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WWF 1991: A Stacked Main Event

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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]WWF Superstars of Wrestling[/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 1, January 1991 The Meadowlands East Rutherford, New Jersey Attendance: 3,801 The show begins with our trio of commentators: Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and the Honky Tonk Man welcoming everyone to WWF's Superstars of Wrestling broadcast and talking about our main event tonight where we will see Mr. Perfect defend the Intercontinental Title against Hacksaw Jim Duggan! ------ [SIZE=4]The Undertaker vs. Chris Walker[/SIZE] The Undertaker was accompanied to the ring by Brother Love, who spent as much time in front of the camera as possible spreading the word of Love. Inside the ring, the Undertaker dominated Conan Chris Walker, who is no small man by any stretch of the imagination. UT got the pinfall following the Tombstone Piledriver. Winner: The Undertaker Match Time: 1:53 Match Rating: C The Undertaker got in a few more shots on the prone body of Walker as Brother Love entered the ring and unfolded a body bag! The Undertaker went through the process of putting Walker inside while Vince McMahon howled on the microphone about how this type of thing is uncalled for! ------ [SIZE=4]Tito Santana vs. Earthquake[/SIZE] A classic big man vs. little man encounter here as the Earthquake takes on Tito. Tito tried early to knock Earthquake down but Earthquake was having none of it. The Quake took down Tito, though and finished the match early with an Earthquake Vertical Splash! Winner: Earthquake Match Time: 1:36 Match Rating: C ------ [SIZE=4]Duane Gill vs. Big Bully Busick[/SIZE] Triple B came out with Harvey Wippleman, his manager to take on Duane Gill, who was already in the ring. Busick dominated this encounter and finished Gill off with a Big Otto Splash. Winner: Big Bully Busick Match Time: 1:25 Match Rating: F+ ------ A pre-recorded promo begins to play, showing Hulk Hogan in front of a WWF screen. [U][COLOR=RED]Hulk Hogan[/U] You know something, Hulkamaniacs? We have the Royal Rumble right around the corner, dudes and I'm taking a look at that WWF World Title match and it doesn't include Hulk Hogan. There's something wrong with that, brothers. So after I step into the Royal Rumble match itself and throw 29 other superstars over the top rope I am putting my name in the ring to face the Ultimate Warrior or Sgt. Slaughter for that belt. It doesn't matter who wins it, brothers, because you will know that you are gonna be crushed when the power of Hulkamania and the largest arms in the world runs wild over you!![/COLOR] Hogan flexes before fade out. ------ [SIZE=4]Genichiro Tenryu and Kitao vs. The Rockers[/SIZE] Another show-off match, this time for the high flying tag team known as the Rockers! Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty flew around the ring against the Japanese duo and Tenryu and Kitao never knew what hit them. Shawn Michaels finished off Tenryu following a Savate Kick. Winners: The Rockers Match Time: 2:32 Match Rating: D Following the match, Mr. Fuji led the Orient Express down to ringside and they attacked a celebrating Rockers duo! The crowd booed them heavily as Mr. Fuji just laughed at ringside, watching his Orient Express dismantle the Rockers. It should be noted that Vince said the Rockers will have their chance for revenge at the Royal Rumble. ------ Another pre-cut promo begins to play with that WWF logo in the background. This time, Sgt. Slaughter stands in the forefront with Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey behind him. [U][COLOR=RED]Sgt. Slaughter[/U] Atten-tion maggots! Listen UP! Ultimate PUKE, you are just several weeks away from your destiny of giving your WWF World Heavyweight belt to Sgt. Slaughter. When I defeat you, Ultimate PUKE, and I Sgt. Slaughter become the World Wrestling Federation Champion, there will be more turmoil in this world than anyone could ever imagine. What this world needs is a leader and I, Sgt. Slaughter, will be that leader. I am a role model and someone that the world can look up to. Ultimate Puke, your weeks are numbered. And THAT'S AN ORDER![/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Power and Glory vs. Barry Orton and Brian Donahue[/SIZE] Slick brought the Power and Glory combination of Hercules and Paul Roma down to the ring to take on Barry Orton and Brian Donahue. Slick did some good work at ringside, looking on happily as Power and Glory dominated the bout. Hercules took down Donahue with a press slam and Slick looked into the camera and said..'Turn out the lights, the party's over.'