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A Jumper's Tale

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rotfl, I think someone needs to point out to the men that the women are kicking their butts in the ring and in merchandising (come on, desert scenery, lots of sun, great locations, and hot women just scream posters, calendars, and other things). Maybe that will get their attention to snap out of the D+ funk they're in right now. You'll get it straightened out though. I really hope so as this is one of my favorite reads.
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[QUOTE=smartman;472054]rotfl, I think someone needs to point out to the men that the women are kicking their butts in the ring and in merchandising (come on, desert scenery, lots of sun, great locations, and hot women just scream posters, calendars, and other things). Maybe that will get their attention to snap out of the D+ funk they're in right now. You'll get it straightened out though. I really hope so as this is one of my favorite reads.[/QUOTE] Oh, don't you worry, I'm already in April 2009. Whether things straighten out or not... well... you'll see. -- Wednesday, Week 1, November 2008. The Tide Is In Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Jungle Cats vs. Hip to be Square and Velocidad Jungle Cats win. (E) Match 2: The Speed Show vs. Absolutely Fabulous Good match between these two teams. The Speed Show were able to get their win back as Marc Speed armbreakered TBG into submission. (D) Mainstream comes out and makes a four way #1 contenders match for the Xtreme title between Ota, Insane Machine, Remmy Skye, and Ultimate Phoenix. (C-) Match 3: Fumihiro Ota vs. Insane Machine vs. Remmy Skye vs. Ultimate Phoenix Let down. These four should be able to do much better. Oh well. Remmy gets a shot at the Xtreme Title at Showdown at Sundown. (D) Match 4: Donnie J vs. Mainstream Hernandez © (Xtreme Championship, Ladder Match) Donnie J formula with a ladder works. But it works even better when Mainstream scoots up and grabs the belt while Donnie is selling. (C-) Infiniti tells Teddy Powell that he made the biggest mistake of his career when he turned his back on he and Fox. “Sammy Bach is laughing all the way to the bank, because I will end your career.” (D) Main Event: Infiniti vs. Teddy Powell Holy crap, Teddy just saved his job. As long as I know he can pull a great match out of his butt when he's in there with me, he can keep his job. Once that runs out, he has no chance. This was a great match that saw Teddy pull the come from behind victory with the Motion Censor. (C+) Overall: C Attendance: 1832 “I am a machine, Cliff.” “When did you learn to wrestle?” “Many, many years ago.”
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Monday, Week 2, November 2008. CZCW Showdown at Sundown Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Amazing Superstars © vs. Jungle Cats (CZCW Tag Team Championship) Ouch, I let the opener go on a bit too long and I'm going to hurt for it. The champs retain after 20 minutes of action. (D-) Match 2: Mikey James vs. Shooter In a match between the second and third place finishers in the Master of Wrestling tournament, they tear the ring down. Mikey starts kicking Shooter, Shooter replies with suplexes, it's hard hitting, Frankie has to be proud in the back. Mikey makes a mistake though and finds himself locked in a front choke with nowhere to go. (C-) We see a video that shows Sam Pratt making a challenge for the Xtreme Title, but Donnie J stepping in and claiming he deserves a shot. Then a gong is heard and they both simultaneously say “Fine, Ota, we'll have a triple threat.” (D-) Match 3: Donnie J vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Sam Pratt This was fast paced, but it didn't go so long, thanks to Donnie and his conditioning problems. How he was ever in one of the best cruiserweight divisions known to man, I'll never know. Anyway, he takes the fall here tonight to the Cannonball Drop. (C-) Match 4: Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Remmy Skye (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) I have a feeling I knew that these two wouldn't click, it's just too bad I didn't remember. Mainstream is able to keep the streak alive, as he takes advantage of Remmy going for a high risk move instead of grabbing the belt. (D+) Infiniti and Fox get on the mic and promise that Steve and Teddy will finally see The End of their careers. (D) Main Event: Endless Potential vs. Steve Flash and Teddy Powell I can only imagine how good these tag matches would be if Steve and Teddy could work together. Oh well, it was still a fine match that saw Steve finally get a moral victory over Fox, even if he pinned me. (C-) After the match, Fox grabs the microphone and informs the crowd that Steve Flash will get one last shot at the Championship. Next month at Christmas Cage Chaos... and as the name implies, this match will be in the cage. (D+) Overall: D+ Attendance: 1535 “Okay, it looks like next month is going to be a big one.” “You better end the year out right, Peers.” “Oh, I will, don't you worry.”
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“What are you doing here? You know what, I don't care, I'm just glad.” Wednesday, Week 2, November 2008. The Tide Is In Colorado Springs Bar (Mid South, USA) Match 1: K-Squared vs. The Primal Monster Squash. (E-) Match 2: Rod Remus vs. Snap Dragon Not AS much of a squash, but Rod doesn't look good. (E+) Match 3: Donnie J vs. Masked Lion And Donnie goes back to having blah matches with people who aren't on the top of the card. Is 2500 a show really worth it? (D) Fox Mask comes out and hypes up his upcoming match with Ota and Phoenix. He says they are warm ups for his upcoming war with Steve. (D) Match 4: Fox Mask © vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Ultimate Phoenix (CZCW Championship) It's an ok match, nothing spectacular. Good formula that has Ota and Phoenix fighting and Fox taking advantage of an injury to Phoenix to eliminate him, then beating a tired Ota. (D+) The lights go out and a familiar music plays. A spotlight illuminates the entrance to reveal Hell Monkey! He says he's on a break from filming his new movie and wants to fight someone tonight. He doesn't care who, as long as they can push him to the limit. Infiniti comes out from the back and tells Monkey he'll be sent back to Japan crying. (C-) Main Event: Hell Monkey vs. Infiniti Wow, he just shows up and says he wants to work, so am I going to say no? Hell no! Instead we have a great wrestling masterpiece that ends after 25 minutes with a time limit draw. (C+) Overall: C- Attendance: 300 “So what are you doing here, John?” “To tell you the truth, the movie is finished. I'm only needed for post work every once in awhile. I don't want to go to Japan as much anymore, it's not fun getting mobbed.” “Damn, well, you just show up whenever you want, I'll use you for sure.” “Thanks boss.”
