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The Monday Night Wars:The Next Generation

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[COLOR="Blue"]This Dynasty will start the Monday after Summerslam 2008 this dynasty is also not under TEW.[/COLOR] [B][I]After all of stress of getting in trouble with the goverment the WWE went bankrupt therefore losing all profits,as they would go on a firesale selling the company libraies of WCW,ECW,WCCW and AWA. As for TNA,they couldn't make anything happen as there ratings just kept on falling forcing Spike to pull the plug on TNA Impact,therefore both rosters disbanded. 2 old promotions lights flickered back as WWF retaken over by Stephanie and Shane McMahon(Due to Vince retiring from the business) they resigned most of there former WWE roster.HHH and Undertaker would retire from the business due to the physical ware and tear of the business.Shane and Stephanie would hire both in backstage roles.WCW would resign Booker and other former WCW stars.[/I][/B]
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[COLOR="Red"]WWF[/COLOR] 1.John Cena 2.Batista 3.HBK 4.Kofi Kingston 5.Shad Gaspard 6.JTG 7.D-Lo Brown 8.Jim Duggan 9.Paul London 10.JBL 11.Chris Jericho 12.Kane 13.Ted Dibiase Jr 14.Cody Rhodes 15.William Regal 16.Santino Marella 17.Paul Burchill 18.Jamie Noble 19.Lance Cade 20.Gene Snitsky 21.Charlie Haas 22.Matt Striker 23.Mickie James 24.Kelly Kelly 25.Melina Perez 26.Candice Michelle 27.Beth Phoneix 28.Katie Lea Burchill 29.Jillian Hall 30.Layla 31.Rey Mysterio 32.Hardcore Holly 33.Val Venis 34.Randy Orton 35.Chuck Palumbo 36.Deuce 37.The Big Show 38.Jeff Hardy 39.Mr Kennedy 40.R-Truth 41.Jesse 42.Festus 43.Jimmy Wang-Yang 44.Edge 45.Funaki 46.The Great Khali 47.Umaga 48.MVP 49.Chavo Guerrueo 50.Shelton Benjamin 51.Curt Hawkins 52.Zach Ryder 53.Vladimir Kozlov 54.Brian Kendrick 55.Ezekiel Jackson 56.Ryan Braddock 57.Michelle Mcool 58.Maria 59.Eve Torres 60.Tiffany 61.Victoria 62.Maryse 63.Alica Fox 64.Matt Hardy 65.Finlay 66.Hornswoggle 67.Evan Bourne 68.Ricky Ortiz 69.Mark Henry 70.Tony Atlas
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[COLOR="Blue"]WCW[/COLOR] 1.John Morrison 2.The Miz 3.Mike Knox 4.Elijah Burke 5.Shawn Spears 6.Armando Estrada 7.Kevin Thorn 8.Shane Helms 9.Carly Colon 10.Harry Smith 11.Kenny Doane 12.Afa Jr 13.AJ Styles 14.Kurt Angle 15.Test 16.Cybrus 17.Hybrid 18.Teddy Hart 19.TJ Wilson 20.Nattie Neidhart 21.Joey Superstar 22.Dan Rodman 23.Mike Dibiase 24.Lacey Von Erich 25.Booker T 26.Son Siaki 27.Kassidy James 28.KC James 29.Ryan O'Reily 30.Krissy Vaine 31.Chet Douglas 32.Bobby Lashley 33.Domino 34.Kara Slice 35.Tiny Tim 36.Matt Morgan 37.Homicide 38.Hernandez 39.Tomko 40.Robert Roode 41.James Storm 42.Lance Rock 43.Rave 44.Jay Lethal 45.Chris Sabin 46.Petey Williams 47.Alex Shelly 48.Kaz 49.Sonjay Dutt 50.Johnny Devine 51.Sheik Daviari 52.Shantelle Taylor 53.ODB 54.Roxxi Laveau 55.Salinas 56.Tracy Brooks 57.Awesome Kong 58.Matt Michaels 59.Melissa Andserson 60.Bob Sapp 61.Johnny Fairplay 62.Chris Hero 63.CM Punk 64.RVD 65.Joe Henning 66.Amy Henning 67.Reid Flair 68.Ric Flair 69.Bret Hart 70.Christy Hemme
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;489142]So are you impressed or not,just asking out of curiosity.[/QUOTE] Not so much, but I'll read it to see if my opinion changes, however, I wouldn't bank on it, it would take a ton to impress me with WWE workers (I don't even watch Raw/Smackdown/WWECW very much anymore)
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;489184]Hey, Deezy, remember when I suggested you go away, come back with a new name, and try again having improved your writing style? The last part of that wasn't intended as, y'know, optional.[/QUOTE] Yeah boss, I expected you would say that but ya know what I'll try anyway since almost 6 people already don't like it. EDIT:This first show won't be up till Wednesday. PS:I am working on how my promos come off so I am at least trying to improve on my own.
