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Internet Showings - How fast do they crank up popularity?

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[QUOTE=Sudo_Nym;472160]Just remember that this popularity is vulnerable to decay from lack of visibility. So if you're a small company that runs just one show a month, expect to lose whatever popularity you gain outside your home area.[/QUOTE] Hmm, I'm not sure that it's not worth it, because the loss I believe is less then the gain. Pluss, you still gain advantage of the "Spill-Off", which will gain faster then the rest of the world. After your able to move around a bit, you will then have extra gains elsewhere. I use it as much as I can, unless I run out of cash and need the extra sells in DVD (Which is very small to start with).
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Yeah it is all about the timing as I have stated on a previous edition on this topic. It´s good to use just before you inted to start visiting and/or broadcasting in other areas so that you do not start at zero. It also helps you set up a secondary most popular area more removed from your original area so that you spillover into more areas. Best use I can think of it is when you are regional and have almost enough popularity in your home area, then start doing internet broadcasts and when that hits its max start working on that secondary area too.
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