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Wednesday, Week 3, November 2008. The Tide Is In The Snake Pit (South West, USA) Match 1: Air Force 2 vs. Absolutely Fabulous AbFab are trying to make their ways back into title contention, as are Air Force 2. This wasn't the best performance, but it was a start. The Sensational Singh ends up offing AAW in 12. (D-) Mainstream Hernandez comes out and says that he will be more than happy to face Sam Pratt for the Xtreme Title, but to shake things up, it's going to be held in a cage, at Christmas Cage Chaos. (C-) He then changes the subject and says he was approached by Steve and Teddy to join them in a six man tag tonight against Fox, Infiniti, and a mystery partner. (D+) Match 2: Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Panther Panther's lack of overness is really hurting him here. Maybe if Cliff wouldn't be so dependent on the mainstream portions of wrestling, this place could really take off. No matter, Ota picks up the win with the Ninja Strike. (D-) Match 3: Frankie Perez vs. Mikey James I knew I liked these two guys for a reason. They put on a hell of a show. With performances like these, Frankie and Mikey will be in the main event when Fox and Steve no longer can be. 22 excellent minutes before Mikey is put away by Frankie's P-Clutch. (C+) Fox and Infiniti make their way out to the ring. They announce that their tag team partner for tonight will be none other than Hell Monkey. (D+) Main Event: Fox Mask, Infiniti, and Hell Monkey vs. Steve Flash, Teddy Powell, and Mainstream Hernandez A great match, just not as good as the last one. That is going to undoubtedly hurt the show, but I don't care, because this was a strong match that saw Fox put Teddy down with the Fox Hunter. (C) Overall: C- Attendance: 1000 “Damn, Frankie and Mikey have good chemistry. I'm happy about this.” “Me too, Cliff. They are the future, as long as WLW doesn't come along and snatch Frankie up to a written contract. That would suck.” “Yes it would.”
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Wednesday, Week 4, November 2008. The Tide Is In Colorado Springs Bar (Mid South, USA) Match 1: Jeremiah Moose vs. Snap Dragon Snap Dragon tries to tear through Moose quick, but can't seem to finish the job. This allows Moose to come back and nearly pick up the win, but it isn't to be, as the Dragon's Breath knocks him out. (D-) Match 2: Redshift Riders vs. Insane Machine and Mikey James This could have been a good match, but Remmy was off his game tonight, as per usual. If that kid could build up some consistency, he'd be useful. Mikey gets his revenge on Frankie by pinning him in 15. (D) Our announcers let the crowd know that the past match was for the number one contendership to the Tag Titles, meaning that the Amazing Superstars will defend against Machine and James at Christmas Cage Chaos. (E) Fox Mask comes to the ring and calls out his opponent, Mainstream Hernandez. Fox lets everyone know how disappointed he is that Mainstream would team with Steve and Teddy and that Mainstream could have just kept to the Xtreme Title and been left alone. Mainstream grabs the mic and says he wouldn't want that. He's not content sitting on his laurels and being the greatest Xtreme Champion ever to live. He wants the big belt too. Fox tells him to bring it then. (D+) Match 3: Fox Mask © vs. Mainstream Hernandez (CZCW Championship) Good news, this is going to be a great show, barring disaster. Fox and Mainstream just click and they do battle for 19 minutes before the Fox Hunter puts Mainstream away. (C) Our announcers talk about the main event between Steve Flash and Hell Monkey. They say Monkey is back and ready to go, but Steve is not happy about the six man last week and wants a bit of revenge. (C-) Main Event: Hell Monkey vs. Steve Flash A fine match put on by the two veterans. Steve and Monkey don't just do battle, they go to war. Neither man is looking good at the end of the 24 minutes, but Steve is able to hit a Flash Bang and put Monkey away. (C+) Overall: C Attendance: 296 “And it's not even a sell out, explain that one to me.” “Poor wrestling industry. “ “I hope it gets out of the bust and into the boom soon.”
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Wednesday, Week 1, December 2008. The Tide Is In New Mexico Armory (Mid South, USA) Match 1: Air Attack Weasel vs. Canadian Dragon AAW is really turning into a whiner, but he deserves a win every once in awhile. This is where he gets it. (E+) Match 2: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Marc Speed Marc needs to look like more of a threat, he's a submission master after all, well, he looks good here, making DWN tap to the cross armbreaker. (D) Match 3: Cam Vessey vs. Insane Machine Insane Machine started in firm control and kept it until an interfering Jacob Jett knocked him right into a Vessey Driver. (D+) Match 4: Jacob Jett vs. Mikey James A let down match, Vessey was out right away, but Insane Machine made his presence known to even up the odds. Cheating was not an option this time, and Mikey was able to pull out the win. (D-) After the match, as Mikey and Machine are celebrating, Cam and Jett attack. It isn't one sided though, and turns into a wild brawl. (E+) Match 5: Sam Pratt vs. Shooter Sam was off his game tonight and you have to be on your game if you want to beat Shooter, especially when he locks in a front choke. (D+) Fox and Infiniti cut a promo on Teddy and Phoenix, their opponents for tonight. They say that Steve couldn't make it this week after the horrific beating he took from Hell Monkey last week and that is just the kind of beating that Teddy and Phoenix will feel tonight. (D-) Main Event: Endless Potential vs. Teddy Powell and Ultimate Phoenix I was hoping for better, but Teddy was off his game. Maybe I should team Sam, Remmy, and him together. This degenerated into a brawl quickly and the referee DQed both teams for not listening to instructions. (D+) Overall: D+ Attendance: 1000 “I guess it's good enough for the Mid South.” “Yeah, but you can do better.”
