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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: DaVE's not here

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By the way, I've finally read through this and really enjoyed it so far. Will be one of the diaries I try to keep tabs on. [B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. The Wolverine [I]I don't see the champ losing in the first round.[/I] [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Alex Braun [I]The titles on the line thing is making me umh and ahh here. I don't see Parker winning the tournament but I don't see him losing his belt either. So he may go out in a draw somewhere. Do you have draws in PSW?! I'll take Parker to win this one and will be interested to see how it pans out.[/I] "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] of Warrior Engine XXV [I]I'll go with Wood as he's a bit of a hardcore darling[/I] [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Sayeed Ali [I]I'll go with Martin to win in the first round as Ali is probably too far below him in overness to have him lose to. But Flash is sticking his nose in and costing Martin this tournament somewhere.[/I] Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash [/B]vs. Kirk Jameson [I]Ah, that dastardly Flash.[/I] The Ring Generals [B]Waldorf & Statler[/B] w/a surprise manager vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell [I]They've got a new manager. It looks a bit rubbish for them if they lose despite that fact.[/I] [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski [I]Little Willy doesn't stand a chance[/I]
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[B]Jungle Jack PSW Heavyweight Champion[/B] vs. The Wolverine Steven "The Future" Parker PSW National Champion vs. [B]Alex Braun[/B] "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood of Warrior Engine XXV[/B] [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Sayeed Ali [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [B]The Ring Generals Waldorf & Statler w/a surprise manager[/B] vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski All of them seem straightforward picks except the Parker v Braun one. You're obviously pretty high on Parker, so I am anticipating a push into the main event, therefore he has no need of the midcard belt. Alex, on the other hand, having just gone on the quickest diet in history, losing 300lb of dead weight in one night (-called Tank Bradley, for those who are being a bit dim!) needs something to focus on - and this title is a good place to start.
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First Round Matches All Belts Are On the Line in Tournament Action! [B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. The Wolverine [I]The champ wont lose in the first round[/I] Steven "The Future" Parker PSW National Champion vs. [B]Alex Braun[/B] [I]Hardest one to pick, I say Braun gets the win here which would also give him a good case for a future shot at Parkers National Title, plus I think he's better suited to advancing in a tournament of hardcore matches[/I] "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] of Warrior Engine XXV [I]Quite simply Larry Wood is more hardcore[/I] [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Sayeed Ali [I]Ali has all the potential to grow into a solid performer for PSW and may one day be a main eventer, if he continues to grow but right now he is [SIZE=1]down here [/SIZE][SIZE=2]in the PSW pecking order and Martin is [/SIZE][SIZE=3]up here.[/SIZE][/I] Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [I]What I said about the Martin/Ali match also applies here for this match, especially after Flash's shocking heel turn[/I] [B]The Ring Generals[/B] [B]Waldorf & Statler[/B] w/a surprise manager vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell [I]Surprise manager will get involved and help the Ring Generals to victory.[/I] [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski The classic slowly does it 'squash a jobber' monster heel push for Primus continues
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[B]Jungle Jack[/B] PSW Heavyweight Champion vs. The Wolverine [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] PSW National Champion vs. Alex Braun "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood[/B] of Warrior Engine XXV [B]Johnny Martin[/B] vs. Sayeed Ali Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson The Ring Generals [B]Waldorf & Statler[/B] w/a surprise manager vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski
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[B]Jungle Jack PSW Heavyweight Champion[/B] vs. The Wolverine [B]Steven "The Future" Parker PSW National Champion[/B] vs. Alex Braun "Dirty" Dave Diamond of New York City Wrestling vs. [B]Larry Wood of Warrior Engine XXV[/B] Johnny Martin vs. [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] - Due to Flasherference Also in non-tournament action ... [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [B]The Ring Generals Waldorf & Statler w/a surprise manager[/B] vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Little Bill Lebowski
