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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Diary/ROH_Logo.png[/IMG] [B][U]ROH Newswire Week 2 August, 2008 [/U][/B] Ring of Honor management have informed that after nearly three weeks of negotiations, ROH has come to an agreement with several talent whom will begin debuting in Ring of Honor as early as Age of Insanity. Ring of Honor management have confirmed however that they have made some connections with a few new backstage workers and hired three new road agents to help with the current talent in the ROH locker room, those brought on board are Al Snow, Lance Storm and Ted Dibiase. Also confirmed by new Ring of Honor head booker, Theodore Thompson, is the current agreement with World Wrestling Entertainment, talent trades may happen in time, however, at this time, it is only being told as a working relationship in terms of marketing. Just after winning his opportunity to face Nigel McGuinness for the ROH World Title at Age of Insanity, Bryan Danielson asked a favor of ROH Head Booker, Theodore Thompson, asking that the match be a 60-Minute Iron Man Match. Age of Insanity and Anarchy Runs Wild are set in stone as far as we know, the cards have been released. [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]ROH : Age of Insanity[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] Eddie Kingston vs Jigsaw The ROH Debut of Vito Thomaselli vs Pelle Primeau [B][U]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/U][/B] Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn Ace Steel vs Justin Credible Low-Ki vs Go Shiozaki Jack Evans vs Chris Hero El Condor vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious vs Rocky Romero Austin Aries vs Joey Matthews [B][U]ROH World Heavyweight Title[/U][/B] [I]60 - Minute Iron Man Match[/I] Nigel McGuinness © vs Bryan Danielson Anarchy Runs Wild' card has not been completed, however, it promises to be a great show [/CENTER]
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ROH : Age of Insanity [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] vs Jigsaw The ROH Debut of [B]Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs Pelle Primeau [I]Debut man always wins...doesn't he?[/I] ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico ©[/B] vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn [I]Too early to take the belts off them[/I] Ace Steel vs [B]Justin Credible[/B] [I]I'm probably wrong here but I like Justin Credible[/I] [B]Low-Ki[/B] vs Go Shiozaki Jack Evans vs [B]Chris Hero[/B] El Condor vs [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] vs Delirious vs Rocky Romero [I]HUSS! HUSS! HUSS! HUSS! Oh, wait, wrong gimmick now! LOL.[/I] [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Joey Matthews ROH World Heavyweight Title 60 - Minute Iron Man Match Nigel McGuinness © vs [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] [I]The American Dragon 4 falls to 3.[/I] You're looking pretty good so far! I've enjoyed the writeups.
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Eddie Kingston vs [B]Jigsaw[/B] The ROH Debut of [B]Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs Pelle Primeau ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico [/B]© vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn Ace Steel vs [B]Justin Credible[/B] [B]Low-Ki[/B] vs Go Shiozaki [B]Jack Evans[/B] vs Chris Hero El Condor vs [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] vs Delirious vs Rocky Romero [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Joey Matthews ROH World Heavyweight Title 60 - Minute Iron Man Match [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] © vs Bryan Danielson
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]ROH : Age of Insanity[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] vs Jigsaw The ROH Debut of [B]Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs Pelle Primeau ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico[/B] © vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn [B]Ace Steel[/B] vs Justin Credible [B]Low-Ki[/B] vs Go Shiozaki Jack Evans vs [B]Chris Hero[/B] via KO ;) El Condor vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious vs [B]Rocky Romero[/B] [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Joey Matthews ROH World Heavyweight Title 60 - Minute Iron Man Match [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] © vs Bryan Danielson
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[B]Eddie Kingston[/B] vs Jigsaw The ROH Debut of [B]Vito Thomaselli[/B] vs Pelle Primeau ROH World Tag Team Titles [B]Kevin Steen & El Generico [/B]© vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn Ace Steel vs [B]Justin Credible[/B] [B]Low-Ki[/B] vs Go Shiozaki Jack Evans vs [B]Chris Hero[/B] El Condor vs Jimmy Jacobs vs [B]Delirious[/B] vs Rocky Romero [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Joey Matthews ROH World Heavyweight Title 60 - Minute Iron Man Match [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] © vs Bryan Danielson
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Small problem with the formatting when I copy/pasted the show, so it's taking a LOT longer than originally expected to get the show up (tons of code to delete for some reason, Word STINKS!) Anyways, quick question for my readers, do you guys want TNA/WWE updates every game month to see what they're doing?
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[SIZE="1"][writer's note - Age of Insanity is going to be posted in two parts... ][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][U][B][COLOR="Red"]ROH Age of Insanity[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [I][Fade in, Austin Aries is walking by the camera, entering the building wearing a baseball cap backwards, an ROH hoodie and carrying his bags, he stops at the camera] [/I] [I][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Austin Aries : Tonight, the "Age of Insanity" it should be renamed to the "Age of Austin Aries" tonight Joey Matthews, forget about the career that you've built so far, tonight, you're another rung that I step up to climb the ladder to being the first ever two time ROH World Champion. [/COLOR][/I] [I][Aries pushes past the camera and we're in the arena, fans going wild, ROH is in the CT Sports Arena] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Dave Prazak here, ROH Age of Insanity is set to begin ,Lenny Leonard, your thoughts. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : It's the Age of Insanity Dave Prazak, and tonight Ring of Honor pulls no punches, not only will we see a sixty minute Iron Man Match for the ROH Title, but we're also going to have the first ever title defense of Kevin Steen & El Generico since winning those ROH World Tag Team Titles earlier this month. [/COLOR] [B][U]Eddie Kingston vs Jigsaw[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Decent opening match, Jigsaw got the jump on the offense hitting dropkicks, arm drags, attempted a clothesline which Kingston countered with an STO backbreaker • Kingston pretty much dominated the match from here, rapid fire chops in the corner followed up with an arm trap belly to belly suplex • Jigsaw attempted a comeback, but was cut short when Kingston nailed a Royal Flush DDT for the win[/QUOTE] [I][B]Winner : Eddie Kingston Match Rating : D+[/B][/I] [B][U]Vito Thomaselli vs Pelle Primeau[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• The match was all Vito, a showcase of his talents, soto speak • After about six minutes of trading moves, Vito blocking moves by Pelle, he hits a Sicillian Driver and picks up the win[/QUOTE] [B][U]Winner : Vito Thomaselli Match Rating : D-[/U][/B] [B][U]Ace Steel vs Justin Credible[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Decent enough match, Justin Credible obviously has a night off from Olive Garden tonight, and the fans let him know early on with "OL-IVE GAR-DEN!" Clap clap clap clap clap chants, which got under Justin' skin • Steel and Credible trade off moves, both hitting some arm drags, Justin nailing an armdrag, wrenching in, which some fan in the front yells that he got his practice on cracked pepper for his salad • Finish comes nearly ten minutes in with Justin Credible nailing a superkick out of nowhere, following up with a That's Incredible tombstone piledriver[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Justin Credible Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B]*DVD Exclusive*[/B] [I][Cut backstage to El Condor and Delirious, Condor is in the middle of talking] [/I] [COLOR="Sienna"]El Condor : Ring of Honor es lleno de los mejores luchadores del mundo y soy uno de ellos[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Delirious : ADFADFDFCZvsvsdfsd AFDAFdad CONDOR, ASDAV SDCE CADCDA DELIRIOUS, AFBFBWSvsvcsdf qa BA BA BA[/COLOR] [I][Cut back to ringside] [/I] [COLOR="Red"] Dave Prazak : A meeting of the minds, Lenny?