drives the Undisputed Champion onto the ramp with a KRONUS BOMB ![/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mainstream Hernandez:[/B] I gave you all the warning signs, but you had to be out for your OWN didn't you. You see Apathy every great revolution has it's leaders and I AM the leader of this revolution but you dared to challenge that and now you, like so many others before you and so many after you will have to pay the price for challenging me and for challenging the very fabric of the Mainstream Nation. I brought you in to do a job Apathy but you have failed the final hurdle of the job I set out for you to do....[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]It's a real shame, as you were a great soldier for the Mainstream Nation but now you must be treated the same as all others who oppose us ![/COLOR] [I]Hernandez and Atlas then proceeded to further put the boots to Apathy, before Mainstream Hernandez posed with the twin belts and stood over the virtually lifeless form of the Undisputed champion.[/I] [B]Ratings: C for Atlas post match attack, C+ for Mainstream Hernandez promo/taunt at Apathy, confirming that the Undisputed Champion was no longer part of the Mainstream nation.[/B] [CENTER]______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: C+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Another good show, the underdcard was consistently solid and Apathy and Puerto Rican Power but on an excellent cage match in the main event.
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[CENTER][B][U]Predictions Contest[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]There were 11 entrants all together for the FCW Camino De Reyes Night 1 predictions contest, here's how everyone performed[/I] [B]8/9:[/B] James Casey, LFC Chris, [B]7/9[/B]: Bigpapa42, Dragonmack, foolinc, SWF Fan, Tweek It [B]6/9:[/B] Marcel Fromage [B]5/9:[/B] grj1234, Phantom Stranger [B]4/9:[/B] Beeker [I]With near perfect scores James Casey and LFC Chris are our joint winners this month. Both will front row get tickets to the Anniversario show in September, plus meet and greet backstage passes.[/I] [CENTER]__________________________________________________ [/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Predictions Analysis[/U][/B][/CENTER] Everyone tipped Apathy to retain the Twin Belts, given the fact that Power has shown in the past that the champion is someone he is willing to lie down for. I'll admit to putting in a bit of a cruel swerve for predictors on the People's title match by booking the whole champion retains by taking the cheap loss angle with only Tweek It getting into my head on that one. Most people saw the Tag Title match ending in some sort of screwy finish but were split on the way that would go. As for the Rey de Reyes matches the Phoenix-Fox and Mainstream- Primus matches were easy calls for most people. I say most because Beeker tipped Fox Mask to go over Ultimate Phoenix, no offence to Fox Mask he's a good worker but this is not CZCW, and ultimately he's been booked as a Mid- Upper Mid Tag Team guy. There were also a couple of calls for Quentin Queen repeating his upset success from last year, by most wisely went for Nicky R!ot to advance. Most also tipped Dean Daniels to go over myself (Charles Rainier) but a few did possibly think that I'd go over Daniels, for the fact he was acting like a bit of a douche last month. Perhaps if this diary wasn't heading towards it's conclusion, I may well have booked differently and took that more into consideration. Xavi Ferrera going over Boriken Love Machine Jr was a surprise to most people though there were a few people who did call it (sometimes Beeker's crazy predictions do pay off !) which is why I would consider it a mild upset as opposed to a major one. The pre-show match as ever was an automatic point for everyone, given the fact that the new team are calling themselves Destination Greatness and they are facing resident 'welcome mats' Los Beetoolz. Good to see a new predictor (SWF Fan) amongst the usual regulars for the predictions contest and it's good to see Beeker back amongst them too, he might sometimes be way off but his predictions and reasons behind them are always entertaining ! :D
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[CENTER][B][U]July in Review[/U] [/B][/CENTER] The Rey De Reyes season is underway and the first night of Camino De Reyes was for the most part a good show. We will be running the entire tournament in Puerto Rico this year, even though the boss wants us to expland, the current financial climate means that we could expect even smaller crowds than usual on the mainland, and right now leaving the safe-haven where we are guaranteed a good crowd (even if we are not at capacity every night) would not be a very financially wise move. The economy has shown slight signs of growth over the past month but when we return to running shows outside of Puerto Rico we may have to think about using less top tier talent on them. We actually