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/KoHC.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][SIZE=5]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents: The King of Hardcore Tour: Stop One[/SIZE][/B][/I] [B][I][SIZE=4]June 27, 2008 At The Ministry in Queens, N.Y.[/SIZE][/I][/B] [SIZE=4][B]Attendance:[/B] 580[/SIZE] [LEFT][B]Preshow Booker's Notes:[/B] I wasn’t expecting much from this show. We were without our tag champs (The Black Label Brotherhood, who missed the show when their plane was shut down on the runway halfway across the country), we were without Teddy Powell who had been burned on camera against Steve Flash and several of the matchups weren’t between established guys. I’m gonna be holding my breath from bell to bell that we get a D or better. [CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PrimusAllen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4][B]Primus Allen vs. Little Bill Lebowski[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] All aboard … the squash train! (Insert James Brown horn section blasts here) Yessir, Little Bill becomes the next guy we fed to the rookie monster. I think everyone in the stands could see this coming. Why the Little one? Well, Bill punched his ticket out of town by picking a fight with Alex Braun near the expiration of his contract. What was Bill thinking, honestly? No. 1, Bill smacks one of our most respected guys in the chops and No. 2, Braun’s huge compared to Bill … the little jacka** is lucky he didn’t get killed pulling a stunt like that. I think I let the little runt's contract run out for his own protection. [CENTER][B] Allen def. Little Bill Lebowski via running powerslam (4:53)[/B] [/CENTER] [B] Match Grade:[/B] [SIZE=4]F[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PlayboyJakeSawyer.jpg[/IMG][/B] [I][B][SIZE=4]A leader for the Generals[/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER] “Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Fans, please welcome … Playboy Jake Sawyer!” Sawyer comes out to a respectful reaction and struts his way to the ring. “Good evening,” Sawyer said with a smarmy smile. “I would say ladies and gentlemen, but the contents of this room have neither nor.” Boos envelop Sawyer. “Lucky for you, I’m about to inject a little ‘class’ enema into this run-down old dump and free it of all the crap that inhabits the seats.” More boos! “My wonderful father has purchased the contract of both, the sexy Shooter Dean Waldorf and the Marvelous one himself, Marv Statler. And just as sure as all of you rat women in the crowd will be paying the wrestlers rent a car bills ... before the year is through, we will have the PSW World Tag Team Championship in our possession.” [B] Segment Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]C-[/SIZE] (Sawyer killed it!) [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] The Ring Generals Waldorf & Statler w/”Playboy” Jake Sawyer vs. Jacob Jett and Ash Campbell[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] Wow. Playboy Jake has it! He may just be the thing to put The Generals over the top. Neither Marv nor Dean can talk to save their lives, but they can wrestle. If Jake keeps this up, I might pair him with some of the other mutes I have on the roster and give him a full-blown stable. Jett? He showed up, he apologized for no showing us at Reign of Terror back in April and he took his jobbing like a man. We had Frankie Future come out and pull Ash Campbell away from the ring to protect Jett. In other words, all is forgiven between Jake and myself. [CENTER][B] The Ring Generals def. Jacob Jett & Ash Campbell via a MultiPlex (10:52)[/B] [/CENTER] [B] Match Rating: [/B][SIZE=4]D-[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [I][B][SIZE=4] Powell Update[/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER] A clip of Summer of Violence and Steve Flash's vicious burning of Teddy Powell is played while PSW announcer extrordinaire Mitch Naess speaks over the video. Mitch Naess: Last month at Summer of Violence, Teddy Powell was burned in-ring by Steve Flash. We have been told by doctors that Teddy may be permanently blinded in both eyes by Flash’s horrible attack and may never wrestle again. Our thoughts and prayers are with Teddy’s family in his hour of need. [CENTER][SIZE=4][B] PSW King of Hardcore Tournament[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] First Round[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B] First Blood Match [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/DazzlingDaveDiamond_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=4][B]"Madman" Larry Wood vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] I'll be honest. I hated Dave Diamond’s look when he first came in my office a month ago. It didn't "dazzle" me at all. He had the stench of NYCW's booking team all over him. In our interview, Dave mentioned he was from Texas, so I told him to get a cowboy hat and don’t shave for a month. Then he could come back and see me. He did both and now he looks like a million bucks. We packaged him as Dirty Dave Diamond, a tough cowboy, who cheats to win, but does it blatantly so the crowd absolutely loves him. Larry Wood? Jesus, what can you say about the crazy bastard? He comes to fight and bleed. Neither one of these guys had a bit of face recognition here, but they did pretty good for two guys who just got to the freakin’ place. [CENTER][B] Larry Wood def. Dirty Dave Diamond by busting him open (10:30)[/B] [/CENTER] [B]Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]D-[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B] PSW King of Hardcore Tournament First Round Street Fight [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JohnnyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] Johnny Martin vs. Sayeed Ali[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] Not