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : I have no words for what that conversation contained.[/COLOR] [I][The crowd is settling down when "Breathe" by Prodigy hits in the arena, Al Snow comes walking out from the back carrying Head to a big pop] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Al Snow! We knew that Al Snow had been brought to Ring of Honor as a backstage help, but I didn't think that we'd see Al Snow come out into the ring! [/COLOR] [I][Fans start chanting [B]"WE WANT HEAD!" [/B]as Snow plays to them for a minute before grabbing the mic] [/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Al Snow : Does it ever feel great to be in the center of a ring for a company who actually gives a damn about their employees AND their fans! [/COLOR] [I] [pop from the crowd "ROH" chant] [/I] [COLOR="indigo"]Al Snow : Now, the reason that I'm out here tonight is, like I previously mentioned, Ring of Honor cares what the fans think, they also love to hear the fans feedback as to what would make the company better for the fans, so in saying that, the Ring of Honor officials came to me and asked me to come out here and make an announcement concerning the future of Ring of Honor, not only is the company as a whole expanding, but, the one thing that Ring of Honor officials have heard from the fans about is regarding the current title situation, being that Ring of Honor currently has two major titles, the Ring of Honor World title, currently held by Nigel McGuinness [/COLOR][I][mixed reaction, mostly boos][/I] [COLOR="indigo"]and the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles, currently held by Kevin Steen and El Generico [/COLOR][I][pop][/I] [COLOR="indigo"]well, it's been decided that Ring of Honor will have another new title, Ring of Honor officials decided that instead of resurrecting the PURE title, they would come up with a concept for a new title to be competed for in Ring of Honor [/COLOR][I][cheer from the crowd][/I] [COLOR="indigo"]Now, when I used to work for another company[/COLOR], [I][boos from the crowd start][/I] [COLOR="indigo"]I know, I know, but listen, when I used to work there, there was a guy who used to talk about having three things, three "I"s, Intelligence, Intensity and Integrity [/COLOR][I][some cheers at Angle reference][/I] [COLOR="indigo"]well, Ring of Honor has decided that they themselves would institute three I's, only our three I's stand for what Ring of Honor is all about, Number 1 – Independent, Number 2 – International, and the third and really, the most important aspect of the title, Invitational. Not only will this title be defended in Ring of Honor, but it will be defended in every independent promotion Internationally, wherever the current champion may decide to go and defend that title. As far as the Invitational, the champion himself decides who he will defend the title against and extend an invitation to that challenger, at the same time, any independent company can extend an invitation to the champion to defend the title on their show against an opponent of their choosing. [/COLOR][I][cheers from the crowd][/I] [COLOR="indigo"]Call it the Independent Championship, the International Championship, the Three I's Title, call whatever you will, but remember who brought it to you, the only company who does not IMITATE, we only INNOVATE, and you know who that is. [/COLOR] [I][Crowd starts chanting "ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!"] [/I] [COLOR="indigo"]Snow : Now, speaking of titles, isn't there a Tag Team title match that's supposed to go on right now? [/COLOR] [I][Pop from the crowd, which slowly fades as [B]"Black Betty"[/B] hits, Snow leaves the ring, allowing Larry Sweeney and Sweet & Sour, Inc's tag team of Pearce and Hagadorn to enter the ring] [/I] [I][B]Segment Rating : D-[/B][/I] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"][I]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]• Generico and Hagadorn start out, tie-up to the corner, cheapshot by Hagadorn on the break following up with clubs to the back, front face lock and Pearce tagged in, makes Hagadorn let go of Generico before slapping him in the face, kick to Generico, irish whip, clothesline ducked, nails Generico with a back elbow on the rebound. • Pearce works over Generico, Generico mounts a small comeback catching a small package by rolling through a bodyslam attempt, Hagadorn in, but Todd Sinclair sends him back to the outside, Pearce nails Steen, bringing Steen in, but Sinclair again with the cut off, making Steen leave the ring while Hagadorn enters and the double team ensues with boots to the back of Generico, Pearce leaves the ring • Match continues on, Pearce in and locks Generico in a sleeperhold, Generico tries to fight it off, but Pearce keeps him on the ground, the ref checks Generico’ arm, drops twice and then the usual comeback on the third drop, Generico breaks the hold in the corner slamming Pearce into the corner, goes for the tag, but Pearce cuts him off, go behind and Pearce with a half nelson suplex, on the way back, Kevin Steen slaps Generico’ boot making the hot tag • Steen in going right at Pearce with punches, chops, Hagadorn in, huge backdrop on Hagadorn, kick to Pearce, Package Piledriver attempt and Larry Sweeney is on the apron, Steen drops Pearce and goes at Sweeney, but he drops down, turning around into an Adam Pearce eyepoke • Irish whip by Pearce, Steen blocks a hip toss attempt, nails a clothesline, Pearce scurries to the corner and tags in Hagadorn, Hagadorn gets brought in from Kevin Steen hard, Pearce to the outside of the ring • Steen blocks a punch from Hagadorn, nails a thrust to the throat, Steen wraps Hagadorn up, GO HOME DRIVER! Steen locks in the Sharpshooter! • Larry Sweeney and Adam Pearce both on the apron, Generico comes rushing across and hits a running Yakuza Kick nailing both in the face, knocking them off of the apron as Hagadorn is forced to submit[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners and [COLOR="red"]STILL ROH Tag Team Champions [/COLOR]: Kevin Steen & El Generico Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [I][Celebration continues as it cuts to another [B]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/B] Bryan Danielson is stretching out, obviously readying himself for the Iron Man Match with Nigel McGuinness tonight] [/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Dragon : I keep hearing a lot of things from both the fans and some of the guys in the back, fans seem to love to chant “Best in the World” whenever I come out, but then there’s a guy who is saying that HE is going to be the first ever two time ROH World Champion, Austin Aries, I’m sorry to tell you that after tonight, you’ll have to just deal with the fact that, like everything else when it comes to competing against me, you’re just SECOND BEST. [/COLOR][/CENTER] TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2 [I][SIZE="2"]([B][U][COLOR="Red"]still to come :[/COLOR][/U][/B] [I]Jack Evans vs Chris Hero Low Ki vs Go Shiozaki El Condor vs Rocky Romero vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious Austin Aries vs Joey Matthews Nigel McGuinness vs Bryan Danielson - 60 Minute Iron Man Match[/I][/SIZE][/I]
