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Rise Of The Territories

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Alright. No one here really knows me and the people that I do likely dont like me, that don't matter much I am picking up the slack on DOTTs folding. I am going to release a quality mod, and I'm going to release it soon. I'm going to bust my ass, and bring it to you. It will never be a complete mod because I don't know enough about Japan but here is what it WILL have at release TNA, WWE, ROH, FIP, SHIMMER NOAH, DRAGONS GATE what else would you guys eventually like to see? I'm going to do some research and guess work about the workers i don't know in Japan and hopefully someone can shed the light Also, i'm open to suggestions on what to do to curb WWEs 'no ecw' in this game. D Boon said it was unstable. Why? Popularity? money? should I increase it? leave it as it is? Most of the stats that exist now will be unchanged, despite my claim that Nigel is a better brawler than Cena. I will change that in my own personal game. I will be updating you guys every day a few times a day except weekends until the first release is out. I've said my peace and I'm going back to the editor.
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I believe the general belief on ECW is that WWE don't have a large enough roster to support the 3rd brand. [QUOTE=Verbalcody;471713] Most of the stats that exist now will be unchanged, despite my claim that Nigel is a better brawler than Cena. I will change that in my own personal game. I will be updating you guys every day a few times a day except weekends until the first release is out. [/QUOTE] If you are going to use DOTT as a base you will have to ask Boons permission regardless if the mod has folded or not.
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It could be hard work but I like to see a real world mod with a full title history, plenty of angles, there is an angle thread with a guy who has like 4000 plus angles maybe ask if you could include that. Also I prefer to not have like 3000-4000 workers, most real world mods include too many jobbers that people will never use. If I were you I would stick to no more than 2000 workers at the very very most. Also it would be good if you stick to what was in DOTT in naming the workers by the name they are known. That way pic packs will go straight onto the worker they are named after. Maybe you could get someone to make a pic pack for you so all workers come with at least one picture. Good luck dude. I for one will play this for sure if it gets released.
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I am using the data regardless, for my own personal use. If D. Boon has a problem at all with it, I simply wont release it and I will only play it on my copy and my little brothers. I also hate when wrestlers are sorted by their real names, so I will keep it to their in ring names. I'm not overly concerned with Angles, so I will ask if I can import some from another mod maker. I will have title histories as best as I can dig them up
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471721]I am using the data regardless, for my own personal use. If D. Boon has a problem at all with it, I simply wont release it and I will only play it on my copy and my little brothers. [/QUOTE] Then I suggest you get in contact with Boon before you even consider releasing it.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471721]I am using the data regardless, for my own personal use. If D. Boon has a problem at all with it, I simply wont release it and I will only play it on my copy and my little brothers.[/QUOTE] As per the rules of the forum, you can do what you like for your own private database, but you need to have permission [I]before[/I] you release it publically - especially if using the DOTT Generations database as a basis, given that they've already said that the project will be continuing once they find someone to take it over.
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471721]I am using the data regardless, for my own personal use. If D. Boon has a problem at all with it, I simply wont release it and I will only play it on my copy and my little brothers. [/QUOTE] Ya, you should simply send D.Boon a PM to let him know what you plan on doing. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have a problem with it, it's just common courtesy. I'm sure a lot of folks would like to try the mod you're proposing, so its just good to get all the permissions out of the way first.
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Yeah but he doesn't know about them so he is going to research and guess. Seriously, not trying to be a jerk or anything but if you don't know Japanese wrestling .... why include Japan? Making mods by utilizing existing data as a base and then guessing a bunch of other workers isn't really a formula for success.
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I just figured he knew the workers for those two promotions and was going to guess some other Japanese workers maybe I misunderstood what he posted lol. Leave Japan out if you don't know enough to do the workers properly. Or ask for help from the board surely someone would help you continue the mod.
