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Stables You've Created In Your Games

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In my XWA diary: [U][B]Army of Darkness[/B][/U] Nemesis (Mgr.) Angel of Death (Tyson Baines) Hell's Bouncer Darkness Warrior [B][U]Gilmore Corporation[/U][/B] Mr. Gilmore (Angry Gilmore) Jessie (Mgr) Ms. Pearce (Kristen Pearce, Mgr) Steven Grayson Terrence Stein (Stink) [B][U]The Mercenaries[/U][/B] Scout Vin Tanner Jack Griffith [B][U]Second Generation Superstars[/U][/B] Casey Valentine Cameron Vessey Jay Chord [B][U]Can-Am Blondes[/U][/B] Catherine Quine Owen Love Damian Mercury (The Natural)
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I initially created "The Financial Arrangement" which saw Brandon James and Rich Money aligned only to find that had horrible tag chemistry. Wanted a younger guy involved so used Darryl Devine, but that proved a huge mistake and I got him off TV as quickly as possible. Remo and Money were never really paired up in my game with Remo being world champion and hugely over inside three months, but if he eventually turns face there's a potential feud there. So Money faced Lobster Warrior at the first PPV for his title and defended thanks to Brandon/Chase, following which a brutal beatdown put Lobby off TV ready for him to be repackaged as a turncoat and come back under the name Chris Morton. Tensions then began to brew between Money & James, eventually leading to a title match between the two of them with Chase turning on James and the next night introducing Money as her new client, with Brandon turning face (and growing his hair). From there I plan to build a stable around Money/Chase to push him all the way to the top, first I'll probably start with a bodyguard then add a young team in there, not quite sure on the characters though.
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I always create an new LwO featuring Chavo, Carlito, Mistico and Chavo Sr as a manager. In TNA I always create a Team X stable which takes it to the bigger guys. I usually put in: the MCMG, Low-Ki/Senshi, Daniels and a good crusier that the 'E fires.
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[QUOTE=WrestleManiac;463431]In my CZCW game: [U][B]Dragonforce[/B][/U] Canadian Dragon UK Dragon Dragon Americano Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr Red Dragon Sensationl Dragon[/QUOTE] I did something like this in an OLLIE game. Los Dragones Dragon Ingleses Dragon Canadiense Dragon Americano I was looking for a Japanese and a Mexican Dragon to add to the mix at some point.
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Playing as MAW, I created a group I call the Billionaire Boys' Club (BBC.) Started out as a second-generation group, but I modified it a bit to include some other guys. As currently constituted, it's: Jay Chord Cameron Vessey Casey Valentine Antonio (switched him to a prima donna gimmick from his underworld one) All are managed by Playboy Jake Sawyer. I fully expect the "big boys" to eventually take Playboy & Jay away, but I'm trying to get all I can out of them before it happens.
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im trying to build my own syndicate and counter syndicate in swf... The Affliction (heels) Jack Bruce Chris Morrissette James Brandon Emma Chase The Supreme Family (faces) Richard Eisen Eric Eiesen Jerry Eisen Christian Faith Enforcer Roberts
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After returning from his movie, Rocky Golden decides he needs some help to remove all the annoying babyface challangers going after his world title. So introducing... The Rocky Golden Wrestling Show: Rocky Golden as the leader Guide/Scout as the muscle Eddie Chandler as the interference runner/coffee fetcher Jenny Playmate as the eye candy
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I've seen an update in my Stables happening since my first post, but all in all... This is what it looks like now. The landscape has changed a little & a new stable is now dominating the scene. [U]The Hated Few[/U] Brandon James Emma Chase Christian Faith Randy Cruise (Randy Bumfhole) [U]Eisen's Wrath[/U] Richard Eisen Eric Eisen Sean Eisen (me) Vengeance (Supernatural "Hired Gun") Jack Giedroyc Valiant My fav. stable right now is Eisen's Wrath. Richard has "lost his mind" and is starting to look at himself like a psychopathic GOD figure. He's normally seen talking to himself backstage and spouting off about "his creation" (the SWF). In the end, He enlisted in the help of Vengeance who is his "Supernatural Hired Gun". Using the monster as his name directs... Getting "Vengeance" on those who have run a muck in his company (the big faces) for not listening to his demands. He's also recently enlisted the help of everyone's fav. WRATH OF GOD tag team... Jack Giedroyc and Valiant as henchman to his plan (and ultimately to Vengeance too). It's turning out to be a lot of fun as they set out to destroy the big time faces in the company all in the name of Eisen.... Not realizing that by doing so they are actually destroying the one thing that Eisen believes "is his great creation in the SWF".
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  • 2 weeks later...
Presenting... Mystery, Inc.! Freddie Jones (aka Mainstream Hernandez) Daphne Blake (aka Wanda Fish) Velma Dinkley (aka Paige Croft) "Shaggy" Rogers (aka Remy Skye) Scooby "S-Dawg" Perez (akla Frankie Perez) In my cult-level comedy promotion, they're a team of part-time wrestlers, full-time ghost-hunters, crime fighters and (in the case of Rogers and Perez, at least) pot-smokers, who basically investigate any and all backstage mysteries. In their last case, they discovered that the World Championship was not in fact stolen by the ghost of Chaim Silverman, but by Ash Campbell in a cunningly constructed disguise. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those pesky adults...
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Haven't created any in the '08 game yet, but in my '07 diary game I had several including Camp Chord - jay Chord, Antonio, Casey Valentine, and Steven Parker Triad of Darkness- Fumihiro Ota, JD Morgan and Ernest Youngman, and a reincarnated version with Primus Allen taking Morgan's place and La Raza -Magnifico, El Mitico Jr, Felipe Caballero and Sabra Man Jr, w Lisa Bowen as the manager. They also segued into a new stable, Revolution, with Lenny Brown and Felipe Caballero, Sabra Man Jr and Nicolas Lopez, still managed by Lisa Bowen.
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With TCW i've got The Armed Forces with Guide, Scout, Sgt (Steve) Flash, Lt (Robert) Oxford and managed by Corporal Doom! The Dark Destroyers consist of The Angel of Death (Tyson Baine) with Morpheus (American Buffalo), Colossus (Hells Bouncer), Deadpool (Sammy Bach) and Karen Killer.
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As with almost everyone else running one of the big two, I now have a DaVE stable: Extremis. It all went down on Supreme Challenge, when a series of interferences by an unidentified figure in the production booth helped the New Wave retain their belts, saw Brandon James retain the most prestigious of gold and carried Kurt Laramee and his allies Coffin Ed & Gravedigger Jones (Swoop McCarthy & Primus Allen and yes, I have been reading too much Chester Himes of late) to victory, as well as seeing Acid score a major upset win. Then the figure was revealed in the last shot of the night, decking Richard Eisen as he stormed into the booth to investigate... ...Phil Vibert. Extremis is (mostly) face, and Brandon and Emma aren't in it - Vibert just thinks they are.
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In SWF: Big Money Unlimited: Brandon James, Rich Money, Remo, and Emma Chase Supreme Enterprises: Richard Eisen, Eric Eisen, Enforcer Roberts, Runaway Train The Lost Warriors: Phil Vibert, Chris Caufield, Eric Tyler, Acid Black Label Fight Club: Bonham, Elderberry, Knuckles, Shady K Doing a DaVE stable, of course, and its feudling with the Eisen one. The angle I'm using is that Vibert was brought in by the SWF "Board of Directors" over Richard Eisen's protests, and he brought in his own guys. Its a clash of styles that causes the feud. Think I'm going to use Enygma as torn between the two, just to get the poor guy a tiny little bit of momentum.
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