made back around $25, 000 this month and though I would expect us to lose a good chunk of that next month by running two shows, we will lose less by running both shows in Puerto Rico as opposed to running one of the shows on the mainland. We brought in Hollywood Brett Starr and Brendan Idol this month, who will be teaming together as Destination Greatness, to add a little more depth to our Tag Division especially with Animal Magic currently working singles. Starr is the grandson of the legendary Mick Starr but his career hasn't taken off as much as people had hoped. He's been something of a journeyman on the North American independent circuit since he made his debut and though he has had stints in both CGC and USPW he has not been given much of a push, this is somewhat surprising because even though he is an average at best in-ring worker, he has the natural charisma of his grandfather and one would have thought he would have been able to get over in those promotions. Starr's tag partner Brendan Idol's career has followed a very similar path to that of his own. There were some vital contracts that we managed to succesfully re-negotiate this month amongst those are current Undisputed champion Apathy, People's champion Angel De Mexico and the man many see as the 'Ace' of the FCW roster Ultimate Phoenix. Also putting pen to paper on new contracts were former three time tag champion Fox Mask and both members of Los Beetoolz. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Rival Promotion Watch[/U][/B][/CENTER] CZCW put on another strong effort with their Battle for the Beach show (B-). Match of the night was in the semi main event with Ultimate Phoenix defeating Lenny Brown (B), and whilst the main event that saw Harry Allen become the new Coastal Zone championship in a three way with Fox Mask and Mick Muscles couldn't quite match that it was another good match (B-) and Insane Machine made a strong defence of the Xtreme Title in the opener against Justin Sensitive (B-). MAW's Forsaken was another solid effort (C+) and saw JD Morgan succesfully defend the Mid Atlantic Championship against Nicky R!ot in a good match that however was matched for match of the night with a match that saw Jay Chord go over Java but was booked in the middle of the show ( Both matches B-), whilst the semi main event saw Shady K defeat Warlord Power in a disappointing match. (C-) NYCW's Gang Wars event was disappointgly even more mediocre than usual (C-) and suffered from Edd Stone being unavailable to defend the Empire Title. The main event was an uninspiring contest that saw Andre Jones go over Billy Russell (C-). Match of the night was actuallly the Tri-State Regional title match between The Silencer and Greg Rayne (C) that came in the middle of the show. PSW's No Turning Back matched NYCW for quality this month (C-) and saw Knuckles successfully defend the PSW Championship against JD Morgan in a solid (actually good by PSW standards) main event C. Though PSW are probably now wishing that they put the belt back on Morgan following Knuckles decision to walk out on the promotion. RIPW's Sanitarium was another poor quality effort from the SWF development territory (D). The main event was a poor RIPW Championship match between Matt Sparrow and Mick Muscles. The semi main event saw the match of the night as Plague carried Jim Force to a halfway decent match but had to put the face painted merchandise peddler over for his trouble (C-). [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]July News and Notes From Around The Wrestling World[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]General News[/B] A new wrestling promotion was opened by journeyman wrestler T.J Bailey in the already overcrowded Tri-State area. Bailey is hoping that Phoenix Wrestling Company can replicate the success of DaVE but with PSW already an established prescence in the region and offering a similar product it is difficult to see Bailey (who has no connections to the old East Coast wars) making PWC much of a success and many already predicting that it will have come and gone within a year. Retired womens wrestler Sara Marie York was also the somewhat surprising choice as head booker. Initial signees to the roster include Bradford Peverall (FCW/PSW), Citizen-X (SWF/XWA), Dazzling Dave Diamond (MAW/NYCW), Ernie Turner (PSW/RIPW), Justin Sensitive (USPW/CZCW), Kashmir Singh (FCW/MAW), Matt Hocking (FCW), Mercutio Sleep (NYCW),Quentin Queen (USPW/FCW), Steve Gumble (SWF/XWA), Xavier Reckless (MAW/NYCW), manager Brains McGhee (RIPW), road agent Chief Two Eagles (SWF/XWA), referee Jez McArthur (SWF) plus what will be their announce team of Rob 'Don't forget the L' Miskovsky (USPW/RIPW) and Sara Silver (FCW/XWA). [B]Worker Signings[/B] Huntress Makiko plus the gaijin trio of Karen Bilous, Wendy Anderson and Kristabel Plum will all take part in 5SSW's next tour. Alison Capone has returned to BSC after an eight month abscence from the Las Vegas based promotion. Exodus 2010 boost their roster with the