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[CENTER] [U][B][SIZE="5"]Ring of Honor : Age of Insanity continues[/SIZE][/B][/U] [I][Cut back to ringside, Chris Hero, Larry Sweeney and Sara Del Ray are making their way out, Larry Sweeney holding an ice pack to his face selling the El Generico shot he took in the previous match] [/I] [B][U]Jack Evans vs Chris Hero [/U][/B][QUOTE] • Great start to the match with Jack Evans evading Chris Hero getting his hands on him, throwing dropkicks all over, Evans tries to finish Hero off early, however, he gets stopped with a big boot to the face • Hero takes over nailing Evans with some hard shots, three chops followed with a roaring elbow attempt ducked by Evans, Evans tries a flipping dropkick, but Hero slaps his legs out of the air following up with an elbow drop, pulls Evans back to his feet, locks him in a headlock, hits a running bulldog for two • Hero continues on the offense, Evans never really recovers, overpowered by Hero, Hero hits a Hero’s Welcome, picking up the win[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Chris Hero Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][U] Low-Ki vs Go Shiozaki[/U][/B][QUOTE] • Match starts off with a handshake, Larry Sweeney is not at ringside for this contest • Start off with a chopping contest,. Low-Ki starts nailing some kicks, Go responds with hard chops, Low-Ki nails a kick to the side of the knee, Go drops, back up, Low-Ki with a spin kick to the stomach, two quick chops to Go, throat thrust blocked, a second attempt blocked again, Low-Ki with another kick that is grabbed by Go, swings are unsuccessful, Go throws Low-Ki’s leg up causing Ki to flip, lands flat on his feet and at a stand off • Low-Ki catches a quick poke to the eye, grabs a headlock, drop down, head between the legs, Ki nips out of it, standing moonsault attempt, Go gets the knees up, Ki backs to the ropes, rushes Go, throws his legs, up, Low-Ki flips over, off the other side, jumps over Go, Go nips up, shoulder block attempt and nobody moves, Go hits the other set of ropes, another shoulder block attempt, no one goes down, Ki hits the ropes ducks under a clothesline, rebound attack and Go throws Low-Ki up and Low-Ki turns it into a swinging dropkick, both men hit the mat and both nip up at the same time, another stand off, standing ovation from the crowd and they shake hands again • Match continues with the momentum traded back and forth, no clear dominator in the match • Finish comes about 14 minutes in, Go attempts a Fisherman’s Suplex, however, Low-Ki maneuvers around sliding down Go’s back, with a sunset flip picking up a quick three count[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Low-Ki Match Rating : C [/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/I][/B] [I][Backstage, Kevin Steen and El Generico are talking, both back in street clothes, Al Snow enters the room] [/I] [COLOR="Purple"]Al Snow : Guys, guys, I gotta tell ya[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Steen : What’s up Al? [/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"] Al Snow : Well, I’ve come back here to tell you guys that with the next Ring of Honor show, Anarchy Runs Wild, things are kind of up to the workers, as far as what they’re going to do, the “Inmates Run the Asylum” type of show, you know what I mean? [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Steen : Yeah, I know what you mean Al[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Al Snow : Well, Mark & Jay Briscoe just told me that tomorrow night, they want the two of you, for the Tag Team titles, so, I just thought that I would let you know what you have to look forward to, instead of being caught offguard[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Steen : Bring ‘em on Al, bring ‘em on, we’ll kick their asses in their own hometown tomorrow night in Dover. [/COLOR] [I][Cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Joey Matthews vs Austin Aries[/U][/B] [QUOTE] • Start off with a test of strength, Austin kicks Joey' hand away, Joey blocks a twist attempt and does a twist of his own, Austin rolls through, nips up, go behind with the arm on Matthews, elbow to the head, Matthews off the ropes, taken down with a rushing elbow, Aries with an elbowdrop attempt, Matthews rolls out of the way, locks in an armbar, Austin slides around getting out of it, winds up behind Matthews, German Suplex attempt, but Matthews sandbags, elbow to the back of the head, back kick to the head attempt, but Austin ducks, drops a knee on the back of Matthews head as he hits the mat grabbing an armbar of his own • Matthews gets to his feet, throws Austin off with a standing arm drag, Austin back up, gets hit with two big arm drags, Matthews trips Austin up, pin attempt kicked out right away, Austin with a trip of his own, quick cover, quick kick out, Matthews with a quick headlock takeover, Aries traps him with a head scissors, Matthews tries to get out of it, however Aries keeps applying pressure to the hold, finally Matthews gets out of it, but gets caught with headlock from Aries, Aries now gets a head scissors, Aries maneuvers his body around, pop over onto Matthews chest, he grabs around the waist, two count, double bridge out, wraps around into an attempted backslide but Aries flips through and nails a dropkick square to the nose of Matthews • Match does not last much longer, Matthews nose is bleeding pretty heavily from the dropkick, never really gains much of an advantage again, finish comes with Aries taking a hard slam into the turnbuckle off of an irish whip, Matthews rushes in and gets met with a boot to the face, followed up by a brainbuster, Aries climbs up, 450 splash and this one is over[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Austin Aries Match Rating : C [/I][/B] [B][U]El Condor vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Rocky Romero vs Delirious[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Condor and Delirious team up to start out, Jacobs gets a hard kick to the chest from Delirious, followed up by a swinging neckbreaker from Condor, Double hand high five center ring as Romero rushes, double hip toss followed up with double elbow drops, both men grab a hand lifting Romero off of the mat double elbow to the face, double chops, double irish whip Delirious drops down and Condor hits a perfect dropkick sending Romero to the outside, Jacobs now grabs the strands on the back of Delirious’ mask, Condor runs and leapfrogs over Delirious nailing a clothesline to Jacobs sending him to the outside, Delirious shoves Condor, Condor shoves back, both men run past each other each with a plancha to the outside, Delirious on Jacobs, Condor on Romero • Match continues, Delirious and Jacobs going after each other, Jacobs tries to lock in the End Time, but Delirious counters with a layout spinebuster, two count, Romero breaks up the pin, Condor catches Romero from behind, back suplex attempt blocked, roll through and Romero locks in a modified ankle lock, Condor gets to the ropes. • Romero refuses to release the hold, Todd Sinclair counts, one, two, three, four – Delirious hits the ropes and nails a dropkick to the face of Romero • Finish comes with Jimmy Jacobs up top, Delirious up to try a superplex, as he’s up there, Condor comes up and gets under Delirious, as he’s up top, Superplex is coming and Romero jumps up behind Condor all 4 men crash down German Suplex – Back Electric Drop, Superplex combo, Romero drapes an arm over Condor, one…two…three[/QUOTE] [I][B]Winner : Rocky Romero Match Rating : C+ [/B][/I] [B][U]Nigel McGuinness © vs Bryan Danielson[/U][/B] [SIZE="2"][I][COLOR="Red"]60 Minute Iron Man Match for the ROH World Title[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE] [QUOTE] • 1 – 10 minutes : Nigel and Dragon feel each other out, locking hands and reversing each other’ attempts at arm style submissions, Danielson rolls Nigel up in a pin attempt, only getting a one count • 11 – 20 minutes : Danielson and Nigel start trading uppercuts, Nigel hits the ropes, running European Uppercut caught, Danielson gets him to the mat, attempts Cattle Mutilation, but Nigel gets his way out of it, Danielson go behind on Nigel as they’re both on their feet, Nigel works his way out and slips behind Danielson, Danielson drops to his ass, attempts a go under on Nigel, but Nigel drops down, pin attempt and grabs the ropes for leverage, one two three [I][Nigel McGuinness scores the first fall at 19:19][/I] • 21 – 30 minutes : Nigel with control of the match rocks Danielson with a running/leaping European Uppercut, winds up locking Danielson into the bridging Rings of Saturn, Danielson gets his foot on the ropes, ref counts one, two, three, four, Nigel then stands up using Dragon’ trademark “I’VE GOT TIL FIVE!” which the crowd starts booing tremendously, Danielson slowly back to his feet, Nigel grabs him, European Uppercut from Dragon, Nigel falls into and half way through the ropes, comes back with a jawbreaker lariat but Danielson ducks under it, Nigel hits the ropes, comes back, overhead belly to belly suplex, Danielson pumps the elbow, wraps Nigel up and starts nailing the elbows to the head, Nigel gets a foot in the ropes, Danielson waits as he gets up, high double underhook and DANIELSON SPECIAL, Danielson has him center ring and Nigel has no choice but to tap after about a minute in the hold [I][Bryan Danielson scores his first pinfall at 28:09 – the score is tied at one fall a piece] [/I] • 31 – 40 minutes : Danielson wastes no time trying to lock in Cattle Mutilation right away, but Nigel is able to escape, going to the outside, Danielson waits for Nigel as Nigel staggers to his feet, Danielson comes flying out with a springboard dive onto Nigel, the match continues outside the ring, Nigel whipped into the metal signing barricade outside the ring, Danielson follows up with a running knee strike to the face of Nigel – Match goes back into the ring, the champion and American Dragon are again trading uppercuts, Nigel gets a huge uppercut that rocks Danielson to the corner, Nigel runs to the otherside, knee up, comes running in with a huge uppercut in the corner, grabs Dragon, crotches him in the middle of the top rope, Nigel climbs up and hits a huge lariat off of the top rope on Danielson, cover, but Danielson kicks out at two • 41 – 50 minutes : Nigel puts Danielson backwards on the top rope, climbs up and tries for a back suplex, but Danielson locks his feet in the turnbuckles, elbow to Nigel, Nigel with a forearm to the back, two more elbows from Danielson, one from each side and knocks Nigel down, Danielson starts to get up, but Nigel kicks his foot out and he crotches himself hard on the top rope, Nigel grabs the back of Danielson’ head, drags him out, hooks his arm around his head REVERSE TOWER OF LONDON! Nigel covers, one…two… three..