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MENACE CAP Your opinions?

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This is up for debate, but I wanted to ask for your opinion. Right now as it is: TEW2008 has a cap on the Menace stat for Lightweight workers (I would assume this also applies to lighter weight classes as well). So, if you have any Lightweight (or smaller) wrestler, manager or whomever set to a Menace higher than 45% (D), the game will automatically default the worker back to 45% Menace upon game start up. So if you think Brian Pillman (Lightweight) is a menacing wrestler, you can't have him set higher than 45% (D). Any scary managers that may be quite menacing but are relatively small, cannot have MENACE higher than 45% (D). I could understand the reasoning for this, since smaller workers tend to not be very menacing. But at the same time, I believe there are real life exceptions to these rules. Although Menace tends to be closely correlated to size, it isn't always the case. You could have a relative large individual, who doesn't have much Menace at all (Hillbilly Jim comes to mind). On that same token, you could have a smaller lighter wrestler who can be very menacing (maybe not A* menacing) but menacing nevertheless. Although I understand the reasoning for the cap, I don't really understand the need for it. It just seems to limit the flexibility and imagination of mod makers in making the workers as they see fit. What do you guys think?
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Other notable Lightweights: Eddie Guerrero Shawn Michaels Sabu Chris Benoit (at 230lbs he's at the borderline between Lightweight and Middleweight) If you guys happen to put any of these guys as Lightweights, then none of them could be any more MENACE than 45%
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I just found out that the game has a MENACE floor as well. So if you have a Heavyweight with Low MENACE, it'll automatically bump him up to 70% MENACE So Hillbilly Jim if he is listed as a Heavyweight, then he'll automatically have 70% MENACE no matter how low you put his MENACE at initially. Thinking about it for a minute, besides Hillbilly Jim, can anybody think of any other real world examples where a wrestler is a Heavyweight, but wouldn't be at least 70% MENACE (C+)? How about Dusty Rhodes? He's a Heavyweight and I would think that his MENACE rating would be lower than 70%.
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[QUOTE=kingfrank305;462567]I'd say that Hacksaw Jim Duggan was a Heavyweight with lower than 70% Menace, although maybe that would be different if he was given a different gimmick, i dont know[/QUOTE] Good example. How about Ed Leslie aka Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake? I'd say he's borderline. It wouldn't be too much of a reach to make him 70% MENACE, but you could definitely make the argument that he could be much lower. Even as a Heel, he wasn't that threatening - he was more of a joker. The other debate comes down to whether Brutus Beefcake would be considered a "Heavyweight". He was billed as 273lbs, which is more in the Light Heavyweight territory. On the other hand, he had periods in his career where he was much bulkier, so I wouldn't think it would be too far fetched to label him as a Heavyweight.
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[QUOTE=castorius;462439]Other notable Lightweights: Eddie Guerrero Shawn Michaels Sabu Chris Benoit (at 230lbs he's at the borderline between Lightweight and Middleweight) If you guys happen to put any of these guys as Lightweights, then none of them could be any more MENACE than 45%[/QUOTE] The ONLY person on that list that could possibly have anymore than 45% Menace is Sabu. Shawn Michaels is, and always will be, a skinny, hairy chested pretty boy. Indeed, far from the last man you fear bumping into in a dark alley. Eddie Guerrero just wasn't scarey looking. Personally, if I were to see him on the street he'd look like just another Mexican guy going about his business, albeit buffer. Still, wouldn't be scared of him. Chris Benoit looked like a leprechaun, and the only reason he's scarey is NOW we know he was a murderer. Even so, he was below six foot and pretty non-descript. Why I may not be a fan of sizes capping Menace, I have to say that these were mostly poor examples of it. They shouldn't have a high menace stat on the account of them being in the greater scheme of things not menacing. If they were, the world would have no use for guy's like Viscera who get by on being large and, well, menacing.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;462630]The ONLY person on that list that could possibly have anymore than 45% Menace is Sabu. Shawn Michaels is, and always will be, a skinny, hairy chested pretty boy. Indeed, far from the last man you fear bumping into in a dark alley. Eddie Guerrero just wasn't scarey looking. Personally, if I were to see him on the street he'd look like just another Mexican guy going about his business, albeit buffer. Still, wouldn't be scared of him. Chris Benoit looked like a leprechaun, and the only reason he's scarey is NOW we know he was a murderer. Even so, he was below six foot and pretty non-descript. Why I may not be a fan of sizes capping Menace, I have to say that these were mostly poor examples of it. They shouldn't have a high menace stat on the account of them being in the greater scheme of things not menacing. If they were, the world would have no use for guy's like Viscera who get by on being large and, well, menacing.[/QUOTE] I'm not arguing that those Lightweights I mentioned were very menacing, but 45% menace cap seems a bit steep don't ya think? Honestly, Eddie Guerrero if anything wouldn't be much higher than 45% Menace, but you could definitely make an argument that he could be higher. Shawn Michaels I could see being around 45%, and well I'm sorry but Chris Benoit was a lot more menacing than 45%, even before he was a murderer. While, I wouldn't put him above 70%, I'd say he'd at least be 55-65% (and that's being generous). 45% seems way too low. But you're missing the whole point. I'm sure there are some examples out there of Lightweights that would qualify as being more menacing than 45%, whether I mentioned them or not. My examples of the Lightweights may not have been the greatest, but the whole point was to illustrate the limitations of what a mod maker can do because of these caps and floors. My personal feeling on this is that MENACE should be fully editable just like every other stat. I don't see why one lone exception was made for this particular stat that will prevent the player from creating the wrestler that they want. If a player wants to set a personal MENACE cap for Lightweights at 45%, then they are free to do that, (just don't make any Lightweights with more than 45% MENACE!) I just don't see why the computer AI has to automatically do it and force it onto the player. While it's not a gamebreaker, I find it somewhat discouraging editing the stats, only to find out that some of my edits (and the mod makers edits) were automatically defaulted to a set number because of the MENACE CAP and FLOOR.
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