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Regional Fed Question

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Okay, you're a regional fed with about 125 grand in the bank. You're making roughly a 2,000 to 6,000 profit per show with one show each month. Each monthly show lands in the C- to C range consistently. Three questions: 1. Can you go to two shows a month and still show a profit from the increased merchandise and gate revenue? (Probably not, but I'm shooting in the dark here) 2. Does the sponsorship money increase from extra shows or is that all the sponsorship money you see monthly regardless of how many shows you run? 3. Have you been more successful using a preset merchandise campaign or a custom one where you set the merchandise you sell manually?
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1. You should be able to if your worker cost isn't ridiculous. EDIT: To elaborate, I've never really noticed a big increase in merch sales, so I wouldn't count on that going up. Instead, you should take a look at your average profit and the amount of money you make off the gate. If your worker costs (plus the cost of that show) are going to eclipse that, then you won't be able to do it. In other words, if you're making your in the red until the last day of the month when sponsorship comes in, you probably won't be making a profit running two shows. But, if you make that second show a lot shorter, you should be able to do something. Hell, It took over a year of weekly shows as CZCW, but I'm making a profit off it now. 2. Nope, sponsorship money is static depending on your product. Even if you don't run a show, you get the same amount. (The value is never exactly the same, but there's only an insignificant variation per month.) 3. I don't know, I've never messed with custom merchandise. I feel Just In Time is probably your best bet.
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1) If you have 125 grand in the bank at regional level you can run 1 show a week and a monthly show and not lose to much money. And once you get up to about D or D+ popularity you'll even start making money from the gate (assuming you bumped your ticket prices up $4 across the board). 2) See Nightshadeex explanation it's spot on. 3) I never use the custom merchandise I see no reason to micromanage that way I'm only concerned with booking my shows.
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So the equasion is: (All other income minus other expenses) divided by (worker costs + show costs - gate receipts) = amount of shows you can run per month without going into the red. With other I mean the expenses and incomes not covered in the second part of the equasion.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;471709]So the equasion is: (All other income minus other expenses) divided by (worker costs + show costs - gate receipts) = amount of shows you can run per month without going into the red. With other I mean the expenses and incomes not covered in the second part of the equasion.[/QUOTE] Sort of - cos you have also got to consider the advantages of growing in popularity quickly - more gate receipt income as your overness grows, due to both a higher crowd, and also higher ticket prices. Are you happy losing a small amount of money in the short term, to grow quicker, and then make that money back a few months down the line? Also - are you winning any regional battles? All this needs to be taken into consideration
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Of course you need to redo the calculation every so often and I have found that over time regional battles come into play less. But that calculation gives a rough indication and you could do like 1 show per month or 2/3 months more because of the rise in popularity thus income. But best is to recalculate evry month or so. With not taking any losses you wil build up a reserve for when your contracts start running out and need to pay higher wages etc.
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Love the diary btw and definitely don't mess it up with experimentation. I always thought that the rule of thumb with Regional feds was to run 1 show per month unless you're losing the Regional battle. When you lose the battle, you basically lose any popularity gain you got from running the show meaning you are spinning your wheels. To get the fed to grow, you run a 2nd show to allow you a 2nd pop gain that won't be eaten up by losing the battle. Of course, you could just injure Steve Flash:p (just keep Art Reed in Japan first as they seem to go after him when Steve is unavailable).
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Wow, so that's why it's so hard to gain popularity playing MAW. Sounds like it might be time to step up my show schedule. I've been in the same boat as McShamrock. [B][I](Awesome blog btw)[/I][/B] I don't want to experiment, because it's taken me time to build it up.
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