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TCW To The Brink And Beyond

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[B]PROLOGUE[/B] [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/Random_Male06.jpg[/IMG] I can’t believe its been over a year that I have been in this job and as far as I can tell I still have a pulse. After our latest p.p.v I was busy reflecting on the year that was, as I had my plans for the future pretty clear in my mind now just to hope they would work. It has been a year of major ups and major downs , elations at signings, tears about firings, backstage woes, negotiations with TV. and p.p.v executives and of course some run ins with the boss. And all the things in between. At one point we were on the brink of dropping down a size in the vision of the A.R.S.E.H.O.L.E.S. (thanks J Silver) and had to face all the possible consequences that would entail. (Not telling if I dropped yet) Actually looking back it all started more or less 2 years ago because of a chance meeting in a bar in Barcelona...... (OOC I am a bit more then a year into my TCW game so first year will be kind of retrospective afterwards will be more day to day.)
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[QUOTE=Superkevd;465335]Il read to be honest this is just what im looking for a TCW diary without the typical RDJ vs Tommy and Syndicate vs < Insert rebel faction here > dominating proceedings. Looking forward to it.[/QUOTE] OOC Sorry to disappoint but its the logical first thing to do but it won’t dominate proceedings so to say. [B]CHAPTER ONE[/B] Ok so I had just finished my bachelor thesis in political science on the politics in sport titled: `the best man doesn’t always win` at the university of Leiden in the Netherlands and was enjoying a well deserved vacation in Barcelona with my then girlfriend. [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/Random_Female12.jpg[/IMG] After having visited some of the sites Barcelona had to offer me and my girlfriend decided to have some nice cool drinks of Spanish wine on the terrace of the local bar. We where lucky to grab the last available table which had three chairs attached too it. After ordering the first round of drinks a somewhat scarred and 40ish but still handsome man entered the cafe. He seemed to be friends with the owner and shortly after he and the owner came out and the owner asked us if he could join our table as it was the only place left. I was all for objecting but my girlfriend invited him over with googly eyes, probably revenge for my ogling of the Spanish senoritas at the beach earlier, so he sat down and introduced himself. [B]Him:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]My nama is Luis Figo Manico nisssse to meat you[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/LouisFigoManico.jpg[/IMG] (Ooc hope doing the Spanish accent justice, and more anon and yes this eventually leads to TCW, plus all thoughts and comments are welcome)
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[B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]My name is Hidorious Gaastorious[/COLOR] (real name hidden in there somewhere hehe) [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Que??????[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Yeah my folks where Frisian (Small subculture in the Netherlands, think Basques in Spain) and really into their Latin "and bonkers", best just call me Hyde everyone does as for my last name gaas means hill so its Hyde Hill.[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]So Yde Ill sit isss, Asss in Dr. Eckyll y Mr. Yde???[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Yep that’s the one I aint shy or anything so not hiding more that I have many layers just like an onion.[/COLOR] [B]GF:[/B] [COLOR="magenta"]And my name is Jenny Mr. Magnifico *batters eyelashes*[/COLOR] [B]Me Thinking:[/B] " [COLOR="royalblue"]She mispronounced on purpose grrrrr[/COLOR]" [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]A pleasurrre to meat you muy beutiful enny[/COLOR]. * kisses hand* After some animated discussion between Manico and Jenny, in which she was shamelessly flirting with him my patience with him and Jenny was growing very thin, so as a least try to keep things civil I introduced the one thing that would bond men and destroy flirting..... [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]So you like playing football like your namesake Luis Figo[/COLOR]? [B]J:[/B] [COLOR="Magenta"]*venomous look towards me*[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]No not rrrealy I am a prrractisionarr of the noble arrrt of catch as catch can.[/COLOR] [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="blue"]You mean wreslin!!!!!!!![/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]If you prrrefer to call it zhat yes, and don’t get me starrted on the it’s fake thing unless you want me to show you. *flexes muscles*[/COLOR] [B]J:[/B] [COLOR="magenta"]*anticipating look on her face*[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]I wouldn’t dream of it sir I have been a long time fan! Unfortunately me living in the other black hole of wrestling, other then Central Australia, the Netherlands has meant I haven’t been able to see a show on TV since UK Prime stopped airing SWF in the Netherlands way back in the 80´s, and other then two years in which we could watch HGC during the Backstage Wrestling Order (B.W.O) years that has been it![/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]A so you arrre frrrom olland? zhat explains you not recognizing me sat all. Glad you arrre not like most frrrom that countrrry and deam catch as catch can or wrrrestling as you call it fake and beneath you.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Yeah because of a total lack of exposure wrestling never got past the Kayfabe stage and people totally dismiss it. I actually wrote three chapters on wrestling and backstage politics, inspired by the B.W.O., in my Bachelor thesis about Politics in Sport. Because of the total non understanding of my Professors I had to scrap all three chapters and instead write some stuff about our crown prince and the IOC. No matter how hard I pleaded and explained the mechanics they wouldn’t be budged from the fact that its `fake`. [/COLOR] Thinking about it still makes me angry. [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Ah yes I understand but please tell me morrre about those thrree sjapterrrs I would like to know swat it was that you discoverred.[/COLOR] Well after a long explanation in which the wine bottle became more and more empty, mainly Jenny drinking away here boredom, and some back and forth about how we both thought wrestling actually works and how it should work he offered me two tickets to see the show he was going to wrestle in the day after for a promotion I had never heard of called the UCR.
