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The Monday Night Wars:The Next Generation

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Hey Deezy, in all seriousness, your intentions are good, however, your shows come off REALLY bad, go read the Diary Writing Tips thread. I'm not an expert, I know that 100%, but after reading some of the tips, what people like, what people don't, I know what to stay away from with mine, I've got the rest of the year booked in my ROH game (though have not finished off the year in terms of days), now I'm just getting the shows going through. Seriously, read the thread, it will help you, but, on the other hand, just keep doing it for yourself and don't listen to what the rest of us say.
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[QUOTE=mistaken;496033]deezy this can't be considered edited. the red above are just the blatant errors. several thoughts are very rough, and should be rewritten. I said throwing a well edited show up would go a long way. instead you throw up something that to be honest was worse than what you were sending me to edit. maybe you should talk to your English teacher and see if you can get some extra help. I want to see you succeed in life, but with communications skills like these you are beginning to scare me. Maybe you and your teacher could sit down and edit some of your writing together. I did like the general direction of you show. I know you have a story to tell and I hope you stick with this one long enough to tell some of it. Keep working hard to improve. -Mistaken[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=tizzyt;496037]Hey Deezy, in all seriousness, your intentions are good, however, your shows come off REALLY bad, go read the Diary Writing Tips thread. I'm not an expert, I know that 100%, but after reading some of the tips, what people like, what people don't, I know what to stay away from with mine, I've got the rest of the year booked in my ROH game (though have not finished off the year in terms of days), now I'm just getting the shows going through. Seriously, read the thread, it will help you, but, on the other hand, just keep doing it for yourself and don't listen to what the rest of us say.[/QUOTE] Thank you both and Mistaken I am running through my WCW show and making the proper editing to it. And tizzyt I will read through it.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm not calling it dead until he starts a new one. Deezy may have this one hanging in he wind right now, but in his defense he has gone over 3 weeks with out starting a new one. so there is the chance that he is taking some advice, writing several shows and having a teacher/friend in the real world help him before he posts them up. I know the chances are small, but they still exist. next he may be a 'tool', but banning a guy for not finishing a diary would get serveral people banned :( .
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I just love anything where a list of people constitutes a backstory. I think Mattitude should focus more on successfully telling 1 person's story at a time here, the scope of what he's trying to accomplish here is just far beyond his talents. Maybe limit himself to a 25 man roster, as unthinkable as that sounds.
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I don't see why any of these threads have been brought back. Is it really that big of a deal? he starts a thread, posts a huge roster and then it dies after one show. It doesn't really hurt anyone. This is pretty petty on your part Rathen4.
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