...inside the ring, Hercules nailed Donahue with a lariat and then got the pinfall. Winners: Power and Glory Match Time: 2:40 Match Rating: E ------ [SIZE=4]Kerry Von Erich vs. Iron Mike Sharpe[/SIZE] Sharpe attacked the Texas Tornado early, trying to get a quick start on him but Von Erich drew the power of the people in the audience to make a quick comeback and mostly dominate this bout. Von Erich got the submission victory with an Iron Claw. Winner: Kerry Von Erich Match Time: 1:51 Match Rating: D- ------ Another pre-recorded promo begins, this time with Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan. [U][COLOR=RED]Mr. Perfect[/U] The Royal Rumble is just a few weeks away, Bobby, and do you know what that means? It means it's Perfect's time to shine. Not that I don't always look good inside the ring. After all, I'm perfect. But at the Royal Rumble I will be knocking 29 other men out of the ring and declaring myself the Perfect Royal Rumble winner. But tonight I defend this Intercontinental Championship against that big dumb idiot Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Duggan, you may be tough but you're not Perfect and tonight I'm going to show you why.[/COLOR] [SIZE=4]WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Mr. Perfect defends against Jim Duggan[/SIZE] Hacksaw is always a big hit with the crowd with his 2X4 and his chants of 'USA, USA.' This being especially a big hit with the Gulf War right now. The crowd booed as Mr. Perfect came out alongside Bobby Heenan. Duggan was off his game in this match and Mr. Perfect took advantage of it, countering Duggan's power with his own technical wrestling expertise. He also used Bobby Heenan at ringside to give Duggan a few kicks when the referee wasn't looking. It was a successful title defense by Perfect, following a PerfectPlex. Winner: Mr. Perfect Match Time: 3:38 Match Rating: C Following the victory, Perfect took his title belt and prepared to smash Duggan with it as Hacksaw was slowly getting to his feet but Perfect's legs were pulled out from under him by...The Texas Tornado! Kerry Von Erich slid into the ring as Perfect and Heenan bailed and Von Erich stood beside Hacksaw as the show came to a close, staring down Perfect and Heenan. Overall Rating: C TV Rating: To Be Announced ===[/B] [B][SIZE=5]WWF Wrestling Challenge[/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 1, January 1991 The Meadowlands East Rutherford, New Jersey Attendance: 3,801 Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper welcome everyone to WWF Wrestling Challenge! A graphic is displayed for our main event as Gorilla and Roddy talk about how the Big Bossman is going to be taking on Buddy Rose! ------ [SIZE=4]The Bushwhackers vs. Power and Glory[/SIZE] The Buschwhackers are always a crowd pleaser and fan favorite coming out and licking heads. But Slick has his team ready coming out after the Bushwhackers. The Bushwhackers had an early advantage on Roma but once Hercules came in, he dominated the New Zealand cousins. Slick smiled into the camera and Hercules nailed Butch with that lariat and sealed the win. Winners: Power and Glory Match Time: 3:43 Match Rating: D- ------ Backstage, Lord Alfred Hayes is standing by. [U][COLOR=RED]Lord Alfred Hayes[/U] Thank you, Gorilla. I am Lord Alfred Hayes back here with Jake The Snake Roberts. Jake, a couple of months ago on the Brother Love Show, Rick Martel sprayed you in the eyes with arrogance, blinding you and keeping you from competing in the World Wrestling Federation. First of all, how are the eyes?