[I] [Nigel McGuinness scores his second fall at 47:35, Nigel leads two falls to one] [/I] • 51 – 60 minutes : Danielson slowly recovering after the pinfall, Nigel straight away nails a Jawbreaker Lariat as Danielson gets to his feet, cover, one – two – thr-NO, Danielson kicks out… Nigel shocked gets to his feet, hard kick to the spine as Danielson sits up, Nigel has Danielson on the mat, locks his arms and tries to lock in Cattle Mutilation on Danielson, but Danielson gets to the ropes, Danielson to his feet, seems to have a bit of a surge of energy, takes a hard elbow from Nigel, gives one back, another hard elbow, and another one back, Nigel nails three more elbows to the face and then a big one knocking Danielson into the ropes, [I][five minutes remaining – five minutes][/I] Danielson falls half way out JAWBREAKER LARIAT! Danielson covers, one-two-thr-NO! Danielson grabs Nigel off of the mat, Regal Plex, ref counts, one-two-thr-NO! Nigel starts to sit up, Danielson starts pumping the elbow again, Elbow strikes to the head, Danielson pounding away at the head of Nigel McGuinness [I][three minutes remaining – three minutes][/I] Danielson tries to lock in Cattle Mutilation again, but Nigel slips out, going outside, Danielson immediately follows rolling Nigel back in, Danielson rolls back in, but is met with a hard kick to the side of the head from Nigel, Nigel grabs Danielson’ arm, tries to lock him into the Bridging Rings of Saturn again, but Danielson flips it around [I][two minutes remaining – two minutes][/I] into a sunset flip-esque pin, one-two-Nigel pushes his way up, pin attempt – one – two- Nigel is flipped under again – one – two – Nigel gets out of the pin, right up and a sitting Lariat on Danielson, but Danielson grabs onto the arm! Danielson and Nigel are going back and forth trying to gain an advantage as they get to their knees, Nigel starts to stand, but Danielson takes his legs out from under him [I][one minute remaining – one minute][/I] Austin Aries slowly starts walking down the aisle watching the match, Nigel is on his stomach, Danielson with three headbutts to the back of the head, hooks Nigel’ arms, flips himself over CATTLE MUTILATION!!!!! As soon as Cattle Mutilation is locked in, Austin Aries comes all the way to ringside distracting the referee, Nigel is going crazy in the hold tapping both of his hands behind him, 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 TIME LIMIT EXPIRES[/QUOTE] Winner and[COLOR="Red"][B] STILL ROH World Heavyweight Champion[/B][/COLOR] : Nigel McGuinness Match Rating : C+ [COLOR="Red"] DP : What in the hell? Austin Aries just cost Bryan Danielson a chance at tying up the fall count, possibly pushing into Double Overtime! [/COLOR] [I][Austin walking backwards up the ramp yells out at Danielson, who is on his knees in the ring, “I’m not second best to ANYONE!”] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : It’s obvious that Austin Aries is obsessed with becoming the first ever two-time ROH Champion in the history of the company, Dave. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Anarchy Runs Wild is our next event fans, I’m not sure that any of you will want to miss it! [/COLOR] [Fade out on Nigel McGuinness celebrating with the title, as Danielson stares at Austin up the aisle] [B][I]Final Show Rating : C[/I][/B] [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="1"]Complete success, should have gained popularity[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][I]Sorry for the delay guys, hopefully it was worth the wait, Word 2007 DESPISES me, so, I'm not going to use it anymore for writing shows... Anyways, as always, feedback is appreciated, I'll have information up regarding Anarchy Runs Wild tomorrow, show to be posted tomorrow night hopefully (another show I wrote in Word)[/I][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm252/wwe_dx_619/logo_ROH.png[/IMG] [B][U]ROH : Anarchy Runs Wild[/U][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][I]ROH officials have decided to let the Ring of Honor Roster book the show and make their matches, the following matches have been signed thus far. [/I][/QUOTE] [CENTER]Ace Steel vs Erick Stevens vs Adam Pearce vs Brent Albright [SIZE="1"][I](winner receives an invitation to the ROH Three I's Title Tournament) [/I][/SIZE] Jigsaw vs Low-Ki Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs The Briscoe Brothers - for the ROH World Tag Team Titles Davey Richards vs Delirious The ROH debut of Sexxxy Eddy vs Chris Hero [I][COLOR="Red"]Two re-matches from Age of Insanity were signed almost immediately after the show [/COLOR][/I] Joey Matthews vs Austin Aries Nigel McGuinness © vs Bryan Danielson - for the ROH World Title [SIZE="1"][I](If Austin Aries gets involved in the match in any way, he will be suspended from Ring of Honor for 6 months)[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=jw_forever;495917]Great show mate. Especially enjoyed the Main Event. I predict a Three-Way with McGuiness/Danielson/Aires for the strap. Good work as always.[/QUOTE] Thanks a lot jw, appreciate the compliments, you never know what's going to happen in Ring of Honor, you could be correct, how fantastic of a match would that be? [QUOTE]Great show! I particularly enjoyed the ending of the main event. Dramatic as always. Really enjoying your writeups as well. Good flow without being overwritten.[/QUOTE] Thanks Angel, appreciate it, I think my writeups need a little bit of work, personally, but the fact that you enjoy them means a lot, maybe a little tweaking to make them a tad better, but I appreciate your compliments
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[CENTER][SIZE="1"](Gonna try something a little different this time) [/SIZE] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Anarchy Runs Wild[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][Fade in to Nigel McGuinness holding the ROH Title on his shoulder, pulling his sun glasses off showing off a huge black eye, gritting his teeth] [/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Nigel : Last night, I went sixty minutes with “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, I’ll tell you this much “Dragon” you did something that no other person has ever done, you pushed me to my limits, but now, Ring of Honor officials, with their stupid, feeble minds have decided that us wrestlers would be making the matches tonight[/COLOR] [I][spits off to the right][/I][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] Do you idiots have any idea how many people were lined up to have a shot against me? But then, what do they do? They allow Bryan Danielson to get another shot at me, twenty four hours after our Iron Man match, well Danielson, tonight your little girlfriend won’t be able to come around ringside to help you, so you’ve got to face me one on one, don’t think that you’re going to walk out of here with my ROH World Title. [/COLOR] [I][Starts to put his sunglasses back on, then rips them back off and points at the camera] [/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Nigel : And Austin Aries, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you sunshine, all of your promises that you’ve been making about going down in history as the first ever two-time ROH World Champion, believe this, as long as Nigel McGuinness is around, you’re not getting anywhere near the Ring of Honor record books. [/COLOR] [I][Cut to ringside] [/I] [COLOR="Blue"] Lenny : Ring of Honor “Anarchy Runs Wild” coming to you from Dover, Delaware and tonight Dave Prazak, the inmates are running the asylum! [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]DP : And tonight fans, at some point, we’ve been told that we’re going to find out a little bit more about the Ring of Honor Independent, International, Invitational title. Along with our first contest being an invitation into the tournament. [/COLOR] [B][U] Ace Steel vs Erick Stevens vs Adam Pearce vs Brent Albright[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Not a very long match, Stevens eliminated first by Albright after a half nelson suplex, Albright eliminated by Pearce after a roll-up using the tights. Pearce and Steel went at it a short bit, Steel wound up pulling off the win with a Steel Spike. [/QUOTE] [B][I] Winner : Ace Steel Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Sexxxy Eddy vs Chris Hero[/U][/B] [QUOTE] Sexxxy Eddy didn’t have very much offense, Chris Hero pulls off a Hero’s Welcome for the win.