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Does anyone else feel the amount of chemistry notes is a touch on the high side? It would seem to me that, good or bad, chemistry should be a little more of a special occurrence. I'm playing TCW in a side game and Ino has poor to awful chemistry with 8 wrestlers...all top guys. If that's the case you just have to consider maybe it's him and he's an awful wrestler...but that's not a case of chemistry, it's just him not being good. Wolf Hawkins has awful chemistry with four of the top guys. I would think the vast majority should have neither good nor bad chemistry but it seems to occur often. I would think it should be as rare as it is in the tag team division. On top of the challenge of keeping TCW afloat coupled with the repetitive booking penalty (which I love!) and the addition of all of these bad chemistry notes, it's almost impossible to really grow as a company at this level. This isn't a complaint as much as just mentioning it and seeing what other people think.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;487367]Actually, I find the amount of chemistry changes from game to game. One game, I will have next to no chemstry, good or bad. The next, there will be plenty - but it goes both ways as there is just as much negative as positive.[/QUOTE] Yeah I wasn't saying "there's too much bad". I was just wondering if there was too much period.
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;487369]Yeah I wasn't saying "there's too much bad". I was just wondering if there was too much period.[/QUOTE] I don't think there's too much chemistry floating around. Sometimes you might get that impression, but I've played games for over a year of game time and had some workers with neither good nor bad chemistry of any kind discovered. Its just like retirements... sometimes it seems like there's none, other times it seems like they're everywhere. Personally, I wish there were less retirements... its a sad day when Blackjack Robbins retires :-(
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;487372]I don't think there's too much chemistry floating around. Sometimes you might get that impression, but I've played games for over a year of game time and had some workers with neither good nor bad chemistry of any kind discovered. Its just like retirements... sometimes it seems like there's none, other times it seems like they're everywhere. Personally, I wish there were less retirements... its a sad day when Blackjack Robbins retires :-([/QUOTE] I do love me some Outlaws :) Yeah it might just be a case of the game I've got going. Although I've played a few and Ino always racks up the bad chemistry...poor guy lol
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;487376]I do love me some Outlaws :) Yeah it might just be a case of the game I've got going. Although I've played a few and Ino always racks up the bad chemistry...poor guy lol[/QUOTE] Yeah, I've always wanted a game that could revolve around Blackjack Robbins... sadly, I think my best bet for that is to get him when he's younger, and that won't likely happen until the 1975 mod is released, or god willing a 1980s mod gets created. In the meantime, I can keep working on my MirrorVerse mod where he's a member of the dominant APWF. If you're reading this Ryland, you damn well better never, EVER retire Blackjack. If The Stomper can wrestle until he's sixty, then Blackjack can too. If anything, he should open his own Las Vegas based promotion with Sammy the Shark. Also, that's not a terrible idea for a game...
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I've got two notes for Koshiri Ino and I'm 3 years in so he's pretty much fought everybody - Awful Chemistry when fighting Marat Khohlov and Poor Chemistry when fighting Tommy Cornell. In fact Cornell has the most Poor / Awful Chemistry notes of anyone - Gino Montero, Greg Gauge, Joey Minnesota, Troy Tornado and Koshiri Ino. With Tommy's place in TCW being what it is that pretty much consigns all of them to being career Upper Midcarders at best which is a shame. The only really useful chemistry he has is with Rocky Golden which has meant I can get main event quality matches between the two. I quite like the Chemistry notes as it pushes your booking in certain directions you wouldn't normally go. If Ino has that many I'd just use him as a Jobber-to-the-Stars and then get rid of him. There's plenty of wrestlers in the game who could take his place. Yeah Retirements are a pain. Especially the speed at which they happen. I had just started up a three way battle for the main belt between RDJ, Rocky and Tommy, the idea being that Tommy tries to turn the two faces against each other, and then RDJ announces his retirement.
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