additions of former sumo wrestler Naozane Goto and Young Boy Sayuki, whilst Cameron Vessey will take part on their upcoming Autumn tour. GCG add veterans Battle Sakata, Strong Style Yoeman and Wasichi Inao to their roster. The trio have been brought in to fill some gaps on the roster due to injuries but are more than likely to be used in a lower card role to help put over the established talent, despite all three being signed on permanent written deals. Hinote Dojo fill some recent roster gaps with the additions of Torch Nakazawa plus young lions Kyuichu Matsumoto and Hirotsugu Satou. Xavi Ferrera has expanded his schedule by joining NYCW. Quick Kick Nakao has been brought in by PGHW on a written contract, much like the signings GCG made this month, Nakao is expected to be used in a role where he will be putting others over. Remmy Skye who had a run with PSW between 2010 and 2012, has returned to the Pittsburgh based promotion. Knuckles has rejoined SWF developmental territory RIPW on a developmental contract. Billy Robinson returns to ROF after just over a year away from the promotion. Black Eagle (who will be working under his Plague name) did not spend long in RIPW development and has been called up to the main SWF roster after only one match. [B]Worker Extensions[/B] 21CW extend the contract of Hugh De Aske, Leo Price, Don Henderson, Arthur T.Turtle, Martin Heath and valet Phoebe Plumbridge. A busy month for 5SSW who resign Megumi Nakajima, Kiko Sakakibara, Romi Yamato, Tomoko Nagasuka, Golden Delicious, Gemmei Oonishi, Rei Chikanatsu, Saeko Hiroyuki, Connie Morris plus recently retired Alicia Strong (who joins their commentary team) on new PPA contracts. AAA extend the contracts of Stephanie Wade, Miss Mexico and authority figure Raven Nightfall. BHOTWG secure Kinnojo Horri, Harumi Okzawaya, Mohamed El Yaagoudi and referee Koetsu Shinozaki to new exclusive written contracts, whilst Eisaku Hoshino signs an extension to his PPA arrangement. BSC extend the contract of Tracy Brendon. CGC extended the contracts of Robbie Retro, Raphael, Shane Nelson and manager Captain USA. CWWF extended the contracts of Christina Charisma, manager The Guru and backstage interviewer Persephone. CZCW extend the contracts of Lenny Brown and Panda Mask II. EWA extend the contracts of Rolling Johnny Stones, Jake Panic, The Comedian plus womens wrestlers Jeri Behr and Nina The Psycho Ballerina. Exodus 2010 were busy with re-negotiating contracts this month; securing AQUA, Haronobu Kobayashi, Hypnos, Kiemon Yoshimatsu, Mercury, Ogai Mikai, Shirai Yanagawa Speed D, Stealth Z, Tasuku Shinozuka, referee Masami Aizawa and announcer Teruihi Inoue to new contracts GCG extend the written contracts of Shotaro Ikina and The Tic. Hinote Dojo extend the PPA deal of BISON Yano. INSPIRE extend the contracts of Willie York and Masked Patriot. MAW extend the contracts of Andre Jones plus managers Ernest Forthdyke Hume and Kristen Pearce. MHW extend the contracts of Phoenix III and Lobo Blanco. MOSC extend the contracts of Jeffery McPeterson, Danny Patterson, Petey Barnes, Ivan Ivanoff, valet Emma Evans and announcer Bernie Evans. Dan Stone Jr stays loyal to the family business by signing a new exclusive written contract with NOTBPW. In what was a fairly busy month for the Canadian giants they also secure current chamion Phillip Roberts, Davis Wayne Newton, Harrison Hash, Jason O'Conner, women's division mainstay Cherry Bomb and referee Clarenc Garcia to new written deals as well. NYCW extend the contracts of current Empire champion Edd Stone, Billy Russell, Lassana Makutsi, Marc Speed, Rick Sanders and manager Herb Stately. It was a busy month of contract negotiations for OLLIE, who extended the deals of Apprentica Jr, El Tor De Oro Jr, Guillermo Marcos, Jared Johnson, Mascaro Roja Jr, Mayan Idol, Super Apprentica, SWARM I, SWARM II plus their announce team of Ignacio Soto and Lorenzo Blanco. PGHW extend the written contract of Julian Watson. PSW extend the contracts of JD Morgan and Matt Sparrow. RIPW extend the PPA deals of Super Sonic and announcer Rob 'Don't Forget the L' Miskovsky. ROF extend the contracts of Joss Thompson, Kevin Jones, Petey Barnes, Harley Neill, Keith Adams, Philip Cooper and Jay B. SAISHO extend the PPA deals of Jotaro Tanaka, Kenichi Komigata and referee Akikazu Miyagi. SOTBPW extend the contracts of Marcos Flores, La Sombra Jr, Doctor Michael O'Haire and commentator Eduardo Prieto. SWF extend the contracts of Shady K, The Masked Mauler, announcer Mitch Naess and backstage interviewer Dawn The Cheerleader. UEW extend the contracts of Louis Figo Manico, Roberto Milano, commentator Lawrence Young and valet Vita. USPW extend the contracts of Philip LaGrenier, authority figure Commissioner Doom, manager Danny B Bling plus valet Seduction. WLW resign long time announcer Isei Deushi to a new written contract. XWA extend the contracts of John 'The Silencer' Snyder, Bob Casey, referee Brett Graveson, road agent Chief Two Eagles plus their announce team of Jim Lou