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Fantasy Football League (FoxSports.com) - Looking for Serious "Owners"!


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[QUOTE]I'll be in this. This will be (maybe) my 4th or 5th league (and I'll have drafts on the 25th, 26th, and 27th) now. I'm hardcore! [/QUOTE] Just PM'ed you as well! To anyone else who is interested, make sure to reply here and then send me a PM with your email! :) Hopefully we can put together a strong Game.
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[QUOTE]Why must EVERY fantasy league have to draft this weekend?! I'd probably be in if I thought I could actually participate in a frickin' draft this year... [/QUOTE] We're only going to do the draft on Sunday if we get enough people to actually go forward with the season. If for some reason we are unable to land some more "owners" then we'll be forced to push it back a week or so to bring in some more GDS posters to the League. If we do get enough, You wouldn't be available on Sunday @ 6:00 PM ET? The way it's looking right now we have a couple teams, however, I would like to at least have somewhere around 12 so we have a ways to go for that. With that being said, We may have to push it back.
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[QUOTE=nZane;465834]Why must EVERY fantasy league have to draft this weekend?! I'd probably be in if I thought I could actually participate in a frickin' draft this year... :p[/QUOTE] I look forward to going head to head with my good friend N-Zane in this league. Best of luck buddy! :)
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