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Ok edited it thought I would give it a bumb because of it. For future reference everything preceded by ooc or between () is OOC, everything in ** is an action everything in "" is a thought. Hope you are all enjoying the backstory so far. Any and all comments always welcome, nice to know I got readers.
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[B]CHAPTER 2[/B] After promising Manico I would be at the show the next day me and Jenny left the bar to go back to the hotel to have dinner and a nice rest, in which I hoped I made up for my inattentiveness during the day hehe. The next morning me and Jenny split ways for the day with me going to the show and her going on a shopping spree, with my money man she was making me pay. Looking forward to seeing the state of wrestling in Europe I walked to the address on the tickets but I had problem finding it. After speaking to some of the locals it seemed it actually was that broken down warehouse I had walked past a couple of times, not a good sign. After entering I realized that my hopes that the inside wouldn’t be as bad as the outside where false. It was smelly, it was hot it was dusty and most was in a state of minor neglect. Once inside the main area I saw a ring and surrounded by some wooden benches that weren’t nearly half filled. I thought I must have been early but no sooner had I taken my place the first music screeched through an old PA system and the first wrestler appeared and lo and behold it was my friend Manico. He but on an actually acceptable match against two countrymen of mine Frank de Pain and Ruud van Anger if I understood what the Screeching PA system announced. Unfortunately the numbers game got to him and he eventually lost to general dismay of the crowd. Which surprisingly after the first match the half of left!??? This was not a good indication at all. After that first match it seemed that the half that left had had the right idea because things went downhill from there with in the end having a guy in a superhero costume beating a so called Evil Henchman with one arm tied behind his back to defend the UCR belt! Man I feel sorry for who ever owns this dump and I was really wondering who in the hell booked these matches and in this order! (Un)fortunately I was soon going to find out. OOC Thanks for all the support so far and the more people react the more I will be inspired to post. Any ideas, questions or comments are always welcome.
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Why does Manico hiss like a snake and add double (or more) "r"s to everything? Why does the word 'chapter' have a 'j' in it? I'm not going to teach you a Spanish accent, because there's a lot, but just generally: Spaniards speak very quickly-you would never see a Spaniard drag an "s" sound unless he was staggering drunk. They don't roll their "r"'s every time they use the letter, either. Because Spanish is spoken faster than English, for Spanish speakers speaking English, they may not sound out every part of a word because they're speaking very quickly. Also, a Spanish person would never insert random letters into words, because phonetically, the alphabets are almost identical. My head explodes even trying to pronounce your version of the word "chapter." I also have no idea what you were even trying to convey during the whole "Mr. Hyde" thing. Even beyond that, this diary feels like a lot of backstory that doesn't seem to be leading towards its title. What does any of this have to do with TCW? Also, generally, I don't care for making other bookers staggering morons just so your user character can look smart by comparison. You don't have to have the other side book amazingly well, but UCR was never as bad as you're describing.
