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ECW Worldwide Data

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ECWreturns2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ECWreturns.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]The basis for this data is the ECW Worldwide diary, which can be found here:[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][url][/url][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]Reading the diary is probably advisable, else you might end up a little lost. NB: This game effectively began in 1994 and, thus, the game world will probably be very different to what you are accustomed (unless you've kept up with the diary, of course).[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]As a matter of courtesy[/B] I would appreciate it if this data was not shared/passed around without my prior knowledge. It should all be cool... just get my okay first. Same goes if any maniac wants to try a diary with it. I would be stoked if you did but give me a heads up in case you acidentally duplicate my main event storyline or summat :D.[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]------- [B]Notes[/B] ------- A while back the data got deleted and, as a basis for a recreation, I used an old T-Zone pack. I have succesfully edited most aspects of the gameworld but a few things remain incorrect. As such, this data should be effectively considered a beta model that may be improved/expanded at a later date. The few anachronisms I am currently aware of are: [LIST=1] [*]All relationships have been created from scratch. I have added all those that seemed important and that I have remembered. If their are any glaring omissions, please let me know in this thread. [*]I have not edited the tag team file other than to add a few ECW teams. This means that some realworld teams (e.g. any combination of Evolution) that never formed in the gameworld will be in the data history. Sadly, I just do not have time to go right the way through and edit this. [*]There may be duplicates in the angles file. Feel free to sort this if you wish. [*]I have made all ECW worker bios relative to the gameworld. I cannot be arse to do the same for everyone else, quite frankly. Takes far too long! [*]After a large amount of consideration, I have left myself in the data as the ECW owner - just to stop you sacking Raven, Burchill and Paul E should you ever wish to. I doubt you'll find much use for me but I do like the idea of making your lives difficult :p. [*]Title lineages are correct for all ECW titles and the WWF World Title. However, I have not had the time to complete the rest. This may be done at a later date. [/LIST][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]------------------------- [B]Method for download[/B] ------------------------- Due to the afore mentioned limitations of this data, I am not putting it on "general release" as it were. So, should you wish to use it, either post your e-mail in this thread or pm it to me (if you don't want everyone aware of it - Nevermore Productions has a topnotch privacy policy). -------------------- [B]A Final Request[/B] -------------------- I'm not expecting everyone to start up a diary using this data but I am interested in what results it produces. So, while another diary would be sweet, I appreciate that not everyone would have the time/opportunity/wish to start one. Therefore, I'd be hugely grateful if people could leave any information regarding their game state (including cards/basic storyline ideas/testimonials/criticisms/whatever) in this thread. Have fun.[/SIZE]
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Cool. Glad there's some interest. For those giving mediocre/low thread ratings, there is really no point. This is clearly going to be something solely for those into the diary. So, any feedback should really come in the form of people who have tried the data posting a written critique within the thread. First batch of e-mails going out shortly ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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I'll start sending data out again tomorrow. I have been extremely busy and am far too tired to try now. [QUOTE=franticloser;459469]and for some reason michaels and goliath tagged together[/QUOTE] Oh dear; oh dear. What were we thinking :p? Quote The Raven Nevermore
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