Freebush and Sara Silver. [B]Worker Releases/Departures[/B] Jen Neptune has left BSC after failing to agree a new contract with the Las Vegas based promotion. Matt Hocking and CZCW part ways after failing to come to agreement over a new contract. EWA decide against renewing the contract of The Big Bad. Quick Kick Nakao leaves Exodus 2010 and Hinote Dojo after agreeing to sign a written deal with PGHW. Hinote Dojo and SAISHO also lose Battle Sakata, Strong Style Yoemon and Wasichi Inao to GCG. INSPIRE also lose Inao and Yoemon to GCG, whilst Tasuku Shinozuka fails to agree a new contract. PSW are hit with the shock departure of their current champion Knuckles who has decided to sign an SWF Developmental deal with RIPW.Ash Campbell also departs from the promotion again after PSW decide not to renew his contract. ROF decide not to renew the contract of Punisher Paul Hughes. SOTBPW release El Sucio. Shawn Doakes who many felt was being groomed to eventually take over the main announcing job at TCW fails to come to terms on a new contract with the global giants. Former two time Showstealer champion Adam Matravers fails to agree a new contract with WLW. XWA also see the departure of Knuckles. [B]Injuries[/B] Exodus 2010's Haronobu Kobayashi will be out for a month with Knee Ligament Damage. Mexican star Nicolas Lopez and US Independent circuit worker Dazzling Dave Diamond are working through chronic lower back pain. Wonder Boy suffered a mild concussion after a botched powerbomb from Bigger Dan Ewe at a European exhibition show and will be out of action for a month. [B]Worker Retirements[/B] Tamara McFly has decided to hang up the wrestling boots at the Age of 35, a decision borne out by the fact that she wishes to concentrate on the running of her promotion CWWF. The younger sister of the revered Sean McFly (considered by many to be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time) was seen as a solid performer throughout her career but one who perhaps lacked the X-factor that her brother had to be seen as one of the great wrestlers of her generation. Despite that she did twice capture the NOTBPW Womens Title, the second run coming last year some ten years after her first and she also captured the 5SSW Tag Team championship earlier this year alongside Gemmei Oonishi. It was in Japan that she had some of her best matches, with many citing her match where she battled the legendary Sensational Ogiwara in 2005 a classic. In 2009 she opened up the CWWF during a period where she had somewhat fallen out with NOTBPW following the Canadian giants decision to scale back their womens division in 2007, where McFly was surprisingly one of the casualties (but they patched up their differences in later years). For the first few years she let others run with the companies top belt but when she found others to be uncommited to CWWF she put the title on herself and held it for a whole two years between 2011 and 2013. UK based hardcore worker Ernest 'Psycho' Flores has decided to call it a day at the age of 46. Flores was a regular on the UK Bingo Hall circuit and was well reknowned (OK perhaps not but for about the 5 men and a dog that attends those shows) for his wild brawls and his rivalry with fellow low-rent hardcore 'wrestler' The Landlord. [B]Title Changes[/B] The 5SSW Tag Titles are vacated following Tamara McFly's decision to retire from in-ring competition. Stephanie Wade ended the 19 month long reign of Joanne Rodriguez to become the new Femme Fatale champion in AAA. Katherine Goodlooks became the new CWWF Universal Champion ending the nine month reign of Lauren Easter. Harry Allen defeated Fox Mask and Mick Muscles in a three way elimination match to capture the Coastal Zone Championship for a second time. Scheming Behemoth ended the near two year reign of Doctor Insane to become the EWA Universal Champion. Mercury defeated Edo Phoenix IV to capture the Exodus 2010 Golden Crown for the first time and JOJI became a five time Silver Crown Champion. Magnifico and SWARM I brought to an end the near two year long MHW Campeones de Parejas reign of Amazing Fire Fly and Gino Montero. Jeremy Stone defeated Philip Roberts to become the NOTBPW Canadian Champion for a record seventh time. The PSW Championship was left vacant following the shocking departure of Knuckles. PRIDE Koiso ended the seven month reign of Eisaku Kunomasu to becomne a three PGHW Glory Crown Champion and Akinori Kwakami became a nine time Historical Japan champion after defeating Eien Miyamoto for the vacant title. Fumihiro Ota defeated Whippy The Clown to take claim of the TCW All Action Title for an astonishing twelfth time. Magnum KOBE and Rhino Umaga became two time WLW Tag Team champions, after they ended the four month reign of Mitsunari Fuganaga and Antonio Maxi Marquez, whilst Hidekazu won the Streetfighting title for the first time after defeating Nariaki Hitomi. Steve Gumble defeated The Silencer for the XWA All American title.
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