much to say. Good match for what it was. Both guys knocked each other around. Sayeed got to be seen in a competitive environment and Johnny got some of his heat back. We’ve got to get Sayeed on camera to do an interview to get himself over. The fans are just itching for it. [CENTER][B] Johnny Martin def. Sayeed Ali with a Twist on the Rocks on a steel chair (10:33)[/B] [/CENTER] [B] Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]D-[/SIZE] [CENTER][I][SIZE=4][B]Flash Before Your Eyes[/B][/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] Before the Steve Flash vs. Kirk Jameson match, Flash came out to speak to The man known to PSW fans as The Marksman. Flash: Hey there, Kirk. [The fans boo Flash for speaking to a fan favorite after what he did to their hardcore hero Johnny Martin.] Flash: For years I’ve watched great young talents ruin themselves in hardcore matches. I’ve seen people brainwashed by Phil Vilbert and Nemesis … [The fans chant “Go to hell, Flash”.] There are three other men backstage, who feel the same way I do – that professional wrestling should be about wrestling and acting like a professional. It’s not about hitting each other with chairs and bleeding for bucks. That’s exactly why we’ve all boycotted the King of the Hardcore Tournament. Join us, Kirk … and together we will rule the Tri-State Area as one unit. We’ll watch your back and make sure you’ll grow up to be one of Rich Eisen’s SWF bonus babies. [Huge boos.] But first, I want to see a show of loyalty, Kirk. I want you to lay down right now and give a sacrifice to The Old School. [Kirk hesitates, then responds with a haymaker upside Flash’s head to a huge ovation.] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/KirkJameson.jpg[/IMG] Steve Flash vs. Kirk Jameson[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Booker’s Notes: Kirk’s still a work in progress, but he’s almost there. Steve did a wonderful job making Kirk look like the backyard of Hef’s Mansion in the summertime. Kirk picked up a ton of technical pointers from Steve in this one and he’s just about ready to start contributing to the midcard championship scene. [CENTER][B] Steve Flash def. Kirk Jameson when Dr. Classic interfered and Flash hit a Flash Bang (12:22)[/B] [/CENTER] [B] Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]D[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE=4][B]The Old School is Now in Session ...[/B][/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] [After the Flash-Jameson match was over, Flash’s third man appeared in the form of J.D. Morgan and they worked over Jameson with boots.] [B] Mitch Naess:[/B] Oh my God! J.D. Morgan was Teddy Powell’s partner in The Untouchables with Steven Parker! Parker isn’t here, but does this mean that Parker is in the fold, too? And why would they do such a thing when Steve Flash burned Teddy Powell last month! [In the ring, Flash has a mic while Classic and Morgan hauled Jameson up off the mat.] [B] Flash:[/B] Welcome to The Old School … sorry you couldn’t learn anything, Kirk … but just so you can't call us selfish, this is one last lesson ... here in my hands right now is what we call a flashpoint ... [Flash begins to fiddle with a lighter to throw a fireball.] [B] Naess:[/B] OH NO! Not the fireball! Not Kirk Jameson! Someone stop them! [Just then, on cue, Johnny Martin and Jungle Jack interrupt the proceedings with chairs and clear the ring.] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] PSW King of Hardcore Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4] First Round[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4] Dog Collar Match[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4] for the PSW National Championship [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW_National.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/B][B][SIZE=4] Steven "The Future" Parker (C) vs. Alex Braun[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Booker’s Notes: Man, the crowd was hot for Parker after it appeared he aligned with “The Old School”. Too bad Braun and Parker have horrid chemistry together. Alex showed a little age out there. It disappointed me that he argued with me about jobbing to the most over guy (Parker) in the fed right now. Jesus Al, it’s not 1998 and this ain’t DAVE. Lucky for us, Parker pushed him to a passable match. Parker bled a gusher and looked great. What a selfless kid. [CENTER][B] Steven Parker def. Alex Braun with a dog-chain aided Future Shock (10:02) (Steven Parker’s Fifth Title Defense)[/B] [/CENTER] [B] Match Rating: [/B][SIZE=4]D[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4] PSW King of Hardcore Tournament First Round Hardcore Match for the PSW Heavyweight Championship [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/TheWolverine.jpg[/IMG] Jungle Jack (C) vs. The Wolverine[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [B] Booker’s Notes:[/B] I debated whether to put this match on as the Main Event. But Wolfie convinced me that he could still go. Man, could he ever! Jack and Wolf tore down the house. Granted the match was under 10 minutes to keep Wolfie from blowing up, but Wolf proved he’s not done yet as a guy we can count on. Jack and Steven are quickly becoming our go-to guys on the roster. Neither one has turned in a bad singles match (All C- or better) and for us that’s a good thing. [CENTER][B] Jungle Jack def. The Wolverine via Jungle Jack-Hammer (9:37)[/B] [B] (Jungle Jack’s Second Title Defense)[/B] [/CENTER] [B] Match Rating:[/B] [SIZE=4]C[/SIZE] [CENTER][B][SIZE=5] OVERALL CARD RATING:[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5] C-[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][I][B][SIZE=4]"King of Hardcore" Tournament[/SIZE][/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=4]Semifinals Update[/SIZE][/B][/I] Jungle Jack will meet Larry Wood Johnny Martin will lock horns with Steven Parker [B]More details when the second card is announced ...