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UCW: Create-A-Fed

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Hello, everybody! A few of you may know me from the mods board, or more likely, the dog pound. I've kind of had aspirations to do a diary of sorts for a great while. So, I figured I'd give it a shot. Now, I'd like to state up front: [B]This will not be a strictly TEW based diary. I'm against completely "free-balling" it and just making up everything, as that's not so much a diary as a story. So, TEW will be used for book-keeping, simulating situations, regulating stuff, etc. Other than that, this will be 100% from my noggin.[/B] The plan is to use my fictional fed that is based in the real world universe: United Championship Wrestling. Now, the question is: What's UCW? Well, you get to make that decision. I want the diary readers and any other GDS passers-by to vote on what UCW will be, in terms of size, style, etc. Below are the various sections you may vote on. Vote for one item in each bracket. (There is a possibility this diary may crash and burn before it's off the ground, but not if I can help it! :D) [B]Size:[/B] [U]Global[/U] - UCW will have been founded in the early 70's and passed out WWE in size by modern day. In this case, UCW would have 2 TV shows (branded), a monthly PPV, and a roster of 30-40 wrestlers. (As with any scenario, wrestlers from other promotions never appeared in UCW due to it's "homegrown" approach of making and keeping stars. However, as time passes, anything can happen...) [U]National[/U] - UCW will have been founded in the mid 90's and by modern day have grown a large fan base. However, it will be primarily known within the US. TNA is a major rival. In this case, UCW would have 1 TV show, a monthly PPV, and a roster of 20-30 wrestlers. [U]Cult[/U] - UCW was founded cirza 1998, and is still getting hold of ground as a popular promotion. Mostly known around its home base and online, UCW is up-and-coming (slightly below RoH). UCW would have a monthly big event and a roster of 15-25 workers. [B]Location:[/B] [u]Seattle, Washington[/u] - UCW's home-base would be Seattle, Washington. [u]Denver, Colorado[/u] - UCW home-base would be Denver, Colorado. [u]Minneapolis, Minnesota[/u] - UCW's home base would be Minneapolis, Minnesota. [B]Style 1:[/B] [U]Sports Entertainment[/U] - UCW would be primarily a WWE-like sports-entertainment company. [U]Fast-Paced Action[/U] - UCW would be primarily a high-flying, "extreme" company. [U]Hardcore[/U] - UCW would be a primarily bloody, hardcore company. [B]Style 2:[/B] [U]Women's Division[/U] - Female wrestlers would have their own division. [U]Women Integrated[/U] - Female wrestlers would have equal footing with men. [U]No Women Wrestlers[/U] - Female wrestlers will not be included. [B]Style 3:[/B] [U]Comic Elements[/U] - UCW will integrate humor and comedy into its product. [U]Serious Business[/U] - UCW will be a more realistic, serious company. [B]Show Names:[/B] ([I]Choose 2. If UCW has (a) TV show(s), the highest vote getter(s) will win.[/I]) [U]Firestorm[/U] [U]Shockwave[/U] [U]Chaos[/U] [U]Showcase[/U] [U]Tornado[/U] [B]Starting Champion(s):[/B] ([I]Choose 2. If global, UCW will have 2 main champions.[/I]) [U]Mark Wellz[/U] - The bad-ass who [I]knows[/I] he's the best (heel). [U]Jack Lightning[/U] - The fan's favorite, by far (face). [U]Gene Wilder[/U] - (No Relation to the actor!) A super-over underground sensation (face). [U]Dave Zero[/U] - The man of a million gimmicks. Currently the leader of a faction as a renegade military leader (heel). [U]Kyle Hunter[/U] - A monstrous, silent, man-beast (neutral). [B]Note:[/B] This diary is intended to be a fun, interactive experience (there will be more reader input at later times for sure). However, despite this and the fact that this will only loosely involve TEW, I will be realistic. There will be "unexpected" incidents and problems that arise. Vote away, and I hope this works out!
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OK, I'm up for seeing where this leads. Size: [b]Cult[/B] - I think Cult sized promotions are the most fun to play with, as you'll really have to fight for a TV slot, but just about everything is still possible. (By the way, is TNA supposed to be a National promotion? I'd never rate it higher than Cult myself...) Location: [b]Seattle[/B] - I don't really care. Style 1: [B]Sports Entertainment[/B] Style 2: [B]Women Integrated[/B] Style 3: [B]Comic Elements[/B] Integrate the women in the roster, and then make a Mixed Tag Team Championship. That would be fun! Show Names: [B]Shockwave[/B] & [B]Firestorm[/B] Starting Champion: [B]Jack Lightning[/B] - Hard to say with no clue about the workers, so the fan favorite should be an obvious choise. Good luck with your diary, should be interesting to read!