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Ok I do understand your criticism Lazorbeak and yes I am not good at conveying an accent my insecurities about that are in an ooc post as you will have noted. And yes UCR wasn’t a bad organization at all and I had a lot of fun playing them before, and I am doing them a bit of an injustice. I personally like a expansive written back-story but to each his own and I will be giving reasons why the card I witnessed wasn’t booked as well as it could have been and the `arena´ was in such a state. And in general the only reason why one would replace ones head booker would be when one was dissatisfied with the current one especially when you replace him with at that time a non-entity. Plus I am only two or three chapters away from getting to TCW. As far as the Jekyll and Hyde stuff well wouldn’t you wonder why someone is called that and I wanted to insert the Shrek joke plus I didn’t want it to be all just about the wrestling and a joke at ones own expense is never too bad hehe. PS As I know I am not that good at accents I went over the top on purpose and for comedic effect(Think the waiter in Faulty Towers + The English pretending to be French policeman in ´allo ´allo). I know how Spanish sounds as I can speak it and I know there are many different Spanish accents as well having traveled the world a bit I am just not good at writing accents that all.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;466166]As far as the Jackyll and Hyde stuff wel wouldn´t you wonder why someone is called that and I wanted to insert the Shrek joke plus I didn´t want it to be all just about the wrestling and a joke at ones own expense is never too bad hehe.[/quote] You misunderstand me. I literally have no idea what you were trying to communicate, and all I got out of it was something about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Honestly, that there was a joke there is news to me.
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walking away from my seat I couldn’t get myself away from there fast enough. I liked Manico but having only met him yesterday and having just seen what I had seen I wasn’t in the mood to stick around. Unfortunately, at that time, my attention was grabbed by two guys selling UCR merchandise not that I had any intention of buying any but these two guys looked like they could actually draw a crowd and wrestle to boot! Glad Jenny didn’t come along either as they where quite handsome too. [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/SergeiKalashnov.jpg[/IMG] Before I was able to strike up a conversation with these two I felt a quite stiff and sweaty slap on my back turning around and prepared to shout some abuse at the guy that did this I saw it was Manico. [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]So what did youa thinka??[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ehm you want the kind or the honest truth?[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]*taken aback a bit* I would say the onest.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Wel your match was undoubtedly the match of the night although I didn’t understand why you had to loose and why it was the first match of the night furthermore......[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Yeah I like to give ze fans what they came forr and whe put in ze two dutch wrrestlerrs and have them win as a favorr to you[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Furthermore the rest of the card wasn’t stellar and I had no clue who the heels or the faces where apart from who was cleaner or who was in white and who was in black and...[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]We like to showcase our other wrrestlerrs befoore the ending hoping some will catch on plus the die ard fans know who the faces and eels are.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]" note so self; eels good name for bad guys as they are slippery" As I was saying the main event wasn’t too bad as the blond guy could wrestle but the other guy was looking like he didn’t have a clue what to do in a ring. And don’t get me started on the state of the building, the sound system, the ring and the other facilities. I hope whoever owns this place and or books it isn’t a friend of yours so you can start wrestling elsewhere.[/COLOR] [B]LFM: [/B][COLOR="seagreen"]*looking pissed of and kind of ashamed at the same time* Zwell actually I am ze ownerr! And zis is the ownly wrrestling federration in Eurropa.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]" O sh_t, had to put my foot in my mouth" well actually this place has some charm and the matches weren’t that bad I guess anyways Jenny is probably running through all my money shopping so I should be going it was a pleasure to...[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]No actually you arre righte I just needed someone to say it to me in an un biased and non watered down verrsion, I guess zhat subconciously is one of the reasons I invited you today[/COLOR] [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="blue"]* looking somewhat relieved and confused* Oh ok gosh what does one say to that?[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Zjust continue I want yourr onest opinion.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ok first of responding to some of your comments its not a good strategy too book one match just because one fan e.g. me shows up and definitely not smart to put the best wrestler in the opening match and relying on your die hard fans to know who the eels and faces are prevents you from increasing your fan base. But more pressing why are those two guys *points at JB and SK* selling merchandise they look liek they belong in the ring and who if not you is booking all this?[/COLOR] [B]LFM: [/B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Zey are Joey Beauchamp y Sergei Kalisnov two of our wrestlerrs and zey are selling merrchendize because the fans know them and in that way we can sell more otherwise we are afraid no one would buy any. Our head booker is zhat blond man you saw in the main event Capitain Ero he iz my close friend and confidant and a grreat person. Although since we lost our television deal I have kind of lost my motivation and he has become a but unbearrable thus ourr rrelationship is becoming more zand more strrained.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Well it looks more like he wants the show to revolve around him throwing you in the undercard and himself in the main event and not having those two *points at JB and SK again* in the show at all to make himself looking as good as possible.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/StigSvensson_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Yez I rreally nead to talk to him zabout that you arre right its only we have been frriends for zo long now it is harrd, would you mind if I called you later tonight to talk to you how it went and what I could do.[/COLOR] [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="Blue"]Well sure it will be a good excuse to get away from Jenny showing me all her new clothes.[/COLOR]
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Chapter 2 finished, chapter 3 which wil be posted today or tomorrow, chapter 4 wil actually contain a character from TCW! And yes stil doing the accent, practice makes perfect, if really no one likes it I wil edit it to normal English and you can fantasise the accent. Hope you are all enjoying this so far. As its my first forray into actual writing and yes I am a Bachelor in Political Science and no I did not do my thesis on that subject altough I did propose it.