[/B] [/CENTER] [I][B] Stay tuned for Mid-Year Smark Prediction Rankings and the PSW Mid-Year Report Card ... [/B][/I] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/PSW.jpg[/IMG] Smark Mid-Year Prediction Rankings[/SIZE][/B] [B](Where Your Expert Smark Opinion and just a mere $29.95 earns you a PSW Jungle Jack "No Nanuhs?!" T-Shirt. Wear it with pride!) [SIZE=4] Smark Match Prediction Wins (Minimum of 9 wins)[/SIZE] [/B]Midnightnick – 26 Tigerkinney – 28 Actarus – 25 smurphy1014 – 17 Hyde Hill – 13 Dragonmack – 10 1PWfan – 9 Foolinc – 9 [B]Just missing the cut:[/B] Marcel Fromage – 7, Rob4590 – 6, The Celt - 5, Maskedpropeganda – 5. [SIZE=4][B]Highest Season Winning Percentage [SIZE=3](Minimum of Two Cards Predicted)[/SIZE] [/B][/SIZE].866 - Hyde Hill (13-2) [SIZE=4][B]Highest Win Total for One Match Card[/B][/SIZE] 8 - Tigerkinney, May 2008's Summer of Violence Card [SIZE=4][B]Perfect Slates[/B] [/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]7-0[/SIZE] [/B][SIZE=4]Midnightnick Actarus Marcel Fromage[/SIZE] [B]all for the King of Hardcore Prelims June 2008[/B] (Congratulations to all the Mid-Year winners. Due to our "Just In Time" stock purchase strategy, please allow 2-4 years for delivery of your Jungle Jack T-shirts.) [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][B]PSW Mid-Year Main Event Picture And Report Card[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [B]1. Jungle Jack Marlowe[/B] [B] PSW Heavyweight Champion[/B] He’s been our go-to guy for the first half of the year. How we’ve held on to him, I haven’t got a clue. He’s turned in our best match of the year at The Shamrock FanFest (a strap match with Johnny Martin) and hasn’t turned in one single stinker. Heck, he even notched a good match with the bag of bones that is The Wolverine. Taking the belt off of him would be a chore and I can only think of a handful of guys that the hard-to-please PSW fans would accept as their champion. [B]Grade:[/B] A [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]2. Steve Flash[/B] Good old Steve. He’s really milking the anti-hardcore tradition angle for all its worth. PSW fans hate him now. I’d love him to carry the Big Banner. I really would. But we also need him to show the young guys how to work. It’s a great quandary to have as a booker. He’s more than ready and the fans would pour heat all over the guy if he had the top belt. I’ve got to try to figure out a good feud for him where he can accomplish both – work a young guy up and hold a strap. [B]Grade:[/B] B [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [B]3. Steven Parker[/B] [B] PSW National Champion[/B] Steven can work nearly any style and he’s one of the most over guys in the fed right now, but I’m not sure we can run with him just yet. He seems to be great in matches against the likes of J.D. Morgan, Steve Flash and Johnny Martin, but he still can’t carry a match alone – evidenced by his last match at The King of Hardcore against Alex Braun. Jury’s still out on Steve and he’s quickly outgrowing the PSW National Title he’s wearing. I just have to get the guts to pull the trigger on a big time run for Parker before his contract runs out. [B]Grade:[/B] B- [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JohnnyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [B]4. Johnny Martin [/B] John’s 38, but for now, he’s wrestling like he’s 28 and he’s still gigantically over with the PSW faithful. But I don’t know how long his body will last and I don’t know if he’s in decline or not, because the last match he wrestled was with Eddie Peak. I do know that at some point we’ve got to segue him out of the Main Event. We’ve got a ton of young hardcore guys he could work with, but first and formost we have to let the Flash-Martin storyline run its course. Whether that happens quickly or slowly, I haven’t the foggiest. [B]Grade: [/B]B- [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JDMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]5. J.D. Morgan[/B] J.D. turns in the occasional good match, but he can also throw out a below-average one too, so we’re trying to steer him into a Kirk Jameson feud. If he won’t do it, I’ll have to. He’s another in the over 40 set that we’ll have to start phasing out before the end of the year. He’s worth a lot to us, but as a belt-holder? I can’t see him going over anyone right now, unless we put him in the tag division. Which is a possibility. [B] Grade:[/B] C+ [/CENTER] [B]On the cusp of the Main Event picture:[/B] Reverend Frankie Future, Kirk Jameson, Sayeed Ali, Larry Wood and Dean Waldorf. [CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Overall Analysis[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] We're way too heel heavy. We need to turn some folks and set up the second-half stretch run for 2008. We're also too old. We need to pretty up the Main Event with a few fresh faces. Hopefully we can fast track Kirk Jameson, Sayeed Ali, Dean Waldorf and a few other guys I've managed to sign. We've got to get younger soon or else we'll be the northern equivalent of the USPW.