[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Chris Hero Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][I]*DVD EXCLUSIVE* [/I][/B][I][Cut backstage, The Briscoe Brothers are readying up for their tag team title match, they bump into Sweet & Sour, Inc big staredown between all of the members, Low-Ki steps forward, The Briscoe Brothers chuckle, then walk away, no words exchanged] [/I] [B][U]Low-Ki vs Jigsaw[/U][/B] [QUOTE]Pretty good match, Jigsaw got some offense in, however, Low-Ki began the domination and never stopped, finished Jigsaw off with a Ghetto Stomp[/QUOTE]. [B][I] Winner : Low-Ki Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [B][U]Davey Richards vs Delirious[/U][/B] [QUOTE]This was a fantastic match, Delirious opened up with his normal comedy spots, getting the crowd loosened up for the match, Richards and Delirious traded off the advantage throughout the match, finish came with Delirious going for the Cobra Clutch Stretch, but Richards maneuvered around, bridging himself over and throwing his feet on the bottom rope to keep Delirious’ shoulders on the mat for the three count [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Davey Richards Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [B][U]Kevin Steen & El Generico © vs The Briscoe Brothers[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]ROH World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE]Decent enough match, though it looked like Steen hyperextended his knee early on in the match, Steen still continued on, however, he seemed to be off a little bit this evening, Briscoes came close to winning the tag straps at numerous times, but couldn’t keep Generico or Steen down, finish comes about 15 minutes in, Steen has Jay Briscoe ready for a Package Piledriver, Mark runs trying for a kick to the face, nails Steen, Jay gets up, grabbing Steen, sets him up for a Jay Driller, as Mark goes outside to spike it, Low-Ki comes running down, hits the ring and nails Mark with a big kick as he comes down from the top rope, big stiff kick to Jay as he lets go of Kevin Steen, referee Todd Sinclair calls for the bell. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners via DQ : The Briscoe Brothers Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Joey Matthews vs Austin Aries[/U][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Rematch from Age of Insanity[/SIZE][/I] [QUOTE]Good Match, these two went after each other hard, Joey Matthews sporting two black eyes from his broken nose that he suffered at Age of Insanity, Aries attempted to lock in the Horns of Aries, but Matthews squirmed out of it. Match continued on, a few false finishes, Matthews hits a Virginia Necktie, but doesn’t get anything out of it, Aries mounts a comeback, the referee accidentally takes a shot on a double reversal in the corner, Aries hits a brainbuster, climbs up top and goes for the 450 splash, connects it, as he hits the 450, a figure comes flying into the ring through the crowd, IT’S RAVEN! Raven grabs Aries off of Matthews, Evenflow DDT, grabs Matthews and rolls him on top, shakes the ref, ref makes the count, one-two-three[/QUOTE] [B][I] Winner : Joey Matthews Match Rating : C+[/I][/B] [I][Post Match – Raven gets back into the ring with a chair begins to work over Austin Aries, irish whip, drop toe hold into the sitting chair, another Evenflow DDT, he and Matthews start kicking Aries, retreating from the ring as Delirious, comes to his rescue] [/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : E[/I][/B] [B][U] Nigel McGuinness © vs Bryan Danielson[/U][/B] [I][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]Rematch from Age of Insanity, if Austin Aries gets involved, he is suspended for 60 days[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I] [QUOTE]Definitely the match of the night, these two went at each other just as hard as they did at Age of Insanity, submission moves countered from both men, European uppercuts all over the ring, Nigel tried another reverse Tower of London, however, Bryan Danielson countered the move dropping his feet off of the top rope, turning it into a Danielson Special. Finish comes with Nigel locking in the London Dungeon after a Jawbreaker Lariat, leaving Danielson no choice but to tap out. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner and [COLOR="Red"]STILL ROH World Champion[/COLOR] : Nigel McGuinness Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [B][I]Overall Show Rating : C+[/I][/B] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"](complete success, should have increased popularity)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]ROH Newswire Sunday August Week 2[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/logo_ROH.png[/IMG] Ring of Honor Officials are said to be extremely happy with how ROH Age of Insanity & ROH Anarchy Runs Wild have come off, with the overall feeling being that every year, ROH officials will have one card where the talent will be making the matches themselves. ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness is said to be tired of fighting the "same old, same old" and would like some new competition, ROH officials have granted his request for this coming weekend' Epic Encounter III. Low-Ki, by way of his "representative" Larry Sweeney, has made an official challenge to Mark & Jay Briscoe regarding ROH' return to the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York at Glory By Honor VII, apparently Low-Ki has two tag team partners and have encouraged the Briscoes to find someone to face his trio on the first night of the event. The upcoming shows have been finalized and they are as follows : [B][U]ROH Epic Encounter III[/U][/B] Chris Hero vs Go Shiozaki Eddie Kingston vs Delirious Ace Steel vs Claudio Castagnoli Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn Necro Butcher vs Takeshi Morishima Jimmy Jacobs vs Rocky Romero Austin Aries vs Raven Nigel McGuinness © vs Joey Matthews - ROH World Title As far as the ROH International, Independent, Invitational title tournament, ROH officials have decided that at Gut Check, the title would be decided in a one night tournament, while it was argued with the Survival of the Fittest tournament not too far away that it would be too much, ROH officials have decided to give it a shot as the two concepts are very different, 4 ROH workers have been extended invitations as well as 4 workers on the independent circuit. [B][U]ROH Gut Check[/U][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]First Round matches in the ROH Three I's tournament : [/SIZE][/I] Austin Aries vs Arik Cannon Roderick Strong vs former ROH champion Xavier Delirious vs Alex Koslov Ace Steel vs Noamichi Marufuji Winner Aries/Cannon vs Winner Steel/Marufuji Winner Strong/Xavier vs Winner Delrious/Koslov Finals of the ROH Three I's tournament [U]Other matches : [/U] Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs The Briscoe Brothers Bryan Danielson vs the debuting Frankie Thomaselli [/CENTER]
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A great show as usual. Didn't see the Raven run in coming AT ALL. A shame the segment didnt rate too well. Glad you hired him though. He is one of my all time favourite workers and he could really help build up some other wrestler stats, much like a Corino probably would. Good work mate. This is becoming one of my favourite diaries on this board along with Nevermore's ECW Diary and Wildfires NWA one. This could be one to watch. Keep it up.