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From WWE.com [QUOTE][B]Shane and Stephanie Mcmahon make changes[/B] Shane and Stephanie Mcmahon haved decided to change the announce teams from RAW and Smackdown as they reunite former announce partners JR and The King and Michael Cole and Taz. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]ECW is no longer due to Shane and Stephanie[/B] Shane and Stephanie also have changed the name of there Tuesday night show to Velocity and in other WWE news they will also bring back Sunday night Heat where they will showcase there young talent.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Photobucket What will the first night of new management bring? Will it bring a new intercontinetal Champion as Santino Marella takes on Dlo Brown also Stephanie and Shane some major announcements considering the WWE. Quick Picks Edge vs.??? Santino Marella vs Dlo Brown-Intercontinetal Championship Match John Cena,Batista and Kofi Kingston vs.JBL,Kane and Chris Jericho[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;495630]To make sure this thread doesn't die I will give you what I'm doing. 1st I'm writing a weeks worth of shows(7 shows in all) 2nd I'm editing out all my [B]screws[/B] up by reading through it. 3rd I'll put the shows up 2 days at a time. So relax this thread will be back just give me time.[/QUOTE] what about that one
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;495639][QUOTE=MattitudeV2;495630]To make sure this thread doesn't die I will give you what I'm doing. 1st I'm writing a weeks worth of shows(7 shows in all) 2nd I'm editing out all my screw ups by reading through it. 3rd I'll put the shows up 2 days at a time. So relax this thread will be back just give me time.[/QUOTE] what about that one[/QUOTE] I am surprised he didn't offer you a job for sarcastically correcting him. But really deezy man, it's been 3 weeks with half a post you pulled down, no dairy you've started has gone past 4 shows. why set the goal at 7 before posting anything. I think [B]1[/B] well posted show, even if the next is 2 weeks latter, is better than hyping a new and improved style. When there are still typo's in the hype. and nothing other than your words saying things have changed. you want to win a lot of good will, down load the demo and run the first month in the actual game!
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]WWF RAW From Los Angeles,California and The Staples Center Attendance 50,000[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B]Welcome to Monday Night RAW.I'm good ole JR alongside me is Jerry"The King" Lawler an,King we have a stacked card here tonight. As are new owners as Stephanie and Shane McMahon will also have some huge announcements regarding the status of the WWF. [B]King:[/B]Also JR we have John Cena,Batista and Kofi Kingston will take on JBL,Kane and Chris Jericho and we will also have Santino Marella take on DLo Brown for The Intercontinetal Title. (The Mcmahon's music hits) [B]JR:[/B]Here comes those devilish children of Mr.McMahon's semen. (Shane and Stephanie get into the ring) [B]Stephanie:[/B]I thought this day would never come that me and my brother would take control of the family business! My first announcement is that there is no longer a WWE United States title. (She Pauses) [B]Stephanie:[/B]Because the United States Title is property to the new WCW.It will be replaced by the European Title.We will also have a ladder match to determine a WWF Light Heavyweight Champion were it will be a fatal four way. (She Pauses) [B]Stephanie:[/B]My Final announcement is that effective immediately there is no more brand split and me and Shane are here to introduce are new WWF Commissioner... [B]Stephanie:[/B]MICK FOLEY!!!! [B]JR:[/B]Mick Foley is the new commissioner of the WWF. (Mick Foley then comes to a huge crowd response) [B]Foley:[/B]My first announcement as commissioner is that the ECW world title will now be know as the WWF International Title. (Foley leaves with Shane and Stephanie as we go to commercial) We come back to Shelton Benjamin bragging about how he is the European Champion until he is interrupted by