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If you were the booker of PSW, what three things would you do to improve the product? (Example run two shows a month, hire so and so, put the belt on "insert name here", change from internet to DVD distribution ... etc.) 1. I'd hire another tag team. A highflying one to balance the brawlers and the technicians. 2. If not weekly shows, at least 2 a month. 3. More angles. Who's the one young guy you would feature more? Nelson Callum Who's the one guy (old or young) you would feature less? Kirk Jameson What did you like in The King of Hardcore card's first stop? The Flash storyline continuing, and the Wood/Diamond match What did you hate? The idea of both titles being on the line, because that means at the end, someone's losing their title.
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Just finished reading the diary today, and I have to say great job McShamrock. You've gained another "smark" follower. If I were the booker of PSW, what three things would you do to improve the product? (Example run two shows a month, hire so and so, put the belt on "insert name here", change from internet to DVD distribution ... etc.) 1. I think I'd test out running two shows a month. 2. I'd give more time to the Church of Force. After a couple of entertaining angles they seem to be slipping to the backburner. 3. Maybe bring in some CZCW guys like Plague and Snap Dragon to tag and give that super junior/daredevil element you were looking for. I would also check to see if Hell Monkey was interested in coming in even for just a couple gigs. Who's the one young guy you would feature more? Nelson Callum seems like he could be good eventually. Sayeed Ali needs to be the young guy who gets pushed way up as soon as you can get to it. Who's the one guy (old or young) you would feature less? I'm not sure of a guy I would feature less. I do feel a little Kirk Jameson backlash. Possibly from other diaries. What did you like in The King of Hardcore card's first stop? I enjoyed the King of Hardcore's first stop. The Old School Group looks like it has a lot of potential. I also love me some Wood...erm Larry that is. What did you hate? I didn't hate anything, but aren't there two groups crusading against hardcore now? Or are the Forceians just crusading for Jim Force?
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[quote=jake;473585]Just finished reading the diary today, and I have to say great job McShamrock. You've gained another "smark" follower. [/quote] Thanks loads! :D Glad you like it so far. [quote] 2. I'd give more time to the Church of Force. After a couple of entertaining angles they seem to be slipping to the backburner. 3. Maybe bring in some CZCW guys like Plague and Snap Dragon to tag and give that super junior/daredevil element you were looking for. I would also check to see if Hell Monkey was interested in coming in even for just a couple gigs. [/quote]On 2? The Chuuuch will be back full "Force" (pun intended) in this next promo update. Had to concentrate on the Flash angle, but I'll be introing a couple of other angles this next show. On 3? I'll definately have to try a face high-flyer pairing. Midnight also mentioned that ... we'll give it a go and see if I can't spark the tags. [quote]Who's the one guy (old or young) you would feature less? I'm not sure of a guy I would feature less. I do feel a little Kirk Jameson backlash. Possibly from other diaries.[/quote]LOL! Heard that one loud and clear ... to tell the truth Kirk is boring to me. I can't find anything interesting to really write about him. Too bad, because he's got great potential in-game. [quote]I didn't hate anything, but aren't there two groups crusading against hardcore now? Or are the Forceians just crusading for Jim Force? [/quote]LOL! Yeah ... in Frankie's first promo he really did hit that ideal a little ... but I've moved away from that with each post and they've gone more toward the cult-ish crusading for Jim and are just headed toward being "weird" comedy characters. [quote=Midnightnick;473462]2. If not weekly shows, at least 2 a month. 3. More angles.[/quote] I'll give the two shows a month thing a go. Given my cash situation, I don't know if I can do four. I've got quite a price tag right now and we're only clearing about 3000 or so a month with one show. And angles? You got it.
