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Are storylines rated, or just the performers?

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Yes, storylines are rated. If you put two guys together in a storyline and the first segment gets a C+, the storyline will have a heat level of somewhere between "C" and "C+". Content of storylines really doesn't matter, as long as they're entertaining. That's why a lot of people use unchained storylines almost all of the time.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;463646]Yes, storylines are rated. If you put two guys together in a storyline and the first segment gets a C+, the storyline will have a heat level of somewhere between "C" and "C+". Content of storylines really doesn't matter, as long as they're entertaining. That's why a lot of people use unchained storylines almost all of the time.[/QUOTE] I can't get into masses of unchained storylines anymore. I still run one or two here and there, when I've got nothing better to do with some workers, but I really feel like I can get better heat with something I wrote myself. Definetly opens up the options to build a storyline using more than just "match, interview, backstage attack, interview, match". Though recently I've amused myself with an unchained storyline where I just have a manager and a client with high menace, and every show have the manager cut a promo with the client standing next to them looking all big and bad (In fact, I used this strategy with The Big Bad). Seems like a cheap and easy way to get a talentless monster over.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;463693]I can't get into masses of unchained storylines anymore. I still run one or two here and there, when I've got nothing better to do with some workers, but I really feel like I can get better heat with something I wrote myself. Definetly opens up the options to build a storyline using more than just "match, interview, backstage attack, interview, match". Though recently I've amused myself with an unchained storyline where I just have a manager and a client with high menace, and every show have the manager cut a promo with the client standing next to them looking all big and bad (In fact, I used this strategy with The Big Bad). Seems like a cheap and easy way to get a talentless monster over.[/QUOTE] I agree
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=lazorbeak;463646]Yes, storylines are rated. If you put two guys together in a storyline and the first segment gets a C+, the storyline will have a heat level of somewhere between "C" and "C+". Content of storylines really doesn't matter, as long as they're entertaining. That's why a lot of people use unchained storylines almost all of the time.[/QUOTE] I guess my question is, how much does a wrestler's overness count? Would TEW know if I had a bad storyline between two "A" workers? In other words, can you get a bad "C" storyline with "A" workers?
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I've got another question: When should I end my storyline? When all the steps are completed, even if storyline rating is low? Or should I evolve it and stuff, to get a high rating? Because quite frankly my current storylines suck, I've got way better wrestlers than those in storylines, I'd like to use them more, so I'd need to end storylines, but I don't want to do it if it damages momentum, popularity or something...
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[QUOTE]can you get a bad "C" storyline with "A" workers?[/QUOTE] Yes if the segments they are involved in are not good. [QUOTE]When should I end my storyline? When all the steps are completed, even if storyline rating is low?[/QUOTE] With a chained storyline I would end it when all the steps are completed. If the storyline has bombed for some reason then just rush through the steps in darktime and end it. Unchained you can end any time, one of the reasons why I prefer them as they also give more flexability. Don´t forget that when you ad a storyline it is imperative that you do the first/a step too advance it the following show otherwise the storyline momentum starts at F-.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;463646] Content of storylines really doesn't matter, as long as they're entertaining. That's why a lot of people use unchained storylines almost all of the time.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Hyde Hill;470572]Yes if the segments they are involved in are not good.[/QUOTE] Ok, now I'm confused.. if content doesn't matter, how does TEW know if the storylines are any good?
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[QUOTE=ggazoo;470623]Ok, now I'm confused.. if content doesn't matter, how does TEW know if the storylines are any good?[/QUOTE] If the segments in the story are rated highly - then the story will be (rated highly) too - it is that simple. You seem to be trying to read WAY more into it! When he said content doesn't matter - he meant that you could put any type of angle / match in it, and so long as it rates well, then thats all that the story heat depends on - you could have 30 consecutive angles in one story, and 30 matches in another story, and if the angles rate the same as the matches - then you will get the same story rating.
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