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Oh and for our first interactive part of the diary! How do you think the story continues from here; LFM calls it quiets and gets hired to TCW and takes me along as his PA LFM fires Hero from booking and gives me a chance Cornell shows up at one of UCR´s shows and LFM introduces me to him Jenny sleeps with LFM after one of the shows and LFM gets me an job at TCW/UCR to make up for it. I go back to the Netherlands and that’s the end of the story for now..... Or none of the above and you make a suggestion.
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I would have to say secret option no. 6: LFM is not really LFM, but Tommy Lee Jones in the MiB-role. Just before the history started he flashed you, and wiped out your memory. So, as the story goes on, you are contacted by the police, who have been looking for you due to a missing person report filed by Tommy Cornell. It turns out you have been head booker of TCW for quite some time already! [I] This would be kind of a weird story, but I know you are Dutch and I know about your coffee shops! So I stand by my guess![/I] :p EDIT: I don't mind the accent as long as it's still understandable! :)
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[B]CHAPTER 3[/B] LFM called me up and said your new name is T, Head booker T. Your identity and your memory has been erased, your mission is to rid the world of eels as they are in fact screeching aliens bent on our destruction. You will do this under the guise of a booker for a wrestling company. This message will self destruct in 5 .4. 3. 2. 1. BOOOM....... an avalanche of multicolored fabric exploded out of the phone.... I was covered in all sorts of colored fabrics and I realized I heard a wining voice that was ringing in my ears. Oh no its the eels! They have already found me! I jumped up and got my bearings only to see...... [B]| [B] |[/B] V[/B] Jenny! I looked back and saw that my bed was covered in all the clothing she had bought oh thank Ryland it was just a dream. [B]J:[/B] [COLOR="magenta"]Glad you’re finally awake from your siesta I want your opinion on the clothes I bought.[/COLOR] [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="Blue"]*Groan but trying to look interested* Sure honey I would be delighted.[/COLOR] [B]J:[/B] [COLOR="magenta"]Well how do you like this skirt it was just 250 euro’s a discount off of 300 its a real fake Gucci! Does it make my bum look fat?[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]*Oh no the question of which the answer has eluded man since the dawn of time* well ehhh... [/COLOR] RING RING, RING RING [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Sorry dear telephone I am expecting an important call.[/COLOR] [B]J: [/B][COLOR="Magenta"]hmph well okay. [/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]*picks up phone* Hello this is Hyde Hill speaking.[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Yde this is Manico ow are you doing?[/COLOR]
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chapter three part 2 On the phone Manico informed me that he and Stig Svensson, Captain Hero´s real name, had come to the conclusion that things weren’t working out and that a breath of fresh air was needed. I agreed that that was probably the case and was about to wish him luck when Manico interrupted me and said that he had decided that that breath of fresh air would be me! After spluttering that I had no real experience working as a head booker and trying to come up with a thousand other reasons why I wasn’t right for the job Manico cut me short and told me he liked my ideas and he wanted to see if they would work in reality. After a pretty long phone call in which Manico slowly but surely grinded down my resistance and warmed my enthusiasm I eventually agreed but with the stipulation that if I was going to put my ideas into practice I needed a free reign. Manico reluctantly agreed and my adventure in the wonderful world of wrestling had begun!