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[CENTER][I][B][SIZE=5] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/AlexBraun.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/AshCampbellForce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/HonestFrank_alt2.jpg[/IMG] Promos: Chapter Four[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Waving at the Wrath of God[/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER] Alex Braun, with a new haircut and without his Jersey Devil attire (Thank God, that tag team’s dead!), passes through the hallway on his way to get a cup of coffee. Something causes him to make an immediate stop by an open door. Inside the room all the camera can see is the back of a rainbow-haired Ash Campbell’s head. The son of Nemesis' head his in his hands and he's groaning. "Hey Ash," asks Braun with concern, "you okay?" “Don’t look at me, Alex,” Ash exclaims, “and don’t come close.” “Why Ash?” “Because I’ve been infected.” “Infected with what?” Campbell turns around and Braun gasps. Ash’s face comes into Braun's view he has a black cross over his eye and is also wearing a “Wave of Violence” bandana over his head. “The Wrath of God,” Ash responds. “I also have a bad case of a Wave of Violence." "What?!" "It's an epidemic! The disease cannot be contained! Soon everyone everywhere will be in The Wrath of God or the Wave of Violence. In the SWF, in TCW, in the USPW … even here in the PSW. You can’t hide from it. It’s a plague. No one is safe. Not even the Lobster …” “The Lobster? What the--? Who did this to you, Ash?” Ash looks up into the sky and points generically. “They did this to me. I’ve been ‘alt-ed’.” Ash puts his head down in shame and on cue, The Reverend Frankie Future, Pastor of the Church of the Force shows his face in the room, his eye is adorned with a pink and neon green cross. "See ... I told you," Ash remarks in despair. "No one is safe." “Alex Braun,” Frankie begins in an accusatory tone, “Why have you not bought His merchandise? And why do you not bow your knees in the direction of His throne in the mighty USPW?” “Who? Force?” Frankie bows, “Yes. Who else but The Mighty One?” “Jesus Ash,” Braun shakes his head in disgust, “if your father saw you now, he’d be ashamed of ya for lettin’ a two-bit hustler take ya over.” “You heretic! How dare you speak of my Church like that,” exclaims Frankie. “I am Jim’s Wrath and His Wave of Violence! Take this!” Future takes out a pair of pink and lime green gloves and slaps Braun across each side of the face. “Why you little, punk,” growled Braun. “I oughta whip your a** right here and now.” “We are not afraid. You are strong Alex Braun for you have carried the great girth of Tank Bradley on your back for many miles. But yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no Jersey Devil, for Jim art with me. His urine-soaked chair comforts me. He tells me to fear not, for you are nothing without your blue fauxhawk and your fruity dog collar.” “Future,” warns Braun, as pushes Future out of his way, “ya better shut yer mouth before ya end up sharing a lot with Jimmy Hoffa.” “But I am the Hand of Jim!” “Just be careful with that hand when you play with yourself, okay there Frankie? Now get out of my way ...” Braun leaves with a guffaw as Future begins to call out. “Um, Self gratification is frowned upon in the Book of Jim …” Frankie pauses, but is quietly left muttering to himself. “ … unless you do it … using Jim Force lotion …” Future turns to a broken Ash and waves his hand in the air. “ … he’ll be sorry for crossing, Jim, Ash … he will be sorry.” [CENTER][SIZE=4][B]* * *[/B][/SIZE] [I][B][SIZE=4]King of Hardcore[/SIZE][/B][/I] [I][B][SIZE=4]Tournament Montage[/SIZE][/B][/I] [/CENTER] [Static PSW Logo then to Johnny Martin. Cue music.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JohnnyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Johnny Martin:[/B] I don’t have to tell you that things haven’t gone really well for good old Johnny Martin lately. Steve Flash backed out of the King of Hardcore Tournament and he’s running around PSW like he owns the joint. And I’m sure that sometime really soon he’ll come at me, but right now, I’ve can't be distracted. I've got bigger stuff on the stove. Namely, The King of Hardcore Tournament and Steven Parker. Parker, by entering into this tournament, I think you got yourself into a world you know absolutely nothing about. Because in the world of hardcore? I am and always will be King. Whether you’ve aligned yourself with “The Old School” or not, you’re gonna lose. Plain and simple. You dove head-first into the waters of hardcore without checking its depth, kid. Now, you're gonna end up Twisted on the Rocks. [Static to Steven Parker with his arm around Nicole Kiss.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/StevenParker.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Steven Parker: [/B]Johnny, I didn’t get into this tournament for the trophy. I didn’t get into this tournament to put on a technical display and I sure as hell didn’t get into this tournament for the fame. I did it to prove something to myself. To show the world that I am the best. It doesn’t matter what style. It doesn’t matter what setting. Whether I’m in Steve Flash’s camp or not, Johnny Martin, is none of your concern. But you can rest assured that I will beat you at your own game, in your own back yard. And after I'm done? I'm gonna celebrate inside your house. [Static to Jungle Jack.