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Global Brand Split Question (Ideal Roster)

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I was asking about this in a previous thread, however, didn't really seem to find a concrete answer. If someone did answer me and I missed it then I'm completely sorry. Things have been crazy lately with business and I'm (Thankfully) over my head with stuff to do & things to promote. With that being said..... For those of you who are running Brand Splits with Global sized companies. Do you pay attention to your "Ideal Roster Level" or did you just split the roster and go ahead? Before testing the size needed for a brand split, I am well over what I need (a surplus of about 2 people in each bracket) however once I split I see that I need a lot of mostly midcarders to fill out the mix. I was just wondering also... If let's say I don't have as many people as they ask for in a brand split... Will it hurt my prestige? Like how it would if you had too little workers in your entire company on the "Ideal roster" thing. I really want to Brand Split but there aren't the kind of "over" talent in the world to add 5 to 7 more midcard level workers. Thank you!
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I do believe it follows the same rules as simply not having enough workers on your roster. If you want the brand split then you're going to have to bring in some new talent. And don't be too concerned about them not being up to par on overness with your current midcard guys, as you can simply bump the lowermidcarder types up to the midcard and have the new wave of workers fill the lower card. Then you can get to work on building those guys overness up to an acceptable level.
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Only thing that counts is the numbers not how over they are or anything. At global a brandsplit would mean exactly 60 wrestlers. You could have way to many enhancement talents and it wouldn´t matter its all about the numbers and you thinking that you could but on 2 shows to at least keep your popularity at global level.
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Yea, I'm not afraid to be able to stay at "Global" with two different shows as pretty much anything that my main eventers touch comes out in an "A" or "A*". Even a number of my Upper Midcarders land "A's" in pretty much mostly everything they do. So, the ability of my workers really wouldn't be the issue. I just didn't know what I would do about bringing in that many more people to make the roster work. I guess what I'm going to have to do is wait for a couple of months and see what TCW may let go and swoop them up so I can develop a strong midcard scene too.
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Interesting days in SWF, eh? I'm pretty much in the same position as you in my game. I too want to do a brand split, although I have the talent (RIPW's got a nice roster at the moment! :p), but the wrestling industry is not doing very well enough in the US at the moment, so the TV networks don't want any new shows on their network. That brings me to another question; at what grade must the wrestling industry be (and/or economy) in a certain region in order to start new TV shows there? (US is currently F and rising) [I]Good to see us SWF heads getting or **** together and keeping SWF from falling to cult! :D[/I]
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;466022]Hmm Eisenverse knows this so I will let you in on a secret dPro I am a TCW man hehe.[/QUOTE] I've seen that in several threads. And yet, we still pretend to like you! :p hehe
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;466010]Yea, I'm not afraid to be able to stay at "Global" with two different shows as pretty much anything that my main eventers touch comes out in an "A" or "A*". Even a number of my Upper Midcarders land "A's" in pretty much mostly everything they do. So, the ability of my workers really wouldn't be the issue. I just didn't know what I would do about bringing in that many more people to make the roster work. I guess what I'm going to have to do is wait for a couple of months and see what TCW may let go and swoop them up so I can develop a strong midcard scene too.[/QUOTE] Well you seem to have developed the roster pretty well if Upper-Mids can get As pretty easily. I'd say if you brought people in, you do a pretty good job of getting them over. It would just take time :p Oh, and SWF rules ;)
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When I did my SWF brand split, I was lucky, as TCW had fallen down to cult (I had already stolen Rick Law, Guide/Scout, Rocky Golden, and Tyson Baine from them). So when I did the brand split, there were plenty of TCW guys under ppa contracts that I swooped up and grabbed. Plus, I was able to lure away Steve DeColt (Jack signed to NOTBPW, and I'm still working on getting Ricky), and grabbed Bruce the Giant. Also, not sure if this helps at all, but I made one of my brands Traditional focus, and it allowed guys you wouldn't normally think of as SWF guys, like Johhny Bloodstone and Jeremy Stone, to thrive in my midcard. Stone just retired, so I signed Brian Holmes to replace him.
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