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chapter three part 3 My first month in charge was mainly spent in getting acquainted with the wrestlers, the way the industry actually worked and trying to re-motivate Manico and Captain Hero. I found out that a promotions popularity and a wrestlers popularity and skilles where rated by a system abrieviated as the A.R.S.E.H.O.L.E.S. the Adam Ryland Statistical Evaluation Honorable Online Library Explorer System. So basicly the ARSEHOLES ruled the wrestling world and so decided my and the UCR´s fate to a large extent. I found out that Manico actually owned the ´arena´ in which they wrestled and that the company was strapped for cash altough the shows where bringing in a small profit. I decided that the best course of action would be to hold bi weekly shows in the ´arena´ to raise our popularity in that area in the hope to score a t.v. deal when the negotiation window opened up again. At the same time I pressed the wrestlers, under threat of loosing their job, into cleaning up and refurbishing the warehouse to at least look decent altough the core was rotten. After this was accomplished I set about looking for someone to buy the wrestlinghouse, as I had affectionatly started to call it, from us in order to gain a starting capital so that we could go on tour and actually rent real arenas. Luckily just after striking up a new TV deal Euro Cable Sports 4 some c0ckey young American came a knocking and was intrested to buy the wrestlinghouse of us. His idea was to introduce basketball to Europe and use it as a feeder team for his team back in the USA. [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/markcuban.jpg[/IMG] (;) thanks monkeypox. link: [url][/url]) Me and Manico of course failed to mention that Spain was already one of the premiere basketball countries in Europe and was dominated by rich football clubs that also ran basketball teams, plus not mentioning the actual state of the building. Not believing our luck we started touring Europe on a weekly basis and the south of the UK, holding a monthly ppv in the region where we were the most popular after securing a ppv deal. We kept the events short as we had a devinite lack in quality and wrestler popularity and used darktime to introduce our talented but less known wreslters to the public. To also make up for the lack of popularity of our wrestlers Manico agreed to change our product somewhat so that the arseholes rated a rewstlers performance a bit more on skill as well thus atracting a wider public and increasing our talented wrestlers popularity faster. Things where looking good as the promotion slowly but surely rose in stature in the eyes of the fans and our wrestlers started to become more and more recognised, as well as starting to make a profit. We where on the brink (not my last experience of that) of rising to national recognition with all the advantages that would entail. Everything looked good but somthing didn´t feel right, Manico was of course our main event draw and putting in decent matches against mainly Byron, but the matches weren´t improving in fact they where getting less good over time altough the arseholes didn´t really notice. At the sametime the afformentioned Byron took it upon himself to start spreading rumours about me. I guess he was jealous of my good relation with Beauchamp who I was priming to take his spot as the companies main heel. Then one fatefull day my whole world came crashing down. After our latest ppv I heard Byron was spreading rumours again and I decided to confront him about it. I asked him why the hell he was spreading all these rumours. He put an arm around my shoulder and said I am sorry to have to show you this but they aren´t rumours and gave me a picture. It was my Jenny making out with Beauchamp!!!! I ran through the arena looking for Laidchamp (laid = ugly in French plus you knwo what in English) but he had already heard what had happend and had flown the coop. Deciding that the best I could do at the moment was vent my spleen I went to Manico´s private locker room. Just as I was about to start my tirade Manico told me to be queit as he had something important to tell me. What could be more important then what just happend I thought and said. He told me it was way more important, have we hit National I thought and hoped, no it was not to be Manico told me that he was burned out, he needed a break from the whole wrestling thing, maybe a permanent break. So that was what was holding him back I thought. Ok I said we can manage without you in the ring I didn´t know how yet but we would manage. He told me no he wasn´t just stopping as a active competitor he was quiting the business altogether! He was pulling the plug on the UCR for now, he told me there was some personal stuff that he didn´t feel up to telling me yet and that his body and mind just needed a rest. So just like that I was out of a job, out of a girlfriend and lost two good friends and gained two enemies. One of them, Byron, started one of the new companies in Europe. The other ,Laidchamp, became headbooker of the other, so that´s why he was always asking me about how to book! I went back to the Netherlands and started on my Masters degree in Political science and for the time being moved back in with my mother. If I never saw or heard anything about wrestling again I would be happy, but still........ OOC chapter 4 which wil feature TCW personal.