R-Truth who tells him you wanna brag about being champion,how about you and me go one on one for that title of yours.Shelton Accepts,R-Truth tells him the match is next. [B]Shelton Benjamin vs.R-Truth-European Championship match[/B] We Jump to the conclusion... [B]JR:[/B]Benjamin and R-Truth battling on the outside [B]King:[/B]Oh,Benjamin just bounces R-Truth's head of the ring. [B]JR:[/B]Shelton rolls R-Truth into the ring. [B]King:[/B]Wait JR R-Truth fighting back hitting a huge spinebuster. [B]JR:[/B]Shelton now rising back to his feet. [B]King:[/B]Watch out R-Truth with the axe kick 1..2..3 [B]Winner and new European Champion:R-Truth[/B] We go to the back where Edge walks into commissioner Foley's office [B]Edge:[/B]Hey,Mick no hard feelings about me almost ending your wrestling career. [B]Foley:[/B]Of course not Edge as I just want to tell you that I booked you in a match against Jeff Hardy! Oh an Edge that match is next. (Commercial Break) Edge comes out to major heel heat from the crowd. Jeff Hardy comes out to an amazing pop from the crowd. [B][CENTER]Edge vs. Jeff Hardy[/CENTER][/B] We Jump to the conclusion of this match... [B]JR:[/B]Hardy has been keeping a fast pace in this match. [B]King:[/B]I wouldn't say that just yet JR as Edge is rallying,Edge hits a huge ddt now. [B]JR:[/B]Edge now setting up for the spear and he is got it 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Edge[/B] We go to the back where Santino Marella is getting set for his Intercontinetal Title defense against Dlo Brown. (Commercial Break) Santino Marella get hits wit major heat. Dlo Brown receives a good size pop. Santino Marella vs.Dlo Brown We Jump to the conclusion... [B]JR:[/B]Dlo has been taking it to the the intercontinetal champion. [B]King:[/B]But the weasel marella is fighting back. [B]JR:[/B]Wait there is the Glamazon,what is she doing here. [B]King:[/B]Come on JR her and Marella are dating remember. [B]JR:[/B]Wait Dlo Brown is on the top rope wait Beth grabbing his foot,oh and she pushed him of the top rope.Marella's on top 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Santino Marella[/B] We go to the back where Kane is rocking back and forth [B]Kane:[/B]Is he alive or dead? [B]JR:[/B]What is he talking about? [B]King:[/B]I don't know JR (Just then a sound guy walks by) [B]Guy:[/B]Excuse me are you ok? (Kane gets up in a furious rage) [B]Kane:[/B]Is he alive or dead! [B]Guy:[/B]Who? (Kane picks up the sound guy and delivers a thunderous chokeslam and walks off) [B]JR:[/B]Looks like Kane is coming out here. [B]King:[/B]He is in the main event later tonight. (Commercial Break) Brian Kendrick comes out with Ezekiel Jackson Kendrick:So,Stephanie and Shane setup a ladder match at Unforgiven.Well I plan on winning tonight so that I could put my name in the hat. Jimmy Wang Yang comes out to a decent pop. [B][CENTER]The Brian Kendrick vs.Jimmy Wang Yang[/CENTER][/B] We Join this match near it's conclusion... [B]JR:[/B]This kendrick has had a change of heart ever since leaving Paul London. [B]King:[/B]Wang Yang whips Kendrick off the ropes and Kendrick hits a sadistic heel kick. [B]JR:[/B]Kendrick now setting up for the..Kendrick 1..2..3 [B]Winner:Brian Kendrick[/B] (Commercial Break) We come back to Cryme Tyme roaming backstage. [B]Shad:[/B]Hey J come here. (JTG comes closer to Shad) [B]JTG:[/B]What Shad? [B]Shad:[/B]Read the sign. (The sign reads Diva's Locker Room) [B]JTG:[/B]Let's go in. [B]Shad:[/B]Ok (Cryme Tyme walks in and a few minutes later come out with a couple of pairs of bra and panties) [B]JR:[/B]Ladys and gentleman it is time for the main event. [B][CENTER]John Cena,Batista and Kofi Kingston vs.JBL,Kane and Chris Jericho[/CENTER][/B] We jump to the conclusion of this match... [B]JR:[/B]Batista now setting Kane up for the spear 1..2 and JBL breaks it up. [B]King:[/B]Kane tags in JBL while Batista tags in Cena. [B]King:[/B]Watch out JR things are about to explode. [B]JR:[/B]Now Cena and JBL are throwing some heavy soup bowls. [B]King:[/B]Cena whipped off the ropes an oh, a vicious shoulder breaker 1..2(Chris Jericho breaks it up) [B]JR:[/B]Here comes Kofi Kingston and there goes Jericho.Now Batista and Kane are going at it. [B]King:[/B]Wait JR cena's got JBL setup for the FU 1..2..3 [B]Winner:John Cena,Batista and Kofi Kingston[/B]
