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Getting an A Show with SWF

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Hey I am just wondering if anyone has gotten an A show with SWF and how you did it I posted something a while back and someone told me a format to follow and have been doing that but the best I can get is a B sorry if this seems like a cheap way to get an A show but I have never gotten one and want to. Thanks in advance TakerNGN74
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I've gotten a couple... lemme go dig through the history and find one... Here we go, the show went like this: Dark Show: The Biggz Boys defeated The Pain Alliance- C Joe Sexy defeated The Idaho Punisher- C Main Show: Eric Eisen defeated Valiant- B- T-Rex defeated Marc Dubois- C Enygma defeated JD Morgan- C Lobster Warrior defeated Big Cat Brandon- B ANGLE: Vengeance and Remo attacked Jack Bruce backstage- A Steve Frehly defeated Christian Faith- B Vengeance defeated Elmo Benson- A ANGLE: Jack Bruce attacked Vengeance- A* Show Rating: A Seems like there were some other angles somewhere in there that just aren't listed in the final results, though I can't say for certain. Keep in mind that the whole Remo, Vengeance, Jack Bruce thing was a feud and added to those segments, not to menion the excellent chemistry I have in matches between Elmo Benson and Vengeance.
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Every game is different. Your stars will be different than some other players stars :) Every game is randomized in the potential/destiny department; Something that works for the other player may not work with you. Keep an eye for guys who have overness caps, i.e they don't get as popular even though you are pushing them. There is no reason putting a guy over if he just stays at C+/B- grade in popularity :)
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I've gotten several A shows recently (can't look up the cards right now, I'm on a different computer), but I noticed that my match ratings have gottten much higher since I stopped using the road agent notes. I just set the winner/loser, and any interference or finish types that might be needed for my angle.
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I've also had a slew of A Shows with the SWF. I try to book a strong mid card match in the first match and then allow some smaller matches to have a small lull in the show. However, while doing that... Filling between my matches with angles using my top superstars so they balance things out. Finally, landing 2 big matches at the end of the show followed by a strong angle that will most likely land a A or an A*. In the end, comes out at around an "A" for every show. Use your most over workers as much as you can. That's who the fans are looking to see.
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