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Elicense Concern

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I've just had to have my TEW2008 license reissued. I am not complaining about the customer service - it took him about 45 minutes from my original email to come through with the goods - but what I am concerned about is the implications this could lead to. Unfortunately, something is up with my laptop's hard drive, and it's frozen/corrupted requiring a format three times in the last few months. This is my fault, and I understand that. However, this text is from the email sent by Scott. "I have re-issued your licenses for you this time. Remember to protect your license. Prior to re-formatting or changing computers you must unlicense your game." That's fine - I would do that if I a. knew my laptop's harddrive was about to die and b. if I was able to access the harddrive. However, due to the fault at hand this is impossible. That's okay though, right? Scott will be able to help me out? Not so anymore. "Your license will be unavailable for future manual resets (you can and always will be able to unlicense/relicense on your local machine as much as you need)." So basically, if I have this problem again and I cannot unlicense the product myself on my laptop (for instance if this issue reoccurs), then I have lost the license for this game altogether and would have to buy it again. Please tell me that I have misread the situation and am overreacting. How on earth can this be right?
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Most of the GDS staff are based in the US; given that you've posted in the middle of the night for them you can't expect a quick answer. The license policy is to stop abuse. If you have a genuine reason to need multiple resets then there would be no problem getting them.
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I wasn't expecting a GDS staff response actually, just asking the general populace whether I was getting this wrong or not. If what you said is the case then why is the little bit at the end of the email about "You cannot ask for this to be unlicensed again"?
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;452605]I wasn't expecting a GDS staff response actually, just asking the general populace whether I was getting this wrong or not. If what you said is the case then why is the little bit at the end of the email about "You cannot ask for this to be unlicensed again"?[/QUOTE] As has already been said the policy is there to stop abuse. I'm sure what Scott is trying to say is that with software/operating system problems there is always a way to unlicense your game, even if windows will not boot up there are methods to getting into your windows setup. Special circumstances i.e hardware problems will be considered.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;452605]I wasn't expecting a GDS staff response actually, just asking the general populace whether I was getting this wrong or not. If what you said is the case then why is the little bit at the end of the email about "You cannot ask for this to be unlicensed again"?[/QUOTE] My guess would be for people who are abusing they system to know about it. Puts that thought in their heads of "Okay, they've thought about that... new plan!" At the very least it'll buy some time before they can come up with a new strategy for... free TEW? I guess?
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am in a similar boat. I recently reformatted my laptop and reinstalled TEW. License worked like a charm. Now the reformatting didn't take and I have to send it into the shop. I figured that since I'm allowed to have TEW on only one computer that the solution would be to uninstall the program on my laptop, and put it on my wife's. Then do the same procedure when I get mine back working good. So I uninstalled TEW on my laptop today but now when I go to put the license on my wife's it says they're all used up. I'm not trying to cheat or find loopholes. I'm just trying to change which computer I play on due to circumstances. What can I do?
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[QUOTE=Consrvtve;467654]I am in a similar boat. I recently reformatted my laptop and reinstalled TEW. License worked like a charm. Now the reformatting didn't take and I have to send it into the shop. I figured that since I'm allowed to have TEW on only one computer that the solution would be to uninstall the program on my laptop, and put it on my wife's. Then do the same procedure when I get mine back working good. So I uninstalled TEW on my laptop today but now when I go to put the license on my wife's it says they're all used up. I'm not trying to cheat or find loopholes. I'm just trying to change which computer I play on due to circumstances. What can I do?[/QUOTE] Uninstalling the game does not uninstall the license
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There are two ends to that eLicense re-issue email. One has a 3 month waiting period, for your first manual re-issuance (this is all most people ever need, and it would be extremely rare for most people to have two catastrophic failures within a 3 month period). The other states the license is unavailable for future manual re-issuances, which would occur after a second manual re-issuance. You can always ask, even if you are after the second manual re-issuance, we do on rare occasion (sometimes there are extenuating circumstances) make exceptions; but by all means ask, the worst that will happen is I'll apologize and let you know that unfortunately I can't do the manual re-issue for you again.
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There are two ways to unlicense the game: The standard way: Remember to protect your license. Prior to re- formatting or changing computers you must unlicense your game. To do this follow the following steps while connected to the internet: 1.) Go to the Control Panel 2.) Find the eLicense Control icon and double click 3.) Find the Grey Dog Software folder and double click 4.) Find the Game Icon and right click 5.) From the menu select unlicense. Or if that doesn't work, or you frequently change computers you can use this method (change the game name, if you aren't playing TEW2008): Try following these steps, as this should resolve the issue for you. 1) Go to C:\Program Files\GDS\TEW2008 (or whatever it's called for you) and create a shortcut of TEW2008.exe 2) Right click on the shortcut and click properties. 3) Input this into the Target box: "C:\Program Files\GDS\TEW2008\TEW2008.exe" -unlicense 4) Hit Apply and Okay and you're done. Just click that shortcut to unlicense. This works for all eLicense based games. Hope this helps
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I used the CMD command but it took forever because the line wouldn't accept Program Files being seperated (kept telling me that Program was an invalid command) so what I did was open a window into my GDS folder and then dragged the TEW icon into the CMD prompt window and it worked like a charm. Just throwing that shortcut out there if anyone else has problems with it.
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[QUOTE=Scott Vibert;468901] You can always ask, even if you are after the second manual re-issuance, we do on rare occasion (sometimes there are extenuating circumstances) make exceptions; but by all means ask, the worst that will happen is I'll apologize and let you know that unfortunately I can't do the manual re-issue for you again.[/QUOTE] See now you've said that, but Adam up there said "If you have a genuine reason to need multiple resets then there would be no problem getting them." I've had my laptop unfortunately wipe itself three times in as many months - now that is due to a hardware fault on my end that I need to fix - but I am alarmed that I would not be able to get my license back again unless you were feeling good enough to manually issue it.
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