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[QUOTE=jw_forever;496512]A great show as usual. Didn't see the Raven run in coming AT ALL. A shame the segment didnt rate too well. Glad you hired him though. He is one of my all time favourite workers and he could really help build up some other wrestler stats, much like a Corino probably would. Good work mate. This is becoming one of my favourite diaries on this board along with Nevermore's ECW Diary and Wildfires NWA one. This could be one to watch. Keep it up.[/QUOTE] Wow, I'm seriously honored that someone would put me up there with Nevvy & Wildfire, they've both got the best diaries on the board, thanks JW.
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;496513]I gotta say man this is a great dynasty. keep it up[/QUOTE] Thanks Darth, always appreciate the compliments, but to everyone, I'll be cliche when I tell you that "The Best is Yet to Come" I'll make the promise here on the board that this will at least last until Final Battle 2008 (though I plan on making it last much longer), we'll see what the general feeling is when we get to Final Battle 08 as to what direction the diary will take.
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ROH Epic Encounter III [B]Chris Hero[/B] vs Go Shiozaki [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] vs Delirious Ace Steel vs [B]Claudio Castagnoli[/B] [B]Vito & Brandon Thomaselli[/B] vs Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn [B]Necro Butcher[/B] vs Takeshi Morishima [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] vs Rocky Romero Austin Aries vs [B]Raven[/B] [B]Nigel McGuinness ©[/B] vs Joey Matthews - ROH World Title ROH Gut Check First Round matches in the ROH Three I's tournament : [B]Austin Aries[/B] vs Arik Cannon [B]Roderick Strong[/B] vs former ROH champion Xavier [B]Delirious[/B] vs Alex Koslov [B]Ace Steel[/B] vs Noamichi Marufuji [B]Winner Aries/Cannon[/B] vs Winner Steel/Marufuji [B]Winner Strong/Xavier[/B] vs Winner Delrious/Koslov Austin Aries vs. [B]Roderick Strong[/B] Other matches : Brandon & Vito Thomaselli vs [B]The Briscoe Brothers[/B] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs the debuting Frankie Thomaselli
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[SIZE="2"][I][Well, I hope you're happy with yourself, you were so damned anxious to see the new ROH DVD, you just HAD to run off to your favorite torrent site and find some jackhole that ripped his new ROH DVD and put it up, you damn LEECHES!!! Goto [url]www.rohwrestling.com[/url] and pay your hard earned money to support the hardest working mofos in the wrestling business!... oh, and enjoy the show you just downloaded!] [/I][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/tvrdabomb/rohyz3.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROH Epic Encounter III[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [I][Fade in, the arena is completely empty, standing in the center of the ring is Joey Matthews, Raven is sitting in the corner, dressed like he did in ECW, Raven wipes his nose and pulls himself up, walking center ring, he stands next to Joey Matthews center ring and looks around before staring into the camera] [/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Raven : Honor, Respect, Loyalty, these are three words that I've heard for so long whenever I hear your name being brought up Austin Aries, three words that not only have been synonymous with you, but synonymous with Ring of Honor, the only problem is, those things aren't at all how I'd describe you, self absorbed, greedy, jealous, but more importantly Austin Aries, the word that describes you best? Tortured, it's a cliché thing for me to say anymore, but, Austin, I feel your pain, I feel the pain of sensing your destiny and watching it slip through your fingers, which is why I've done what I've done, if there's one thing that I know about, it's the feeling of devastation while you watch as your dream slips away. Being the first ever two time ROH champion? Do you honestly think that anyone is going to give you an opportunity when you're in the middle of a battle for your soul? [/COLOR] [I] [Joey Matthews raises his head, sporting the same Ankh painting on his eye as Raven] [/I] [COLOR="Green"]Matthews : While destiny is a subject, tonight, in this ring, in just a matter of hours, I'm going to finally fulfill MY destiny, unfortunately Austin Aries, all you can do is watch, watch as I show an overly ****y champion that he's going to have only himself to blame when his own self confidence is the one thing that brings an end to his title reign tonight. [/COLOR] [I][Raven looks at Matthews, Raven raises his arms as Matthews bows his head] [/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Raven : Quote the Raven, Nevermore[/COLOR] [I][Cut to ringside] [/I] [COLOR="Red"]DP : Elizabeth, New Jersey has come out to see Ring of Honor tonight and they couldn't have picked a better night, Lenny Leonard, it's Epic Encounter III[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : And Dave Prazak, I have to wonder just why in the hell Raven would decide to return to Ring of Honor and go after Austin Aries of all people?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]DP : Well, I'm not sure if we're going to find out any REAL reasons tonight, but we will find out what happens when Raven MEETS Austin Aries in the ring tonight, it should be an interesting match-up[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Lenny : And don't forget our World Title Match tonight, Nigel McGuinness actually went to the offices of Ring of Honor and demanded that he be given "fresh blood" to defend the title against. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]DP : And Ring of Honor officials have responded by pitting him against former WWE Tag Team Champion, Joey Matthews and tonight, we'll see that contest. [/COLOR] [B][U]Eddie Kingston vs Delirious[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Good opening match, normal early antics from Delirious getting the laughs from the crowd, funniest moment of the opening, Delirious chased one of the ring crew workers around the ring, under the ring, Delirious came out from one side and… Delirious came out from another side? Real Delirious ran up behind and rolled Ring Crew Delirious into the ring, made him stand in the corner and pulled the tag rope out of the turnbuckle, making the Ring Crew Delirious hold onto the rope, as he turned around, Eddie Kingston caught him with a big elbow in the side of the face, knocking Delirious back into the corner, "accidentally" tagging Ring Crew Delirious, Real Delirious looked around all crazy and asked referee Paul Turner if the tag was made, Paul Turner signals that a tag was made, Delirious starts slapping his hand in the tag sign and gets on the apron pointing back and forth between Eddie Kingston and Ring Crew Delirious, as Kingston comes over to go after Ring Crew Delirious, Real Delirious jumps over the ropes with a kick to Kingston' head. • Match continued, Eddie Kingston had the upperhand for a bit, nearly putting Delirious away with a sit-out powerbomb, however, Delirious kicked out, listening to the "BA!" chants from the crowd, summoning the power, ducked under an Eddie running clothesline, Kingston on the rebound, Delirious leap frogs over him, Kingston stops himself, pointing to his head and gets a dropkick to the back, sending him into the corner, Delirious runs to the cross corner turnbuckles and takes off, PANIC ATTACK!!!! • Delirious climbs the top rope, SHADOWS OVER HELL!!! And picks up the win[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Delirious Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U] Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn vs Brandon & Vito Thomaselli[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• A big man in a yellow three piece suit was making notes at ringside watching the match, Larry Sweeney once in awhile going over and talking to the man. • Brandon and Shane starting things off, Shane attempted a headlock, but Brandon slid right through pushing Hagadorn off, three quick arm drags and Hagadorn scoots into the corner trying to tag in Adam Pearce, Pearce was too busy talking to Larry Sweeney and the man in the yellow suit. • Match continues, Brandon and Vito cutting the ring in half, showing great tag team work together, Adam Pearce literally saw no action in this match, allowing Hagadorn to take a beating from the Thomasellis • Finish comes with Vito knocking Adam Pearce off of the apron into Larry Sweeney, quick tag to Brandon, irish whip and does a big flapjack to Hagadorn, as soon as Hagadorn hits, Brandon comes off the top with a 450 splash and picks up the pinfall. