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Question about B shows

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I read somewhere that B shows doesn't affect popularity at all, and that it doesn't matter what grade you get on them. But does it matter whether I go in accordance with the expected % of match/storyline ratio? For B shows, I'd much rather just go with full matches and no angles - but of course not if I'm punished for it.
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Yep, it only effects the B Show rating. Though I still use my angle time, as its the perfect chance to also work on those guys microphone skills. Which is good, because PGHW just pulled an awesome and released Bryan Holmes, who I immediately signed to SWF. He's already amazing, but imagine what he can accomplish if he learns to work the microphone.
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[QUOTE=Hive;465048]Good point, I should create angles with midcarders to improve their skills. Another question: does dark matches count toward the overall rating of the show?[/QUOTE] No dark matches don't affect any shows rating - neither A or B shows
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[quote]Another question: does dark matches count toward the overall rating of the show?[/quote] But dark matches can change the crowd's mood - so if you have 3 crappy dark matches then you can expect the crowd mood to be less than average mood when your show begins which can bring down the rating of your first segment.
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Plus dark matches do effect in a lesser way the Angle/Match ratio and the AI wil not warn you for it. Only reason too keep the overall B show rating up is to have iot get higher ratings wich results in higher income (and maybe a bit faster overness increase) So no it doesn´t really matter. B shows are your training grounds essentially with the advantages of overness gain.
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I haven't seen my dark matches hurt my opening segment TOO much, not enough to really effect it one way or another but thats just me. As far as B shows your not "punished" as in you lose importance, popularity or prestige. It just brings your overall rating down which might result in lower attendence for that show, which of course coudl result in lower revenue. It might also bring the workers moods down I'm not sure on that one. I'm not sure if putting on badly rated shows will effect their moods at all or not.
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  • 4 weeks later...
No, there are no penalties, unless of course You job those stars to guys with lower popularity - that will hurt them big time. I wouldn't advise You to use ME's and UM's on B shows - use them on Your A shows, leave B shows to the undercard guys.
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Basicly a B show is there to increase the skills and worker popularity of your less important workers. As your main show will be full of uppermind to main event. Always get one if possible! It might be a pain to book even more but in the end it will be a real benefit.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;479889]I say B show first as having enough over enough talent for 2 tv shows at the start and keeping national at least is dam hard.[/QUOTE] That was my thought process. So if the only real goal of the B show is developing wrestlers and building overness, I'm guessing network size matters less? I'm thinking a network that broadcasts in both US and Canada, is patient, and accepts risks is the best bet...?
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Don't forget you can only get a B show on a network that currently shows your A show. Nobody wants your dregs and butt-ends if they can't have the beer and nicotine :p But yeah, for a B show, the size of the network and the coverage don't really matter at all.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;479896]Don't forget you can only get an B show on a network that currently shows your A show. Nobody wants your dregs and butt-ends if they can't have the beer and nicotine :p[/QUOTE] Damn, I did forget that. Ah well, guess I don't really have to worry so much about what to look for in a network, then...
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[QUOTE]But yeah, for a B show, the size of the network and the coverage don't really matter at all.[/QUOTE] Matters less I would think as you can still make money off of them and the more people that watch the show the more the workers overness has the potential to increase? Or am I wrong here?
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You're perfectly correct. I forgot how many networks there were that broadcast to more areas despite being smaller, so I failed to mention it because I thought it was a moot point. It turns out I was wrong, as GNN are smaller than several American networks, but broadcast to Canada and Northern Mexico too, where many don't. So... yeah, if you're TCW go for GNN :p If you're SWF... try GNN, but they're a sports-centric network, and I don't know how harsh the AI is on product types. If you're SWF, you're about as realistic as a comic book, and I don't know how strict the network AI is on that type of thing. The theory is that sporty channels should only go for more realistic products, and culty channels should only go for culty products (which is why SWF, the larger promotion, has a slightly smaller broadcast area than TCW. There aren't any mainstream networks that cover Canada as well as the US (by design). Note, though, that they're on the bigger network, so in theory, all other things being equal (which they won't be!) more Americans will tune in to SWF Supreme TV than TCW Total Wrestling, because more Americans will be able to receive the station. But obviously no Canadians can do so, so TCW has them all to themselves). I'm not sure to what extent it works though. I know that CGC were too mainstream for IC-TV. Pfft, the underground. ¬_¬
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[QUOTE]What about getting an A show on a network and switching it to a B show? Would the network block this, especially if you try it right away?[/QUOTE] Depends on the network, economy etc I think but I would assume they would block it as you don't have an A show there to begin with.
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