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Question about B shows

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[QUOTE=MrTroy03;481480]So let me get this straight, as a Global fed, I could get an F- overall for a B show (for whatever reason, just for the sake of this example) and it would not hurt my popularity or prestige at ALL?[/QUOTE] Yes. You can also put together and A-grade episode of that B show and not see any benefit at all.
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Beautiful. Now I can really try stuff out on them. I was afraid of it destroying my popularity like it did in 07. I guess its true though, back when Heat and Velocity were on the air. You almost expected it to be boring and suck. You knew you were going to see some jobbers up to midcard in pointless matches.
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[QUOTE=MrTroy03;481485]Beautiful. Now I can really try stuff out on them. I was afraid of it destroying my popularity like it did in 07. I guess its true though, back when Heat and Velocity were on the air. You almost expected it to be boring and suck. You knew you were going to see some jobbers up to midcard in pointless matches.[/QUOTE] Hey, towards the end of it's run, Velocity was better than Smackdown. :p And then there was the whole Stevie Night Heat thing, which rocked. And Raven was basically confined to Heat for a while when he was doing his Seven Deadly Sins angle. Some good stuff went on down there... ... ok, you're basically right :p
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Gameseeker;486975]I have a question for "B" shows. Can I put two jobbers in a match together here, or will I have the same problem as for a "A" show where the people diden't want to see two jobbers in the same match?[/QUOTE] You still get the problem in B shows as well. The way round it is just to change the push of one of the wrestlers for that show to lower midcard (or higher) - then the crowd will still be happy to watch it!
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