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Still reading, still enjoying. Looking forward to the next night of female wrestling. Also, I've made a mental note to leave a suggestion to rename this venue in the Suggestion forum. It pains me to have New Mexico considered part of the Mid-South. I know, when you look at a map it seems an awful lot like NM is in the center, but the southwestern states, in general, always make more sense to be grouped with California and the West than they do with Texas.
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[QUOTE=d_w_w;474354]Still reading, still enjoying. Looking forward to the next night of female wrestling. Also, I've made a mental note to leave a suggestion to rename this venue in the Suggestion forum. It pains me to have New Mexico considered part of the Mid-South. I know, when you look at a map it seems an awful lot like NM is in the center, but the southwestern states, in general, always make more sense to be grouped with California and the West than they do with Texas.[/QUOTE] I agree. I always used New Mexico as part of my CZCW roamings in TEW 2004. I always assumed the South West was California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico. Colorado is a swing for me between Mid West, Mid South, and South West. But, it's ok, Adam is an Englishman, I don't presume he should be an expert on US geography, hell, I don't know a whole lot of Americans who are experts on US geography. -- Monday, Week 2, December 2008. CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Amazing Superstars vs. The Machines Mikey James has been in need of a new gimmick for awhile and he debuts as the dragon masked Dragon Machine. And it's a good match. The Machines look unstoppable, but... the Superstars are just a little bit sneakier than the Machines had been prepared for. The champs retain. (D+) The announcers hype up the special challenge match between Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey. (D+) Match 2: Hell Monkey vs. Frankie Perez Well, it looks like these two don't click. Guess what, coulda fooled me! They wrestled that hard hitting puro style and Hell Monkey was able to pick up the win in 20. (C) Match 3: Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Sam Pratt (CZCW Xtreme, Cage Match) Well, this was a disappointment. It's not that they don't click, but their styles don't match, I guess. I think Mainstream is going to be kicking himself for making this a cage match, because Sam was able to escape and win. (D) Infiniti cuts a promo telling Teddy Powell that his time is up. (D+) Match 4: Infiniti vs. Teddy Powell Not as good as their last outing, but still great. They wrestle hard for 18 minutes with Teddy Powell hitting the Motion Censor for the win. (C) Fox Mask promises Steve Flash that tonight will not be his night and he will NOT take the Championship away. (D+) Main Event: Fox Mask © vs. Steve Flash (CZCW Championship, Cage Match) Uhhh... Fox, don't be off your game! You're the main event! You're too important! Well, everyone can have an off night, I guess. Fox is the man though. And that's why he was able to defeat Steve. (D+) Overall: C- Attendance: 1614 “I'll take it. The main event wasn't all I hoped for, but I'm ok with that.” “Maybe Fox isn't the man.” “Don't you ever say that again.”
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Wednesday, Week 2, December 2008. The Tide Is In New Mexico Armory (Mid South, USA) Dark Match: Ota def Masked Panther in 13 (D) Match 1: Jungle Cats vs. The Machines One of these teams will be getting a shot at the belts sometime soon. The Machines pick up the victory in 12. (D-) Match 2: Jeremiah Moose vs. Mainstream Hernandez Mainstream has an off night, but not off enough to lose to Moose. (D) Mainstream grabs the stick and puts Sam Pratt on notice that he's coming back for his belt. (C-) Match 3: Jacob Jett vs. Remmy Skye Remmy was REALLY off his game tonight and tarnished what otherwise would have been a great match. Jett picks up the win in 13. (D) Match 4: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sam Pratt © (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) These two work pretty well together, which is good for the future. It was a great match and a good first defense for Sam. (C-) The announcers hype up the main event tag match between Fox Mask and Hell Monkey vs. Steve Flash and Ultimate Phoenix (D) Main Event: Fox Mask and Hell Monkey vs. Steve Flash and Ultimate Phoenix Holy crap. This was unexpected. Fox and Monkey have great team chemistry and Steve and Phoenix are no slouches either. Twenty minutes of hell end with Hell Monkey beating Phoenix with the Tumbling Monkey. (C+) Overall: C Attendance: 1000 “So, got any plans for Fox and Monkey?” “Oh, you'll see.”