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I own a few dragon gate DVDs from rohwrestling.com and I know a lot about the current NOAH roster and have some NOAH stuff downloaded, I have no other interest in Japan except those 2, so I would include those 2 to the best of my ability and accept help for those 2 rosters. Any other Japanese promotion is not going to be done by me. I worked long today and filled out the ROH roster so everyone in ROH is represented, I added NOAH and FIP, I added a few FIP guys and added all the ROH guys who wrestle in FIP to that roster, added all the belts to both promotions and all the champions, also added about 5 free agents which is going to be the bulk of the work. I asked D Boon and he says one of his friends is going to take over. Who knows how long that is going to be until there is progress. I asked if I could release my own under my own name giving full credit for the great work done already. No response yet
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Yeah you are right about that. You think it would be better to add the guys I know as free agents and forget about adding the Japanese promotions? I'd still like to have read the NOAH results heh wasnt really thinking about it from a players perspective but maybe it would be better the other way
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;471876]Yeah you are right about that. You think it would be better to add the guys I know as free agents and forget about adding the Japanese promotions? I'd still like to have read the NOAH results heh wasnt really thinking about it from a players perspective but maybe it would be better the other way[/QUOTE] Yeah, if you're dying to include the Japanese guys you do know well enough, I'd go the free agent route. From looking at your posts, it seems like you've got some exacting standards when it comes to the stats on people you're familiar with. I assume people who have those same standards would likely not be content with your "guesstimates."
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you're absolutely right. I'll leave them in as free agents and if someone incorporatesJapan they can feel free to use my stats. I thought the name was catchy! I was under the assumption the project was abandoned when I created the post. I told D Boon I'm happy to rename it and give full credit to the DOTT team, still awaiting permission. Lots more has been done. Everything I have added is, in my opinion, balanced with what was in the game before. I changed some people slightly, but most of it is in line with the original intended release.
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Well after putting in a full shift of work on this, 8 hours, I have now 455 workers, 250 moves, FIP and Chikara complete with good sim results, 50 new free agents Unfortunately no one will ever see this because I have been denied by releasing this mod. D Boon says someone else will be 'picking up the slack on it' I truly hope for the sake of the community that that means putting as much work into it as I did because just one person can complete SO much if he dedicates the time to it. Thanks to everyone who showed interest and I'm sorry. I got too excited about posting before asking permission. I thought this was an open community, and didn't realise the copywrite laws in effect
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[QUOTE=Verbalcody;472189]Well after putting in a full shift of work on this, 8 hours, I have now 455 workers, 250 moves, FIP and Chikara complete with good sim results, 50 new free agents Unfortunately no one will ever see this because I have been denied by releasing this mod. D Boon says someone else will be 'picking up the slack on it' I truly hope for the sake of the community that that means putting as much work into it as I did because just one person can complete SO much if he dedicates the time to it. Thanks to everyone who showed interest and I'm sorry. I got too excited about posting before asking permission. I thought this was an open community, and didn't realise the copywrite laws in effect[/QUOTE] well im pretty sure no ones going to get pissed if u dont publicly release it but instead send it to anyone who ask's for it on here in a pm. but u never know maybe ask d.boone if u can release it to the people who post in here or pm u about it and request the data i dont see any harm in this. on a side note was is so bad about using someone elses data if u give them full credit on their work? i just understand it if i released anything which i plan on doing im updating the 1997 mod for the original poster and i wouldn't be upset if someone asked me if they could add to it. i also plan on doing more then this but im not releaseing any details just incase i never get around to it, but if i didnt i still wouldn't mind releasing the data for public usage even if they didn't give me credit.
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I think the issue at hand isn't that someone is using the data, it's who, specifically, it is using the data. Verbalcody has, in the last few days, done little beyond slag D. Boon and make a grandiose announcement about using D. Boon's data. I don't blame him in the least.
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[QUOTE=Karl_Kitsch;472303]I think the issue at hand isn't that someone is using the data, it's who, specifically, it is using the data. Verbalcody has, in the last few days, done little beyond slag D. Boon and make a grandiose announcement about using D. Boon's data. I don't blame him in the least.[/QUOTE] * Ding, Ding * We've a winner, Bob! I've very little patience for bad manners. In my line of work, I suffer boorish people on a daily basis because the money is solid (and needed). While riding my free time? No way. Frankly, the chap that did the grunt work for Generations deserves a hell of a lot better. And if the generic [i]you[/i] do not agree with my opinion, so be it. You are neither the first, nor last that will do so. ;)
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I'm sure a lot of people would still like to see a mod from you if you have time to dedicate to it. Start from scratch come up with a new name and ask for as much help around the forum, there are always people who are willing to help out. But no one is going to get anywhere by being bitter about Boon not allowing his data to be used (Which he has every right to do so). You seem to have the drive needed to do a mod so why not make a project of your own?
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If you start from scratch then its not like you wasted your time in what you have done so far. You can just export it into a new database and go from there, like said there will be plenty of people willing to help you so go for it. You obviously have the determination to do it.
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