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jake Roberts[/U] The eyes are the gateway to the soul, Lord Alfred Hayes. I'm sure you've heard that expression before, right? So Rick Martel blinded me. Do you know what that means? It means he took away my soul. That makes me a very dangerous person, don't you think? A man without a soul? Rick Martel, you better grow eyes in the back of your head because you never know when Jake the Snake may be around. But I won't kill you. No, not yet. Trust me.[/COLOR] ------ [SIZE=4]Jim Powers vs. Rick Martel[/SIZE] Martel came out looking slightly less confident than he has in the past. He was always keeping an eye out for Jake Roberts. His opponent is a former partner of his and a decent wrestler in his own right but Martel kept on the advantage in this bout and he finished off Powers with a Boston Crab submission. As Martel left the ring, he continued looking around for Jake The Snake. Winner: Rick Martel Match Time: 2:51 Match Rating: D+ ------ [SIZE=4]Buddy Rose vs. Big Bossman[/SIZE] Our main event features two big brawlers as the Bossman takes on Buddy Rose. The Bossman is entrenched in a feud with the Heenan Family but he dominated the Playboy in this match. Buddy Rose just didn't look good out there at all and the Big Bossman finished the bout with the Bossman Slam! Winner: Big Bossman Match Time: 2:50 Match Rating: D+ Following the bout, the Barbarian came down and laid a kick into the Big Bossman. It was announced that the Barbarian will be the Big Bossman's opponent at the Royal Rumble! ------ Up at the announcer's booth, Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper are joined by Bobby Heenan! [U][COLOR=RED]Gorilla Monsoon[/U] Brain, to what do we owe the pleasure of your arrival?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] I am up here, Gorilla, to announce that we have a new man coming to the World Wrestling Federation. And when I say man, I mean THE man. His credentials are unlimited in this business. He's bigger than Hulk Hogan. He's bigger than the Ultimate Warrior! Even Mr. Perfect was impressed when I signed on to manage this man. And you know that almost nothing impresses Mr. Perfect. But comparing this man to Hulk Hogan or the Ultimate Warrior is like comparing ice cream to horse manure.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Gorilla Monsoon[/U] Does this man have a name?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] You want a name, you big ape? Well, you're not going to get one. Not yet. But if everyone will tune in to Prime Time Wrestling this Monday night, they'll know exactly who I'm talking about.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Gorilla Monsoon[/U] Well, that's all the time we have here tonight. It looks like the Brain is going to keep it a mystery.[/COLOR] Overall Rating: D+ TV Rating: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[B][CENTER]Prime Time Wrestling![/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][I]A commercial begins for the next Prime Time Wrestling Show, showing various WWF athletes in action before the voices begin... [B][COLOR=RED]Gorilla Monsoon[/B] This week on Prime Time Wrestling, Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect takes on Saba Simba![/COLOR] [B][COLOR=GREEN]Bobby Heenan[/B] My men: Haku and the Barbarian take on that big dumb hick from Georgia the Big Bossman and his tubby partner Tugboat![/COLOR] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Roddy Piper[/B] Tito Santana takes on the Million Dollar Man![/COLOR] [B][COLOR=RED]Gorilla Monsoon[/B] Davey Boy Smith, the British Bulldog, will get a chance to beat the #1 contender as he takes on Sgt. Slaughter![/COLOR] [B][COLOR=GREEN]Bobby Heenan[/B] Plus I will reveal just who the latest entrant into the Royal Rumble will be. And it will be a shocker to all you humanoids![/COLOR] [B][COLOR=BLUE]Roddy Piper[/B] That's all coming up on the next edition of WWF Prime Time Wrestling![/COLOR][/I][/CENTER][/B] Quick Picks: Mr. Perfect vs. Saba Simba Haku and the Barbarian vs. Big Bossman and Tugboat Tito Santana vs. The Million Dollar Man Davey Boy Smith vs. Sgt. Slaughter Bobby Heenan's Entrant into Royal Rumble!
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