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Wednesday, Week 3, December 2008. The Tide Is In The Snake Pit (South West, USA) Dark Match: The Speed Show def. Absolutely Fabulous in 11. (D) Match 1: Air Force 1 vs. The Machines Good opener, Dragon and Insane live up to their team name and mechanically defeat their opponents in 14 minutes. (D) Match 2: Frankie Perez vs. Masked Panther vs. Sam Pratt © (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) Sam makes another very impressive title defense, out flying both of his opponents. (C-) Our announcers hype up the upcoming semi main event, a three way between Infiniti, Shooter, and Flash. The winner will be considered as a possible challenger to the CZCW Championship. (D) Match 3: Infiniti vs. Shooter vs. Steve Flash Amazing. Very happy with this one. Back, forth, and beyond in this one. 18 minutes of action with the last half being gut wrenching submissions that are barely broken up. The finish comes when Shooter locks on his patented seated stretch armbar and I tap. (C) The announcers hype the main event as being a possible war over the tag titles. Fox Mask and Hell Monkey will team up once again to face the Amazing Superstars. (D) Main Event: Amazing Superstars © vs. Fox Mask and Hell Monkey (CZCW Tag Team Championship) Jacob Jett is working through a bruised pectoral, but he still brings the house down. Too many near falls to count separate both teams from victory, but the end sees the time limit calling for the match's completion. The fans chant five more minutes, but Cam and Jett leave to fight another day. (C+) Overall: C Attendance: 1000 “It's good to know I can have these guys put on good shows when I want them to.” “So you're going for a Shooter vs. Fox Mask title match at Revolution?” “Maybe.”
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Wednesday, Week 4, December 2008. The Tide Is In The Snake Pit (South West, USA) Match 1: Redshift Riders vs. Jungle Cats Damn fine opener, better than I expected. 15 minutes went by fast and ended with Cougar pinning Skye. (C-) Match 2: The Machines vs. Teddy Powell and Ultimate Phoenix Not as good as the opener, but fine in its own way. The Machines systematically take apart Teddy, but a hot tag to Phoenix sets Dragon Machine up to take the fall. (D+) Fox Mask says he's going to make a kid's dream come true tonight as he defends his title against Davis Wayne Newton. (E+) Match 3: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fox Mask © (CZCW Championship) And the kid made the most of his title shot, although the most is not winning, but merely looking good in a loss as Fox picks up the win. (C-) Infiniti and Mainstream have a war of words culminating in “You got a partner? Because mine is itching to go.” (C-) Main Event: Infiniti and Shooter vs. Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Flash And this should have been a great match, but the absolutely zero chemistry between Shooter and Infiniti ruins it. Luckily the match isn't horrible and Infiniti puts Steve to sleep after Fox Mask runs some interference. (D+) Overall: D+ Attendance: 792 “Well, good thing this was just a one and done with me and Shooter.” “Very good thing.”
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CZCW End of Year 2008 Review. Champions: CZCW Championship: Current Holder: Fox Mask (13 defenses) Won From: Donnie J (15 defenses) CZCW Tag Team: Current Holders: Amazing Superstars (4 defenses) Won From: Jungle Cats (4 defenses) CZCW Xtreme: Current Holder: Sam Pratt (2 defenses) Won From: Mainstream Hernandez (14 defenses) CZCW Master of Wrestling: 2008 Winner: Steve Flash Defeated: Shooter CZCW Women's Championship: (Retired) Last Holder: Joanne Rodriguez Won From: Wanda Fish (4 defenses) CZCW Women's Tag Team: (Retired) Last Holders: Devil's Daughter & Gorgon (2 defenses) Won From: Good Lookin' Bunny (2 defenses) Current Roster: Main Event: Fox Mask Fumihiro Ota Infiniti (William Peers (Zack Macomber)) Sam Pratt (Cannonball Kid, Calamari Kid) Steve Flash Teddy Powell Ultimate Phoenix Upper Midcard: Dragon Machine (Mikey James) Frankie Perez Hell Monkey (Off making a movie until February 2009) Insane Machine Remmy Skye Shooter (Shooter Sean Deeley) Midcard: Cameron Vessey Flying Jimmy Foxx Jacob Jett Jeremiah Moose Mainstream Hernandez Marc Speed Masked Cougar Masked Lion (Trent Shaffer) Masked Panther (Rafael Ruiz) Snap Dragon The Sensational Singh Lower Midcard: Jesse Gilbert Joe Gilbert The Bronzed God (Zeus Maxmillion) Opener: Canadian Dragon Davis Wayne Newton K-Squared Too Hot Enhancement Talent: Velocidad Tag Teams/Stables: Absolutely Fabulous (The Bronzed God & The Sensational Singh) Air Force 1 (Flying Jimmy Foxx & Snap Dragon) Amazing Superstars (Cam Vessey & Jacob Jett) Endless Potential (Fox Mask & Infiniti) Hip to be Square (K-Squared & Too Hot) Jungle Cats (Masked Cougar & Masked Lion) & Masked Panther Redshift Riders (Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye) The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse Gilbert & Joe Gilbert) The Ninja Union (Fumihiro Ota & Sam Pratt) The Speed Show (Jeremiah Moose & Marc Speed) Starting Cash for 2009: 205,822 Popularity/Importance: South West: D/D- Mid South: E+/E+ North West: E/E- Big News Stories: Both WLW and NOTBPW go National. Both companies make some big signings. Spot monkey Diamond Furusawa takes over the book for BHOTWG, Master Kitozon rolls over in his grave. UK Dragon shatters his knee. We had Insane Machine do it because UK Dragon wouldn't negotiate with us. CZCW disbands its women's division after 9 months. They go back to only losing a bit of money per month. That's right folks, I hate to break it, but I can't afford the ladies anymore. With Wanda and J-Ro both asking for $2000 an appearance and the other ladies scaling their demands accordingly, I just can't afford it anymore. It was a good experiment that knocked AAA down a few notches, but I have blown through 300,000 bucks this year and Cliff doesn't think that's such a good idea. Syndication networks pop up in Canada, Japan, the UK, and the US, they are very small networks that encapsulate two regions of an area. CZCW Power 100 Players: 14. Acid 23. Jack Marlowe 37. Hell Monkey Johnny Bloodstone takes the number one spot, followed by Jeremy Stone and Dan Stone Jr. Buddy Garner and Bryan Vessey round the top 5 out. Jumper Goals Status: Rise to Cult – Pending Nationwide TV Deal – Pending Fox Mask signed by a National (or higher) Promotion – Pending