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winners : Brandon & Vito Thomaselli Match Rating : D+[/I][/B] [B][U] Chris Hero vs Go Shiozaki[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Start off trading punches, elbow from Hero rocks Go, Hero looks to put him away early with a big elbow shot, ducked by Go, Go lays in two big chops, Hero staggers to the corner, Go with a Benoit Shirt Rip Spot and lays in another big chop. • Hero reverses Go into the corner, nails a chop of his own, Go responds with a hard chop, knee to the midsection from Hero, shoots Go in, ducks an elbow attempt, Hero turns around into another big chop, scooping up Hero, bridging fallaway slam for a 1½ count • Match goes on, Hero tries to pick Go up for a Hero’s Welcome, but Go gets out of it, picks Hero up for a Fisherman Suplex, Hero out of it with a rake to the eyes, as he gets dropped, elbow to the head, Go responds with a dropkick to the knee, up and hits the ropes, as he’s coming back, Hero had adjusted the pad, big elbow shot to the temple, Go collapses, Hero covers and picks up the win[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Chris Hero Match Rating : C[/I][/B] [B][U]Claudio Castagnoli vs Ace Steel[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Tremendous match between these two, start off with a feeling out, both men countered each others offensive tries. • Claudio starts nailing in the uppercuts, three in a row and Ace is reeling, Claudio follows up with a running uppercut, but Ace counters it with an armbar take down, Claudio gets to the ropes and the hold is broken. • Ten minutes go by, both men putting on a good display for the fans, Ace Steel hits the Steel Spike, but Claudio is able to kick out. • Steel getting ready to try for a submission move of some type, however, Claudio reverses out of it, lifting Steel up and hitting the Ricola Bomb and picking up the win[/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Claudio Castagnoli Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [I][B]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/B] [Cut backstage to Larry Sweeney pacing back and forth in front of the camera, his Bluetooth headset keeps blinking] [/I] [COLOR="Teal"]Larry Sweeney : Yeah, yeah, I know that you don't like me, but I know what you like, cold, hard, CASH, yeah, the amount that I told you before, if you make it happen, I ASSURE you that you'll get your money, as soon as I see him show up, I'll put cash in your hand, you can do with it whatever you want! So you'll make it happen? Great! I'll have the cash ready for you. [/COLOR] [I][Sweeney hits his Bluetooth and cackles, we cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Rocky Romero vs Jimmy Jacobs[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• One of the best matches of the night, hands down • Jacobs got an early jump on Romero, poke to the eye at the handshake, rake to the back, Jacobs with a snap suplex, elbow drop, and Jacobs starts working on the arm • Match continues on, Jacobs tries three times for the End Time, but gets thrown off everytime he attempts to lock it in, the final time, Romero works his head out and hits Jacobs with an overhead belly to belly suplex. • Jacobs and Romero are trading chops in the corner, Tyler Black distracts the ref as Allison Wonderland comes around the side of the ring and slips Jacobs his spike, Jacobs tries to go at Romero with the spike, referee Paul Turner sees the spike and tries to take it from Jacobs, Jacobs and Turner playing tug-o-war, and Jacobs slips his hand off of the spike, running right into a boot from Romero and a sitout powerbomb for the three count. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Rocky Romero Match Rating : B[/I][/B] [B][U]Necro Butcher vs Takeshi Morishima[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• All I can say is WOW, this was a hard hitting brawl • Nercro and Morishima trade elbows back and forth, neither man shows a sign of an advantage, then start the punches, Necro knocks Morishima into the ropes with a hard shot to the jaw, Morishima counters with a big clothesline, knocking Necro back into the ropes, neither man has fallen. • Few minutes later, both men are still trading shots back and forth, neither has left their feet, Morishima with three big elbows, hits the ropes, roaring elbow, ducked under by Necro, Morishima stops himself at the ropes, turns around and big clothesline from Necro drops Morishima to the outside, Morishima lands on his feet! • Brawling on the outside, neither man has knocked the other down, Necro grabs a chair and blasts Morishima over the skull with it, Morishima staggers back, but doesn't fall, another big shot and Morishima is able to get out of the way making Necro nail the ringpost, big boot staggers Necro, against the guardrail and Morishima charges, but meets a solid left to the jaw, Morishima staggers again, Necro back into the ring, challenging Morishima to get back in there as well. • Ten minutes have passed in the match and neither man has fallen, Morishima hits the ropes, shoulder tackle, Necro stumbles to the ropes, tries one of his own, they go back and forth like this, until Morishima tries a clothesline, still no falling, Necro with a clothesline, still no one goes down, both men with a clothesline NEITHER LEAVES THEIR FEET! • After another few minutes of hard hitting, irish whips, turnbuckle bashings, Necro catches Morishima as he comes off the ropes and tries to do a side slam, but Morishima with a hard forearm to the nose and Necro lets go, [I][ROH crowd starts with the "THIS IS AWESOME!" chants] [/I] • Morishima has Necro in the corner, hard cross corner irish whip and Morishima follows in with a clothesline attempt, but Necro moves out of the way, Morishima hits the buckles hard and slumps, looking like he might fall, Necro in the meantime gets out of the ring fast, grabbing two chairs and quickly gets them into the ring and sets them up back to back, Necro runs in with a big avalanche to the back of Morishima, Morishima staggers out, Necro picks him up, CHAIR ASSISTED BACKBREAKER! Necro covers – ONE… TWO… THREE!!!! [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Necro Butcher Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [I][Post match, Necro and Morishima stare each other down as the fans chant "THAT WAS AWESOME!" a quick handshake middle ring, the crowd pops and chants "ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!"][/I] [I][B]*DVD EXCLUSIVE*[/B] [cut outside the arena, sun setting in the background, camera pans back a little bit to Jimmy Jacobs standing against the building, looking depressed as ever, Allison Wonderland facing him to his left, Tyler Black sitting on the ground] [/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Jacobs : I called him, I called him so many times, but, he never came, all I wanted was a little bit of guidance, a light at the end of the tunnel, but there is no light, there’s no escape from the hell that I feel, if misery loves company, then where’s the rest of MY company? The world is full of miserable people, individuals with such misery that they lash out at the happiness in the world by robbing, raping, even killing. Our mission was so successful [/COLOR][I][kneels down, putting a hand on Tyler’ shoulder][/I] [COLOR="darkorange"]but our own egos destroyed our number one desire, domination[/COLOR] [I][deep sigh, shaking head][/I] [COLOR="darkorange"]and now? We’ve got nothing left it seems, noth-[/COLOR] [I][Jacobs stops as he leans back up against the wall and looks to his right, the camera pans back again and Raven is standing and staring blankly at Jimmy Jacobs, Jacobs