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As The Title Turns

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/Title.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] After dropping bits of this mod here and there along with several "beta" type releases, I have finally put out the 1st official version of this mod. (see links at bottom of this post) This mod is set to start in October 2008 and reflects wrestling in its current state. At least that was my goal when making the mod. As of now I am only a few pictures short of having all 1600+ workers pictured. All promotions have logos and I plan on working to get the rest filled (networks, ect..) Below are the "Beta" releases for those interested as well as the official release at the bottom of the list with the picture pack. [URL=""]DOWNLOAD (V2.0)[/URL] [URL=""]DOWNLOAD (V2.1)[/URL] [URL=""]8-5-08[/URL] [URL=""]DOWNLOAD (V2.2)[/URL] - [URL=""]8-24-08[/URL] [URL=""]DOWNLOAD (V2.3)[/URL] - [URL=""]9-13-08[/URL] [URL=""]DOWNLOAD (V2.4)[/URL] - [URL=""]9-16-08[/URL] [B]Offical Update - Also on bobinc.net[/B] [URL="http://www.bobinc.net/TEWDownloads/As_The_Title_Turns8_Bobinc.zip"]DOWNLOAD (V3.2)[/URL] - [URL="http://www.bobinc.net/TEWDownloads/AsTitleTurns_Graphics.zip"]Graphic Pack[/URL] - [URL=""]10-9-08[/URL] [URL="http://www.bobinc.net/TEWDownloads/ATT_Worker_Addon1.zip"]Updated Worker Pics[/URL] [URL="http://www.bobinc.net/TEWDownloads/ATT_Worker_Addon2.zip"]Updated Worker Pics2[/URL] [B]NOW ALSO ON BOBINC.net[/B] :cool: [I]Please ignore the attachments to my posts as they are linked to in this 1st post.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;471856]YESS!!... I've been waiting for an actual Current Day Mod, and your stuff is always great.. Anyway, I've found a rosters page to SWA here.. [url]http://scottishwrestling.co.uk/swastars/[/url] Good Luck![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;471861]SWA is my local fed, depending on when you need the pictures for i'm going to their show on August 9th and they are usually pretty decent when it comes to taking pics.[/QUOTE] I have gotten what I could from their roster page already, but a lot of them are blocking (which take a lot of touch up time) or blurry, specially of their ladies.
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Here is what I have for SWA pics looking for more still or better versions: [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/AdamShame.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/CageTyler.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/ChrisRenfrew.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/Conscience.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/DamienOConor.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/DrLaandstrom.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/DragonAisu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/Falcon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/GlenDunbar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/JohnnyDarko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/JohnnyMoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/LadyL.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/ScottRenwick.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/TheMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Bobinc%20Mod/Traci.jpg[/IMG]
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OK, I have put some more work into this thing and figured I would post an updated version. [URL=""]Link to it available in the first post.[/URL] [CENTER][B][U]Updates:[/U][/B][LIST] [*]Added more Japan free-agent workers [*]Added some future workers [*]Updated some FCW development contracts [*]Still adding wrestler pics [*]Tweaking game world settings and promotions [*]Updated some WWE contracts [*]Other minor tweaks [/LIST] Feel free to post your thoughts good or bad. [I]This is still a work in progress so not everything is 100% done but it is in my opinion playable and enjoyable. Plus I made that cool mod banner. :D [/I][/CENTER] _______________________________________ Looking for any assistance with: Some names and info on Japanese announcers/color commentators - DONE Possible UK/Europe Free Agents (idea I have is to use some smaller and un-used promotions workers as free agents) Feel free to post or PM me with any willing info. :cool: Added: Also looking into adding promotions from Hawaii and Australia/New Zealand.