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“Alright everyone, gather around. It's been no accident that we've grown by leaps and bounds over the past year. I have a goal, and I will stop at nothing to get there.” “What is your goal, Peers?” “I'm glad you asked that. I'm trying to make CZCW grow. I'm trying to help the talent grow. I'm trying to make the world look and say, “Damn, that was some good wrestling.” And I think I'm getting you guys there. Some people may not like how I set AAA aflame, too bad. Yeah, it cost us a lot of money, but if I hadn't they would be hurting our prestige and our future. I will not let our future be compromised.” “So how will we grow this year?” “TV. I know that we can get a TV deal if we sell to syndication. So I'm going to set up a network and have CZCW shown across the country.” “Do you really think that'll work?” “Yes, Fox, I do. It's the only way we'll be able to become the best. I know once people see we have TV, they'll be on the first train to LA. Mark my words. So I need everyone's cooperation. I know people will be leaving us soon, but there will also be new arrivals. It's all a balancing act. If everyone can stay healthy, we'll have a hell of a year.” Wednesday, Week 1, January 2009. The Tide Is In Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Amazing Superstars © vs. The Speed Show (CZCW Tag Team Championship) Jett is still feeling the bruised pectoral and as such didn't see a lot of action. This could have meant big things for the Speed Show, but a Vessey Driver on Moose was all that was needed to stop the momentum in its tracks. (D) Match 2: Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Sam Pratt © vs. Teddy Powell (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) Ota couldn't do anything right tonight, but it wasn't enough to screw anything up, as the other wrestlers picked up the slack. Sam was able to keep up his winning streak by grabbing his title. (C-) Fox Mask comes out and says he may not be the main event tonight, but he'll have no problem fighting his old nemesis, Ultimate Phoenix for the title. (D) Match 3: Fox Mask © vs. Ultimate Phoenix (CZCW Championship) Very nice work here as the two Zone mainstays put on a fight to remember. Phoenix has taken a bit of a popularity hit in the Southwest and Midsouth, but with more performances like this, he'll put it all back on. He tries hard, but Fox is able to hit the Fox Hunter and retain. (C) The announcers hype the main event between Dragon machine and Hell Monkey, citing it as Dragon machine's biggest challenge to date. (D+) Main Event: Dragon Machine vs. Hell Monkey Now, this is just annoying. Had Hell Monkey not gone off to make his movie, he'd be here having four star classics with half of the roster. Instead, he's gone for half his contract and only comes back with a bit of time left on his contract. These guys have good chemistry and Dragon machine was on the very top of his game, able to pull out a win in 20. (C+) Overall: C Attendance: 2000 “I think you might have used Hell Monkey too much tonight, Peers.” “What? How?” “That's just what I heard from some fans.” “Those fans need to go to hell, or buy some merchandise, either way.”
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Monday, Week 2, January 2009. CZCW Revolution 2009 Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) The show starts with Fox Mask and Infiniti. They say tonight is the night that they will truly be seen as immortals in the wrestling business. Tonight, they each defeat three men to stay at the top. (C-) Match 1: Amazing Superstars © vs. Jungle Cats (CZCW Tag Team Championship) Not up to par with what they can put on, but okay to open the show. The Superstars once again pick up the victory as Jett hits the Emergency Landing on Cougar in 15. (D) Match 2: Fumihiro Ota vs. Infiniti vs. Insane Machine vs. Ultimate Phoenix For the second match of the night, this one has to be labeled as gold. Fifteen non stop minutes of action sees Insane Machine being put away in The End by Infiniti, as decided by the wrestlers. (C) Match 3: Dragon Machine vs. Sam Pratt © vs. Teddy Powell (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) We continue the good results in this one, as Sam flies with his comrades and takes some really stiff kicks from Dragon Machine. The end sees Sam grabbing his belt to retain. (C) Frankie Perez says that all his life, he's been the guy down a couple rungs from the top and no matter how hard or fast he climbs, the ladder keeps getting longer and longer. Well, tonight, Hell Monkey is getting knocked off the ladder and Frankie Perez is going to make it to the top. (D+) Match 4: Frankie Perez vs. Hell Monkey Sadly they don't click, we probably knew that. Yeap, we learned that back in May. Oh well, still a great match. Now that Hell Monkey has been in the pictures, people at least want to see him beat up. And that is what happens, because Frankie makes him tap to the P-Clutch. (C) Main Event: Fox Mask © vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. Shooter vs. Steve Flash (CZCW Championship) It's not even fair that these guys are capable of putting on matches like this. In this elimination match, the last two standing were Fox and Mainstream. The former Xtreme Champion looked amazing, but Fox showed why he is the champion by hitting the Fox Hunter to win. (C+) Fox grabs his belt and begins to celebrate, when Hell Monkey rushes out and attacks. He demands a title shot at the Tide Is In. (D+) Overall: C Attendance: 1714 “I gotta stop ending the show on an angle...” “Yes, yes you do.”