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Chapter 4 part 1 [B]CHAPTER 4[/B] About a month after that disastrous day I was all set to resume my academic career and put the world of wrestling behind me. I was about to leave my mother’s house to go to my first class of the new year when my mother shouted that that there as a telephone call for me . I told my mother I was in a hurry and that they would have to call back. My mother told me that the man had said that it was important as well as urgent. I asked my mother who it was but she told me she couldn’t really make it out but because he kind of sounded like a snake and rolled his r´s a lot. Oh no not him! Was my first reaction but curiosity got the better of me and as first classes are generally introductory I decided it could wait so I answered the phone. [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]This is Hyde Hill speaking.[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Yde good to hearr yourr voicea again[/COLOR]. [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]You got some nerve calling me you know that.[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Yessa I underrstand how you feela and I wanted to make it up to you.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hmph its got to be pretty big to make up for all the work I did and then you calling it quits and making it all for nothing.[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Oh trruste me it is biga and ita was not for nothing I have gotten you an interview for a booking job[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Well to be honest I would like another shot at it although it would be hard to start from the ground up. I guess it would be for Byron´s new promotion I guess I could forgive him after all.[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]No it is not zsat and besides Byron has hired some Grreek guy that rreally likes big RRussian wrrestlers.[/COLOR] (For his adventures check out: [URL=""][/URL]) [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="blue"]hmm to each his own I guess, so Bloxsome has finally done the smart thing and fired that sob Laidchamp? *crosses fingers*[/COLOR] [B]LFM: [/B][COLOR="seagreen"]Unforrtunatly for you my frrienda zsat is not ze case.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Then what? I had heard ROF was still looking for a booker so I guess you know British Samurai?[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Well I do know him but no you need to think biggerr![/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]21CW? I would love a chance to work there I would have to force Nova back into the ring tough as that’s the only way they can grow at the moment and I think he only got the TV deal because the execs thought he would actually wrestle. I could really make a dominant force out of them![/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]While zsat may be zse casse zit iss not 21CW.[/COLOR] [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="blue"]Who then? "please not the old folks home USPW"[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Well I called in a favorr from a young British wrrestler I used to mentorr when he was new on ze scene, and he agreed to meet you forr an interrview about a job on the bookingstaff to assist ze head bookerr.[/COLOR] [B]Me: [/B][COLOR="blue"]You can’t mean?[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Yes I sserrrtainly do[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]You are yanking my chain right?[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]I don’t know what zsat means.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ehm, you are not kidding?[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]No it is not a joka.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]It’s Tommy? It is really Tommy?[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="seagreen"]Mr.Cornell forr you and yes zit is im you ave an interview with him in one week in London at the Ritz otel, TCW will ave a house show there and he as agreed to meet you as a favorr to me.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tell him I will be there come hell or high water, rain or shine! "rain prolly, knowing England"[/COLOR] [B]LFM:[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Oke I will send you ze detailss via e-mail and will tell Tommy you will meet him there, good luck my friend.[/COLOR] [B]Me:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Oh thank you so much, I don’t have the words to express how much [U]Friend[/U]![/COLOR] OOC: For the haters that’s the last of Manico, for the fans the last for now! He will be back in some capacity although maybe not in a `speaking` role.
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Chapter 4 part 2 One week later and I hoped I was ready for my meeting while waiting for Tommy Cornell in the lobby of the Ritz. I had dusted of my old thesis and went through all my notes I had made while running UCR and at the same time familiarized myself with TCW to the best of my limited abilities being from the Netherlands and all and not having seen a show by them in years! Or at all if you don’t count the HGC period. My appointment was scheduled at 1800 hours but that time came and passed and still no Cornell. So I decided to order some tap water, the Ritz is way over my budget!, and started reading a book called USPW: where ages 65 and over get in for free by a J Silver. ( Link: [url][/url]) 1830 still no Tommy, 1900 still nada and the receptionists at the Ritz where started to look at me with that skeptical what is he doing here look, especially after ordering my fifth tap water. At around 1930 finally walked in that could be him, I didn’t recognize him at first as he was wearing quite casual clothes, and me sitting here in a suit and everything! Sure enough it was Tommy Cornell! [IMG]http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n434/Hyde_Hill/TommyCornell_alt1.jpg[/IMG] While I got up and in my nerves nearly tripped over my feet Tommy came up to me and said sorry I am late kid there where some backstage problems after the show. No problem Mr. Cornell I replied I unfortunately understand all to well. Yeah old man Manico told me as much, but also told me that apart from the last one you handled them pretty well, oh yeah and just call me Tommy or TC, Mr. makes me feel old. Sure thing Mr. Cornell I mean TC I replied, so how come you and Manico know each other? He mentioned something about it on the phone but didn’t go into detail. I didn’t want to be reminded anymore about that last backstage incident so quickly changed the subject while wondering what TC actually knew. Well to cut a long story short when I first entered the wrestling business back here in the UK Manico already had a reputation of being one of if not the best wrestler on the European and UK scene and as I wanted to be the best I had to learn from the best so I sought him out and finally persuaded him to teach me some of the basics. This gave me a decent starting point afterwards I went to the states and became the wrestler that I am today, the greatest there is, the greatest there was, the greatest there ever will be! Catch phrases aside that’s about the story and in so in part I owe Manico my start. That’s why when he told me about you I at least decided to grant you this interview. See Bryant is having a tough time combining his duties as Head booker with his wrestling and although me and recently Kieth have started helping him out he really needs a full time assistant so that He and me and Kieth can focus on the in ring stuff. That’s where you possibly come in.
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