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Everyone else is so I figure why not some "update" posts. Maybe help force me to finish. Well work has been ongoing, I think I have added all of the promotions I want to add. They now include Hawaii and Australia game areas. I have also filled one Australia promotion thus far. Seems to be a day on TEW and a day on WMMA now. A good balance I hope it keeps TEW work from getting stale. I have forgone my previous style of worker-pic next worker I am now adding workers and maybe collecting pics that I can cut later or a day I don't feel like stat making. I think I have the game world settings laid out I may need to tweak some of the promotions though more testing on that is still needed as workers are always being added. I am also finding the TEW08 move set things most irritating all I want to do is set finishing moves to workers but it now takes 4 steps to do so. I think they should separate finisher and move set and move just the finishers back to the worker profiles and then allow them to have move sets. The other thing I am still trying to figure out is how to stop the WWE from raiding their development camp to extremely bloat their roster. I am thinking it may have to do with them being at a global level. Either way I am trying to push forward before doubling back. I am thinking about posting another file once I finish another Australia promotion so that there are at least 2 functioning ones there. As usual post up any thoughts on any part of the mod, it is still a work in progress and any thoughts could lead to me making something run smoother. Edit/Add: Looking for a Rico Suave pic.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;476719]just looking at the data i downloaded yesterday afternoon and i noticed that all the gimmicks are mixed up eg. Triple H = Giant, Big Show = (some strange comedy performance)[/QUOTE] probably due to the conversion I haven't gone back over the workers yet.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;476718]is there a bobinc pic pack that is currently compatable?[/QUOTE] Could try this one it should be compatible. [URL=""]LINK TO DOWNLOAD[/URL] I am working on a pic pack so it is a work in progress.
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OK another update on progress. Have been busy at work so I have not been able to work on it in long streches so I have been going over WWE, TNA, FCW and trying to clean up the gimmicks and bios and contracts as well as adding missing talents. I am hoping to add more Australian workers soon. I would like to fill the empty promotions before I dive in too deep into giving every worker a once over. I have a lot of worker pics to cut and may be releasing a pic pack soon I would say it will probably be a 93% pic pack if released right now. I am trying to make it a 100% for a "final" release. There are over 1400 workers now in this mod and 61 promotions (active & inactive). I have been compiling a list of locations to use and I want to make a set mostly like the Cornellverse one with 1 of each size in each region. Location suggestions are welcome and encouraged to save me time trying to hunt down locations.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Another progress update: I have combed through the WWE & TNA and cleaned up gimmicks and races and such hopefully. I have also been in the process of adding the Australia game area workers. About 2 full promotions with 2 more to go I think. Rosters have been updated for the changes to WWE & TNA as well, up to about today. I will be trying to get the next download of the game up this weekend as well as a the worker pic pack I have been working on for it as well.
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Uploaded new version of the mod, still some unfinished areas but is playable. I am also uploading the full graphic pack I have done to this point, but it is still not 100%. As said before feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. See the first post for links. they are not on bobinc.net as I will not be putting it up until I get an initial finished product.
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there are some really odd stats... Bam Nealy/Mike Knox has no stats at all Other stats just don't make sense to me. EX: Ezekiel has no mence for example, the guy is scrary. CM/JBL/Kane/Ted DiBiase Sr. has the charisma of a plant Finlay/Burchhill can't wrestle Carlito gets out wrestled by Jeff Hardy Ron Killings is basically 1 of the best members of the roster ... don't mean to be a jerk or anything...
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[QUOTE=takertitan;485837]there are some really odd stats... Bam Nealy/Mike Knox has no stats at all Other stats just don't make sense to me. EX: Ezekiel has no mence for example, the guy is scrary. CM/JBL/Kane/Ted DiBiase Sr. has the charisma of a plant Finlay/Burchhill can't wrestle Carlito gets out wrestled by Jeff Hardy Ron Killings is basically 1 of the best members of the roster ... don't mean to be a jerk or anything...[/QUOTE] I thought I fixed Bam I did notice he wound up blank for some reason. I can see I may have to go over the stats of the WWE again as well. Again why I say its a work in progress. Another reason for the releases to help catch things like this that can be lost in the shuffle. Think I see where I thought I did more than I did. I think I did a lot of editing from the contracts section. My mistake if I mislead anyone. Diligently working on making the mod better and better hopefully.
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I have tried to do a quick fix to most of the things mentioned as I said before I thought I had done them. So....I have updated the last data link in the first post and some WWE & TNA updates have been done as well as the addition of more Australia area workers 3 full promotions now I think. There is still a ways to go with this mod as TV & PPV stuff has to be updated as well as more move sets and more workers still need to be given a full once over. :D I have been asked a couple of times about different promotions possibly being added. My answer right now is I am locked in with what is in there. Once that is finished I may add more otherwise I may just add the logos so they can be created by the users. My goal is to have a functioning "real" world mod that doesn't bog itself down with the same workers working for several of the same type of promotions across town from eachother. :) Again as before throw out your comments they help fuel me to make updates and continue on this beast. I would like to finish it then I can make the next installment of my women mod. :cool:
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