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Wednesday, Week 2, January 2009. The Tide Is In New Mexico Armory (Mid South, USA) Match 1: Ultimate Phoenix vs. Velocidad Just a quick job match to keep Phoenix happy. (D-) Match 2: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Teddy Powell Same thing here, except they don't click. Lame. (D-) Match 3: Dragon Machine vs. Mainstream Hernandez vs. Masked Panther vs. Sam Pratt © vs. Shooter vs. The Sensational Singh (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) I told the boys to go out there, have fun, and decide amongst themselves who should be the champion. Twenty four minutes of a good match sees Mainstream winning his belt back. (D+) Fox Mask comes out and gives everyone a history of his career in CZCW. He says he is going to be the best in the world some day and by beating Hell Monkey, he's guaranteeing his legacy. (D+) Main Event: Fox Mask vs. Hell Monkey (30 minute Iron Man match) And Fox definitely showed his credibility by fighting a long and hard match and by beating Hell Monkey three to one. This man is the champion for a reason. (C+) Overall: C- Attendance: 1000 “I guess I should have put someone a little higher up in the Xtreme match instead of Singh. Oh well, I like him.” “You really have a lot of faith in Fox, don't you?” “I do, he's the best talent you're going to see in a long time. If my booking goes according to plan, you'll see a very strong main event scene in a year or two.” “And we'll be seeing them on TV?” “You bet your ass.”
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Wednesday, Week 3, January 2009. The Tide Is In Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Amazing Superstars © vs. Hip to be Square (CZCW Tag Team Championship) Both the champs were off their game tonight, so it's a good thing they were facing off against a couple pushovers, or they could have been in trouble. (D-) Sam Pratt comes to the ring and asks Mainstream Hernandez for an Xtreme rematch at Vendetta. Mainstream comes out and says that the match is on, but this time it will be a ladder match. (D+) Match 2: The Jungle Cats vs. Sam Pratt and Absolutely Fabulous Solid trios match. Sam Pratt does most of the work and as such gets the pin on Cougar to win. (D) Shooter comes out to the ring and claims that he should be the number one contender to the CZCW Championship and that he hasn't received his shot. He wants one at Vendetta. Fox Mask comes out and tells him to win his next match and it's his. (D+) Match 3: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Shooter DWN is making a friend out of me. He and Shooter have some good chemistry, which is a very definite plus for Davis' growing list. Shooter does what he is told though and is able to finish his opponent of with a German Suplex. (C-) Match 4: Remmy Skye vs. Steve Flash This match sucked. Remmy and Steve are a horrible pairing. I'm starting to think that Remmy is going to be relegated to full time job duty soon. Steve was trying to help the kid out, but cut the match short with the Flash Bang. (D-) Match 5: Aaron Andrews vs. Ultimate Phoenix TCW's Aaron Andrews has been grossly neglected, only wrestling four matches in 2008. That will change now that he's signed with us. He had to deal with ring rust and the fact that he and Phoenix don't click, but ultimately he was able to pick up the win. (D+) Aaron Andrews talks about the gross incompetence in TCW and that he should be wrestling week in and week out, not just once every few months. That's why he came to CZCW, to be showcased as a main event attraction. He puts the entire roster on notice. (C-) Main Event: Fox Mask © vs. Mainstream Hernandez (CZCW Championship) Putting these two in a match is like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You just can't go wrong. They have a great fourteen minute match that is capped off with a Fox Hunter. (C+) Overall: C Attendance: 2000 “Well, Double A's debut didn't go as well as I hoped, but he'll be able to make up for it soon.” “What are you going to do about Remmy?” “I'm thinking he's going to be placed in multi-man only matches from here on out. If he can build up some consistency, maybe he can be back in the midcard.”
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Wednesday, Week 4, January 2009. The Tide Is In New Mexico Armory (Mid South, USA) Match 1: The Speed Show vs. Air Force 1 Both members of the Speed Show were off their normal game, marring what would have otherwise been a good match. Marc Speed is able to pick up the win in 13. (D-) The Speed Show say they have officially earned a Tag Title match at Vendetta and are cashing the opportunity in. (E) Match 2: Dragon Machine vs. The Bronzed God The Bronzed God put up a hell of a fight, but it wasn't to be, as the Dragon Machine was able to win this one in 12. (D+) Match 3: Insane Machine vs. Shooter Shooter broke the possibility of a sweep by the Machines, as he forced Insane to tap in 16 to the seated stretch armbar. (D+) Match 4: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Frankie Perez Davis puts on another great performance as he tries to wrestle a victory away from someone, but it still isn't to be as Frankie out stiffs him to pick up the win in 10. (C) After the match, Frankie picks up his fallen opponent and extends his hand. Davis hesitates for a moment and shakes Frankie's hand. (E) Sam Pratt and Fumihiro Ota come out from the back. Sam says that he'll one up Mainstream tonight and ride that wave into Vendetta, where he'll reclaim the Xtreme Championship. (D) Main Event: The Ninja Union vs. Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Flash Great main event to end things tonight. They were told to go out and put on a great match and they did just that. The finish came in 20 minutes when Steve put Ota out with the Flash Bang, while Sam and Mainstream brawled on the floor. (C) Overall: C Attendance: 1000 “Wow Peers, you're putting up solid shows now that aren't even supershows.” “I know, I'm leery of what is going to come of this.”
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  • 3 weeks later...