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Jungle Jack: [/B]Boss tell Jack he face Larry Wood the Mountain Madman. Jack have no idea why man Larry is mad at mountain. Mountain never do anything to Larry. Mountain bring crisp clear water from rocky stream to make beer in silver can. Jack like beer. Jack drink lots of beer sometimes at club, wake up three days later with ugly woman, smelling like vomit and pee-pee. On second thought, Jack no like beer. But Jack do like shiny hardcore trophy. It go with Jack’s shiny belt. [Jack shows off the PSW Championship with a big toothy grin.] Jack must beat Larry to get shiny trophy. Maybe then Larry not obsess about trophy and will love mountain again. [Static to a dark room and the shawdowy face of "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood.] [CENTER][IMG]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/GenoMick/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Larry Wood:[/B] My shrinks always say to visualize your successes in your head … so when laid down in my bug-infested cot I had a dream about you, Jungle Jack. And I was delighted. In that dream your head was a giant coconut and I cracked it open on a rock. Juice poured out from your head and I drank from the goblet of your skull, Jungle Jack. And when I was finished, I ate the meat of your brain … and I felt the power of your life, Jack. I can’t wait to have that feeling of déjà vu in the ring at The King of Violence semifinals, Jack. I … can’t … wait … [Static. PSW Symbol. Fade.]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents:[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=5]The King of Hardcore: Stop Two[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]July 11, 2008[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]At The Steel City Pavilion[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=4]in Pittsburgh, Pa.[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][B]Two Main Events for the Price of One![/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][I][B] [SIZE=4] The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match[/SIZE][/B][/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][I][B]10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match[/B][/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]PSW National Champion Steven "The Future" Parker vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin[/B][/SIZE] [I][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][B]The King of Hardcore[/B] [/SIZE][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=4]Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match[/SIZE] [/SIZE] [/B][/SIZE][/I][SIZE=4][B]PSW Heavyweight Champion[/B] [B]Jungle Jack[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]"The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues![/B] [B]Steve Flash[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]Alex Braun[/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Bloody Dan[/B] [B] of The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] [B] and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]Thimbleby Langton[/B] [/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4]of The Good Ol' Boys[/SIZE] [/B][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B]If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days.[/B][/SIZE] [/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School?[/B] [B]Dr. Classic[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]Kirk Jameson[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Hardcore War![/B] [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]"Dirty" Dave Diamond[/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=4][B]Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue?[/B] [B]Primus Allen[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]Nelson Callum[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=McShamrock;473607] [B]“Um, Self gratification is frowned upon in the Book of Jim …” Frankie pauses, but is quietly left muttering to himself. “ … unless you do it … using Jim Force lotion …” Future turns to a broken Ash and waves his hand in the air.[/B][/QUOTE] :eek::eek::eek: [B]Steven "The Future" Parker (C)[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin [B] Jungle Jack (C)[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun Bloody Dan vs. [B]Thimbleby Langton[/B] Dr. Classic vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] Sayeed Ali vs. [B]"Dirty" Dave Diamond[/B] [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion Steven "The Future" Parker vs. [B]"The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin[/B] [I]The titles aren't on the line right? If not. Martin pulls this win off.[/I] The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood [I]Jack win use bat. Mountain Madman lose. Yay Jack[/I] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [I]Flash won't lose so early in his crusade.[/I] Bloody Dan of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. [B]Thimbleby Langton[/B] of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. [I] The Good Ol' Boys will indeed get another shot.[/I] Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [I]Pff Kirk.[/I] Hardcore War! Sayeed Ali vs. [B]"Dirty" Dave Diamond[/B] [I]I favor Triple D over Ali. [/I] Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum [I] I love Callum, but Allen steals this.[/I]
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin The anti hardcore will interfere. The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood Setting up the dream match Parker vs Jack Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun Church shenanigens. [B]Bloody Dan[/B] of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. Hmm 90 days bit specific so. Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? Dr. Classic vs. [B]Kirk Jameson[/B] Cant have the old school win all so you wil job. Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond I favor Ali over Triple D. Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum Monster keeps winnign but wont be a squash as Callum has potential. PS Thanks for adding the percentage stat hehe. Now if only I found this diary earlier I would be swimming In Force Nanu´s.