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[QUOTE=MattitudeV2;495823][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]WWF RAW From Los Angeles,California and The Staples Center Attendance 50,000[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B]Welcome to Monday Night RAW.I'm good ole JR alongside me is Jerry"The King" Lawler an,King we have a stacked card here tonight. As are new owners as Stephanie and Shane McMahon will also have some huge announcements regarding the status of the WWF. [B]King:[/B]Also JR we have John Cena,Batista and Kofi Kingston will take on JBL,Kane and Chris Jericho and we will also have Santino Marella take on DLo Brown for The Intercontinetal Title. (The Mcmahon's music hits) [B]JR:[/B]Here comes those devilish children of Mr.McMahon's semen. (Shane and Stephanie get into the ring) [B]Stephanie:[/B]I thought this day would never come that me and my brother would take control of the family business! My first announcement is that there is no longer a WWE United States title. (She Pauses) [B]Stephanie:[/B]Because the United States Title is property to the new WCW.It will be replaced by the European Title.We will also have a ladder match to determine a WWF Light Heavyweight Champion were it will be a fatal four way. (She Pauses) [B]Stephanie:[/B]My Final announcement is that effective immediately there is no more brand split and me and Shane are here to introduce are new WWF Commissioner... [/QUOTE] [quote][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]WWF RAW From Los Angeles,California and The Staples Center Attendance 50,000[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]JR:[/B]Welcome to Monday Night RAW.I'm good ole JR along[COLOR="RED"]_[/COLOR]side me is Jerry"The King" Lawler. An[COLOR="RED"]d[/COLOR] King, we have a stacked card here tonight. As [COLOR="Red"]our[/COLOR] new owners Stephanie and Shane McMahon will also have some huge announcements regarding the status of the WWF. [B]King:[/B]Also JR we have John Cena,Batista and Kofi Kingston [COLOR="Red"]who[/COLOR] will take on JBL,Kane and Chris Jericho. [COLOR="Red"]Also[/COLOR] Santino Marella [COLOR="Red"]will[/COLOR] take on DLo Brown for The Intercontinental [SIZE="1"]SP[/SIZE] Title. (The McMahon's music hits) [B]JR:[/B]Here comes those devilish children of Mr. McMahon's semen. (Shane and Stephanie get into the ring) [B]Stephanie:[/B]I thought [COLOR="Red"]the[/COLOR] day would never come [COLOR="Red"]when my brother and I [/COLOR]would take control of the family business! My first announcement is that there is no longer a WWE United States title. [SIZE="1"](I should hope not this is the wwF)[/SIZE] (She Pauses) Because the United States Title is [COLOR="Red"]now[/COLOR] property [COLOR="Red"]of [/COLOR]the new WCW[COLOR="Red"],[/COLOR] it will be replaced by the European Title. We will also have a ladder match to determine a WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, [COLOR="Red"]contested as[/COLOR] a fatal four way. (She Pauses) My Final announcement is that effective immediately there is no more brand split and Shane [COLOR="Red"]and I[/COLOR] are here to introduce [COLOR="Red"]our[/COLOR] new WWF Commissioner...[/quote] deezy this can't be considered edited. the red above are just the blatant errors. several thoughts are very rough, and should be rewritten. I said throwing a well edited show up would go a long way. instead you throw up something that to be honest was worse than what you were sending me to edit. maybe you should talk to your English teacher and see if you can get some extra help. I want to see you succeed in life, but with communications skills like these you are beginning to scare me. Maybe you and your teacher could sit down and edit some of your writing together. I did like the general direction of you show. I know you have a story to tell and I hope you stick with this one long enough to tell some of it. Keep working hard to improve. -Mistaken
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