“Hey Cliff, have you checked the ledger lately?” “No, I was going to do it at the end of the week. Why?” “Oh, no reason, we just made money last month.” “WHAT?! REALLY?! HOW MUCH?!” “Over eight G's.” “Oh... well... You have 285 more to go.” “Ouch... thanks Cliff.” Wednesday, Week 1, February 2009. The Tide Is In Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Ayune Ajustado (Cuadrado and Velocidad) vs. Absolutely Fabulous AbFab get a squash victory tonight to give them a bit of momentum... hopefully. (D-) Match 2: Teddy Powell vs. Too Hot Another squash by Teddy. (D) Match 3: Aaron Andrews vs. Masked Lion Now this is more like it. A solid back and forth fight between these two. They take it to the air and keep it on the mat during different portions until Aaron hits his patented Flying Body Press for the win. (C-) Match 4: Cam Vessey vs. Steve Flash This is not like it. I expected better from these two. Steve wins in 17. (D) Aaron Andrews runs out and attacks Steve after the match, laying him out. (D) After Double A finishes the beat down, he grabs a microphone and says that Steve better bring his A game, because they are having a match at Vendetta. (D) The announcers hype up the main event, as the Machines test themselves against Endless Potential. (D) Main Event: The Machines vs. Endless Potential If we can finish the show off with matches like this each week, I'll be happy. Great formula tag that saw Fox finish Insane with the Fox Hunter. (C) Infiniti gets on the house microphone and reveals that Dragon Machine will have a match at Vendetta... against him. (D+) Overall: C- Attendance: 2000 “There we go, the card is set for Vendetta.” “It's not too bad, either.” “I don't think so.” The Speed Show vs. The Amazing Superstars © (CZCW Tag Team Championship) Dragon Machine vs. Infiniti Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Sam Pratt (CZCW Xtreme Championship, Ladder Match) Aaron Andrews vs. Steve Flash Fox Mask © vs. Shooter (CZCW Championship)
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“So, I hear some of you guys have gotten contract offers from TCW. I guess that means they've gotten comfortable again, eh? I just want everyone to know, that other than the Gilberts, I love you all. You have all given me some great performances over the time I've been here, and I appreciate it.” “Thanks Peers.” “You're welcome. I want everyone in this locker room to know that they have a spot here in the Zone as long as I'm here. But if you have to go, just give us one last good match. That's all I ask for.” “You got it Peers.” Monday, Week 2, February 2009. CZCW Vendetta Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: The Speed Show vs. Amazing Superstars © (CZCW Tag Team Championship) The Speed Show looked like absolute threats out there tonight and they may have been able to pick up the win if it wasn't for some questionable behavior from the champs. The end sees Moose finished with the Vessey Driver in 14. (D+) Match 2: Infiniti vs. Dragon Machine Great match that saw a lot of hard hitting action. Dragon Machine's stiff kicks left Infiniti in pain, but one miscalculation led to The End in 20. (C) Mainstream and Sam Pratt step out to the ring and chat about their match. Pratt says he's coming to get his belt back, but Mainstream says he never would have lost it if they were in a ladder match, instead of the cage. (D+) Match 3: Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Sam Pratt (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) Hot dog! Best Xtreme match we've had in awhile. These guys refused to give up, but Mainstream finally picked up the win after suplexing Pratt off the ladder, over the top, and to the floor. (C+) Aaron Andrews cuts a promo telling Steve Flash that he's the new age and that he's better than Flash in every way. He promises a victory tonight so he can move on to the CZCW Championship. (D+) Match 4: Aaron Andrews vs. Steve Flash Steve Flash didn't want Double A to make good on his promise, but he couldn't quite pull out the win against the youngster. After having the Flash Bang countered, Double A hits the Flying Body Press to win in 19. (C+) The announcers hype up the main event, saying that Shooter is going to have to bring his A-game if he wants to dethrone the champion. (D+) Main Event: Shooter vs. Fox Mask © (CZCW Championship) Best match in Zone history! The fact that these two have some good chemistry just sweetened anything they could have done. Twenty minutes of hard fought action give Fox Mask another victory in his best match ever. (B-) Overall: B- Attendance: 1890 “Holy crap! Fox! Shooter! You guys are amazing!” “Thanks Peers, I don't know where it came from.” “This isn't a knock on you guys by any means, but you had the second lowest fan heat rating as shown by CoastalZone.com, but you blew everyone else away! Thank you.” “We do what we can, boss.”
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[QUOTE=smartman;490949]Woohoo!!!!! A B- show!!!!! Great job Nightshadeex, now hopefully you won't be completely raided by TCW. Where are you at Pop-wise and Import-wise now? Keep up the great work![/QUOTE] I couldn't tell you exactly, as I'm much farther ahead, but I think here I'm a D pop, D- import in South West and E+, E+ in Mid South. -- Wednesday, Week 2, February 2009. The Tide Is In New Mexico Armory (Mid South, USA) Match 1: Ayune Ajustado vs. The Speed Show Tag team squash for the Speed Show. (E+) Aaron Andrews comes out before his match and goads Fox Mask into accepting a challenge for the CZCW Championship. (C-) Match 2: Aaron Andrews vs. Davis Wayne Newton Well, this didn't go as planned. These two are not suited for each other. Double A ends it quick. (D) Mainstream Hernandez says that he showed Sam Pratt what it is to be the Xtreme Champion. He promises that he won't lose hold of the belt again. (C-) Match 3: Cam Vessey vs. Remmy Skye vs. Dragon Machine vs. Mainstream Hernandez © (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) Good, not great match. Mainstream picks up the win, but he doesn't have to resort to killing his opponent like he did last night. (D+) Match 4: The Ninja Union vs. Teddy Powell and Ultimate Phoenix Sam Pratt was visibly hurting from the other night, but it's a good thing he teams with a ninja, because they were able to come out on top after Ota hit Phoenix with the Ninja Strike. (C-) Main Event: Fox Mask © vs. Masked Cougar (CZCW Championship) Well, we know not to do this match again. Fox wins, but it was ugly getting there. (D) Fox reiterates that he's the best wrestler in CZCW and will continue to be at the top of the heap through 2009. (C) Overall: D+ Attendance: 965 “Well, I'm glad we were in New Mexico for that show. Kind of a let down for me. Oh well, we're moving things along.” “Don't just spin your wheels, that's what I've done since I opened this place.” “Oh, I have quite an announcement next month.” “I can't wait for this...”