turns towards him, after about 30 seconds of staring at each other, Raven chuckles] [/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Raven : You’re pathetic [/COLOR] [I][Raven laughs that unmistakable “Scotty” laugh and walks off as Jimmy slumps against the wall again, cut back to ringside] [/I] [B][U]Nigel McGuinness © vs Joey Matthews[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Nigel starts out walking center ring and glaring down Joey Matthews, who is sitting in the corner, Nigel puts his hand out and starts yelling at Joey, then demands the mic from the ring announcer, Nigel starts yelling at Joey Matthews to show him some damned respect and shake the champ’ hand. Joey slowly gets up, walks center ring and spits in Nigel’ face. Big European Uppercut is his receipt, Joey and Nigel go at each other, Nigel blocking every shot that he throws at him, rocking Joey with European Uppercuts one after another. • As the match goes on, Nigel keeps stretching Matthews, locking him in the Bridging Rings of Saturn on three occasions, only to have Joey get a foot under the ropes, Nigel puts Joey up top, Tower of London and Joey kicks out at two and a half, Nigel is dominating a majority of the match, until he tries for the lariat from the top rope, which Matthews ducks the lariat, gets to the apron and as Nigel charges, gets a shoulder into the midsection, Nigel goes center ring, springboard missile dropkick to the face of Nigel • Matthews follows up right away trying for a Virginia Necktie, however, Nigel gets out of it, ducks under a clothesline attempt, grabs the arm of Matthews, locks him up in a cobra clutch, Matthews quickly whips his way out but is met with a short arm lariat from Nigel. • Another ten minutes passes, Nigel keeps working over the arm and shoulder of Matthews, Nigel gets Matthews in the corner, runs across, knee up in the turnbuckle, comes rushing across with a big running European uppercut that rocks Matthews, he slumps in the corner, Nigel come running in for a big European uppercut as Matthews is on the mat, but Matthews moves out of the way, Nigel hits the turnbuckle face first hard, Joey slides out of the ring and reaches into his tights pulling out a roll of athletic tape, grabs Nigel’ hands and tapes them around the turnbuckle, keeping Nigel face first in the corner • Joey re-enters the ring, taunts Nigel as his back is turned to him, Joey starts slapping his leg and stomping the mat, runs across the ring, and BIG DROPKICK to the back of the neck! Nigel slumps in the corner, he’s not moving at all, Joey follows up with another big dropkick to the back of Nigel’s head, then stealing a page from the book of Delirious, runs cross corner and comes flying in with a knee to the back of the head as well • Referee Paul Turner, outside the ring untapes Nigel’ hands and Nigel slumps out of the corner on the mat, Joey throws his arms up in a crucifix pose, starts taunting the crowd, grabs Nigel and slowly gets him to his feet, Nigel is obviously out, Matthews with a boot to the midsection, leaping DDT down hard on the neck of Nigel McGuinness, Matthews makes the cover and one…two… three. [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner and [COLOR="Red"]NEW ROH World Champion [/COLOR]: Joey Matthews Match Rating : C [/I][/B] [I][Post match, Matthews celebrates with the title and the crowd is going nuts booing, littering the ring chanting “BULLLLLSHIIIIIIT!!! BUUUULLLLLLSHIIIIIIT!!!!” Al Snow and other ROH officials come from the back to check on Nigel, Matthews leaves the ring laughing, walks past Nigel as he is being checked on and spits in his face again] [/I] [COLOR="red"]DP : An Anti-climatic title change here tonight Lenny Leonard, Nigel McGuinness hasn’t moved since that first dropkick to the back of the head by Joey Matthews[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Lenny : Well, Nigel McGuinness certainly hasn’t made any friends nor fans here in the last few months , but no one wants to see something like this happen to anyone, we can only hope that Nigel McGuinness will be okay[/COLOR] [I][ROH logo across the screen cutting back to the ring] [/I] [B][U]Austin Aries vs Raven[/U][/B] [QUOTE]• Raven attacked Aries as soon as he hit the ring, both men tearing into each other, Aries nails Raven with a big chop, Raven follows up with a thumb to the eye. • Raven attempts to take Austin down with a clothesline, however, Austin catches him, Uranage backbreaker attempted, but Raven blocks, elbow to the head to get out of it, Raven with a headlock takeover, Austin with a headscissors, Raven slips out, grabbing the leg of Aries, half crab attempt, but Aries to his feet enziguri attempt, Raven ducks, locks Aries’ legs up, tries a surfboard type maneuver but is too close to the ropes and Aries has the hold broken • Few minutes pass, trading shots, Aries reverses a cross corner irish whip, follows up with a dropkick in the corner, Raven staggers out, Aries tries to pick Raven up for a brainbuster, but Raven blocks, it, wraps the arm around, short arm clothesline attempt ducked under by Aries, boot to the midsection and fast Evenflow DDT out of nowhere, Raven covers, ONE… TWO.. TH- Austin Aries kicks out • The match eventually spills outside, Aries whipped hard into the guardrail, Raven rushes, but gets an elbow, Aries clothesline attempt ducked, Aries hits the ringpost hard, Raven grabs his arm through the turnbuckles and starts slamming the arm into the ring post, the last time he tries to slam it in Austin pulls Raven, but he stops himself on the ring post, then gets met with a hard kick to the side of the head. • Raven and Aries back in the ring, a chair has been brought in with them, Aries takes Raven down, Pendulum Elbowdrop, cover, quick kick out by Raven, Aries and Raven working each other on the mat, Aries tries to get Raven locked into the Horns of Aries, however, Raven slowly gets out of the hold attempt and starts stretching Aries’ face, pulling apart at the mouth, then follows up with a big elbow to the bridge of the nose, Aries nose starts bleeding instantly • Raven sets the chair up in the center of the ring, irish whips Aries in, attempts a drop toe hold, but Aries catches himself on the chair, Raven then tries slamming his face in the chair again, but Aries stops himself again, quick shot to the ribs of Raven, big elbow to the side of the face, irish whip to the corner again, following up with another dropkick in the corner, Raven staggers out slowly again, Brainbuster from Aries on Raven, Aries slowly makes his way out of the ring and stands, signaling the 450, Aries climbs up, 450 SPLASH!!! Todd Sinclair counts, ONE… TWO… THREE!!!!! [/QUOTE] [B][I]Winner : Austin Aries Match Rating : B-[/I][/B] [I] [Post Match, Joey Matthews hits the ring right after the bell rings, pulls Aries off of Raven, and hits a big leaping DDT on top of the ROH World Title, the ring is being littered again] [/I] [B][I]Segment Rating : D+[/I][/B] [COLOR="Red"]DP : And there’s your new Ring of Honor World Champion fans, how proud can one be of their champion? [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Lenny : What I’m questioning is, are the fans littering the ring because of what they’re doing to Austin Aries, or the fact that Joey Matthews won the title in such a way? [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]DP : Either way fans, Gut Check should be interesting, will Austin Aries be able to compete in the Three I’s Tournament? What’s the status on Nigel McGuinness? [/COLOR] [fade out with Matthews and Raven standing in the ring, trash littering the ring] [/CENTER] [B][I][U][COLOR="Red"]Final Show Rating : C+[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] [I][SIZE="1"](complete success, should have increased popularity)[/SIZE][/I]
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Another great show there. Really enjoyed the title match, but the best match for me had to be the Butcher/Morishima match. I would soooo loved to have seen it live. You really do make the matches come alive and you make them seem believable and real. I can't say enough good things about this diary. Nice work.
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