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin [I]Parker wins after interference from the Old School[/I] The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood [I]Can't see the current champ not making the final, especially as he's been a consistantly great performer for you[/I] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [I]Exactly what Midnightnick said[/I] [B]Bloody Dan[/B] [B]of The Black Label Brotherhood[/B] and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. [I]The 90 days thing makes me think ,you'll use that time by putting the Good Ol' Boys over a few other teams before they get another shot three months down the road.[/I] Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [I]I get the feeling that the Old School will be 'dominant' for a fair few months.[/I] Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond [I]You seem pretty high on Ali[/I] Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum [I]Primus streak continues but Callum will give him a bit more of a test[/I]
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin [I]Parker wins after interference from the Old School, but Parker isn't happy about it.[/I] The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood [I] Jungle Jack continues his streak. Larry Wood puts up a good showing though.[/I] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [I]Steve Flash wins through some old school cheating.[/I] [B]Bloody Dan[/B] of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. [I]For some reason 90 days seemed longer then 3 months. Tigerkinney's good point makes me side with Bloody Dan.[/I] Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson [I]Dr. Classic is too high above Kirk. Classic can job himself out, but only to the main eventers.[/I] Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond [I] Ali works his way up the ladder. [/I] Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum [I]Of course it will[/I]
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion Steven "The Future" Parker vs. "[B]The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin[/B] The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [B]Bloody Dan[/B] of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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PSW National Champion [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion Jungle Jack vs. [B]"The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood[/B] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [B]Bloody Dan[/B] of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. [I]My kind of stipulation...[/I] Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum * Loving the diary - everyone seems to have a distinct character, which is something I always struggle with. The Church of the Force is pure genius - and that combined with a hardcore Steven Parker and a traditionalist Steve Flash makes for some great reading.
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion Steven "The Future" Parker vs. [B]"The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin[/B] The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion Jungle Jack vs. [B]"The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood[/B] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun Bloody Dan of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. [B]Thimbleby Langton[/B] of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? Primus Allen vs. [B]Nelson Callum[/B]
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [B]Bloody Dan[/B] of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion Steven "The Future" Parker vs. [B]"The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin[/B] The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion Jungle Jack vs. [B]"The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood[/B] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun [B] Bloody Dan[/B] of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? Primus Allen vs. [B]Nelson Callum[/B]
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[B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin I sense champion versus champion for the finals. [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs. "The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood Jack wins with a barbed wire nanuh. It may not be in the match, but even nanuhs can be hardcore. [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun Evil Steve wins to build the crusade. Bloody Dan of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. [B]Thimbleby Langton of The Good Ol' Boys[/B] I'm a big fan of the Good Ol' Boys. Keep the feud alive! Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? Dr. Classic vs. [B]Kirk Jameson [/B] Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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The King of Hardcore Tournament Semifinal Match 10,000 Thumbtacks Death Match PSW National Champion [B]Steven "The Future" Parker[/B] vs. "The Face of Hardcore" Johnny Martin The King of Hardcore Semifinal Match Barbed-Wire Bat Match PSW Heavyweight Champion Jungle Jack vs. [B]"The Mountain Madman" Larry Wood[/B] Steve Flash's Anti-Hardcore Crusade Continues! [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Alex Braun Bloody Dan of The Black Label Brotherhood and one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions vs. [B]Thimbleby Langton[/B] of The Good Ol' Boys If Langton wins, the Good Ol' Boys get a PSW Tag Title shot. If Bloody Dan wins the Good Ol' Boys don't get a title shot for 90 days. Can Kirk Jameson get Revenge on The Old School? [B]Dr. Classic[/B] vs. Kirk Jameson Hardcore War! [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. "Dirty" Dave Diamond Will the Rookie Monster's win streak continue? [B]Primus Allen[/B] vs. Nelson Callum
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