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Not Quite Accurate Real World Networks (But Better than whats out there)

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Basically this is what the title says. This is done completely from scratch by me. It doesn't contain any bizzaro-land networks that would never show wrestling in the real world (Hello mods that include CNN, Comedy Central, etc!). It has the start-dates accurately set for EVERYTHING except the local UHF/VHF stations that were created for America and Canada (sorry rest of the world, but I didn't get to them - you can always copy the ones already made for your other countries if you want to). Exceptions: Japan - I had to wildly guess at the content levels for these. Same rule applies only less so for England, Oz, Mexico and NZ. Europe was so crazy I just made a couple generic stations, so that area's kind of wacky. Basically the accuracy degrades in this order: America, Canada, Australia, UK, Japan, Europe. If anyone wishes to, feel free to update/mod this - I made it for personal use but figured I'd share it. What makes this nice is that it reflects the fact that one of the factors in wrestling's rise in the 70's/80's was the influx of more stations, and the rise of more 'national' options with cable entering the picture. There are also some interesting things I noted when I was creating this (mostly info gleaned from wikipedia). If you want to get huge coverage, go vanilla. The two largest network by FAR is the Hallmark Channel. If you're sticking in the US, the network with the most coverage? PBS. Also, Australia has an added difficulty in that its stations are separate from New Zealand. In order to go national you'll have to juggle two separate media contracts. So yea. Use this as a base for expanding upon, and for all those real-world modders, please take a moment to think and realize stuff like the Disney Channel (who wouldn't carry wrestling anyway, c'mon!) didn't originate in the 1960's. :)
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they add those networks because its a real world mod. also if im not mistaken it makes u getting ratings a lot harder as those other networks add non wrestling media to their networks unless adam took this out in 08. but thanks for the download im going to check it out and possibly add this to the 1997 game. also do u have just for an uptodate mod or it so finally tuned u put in the networks start updates so we can use it for any era of wrestling?
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You know, dude, I find it curious some of the places you think would and wouldn't ever show wrestling. CNN I'll give you. They're are a news channel. Of course they wouldn't ever show wrestling. But I find it interesting you think places like Comedy Central or The Disney Channel are less likely to air wrestling than PBS. Unless it were a documentary on the carnival era, I can't imagine anything wrestling on PBS. On the other hand with everything I've heard of CHIKARA, I could envision them on Comedy Central. Theirs is hardly a product that takes itself too seriously to fit on a comedy channel. Let some promoter rise up looking to get a family-friendly promotion from zero to national in 2.5 seconds, I could see that guy partnering with Disney. They've got several splashy facilities that could make an upstart look like the real deal in a hurry and it would hardly be the first time they'd hosted wrestling. Didn't WCW run Worldwide out of a Disney facility for awhile or am I thinking of another of their B shows? In any event it seems a whole lot more likely we'll see wrestling on Comedy Central or Disney Channel before we ever see it on PBS.
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[QUOTE=rodzillahotrod;472175]they add those networks because its a real world mod. also if im not mistaken it makes u getting ratings a lot harder as those other networks add non wrestling media to their networks unless adam took this out in 08. but thanks for the download im going to check it out and possibly add this to the 1997 game. also do u have just for an uptodate mod or it so finally tuned u put in the networks start updates so we can use it for any era of wrestling?[/QUOTE] Any era. And I realize that they add networks because its a 'real world' mod - thats why theres a pretty big issue when they'll add, say, HBO or Playboy and have the start date a default 1950-something. Those stations did not exist back then. Luckily TEW seems to have it set so that stations will pop in and out of existence according to the dates you set for the stations so that when, say PBS appears in 1972 you'll suddenly have that extra (albeit extremely whitebread) option crop up.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;472252]You know, dude, I find it curious some of the places you think would and wouldn't ever show wrestling. CNN I'll give you. They're are a news channel. Of course they wouldn't ever show wrestling. But I find it interesting you think places like Comedy Central or The Disney Channel are less likely to air wrestling than PBS. Unless it were a documentary on the carnival era, I can't imagine anything wrestling on PBS. On the other hand with everything I've heard of CHIKARA, I could envision them on Comedy Central. Theirs is hardly a product that takes itself too seriously to fit on a comedy channel. Let some promoter rise up looking to get a family-friendly promotion from zero to national in 2.5 seconds, I could see that guy partnering with Disney. They've got several splashy facilities that could make an upstart look like the real deal in a hurry and it would hardly be the first time they'd hosted wrestling. Didn't WCW run Worldwide out of a Disney facility for awhile or am I thinking of another of their B shows? In any event it seems a whole lot more likely we'll see wrestling on Comedy Central or Disney Channel before we ever see it on PBS.[/QUOTE] Which leads to the beauty of this being used as a base. Don't like Disney being absent? Add it in. Since there are 70-odd other networks already in, it wouldn't be that hard to go find the data on the Disney Channel (April 18, 1983 - just took me about 20 seconds to pop to Wikipedia and get that) and plug Disney in as an option and give it a 'very low' risk content and probably an 'against' wrestling bias. Now looking at one of the mods I have, they have Disney Channel listed as "Huge" (sorry, its not), and originating in January of 1960 (again, that's a good 12 years before the first of the big cable channels - HBO -ever even got started). Granted I haven't seen many mods that take place any earlier than the 1980's so the screwy start dates probably wouldn't matter, but it would be nice to have them set so that they could work for an aspiring modmaker in the future who might want to tackle the 60's or 70's.
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im surprise disney isnt a huge network? from what i heard they have a unlimited outlet with computers back when they started doing the nets the government was selling the ability to have so much and before realising they should sell a company the rights to the biggest network possible disney bought it and the govnment has never been able to take it back from them, so i would think wih them being able to have a huge computer wouldnt the tv networks fall in line? or am i totally wrong with comparing these 2?
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Just because you can broadcast across the globe doesn't mean every house across the globe will a: have access to your signal or b: care. Also, realistically, the odds of Disnel showing wrestling on the Disney Channel is slim to none - they gear their product towards kids and wrestling has a stigma about it that they'd steer well clear of for that particular channel. This is why Disney owns other networks that can allow edgier stuff. I mean I *could* add Disney in, but it'd be worse than PBS is as far as what they'd allow. Granted, you could possibly take a promotion to global with a pure Mainstream product that has zero risk to its product, but it would impossible and very, very boring. The reason I didn't include every little network out there is that a good portion wouldn't show wrestling, or if it did it'd be 'very against'. Sure, you could have 70 cable outlets like CNN, Oxygen, Bravo, Disnet, etc that are rated as 'very against' like that, but it'd really be pointless as those would never be viable outlets. Also, I'm going to be adding more sports networks in, such as ESPN, ESPN2, Comcast, etc later on, as I skipped over most of them when I was pushing out my initial work here. No timeframe of when I'll get to it though.
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This is a great idea, and I'm a big fan of snack-size add-on mods that you can use to frankenstein your own one together, especially for stuff like this where people would largely end up with the same kinda data anyway. Out of interest, does "Very Against" settings mean 0% chance you'll ever get picked up?
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