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The jump to Cult

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PPV revenue also helps. Also make sure you are running at least one big event in your most profitable region as they pay more than tv show tapings do. If necessary, cut out weekly tv shows for a while until you build your popularity as below C level popularity, you will lose money on tv tapings.
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I've made great experiences with weekly events / pay-per-views. Of course, you should stop the monthly "annual event" so that your audience doesn't drop. But monthly events gave me simmiliar attendences, and so FAR more money. Also: Chose your PPV carrier wisely = as large as possible. It really pays off. - And the best part: Contrary to TV networks, every carrier agrees on canceling an active contract without penalties. So, you can even manage to cancel a contract, start negotation with a taller carrier, start another one with your old one 2 days later, and you'll have your new one (or at least the old one, if you're not good enough yet) until your next weeky PPV is on schedule.
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I couldn't get on PPV, playing as CZCW. The month after hitting Cult, I dropped into the red. Then I couldn't hire the very small building, so I couldn't make money on tickets. I canceled my TV show immediately. Now I've done a drastic measure that I think will kill me for sure. Cliff was nice enough to still be perfectly happy although I failed a critical goal.
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;494317]I couldn't get on PPV, playing as CZCW. The month after hitting Cult, I dropped into the red. [/QUOTE] Youch. Regional is your money making time - as Cult you're going to be losing it big time for six months, before you start getting the bigger PPV payoffs. If you're in monetary difficulty now, it's going to be hard to get out of it, as growing while cutting costs isn't easy. Saying that, now you're at Cult I would have thought there's some PPV carrier that'd take you, and any extra money helps. And as you've already found, if you're in money troubles, always ditch the TV show - more fans will show up (and pay more money) for something that they can't watch from the comfort of your home. You might find find that you can run a show in your second region with cheaper workers, without the show damaging your popularity. If so, that might bring in a little extra cash.
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