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Size: Cult Location: Denver, Colorado Style 1: UCW would be primarily a WWE-like sports-entertainment company. Style 2: Women's Division Style 3: Comic Elements Show Names: Shockwave and Showcase Starting Champion(s): Jack Lightning and Gene Wilder
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Wow, thanks guys... I'll give this one last bump and then start on setting this up... Expect it to start in about a week! (The data is mostly made already and just needs to be edited. My biggest work is to make my wrestlers in No Mercy, screen shot them, then cut them... I can't do renders, lol! I'd just not pics, but that's be boring...)
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Size: Global - I would like to see you pwn those dweebs in Stamford Location: Denver - Home of the Nuggets Style 1: Sports Entertainment Style 2: Women Integrated Style 3: Comic Elements Show Names: Shockwave & Firestorm Starting Champion: Dave Zero - Have the military group like a dictatorship of the company. Like nWo only bigger and more realistic and Jack Lightning I am interested in where this can go if used correctly! You've got a reader!
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[B]Size:[/B] [U]Cult[/U] - UCW was founded cirza 1998, and is still getting hold of ground as a popular promotion. Mostly known around its home base and online, UCW is up-and-coming (slightly below RoH). UCW would have a monthly big event and a roster of 15-25 workers. [B]Location:[/B] [U]Minneapolis, Minnesota[/U] - UCW's home base would be Minneapolis, Minnesota. [B]Style 1:[/B] [U]Fast-Paced Action[/U] - UCW would be primarily a high-flying, "extreme" company. [B]Style 2:[/B] [U]Women's Division[/U] - Female wrestlers would have their own division.. [B]Style 3:[/B] [U]Serious Business[/U] - UCW will be a more realistic, serious company. [B]Show Names:[/B] ([I]Choose 2. If UCW has (a) TV show(s), the highest vote getter(s) will win.[/I]) [U]Shockwave[/U] [U]Showcase[/U] [B]Starting Champion(s):[/B] ([I]Choose 2. If global, UCW will have 2 main champions.[/I]) [U]Gene Wilder[/U] - (No Relation to the actor!) A super-over underground sensation (face). [U]Kyle Hunter[/U] - A monstrous, silent, man-beast (neutral). I love the idea of letting people set it up for you and then to see if you can still get it big, :)
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In case people have misunderstood something: I will not allow TEW to decide exactly how I perform, progress, decline, etc. For example, TEW does some things unrealistically. It does them fairly, but not necessarily uniform when compared to real life. If I book things strictly in TEW and hope for good reslts, I will likely get slapped in the face. Due to my opposition to doing things by the TEW book, I will manually monitor popularity and money (even if it means basically starting over in game with duplicated data). Now, trust me, this DOES NOT mean I'm going to buoy up my suckage and skyrocket myself to the moon. If I wanted to do that, I'd completely avoid TEW. However, rather than let myself fall into near immediate debt/obscurity, I'll "enforce" a balance. This will not be as "legit" as other diaries, but this isn't intended to be a public viewing of me playing the game. I'm sacrificing some restrictions to hopefully make something more fun to produce and hopefully just as enjoying to read! Possible example of this use: In TEW, if you wanted to have, say, a best of 7 series, the repeat booking feature would very likely cripple that. In TEW, some gimmicks don't work because it says they don't work and careful foresight through data editing would be needed to avoid this. I'd rather let the readers and destiny decide what works and what doesn't... In popular feds like the WWE, a complete unknown can be brought in and crowned champ within a year or two. In TEW that's nearly impossible. So, in conclusion, I'm only trying to save myself from having my creative process crapped on by game mechanics...
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Size: National - UCW will have been founded in the mid 90's and by modern day have grown a large fan base. However, it will be primarily known within the US. TNA is a major rival. In this case, UCW would have 1 TV show, a monthly PPV, and a roster of 20-30 wrestlers. Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota - UCW's home base would be Minneapolis, Minnesota. Style 1: Fast-Paced Action - UCW would be primarily a high-flying, "extreme" company. Style 2: Women Integrated - Female wrestlers would have equal footing with men. Style 3: Comic Elements - UCW will integrate humor and comedy into its product. Show Names: Firestorm Showcase Starting Champion(s): Jack Lightning - The fan's favorite, by far (face). Gene Wilder - (No Relation to the actor!) A super-over underground sensation (face). Good luck!
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[B]Update:[/B] This might start sooner than planned! Seeing as some factors have already become landslides in the voting, I'm setting up accordingly now. Also, cutting from No Mercy is going much quicker than I expected... (Only having to do a cult fed's worth helps too!) I've been planting seeds for this diary for ages now. I ran a mafia game based on UCW at NLW and Wellz/Lightning are football players in goal line blitz... :D Hopefully this will be btoh fun to write and fun to read. I think I can crank out some awesome if prompted to... :p
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Size: Clut Location: Seattle Style 1: Hardcore[ To me they are the most fun to play as becasue you can more with them in trems of matches and storylines. ] Style 2:Women's Division Style 3:Serious Business Show Names: Chaos Starting Champion(s): Dave Zero, Gene Wilder
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