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Wednesday, Week 3, February 2009. The Tide Is In Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Redshift Riders vs. Jungle Cats These four tend to put on good matches together. This is no exception. Frankie gets Lion to tap to a P-Clutch in 9. (C-) Match 2: Aaron Andrews vs. Masked Panther Like his partners, Panther has no luck and is outclassed by the younger Double A. (D+) Match 3: Dragon Machine vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Snap Dragon (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) Another solid ladder match involving Mainstream, who continues his roll winning another ladder match. (D+) Match 4: Marc Speed vs. Steve Flash Disappointing... No chemistry drags down an otherwise good match. Steve picks up the win in 17. (D-) Main Event: Fox Mask © vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Ultimate Phoenix (CZCW Championship) This was a nice little elimination match to work Fox into a frenzy and it worked, especially as Aaron Andrews made his presence known. He tried to hit Fox with a chair, but missed and hit Phoenix instead, allowing Fox an easy roll up pin. (C-) The show ends with Fox and Double A getting into an all out brawl. Phoenix and Ota join in, angry about losing and being cost the match. (D-) Overall: D+ Attendance: 1969 “Meh, we can do a lot better than that.” “So Peers, Jacob Jett left the company, what's going on with the Tag Titles?” “Just you wait, I have... a... plan.” “Yikes...”
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Wednesday, Week 4, February 2009. The Tide Is In New Mexico Armory (Mid South, USA) Match 1: Youth Energy (Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson) vs. Ayune Ajustado A decent debut for Youth Energy in CZCW. They run circles around their very fast opponents and pick up the win. (D-) Match 2: Mainstream Hernandez © vs. Too Hot (CZCW Xtreme, Ladder Match) Mainstream gets in a squishy victory over Too Hot in a fairly good ladder match. (D+) Match 3: Masked Panther vs. Shooter vs. Steve Flash This was a very entertaining elimination match. Steve out veteraned Masked Panther and then out classed Shooter. (C-) Match 4: Fox Mask © vs. The Sensational Singh (CZCW Championship) Fox and Singh were on their way to something great when Aaron Andrews came out and attacked Fox, causing the DQ. (D+) Double A continues the attack until Infiniti rushes to the ring to make the save. (D-) Infiniti grabs a microphone and tells Double A to get back in the ring so they can settle it like men tonight. (C) Main Event: Aaron Andrews vs. Infiniti Match of the night without a doubt. There are a lot of different styles represented in this match, but the winning style is good old fashioned cheating by Aaron Andrews. (C) Overall: C- Attendance: 727 “Question... how can Steve Flash be overused?” “That's an asinine comment, who said that?” “The ARSEHOLES.” “Hmmm... maybe it's broken?” “Maybe... Oh yeah, we have a TV deal starting next month.” “WHAT?!” “Yeah, just with Southwest Syndication, but we're going to be on TV.” “Nice!” “I thought you'd like it Cliff.” “What's your plan of attack?” “Build up to crown new Tag Team Champions. Round 1 takes place on TV.” Tournament Style: The Ninja Union vs. The Machines AbFab vs. The Speed Show Air Force 1 vs. Jungle Cats Redshift Riders vs. Youth Energy
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Wednesday, Week 1, March 2008. The Tide Is In (Shown on US Syndication Southwest) Grissom Auditorium (South West, USA) Match 1: Absolutely Fabulous vs. The Speed Show Good match to start our TV life. Seven very fast minutes culminate in Marc Speed locking on the Cross Armbreaker, forcing Singh to tap. (D) Match 2: Air Force 1 vs. Jungle Cats We follow up a good match with a garbage match that tells us we need to think about one of these teams. You guess which one. The Jungle Cats pick up the win in 8. (E+) Match 3: Redshift Riders vs. Youth Energy I hope too many people didn't turn the channel, because they'd miss this if they did. The Riders and Youth Energy fought a hard one for ten minutes until Frankie caught Shane in the P-Clutch. (D+) Match 4: The Ninja Union vs. The Machines In a damn fine match, these teams fought back and forth for a long 12 minutes that culminated in Dragon Machine kicking Ota's head off and getting the pin. (C-) The announcers let us know that if you come to CZCW Uprising, this upcoming Monday, in addition to Fox Mask vs. Aaron Andrews, you'll also see The Machines vs. The Speed Show, The Jungle Cats vs. The Redshift Riders, and a match between the winners to crown the new Tag Team Champions. (E+, E+) Main Event: Fox Mask © vs. Frank Burton Fox Mask gets to main event the first TV Show in a squash against the man formerly known as Rolling Johnny Stones. Fox makes short work of the British all around wrestler, but it looks good. (D+) Following the match, Fox grabs a microphone and tells the viewing audience that at Uprising, Aaron Andrews is going to be surprised at the beating he's going to take. (D+) Overall: D+ Attendance: 2000 TV Rating: 0.00 “How do you think we did, Cliff?” “I don't know, but it was a good show.”
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